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Basalts from DSDP Site 417 (109 Ma) exhibit the effects of several stages of alteration reflecting the evolution of seawater-derived solution compositions and control by the structure and permeability of the crust. Characteristic secondary mineral assemblages occur in often superimposed alteration zones within individual basalt fragments. By combining bulk rock and single phase chemical analyses with detailed mineralogic and petrographic studies, chemical changes have been determined for most of the alteration stages identified in the basalts.
  1. Minor amounts of saponite, chlorite, and pyrite formed locally in coarse grained portions of massive units, possibly at high temperatures during initial cooling of the basalts. No chemical changes could be determined for this stage.
  2. Possible mixing of cooled hydrothermal fluids with seawater resulted in the formation of celadonite-nontronite and Fe-hydroxide-rich black halos around cracks and pillow rims. Gains of K, Rb, H2O, increase of Fe3+/FeT, and possibly some losses of Ca and Mg occurred during this stage.
  3. Extensive circulation of oxygenated seawater resulted in the formation of various smectites, K-feldspar, and Fe-hydroxides in brown and light grey alteration zones around formerly exposed surfaces. K, Rb, H2O, and occasionally P were added to the rocks, Fe3+/FeT increased, and Ca, Mg, Si and occasionally Al and Na were lost.
  4. Anoxic alteration occurred during reaction of basalt with seawater at low water-rock ratios, or with seawater that had previously reacted with basalt. Saponite-rich dark grey alteration zones formed which exhibit very little chemical change: generally only slight increases in Fe3+/FeT and H2O occurred.
  5. Zeolites and calcite formed from seawater-derived fluids modified by previous reactions with basalt. Chemical changes involved increases of Ca, Na, H2O, and CO2 in the rocks.
  6. A late stage of anoxic conditions resulted in the formation of minor amounts of Mn-calcites and secondary sulfides in previously oxidized rocks. No chemical changes were determined for this stage.
Recognition of such alteration sequences is important in understanding the evolution of submarine hydrothermal systems and in interpreting chemical exchange due to seawater-basalt reactions.  相似文献   

The Tongshan copper deposit at Guichi can be considered as a skarn-type copper deposit. Multi-stage carbonatization was well developed in the skarn zone and copper-bearing orebodies. Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and stable isotope data allow it to be divided into five stages: (1) carbonatization of single calcite crystals in the skarn stage; (2) calcite carbonatization in the oxide stage; (3) carbonatization in the early sulfide stage; (4) carbonatization in the late sulfide stage; and (5) carbonatization in the post-sulfide stage. Carbonatization in the early sulfide stage is, among other things, closely related to copper mineralization and is one of the alteration indicators of copper mineralization of this type. C. O, Rb and Sr isotopic studies indicate that the calcites of skarn and oxide stages were formed from hydrothermal solutions predominated by magmatic water, and those of sulfide stage were formed from hydrothermal solutions mainly involving heated meteoric water. The former was formed in the environment wherefO 2 (fO 2 < 10−33 and 10−33< fO2>10−36)(pH = 7–8) is high as compared with the latter (10−35< fO2< 10−38; pH = 5–7).  相似文献   

藏南雅鲁藏布江缝合带代表印度板块和欧亚板块的碰撞界线,带中洋岛型基性岩构造归属还存在争议。雅鲁藏布江缝合带中段白朗地体为近北东—南西向展布的构造岩片,由放射虫硅质岩、硅质泥岩、泥页岩、凝灰岩、微晶灰岩、玄武岩、辉绿岩、辉长岩组成。辉绿岩和辉长岩呈岩脉或岩床侵入沉积地层中。测年结果显示,这些辉绿岩形成于晚侏罗世,锆石206Pb/238U年龄为150.3 ±0.8 Ma(n=39,MSWD=1.8)。地球化学特征表明,岩石富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素(Rb、Sr、Pb)和高场强元素(Th、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf和Ti),源区具有明显的石榴子石印记,是没有经历陆壳混染的洋岛型辉绿岩。这些特征与雅鲁藏布江缝合带晚侏罗世—早白垩世洋岛型基性岩相似。由此认为,这些洋岛型基性岩可能起源于新特提斯洋板内环境,代表了海山的残迹。结合区域地质资料,提出侏罗纪新特提斯洋地幔柱活动可能驱使大洋岩石圈向北俯冲到拉萨地体之下,并形成安第斯型大陆边缘,至早白垩世,先期俯冲的新特提斯大洋岩石圈与上覆板片解耦并向南后撤,诱发冈底斯弧前伸展形成现今保存在缝合带中的蛇绿岩。  相似文献   

