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《Organic Geochemistry》2011,42(12):1470-1475
Aiming at developing a novel tool for palaeoclimate research, we recently proposed a new method for determining the oxygen isotope composition of monosaccharides (Zech, M., Glaser, B., 2009. Compound-specific δ18O analyses of neutral sugars in soils using GC-Py-IRMS: problems, possible solutions and a first application. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23, 3522–3532). In order to answer the question whether isotope fractionation and oxygen exchange reactions during litter decomposition affect the climatically controlled δ18O values of plant derived sugars, such as for instance xylose and arabinose from hemicelluloses, we studied the compound specific δ18O values of five different litter species having been decomposed in a field litterbag experiment for 27 months.While δ18O values of bulk organic matter yielded a systematic 18O depletion of 3.3‰ (pine) to 4.6‰ (spruce) accompanying total cellulose decomposition of 51% (beech) to 86% (ash), δ18O values of individual sugars show no significant trend with time. In addition to the observed absence of isotope fractionation during decomposition, we also rule out 18O exchange reactions affecting the δ18O signature of sugar molecules during diagenetic processes as well as during analytical procedure based on experimental findings and on theoretical biochemical mechanistic considerations. We conclude that our new method may become an analytical tool that elegantly overcomes extraction, purity and hygroscopicity problems of previous 18O cellulose methods. It furthermore has the potential to be applied to a wide range of climate archives such as tree rings, lacustrine sediments and loess palaeosol sequences.  相似文献   

The relationship between stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ18O) in seawater and in larval shell aragonite of the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, was investigated in a controlled experiment to determine whether isotopes in larval shell aragonite can be used as a reliable proxy for environmental conditions. The linear relationship between δ13CDIC and δ13Caragonite (r2 = 0.97, p < 0.0001, RMSE = 0.18) was:
δ13CDIC=1.15(±0.05)∗δ13Caragonite-0.85(±0.04)  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope fractionation factor of dissolved oxygen gas has been measured during inorganic reduction by aqueous FeSO4 at 10−54 °C under neutral (pH 7) and acidic (pH 2) conditions, with Fe(II) concentrations ranging up to 0.67 mol L−1, in order to better understand the geochemical behavior of oxygen in ferrous iron-rich groundwater and acidic mine pit lakes. The rate of oxygen reduction increased with increasing temperature and increasing Fe(II) concentration, with the pseudo-first-order rate constant k ranging from 2.3 to 82.9 × 10−6 s−1 under neutral conditions and 2.1 to 37.4 × 10−7 s−1 under acidic conditions. The activation energy of oxygen reduction was 30.9 ± 6.6 kJ mol−1 and 49.7 ± 13.0 kJ mol−1 under neutral and acidic conditions, respectively. Oxygen isotope enrichment factors (ε) become smaller with increasing temperature, increasing ferrous iron concentration, and increasing reaction rate under acidic conditions, with ε values ranging from −4.5‰ to −11.6‰. Under neutral conditions, ε does not show any systematic trends vs. temperature or ferrous iron concentration, with ε values ranging from −7.3 to −10.3‰. Characterization of the oxygen isotope fractionation factor associated with O2 reduction by Fe(II) will have application to elucidating the process or processes responsible for oxygen consumption in environments such as groundwater and acidic mine pit lakes, where a number of possible processes (e.g. biological respiration, reduction by reduced species) may have taken place.  相似文献   

The equilibrium fractionation factors between mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O) and saturated sodium sulphate solution at 25°C and 0°C and between ice and 2·5 molal sodium chloride solution at ?10°C have been measured. For mirabilite, the deuterium factors are 1·017 and 1·019, and the oxygen-18 factors are 1·0014 and 1·0020 at 25°C and 0°C, respectively. For ice, the factors are 1·024 for deuterium and 1·0022 for oxygen-18 at ?10°C. These fractionation factors are used to estimate the fractionation factors between ice and mirabilite and concentrated sea water at ?10°C. It is concluded that the average binding strengths of hydrogen in ice and mirabilite are very similar.  相似文献   

