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Spectra from 2678-2931 Å were obtained of an active region during the 19 June 1974, flight of the University of Hawaii rocket-borne echelle spectrograph. We report behavior of the Mg i and ii resonance line cores in quiet Sun, plage, sunspot, and filament structures. Among the interesting variations in these lines we discern a strong suppression of the red Mg ii emission peaks and possible rapid changes in the Mg i core in the spatially partially resolved sunspot.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the multiplet structure of lines used for observations of stellar magnetic fields is presented. It is shown that LS-coupling does not hold good for many of the spectroscopic terms of Tiii and Crii and that the magnetic fields observed in several magnetic stars are strong enough to produce transition to the Paschen-Back effect in some of these lines. In order to avoid possible erroneous results it is recommended that only lines originating from Russell-Saunders terms be used for magnetic observations. A list of Tiii, Crii and Fei lines is given which should not be used in measuring strong magnetic fields in magnetic stars.  相似文献   

The white-light corona from 3–9 R s and the XUV (170–500 Å) corona, photographed from a rocket at 1930 UT on 7 March, 1970, are compared with the X-ray corona photographed from a rocket flown at 1900 UT by AS & E, the H Ly- corona obtained during totality by Speer et al., the Fexiv 5303 Å corona from Hawaii, and total eclipse photographs in white-light and infrared.  相似文献   

The periodic variation of the equivalent width of Hei lines and of the magnetic field in six Bp stars is modeled by the oblique rotator model. The position of the magnetic poles and the structure of the helium distribution has been determined from the magnetic field observations and the line strength measurements of the Hei 4026 line. A comparison between the helium surface distribution and the structure of the magnetic field has been carried out.  相似文献   

The line-centre-magnetogram technique has been used to measure the average velocity in magnetic elements in plages and isolated magnetic elements (including dipoles) in Ca ii 8542, Mg i 5183, Fe i 8688 and C i 9111. The velocities vary from 0.6 km s–1 downflow in the line of deepest origin to zero in the highest. The smooth curve obtained by combining these with the results of other investigators is in conformity with Giovanelli's (1977) theory of inflow in the neighborhood of the temperature minimum.This material is based upon research supported by the National Science Foundation under its contract No. AST 74-04129 with the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for management, operation and maintenance of the Kitt Peak National Observatory.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory.  相似文献   

Oscillations in the emission in the ultraviolet lines of Cii, Oiv, and Mg x, detected by the Harvard College Observatory EUV spectroheliometer on Skylab are observed on August 7, 1973, during a loop brightening. The intensity of the EUV lines varies with a period of 141 s during the time of enhanced intensity of the coronal loop, lasting 10 min. The periodic oscillation is not only localized in the loop region but extends over a larger area of the active region, maintaining the same phase. We suggest that the intensity fluctuation of the EUV lines is caused by small-amplitude waves, propagating in the plasma confined in the magnetic loop and that size of the loop might be important in determining its perferential heating in the active region.On leave from the University of Torino, Italy.  相似文献   

The ground state energy of the Heii (singly ionized helium) atom is determined in magnetic fields up to 1012 G. The 13 lowest excited states and bound-bound transition probabilities are calculated in magnetic fields from 107 to 109 G.  相似文献   

Although the Ca ii K232 network is known to be cospatial with magnetic elements there has been doubt as to the magnetic origin of the fainter K2V points. We demonstrate that weak magnetic elements also lie at the roots of the K2V points, and because the latter are numerous they may contribute sensibly to the integrated light profile of Ca ii K.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

As part of a search for possible magnetic transients in the transition region, polarization observations were made in the C iv line at 1548 Å during a flare on 1980, July 13. In contradiction to earlier informal reports, it is not possible to state that magnetic transients of several thousand gauss have really been detected. This conclusion is based primarily on the lack of correlation in the circular polarization signals observed in the two halves of the spectral line and also on the possible effects of rapid fluctuations of intensity, velocity, and line width and shape.  相似文献   

The period of light variationP=1 . d 13316 has been found for the silicon B9 IVp star HD 193722. Spectroscopic study of this star was based on 35 spectrograms with dispersion 4 Å mm–1 well distributed in phase. The measurements of radial velocities of spectral line components for SiII, HeI, EuII, FeII and SrII allowed us to localize several regions on the surface of the star with enhanced abundance of these elements. The phase of maximum light inU, B andV was found to be the same as the phase of maximum Eu abundance. The coincidence of the regions with larger abundance of Si and He in HD 193 722 disagree with the hypothesis of diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field developed by Michaud (1971), to explain the peculiar chemical composition of Ap-stars.HD 193722 is a silicon B9 IVp star for which the magnetic field has not been measured. In the list by Palmeret al. (1962) its rotational velocityV sini is given as 250 kms–1. As will be seen below, this value is too high. Megessier (1971) determined from hydrogen line profiles and continuous spectrumT eff=13 000° and lgg=3.5.The results of photometric and spectroscopic study of HD193722 are given below.  相似文献   