A suite of samples collected from the uppermost part of the plutonic section of the oceanic crust formed at the southern East Pacific Rise and exposed at the Pito Deep has been examined. These rocks were sampled in situ by ROV and lie beneath a complete upper crustal section providing geological context. This is only the second area (after the Hess Deep) in which a substantial depth into the plutonic complex formed at the East Pacific Rise has been sampled in situ and reveals significant spatial heterogeneity in the plutonic complex. In contrast to the uppermost plutonic rocks at Hess Deep, the rocks studied here are generally primitive with olivine forsterite contents mainly between 85 and 88 and including many troctolites. The melt that the majority of the samples crystallized from was aggregated normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). Despite this high Mg# clinopyroxene is common despite model predictions that clinopyroxene should not reach the liquidus early during low-pressure crystallization of MORB. Stochastic modeling of melt crystallisation at various levels in the crust suggests that it is unlikely that a significant melt mass crystallized in the deeper crust (for example in sills) because this would lead to more evolved shallow level plutonic rocks. Similar to the upper plutonic section at Hess Deep, and in the Oman ophiolite, many samples show a steeply dipping, axis-parallel, magmatic fabric. This suggests that vertical magmatic flow is an important process in the upper part of the seismic low velocity zone beneath fast-spreading ridges. We suggest that both temporal and spatial (along-axis) variability in the magmatic and hydrothermal systems can explain the differences observed between the Hess Deep and Pito Deep plutonics. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In east-central Finland, Archaean terrains present three main lithologic units: a) gneissic basement, emplaced from 2.86 G.a. to 2.62 G.a., b) greenstone belt (2.65 G.a.) and c) calc-alkaline magmatism (2.50 G.a. to 2.40 G.a). Twenty three rocks of the calc-alkaline suite have been chosen for geochronologic and Rb-Sr isotopic studies. These rocks are subdivided into three groups: 1) acid volcanics from Luoma, 2) augen gneiss from Arola, and 3) post kinematik pink leucogranite from Arola. The 2.50±0.10 G.a. age of the Luoma volcanics indicates that they represent the upper part of a greenstone belt composed of a single sequence of volcanic rocks. The ages, initial 87Sr/86Sr (ISr) and major element compositions of the augen gneisses of Arola and Suomussalmi indicate that these rocks are the plutonic equivalents of the Luoma acid volcanics. The Arola pink leucogranite marks the terminal phase of Archaean magmatic activity (from 2.86 G.a. to 2.41 G.a.). This was followed by at least 0.40 G.a. of quiescence. The ISr and major element compositions suggest that the genesis of the calc-alkaline magmatic rocks involved crustal materials, but all their geochemical features cannot be explained without the participation of mafic greenstone belt materials. The first crustal components had low I and low K2O/ Na2O ratios while the younger ones (calc-alkaline magmas) had medium to high ISr and high K2O/Na2O ratios. Thus the petrogenetic processes have changed with time from ensimatic to ensialic, implying major reworking of preexisting crustal materials. This evolution leads to the accretion of the continental crust from the mantle.  相似文献   