Molybdenum (Mo) isotopes have great potential as a paleoredox indicator, but this potential is currently restricted by an incomplete understanding of isotope fractionations occurring during key (bio)geochemical processes. To address one such uncertainty we have investigated the isotopic fractionation of Mo during adsorption to a range of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, under variable Mo/Fe-mineral ratios and pH. Our data confirm that Fe (oxyhydr)oxides can readily adsorb Mo, highlighting the potential importance of this removal pathway for the global Mo cycle. Furthermore, adsorption of Mo to Fe (oxyhydr)oxides is associated with preferential uptake of the lighter Mo isotopes. Fractionations between the solid and dissolved phase (Δ98Mo) increase at higher pH, and also vary with mineralogy, increasing in the order magnetite (Δ98Mo = 0.83 ± 0.60‰) < ferrihydrite (Δ98Mo = 1.11 ± 0.15‰) < goethite (Δ98Mo = 1.40 ± 0.48‰) < hematite (Δ98Mo = 2.19 ± 0.54‰). Small differences in isotopic fractionation are also seen at varying Mo/Fe-mineral ratios for individual minerals. The observed isotopic behaviour is consistent with both fractionation during adsorption to the mineral surface (a function of vibrational energy) and adsorption of different Mo species/structures from solution. The different fractionation factors determined for different Fe (oxyhydr)oxides suggests that these minerals likely exert a major control on observed natural Mo isotope compositions during sediment deposition beneath suboxic through to anoxic (but non-sulfidic) bottom waters. Our results confirm that Mo isotopes can provide important information on the spatial extent of different paleoredox conditions, providing they are used in combination with other techniques for evaluating the local redox environment and the mineralogy of the depositing sediments.  相似文献   

Empirical calibration of oxygen isotope fractionation in zircon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
New empirical calibrations for the fractionation of oxygen isotopes among zircon, almandine-rich garnet, titanite, and quartz are combined with experimental values for quartz-grossular. The resulting A-coefficients (‰K2) are:
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《Chemical Geology》2003,193(1-2):59-80
The increment method is applied to calculation of oxygen isotope fractionation factors for common magmatic rocks. The 18O-enrichment degree of the different compositions of magmatic rocks is evaluated by the oxygen isotope indices of both CIPW normative minerals and normalized chemical composition. The consistent results are obtained from the two approaches, pointing to negligible oxygen isotope fractionation between rock and melt of the same compositions. The present calculations verify the following sequence of 18O-enrichment in the magmatic rocks: felsic rocks>intermediate rocks>mafic rocks>ultramafic rocks. Two sets of internally consistent fractionation factors are acquired for phenocryst–lava systems at the temperatures above 1000 K and rock–water systems in the temperatures range of 0–1200 °C, respectively. The present calculations are consistent with existing data from experiments and/or empirical calibrations. The obtained results can be used to quantitatively determine the history of water–rock interaction and to serve geological thermometry for various types of magmatic rocks (especially extrusive rocks).  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition (δ15N and δ18O) of nitrate was measured during Summer 1999 in the anaerobic hypolimnion of eutrophic Lake Lugano (Switzerland). Denitrification was demonstrated by a progressive nitrate depletion coupled to increasing δ15N and δ18O values for residual nitrate. Maximum δ15N and δ18O values amounted to 27.2 and 15.7‰, respectively.15N and 18O enrichment factors for denitrification (ε) were estimated using a closed-system model and a dynamic diffusion-reaction model. Using the Rayleigh equation (closed-system approach), we obtained ε values of −11.2 and −6.6‰ for nitrogen and oxygen, respectively. The average ε values derived using the diffusion-reaction model were determined to be −20.7 ± 3.8 for nitrogen and −11.0 ± 1.7 for oxygen. Both N and O isotope fractionation appeared to be lower when denitrification rates where high, possibly in association with high organic carbon availability. In addition, variations in the isotope effects may be attributed to the variable importance of sedimentary denitrification having only a small isotope effect on the water column. The combined measurement of N and O isotope ratios in nitrate revealed that coupled nitrification-denitrification in the open-water was of minor importance. This is the first study of nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects associated with microbial denitrification in a natural lake. Moreover, this study confirms the high potential of δ18O of nitrate as a valuable biogeochemical tracer in aquatic systems, complementing nitrate δ15N.  相似文献   

