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We report the results of noble gas analyses (Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) of a transitional basalt from the East Pacific Rise; a mantle xenolith, alkali basalt and trachyte from Guadalupe Island; and a basalt and icelandite from Isla Tortuga. The results for the East Pacific Rise basalt and comparison with the noble gas compositions of glassy mid-ocean ridge tholeiites indicate that the heavy noble gas patterns of these basalts can be accounted for by mixing of a juvenile reservoir with an atmosphere-related reservoir. This mixing may take place during hydration of the glassy basalts. Comparison of the noble gas compositions of these submarine basalts with those of the subaerial oceanic extrusives studied suggests that subaerial extrusives may provide noble gas samples which are less contaminated with air gases than do submarine extrusives. Our results for Guadalupe and Tortuga basalts and their differentiates provide evidence for the exsolution and loss of a gas (fluid) phase accompanying or subsequent to fractional crystallization at shallow depths. The gas loss probably took place prior to extrusion and was apparently rapid, since it did not fractionate the heavy noble gases.  相似文献   

Noble gas abundances in basaltic glasses from ocean islands (OIBs) are generally lower than those of mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs), contrary to most geodynamic models which usually require that the source of OIBs is less degassed (resulting in higher primordial noble gas abundances) and more trace element enriched (resulting in higher radiogenic noble gas abundances) than the MORB source. Therefore, noble gas abundances in OIBs are often thought to have been reduced by extensive gas loss from the magma before eruption.The extent of magmatic degassing can be tested as it will cause characteristic changes in the composition of the volatiles; notably the 4He/40Ar* ratio (where 40Ar* is 40Ar corrected for atmospheric contamination) will increase in residual volatiles due to the higher solubility of He relative to Ar. The degree of He-Ar fractionation for a given fraction of gas loss depends on the ratio of the solubilities, SHe/SAr, which is sensitive to (among other things) the CO2 and H2O content of the basalt at the time of degassing.From a global database of OIB and MORB glasses, we show that 4He/40Ar* ratios of MORB glasses are broadly consistent with degassing of a magma with an initial 40Ar of ≈1.5 × 10−5 ccSTP/g, i.e., similar to that of the “popping rock.” However, OIB glasses generally have lower 40Ar* concentration for a given 4He/40Ar*. While this would appear to require lower 40Ar* abundances in the undegassed OIB magmas, the higher volatile contents of OIBs will reduce SHe/SAr (relative to MORBs) during degassing. By modeling SHe/SAr in OIBs, it is possible to show that extensive degassing of OIBs can occur without dramatically increasing the 4He/40Ar* ratio. We show that undegassed 40Ar concentrations of OIB magmas were probably similar to those of MORBs.  相似文献   

Samples of a primitive mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) glass were encapsulated in a mixture of ol (Fo90) and opx (En90) and melted at 10, 15, and 20 kbar. After quenching, the basaltic glass was present as a pool within the ol+opx capsule, but its composition had changed so that it was saturated with ol and opx at the conditions of the experiment. By analyzing the quenched liquid, the location of the ol+opx cotectic in the complex, multicomponent system relevant to MORB genesis was determined.As pressure increases from 1 atm to 10 kbar, the dry ol+opx cotectic moves from quartz tholeiitic to olivine tholeiitic compositions. With further increases in pressure, the cotectic continues to move toward the ol-di-plag join (i.e., toward alkalic compositions). Between 15 and 20 kbar, ol+opx+di-saturated liquids change from tholeiitic to alkalic in character, although part of the ol+opx cotectic is still in the tholeiitic (i.e, hy-normative) part of composition space. At pressures of 10–15 kbar, tholeiitic liquids may be able to fractionate to alkalic liquids on the ol+di cotectic.Primitive MORB compositions come close to but do not actually lie on the ol+opx cotectic under any conditions studied. This suggests that not even the most primitive of known MORBs are primary melts of the mantle. The correspondence of most MORBs to the 1 atm ol+di+plag cotectic suggests that low pressure fractionation was involved in their genesis from parent liquids. Picritic liquids that have been proposed as parents to the MORB suite could equilibrate with harzburgite (or Iherzolite) at 15–20 kbar and thus could be primary. Fractionation of ol from these liquids could yield primitive MORB liquids, but other primary liquids or more complex fractionation paths involving others phases in addition to ol cannot be ruled out. The possibility that these picritic liquids could equilibrate with ol+opx at 25–30 kbar cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The noble metal (PGE and Au) geochemical specialization of igneous rocks of the Bashkir meganticlinorium and adjacent areas of the East European Platform is characterized for the first time. The identical plots of normalized PGE and Au concentrations of igneous rocks in these regions indicate similar conditions and mechanisms of the formation of the noble metal geochemical specialization during the emplacement of magmatic bodies. It is established that a specific feature of noble metal geochemical specialization (the “rhodium anomaly”) in magmatic complexes of the Bashkir meganticlinorium and eastern areas of the East European Platform is determined by the concentrations of noble metals in sulfide minerals (pentlandite); i.e., it is “primary” in origin.  相似文献   

