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我国海岛资源开发利用在环境、管理和经济等方面存在诸多问题。环境问题主要包括:海岛及其周围海域生物多样性的丧失,海岛淡水资源紧张,周围海域环境污染,陆海通道和围海工程造成海域自然环境状况改变;管理问题主要包括:海岛管理体制不健全,海岛资源权属不清,海岛开发管理法规不完善;经济问题主要包括:海岛地区经济基础薄弱,海岛开发产业布局不合理。最后提出我国海岛资源开发利用应该:建立有效的海岛综合管理体系和机构;因地制宜开发利用海岛资源;增加海岛资金投入,逐步扩大海岛对外开放力度;大力发展海岛科教事业,实施人才战略。  相似文献   

正我国海域辽阔,海岛资源丰富。我国共有海岛1.1万余个,海岛总面积约占陆地面积的0.8%。海岛作为自然资源的重要组成部分,是保护海洋环境、维护海洋生态平衡的基础平台,是壮大海洋经济、拓宽发展空间的重要依托。近年来,海域海岛管理工作取得了一定的成绩,但也面临着一些新问题与新挑战。如何进一步加强海域海岛保护,规划海域海岛开发利用活动?记者就此专  相似文献   

莫萍 《南方国土资源》2010,(8):I0002-I0002
<正>为保护广西海岛及其周边海域生态系统,合理开发利用海岛资源,维护国家海岛权益,促进北部湾区域海洋经济可持续发展,中国海监南海总队、广西区总队共  相似文献   

我国第一部加强海岛保护与管理、规范海岛开发利用秩序的法律《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》经十一届全国人大常委会第十二次会议审议通过,并于2010年3月1日起施行。该法的颁布实施,目的是规范海岛的开发和利用秩序,特别是保护海岛的生态环境,维护国家的海洋权益,可以说该法是呵护我国海岛的"防护栏"。为了帮助读者了解和学习该法,本刊特邀中国国土资源经济研究院研究员王永生从立法背景、出台意义与基本原则等几个方面解读该法。广西是临海的省份,《中华人民共和国海岛保护法》的实施对广西具有特殊意义。如何贯彻该法?本栏目还刊发广西国土资源厅海域管理处曹淑萍同志的相关文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

广西是全国唯一沿海的少数民族自治区,海洋资源丰富,岛屿众多.据最新调查资料显示,目前广西的海岛总数为624个,总面积72.76平方公里,岸线总长472.64.公里.在行政上分属北海市、钦州市和防城港市管辖,其中北海市68个、钦州市303个、防城港市253个.随着经济建设步伐的不断加快,沿海地区土地资源日益匮乏,海洋开发程度不断加深,近岸海域面积不断缩小,海岛作为维系海洋生态平衡的重要领地,显得弥足珍贵,因此,合理开发利用海岛资源对促进广西沿海经济可持续发展、保护海洋生态环境将起到积极作用.  相似文献   

广西是全国唯一沿海的少数民族自治区,海洋资源丰富,岛屿众多。据最新调查资料显示,目前广西的海岛总数为624个,总面积72.76平方公里,岸线总长472.64公里。在行政上分属北海市、钦州市和防城港市管辖,其中北海市68个、钦州市303个、防城港市253个。随着经济建设步伐的不断加快,沿海地区土地资源日益匮乏,海洋开发程度不断加深,近岸海域面积不断缩小,海岛作为维系海洋生态平衡的重要领地,显得弥足珍贵,因此,合理开发利用海岛资源对促进广西沿海经济可持续发展、保护海洋生态环境将起到积极作用。  相似文献   

根据全国最新海岛资源综合调查,我国拥有面积在500平方米以上的岛屿6,961个,其中无人居住的岛屿6,528个,无居民海岛占海岛总数的94%。而长期以来,我国海岛管理滞后,海岛开发秩序较乱,资源环境破坏日益加重。针对这些不利情况,国家海洋局、民政部、解放军总参谋部联合颁发了《无居民  相似文献   

正7月4日,海南省海洋与渔业厅公布《海南省无居民海岛开发利用审批办法》(以下简称《办法》),明确单位或个人申请开发利用无居民海岛,应向省级海洋行政主管部门提出申请,并提交无居民海岛开发利用申请书、具体方案和项目论证报告。海南省要求,编制无居民海岛开发利用具体方案应依据有关法律法规、规划、技术标准和规范,合理确定用岛面积、用岛方式和布局、开发强度等,集约节约利用海岛资源。无居民海岛开发  相似文献   

海域水质对海洋环境保护起着至关重要的作用,通过海水环境评价能够正确反映海水环境质量和污染状况.本文采用模糊数学方法通过一级、二级模糊评价对防城港湾海域的水质状况进行分析评价,为该海域的保护区管理和水域资源开发利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