The application of stable Fe isotopes as a tracer of the biogeochemical Fe cycle necessitates a mechanistic knowledge of natural fractionation processes. We studied the equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation upon sorption of Fe(II) to aluminum oxide (γ-Al2O3), goethite (α-FeOOH), quartz (α-SiO2), and goethite-loaded quartz in batch experiments, and performed continuous-flow column experiments to study the extent of equilibrium and kinetic Fe isotope fractionation during reactive transport of Fe(II) through pure and goethite-loaded quartz sand. In addition, batch and column experiments were used to quantify the coupled electron transfer-atom exchange between dissolved Fe(II) (Fe(II)aq) and structural Fe(III) of goethite. All experiments were conducted under strictly anoxic conditions at pH 7.2 in 20 mM MOPS (3-(N-morpholino)-propanesulfonic acid) buffer and 23 °C. Iron isotope ratios were measured by high-resolution MC-ICP-MS. Isotope data were analyzed with isotope fractionation models. In batch systems, we observed significant Fe isotope fractionation upon equilibrium sorption of Fe(II) to all sorbents tested, except for aluminum oxide. The equilibrium enrichment factor, , of the Fe(II)sorb-Fe(II)aq couple was 0.85 ± 0.10‰ (±2σ) for quartz and 0.85 ± 0.08‰ (±2σ) for goethite-loaded quartz. In the goethite system, the sorption-induced isotope fractionation was superimposed by atom exchange, leading to a δ56/54Fe shift in solution towards the isotopic composition of the goethite. Without consideration of atom exchange, the equilibrium enrichment factor was 2.01 ± 0.08‰ (±2σ), but decreased to 0.73 ± 0.24‰ (±2σ) when atom exchange was taken into account. The amount of structural Fe in goethite that equilibrated isotopically with Fe(II)aq via atom exchange was equivalent to one atomic Fe layer of the mineral surface (∼3% of goethite-Fe). Column experiments showed significant Fe isotope fractionation with δ56/54Fe(II)aq spanning a range of 1.00‰ and 1.65‰ for pure and goethite-loaded quartz, respectively. Reactive transport of Fe(II) under non-steady state conditions led to complex, non-monotonous Fe isotope trends that could be explained by a combination of kinetic and equilibrium isotope enrichment factors. Our results demonstrate that in abiotic anoxic systems with near-neutral pH, sorption of Fe(II) to mineral surfaces, even to supposedly non-reactive minerals such as quartz, induces significant Fe isotope fractionation. Therefore we expect Fe isotope signatures in natural systems with changing concentration gradients of Fe(II)aq to be affected by sorption.  相似文献   

Rhodochrosite crystals were precipitated from Na-Mn-Cl-HCO3 parent solutions following passive, forced and combined passive-to-forced CO2 degassing methods. Forced and combined passive-to-forced CO2 degassing produced rhodochrosite crystals with a small non-equilibrium oxygen isotope effect whereas passive CO2 degassing protocols yielded rhodochrosite in apparent isotopic equilibrium with water. On the basis of the apparent equilibrium isotopic data, a new temperature-dependent relation is proposed for the oxygen isotope fractionation between rhodochrosite and water between 10 and 40 °C:
1000lnαrhodochrosite-water=17.84±0.18(103/T)-30.24±0.62  相似文献   

岩浆岩体系氧同位素分馏系数的理论计算   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
The increment method is applied tocalcuation of oxygen isotope fractionation factors for common magmatic rocks by usingoxygen isotope indices for known minerals.The results show that there are some differencesin the degree of 18O-enrichment for the different types of magmatic rocks,andtheir sequence of 18O-enrichment is reckoned as follows acid rocks >neutral rocks > basic rocks > ultrabasic rocks.Two sets of internally consistentfractionation factors for phenocryst-lava systems at temperacture above 1000K and forrock-water systems in the temperature range of 0 to 1200℃ are acquired, respectively.Thetheoretical calibrations are consistent with the data from hydrothermal experiments andempirical estimates.The present results can be used to quantitatively determine thehistory of water-rock exchange and to serve geological thermometry for various magmaticrocks (especially extrusive rocks containing phenocryst).  相似文献   

Direct oxygen isotope fractionation between cassiterite and calcite has been investigated experimentally at 15 kbar with temperature ranging from 800 to 1000°C. Combined with the quartz-calcite fractionation measured with the same technique (Clayton et al., 1989), the calcite-cassiterite and quartz-cassiterite oxygen isotope fractionations can be expressed as:

