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Several important tectonic episodes stand out in Gondwana's major and microplatemotions: (1) Gondwana assembly; (2) the general movement of Gondwana towards higher latitudes in the Pal˦ozoic; (3) the influence of terranes on Gondwana Mesozoic break-up motions; and (4) Mesozoic-Cenozoic terrane motion along Gondwana's convergent margins. Current palaeomagnetic data indicate that the various fragments of Gondwana were assembled between ∼900 and ∼500 Ma. After assembly, the East Gondwana portion of Gondwana moved from more equatorial latitudes in the Early Pal˦ozoic into much higher latitudes by the Late Pal˦ozoic, whereas that of West Gondwana was the opposite. This overall motion and concomitant climatic change had a profound influence on the pal˦oevolution of different Gondwana faunas and floras in the Pal˦ozoic. During the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, convergence along the Gondwana margin resulted in accretion of various microplates. By the Early to Mid-Jurassic, pal˦omagnetic data suggest that terrane motion along the pal˦o-Pacific margin of Gondwana was related to the initial break-up of the supercontinent. This motion, especially in West Antarctica and New Zealand, caused the intermittent occurrence of palaeoseaways and landbridges between East and West Gondwana. In the Tertiary, collision of India and Africa with Eurasia caused significant local rotations associated with regional deformation.  相似文献   

One of the most relevant characteristics of the Pennsylvanian shallow-water carbonates of the Amazonas Basin is its diverse and well preserved invertebrate fossiliferous assemblages. In order to better understand the origin of these fossil concentrations, taphonomic data were obtained along well exposed areas of the uppermost part of the Monte Alegre Formation and basal part of the Itaituba Formation, which, based on conodonts, fusulinids and palynomorphs is of Atokan age. The taphonomic data focused on invertebrate organisms were supported by petrographic analysis. The understanding of the stacking pattern of the strata in the studied section allowed the identification of five type taphofacies, which contributed in the development of regional palaeoecological models, expressed as block-diagrams. These characterize the distribution of the environmental parameters, the composition of the faunal associations and the distribution and amplitude of the taphonomic processes that created the taphonomic signatures of the bioclastic elements throughout the supratidal to lower intertidal/deep subtidal depositional environments pertinent to the studied depositional environment. The regional palaeoecological models here presented are related to the particularities of the depositional environments of the studied rocks and are exclusive for the characterization of this intracratonic basin set influenced by high frequency climatic variations. Lithofacies, biofacies and taphofacies associations also reflect depositional conditions pertinent to the studied regional context, differing from the elements observed in modern intracratonic contexts analogous to the one studied, from different sedimentary basins around the world. Therefore, invertebrate taphonomy, supported by the analysis of sedimentary facies, fulfills the purposes recommended in this work, demonstrating its potential as a tool for palaeoecological analysis in the Pennsylvanian outcropping section in the southern platform of the Amazonas Basin.  相似文献   

Adsorption of dissolved copper and phosphate by natural and peroxide-treated marine sediments was compared. A three-fold increase in copper adsorption and a six-fold increase in phosphate adsorption was caused by the peroxide treatment. Indigenous organic matter evidently interferes with adsorption.Clay minerals coated with heptadecanoic acid adsorbed somewhat less copper, phosphate, and hexadecane than uncoated clays, but slightly more nonadecanoic acid and anthracene.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1530-1542
In this study, we conducted profile measurements, gravel composition analyses, and U–Pb dating on detrital zircons from a representative glacial marine diamictite in the Gangmaco–Dabure area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block, Tibetan Plateau. We conclude that the diamictite was formed in a glacial marine environment from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the continental slope and deep sea, in what is now the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Four distinct glacial–interglacial cycles were identified in the diamictite, which record a minimum of four stages of Gondwana glaciation in the area of the Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan block. Combined with regional geological information, we also conclude that during the Carboniferous–Permian, sediments containing the glacial marine diamictite derived from Gondwana, in the region extending from India to the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks, recorded the transition from continental, neritic to abyssal environments. Gravel assemblages and U–Pb dating of detrital zircons in the glacial marine diamictite indicate that the provenance of the diamictite was Indian Gondwana. We infer that during the Late Paleozoic, the northern margin of the Indian Gondwana continued to be influenced by the Early Palaeozoic tectonic set-up, when Indian Gondwana was under an erosional regime, and the Tethys Himalaya area, and Lhasa and Southern Qiangtang–Baoshan blocks were deposited on a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