南海我国可管辖的海域面积近 2 0 0万km2 ,具有丰富的生物、油气、矿产等资源 ,是我国经济与社会可持续发展的强大支持和保障因素 ,具有海域面积大、资源丰富、区位优势明显、未来开发潜力大等特点。应从强化“寸海寸金”的海洋国土意识出发 ,通过创新管理体制和运行机制 ,建立强有力的海上统一执法队伍 ,按照统一规划、相对集中、由远及近的原则实施重点区域开发战略 ,全面提升南海国土资源开发利用的水平和效益  相似文献   

水道是连接两侧大陆或岛屿的狭长水域,是水上的生命线。在海洋中,水道通常与岛屿相伴而生,特别在礁体丛生的海域,岛礁与水道间的关系更为微妙,岛礁的价值在某些方面体现在其对水道安全的影响。本文以岛礁和水道的空间配置为出发点,提出基于Voronoi图的岛礁水道空间配置模型,利用岛礁对水道的控制强度,从水道的安全角度,描述岛礁的价值。最后,利用相关数据计算岛礁对水道的控制范围及强度,对岛礁与水道间的空间配置关系进行探讨。结果表明,空间配置关系是影响岛礁对水道的控制的重要因素,在空间相互关系的制约下岛礁的区位优势更能凸现其对水道的有效控制。该模型对海洋中岛礁分布区的水道安全及岛礁价值的研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

THELANDRESOURCEANDLANDUSEOFHONGKONG①YeShunzan(叶舜赞)InstituteofGeography,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100101,P.R.China(Re...  相似文献   

厦门市土地利用年际变化遥感分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用多步骤遥感图像分类以及后分类变化检测方法所得到的厦门市1989、1995和2000年的图像分类图及土地利用变化转换矩阵,查明了厦门市1989~2000年的土地利用变化:城乡建设用地、耕地以及林地/园地等主要用地类型的面积及变化;大量耕地被城市扩展侵占,数量不断减少,质量不断下降。分析认为,工业化和城市化的发展、人口的增长以及自然地理条件等因素是厦门市土地利用发生变化的主要驱动力。研究表明,利用3S技术可以快速有效地对城市土地利用年际变化进行动态监测,揭示城市土地利用动态变化的特点及其内在规律,为城市规划和政府决策部门提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Hainan Provine, with an land area of 34,170 km2, is the largest economic district for external development in China. With the further deepening of reform and openning up, some new problems of land resource exploitation and use have arisen. The changing tendency of land use is estimated as follows: Land use in economic exploitation, city development and traffic will be increased rapidly; hydraulic construction will occupy a part of land; the use of wasteland is increasing; and the total farmland and per capital farmland will decrease continously. In 2000, the occupied land should be controlled in 5 million mu (1 mu=1/ 15 ha), in which farmland is 160,000 mu. The farmland should be maintained in 6.5 million mu. Some measures to implement the strategy and object of land use are put forward: enhancing land management and administration; excuting land policy and making land management mechanism active; enhancing the efficiency of land use; and control the growth of population strictly.  相似文献   

Labile organic carbon(LOC) and carbon management index(CMI), which are sensitive factors to the changes of environment, can improve evaluating the effect of land management practices changes on soil quality. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of land use types and landscape positions on soil quality as a function of LOC and CMI. A field study in a small watershed in the red soil hilly region of southern China was conducted, and soil samples were collected from four typical lands(pine forest(PF) on slope land, barren hill(BH) on slope land, citrus orchard(CO) on terrace land and Cinnarnornum Camphora(CC) on terrace land) at a sampling depth of 20 cm. Soil nutrients, soil organic carbon(SOC), LOC and CMI were measured. Results showed that the LOC and CMI correlated to not only soil carbon but also soil nutrients, and the values of LOC and CMI in different land use types followed the order CC PF CO BH at the upperslope, while CO CC BH PF at mid-slope and down-slope. With respect to slope positions, the values of LOC and CMI in all the lands were followed the order: upper-slope down-slope midslope. As whole, the mean values of LOC and CMI in different lands followed the order CC CO PF BH. High CMI and LOC content were found in the terrace lands with broadleaf vegetations. These results indicated that the terracing and appropriate vegetations can increase the carbon input and lability and decrease soil erosion. However, the carbon pools and CMI in these lands were significantly lower than that in reference site. This suggested that it may require a long time for the soil to return to a highquality. Consequently, it is an efficient way to adopt the measures of terracing and appropriate vegetations planting in improving the content of LOC and CMI and controlling water and soil loss in fragile ecosystems.  相似文献   