The oxygen fugacity of the Dar al Gani 476 martian basalt is determined to be quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) −2.3 ± 0.4 through analysis of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, and Cr-spinel and is in good agreement with revised results from Fe-Ti oxides that yield QFM −2.5 ± 0.7. This estimate falls within the range of oxygen fugacity for the other martian basalts, QFM −3 to QFM −1. Oxygen fugacity in martian basalts correlates with 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, and La/Yb ratios, indicating that the mantle source of the basalts is reduced and that assimilation of crust-like material controls the oxygen fugacity. This allows constraints to be placed on the oxidation state of the martian mantle and on the nature of assimilated crustal material. The assimilated material may be the product of early and extensive hydrothermal alteration of the martian crust, or it may be amphibole- or phlogopite-bearing basaltic rock within the crust. In either case, water may play a significant role in the oxidation of basaltic magmas on Mars, although it may be secondary to assimilation of ferric iron-rich material.  相似文献   

Whether water has played a role in the petrogenesis of martian basalts remains a subject of significant debate. Estimates of pre-eruptive water concentrations in martian magmas are impeded by the effects of degassing and shock. However, zoning trends of light lithophile elements (LLE) in pyroxene have been interpreted as evidence for the degassing of magmatic water, on the basis of the soluble behavior of these elements in hydrothermal fluids. We provide ion microprobe analyses of LLE in pyroxene in the Zagami and Shergotty martian basalts, complemented by detailed electron microprobe analyses and major-element X-ray maps, to independently verify the zoning of LLE and its relationship to texture and major-element variations. Our results corroborate previous results; specifically, that Li concentrations are lower in rims than cores of Shergotty and Zagami pyroxene. In contrast, we see no evidence for a core-to-rim decrease in B. In the absence of further data, we interpret the decrease in Li as reflecting either loss after crystallization of pyroxene cores, consistent with magmatic degassing, or the diffusive preferential loss of Li from pyroxene rims, possibly as a result of shock. Because the partitioning behavior of Li between hydrous fluid, minerals, and melt under relevant conditions of pressure, temperature, and melt composition is unknown, the viability of the water degassing hypothesis depends on experiments establishing the compatibility of Li in hydrous fluid associated with martian basaltic melt and the incompatibility of Li in pyroxene at elevated pressures.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary, porphyritic basalts erupted in the Kaikohe-Bay of Islands area, New Zealand, provide an opportunity to explore the crystallization and ascent history of small volume magmas in an intra-continental monogenetic volcano field. The plagioclase phenocrysts represent a diverse crystal cargo. Most of the crystals have a rim growth that is compositionally similar to groundmass plagioclase (~?An65) and is in equilibrium with the host basalt rock. The rims surround a resorbed core that is either less calcic (~?An20–45) or more calcic (>?An70), having crystallized in more differentiated or more primitive melts, respectively. The relic cores, particularly those that are less calcic (<?~?An45), have 87Sr/86Sr ratios that are either mantle-like (~?0.7030) or crustal-like (~?0.7040 to 0.7060), indicating some are antecrysts formed in melts fractionated from plutonic basaltic forerunners, while others are true xenocrysts from greywacke basement and/or Miocene arc volcanics. It is envisaged that intrusive basaltic forerunners produced a zone where various degrees of crustal assimilation and fractional crystallization occurred. The erupted basalts represent mafic recharge of this system, as indicated by the final crystal rim growths around the entrained antecrystic and xenocrystic cargo. The recharge also entrained cognate gabbros that occur as inclusions, and produced mingled groundmasses. Multi-stage magmatic ascent and interaction is indicated, and is consistent with the presence of a partial melt body in the lower crust detected by geophysical methods. This crystallization history contrasts with traditional concepts of low-flux basaltic systems where rapid ascent from the mantle is inferred. From a hazards perspective, the magmatic system inferred here increases the likelihood of detecting eruption precursor phenomena such as seismicity, degassing and surface deformation.  相似文献   

