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Fluid origins in the sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn class of ore deposit have been investigated in three deposits from Scandinavia; Laisvall, Vassbo and Osen. The deposits studied are hosted by autochthonous Cambrian sandstones that preserve a near original structural relationship to the underlying Precambrian basement, enabling the role of basement interaction to be assessed.Mineral samples have been collected from across the paragenetic sequence: sphalerite, galena, pyrite, fluorite and barite, of impregnation and related joint-hosted mineralization. Fluid-inclusion halogen (Cl, Br and I) and noble gas isotope (40Ar, 36Ar, 84Kr) compositions were determined simultaneously by noble gas mass spectrometry of irradiated sample splits. Complementary He isotope analyses are obtained from nonirradiated splits of the same samples.3He/4He values at Laisvall and Osen are highly radiogenic, 0.02 Ra, and the 4He/40Ar* ratio extends to values greater than the crustal production value of 5, characteristic of low-temperature crustal fluids. At Vassbo, a slightly elevated 3He/4He ratio of 0.1-0.3 Ra is compatible with a very minor mantle component (1%-4%) suggesting a distal source for the basinal brine-dominated fluid.Br/Cl molar ratios 3.2-8.2 × 10−3 are greater than the present seawater value of 1.54 × 10−3 and correspond with I/Cl molar ratios in the range 64-1600 × 10−6. The upper limits of both the I/Cl and Br/Cl values are amongst the highest measured in crustal fluids. Together, the data indicate acquisition of salinity by the evaporation of seawater beyond the point of halite saturation and subsequent fluid interaction with I-rich organic matter in the subsurface. The data are compatible with the independent transport of sulfate and sulfide and indicate that fluids responsible for joint-hosted mineralization were distinct to those responsible for impregnation mineralization.All three deposits preserve fluids with 40Ar/36Ar in the range of 6,000-10,000 and fluid inclusion 40Ar* concentrations of >0.02-0.05 cm3cm−3. Fluid-inclusion 4He concentrations are also extremely elevated with maximum values of ∼0.1 cm3cm−3 in Laisvall fluorite and sphalerite. The high 40Ar/36Ar values, together with the high 4He and 40Ar* concentrations, result from a very long premineralization crustal residence time on the order of 100-200 Ma.Together, the noble gas and halogen data are compatible with a Caledonian mineralization event (∼425 Ma) caused by mixing of two or more, long-lived, hydrothermal basinal brines and pore fluids at the sites of mineralization. The data suggest negligible recharge of the basinal brines by meteoric water and indicate extensive fluid-basement interaction before mineralization. The similar noble gas composition of each deposit, suggests that similar processes operated at all three deposits and favors a single-pass fluid-flow model for mineralization.  相似文献   

Metasomatic magnesite, siderite and ankerite mineralizations within Paleozoic sediments of the Northern Greywacke zone and its metamorphic counterpart in the crystalline basement (Upper Austroalpine unit) were investigated with respect to their strontium isotopic composition. The results support a sedimentary (s.l.) model for the magnesites within Viséan platform carbonates of the Veitsch nappe and an epigenetic hydrothermal model for the siderites and ankerites in Devonian platform carbonates of the Noric nappe and from Hüttenberg. The Fe transporting fluids can be characterized either as magmatogene or, more probably, as metamorphogene. By increasing the stage of recrystallization and/or remobilization due to at least two later metamorphic overprints, Sr in the various ore minerals beame ± enriched in radiogenic 87Sr.  相似文献   