We have determined the extent of Se isotope fractionation induced by reduction of selenate by sulfate interlayered green rust (GRSO4), a Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxide-sulfate. This compound is known to reduce selenate to Se(0), and it is the only naturally relevant abiotic selenate reduction pathway documented to date. Se reduction reactions, when they occur in nature, greatly reduce Se mobility and bioavailability. Se stable isotope analysis shows promise as an indicator of Se reduction, and Se isotope fractionation by various Se reactions must be known in order to refine this tool. We measured the increase in the 80Se/76Se ratio of dissolved selenate as lighter isotopes were preferentially consumed during reduction by GRSO4. Six different experiments that used GRSO4 made by two methods, with varying solution compositions and pH, yielded identical isotopic fractionations. Regression of all the data yielded an instantaneous isotope fractionation of 7.36 ± 0.24‰. Selenate reduction by GRSO4 induces much greater isotopic fractionation than does bacterial selenate reduction. If selenate reduction by GRSO4 occurs in nature, it may be identifiable on the basis of its relatively large isotopic fractionation.  相似文献   

Interpretation of the origins of iron-bearing minerals preserved in modern and ancient rocks based on measured iron isotope ratios depends on our ability to distinguish between biological and non-biological iron isotope fractionation processes. In this study, we compared 56Fe/54Fe ratios of coexisting aqueous iron (Fe(II)aq, Fe(III)aq) and iron oxyhydroxide precipitates (Fe(III)ppt) resulting from the oxidation of ferrous iron under experimental conditions at low pH (<3). Experiments were carried out using both pure cultures of Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans and sterile controls to assess possible biological overprinting of non-biological fractionation, and both SO42− and Cl salts as Fe(II) sources to determine possible ionic/speciation effects that may be associated with oxidation/precipitation reactions. In addition, a series of ferric iron precipitation experiments were performed at pH ranging from 1.9 to 3.5 to determine if different precipitation rates cause differences in the isotopic composition of the iron oxyhydroxides. During microbially stimulated Fe(II) oxidation in both the sulfate and chloride systems, 56Fe/54Fe ratios of residual Fe(II)aq sampled in a time series evolved along an apparent Rayleigh trend characterized by a fractionation factor αFe(III)aq-Fe(II)aq ∼ 1.0022. This fractionation factor was significantly less than that measured in our sterile control experiments (∼1.0034) and that predicted for isotopic equilibrium between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III)aq (∼1.0029), and thus might be interpreted to reflect a biological isotope effect. However, in our biological experiments the measured difference in 56Fe/54Fe ratios between Fe(III)aq, isolated as a solid by the addition of NaOH to the final solution at each time point under N2-atmosphere, and Fe(II)aq was in most cases and on average close to 2.9‰ (αFe(III)aq-Fe(II)aq ∼ 1.0029), consistent with isotopic equilibrium between Fe(II)aq and Fe(III)aq. The ferric iron precipitation experiments revealed that 56Fe/54Fe ratios of Fe(III)aq were generally equal to or greater than those of Fe(III)ppt, and isotopic fractionation between these phases decreased with increasing precipitation rate and decreasing grain size. Considered together, the data confirm that the iron isotope variations observed in our microbial experiments are primarily controlled by non-biological equilibrium and kinetic factors, a result that aids our ability to interpret present-day iron cycling processes but further complicates our ability to use iron isotopes alone to identify biological processing in the rock record.  相似文献   