The Key Tuffite is a stratigraphic marker unit for most of the zinc-rich volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Matagami Camp in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. This 2- to 6-m-thick unit was previously interpreted as a mixture of ash fall (andesitic to rhyolitic tuffaceous components) and volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)-related chemical seafloor precipitate (exhalative component). Previous attempts to develop geochemical exploration vectoring tools using metal content within the Key Tuffite were mostly inconclusive due to the complex nature of the Key Tuffite unit and a poor understanding of its composition, origin and relationship with the VMS-forming hydrothermal systems. Detailed mapping and thorough lithogeochemistry of the Key Tuffite in the vicinity of the Perseverance and Bracemac-McLeod deposits indicate that the Key Tuffite is a homogeneous calc-alkaline, andesitic tuff that was deposited before the VMS deposits were formed. The unit is mostly devoid of exhalative component, but it is strongly hydrothermally altered close to orebodies. This is characterized by a strong proximal chloritization and a distal sericitization, which grades laterally into the unaltered Key Tuffite. Neither the Key Tuffite nor the ore was formed by seafloor exhalative processes for the two studied deposits. This probably explains why previously proposed exploration models based on metal scavenging proved unsuccessful and suggests that a re-evaluation of the exhalative model should be done at the scale of the mining camp. However, as shown in this study, hydrothermal alteration can be used to vector towards ore along the Key Tuffite.  相似文献   

The high-resolution mapping of dissolved sulphide in modern sediment of a permanently stratified (meromictic) lake is possible using a novel sulphide imaging technique (called a 'sulphur print'). The technique is simple, easy to use and can map a relatively large area (up to several dm2). In situ sulphur prints from anoxic fine-grained sediments are able to reveal internal structures in apparently homogeneous materials. Sulphur prints have been used to examine the formation and distribution of dissolved sulphide in the sediment and water column of the meromictic Lake Cadagno (southern Switzerland). The prints show clearly that a previously unknown laminar convective flow of sulphide-free porewater occurs across the sediment–water interface. Such convective flow out of the sediment must be accompanied by convective flow of sulphide- and sulphate-rich lake water into the sediment, and may be an important mechanism for the accumulation of sulphur in the sediment.  相似文献   