Summary Hydrocarbons in ore minerals of Bleiberg-type Pb-Zn deposits and in authigenic quartz of the Drau Range (Eastern Alps) have been analysed by bulk-sample gas chromatography and fluorescence microscopy. Microthermometric data and the molecular composition of the hydrocarbons indicate a hot (120° to 130°C) pulse of migrating condensate-like hydrocarbons within Late Triassic sediments during Middle Cretaceous to Early Tertiary times. The molecular composition of hydrocarbons enclosed in authigenic quartz corresponds to the composition of hydrocarbons trapped in Bleiberg-type ore minerals, therefore a common fluid source is assumed. The hydrocarbons possibly played an important role as reducing agents in the late stage of sulfide precipitation.
Kohlenwasserstoffhältige Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse im Drauzug (Ostalpen, Österreich) und ihre Bedeutung für die Genese der Pb-Zn-Lagerstätten vom Bleiberg-Typ
Zusammenfassung Die organo-chemische Zusammensetzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen, die in Erzmineralen vom Typus Bleiberg and in authigenen Quarzen des Drauzuges (Ostalpen) eingeschlossen sind, wurde durch gaschromatographische and fluoreszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen charakterisiert. Mikrothermometrische Daten und die molekulare Zusammensetzung dieser Kohlenwasserstoffphasen weisen auf migrierende kondensatartige Kohlenwasserstoffe in den Sedimenten der Obertrias während des Zeitraumes zwischen der Mittelkreide und dem Alttertiär hin. In Erzmineralen der Pb-Zn-Vererzungen vom Bleiberg-Typ können Kohlenwasserstoffe nachgewiesen werden deren molekulare Zusammensetzung dem Chemismus von Kohlenwasserstoffen, die in authigenen Quarzen eingeschlossen wurden, entspricht. Es wird vermutet, daß diese Kohlenwasserstoffe während der späten Vererzungsphase als Reduktanten wirkten.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Sedimentological and morphotectonic investigations of Permian deposits between the Val Camonica and the Karawanken Mountains indicate the development of a complex rift-system which initiated the alpidic sedimentation phase.The extensive distribution of regoliths and palaeosoils at the base of the Permian deposits demonstrate the existence of a consolidated and subsequently truncated crust. The senile topography which prevailed at the beginning of the Permian had to be modified by fault movements to provide the erosional and transport energy required for the deposition of psephytes and other siliciclastica (scarp foot fans). The formation of syndepositional graben structures, diagnostic for an overall distentional regime, led to the development of three morphotectonic units. Commencing in the early Permian with fissure volcanism, a central, northeasterly trending rift developed. The western margin of it was modified by rift-parallel faulting the resulting trough serving as receptacle for lacustrine sediments. The area to the east of the central rift was separated by a pronounced graben shoulder, the eastern perimeter of which supported a marine carbonate platform.Rejuvenation of tectonism near the middle of the Permian established a new, east-southeast trending rift-branch and expelled the sea from the eastern basin. The ensuing fluviatile regimes, draining mainly in southerly to south-westerly directions resulted in a general equalisation of the landscape.In the late Permian, the eastern part of the area became inundated by a shallow, evaporitic sea, but fluviatile conditions prevailed in the west until the onset of the Triassic. Current directions indicate a south-westerly outlet path for these systems and thus the existence of another, presumably marine base level in that direction.
Zusammenfassung Neue sedimentologische und morphotektonische Untersuchungen der Permablagerungen zwischen dem Val Camonica und den Karawanken weisen auf die Entwicklung eines komplexen Grabensystems hin, welches den Beginn der alpidischen Sedimentationsphase einleitete.Die große Verbreitung von Regolithen und Paläoböden an der Basis der Permabfolgen belegen die Existenz einer weitgehend eingerumpften, variszisch konsolidierten Kruste. Somit mußte die zu Beginn des Perms vorherrschende, senile Topographie durch synsedimentäre Bruchtektonik modifiziert werden, um jene Erosions- und Transportenergie bereitzustellen, welche für die Ablagerung von Fanglomeraten und anderen Siliziklastika erforderlich waren. Die Bildung syngenetischer Grabenstrukturen ist Ausdruck eines regionalen Dehnungsregimes, welches zur Entwicklung von drei morphotektonischen Einheiten führte. Beginnend mit ausgedehntem Spaltenvulkanismus entwickelte sich im unteren Perm ein nordöstlich verlaufendes Grabensystem. Die westliche Flanke wurde durch rift-parallele Verwerfungen modifiziert, die daraus resultierenden Tröge wurden vornehmlich mit lakustrinen Sedimenten gefüllt. Das Gebiet östlich der zentralen Rift war von dieser durch eine ausgeprägte Grabenschulter getrennt, auf deren flach nach Osten abdachenden Ausläufern marine Plattformkarbonate zur Ablagerung gelangten.Verstärkte tektonische Aktivität um die Mitte des Perms führte zur Anlage eines neuen, ost-südost verlaufenden Zweiges des Riftsystems und zur Verdrängung des Meeres aus dem östlichen Becken. Das darauf folgende fluviatile Regime, das hauptsächlich in südbis südwestliche Richtungen entwässerte, resultierte in einer allgemeinen Einebnung des Terrains.Die gegen Ende des Perms von Osten her einsetzende marine Transgression führt zur Ablagerung von evaporitischen Sedimenten im östlichen Becken. Im westlichen Bereich dagegen, beherrschen fluviatile Bedingungen bis zur beginnenden Trias weiterhin die Sedimentation. Strömungsazimuthe zeigen einen Abfluß dieser Systeme nach Südwest und somit die Existenz einer zusätzlichen Erosionsbasis in dieser Richtung an.