Using established methods of statistical mechanical calculation and a recent compilation of vibrational frequency data, we have computed oxygen isotope reduced partition function ratios (β values) for a large number of carbonate minerals. The oxygen isotope β values of carbonates are inversely correlated to both the mass and radius of the cation bonded to the carbonate anion but neither correlation is good enough to be used as a precise and accurate predictor of β values. There is an approximately 0.6% relative increase in the β values of aragonite per 10 kbar increase in pressure. These estimates of the pressure effect on β values are broadly similar to those deduced previously for calcite using the methods of mineral physics. In comparing the β values of our study with those derived recently from first-principles lattice dynamics calculations, we find near-perfect agreement for calcite and witherite (<0.3% deviation), reasonable agreement for dolomite (<0.9% deviation) and somewhat poorer agreement for aragonite and magnesite (1.5-2% deviation). In the system for which we have the most robust constraints, CO2-calcite, there is excellent agreement between our calculations and experimental data over a broad range of temperatures (0-900 °C). Similarly, there is good to excellent correspondence between calculation and experiment for most other low to moderate atomic mass carbonate minerals (aragonite to strontianite). The agreement is not as good for high atomic mass carbonates (witherite, cerussite, otavite). In the case of witherite and cerussite, the discrepancy may be due, in part, to our calculation methodology, which does not account for the effect of cation mass on the magnitude of vibrational frequency shifts associated with heavy isotope substitution. However, the calculations also reveal an incompatibility between the high- and low-temperature experimental datasets for witherite and cerussite. Specifically, the shapes of fractionation factor versus 1/T2 curves in the calcite-witherite and calcite-cerussite systems do not conform to the robust constraints on the basic shape of these curves provided by theory. This suggests that either the high- or low-temperature datasets for both minerals is in error. Dolomite-calcite fractionation factors derived from our calculations fall within the wide range of fractionations for this system given by previous experimental and natural sample studies. However, our compilation of available low-temperature (25-80 °C) experimental data reveal an unusual temperature dependence of fractionations in this system; namely, the data indicate an increase in the magnitude of fractionations between dolomite (or proto-dolomite) and calcite with increasing temperature. Such a trend is incompatible with theory, which stipulates that fractionations between carbonate minerals must decrease monotonically with increasing temperature. We propose that the anomalous temperature dependence seen in the low-temperature experimental data reflect changes in the crystallinity and degree of cation ordering of the dolomite phase over this temperature interval and the effect these changes have on the vibrational frequencies of dolomite. Similar effects may be present in natural systems at low-temperature and must be considered in applying experimental or theoretical fractionation data to these systems. In nearly all cases, carbonate mineral-calcite fractionation factors given by the present calculations are in as good or better agreement with experimental data than are fractionations derived from semi-empirical bond strength methods.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experimental calibration of oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and zircon. Data were collected from 700 to 1000 °C, 10–20 kbar, and in some experiments the oxygen fugacity was buffered at the fayalite–magnetite–quartz equilibrium. Oxygen isotope fractionation shows no clear dependence on oxygen fugacity or pressure. Unexpectedly, some high-temperature data (900–1000 °C) show evidence for disequilibrium oxygen isotope partitioning. This is based in part on ion microprobe data from these samples that indicate some high-temperature quartz grains may be isotopically zoned. Excluding data that probably represent non-equilibrium conditions, our preferred calibration for oxygen isotope fractionation between quartz and zircon can be described by:
This relationship can be used to calculate fractionation factors between zircon and other minerals. In addition, results have been used to calculate WR/melt–zircon fractionations during magma differentiation. Modeling demonstrates that silicic magmas show relatively small changes in δ18O values during differentiation, though late-stage mafic residuals capable of zircon saturation contain elevated δ18O values. However, residuals also have larger predicted melt–zircon fractionations meaning zircons will not record enriched δ18O values generally attributed to a granitic protolith. These results agree with data from natural samples if the zircon fractionation factor presented here or from natural studies is applied.  相似文献   

The increment method is adopted to calculate oxygen isotope fractionation factors for mantle minerals, particularly for the polymorphic phases of MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4. The results predict the following sequence of 18O-enrichment: pyroxene (Mg,Fe,Ca)2Si2O6>olivine (Mg,Fe)2SiO4>spinel (Mg,Fe)2SiO4>ilmenite (Mg,Fe, Ca)SiO3>perovskite (Mg,Fe,Ca)SiO3. The calculated fractionations for the calcite-perovskite (CaTiO3) system are in excellent agreement with experimental calibrations. If there would be complete isotopic equilibration in the mantle, the spinel-structured silicates in the transition zone are predicted to be enriched in 18O relative to the perovskite-structured silicates in the lower mantle but depleted in 18O relative to olivines and pyroxenes in the upper mantle. The oxygen isotope layering of the mantle would essentially result from differences in the chemical composition and crystal structure of mineral phases at different mantle depths. Assuming isotopic equilibrium on a whole earth scale, the chemical structure of the Earth's interior can be described by the following sequence of 18O-enrichment: uppr crust>lower crust>upper mantle>transition zone>lower mantle >core.  相似文献   