Summary The barite-pyrite-(Pb-Zn-Ag) deposit of Pollone is located in the southernmost tip of the Apuane Alps metamorphic core complex, and is hosted by a siliciclastic formation of pre-Norian age. The southern sector of the deposit mainly consists of stratiform, supposedly syngenetic, barite-pyrite orebodies, whereas the northern area is characterized by a barite-pyrite-(Pb-Zn-Ag) vein system. Vein geometry in the northern area is controlled by a shear zone, developed during the greenschist facies metamorphism which affected the Apuane Alps core complex between 27 and 8 Ma, that was responsible for fluid focusing and vein emplacement. At Pollone, arsenopyrite and chlorite geothermometers show broadly comparable results, and suggest local metamorphic peak temperatures between 320 and 350°C. Phengite geobarometry indicates minimum pressures of about 3.5 kbar. Fluid inclusion data and mineral equilibria suggest that the mineralizing fluids were initially hotter than the country rocks (about 450°C at 3.5–4.0 kbar). Rocks in direct contact with the orebodies are depleted in Rb and enriched in Sr in comparison to similar rocks elsewhere in the area. This is attributed to the presence of Rb-poor muscovite and Sr-rich barite. Rb-depleted muscovites suggest mineral-fluid interaction in a rock reservoir characterized by a different (modal) mineralogical composition than the Pollone host rocks. The progressive decrease of Sr in barite with increasing distance from the orebodies may be explained with a temperature decrease along the infiltration paths of mineralizing fluids (i.e., from the vein into the wall rocks). The similar O-isotope composition of quartz from veins and host rocks is explained with the overall homogeneous O-isotope composition of the Alpi Apuane basement rocks. This indicates a limited interaction between mineralizing fluids and the rocks exposed at Pollone. Remobilization of syngenetic orebodies was conceivably of minor importance in the production of metamorphogenec veins. Fluid cooling along a major tectonic lineament is thought to be responsible for barite deposition.
Die metamorphogenen Baryt-Pyrit (Pb-Zn-Ag) Gänge von Pollone, Apuanische Alpen, Toskana: Geometrie der Gänge, Geothermobarometrie, Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse und Geochemie
Zusammenfassung Die Baryt-Pyrit (Pb-Zn-Ag) Lagerstätte von Pollone liegt im südlichsten Ende des metamorphen Kern-Komplexes der Apuanischen Alpen, und sitzt in einer siliziklastischen Formation prä-Norischen Alters auf. Der südliche Sektor der Lagerstätte besteht hauptsächlich aus stratiformen, wahrscheinlich syngenetischen Baryt-Pyrit-Erzkörpern, während der nördliche Teil des Gebietes durch ein Baryt-Pyrit (Pb-Zn-Ag) Gangsystem charakterisiert wird. Die Geometrie der Gänge im Nordteil wird durch eine Scherzone kontrolliert, die während einer grünschieferfaziellen Metamorphose entstanden ist, die den Kernkomplex der Apuanischen Alpen zwischen 27 und 8 Ma betroffen hat. Diese Scherzone war auch für die Zufuhr der Fluide und die Platznahme der Gänge verantwortlich. In Pollone zeigen Arsenopyrit- und Chlorit-Geothermometrie weithin vergleichbare Ergebnisse und weisen auf lokale Maximaltemperaturen der Metamorphose zwischen 320 und 350°C hin. Phengit-Geobarometrie läßt Minimal-Drucke von ungefähr 3,5 kbar erkennen. Fluidflüssigkeitseinschluß-Daten und Mineral-Gleichgewichte zeigen, daß die erzbringenden Fluide ursprünglich heißer als die Wirtsgesteine waren (ca. 450 °C für P von 3,5 bis 4 kbar). Gesteine, die im direkten Kontakt mit den Erzkörpern sind, zeigen eine Anreicherung an Rb und eine Anreicherung an Sr, im Vergleich mit ähnlichen Gesteinen, die im Gebiet anzutreffen sind. Dies wird auf das Vorkommen von Rb-armen Muscovit und Sr-reichen Baryt zurückgeführt. An Rbabgereicherte Muscovite legen Mineral-Fluid-Reaktionen nahe, die in einem Gesteinsreservoir abliefen, das durch eine andere mineralogische Zusammensetzung als die Wirtsgesteine von Pollone charakterisiert war. Der zunehmende Verlust von Sr im Baryt mit zunehmender Entfernung von den Erzkörpern, kann durch einen Temperaturabfall entlang der Infitrations-Pfade der erzführenden Lösungen erklärt werden (d.h. von Gang in die Nebengeseine). Die ähnliche Sauerstoff-Isotopen-Zusammensetzung für Quarz aus den Gängen und den Nebengesteinen läßt sich auf die allgemein homogene Sauerstoffisotopen-Signatur des Basements der Apuanischen Alpen zurückführen. Dies weist auf beschränkte Wechselwirkung zwischen erzführenden Lösungen und den in Pollone anstehenden Gesteinen hin. Die Remobilisation von syngenetischen Erzkörpern in Pollone war nur von geringer Bedeutung für die Entstehung der metamorphogenen Gänge. Abkühlung der Fluide an einem wichtigen tektonischen Lineament gilt als Ursache für den Absatz von Baryt.