Résumé De nouvelles recherches sédimentologiques et morphotectoniques sur les dépôts permiens entre le Val Camonica et les Karawanken attirent l'attention sur le développement d'un système complexe de grabens qui caractérise le stade initial de la sédimentation du cycle alpin.L'extension importante des régolithes et des paléosols à la base de la série permienne confirme l'existence d'une crôute continentale consolidée à l'époque varisque puis fortement rabotée. La topographie sénile, qui précomine au début du Permien a, du fait d'une tectonique cassante, subi des modifications telles que les capacités d'érosion et de transport ont été suffisantes pour que s'y déposassent les fanconglomérates et les silico-clastites qui s'y rencontrent.Débutant par un volcanisme fissurai très répandu un système de grabens de direction Nord-Est Sud-Ouest s'est développé. Le bord ouest en a été modifié par l'existence d'accident rejouant parallèlement à la bordure du rift. Les bassins qui en ont résulté ont été pour l'essentiel remplis par des sédiments lacustres.Le domaine situé à l'Est du rift central en était séparé par un épaulement bien marqué. Sur le flanc de celui-ci, qui s'enfonçait doucement vers l'Est se déposaient des formations carbonatées marines de plateforme.Vers le milieu du Permien une activité tectonique plus importante a provoqué la formation d'un rameau d'orientation Est-Sud-Est Ouest-Nord-Ouest du système de rift et le retrait de la mer du bassin oriental. Le régime fluviatile qui s'ensuivit et qui se déversait vers le Sud et le Sud-Ouest s'est traduit par un aplanissement généralisé de la surface.La transgression marine qui, vers la fin du Permien s'est étendue à partir de l'Est, a conduit au dépôt de sédiments évaporitiques dans le bassin oriental. Dans le domaine occidental par contre les conditions fluviatiles ont prédominé jusqu'au début du Trias. Les directions de courant indiquent que ce système fluviatile s'écoulait vers le Sud-Ouest et donc qu'un niveau de base existait dans cette direction.

- , . , . , , (scarp foot fans). , . , , . , . ; , , . , , . . . . . , . , . , . , , .

We present new paleomagnetic data from the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Central Alps of Austria. All new data are overprint magnetizations and can be subdivided into two groups: In rocks older than earliest Rupelian, two remagnetizations reflecting both clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation were detected. In rocks of late Rupelian and younger ages, only a counter-clockwise rotated remagnetization was found. Our results together with results from previous paleomagnetic studies from the Eastern and Southern Alps suggest two main phases of vertical axis rotation. The first, clockwise rotation affecting the Northern Calcareous Alps was active between earliest to Late Rupelian. We propose a model where the Northern Calcareous Alps are segmented into individual blocks. Within a dextral shear corridor these blocks rotated clockwise due to the counter-clockwise rotation of the Southern Alps and Central Alps. The second, counter-clockwise rotation occurred in the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene, affecting Eastern and Southern Alps. In this stage of orogeny, the internal massifs of the Western Alps were already accreted to the upper plate and therefore included in counter-clockwise rotation. This rotation is contemporaneous with counter-clockwise rotation in the Apennines and opening of the Balearic basin, and a genetic relationship is suggested. A second step of counter-clockwise rotation, reconstructed from published data, is observed in the sedimentary basins at the southeastern margin of the Eastern Alps, where counter-clockwise rotated Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary rocks are present. This rotation is seen in connection to a young counter-clockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate.  相似文献   