Ridge segments and fracture zones from the American-Antarctic Ridge have been systematically dredge sampled from 4° W to 18° W. Petrographic studies of the dredged basalts show that the dominant basalt variety is olivine-plagioclase basalt, although olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene basalt is relatively common at some localities. Selected samples have been analysed for major and trace elements, rare earth elements and Sr and Nd isotopes. These data show that the majority of samples are slightly evolved (Mg#=69-35) N-type MORB, although a small group of samples from a number of localities have enriched geochemical characteristics (T- and P-type MORB).These different types of MORB are readily distinguished in terms of their incompatible trace element and isotopic characteristics: N-type MORB have high Zr/Nb (17–78), Y/Nb (4.6–23) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.51303–0.51308) ratios, low Zr/Y (2.2–4.2) and 87Sr/86Sr (0.70263–0.70295) ratios and have (La/Sm)N<1.0; T-type MORB have lower than chondritic Zr/Nb ratios (8.8–15.5), relatively low Y/Nb (1.9–4.3) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.51296–0.51288) ratios and relatively high Zr/Y (3.1–4.7), 87Sr/86Sr (0.70307–0.70334) and (La/Sm)N (1.1–1.5) ratios; the single sample of P-type MORB has low Zr/Nb (6.3), Y/Nb (0.9) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.51287) ratios and high Zr/Y (7.1), 87Sr/86Sr (0.70351) and (La/Sm)N (2.4) ratios. The geochemical characteristics of this sample are essentially identical to those of the Bouvet Island lavas.Geochemically enriched MORB are less abundant on the American-Antarctic Ridge than on the Southwest Indian Ridge but their geochemical characteristics are identical. The compositions of T- and P-type MORB are consistent with a regional mixing model involving normal depleted mantle and Bouvet plume type magma. On a local scale the composition of T-type MORB is consistent with derivation from depleted mantle which contains 4% veins of P-type melt.We propose a model for the evolution of the American-Antarctic Ridge lavas in which N-type MORB is derived from mantle with negligible to low vein/mantle ratios, T-type MORB is derived from domains with moderate and variable vein/mantle ratios and P-type MORB from regions with very high vein/mantle ratios where vein material comprises the major portion of the melt. The sparse occurrence of enriched lavas and by implication enriched mantle beneath the American-Antarctic Ridge, some distance (500–1,200 km) from the Bouvet plume location, is interpreted to be the result of lateral dispersion of enriched mantle domains by asthenospheric flow away from the Bouvet mantle plume towards the American-Antarctic Ridge.  相似文献   

滇西剑川富碱岩浆岩位于青藏高原东南缘的三江南段,是金沙江-红河富碱岩浆岩带的重要组成部分。剑川富碱岩浆岩包括花岗岩和正长岩两类岩石,前者主要有花岗斑岩和石英二长斑岩,后者主要是正长斑岩和粗面岩。本文对剑川富碱岩浆岩进行了主微量元素、锆石U-Pb年代学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素特征研究。锆石U-Pb测年结果显示,剑川花岗岩结晶年龄为35. 1~36. 1Ma,正长岩结晶年龄为35. 7~35. 8Ma,均形成于始新世。花岗斑岩和石英二长斑岩的SiO_2含量为67. 92%~69. 93%,K_2O/Na_2O比值介于0. 86~1. 22,具有高钾钙碱性特征;正长斑岩和粗面岩的SiO_2含量为53. 94%~63. 51%,K_2O/Na_2O比值介于1. 30~2. 68,属于钾玄质岩石系列。两类岩石都富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),相对亏损高场强元素(HFSE)。其中,花岗斑岩和石英二长斑岩有着较高的Sr、Sr/Y、La/Yb值和低的Y、Yb含量,具有埃达克质岩浆属性。结合Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究认为,滇西剑川地区花岗岩起源于增厚的镁铁质新生下地壳部分熔融,正长岩是由交代富集的岩石圈地幔熔融产生的基性岩浆演化而来的产物。滇西剑川新生代富碱岩浆活动是对印度与欧亚板块晚碰撞阶段,岩石圈地幔发生对流减薄和软流圈物质上涌过程的响应。  相似文献   