苟龙龙  张立飞 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2271-2280
古南天山洋闭合过程中,由于洋壳俯冲产生的岛弧岩浆作用加热大陆地壳,在新疆西南天山木扎尔特一带形成了一套低压高温泥质麻粒岩相变质岩石.本文用Theriak-Domino热力学软件对该套岩石中的堇青石榴夕线石黑云母片麻岩和含夕线石堇青石榴黑云母片麻岩进行了岩石学相平衡计算研究,得到它们峰期变质的温压条件分别是:T=630~674℃,P=5.2~5.5kbar和T=645~684℃,P=5.4~5.7kbar.并采用独居石Th-U-Pb电子探针定年方法,对样品WQ006中的3颗独居石进行了原位年龄测定(38个分析点),得到2组等时线年龄,分别是376±8Ma和280σ8Ma(2σ).结合独居石的岩相学特征,提出了新疆西南天山低压高温麻粒岩相峰期变质作用的时代为280±8Ma,而376±8Ma(2σ)可能为原沉积岩的原岩/成岩年龄.表明西南天山洋壳开始俯冲发生在晚古生代,进一步证明了西南天山造山带俯冲碰撞发生在晚二叠纪之后的观点.  相似文献   

A high-pressure, relatively low-temperature metamorphic complex is exposed at Motalafjella, Spitsbergen. White mica concentrates from the complex record variably discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra in which apparent ages systematically increase throughout low-temperature portions of the analyses and define intermediate- and high-temperature plateaux. Phengitic concentrates record plateau ages of c. 470 Ma whereas paragonitic concentrates yield c. 460 Ma plateaux. These ages are interpreted to date diachronous cooling through different argon closure temperatures following the high-pressure metamorphism. The slight discordance displayed in low-temperature portions of the experiments is interpreted to reflect a partial rejuvenation of intracrystalline argon systems during an c. 400–425 Ma thermal overprint associated with late Caledonian tectonothermal activity. White mica concentrates and associated whole-rocks yield Rb---Sr mineral + whole-rock ages from 457 ± 11 Ma to 474 ± 11 Ma. These are interpreted to date post-metamorphic cooling through Sr blocking temperatures. Because similar ages are recorded by both K---Ar and Rb---Sr isotopic systems, relatively rapid post-metamorphic cooling is implied. This and relatively rapid depressurization during uplift indicate that the 40Ar/39Ar and Rb---Sr mineral ages likely closely date the peak metamorphism.

The high pressure complex is unconformably overlain by variably cleaved, Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian flysch which was deformed into regional recumbent folds prior to deposition of unconformably overlying Early Devonian molasse. Two penetratively cleaved slate samples display internally discordant 40Ar/39Ar whole-rock age spectra with ages increasing from c. 100 Ma to c. 470 Ma. The spectral discordance is interpreted to reflect the combined effects of: (1) a polymineralic character: (2) a detrital source similar in age to the Motalafjella complex; and (3) a partial, post-Paleozoic thermal rejuvenation of the detrital mica argon systems. No thermal overprint associated with Late Silurian cleavage formation appears to be recorded. This agrees with textural characteristics which suggest that the cleavage largely developed through pressure-solution assisted, grain-boundary sliding.  相似文献   


为探究气候变化背景下不同年龄马尾松(Pinus massoniana)生长规律及其对气候变化的响应, 本研究以缙云山不同年龄马尾松为分析对象, 运用树木年代学原理及方法, 建立小龄树(1971~2020年)和大龄树(1940~2020年)马尾松树轮宽度年表, 并计算胸径处断面积生长量(BAI); 分析近40年来不同年龄马尾松生长变化状况及树轮宽度年表与气象因子之间的关系。结果表明: 气候变暖背景下, 不同年龄马尾松生长均受到一定阻碍, 1983~2013年间, 大、小龄树BAI显著下降。与1980~2020年间气候因子的相关分析表明, 两龄级马尾松生长均受到第二次高生长期温度的影响, 具体表现为与当年9月平均最高温, 上年及当年9月平均温呈显著负相关; 小龄树马尾松生长还受限于生长季降水条件, 对降水更敏感; 表现为与当年第二次高生长期(9~10月)、上年5月、10月及当年10月降水呈显著正相关。研究结果为未来气候变暖背景下马尾松林的合理经营与管理提供了一定的理论依据。


A better understanding of genesis and palaeoenvironmental setting of the Scisti silicei Formation (Lagonegro units, southern Italy) was achieved by means of geochemical analysis integrated with new stratigraphic information. Data show that major and trace element geochemistry of ancient clay-rich beds and banded cherts add new insights into the Mesozoic evolution of the Lagonegro basin. Sedimentary contributions to Jurassic shales sampled during this study were mainly derived from two major sources: (i) a dominant terrigenous fine-grained component, having affinity with average upper continental crust that had not undergone intense weathering and (ii) biogenic siliceous material. The latter component occurs in clay-rich layers from the “basal member” of the Scisti silicei Formation.