The strata-bound fluorite-(barite-)Pb-Zn ore deposits occurring within the more than 3,000 m thick Alpujárride Carbonate Formation of the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain, are linked to two defined stratigraphic positions (within the Anisian and at the Ladinian-Carnian transition) and to definite sedimentary contexts. These are highly restricted lagoons isolated from the open sea by calcarenitic barriers with noticeable development of algal mats in their inner margins. Preevaporitic deposition conditions are usually recognized. The ore-bearing horizons are located either at the transition from evaporitic to normal marine deposition (as in the case of the Anisian ore-bearing horizon) or at the transition from normal marine to evaporite deposition (as in the case of the uppermost Ladinian to lowermost Carnian ore-bearing horizon). These vertical facies changes correspond also to the transitions from predominantly terrigenous (continental and/or coastal) sedimentation to marine carbonate sedimentation (Anisian ore deposits) and vice versa (upper Ladinian-lower Carnian). It is proposed that the ore deposits in the Triassic Alpujárride Formation are controlled by certain facies associations in the lagoonal environment. The depositional environment determines the hydrologic regimes responsible for early diagenetic formation of fluorite and of the related ore minerals in a way similar to that of early-diagenetic dolomite. This hypothesis is consistent with field and petrographic observations and with available geochemical and itotopic data reported in other works. The present investigation intends to underline the role played by surface-linked ore formation processes, i.e., by ore-forming processes essentially linked to the environments in which sedimentation and early diagenesis takes place, in the genesis of numerous strata-bound Zn-Pb-(F-Ba) ore deposits in carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

After a review of the surficial structures of the Eastern and Southern Alps a discussion of some important theories of the Alpidic Orogeny is presented. Geological cross sections, based as far as possible on the latest data, are then presented in detail. In the geophysical part the most important results of seismic, gravimetric and magnetic work have been compiled. Two vertical profiles through the earth's crust are presented showing lines of equal velocity of longitudinal waves.  相似文献   

对新疆可可塔勒铅锌矿床物理化学条件和硫铅同位素研究,获得矿床形成温度为300℃;logfo2为-32.75~-33.91; logf2为-6.75~-10.00;pH值为5.3~7.0.矿石和脉石的206 Pb/204Pb比值为18.001~18.200,207pb/204 Pb比值为15.480~15.705,208Pb/204 Pb比值为37.605~38.861.硫化物的206Pb/204Pb比值为18.001~18.176,207pb/204 Pb比值为15.480~15.634,208Pb/204 Pb比值为37.605~38.027;铁帽的206Pb/204Pb比值为18.017~18.200,207pb/204Pb比值为15.509~15.617,208pb/204 Pb比值为37.833~38.283;重晶石和石英的206 pb/204 Pb比值为18.014~18.027,207pb/204 Pb比值为15.482~15.495,208Pb/204Pb比值为37.632~37.675.硫化物的δ34S值为-15.8‰~+5.1‰,其中黄铁矿的δ34S值为-14.3‰~+5.1‰,方铅矿的δ34S值为-15.8‰~-1.0‰,磁黄铁矿的δ34S值为-14.6‰~-1.4‰,闪锌矿的δ34S值为-14.5‰~-11.3‰.硫同位素指示硫来源于岩浆,铅同位素指示铅是多来源.  相似文献   

The Bleiberg Pb-Zn deposit in the Drau Range is the type locality of Alpine-type carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. Its origin has been the subject of on-going controversy with two contrasting genetic models proposed: (1) the SEDEX model, with ore forming contemporaneously with sedimentation of the Triassic host rocks at about 220 Ma vs. (2) the epigenetic MVT model, with ores forming after host rock sedimentation at about 200 Ma or later. Both models assume that, on a deposit or even district scale, a fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals can be established. The results of our detailed petrographic, chemical and sulfur isotope study of two key ore-samples from two major ore horizons in the Wetterstein Formation at Bleiberg (EHK02 Erzkalk horizon and Blb17 Maxer Bänke horizon) demonstrate that there is no fixed paragenetic sequence of ore minerals. Small-scale non-systematic variations are recorded in textures, sphalerite chemistry and δ34S. In each sample, texturally different sphalerite types (colloform schalenblende, fine- and coarse-grained crystalline sphalerite) co-occur on a millimeter to centimeter scale. These sphalerites represent multiple mineralization stages/pulses since they differ in their trace element inventory and in their δ34S. Nonetheless, there is some correspondence of sphalerite micro-textures, sulfur isotope and chemical composition between the two samples, with microcrystalline colloform schalenblende being Fe-rich, having high Fe/Cd (15 and 9, respectively) and a light sulfur isotope composition (δ34S −26.0 to −16.2‰). Cadmium-rich and Fe-poor sphalerite in both samples has relatively heavier sulfur isotope composition: in sample EHK02 this sphalerite has Fe/Cd of ∼0.5 and δ34S from −6.6 to −4.6‰; in sample Blb17 Fe/Cd is ∼0.1 and δ34S ranges from −15.0 to −1.5‰. Barite, which is restricted to sample EHK02, has δ34S ≈ 17‰. The large variations in δ34S recorded on the mm to cm-scale is consistent with variable contributions of reduced sulfur from two different sulfur reservoirs. The dominant reservoir with δ34S values <−20‰ likely results from local bacteriogenic sulfate reduction (BSR), whereas the second reservoir, with δ34S about −5‰ suggests a hydrothermal source likely linked with thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Based on this small- to micro-scale study, no simple, deposit-wide paragenetic and sulfur isotope evolution with time can be established. In the Erzkalk ore (sample EHK02) an earlier Pb-Zn-Ba stage, characterized by heavy sulfur isotope values, is succeeded by a light δ34S-dominated Zn-Pb-F stage. In contrast, the several mineralization pulses identified in the stratiform Zn-Pb-F Maxer Bänke ore (sample Blb17) define a broad trend to heavier sulfur isotope values with time. The interaction documented in these samples between two sulfur reservoirs is considered a key mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   

