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There is considerable discussion and uncertainty in the literature regarding the importance of fresh litter versus older soil organic matter as sources of soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in forest floor. In this study, the differences of organic carbon concentration and stable isotope composition were analyzed under different background conditions to identify the origins of DOC in forest soil. The data show that there is no significant difference in SOC content between these collected soil samples (P > 0.05), but the litter-rich surface soils have relatively higher DOC concentration than the litter-lacking (P < 0.01) ones, and the δ 13C values of DOC (δ 13CDOC) are closer to δ 13C of litter than δ 13C values of SOC (δ 13CSOC). In the litter-lacking surface soil samples, the range of δ 13CDOC is between δ 13CSOC and δ 13C of dominant plant leaves. These results suggest that DOC mainly derive from litter in the litter-rich surface soil with, and the main path of DOC sources may change with surrounding conditions. In addition, δ 13CSOC and δ 13CDOC become more positive, and the absolute values of Δ (δ 13CDOC − δ 13CSOC) decrease with depth in the soil profiles, which indicate that the percentage of DOC below 5 cm, derived from degradation of humus, may increase with soil depth.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the factors affecting nitrate removal via microbial denitrification in agricultural soils, and particularly on the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon. To assess the relationship among dissolved organic carbon, nitrate and low molecular weight organic acids (acetate and formate), grids of ceramic suction cups were established in the four most representative soil types of the lower Po River floodplain, cropped with maize. Results highlighted a direct relation between acetate and dissolved organic carbon in all sites. The best fit was obtained in soils were the main source of organic carbon was the maize residues. By comparing dissolved organic carbon and acetate versus nitrate concentration revealed that acetate can be used as a better proxy for denitrification in the field with respect to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

In this work, we use Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C NMR) data to quantify the changes of major chemical compound classes (carboxylic acid, amide, ester, aliphatic, aromatic and carbohydrate) in high molecular weight (HMW, >1 kDa) dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated along a transect through the Elizabeth River/Chesapeake Bay system to the coastal Atlantic Ocean off Virginia, USA. Results show that carboxylic acids and aromatic compounds are lost along the transect, while HMW DOC becomes enriched in carbohydrate moieties that could have a mid-transect source, perhaps the intensive red tide bloom (Choclodinium polykrikoides) which occurred during our sampling period. Taking the second derivative of the FTIR spectra resolved three pools of de-protonated carboxylic acids at our Dismal Swamp site (used to represent terrestrial organic matter in this area): one carboxylic acid pool, complexed with iron, seems to be lost between the Dismal Swamp and river sites; the second appears biogeochemically active throughout the riverine transect, disappearing in the coastal ocean sample; the third seems refractory, with the potential to be transported to and to accumulate within the open ocean. Five-member ring esters (γ-lactones) were the major ester form in the Dismal Swamp; aliphatic and acetate esters were the dominant esters in the estuary/marine DOM. No amide groups were detectable in Dismal Swamp DOM; secondary amides were present at the estuarine/marine sites. Coupling FTIR with 13C NMR provides new insights into the biogeochemical roles of carboxylic acid, amide and ester compounds in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Earthquake source inversions based on space‐borne Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR) are used extensively. Typically, however, only the line‐of‐sight (LoS) surface displacement component is measured, which is mainly sensitive to the vertical and E–W deformations, although well‐established methods also exist to estimate the flight‐path component, which is highly sensitive to the N–S displacement. With high‐resolution sensors, these techniques are particularly appealing, because accuracies in the order of 3 cm can be achieved, while retaining spatial resolutions between 45 m and a few km, depending on the required level of filtering. We discuss the application to COSMO‐SkyMed SAR imagery of the Spectral Diversity or Multi Aperture Interferometry technique, presenting the first SAR flight‐path displacement field associated with the Mw 6.3, 2009 L'Aquila event (central Apennines). Finally, we observe and characterize a previously unknown misregistration pattern.  相似文献   