Composition varies up section and accounts for changes in the detrital supply due to bathymetric oscillations. The compositional variations from the basal to the overlying member are consistent with a distal source passing in time to a more “proximal” source, as indicated by sharp changes in the concentrations of detrital elements (Ti, Zr and Nb). It is likely that increased detrital input occurred through turbidity current deposition. Finally, the chemical features of the clay-rich layers from the upper cherty portion of the studied succession imply a progressive deepening of the basin.

The lack of any mafic and hydrothermal contributions in the Jurassic shales as well as the continental nature of detrital input suggests that the Lagonegro basin was located between two carbonate platforms, in accordance with the classical restoration of the African–Apulian palaeomargin. Thus, the basin acted as a preferential sink connected to the African cratonic areas through a southern entry point.  相似文献   

Summary Secondary minerals of a 91 meters-thick sequence of pillow basalts cored during ODP Leg 195 (Site 1201, West Philippine Basin) were investigated to reconstruct the hydrothermal alteration history and regime. The basement was first buried by red clays, and then by a thick turbidite sequence, thereby isolating it from seawater. The basalts are primitive to moderately fractionated, texturally variable from hypocrystalline and spherulitic to intersertal, sub-ophitic and intergranular. Relic primary minerals are plagioclase, clinopyroxene and opaques. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalts, generating secondary clay minerals (mostly glauconite, minor Al-saponite and Fe-beidellite), iddingsite, Ca–Na-zeolites, minor alkali-feldspar and calcite. The secondary mineral paragenesis and mutual relationships suggest that the hydrothermal alteration occurred under zeolite-facies conditions, at temperatures <100–150°C. The main phase of alteration occurred under oxidizing conditions, with a high seawater/rock ratio, in an open-circulation regime, at temperatures of 30–60°C, with precipitation of abundant glauconite and iddingsite. A later stage of alteration occurred at ca. 70°C, with precipitation of abundant Ca–Na-zeolites and minor calcite, in a more restricted circulation regime as a consequence of basement burial under the sedimentary cover, which supplied an altered, Ca-rich and Mg–K-sulfate-poor water causing precipitation of almost pure calcite.  相似文献   

Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), we have examined the mechanism of adsorption and reduction of gold solutions on sulphides. KAuIIICl4 solutions are quickly adsorbed on the sulphide surfaces, and the Au(III) is quickly reduced to Au(0). Monolayer Au coverage is attained within one minute. The reduction is auto-catalyzed and Au metal grows on the surface. SEM photographs clearly show agglomerates of gold unevenly distributed on the surface. Specific sites of abnormally high Au concentration are found. We propose possible mechanisms for the adsorption and reduction. Our results suggest that adsorption of Au(III) and Au(I) by sulphide minerals, followed by reduction, could play an important role in the deposition of gold in natural systems especially at low temperature and low gold solution concentrations.  相似文献   

大村和古龙岩体产于扬子地块与华夏地块拼合带的西南段,对剖析华南区域构造演化具有重要的地质意义。对大村和古龙岩体的石英闪长岩样品进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为438±1Ma和435±2Ma,说明2个岩体均形成于加里东期。大村和古龙岩体具有钙碱性、准铝质-过铝质特征的Ⅰ型花岗岩。锆石的εHf(t) 值主要集中在0~+4之间,二阶段模式年龄 (TDM2) 主要集中在1.15~1.45Ga之间,指示物源主要来自中元古代新生的基性下地壳物质。根据大村和古龙岩体的地球化学、Hf同位素组成、岩体发育暗色微粒包体等特征,结合区域地质情况,认为其是在陆内碰撞造山期后伴随岩石圈局部伸展-减薄,软流圈高温地幔物质上涌,导致中元古代新生的基性下地壳部分熔融形成的酸性岩浆和幔源岩浆在源区不同程度的混合形成母岩浆,随后又经历了一定程度的分异演化最终固结成岩。  相似文献   