We present a model of bacterial sulfate reduction that includes equations describing the fractionation relationship between the sulfur and the oxygen isotope composition of residual sulfate (δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual) and the amount of residual sulfate. The model is based exclusively on oxygen isotope exchange between cell-internal sulfur compounds and ambient water as the dominating mechanism controlling oxygen isotope fractionation processes. We show that our model explains δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns observed from natural environments and from laboratory experiments, whereas other models, favoring kinetic isotope fractionation processes as dominant process, fail to explain many (but not all) observed δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual patterns. Moreover, we show that a “typical” δ34SSO4_residual vs. δ18OSO4_residual slope does not exist. We postulate that measurements of δ34SSO4_residual and δ18OSO4_residual can be used as a tool to determine cell-specific sulfate reduction rates, oxygen isotope exchange rates, and equilibrium oxygen isotope exchange factors. Data from culture experiments are used to determine the range of sulfur isotope fractionation factors in which a simplified set of equations can be used. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the equations. We postulate that, during denitrification, the oxygen isotope effects in residual nitrate are also the result of oxygen isotope exchange with ambient water. Consequently, the equations for the relationship between δ34SSO4_residual, δ18OSO4_residual, and the amount of residual sulfate could be modified and used to calculate the fractionation-relationship between δ15NNO3_residual, δ18ONO3_residual, and the amount of residual nitrate during denitrification.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope fractionation was experimentally studied in the quartz-wolframite-water system from 200 to 420 °C. The starting wolframite was synthesized in aqueous solutions of Na2WO4 · 2H2O + FeCl2 · 4H2O or MnCl2 · 4H2O. The starting solutions range in salinity from 0 to 10 equivalent wt.% NaCl. Experiments were conducted in a gold-lined stainless steel autoclave, with filling degrees of about 50%. The results showed no significant difference in equilibrium isotope fractionation between water and wolframite, ferberite and huebnerite at the same temperature (310 °C ). The equilibrium oxygen isotope fractionation factors of wolframite and water tend to be equal with increasing temperature above 370 °C, but to increase significantly with decreasing temperature below 370 °C: 1000 ln αwf-H2o= 1.03×106T−2-4.91 (370 °C ±200 °C ) 1000 ln αwf-H2o = 0.21×106T −2-2.91 (420 °C -370 °C ±) This projects was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

The dramatic decline in aqueous Ni concentrations in the Archean oceans during the Great Oxygenation Event is evident in declining solid phase Ni concentrations in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) at the time. Several experiments have been performed to identify the main removal mechanisms of Ni from seawater into BIFs, whereby adsorption of Ni onto ferrihydrites has shown to be an efficient process. Ni isotopic measurements have shown limited isotopic fraction during this process, however, most experiments have been conducted in simple solutions containing varying proportions of dissolved Fe and Ni as NO3 salts, as opposed to Cl salts which are dominant in seawater. Further, Archean oceans were, before the advent of siliceous eukaryotes, likely saturated with amorphous Si as seen in the interlayered chert layers within BIFs. Despite Si being shown to greatly affect the Ni elemental partitioning onto ferrihydrite solids, no studies have been made on the effects of Si on the Ni isotope fractionation. Here we report results of multiple coprecipitation experiments where ferrihydrite precipitated in mixed solutions with Ni and Si. Ni concentrations in the experiments ranged between 200 and 4000 nM for fixed concentrations of Si at either 0, 0.67 or 2.2 mM. The results show that Si at these concentrations has a limited effect on the Ni isotope fractionation during coprecipitation of ferrihydrite. At 0.67 mM, the saturation concentration of cristobalite, the isotopic fractionation factors between the precipitating solid and experimental fluid are identical to experiments not containing Si (0.34 ± 0.17‰). At 2.2 mM Si, and the saturation concentration of amorphous silica, however, the Ni isotopic composition of the ferrihydrite solids deviate to more negative values and show a larger variation than at low or no Si, and some samples show fractionation of up to 0.5‰. Despite this seemingly more unstable fractionation behaviour, the combined results indicate that even at as high concentrations of Si as 2.2 mM, the δ60Ni values of the forming ferrihydrites does not change much. The results of our study implicate that Si may not be a major factor in fractionating stable Ni isotopes, which would make it easier to interpret future BIF record and reconstruct Archean ocean chemistry.  相似文献   

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