The volcanic rock series on the Fildes Peninsula is the product of the later subduction of the Pacific platebeneath the Antarctic plate. It consists mainly of basalt, basaltic andesite and andesite with minor dacite. Itsisotopic ages range from 64.6±1 to 43±2 Ma, belonging to Palaeocene to Eocene. Volcanism in the area maybe divided into two phases. The contents of major oxides, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements in vol-canic rocks formed in different phases show regular changes, which are mainly related to the rock associationsof these phases. Isotope geochemical studies indicate that the primitive magma in the area originating by par-tial melting in the upper mantle underwent fractional crystallization and ascended to the high-level (shallow)magma chamber. Before eruption the primitive basalt-andesitic magma was subjected to differentiation in thehigh-level magma chamber, forming zones of derivative magmas of different compositions. In various phasesmagma-conducting faults experienced periodic extension and cut through various derivative magma zones indifferent parts of the peninsula, leading to the eruption of magmas of different compositions on the surface andthe formation of volcanic rock associations of corresponding compositions.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):498-507
The Cretaceous marine transgression proceeded through successive steps from the Albian to the Turonian (dated with ammonites). The onlapping wedge begins with coastal transgressive–regressive short-term sequences on massive, probably fluvial sandstones to be correlated with the very thick continental Lower Cretaceous succession found in the Puerto Cansado well in the Tarfaya sub-basin to the north. A second step, of probable Cenomanian age, reached the Palaeozoic basement. A third, more pronounced step occurred during the earliest Turonian with platy laminated limestone overlain by marlstone bearing pyritized ammonites. At early Turonian peak transgression, a marine connection was possibly established between the Atlantic and the Tethyan margins, between the Anti-Atlas and the Reguibat Shield. From large-scale correlation integrating what occurred along the southwestern shoulder of the Atlas rift, the South Moroccan Atlantic margin may have undergone a short-lived tectonic uplift around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first release of an Informational System(IS)devoted to the systematic collection of all available data relating to Pliocene-Quaternary faults in southern East Siberia,their critical analysis and their seismotectonic parameterization.The final goal of this project is to form a new base for improving the assessment of seismic hazard and other natural processes associated with crustal deformation.The presented IS has been exploited to create a relational database of active and conditionally active faults in southern East Siberia(between 100°-114° E and 50°-57° N)whose central sector is characterized by the highly seismic Baikal rift zone.The information within the database for each fault segment is organized as distinct but intercorrelated sections(tables,texts and pictures,etc.)and can be easily visualized as HTML pages in offline browsing.The preliminary version of the database distributed free on disk already highlights the general fault pattern showing that the Holocene and historical activity is quite uniform and dominated by NE-SW and nearly E-W trending faults;the former with a prevailing dip-slip normal kinematics,while the latter structures are left-lateral strike-slip and oblique-slip(with different proportion of left-lateral and normal fault slip components).These faults are mainly concentrated along the borders of the rift basins and are the main sources of moderate-to-strong(M≥5.5)earthquakes on the southern sectors of East Siberia in recent times.As a whole,based on analyzing the diverse fault kinematics and their variable spatial distribution with respect to the overall pattern of the tectonic structures formed and/or activated during the late Pliocene-Quaternary,we conclude they were generated under a regional stress field mainly characterized by a relatively uniform NW-SE tension,but strongly influenced by the irregular hard boundary of the old Siberian craton.The obtained inferences are in an agreement with the existing models of the development of  相似文献   