The La Hague region of northwest France exposes Palaeo-Proterozoic Icartian gneisses which were reworked and intruded by calc-alkaline plutonic rocks during the Cadomian Orogeny (about 700–500 Ma). 40Ar/39Ar mineral cooling ages have been determined to clarify the timing of the regional metamorphism of orthogneisses and the emplacement of quartz diorite plutons in this region. Metamorphic amphiboles within Icartian gneisses display discordant 40Ar/39Ar apparent age spectra interpreted to result from limited Variscan (about 350–300 Ma) overprinting of intracrystalline argon systems which initially cooled through post-metamorphic hornblende closure temperatures during the Cadomian at about 600 Ma. Igneous hornblendes from the weakly foliated Jardeheu and Moulinet quartz diorites record isotope correlation ages of 599 ± 2 and 561 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Igneous hornblende and biotite from foliated quartz diorite on the nearby Channel Island of Alderney record isotope correlation ages of about 560 Ma. The results imply that metamorphic and plutonic events in the La Hague-Alderney region were approximately contemporaneous with those recorded on Guernsey and Sark, which are thus likely to have formed part of the same tectonic block during the Cadomian Orogeny.  相似文献   

Modal analysis, bulk-rock geochemistry and phase chemistry of sandstones of the Miocene Fat'ha and Injana formations, northern Iraq, show that the clastics were derived from heterogeneous sources that include basic igneous and metamorphic rocks as well as older sedimentary rocks. The sandstones are generally carbonate-rich lithic arenites. Their geochemistry supports the petrographic results and indicates that they are all Fe-rich, lithic or quartz arkosic sandstones. According to geochemical data, garnets are derived from metamorphic sources, hornblende is of igneous origin, and clinopyroxenes, are produced by basic igneous rocks. Epidote is most probably to be a product of disintegration of metamorphic rocks, essentially, metamorphosed igneous rocks. Rutile geochemistry implies low-grade metamorphic and basic to ultrabasic igneous sources. Chemical composition of chromian spinels indicates that they are derived from Alpine-type peridotite. The ophiolitic-radiolarite belts of Taurus-Zagros as well as the uplifted Cretaceous and Paleocene strata of north and northeastern Iraq are likely to be the major source of clastics to the Fat'ha–Injana basin, a foreland basin formed as a result of the continental Arabian and Turkish/Iranian plates collision.  相似文献   

A new study of Black Mesa pluton (Henry Mountains, Colorado Plateau, Utah, USA) indicates that it is a classic example of a small upper-crustal pluton assembled over a few years by incremental amalgamation of discrete magma pulses. The results of our petrostructural study of the pluton interior allow us to constrain the geometry, kinematics and timing of the processes. The symmetric internal fabric is interpreted as an evidence for a feeding by below and not laterally. The observed rotation of the lineation, from WNW–ESE on the very top to NNE–SSW below, lead us to propose that the fabric at the base of the pluton is a record of magma infilling process, and the fabric at the very top is a record of the strain due to the relative movement between magma and wallrocks. A consequence is that except at the contact between pluton and wallrocks (top and margins), the stretching direction, recorded by the lineation, is not parallel to the flow direction of the magma i.e. displacement. The Black Mesa pluton is a sheeted laccolith on its western edge and a bysmalith on its eastern edge. This E–W asymmetry in pluton geometry/construction and the symmetrical internal fabric indicates that the apparently different west and east growth histories could have occurred simultaneously. Our field data indicate pluton growth through an asymmetric vertical stacking of sill-like horizontal magma sheets.One-dimensional thermal models of the pluton provide maximum limits on the duration of its growth. We have constrained the number, the thickness, and the frequency of magma pulses with our structural observations, including: (1) the emplacement of the pluton by under-accretion of successive magma pulses, (2) the absence of solid-state deformation textures at internal contacts, and (3) the apparent absence of significant recrystallization in the wallrocks. Our results suggest that the emplacement of the Black Mesa pluton was an extremely rapid event, with a maximum duration on the order of 100 years, which requires a minimum vertical displacement rate of the wallrocks immediately above the pluton greater than 2 m/yr. Finally, our data show that the rates of plutonic and volcanic processes could be similar, a significant result for interpretation of magma transfer in arc systems.  相似文献   