The stratiform base-metal Biksizak and Amur deposits, Kolpakovsky and Andree-Yul??evsky group of ore occurrences localized in the Eastern province of the Southern Urals and the adjacent Central Urals are considered in this paper. Their geology, composition of ore, and orebody morphology are characterized. These objects and occurrences occupy different geological positions, being hosted in (1) Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian limestones formed in an island-arc setting (Biksizak deposit, Kolpakovsky occurrence); (2) Middle and Upper Devonian flyschoid sequences at a distance from the active volcanic zone (Amur deposit); and (3) Riphean (?) platform cover (Andree-Yul??evsky group of occurrences). The objects considered differ in origin. The hydrothermal Pb-Zn ores of the Biksizak deposit and the Kolpakovsky occurrence are epigenetic with respect to the host rocks. They were formed in the Early Carboniferous and related to early collisional minor andesite and quartz diorite porphyry intrusions. The hydrothermal-sedimentary Amur massive sulfide Zn deposit of the Filizchai type was formed at the end of Middle Devonian. Zinc occurrences of the Andree-Yul??evsky group are probably products of regeneration of older stratiform lodes.  相似文献   

The economic iron ore deposits of Egypt are located at Bahariya Oasis in the Lower Middle Eocene limestone. The main iron minerals are goethite, hematite, siderite, pyrite, and jarosite. Manganese minerals are pyrolusite and manganite. Gangue minerals are barite, glauconite, gibbsite, alunite, quartz, halite, kaolinite, illite, smectite, palygorskite, and halloysite. Geochemical comparison between the ore and the Nubia sandstone showed that the ore is depleted in the residual elements (Al, Ti, V, and Ni) and enriched in the mobile elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ba, and U) which indicates that the Bahariya iron ore is not a lateritic deposit despite the deep weathering in this area. On the other hand, the Nubia sandstone showed depletion in the mobile elements, which demonstrates the leaching process in the Nubia Aquifer. The presence of such indicator minerals as jarosite, alunite, glauconite, gibbsite, palygorskite, and halloysite indicate that the ore was deposited under strong acidic conditions in fresh water.Isotopic analyses of the uranium in the amorphous and crystalline phases of the ore, in the country rocks, and dissolved in the Nubia Aquifer water, all support the conclusion that U and Fe were precipitated together from warm ascending groundwater. U and Fe display strong co-variation in the ore, and the 234U/238U activity ratio of the newly precipitated U in the country rock and the leached component of U in the groundwater are identical. There is only slightly more uranium in the amorphous phase than in the crystalline and only a slightly lower 234U/238U activity ratio, suggesting that the iron in the two phases have a similar origin. Comparison of the excess 234U in the water and in the total ore leads to the conclusion that the precipitation of the U, and by inference the iron, occurred within the last million years. However, that both precipitation and leaching of U have occurred over the last 300,000 years is evidenced by the extreme 230Th/234U disequilibria observed in some of the samples. Some of the amorphous depositional events have been very recent, perhaps within the last 10,000 years.  相似文献   