The measurements by Brückner (1963) of the Ca i 4227 polarization at the Sun's limb provides us with a test for the theory of line polarization. Computations are developed taking into account: (a) the transfer polarization, due to the anisotropy of radiation field; (b) the depolarizing collisions acting in the wings. The magnetic field is not taken into account and the theory is not valid in the Doppler core. In the wings a very good fit is obtained, using appropriate source-functions fitting the observed profiles at the center of the disk, and from center to limb.  相似文献   

The Stokes components of He i D3 emission in two quiescent prominences, using full spectral profile measurements, are analyzed to derive vector magnetic fields. Two independently developed schemes, based on the Hanle effect, are used for interpretation. They involve solutions of the statistical equilibrium equations for the He i D3 multiplet, including the effect of coherency and full level crossing, which predict the magnetic field dependence of the observed polarization. Derived magnetic field vector solutions for each pair of linear polarization Stokes profiles corresponding to an observational point in the prominence are, intrinsically, not uniquely determined, and a set of possible solutions is usually obtained. However, mutual consistency of these solutions with those independently predicted by the form of the circular polarized component, allow, in almost all cases, rejection of all solutions of a set except one symmetrical pair. Of such a pair, a unique solution can be determined with a high confidence level by reference to independent potential field information. Field vectors are found usually to be close to horizontal and normal to the prominence surface, but extreme exceptions are found. Field values range from 6 G to 60 G. The derived vectorfield configurations and their magnitudes are briefly discussed relative to these prominences and to different quiescent prominence models.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A series of VLA maps at 6 cm wavelength have been generated from observations of a solar active region (NOAA 2363) on 29 and 30 March, 1980. During the same period, X-ray spectroheliograms were acquired for this region in the lines of O viii, Ne ix, Mg xi, Si xiii, S xv, and Fe xxv, with X-rayn Polychromator (XRP) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). Intervals of relative quiescence (i.e., when X-ray flares and centimeter wave bursts were not evident) were selected for microwave mapping. The resulting VLA maps have spatial resolution of 4 × 4, and generally show two or more sources whose slowly evolving substructures have spatial scales of 10–30. These maps were co-registered with H photographs (courtesy of AF/AWS SOON, Holloman and Ramey AFB) to an accuracy of ± 8. Similarly, the X-ray spectroheliograms have been co-registered with white light photographs to about the same accuracy. Magnetograms from KPNO and MSFC have also been co-aligned, and the magnetic X-ray, and microwave features compared. In general we have found that (a) the peaks of X-ray and 6 cm emission do not coincide, although (b) the sources in the two wavelength domains tend to overlap. These facts in themselves are evidence for the existence of opacity mechanisms other than thermal bremsstrahlung. In order to quantify this assertion, we have computed differential emission measures to derive densities and temperatures. Using these and calculated force-free magnetic fields from Kitt Peak magnetograms, we present an assessment of the mechanism of gyroresonance absorption at low harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency as the source of opacity responsible for the microwave features. We conclude that large-scale currents must be present in the active region loops to account for the bright 6 cm sources far from sunspots.Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Palo Alto: currently at GSFC.Currently at NASA/MSFC.  相似文献   

Global magnetic field calculations, using potential field theory, are performed for Carrington rotations 1601–1610 during the Skylab period. The purpose of these computations is to quantitatively test the spatial correspondence between calculated open and closed field distributions in the solar corona with observed brightness structures. The two types of observed structures chosen for this study are coronal holes representing open geometries and theK-coronal brightness distribution which presumably outlines the closed field regions in the corona. The magnetic field calculations were made using the Adams-Pneuman fixed-mesh potential field code based upon line-of-sight photospheric field data from the KPNO 40-channel magnetograph. Coronal hole data is obtained from AS&E's soft X-ray experiment and NRL's Heii observations and theK-coronal brightness distributions are from HAO'sK-coronameter experiment at Mauna Loa, Hawaii.The comparison between computed open field line locations and coronal holes shows a generally good correspondence in spatial location on the Sun. However, the areas occupied by the open field seem to be somewhat smaller than the corresponding areas of X-ray holes. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed. It is noted that the locations of open field lines and coronal holes coincide with the locations ofmaximum field strength in the higher corona with the closed regions consisting of relatively weaker fields.The general correspondence between bright regions in theK-corona and computed closed field regions is also good with the computed neutral lines lying at the top of the closed loops following the same general warped path around the Sun as the maxima in the brightness. One curious feature emerging from this comparison is that the neutral lines at a given longitude tend systematically to lie somewhat closer to the poles than the brightness maxima for all rotations considered. This discrepancy in latitude increases as the poles are approached. Three possible explanations for this tendency are given: perspective effects in theK -coronal observations, MHD effects due electric currents not accounted for in the analysis, and reported photospheric field strengths near the poles which are too low. To test this latter hypothesis, we artificially increased the line-of-sight photospheric field strengths above 70° latitude as an input to the magnetic field calculations. We found that, as the polar fields were increased, the discrepancy correspondingly decreased. The best agreement between neutral line locations and brightness maxima is obtained for a polar field of about 30 G.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The theory of the oscillations of axisymmetric gaseous configurations with a prevalent magnetic field is presented. The virial tensor method is used to obtain the nine second harmonic modes of oscillations of the system. It is found that out of the nine modes, three are neutral, four are non-radial, and two are coupled. For the Prendergast spherical model it is found that one of the coupled modes is radial and the other non-radial. Both the radial and the non-radial modes obtained in this case agree with the corresponding formulae obtained byChandrasekhar andLimber (1954) andWoltjer (1962).The equilibrium structure of gaseous polytropes with toroidal magnetic fields is also investigated in detail for values of the polytropic indexn=1, 1.5, 2, 3 and 3.5. For this model the components of the moment of intertia and potential energy tensors together with the non-zero components of the supermatrix potential are obtained. The final results in terms of the effect of weak toroidal magnetic fields on the characteristic frequencies of distorted polytropes are presented in the form of tables.  相似文献   