An integrated field, petrological and geochronological study of the Basong Tso region of south‐eastern Tibet has constrained the timing and PT conditions of north–south Lhasa terrane accretion and provides new insight into the tectonothermal evolution of the Tibetan plateau. Two distinct high‐grade metamorphic belts are recognized in the region: a southern belt (the Basong Tso complex) that consists of sheared schist and orthogneiss; and a northern belt (the Zhala complex) that comprises paragneiss and granite. Combined pseudosection modelling and U–Pb geochronology of monazite and zircon indicates that the Basong Tso complex records peak metamorphic conditions of 9 ± 0.5 kbar and 690 ± 25 °C at c. 204–201 Ma, whereas the Zhala complex experienced peak metamorphic conditions of 5.0 ± 1.0 kbar and 740 ± 40 °C at c. 198–192 Ma. Microstructural analysis suggests that the two belts share a common early prograde history, after which the Basong Tso complex attained peak conditions following rapid burial, and the Zhala complex approached peak conditions along an isobaric path. Overall it is inferred that the Basong Tso and Zhala complexes represent the lower and upper structural levels of an evolving orogen that underwent Barrovian‐type metamorphism following collision (M1), followed by Buchan‐style overprinting at higher structural levels due to heat advection by syn‐tectonic granites (M2). Mylonitization (sensu lato) of the Basong Tso complex and juxtaposition of the two units occurred after attainment of peak conditions. The dominance of Mesozoic regional metamorphism across most of the Tibetan plateau indicates that Cenozoic crustal thickening processes, where present, are only manifested at depth.  相似文献   

In order to better constrain the interpretation and the nature of the seismic reflectors, experimental measurements at high confining pressure (up to 300 MPa) and room temperature of the compressional wave velocity (Vp) on 10 samples representative of the most common lithologies along the Aurina (Ahrntal), Tures (Tauferer Tal), and Badia (Abtei Tal) Valleys profile (Eastern Alps, Italy) have been performed. For each sample, the speed of ultrasonic waves was measured in three mutually perpendicular directions, parallel and normal to the rock foliation and lineation.The main results are:(a) Good agreement between the calculated vs. measured modal compositions of the considered rocks, indicating that they were presumably equilibrated at the estimated PT conditions; therefore, the seismic properties are representative of the crustal level indicated by the thermobarometry.(b) Measured and calculated average Vp are in good agreement, and are typical of mid-crustal level (6.0–6.5 km/s). Only the amphibolites show Vp typical of the lower crust (7.2 km/s).(c) The seismic anisotropy of metapelites is very high (12–27%), both with orthorhombic and transverse isotropy symmetry; amphibolites are transversely isotropic with an anisotropy of 8%; orthogneisses and granitoids are isotropic or weakly anisotropic.(d) The contacts between amphibolites and all other rock types may generate good reflections, provided they are not steeply inclined. Although the metamorphic foliation remains steeply inclined, discordant buried sub-horizontal igneous contacts may be detected.  相似文献   

R.A. Klassen   《Applied Geochemistry》2009,24(8):1382-1393
As a pilot study for mapping the geochemistry of North American soils, samples were collected along two continental transects extending east–west from Virginia to California, and north–south from northern Manitoba to the US–Mexican border and subjected to geochemical and mineralogical analyses. For the northern Manitoba–North Dakota segment of the north–south transect, X-ray diffraction analysis and bivariate relations indicate that geochemical properties of soil parent materials may be interpreted in terms of minerals derived from Shield and clastic sedimentary bedrock, and carbonate sedimentary bedrock terranes. The elements Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr and Ti occur primarily in silicate minerals decomposed by aqua regia, likely phyllosilicates, that preferentially concentrate in clay-sized fractions; Cr and Ti also occur in minerals decomposed only by stronger acid. Physical glacial processes affecting the distribution and concentration of carbonate minerals are significant controls on the variation of trace metal background concentrations.  相似文献   

The distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the natural carbon isotope ratio of DOC (DO13C) in estuaries reflect the predominant sources and sinks of organic matter from both allochthonous and autochthonous origins. The traditional view is that DOC in land-margin ecosystems reflects mainly the mixing of land-derived and oceanic DOC. However, this view is not consistent with the bulk of our data from a survey of DOC and DO13C distributions in estuaries on the East and Gulf coasts of the USA. While it is accurate that the DOC in estuaries includes material derived from land and from the ocean, the distributions of DOC and DO13C in several estuaries reflect additional DOC inputs from estuarine phytoplankton and tidal marshes. Even when DOC concentrations were distributed conservatively, the isotopic composition of the DOC revealed the existence of a dynamic cycle of DOC input and removal in some systems.  相似文献   