The Miocene-Oligocene volcanism of this region is part of the larger Tertiary volcanic province found throughout E. Australia. Within the S.E. Queensland region, the volcanism is strongly bimodal, and has emanated from six major centres, and many additional smaller centres. The mafic lavas (volumetrically dominant) range continuously from ne-normative through to Q-normative and are predominantly andesine-normative; Mg/Mg+Fe (atomic ratios range from 30–60; K2O ranges from 0.42–2.93%, and TiO2 from 0.81–3.6%.Phenocryst contents are low (averaging 6.7 vol.%), and comprise olivine (Fa18–75; Cr-spinel inclusions occur locally in Mg-rich phenocrysts), plagioclase (An25–68), and less commonly augite, which is relatively aluminous in lavas of the Springsure volcanic centre. Very rare aluminous bronzite occurs in certain Q-normative lavas. Groundmass minerals comprise augite, olivine (Fa33–77), feldspar (ranging from labradorite through to anorthoclase and sanidine), Fe-Ti oxides, and apatite. Within many of the Q-normative lavas, extensive development of subcalcic and pigeonitic pyroxenes occurs, and also relatively rarely orthopyroxene. Mineralogically, the ne- and ol-normative lavas, and some of the Q-normative lavas are indistinguishable, and in view of the gradations in chemistry, the term hawaiite has been extended to cover these lavas. The term tholeiitic andesite is used to describe the Q-normative lavas containing Ca-poor pyroxenes as groundmass phases.Megacrysts of aluminous augite, aluminous bronzite, olivine, ilmenite, and spinel sporadically occur within the lavas, and their compositions clearly indicate that they are not derived from the Upper Mantle. Rare lherzolite xenoliths are also found.The petrogenesis of these mafic lavas is approached by application of the thermodynamic equilibration technique of Carmichael et al. (1977), utilizing three parental mineral assemblages that could have been in equilibrium with the magmas at P and T. The models are: (a) standard upper mantle mineralogy; (b) an Fe-enriched upper mantle model (Wilkinson and Binns 1977); (c) lower crust mineralogy, based on analysed megacryst compositions. The calculations suggest that these mafic magmas were not in equilibrium with either mantle model prior to eruption, but show much closer approaches to equilibrium with the lower crust model. Calculated equilibration temperatures and pressures (for the lower crust model) range from 995°–l,391° C (average 1,192), and 7.2–16.3 kb (average 12.4). These results are interpreted in terms of a model of intrusion and magma fractionation within the crust-mantle interface region, with consequent crustal underplating and thickening beneath the Tertiary volcanic regions. Some support for the latter is provided by regional isostatic gravity anomalies and physiographic considerations.  相似文献   


Southeastern China is characterized by an extensive Late Mesozoic (Yanshanian) tectono-magmatic-metallogenic event. Although Late Cretaceous volcanism gradually weakened during the epilogue of the Yanshanian event, its petrogenesis and geodynamic processes remain unclear. In this study, we present new zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic, whole-rock elemental, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions data, for volcanic rocks from the Zhaixia Formation of the Shimaoshan Group in Fujian Province. The lower member of the Zhaixia Formation consists of basalts and rhyolites, and the upper member is only rhyolites. These volcanic rocks erupted in the early stage of Late Cretaceous, with basalts erupting earlier (ca. 99–98 Ma) than rhyolites (ca. 98–94 Ma). These basalts record high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic, light rare earth element (LREE)- and LILE-enrichment, high field strength element (HFSE)depletion with negligible Eu anomalies, and uniform whole-rock εNd(t) (–3 to –6) and zircon εHf(t) (–3.3 to –14.1) values. The overlying rhyolites record peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline characteristics, LREE- and LILE-enrichment with negative Eu anomalies, and Nb–Ta depletion. The whole-rock εNd(t) and zircon εHf(t) values of these rhyolites both increase from the lower member (εNd(t), –1.5 to –4.7; εHf(t), –5.1 to –16.1) to the upper member (εNd(t), –0.5 to 0.1; εHf(t), –0.3 to –4.3). The features imply that these basalts were derived from the partial melting of the enriched lithospheric mantle and the overlying rhyolites from the melting of the crustal components, respectively. Data from the rhyolites in the upper member indicate that more juvenile, Nd–Hf isotopically depleted materials were injected into their source. During the Late Cretaceous, the new, fast rollback of the subducting slab triggered lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling beneath the coastal regions, which induced the melting of lithospheric mantle and crustal components. As continued, the new round of basaltic underplating provided necessary heat to cause partial melting of the deep crust, including the younger, juvenile, and isotopically depleted crustal components.  相似文献   