The western margin of the Yangtze Block hosts the giant Upper Yangtze Pb-Zn metallogenic province, with the occurrence of >400 carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits. More than 50% of these deposits are hosted in carbonate rocks of late Ediacaran to early Cambrian age. Although they have attracted great attention over the past two decades, it is still unclear why such carbonate sequences host so many Pb-Zn deposits and the role that the country rocks played during mineralization. The newly-discovered Maliping Pb-Zn deposit (~6 Mt @ 4.18 wt% Pb and 9.18 wt% Zn) is hosted in early Cambrian strata composed of carbonate and phosphate rocks, black shales, as well as evaporite sulfates, of which the carbonate rocks are the direct ore-hosting rocks. Evidence from mineralogy and the concentrations of ore-forming metals indicate that the phosphate rocks played an important role in providing geochemical barriers during Pb-Zn ore formation. Homogenization temperatures of the primary fluid inclusions in sphalerite and quartz range from 185 to 282 °C, and their salinities vary from 3.39 to 17.17 wt% NaCl equiv. The REE and C-O isotopes imply that the hydrothermal carbonates were formed under relatively oxidizing conditions and that the wall rocks were involved in the Pb-Zn mineralization through dissolution. Sulfur isotopic compositions (δ34S = +7.60–+31.79‰) of sulfides reveal that S2− originated from evaporite sulfates within the ore-hosting strata, and that the black shales acted as an important reducing agent during thermo-chemical reduction (TSR). Pb isotopic ratios of galena (206Pb/204Pb = 17.856–17.973, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.668–15.689 and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.953–38.101) are similar to those of Proterozoic basement rocks in the region. This implies that the basement could be the key source of mineralizing metals. Hence, we propose that: (i) The favorable lithological combination of early Cambrian phosphate rocks, black shales, carbonates and evaporites, as well as Proterozoic basement in the area, were responsible for controlling the majority of Pb-Zn deposits in the late Ediacaran-early Cambrian carbonate sequences in the western Yangtze Block; and (ii) the Maliping Pb-Zn deposit resulted from a combination of mineralized fluids, various trap structures and favorable lithologies, of which the fluids were epigenetic with low to moderate temperatures and salinities.  相似文献   

The two Alpine orogenic phases of the Eastern Alps, in the Cretaceous and in the Tertiary, were both accompanied by the formation of mineral deposits. However, subduction-related magmatic belts as well as the typical “Andean” ore deposits are missing. Therefore, the role of metamorphism in East Alpine metallogeny was tentatively explored for more than 60 y, although for a long time without tangible results. Microthermometric, geochemical and isotopic investigations of fluid inclusions from selected Alpine mineral deposits presented allow a preliminary confirmation of the involvement of metamorphic fluids in their origin. Deposits which were formed immediately after the first, Cretaceous orogeny, were produced at high pressures by fluids of very high salinity and high density, and with an isotopic composition of the water falling into the metamorphic field. These fluids are best understood as products of metamorphic de-volatilization of rocks of the subducted South Pennine domain. In contrast to this, the deposits formed after the second, Tertiary orogeny, originated at relatively low pressures from fluids with an appreciable content of CO2 and of low to moderate salinities. Isotopic compositions of this carbon indicate a deep crustal or even mantle source for CO2, while the water is isotopically more heterogeneous and may have mixed sources, both surficial and metamorphic. Tectonic control of these mineralizations is late-orogenic trans-tensional faulting, which exposed hot metamorphic rocks to fluid convection along brittle structures. These deposits conform best to the model of metamorphogenic metallogenesis by retrograde leaching, although ponded metamorphic fluids and mantle volatiles may also have been involved. Received: 4 August 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999  相似文献   

U/Pb isotopic data for two zircon suites are presented:
  1. a pre D 1 tonalite gneiss gives an age of 443 ± 16 13 m.y.
  2. a post D 1 leucogranite gneiss gives 427 ± 11 10 m.y.
Both zircon suites contain a minor inherited pre-Cambrian component. The data confirm a lower Palaeozoic age for the major, fabric-forming D 1 event. Hercynian metamorphism which was sufficient to reset muscovite K/Ar ages to ca. 290 m.y. had little effect on the zircons. The possible importance of lower Palaeozoic orogeny in southern Europe and the uncertainties in regional palaeogeography are emphasised.  相似文献   