The effects of applied filtration vacuum and incubation time on the release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) by natural phytoplankton populations dominated by diatoms were examined. The rate of primary production and release of DOC remained reasonably constant during a 5 hour incubation period. The measured release of DOC was found to be quite sensitive to the applied filtration vacuum, ranging from near 2 percent of fixed carbon (neglecting respiration) for gravity-filtered samples to 36 percent for samples filtered at 40 cm Hg vacuum.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(4):547-562
Reducing the concentration of dissolved organic C (DOC) in water is one of the main challenges in the process of artificial groundwater recharge. At the Tuusula waterworks in southern Finland, surface water is artificially recharged into an esker by pond infiltration and an equal amount of groundwater is daily pumped from the aquifer. This groundwater study was conducted to consider the role of redox processes in the decomposition of DOC. The isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic C (δ13CDIC) in the recharged water was used as a tracer for redox reactions. The isotopic composition of O and H in water was determined in order to calculate mixing ratios between the local groundwater and the infiltrated surface water. Three distinct processes in the reduction of the DOC content were traced using isotopic methods and concentration analyses of DIC and DOC: (1) the decomposition of DOC, (2) adsorption of DOC on mineral matter, and (3) the dilution of artificially recharged water by mixing with local groundwater. The largest decrease (44%) in the DOC content occurred during the early stage of subsurface flow, within 350 m of the infiltration ponds. The reduction of DOC was accompanied by an equal increase in DIC and a significant drop in δ13CDIC. This change is attributed to the oxidative decomposition of DOC. A further 23% decrease in DOC is attributed to adsorption and a final drop of 14% to dilution with local groundwater.  相似文献   

Transport of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in four river systems in different physiographic regions of the United States was related to link magnitude by a power function, log Y = ?0.84 + 1.24 log X. Multiple linear regression indicated that discharge, watershed area, and link magnitude explained almost all variation in DOC transport. For purposes of ecosystem comparison, link magnitude appeared superior to other classification systems, such as stream order.In two of the river systems, the largest fraction of DOC was transported in the spring. A third has a winter transport maximum; the last had bimodal spring and fall maxima.Streams transporting similar total amounts of DOC may vary widely in DOC concentration (mg. 1?1). Particulate organic matter concentration was not simply related to that of DOC.Ranges and means of DOC concentration, mean DOC: POC ratios, annual load of transported DOC as well as annual watershed DOC output were tabulated for 45 streams and rivers, representing a broad range of stream systems and physiographic regions. Mean DOC concentration for these 45 waterways ranged from 0.7 to 28 mg. 1?1. The very low DOC values are found in undisturbed streams; many of the higher values are associated with larger streams influenced by human activities. Most DOC outputs fell within the range 0.21–5.42 metric tons. km?2.yr?1; mean DOC:POC ranged between 0.09 and 70.A comparison was made among several biomes of the ratio of experted DOC to watershed gross and net primary production. DOC, while playing a major role in aquatic ecosystem organic budgets, appears to be of little significance in the nutrient balance of watersheds.  相似文献   

Here we report on the temporal changes in the composition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) collected in the tidal freshwater region of the lower Mississippi River. Lignin-phenols, bulk stable carbon isotopes, compound-specific isotope analyses (CSIA) and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry were used to examine the composition of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMW DOM) at one station in the lower river over 6 different flow regimes in 1998 and 1999. It was estimated that the annual input of DOC delivered to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River was of 3.1 × 10−3 Pg, which represents 1.2% of the total global input of DOC from rivers to the ocean. Average DOC and HMW DOC were 489 ±163 and 115 ± 47 μM, respectively. 13C-NMR spectra revealed considerably more aliphatic structures than aromatic carbons in HMW DOC. Lignin phenols were significantly 13C-depleted with respect to bulk HMW DOM indicating that C4 grass inputs to the HMW DOM were not significant. It is speculated that C4 organic matter in the river is not being converted (via microbial decay) to HMW DOM as readily as C3 organic matter is, because of the association of C4 organic matter with finer sediments. The predominantly aliphatic 13C NMR signature of HMW DOM suggests that autochthonous production in the river may be more important as a source of DOC than previously thought. Increases in nutrient loading and decreases in the suspended load (because of dams) in the Mississippi River, as well as other large rivers around the world, has resulted in significant changes in the sources and overall cycling of riverine DOC.  相似文献   