湘东北应家山古近纪玄武岩地球化学特征及其成因意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湘东北应家山玄武岩的K-Ar年龄为(62.1±0.9)Ma,喷发于古近纪,属亚碱性玄武岩。低MgO(5.65%~7.08%),Mg#(0.52~0.58),Nb-Ta明显亏损,无Eu负异常(Eu/Eu=0.93~1.11),(La/Yb)N=6.2~7.0,Zr/Nb=8.56~9.53,Ce/Y=1.57~1.72,表明其岩浆来源于较浅部的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔大比例部分熔融。样品明显亏损Nb-Ta,富集LREE和LILE,初始87Sr/86Sr=0.708266~0.708464,εNd(63Ma)=-1.51~-2.02,暗示其源区为受到过早期俯冲流体交代的富集岩石圈地幔。结合区域上粤北、赣西北、闽西和琼南晚中生代基性岩脉的研究资料,表明华南内部存在一个相似的受到过早期流体交代的EMⅡ型富集岩石圈地幔。这一研究为了解华南内部中新生代以来陆下岩石圈地幔的属性以及构造演化提供了重要的信息。  相似文献   

Sixty-five million year old continental flood basalts crop out on Qeqertarssuaq Island and the Nuussuaq Peninsula in West Greenland, and they include ~1,000 m of picritic lavas and discrete 10- to 50-m-thick members of highly contaminated basalts. On Qeqertarssuaq, the lavas are allocated to the Vaîgat and Maligât Formations of which the former includes the Naujánguit member, which consists of picrites with 7–29 wt% MgO, 80–1,400 ppm Ni, 5.7–9.4 ppb Pt and 4.2–12.9 ppb Pd. The Naujánguit member contains two horizons of contaminated basalts, the Asûk and Kûgánguaq, which have elevated SiO2 (52–58 wt%) and low to moderate MgO (7.5–12.8 wt%). These lavas are broadly characterized by low Cu and Ni abundances (average, 40 ppm Ni and 45 ppm Cu) and very low Pt (0.16–0.63 ppb) and Pd (0.13–0.68 ppb) abundances, and in the case of the Asûk, they contain shale xenoliths and droplets of native iron and troilite. The contaminated basalts from Nuussuaq, the B0 to B4 members, are also usually Ni-, Cu-, and platinum-group elements (PGE)-depleted. The geochemical signatures (especially the ratios of incompatible trace elements such as Th/Nb) of all of the contaminated basalts from Qeqertarssuaq and some of those from Nuussuaq record what appears to be a chemical contribution from deltaic shales that lie immediately below the lavas. This suggests that the contamination of the magmas occurred during the migration of the magmas through plumbing systems developed in sedimentary rocks, and hence, at a high crustal level. Nickel, Cu, and PGE depletion together with geochemical signatures produced by crustal contamination are also a feature of Siberian Trap basalts from the Noril’sk region. These basalts belong to the 0- to 500-m thick, ~5,000- to 10,000-km3 Nadezhdinsky Formation, which is centered in the Noril’sk Region. A major difference between Siberia and West Greenland is that PGE depletion in the Nadezhdinsky Formation samples with the lowest Cu and Ni contents is much more severe than that of the West Greenland contaminated basalts. Moreover, the volumes of the contaminated and metal-depleted volcanic rocks in West Greenland pale is significant when compared to the Nadezhdinsky Formation; local centers rarely contain more than 15 thin flows with a combined thickness of <50 m and more typically 10–20 m, so the volume of the eruptive portions of each system is probably two orders of magnitude smaller than the Nadezhdinsky edifice. The West Greenland centres are juxtaposed along fault zones that appear to be linked to the subsidence of the Tertiary delta, and so emplacement along N–S structures appears to be a principal control on the distribution of lavas and feeder intrusions. This leads us to suggest that the Greenland system is small and segregation of sulphide took place at high levels in the crust, whereas at Noril’sk, the saturation event took place at depth with subsequent emplacement of sulphide-bearing magmas into high levels of the crust. As a consequence, it may be unreasonable to expect that the West Greenland flood basalts experienced mineralizing processes on the scale of the Noril’sk system.  相似文献   