Adaptability theory is an important tool to analyze the degree, mechanism and process of interaction between human and environment, which provides a new perspective for the research of sustainability assessment. Based on the entropy weight-TOPSIS method and the panel Tobit model from the perspective of adaptability, spatio-temporal difference and influencing factors of environmental adaptability assessment of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area was measured by using the city panel data from 2000 to 2014. The results indicate that: 1) The environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area rose slowly from 2000 to 2014, the developing trend of each city was linearly related, and Dalian was in a leading position. 2) The different adaptability elements and adaptability subsystem show polarization phenomenon and completely different regional evolution characteristics. The adaptability of human-sea environment system and human-sea economic system rose slowly and had the characteristics of linear relationship, and the adaptability of human-sea environment system is the main reason for the difference of environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system. 3) Science and technology, environmental management, marine economic development level, port construction are the driving factors of the healthy development of environmental adaptability of urban human-sea economic system.  相似文献   

采用求解地壳单层密度变化的一般公式,导出其平面近似公式并给出了相应的数值计算方法。在此基础上,将点位错引起的地表形变和重力变化同时解析延拓至Bjerhammar球面上,得到了点位错引起的地壳单层密度变化的图像。分析表明:①单层密度变化图像与地表形变、重力变化图像相似;②地表形变对单层密度变化的影响比地表重力变化要大;③若点位错引起地表重力变化为10-6~10-7m/s2量级、高程变化为0.1~1m量级,则单层密度变化可达103~104kg/m2量级;④单层密度变化在隆升区为正,沉降区为负  相似文献   

The desertification process is rapidly developing at present and 61.5% of the land area in the zone are already desertified.Among the desertified lands, 26.9% are seriously desertified, 25% most seriously desertified and 47.4% are the lands where desertification is under way. They are caused by over-reclamation for farming, over-grazing, unreasonable collection of firewood,the destruction of vegetation and the misuse of water resources. Under the ecological environment in semi-arid zone,the degraded environment process possesses the ability of restoring to its original status as soon as the interruption of excessive human activities are eliminated. The fencing- and-self-cultivating method is an effective measure adopted universally in semi-arid zone to cure the desertified lands.The desertified lands can be readjusted and controlled easily if other controlling measures are supplemented. The fundamental ways to control desertification are to utilize rationally the resources, to readjust the existing land  相似文献   

Based on the data of resources,environment and foundation of production,applying principal compo-nents-clustering quantitative analysis,this article divides the maritime space of Changshan Islands into three regions of agricultural-pasturalization,providing a scientific basis for the rational distribution of marine cultivation.The three re-gions are as follows:1)The region of an agricultural-pasturalization in the northern part of maritime space.It includes Da Wangjia and Shicheng islans.The main production is cultivation of prawn and mollusks in sea beach,float raft culture of mussel in shallow sea and scallop ,and breeding of sea cucumber in submarine.2)The region of agricultur-al-pasturalization in the middle western part of maritime space.It includes Da Changshan and Guanglu islands and west-ern part of Xiao Chengshan Island.The man production is folat raft culture of mussel and scallop in shallow sea,and breed-ing of sea cucumber in submarine.3)The region of agricultural-pasturlization of the southeastem part of maritime space.It includes the eastern part of Xiao Chan Island,Haiyang and Zhangzi islands.The main production is breeding of abalone,sea cucumber,algaes and fish.  相似文献   

The urban development is a decisive factor for the landuse of the territory of Hong Kong, as a realm of a world city. A speed-up change of the landuse structure of Hong Kong and some contradictions in the landuse have been revealed after a brief mentioning of the characteristics of the limited land resources of Hong Kong. Hong Kong consists of peninsula and islands dominated by hilly terrain in south subtropical zone, 84% of the total area is slope, unfavorable for urban and agricultural development, only 16% is small plains. The land is barren and water resource is very limited. Urban landuse is taken as the dominant factor. Due to the expansion of the scale of the urban development, and the limitation of the land resource, there is a high degree of the urban land utilization, but the proportions of commercial and industrial landuse are not high, only 1.3% of the total developed land is used for commerce, 6.0% for manufacture industries, the road and railway lands amount to 14.6%. The great efforts were made in reclamation and construction of reservoirs in order to add land and water resources. The arable lands were reduced heavily and the farmlands were wasted seriously. The author proposed some view points on the present and future landuse in Hong Kong as follows: 1) the urban landuse remains as a guiding factor in the landuse of the whole territory of Hong Kong; 2) one of the problems is the fondness for the reconstruction of the old city, loosening up on the new town development; 3) the reclamation is not only very costly, but also causing some negative effects on the eco-environment; 4) the problem of the protection of the farmlands against wasting should be seriously; 5) the development and the landuse for the construction in Hong Kong should be considered with the relationship with the inland, especially Guangdong Province; 6) fully use the convenient condition of the territorial linkage of the city with the mainland, further to bring the role of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone into fully play for solving the landuse problems in the development of Hong Kong. The author is very grateful to Dr. David K. Y. Chu and Dr. Roger Chan for their comments and to Professor Gu Chaolin and Mr. Hu Tianxin for their helps in data collection.  相似文献   

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