Eoalpine and mesoalpine tectonics in the Southern Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to structural and stratigraphic data, eoalpine and mesoalpine tectonics can be clearly recognized in the Southern Alps and distinguished from the better known neoalpine deformation.The eoalpine phase (Late Cretaceous) was generated by N-S compression. It deformed basically the central-western Southern Alps producing overthrusts to the west and flower structures by sinistral transpression in the Giudicarie Belt. Deposition of the coeval flysch successions was controlled by the trend of this belt. This tectonic pattern persisted until Middle Eocene.The mesoalpine phase (Eocene) was generated mainly by a ENE-WSW compression and produced thrust geometries with N-S or NW-SE direction in the eastern part of the Southern Alps. The coeval Eocene Flysch also followed this trend, filling the foredeep basin. This deformation is considered to be the front of the Dinarids, which began to be deformed since Late Cretaceous until at least Early Oligocene.The neoalpine tectonics inherited the eoalpine and mesoalpine structures and produced the major part of the deformation accounting for the present structural framework of the Southern Alps.
Zusammenfassung Die eo- und mesoalpidische Tektonik in den Südalpen ist strukturell und stratigraphisch erkennbar und von den bekannteren neoalpidischen Bewegungsbildern deutlich zu unterscheiden.Die eoalpidische Phase (Obere Kreide) entspricht einer N-S Kompression, die sich in den zentralen bis westlichen Südalpen bemerkbar macht. Im westlichen Bereich treten Überschiebungen auf, das Judikarische Gebiet wird hingegen durch die von linkslateralen Transpressionen bewirkten Verwerfungsbündel gekennzeichnet, die auch die altersgleichen Flysch-Ablagerungen kontrollieren. Diese tektonische Phase ist bis zum Eozän aktiv.Die mesoalpidische Phase (Eozän) ist auf eine ENE-WSW Kompression zurückzuführen. Sie verursachte in den östlichen Südalpen N-S bis NW-SE gerichtete Überschiebungsbilder. In gleichorientierten vorozeanischen Becken kommt der eozäne Flysch vor. Dieses Deformationsbild kennzeichnet schon in der Oberen Kreide die Dinariden-Front.Die neoalpidische Tektonik vererbte die eo-mesoalpidischen Gefüge-Elemente und verursachte im wesentlichen den gegenwärtig erkennbaren Gefügeplan der Südalpen.

Résumé Dans les Alpes Méridionales, des données stratigraphiques et structurales permettent de reconnaître les tectoniques éoalpine et mésoalpine et de les distinguer des déformations néoalpines, mieux connues.La phase éoalpine (Crétacé supérieur) a été engendrée par une compression N-S. Celle-ci a affecté surtout la partie centre-occidentale des Alpes Méridionales en produisant des charriages à l'ouest et des structures de décrochement sénestres dans la chaîne des Giudicarie, dont l'orientation a déterminé la sédimentation du flysch concommittant. Cette tectonique s'est poursuivie jusqu' à l'Eocène.La phase mésoalpine a été engendrée surtout par une compression ENE-WSW; elle a produit, dans la partie est des Alpes Méridionales, des charriages de direction N-S à NW-SE. Le flysch éocène a suivi cet alignement structural, en remplissant le bassin de l'avant-fosse. Cette déformation est considérée comme le front des Dinarides, dont la formation a commencé dés le Crétacé supérieur.La tectonique néoalpine a hérité des structures éoalpines et mésoalpines et est responsable de la plus grande part de la structure actuelle des Alpes Méridionales.

- , , . ( ) . , , — , . . () ENE WSW; , N — S NW — SE . - . . , , - .

中国地洼区层控铀矿床地质和分布规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚振凯 《矿床地质》1982,1(1):83-89
我国地洼区分布广泛,其中层控铀矿床常见,它的形成是地壳大地构造单元受到多阶段构造演化及共伴随的多阶段成矿演化所致。本文所指层控铀矿床,是属一定地层、岩性和层间构造控制的矿床,因而是广义性的,它包括层状矿床和受层位控制的非层状矿床。但由于我国目前尚未发现沉积和成岩型层状铀矿床,故实际上又仅限于论述狭义的层控铀矿床。  相似文献   