特提斯喜马拉雅带中段桑秀组玄武岩的地球化学和岩石成因   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
桑秀组玄武岩仅仅分布在特提斯喜马拉雅带中段东部,古地理属大印度北缘.分别采用 XRF、 ICP MS和全岩同位素稀释法对这些玄武岩的主元素、微量元素和 Sr Nd同位素进行了系统分析,并用来推论其成因.结果显示,桑秀组玄武岩除了 MgO含量和相容元素含量较低表明其为演化岩浆以外,其高 TiO2、 TFeO和 P2O5含量 (分别平均为 3.46%、 10.90%和 0.51% )、轻重稀土明显分馏 [(La/Yb)N=8.4~ 10.2]、 Ti/V、 Ti/Y和 Zr/Y比值高以及富集 Ba和 Th等不相容元素和高场强元素等特征与洋岛玄武岩 (OIB)相似;桑秀组玄武岩高 Sr [(87Sr/86Sr)t=0.707 370~ 0.709 904]和较低ε Nd(t)(=- 1.71~ 2.00)同位素组成以及微量元素地球化学指标等又显示了岩石圈地幔物质的印记;微量元素特征显示桑秀组玄武岩为大陆边缘裂谷背景下的碱性玄武岩,在源区物质低度部分熔融过程中不断有橄榄石等铁镁矿物的分离结晶,没有遭受地壳混染;桑秀组玄武岩的地球化学特征和同位素组成可与印度东缘的 Rajmahal玄武岩、印度洋 90° E海岭玄武岩和 Kerguelen OIB对比,提出桑秀组玄武岩可能是岩石圈地幔与地幔热柱或热点物质相互作用的产物,这种地幔热柱或热点可能与 Kerguelen热点的早期活动有联系.  相似文献   

Formation of noble metal nanoparticles is related to various geological processes in the supergene zone. Dispersed mineral phases appear during weathering of rocks with active participation of microorganisms, formation of soil, in aqueous medium and atmosphere. Invisible gold and other noble metals are incorporated into oxides, hydroxides, and sulfides, as well as in dispersed organic and inorganic carbonic matter. Sulfide minerals that occur in bedrocks and ores unaltered by exogenic processes and in cementation zone are among the main concentrators of noble metal nanoparticles. The ability of gold particles to disaggregate is well-known and creates problems in technological and analytical practice. When Au and PGE nanoparticles and clusters occur, these problems are augmented because of their unusual reactions and physicochemical properties. The studied gold, magnetite, titanomagnetite and pyrite microspherules from cementation zone and clay minerals of laterites in Republic of Guinea widen the knowledge of their abundance and inferred formation conditions, in particular, in the contemporary supergene zone. Morphology and composition of micrometer-sized Au mineral spherules were studied with SEM and laser microprobe. The newly formed segregations of secondary gold on the surface of its residual grains were also an object of investigation. The character of such overgrowths is the most indicative for nanoparticles. The newly formed Au particles provide evidence for redistribution of ultradispersed gold during weathering. There are serious prerequisites to state that microorganisms substantially control unusual nano-sized microspherical morphology of gold particles in the supergene zone. This is supported by experiments indicating active absorption of gold by microorganisms and direct evidence for participation of Ralstonia metallidurans bacteria in the formation of peculiar corroded bacteriomorphic surface of gold grains. In addition, the areas enriched in carbon and nitrogen have been detected with SEM on the surface of gold spherules from Guinea. Such organic compounds as serine, alanine, and glycine are identified on their surface with Raman spectroscopy. The experiments have been carried out and new data have been obtained indicating the role of micromycetes in concentration and distribution of noble metals in ferromanganese nodules of the World Ocean. Au and Pt were detected in the system with radioisotopes. It has been established that two forms of gold distribution develop within pseudomorphs of fungi colonies: (1) as pseudomorphic concentrates and (2) dispersed form unrelated to the colony structure. Inhomogeneities in distribution of dispersed platinum are manifested in the form of linear anomalies with elevated concentrations at the margins of the colonies.  相似文献   