We discuss long-time changes of polar activity of the Sun using the new observational data sets in the optical range during 1872–2001. A study of the secular and cycle variations of the magnetic activity at the high-latitude regions is the main goal that includes polar magnetic field reversals during 1872–2001 and secular changes of the duration of polar activity cycles. The secular increase of the area of polar zones during the minimum activity in the last 120 years and as consequence a decrease of coronal temperature of the Sun in the high-latitude zones during the last 50 years. Correlation between the polar cycles of Caii-K bright points with the Wolf sunspot numbers cycles, W(t), and the 22-year polar magnetic cycles of Caii-K bright points at the high latitudes during 1905–1995 is discussed.  相似文献   

The potential models of the unipolar sunspot magnetic field are calculated on the basis of magnetographic measurements of the magnetic field made in the three spectral lines of different intensities, H, Cai 6103 and Fei 4808. The computed distributions of the magnetic field vector are compared with actual distributions observed at these three levels. It is shown that the electric current density in the spot reaches values up to 105 CGSE in the volume contained between formation depths of two pairs of lines, Fei 4808-Cai 6103 and Fei 4808 - H. Therefore, the magnetic field of the spot deviates strongly from a potential configuration. To the contrary, at higher levels, in the semi-infinite volume restricted at the bottom by the hydrogen H-line, the field appears to be quite close to a potential one.  相似文献   

Mean line bisector positions were found for the neutral iron line at 5250.2 using disk-integrated sunlight. After correction for the apparent time variation of the instrumental profile, it was found that the mean bisector position was constant during the period from May 1982 to February 1983.The correlation between the total magnetic flux as measured at Mount Wilson and the line asymmetry results of Livingston is not high. In particular, the magnetic flux dropped in 1982, suggesting a large line asymmetry that was not observed. However, the correlation between the 30-day average of the mean magnetic field and Livingston's results is quite high (-0.95), suggesting that the asymmetry of the disk-integrated line profile is related to the old plage regions rather than to the active regions.Now at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We have studied the spatial distribution of XUV emission in the 14 August, 1973 loop prominence observed with the NRL spectroheliograph on Skylab. The loop prominence consists of two large loops and is observed in lines from ions with temperatures ranging from 5 × 104 K to 3 × 106 K. The loops seen in low temperature (106K) lines such as from He ii, Ne vii, Mg vii, Mg viii, and Si viii are systematically displaced from loops seen in higher temperature lines such as from Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi. The cross section of the loop, particularly in cooler lines is nearly constant along the loop. For hotter loops in Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi, however, emission at the top of the loop is more intense and extended than that near the footpoints, which makes the loops appear wider at the top.There is no evidence that the 14 August loop prominence consists of a cooler core surrounded by a hot sheath as in some active region and sunspot loops reported by Foukal (1975, 1976). Rather, the observed spatial displacement between cooler and hotter loops suggest that the 14 August loop prominence is composed of many magnetic flux tubes, each with its own temperature.Ball Corporation. Now with NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

The relationship between Doppler shift patterns observed in the transition region and magnetic field patterns observed in the photosphere is studied using coaligned pairs of Civ Dopplergrams and Fei magnetograms. Categories of magnetic features are defined - including neutral lines, unipolar regions, strong field regions, weak field regions, and magnetic boundaries - and from these, magnetic associations are determined for 159 V 0 lines separating areas of relative blueshift and redshift observed in and around active regions. The cases are subdivided on the basis of whether blueshifts or redshifts are observed on the side of the V 0 line nearest the solar limb.Two main results are that V 0 lines associated with neutral lines tend to have limbward blueshifts, while V 0 lines associated with unipolar regions tend to have limbward redshifts. These and other results provide supportive evidence for the active region model proposed recently by Klimchuk, in which relative redshifts occur where strong vertical fields penetrate the surface, and relative blueshifts occur where these same fields have spread out to become horizontal. It is likely that the relative blueshifts correspond to absolute Doppler shifts of very small amplitude, possibly even absolute redshifts.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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