The thermotectonic evolution of the East Alpine Rhenodanubian flysch zone (RDFZ) and the collisional history along the orogenic front is reconstructed using apatite fission-track (FT) thermochronology. The apatite FT data provides evidence for a burial depth of at least 6 km for the samples, which were totally reset. Burial was not deeper than 11 km, since the zircon fission-track system was not reset. The RDFZ represents an accretionary wedge with a complex burial and cooling history due to successive and differential accretion and exhumation. The sedimentary sequences were deposited along a convergent margin, where accretion started before Maastrichtian and lasted until Miocene. Accretion propagated from a central area (Salzburg-Ybbsitz) both to the west and to the east. In the west, accretion lasted from Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene, reflecting underplating of the RDFZ by the European continental margin sediments. In the east, where three nappes (Greifenstein, Kahlenberg and Laab nappes) can be distinguished, the exhumation started between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene. The Kahlenberg and Laab nappes show total resetting of the apatite FT ages, while in the Greifenstein nappe there is only partial resetting. According to a new paleogeographic reconstruction, the Kahlenberg and Laab nappes were placed on top of the Greifenstein nappe by an out-of-sequence thrust.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope abundance data for minerals of the historically important alunite deposits of the Tolfa district indicate (1) compositional similarity between sulfates and sulfides (mean S34 values of +5.54 and +6.34 permil respectively), (2) negligible fractionation factors (0.995 to 1.004) for sulfate-sulfide mineral pairs, (3) two distinct sulfide isotopic populations characterized by pyrite (+8.34 permil) and marcasite (–1.05 permil) and with associated alunite displaying a covariant isotopic shift, and (4) possible contamination of the hydrothermal system by evaporite sulfate (+25.1 permil) because hypogene pyrite, galena, and cinnabar are enriched in S34 (+6.1 to +10.3 permil). We suggest that alunite, barite, and possibly marcasite are of supergene origin and that the sulfate-sulfur was derived from the surficial oxidation of sulfides. Our conclusion is compatible with the geologic evidence and confirms the supergene hypothesis for the genesis of Tolfa alunites proposed by Fuchs and De Launay (1893) and De Launay (1906; 1913).
Zusammenfassung Die Schwefel-Isotopen-Häufigkeiten von Mineralen der historisch wichtigen Alunit-Vorkommen des Gebietes um Tolfa zeigen (1) eine große Ähnlichkeit der Isotopen-Zusammensetzungen zwischen Sulfaten und Sulfiden (Mittelwerte für S34 von +5,54 bzw. +6,34), (2) höchstens sehr geringe Fraktionierungs-Faktoren (0,995 bis 1,004) für Mineralpaare von Sulfat und Sulfid, (3) zwei verschiedene Gruppen von Isotopenverhältnissen bei den Sulfiden, und zwar für Pyrit (+8,34) und Markasit (–1,05), wobei der jeweils begleitende Alunit ähnliche Unterschiede aufweist, und (4) eine mögliche Beeinflussung des hydrothermalen Systems durch Sulfat aus Salzlagerstätten (+25,1), weil hypogener Pyrit, Galenit und Zinnober eine Anreicherung von S34 zeigen (+6,1 bis +10,3). Wir nehmen an, daß Alunit, Baryt und möglicherweise auch Markasit supergen gebildet wurden, und daß der Sulfat-Schwefel durch die Oxydation von Sulfiden an der Erdoberfläche entstand. Unsere Schlußfolgerung ist mit den geologischen Befunden vereinbar und bestätigt die supergene Hypothese für die Bildung der Alunitvorkommen von Tolfa, wie sie von Fuchs und De Launay (1893) und De Launay (1906; 1913) vertreten wurde.

秦岭成矿带Pb、Zn化探异常与铅锌矿 常无对应关系的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦岭成矿带中Pb、Zn化探异常区常无铅锌矿,而铅锌矿区又常无Pb、Zn异常,这种Pb、Zn异常与铅锌矿的不对应关系,通常导致大量的Pb、Zn异常无找矿指示意义,甚至给找矿评价、勘查部署选区工作带来了某些误导。本次的大量实验研究表明,秦岭地区水系沉积物中Pb、Zn元素主要在较粗粒级(-10~+60目)组分和细粒(小于140目)组分两端粒级中富集,而在中等粒度(80~120目)中贫化。以往所采用的统一粒度(-60目)样品分析所圈定的Pb、Zn异常,主要是细粒级吸附态的Pb、Zn在远离铅锌矿源区富集的反映,强化了远离矿源“次生富集”的信息。据此建议,在秦岭地区开展的面积性化探工作中,首先通过典型矿区粒级试验,建立区内不同背景区成矿元素的合理粒级范围,使所选用的粒度组合(粗、中、细粒)对在不同粒级中富集的元素更具代表性,改变秦岭Pb、Zn等化探异常指导找矿工作的被动局面,确保化探工作能更好地指导地质找矿和勘查部署选区工作。  相似文献   

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