J. Lu  P. K. Seccombe  D. Foster  A. S. Andrew 《Lithos》1996,38(3-4):147-165
40Ar/39Ar dating of metamorphic biotite and alteration muscovite from the auriferous veins and host rocks at the Hill End goldfield, N.S.W., Australia, has distinguished four major geological events, including the timing of gold mineralization. The earliest hydrothermal event occurred during the Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny (370–380 Ma) and resulted in the formation of quartz veins barren of Au. A second and major episode of vein emplacement occurred in the Early Carboniferous during the principal phase of metamorphism and deformation at 359–363 Ma. This was followed by Au accumulation in two stages: (1) after the major phases of quartz deposition, and (2) during and after the development of conspicuous internal vein laminations (˜ 357 Ma and ˜ 343 Ma, respectively). Two sources of fluid are proposed for vein and ore formation. The first is a local metamorphic fluid characterized by δ18OH2O values of 8.9 to 12.5 per mil and δDH2O values of −87 to −90 per mil. The second is a mixed ore fluid with δ18O and δD values in the range of δ18OH2O 8.4 to 11 per mil and δDH2O of −49 to −36 per mil. Progressive entry of this second fluid, sourced from trough-fill or deeper crustal rocks, is linked closely to cycles of gold precipitation at Hill End.  相似文献   

位于铜陵地区狮子山矿田的朝山金矿是长江中下游成矿带少有的矽卡岩型独立金矿床,成矿与白芒山辉石闪长岩有关,绝大多数金矿体产于白芒山辉石闪长岩与中三叠统南陵湖组灰岩的接触带上.辉石闪长岩中三个角闪石单矿物样品的40Ar/39Ar激光阶段加热分析给出了很好的坪年龄,年龄值介于139.7±0.3~138.3±0.6Ma(2σ),代表白芒山岩体冷却到500~550℃(氩同位素在角闪石中的封闭温度)的年龄.根据角闪石40Ar/39Ar年龄和前人获得的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄(142.9Ma)以及Ar同位素和U-Pb体系在角闪石和锆石中的封闭温度,计算出白芒山岩体冷却速率大约为100℃/Ma.由于氢同位素在角闪石中的封闭温度与朝山金矿的成矿温度非常接近,因此,上述40Ar/39Ar年龄可以代表朝山金矿的成矿年龄.白芒山辉石闪长岩具有富碱、高钠、准铝质、富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素、亏损重稀土元素和高场强元素的地球化学特点,其Sr-Nd同位素组成((87Sr/86Sr)I=0.706598~0.707460,εNd(t)=-7.78~-8.12)与铜陵及邻区同时代或稍晚时候的辉长岩和玄武岩非常相似.以上地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素特征暗示白芒山辉石闪长岩起源于富集岩石圈地幔的部分熔融,并经历了一定程度的分离结晶和地壳混染作用.矿石矿物的硫同位素组成(δ34S= 6.2‰~ 9.3‰)呈偏离零值的塔式分布,富集34S,可能是岩浆硫与中石炭统和/或中三叠统膏盐层混合的产物.矿石中脉石矿物方解石的C-O同位素与矿区三叠系海相碳酸盐明显不同,而与地幔原始碳酸岩相似,反映成矿流体中碳(主要是CO2的形式)的来源以深源为主,与含矿岩体成因研究得出的认识一致.对区域成岩成矿年代学及岩浆活动与成矿作用特点的分析认为,朝山金矿形成于岩石圈伸展的构造背景;强烈的岩石圈伸展及玄武质岩浆底侵为铜陵矿地区大规模岩浆活动及成矿作用提供了必要的动力学环境,也为成矿作用带来了丰富的热能、流体及金属成矿元素.  相似文献   

李强  温珍河  侯方辉  朱晓青  孙军 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1784-1796
通过矿物化学、全岩主微量元素和铂族元素研究,结合锆石年代学判断苏鲁造山带仰口蛇纹岩的原岩成因和演化历史。蛇纹岩中尖晶石经历了多阶段变质;全岩主量元素具有超基性堆晶岩的性质,代表玄武质组分含量的Ca O+Al_2O_3变化于2.0%~5.83%之间;部分不相容微量元素富集;铂族元素中Ir的含量低(0.64×10~(-9)~1.43×10~(-9)),Pd/Ir值高(1.05~3.42)。蛇纹岩中的锆石一部分为新形成的变质成因锆石(年龄平均为230±3Ma),与高压-超高压变质的年代吻合;另一部分可能是在三叠纪变质阶段古老锆石重结晶形成的。由此认为,仰口蛇纹岩的原岩可能为超基性堆晶岩,三叠纪时随着俯冲的扬子板块发生变质,在发生蛇纹石化作用之前经历了熔体/流体的改造。  相似文献   

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