Much work at A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (Novosibirsk) has been done to synthesize geological and geophysical data from the Siberian Arctic and Arctic shelf. Namely, seismic-geological modeling and petroleum potential assessment have been performed for the Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic section of the Anabar–Lena province in the northern Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The results include seismic-geological division, a set of structural maps, and structural, paleotectonic, and facies analysis. The study shows that Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, and Permian sequences are of interest in terms of petroleum potential; oil and gas may accumulate in traps of different types.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined the Japan Sea basalts recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg127/128. Of these, the 40Ar–39Ar dating undertaken is important in constraining the timing of the formation of the Japan Sea; however, the implications of their results do not appear to be fully appreciated by the geological community. In this paper, I reassess the 40Ar–39Ar age data of the basalts with reference to Nd–Sr isotopic data. The 40Ar–39Ar dating was performed on basalts somewhat enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and recovered from ODP Sites 794, 795 and the lower part of 797, yielding the plateau ages of 21.2–17.7 Ma. These basalts show the Nd–Sr isotopic signature of a moderately depleted mantle source (εNd: 0.6–6.9). In contrast, the basalts from the upper part of Site 797 have yet to be dated due to their low K content, although their Nd isotopic compositions are similar to that of MORB (εNd: 8.4–10.4). By analogy to the secular Nd–Sr isotopic trends reported for Sikhote-Alin and northeast Japan, the age of the upper basalts at Site 797 may be inferred to be younger than the lower basalts, probably around 16 Ma. The Nd–Sr isotopic compositions of the Japan Sea basalts have been interpreted in terms of eastward asthenospheric flow, as have the lavas of the Sikhote-Alin and northeastern Japan. The timing of volcanic activity in the Japan Sea region (i.e., from 21.2 to 14.86 Ma) is consistent with the timing of rotational crustal movements inferred from paleomagnetic studies of the Japanese Islands (i.e., 14.8–4.2 Ma for southwest Japan and 16.5–14.4 Ma for northeast Japan).  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(4):591-601
The Sichuan Basin is one of the vital basins in China, boasting abundant hydrocarbon reservoirs. To clarify the intensity of the tectonic stress field of different tectonic episodes since the Mesozoic and to identify the regional dynamic background of different tectonic movements in the Sichuan Basin and its adjacent areas, the characteristics of the acoustic emission in rocks in different strata of these areas were researched in this paper. Meanwhile, the tectonic stress magnitude in these areas since the Mesozoic was restored. The laws state that the tectonic stress varied with depth was revealed, followed by the discussion of the influence of structural stress intensity on structural patterns in different tectonic episodes. These were conducted based on the paleostress measurement by acoustic emission method and the inversion principle of the stress fields in ancient periods and the present, as well as previous research achievements. The results of this paper demonstrate that the third episode of Yanshanian Movement (Yanshanian III) had the maximum activity intensity and tremendously influenced the structural pattern in the study area. The maximum horizontal principal stress of Yanshanian III varied with depth as follows: 0.0168 x + 37.001 (MPa), R2 = 0.8891. The regional structural fractures were mainly formed in Yanshanian III in Xujiahe Formation, west Sichuan Basin, of which the maximum paleoprincipal stress ranging from 85.1 MPa to 120.1 MPa. In addition, the law stating the present maximum horizontal principal stress varies with depth was determined to be 0.0159 x+10.221 (MPa), R2=0.7868 in Wuling Mountain area. Meanwhile, it was determined to be 0.0221 x+9.4733 (MPa), R2=0.9121 in the western part of Xuefeng Mountain area and 0.0174 x+10.247 (MPa), R2=0.8064 in the whole study area. These research results will not only provide data for the simulation of stress field, the evaluation of deformation degree, and the prediction of structural fractures, but also offer absolute geological scientific bases for the elevation of favorable shale gas preservation.  相似文献   

Considering its central position in East Gondwana reconstructions, the Indian subcontinent figures prominently in the studies, which were envisaged under the recently conceptualized international project—““LEGENDS““ (Lithospheric Evolution of Gondwana East from interdisciplinary Deep Surveys), a major initiative by international scientific community to study continents of the southern hemisphere. The CC-8 subcommittee of the International Lithospheric Programme (ILP) has also accepted the LEGENDS initiative.  相似文献   

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