Some deductions made from the magnetic anomaly profile of a body that had retained its strong negative permanent magnetization in the vertical field component, near the dip equator, has been utilized to supply information on a possible north—south shift of the western sector of the African plate. This constitutes a new approach to the tectonic physics of the African plate.  相似文献   

The entrainment, transport and deposition of æolian dust are important processes affecting soil development at the margins of deserts. To assess accurately the impact of deposited æolian dust on soil development, it is important not only to measure total dust deposition rates, but to distinguish additions of remotely and regionally sourced dust from locally derived material as well (which should not be viewed as new soil material as it is derived from æolian re‐mobilization of an existing soil). Because of the well‐established relationship between dust particle‐size and distance travelled from source, the particle‐size distribution of deposited dusts can be used to identify the distance to probable source regions, in addition to identifying matching topsoil particle populations. Three dust traps were located along a transect of semi‐arid south‐eastern Australia, to measure æolian dust deposition rates between late 2000 and late 2001. The particle‐size distributions of selected dust deposits were measured and, with the aid of meteorological data, probable dust source regions determined. Particle‐size distributions of the topsoils at each dust trap location were also measured to determine if any dust and soil particle populations matched. Although the sampling period was relatively short, and there was relatively little dust storm activity in this part of Australia during this time, a clear pattern of diminishing total dust deposition was measured downwind along the south‐east dust path. Dust deposition rates were also moderate to low by global standards. Source regions of deposited dust were interpreted as being: (i) a combination of south‐western and local sources; (ii) a combination of north‐western and local sources; and (iii) a mixed source where dust was rained‐out. The relative importance of these sources was correlated strongly with seasonal weather conditions, although the proportion of local dust in each deposit was greater at the arid (western) end of the transect. The effects of deposited dust on soil profile development are greatest at the western and central transect locations. At the western location, a fine‐grained particle population distinctive of the south‐western and north‐western regional dusts and a coarse silt‐sized particle population characteristic of local dusts, are also present in the topsoil, altering the texture of this Arenosol derived from dune sand. At the central location, where a Calcisol has formed in lacustrine lunette sediment, local dust of the same size as the dominant silt population of the topsoil continues to be deposited, while minor topsoil populations of very fine‐grained silt match regional and long‐distance dusts deposited at the site. Deposited dust appears to have been a less important soil development factor at the more humid eastern site because of the much smaller rates of dust deposition there. Nevertheless, a minor population of very fine silt particles in the Vertisol topsoil matches long‐distance dusts deposited at the site, suggesting a small input of dust to this alluvial soil. The particle‐size methodology used here has applications in other studies of dust contributions to peri‐desert soils. In particular, particle‐size distribution ‘smoothness’ may provide an indication of whether soils have simple or complex origins.  相似文献   

δ13CPDB compositions for 39 samples of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Sea-Atlantic Ocean system, the South Pacific and Ross Sea are reported. Deep water values are similar with a mean of ?21.8%. attesting to the homogeneity of the oceanic DOC pool. In Antarctic waters, a 5%. difference between DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), with POC having values similar to modern plankton (δ13CPDB approx ?27%.) supports the idea of the transient nature of POC as compared to DOC.Total, lipid, acid hydrolyzed, amino acid and residue fractions of POC are about 5, 3, 7, 5 and 3%. respectively, more negative in 2000 m water as compared to surface water samples from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

The biological turnover of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) discharged into five southeastern United States estuaries was examined in long-term respiration bioassays. Measures of bacterial oxygen consumption indicated surprisingly large differences in the inherent biodegradability of DOC among the five estuaries, despite their close geographic proximity. Differences of up to 13-fold in biodegradation rates were also found temporally within a single estuary. For most of the southeastern United States estuaries, measured rates of riverine DOC biodegradation were low relative to rates reported for other freshwater and marine environments. This was particularly true for the coastal plain (“blackwater”) rivers that contribute about 35% of the riverine DOC exported to coastal marine environments in this region; extrapolation of biodegradation rates to the adjacent continental shelf predict biodegradation of a maximum of 11% of exported blackwater DOC within the estuary-shelf system (with transit times of up to 140 d). DOC from Piedmont rivers was more biologically labile, with maximum losses of 30% predicted within the estuary and adjacent shelf. Short exposures to natural sunlight increased the lability of the riverine DOC and enhanced biodegradation rates by over 3-fold in some cases, although significant inter-estuary differences in susceptibility of riverine DOC to photolysis were also evident. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00007  相似文献   