A sequence of ultramafic rocks in the Lac Guyer Archean greenstone belt exhibit brecciated flow tops, pillow structures, and spinifex textures testifying to their volcanic origin. Massive, spinifex-textured and differentiated flows in the sequence have the chemical characteristics of peridotitic komatiite, with MgO ranging from 19–25 wt.%. Associated pillowed flows have compositions that straddle the conventional boundary between komatiite and komatiitic basalt with MgO contents ranging from 16 to 19 wt.% MgO and are best termed pyroxenitic komatiites. Unlike other komatiitic occurrences, the peridotitic and pyroxenitic komatiites at Lac Guyer constitute a continuous chemical spectrum with no evidence of population minimum near 18 wt.% MgO. The contrasting behaviour of highly compatible elements, such as Ni and Cr, versus incompatible elements, such as Zr, indicate that this compositional spectrum was produced by a variation in the extent of partial melting (10–40%) of a garnet lherzolite source in the Archean mantle. The pyroxenitic komatiites represent liquids produced during lower (10–20%) degrees of melting during which garnet remained in the mantle residue. However, a change in slope in the distribution of Zr vs. Y between the pyroxenitic and the peridotitic komatiites indicates that garnet was completely consumed at the more extensive degrees of melting which produced the peridotitic komatiites. The Lac Guyer volcanic rocks display a population minimum at 15 wt.% MgO separating komatiitic magmas whose compositions are controlled by partial melting from basalts whose composition is controlled by crystal fractionation. The population minimum near 18 wt.% MgO which is taken as the boundary between komatiite and komatiitic basalt may have a similar origin.  相似文献   

The Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of 104 MORB glasses from the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, and the Red Sea spreading centers have been determined using wet chemical Fe2+ analyses and electron microprobe FeOtotal measurements. The data provide a new estimate for the MORB oxygen fugacity (fO2) of 0.41 ± 0.43 (1sigma, N = 100) log units below the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer (FMQ), equivalent to a Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.12 ± 0.02 (1sigma, N = 104). This new fO2 estimate is 0.8 log units more oxidized than the average fO2 proposed by Christie et al. (1986) (FMQ-1.20 ± 0.44; Fe3+/ΣFe = 0.07 ± 0.01; N = 87). This slight difference may be related in part to the 3.5% underestimation of the Fe2+ concentration determined by Christie et al. (1986) compared with this study. MORB oxygen fugacity does not display any significant difference between the three main oceanic domains, or between enriched and depleted MORB. Yet, the iron red-ox state ratio shows a broad increase during fractional crystallization. Detailed study of magmatic suites highlights the lack of systematic Fe3+/ΣFe ratio fractionation during differentiation. Despite the large variations of inferred partial melting degrees (from 5 to 20%), the present data set does not provide any evidence of Fe3+/ΣFe relationships with partial melting proxies such as Na8.0.Based on the Fe3+ systematics during partial melting, it is suggested that the oxidation state of MORB reflects a “buffered mantle melting process” resulting in the apparent compatible behavior of Fe3+ during partial melting, and in the relatively constant Fe3+/ΣFe ratio irrespective of the extent of melting. This result implies that partial melting processes may be open relative to oxygen. We propose a model where the Fe3+/ΣFe ratio in the melt is buffered during partial melting. The MORB Fe2O3 systematics can be accounted for by using a fO2 of FMQ-1 that is equivalent to the average fO2 reported for abyssal peridotites.  相似文献   

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