The large-scale CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment investigated the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle between western portion of the East European Craton (EEC) and the eastern Alps. This area comprises: the Trans-European Suture Zone, the Carpathian Mountains, the Pannonian Basin and the Bohemian Massif. This experiment included 147 chemical shots recorded by 1230 seismic stations during two deployments. Good quality data along 16 main and a few additional profiles were recorded. One of them, profile CEL03, was located in southeastern Poland and was laid out as a prolongation of the TTZ profile performed in 1993. This paper focuses on the joint interpretation of seismic data along the NW–SE trending TTZ–CEL03 transect, located in the central portion of the Trans-European Suture Zone. First arrivals and later phases of waves reflected/refracted in the crust and upper mantle were interpreted using two-dimensional tomographic inversion and ray-tracing techniques. This modelling established a 2-D (quasi 3-D) P-wave velocity lithospheric model. Four crustal units were identified along the transect. From northwest to southeast, thickness of the crust varies from 35 km in the Pomeranian Unit (NW) to 40 km in the Kuiavian Unit, to 50 km in the Radom–Łysogóry Unit and again to 43 km in the Narol Unit (SE). The first two units are thought to be proximal terranes detached from the EEC farther to the southeast and re-accreted to the edge of the EEC during the Early Palaeozoic. The origin of the remaining two units is a matter of dispute: they are either portions of the EEC or other proximal terranes. In the area of the Polish Basin (first two units), the P-wave velocity is very low (Vp < 6.1 km/s) down to depths of 15–20 km indicating that a very thick sedimentary and possibly volcanic rock sequence, whose lower portion may be metamorphosed, is present. The velocity beneath the Moho was found to be rather high, being 8.25 km/s in the northwestern portion of the transect, 8.4 km/s in the central sector, and 8.1 km/s in the southeastern sector.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in two soils of oasis farmland and the surrounding desert at the southern periphery of the Gurbantonggut Desert, in central Asia, to test the effects of land use on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and carbon efflux in deep soil. The result showed that although SOC content in the topsoil (0–0.2 m) decreased by 27% after desert soil was cultivated, total carbon stock within the soil profile (0–2.5 m) increased by 57% due to the significant increase in carbon stock at 0.2- to 2.5-m depth, and carbon efflux also markedly increased at 0- to 0.6-m depth. In the topsoil, the carbon process of the oasis was mainly dominated by consumption; in the subsoil (0.2–0.6 m) it was likely to be co-dominated by storage and consumption, and the greatest difference in SOC stock between the two soils also lay in this layer; while in the deep layer (0.6–2.5 m) of the oasis, with a more stable carbon stock, there was carbon storage dominated. Moreover, carbon stocks in the deep layer of the two soils contributed about 65% of the total carbon stocks, and correspondingly, microbial activities contributed 71% to the total microbial activity in the entire soil profile, confirming the importance of carbon cycling in the deep layer. Desert cultivation in this area may produce unexpectedly high carbon stocks from the whole profile despite carbon loss in the topsoil.  相似文献   

Soils are the largest carbon reservoir in the terrestrial system. Soils contain about three times more carbon than vegetation and twice as much as that present in the atmosphere. Soil organic matter (SOM) is very complex in composition and structure, formed of heterogeneous substances and generally associated with minerals in soils. SOM is classified as labile and stable fractions on the basis of residence time, determined not only by the chemical composition of SOM, but also by types of protection or bonds within soils. The stable carbon fraction is protected either physically or chemically. To understand the process of SOM stabilization, physicochemical properties of organic-mineral complexes were determined by Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and diffuse reflectance (DRIFT), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (NMR). Humic acids and carboxylic acids with relatively short carbon chains were used as sorbates, and goethite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite as adsorbents. Humic acid was fractionated during adsorption on the minerals, which was highly influenced by the characteristics of minerals. For instance, long-chain aliphatic carbon was likely to be adsorbed onto the surface of kaolinite and montmorillonite, while goethite surface attracted carboxylic functional groups of humic acid.  相似文献   

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