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The ages obtained from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages retrieved from two exposures in the Gurnigel Flysch and from the re-examination of similar material gathered by previous researchers from the Voirons Flysch reveal only minor discrepancies with previous studies based on nannofossil biostratigraphy. In contrast, major divergences between this work and previous studies on the Voirons Flysch also based on planktonic foraminifera have been identified. They are generally related to distinct approaches in species classification and the use of different zonal schemes. Based on our data, the age of the Voirons Flysch extends from the Early Eocene (planktonic foraminiferal zone P7) to the Middle Eocene (planktonic foraminiferal zone P12). Contrasting with claims made in earlier studies, no specimen of Late Eocene or Early Oligocene age has been observed in the revised material. However, we cannot exclude a younger age (possibly Late Eocene) for the upper portion of this flysch from which we did not revise any sample. Thus, more research and sampling are needed to resolve this question. The palaeogeographic origin of the Voirons-Wägital complex as well as the sedimentation history of these flyschs need now to be re-evaluated in light of this revised biostratigraphic data.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera are widely utilized for the biostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Cenozoic marine sediments and are a fundamental component of Cenozoic chronostratigraphy. The recent enhancements in deep sea drilling recovery, multiple coring and high resolution sampling both offshore and onshore, has improved the planktonic foraminiferal calibrations to magnetostratigraphy and/or modified species ranges. This accumulated new information has allowed many of the planktonic foraminiferal bioevents of the Cenozoic to be revised and the planktonic foraminiferal calibrations to be reassessed. We incorporate these developments and amendments into the existing biostratigraphic zonal scheme.In this paper we present an amended low-latitude (tropical and subtropical) Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation. We compile 187 revised calibrations of planktonic foraminiferal bioevents from multiple sources for the Cenozoic and have incorporated these recalibrations into a revised Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biochronology. We review and synthesize these calibrations to both the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) of the Cenozoic and astronomical time scale (ATS) of the Neogene and late Paleogene. On the whole, these recalibrations are consistent with the previous work; however, in some cases, they have led to major adjustments to the duration of biochrons. Recalibrations of the early–middle Eocene first appearance datums of Globigerinatheka kugleri, Hantkenina singanoae, Guembelitrioides nuttalli and Turborotalia frontosa have resulted in large changes in the durations of Biochrons E7, E8 and E9. We have introduced (upper Oligocene) Zone O7 utilizing the biostratigraphic utility of ‘Paragloborotalia’ pseudokugleri. For the Neogene Period, major revisions are applied to the fohsellid lineage of the middle Miocene and we have modified the criteria for recognition of Zones M7, M8 and M9, with additional adjustments regarding the Globigerinatella lineage to Zones M2 and M3. The revised and recalibrated datums provide a major advance in biochronologic resolution and a template for future progress of the Cenozoic time scale.  相似文献   

The investigation of the exposed middle Miocene strata from Wadi Sudr yielded well-preserved ostracod carapaces. Detailed taxonomic and paleontological studies led to the recognition of 36 ostracod species belonging to 25 genera, 4 species of them were considered new which fully described. Three assemblage biozones were recorded as follows: Actinocythereis spinosa–Actinocythereis hystrix zone, Chrysocythere cataphracta muricata-Cytheretta africana zone, and Disopontocypris schweijeri-Bythocypris tripolensis zone. The recorded biozones were calibrated with the previously studied middle Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biozones on the same samples and also correlated with the Miocene ostracod biozones from the neighboring countries. Our ostracod assemblages present in the lower and upper parts of the studied section (section II) indicated an inner neritic marine environment of moderate energy of currents and rapid sedimentation, while the assemblages in the middle part showed more deeper (outer neritic) environments with low energy of currents and low rate of sedimentation. The palaeobiogeographic distribution of the studied ostracods showed high affinity with the ostracod assemblages of the southern Mediterranean and moderate to low affinities with that of the northern and eastern Mediterranean respectively. The highly ornamented ostracod species with structures on the carapace were recorded from both Northern and Southern Mediterranean, while the smooth ones were found in the Southern Mediterranean only. The highly ornamented species are more widely distributed in both Southern and Northern Mediterranean than the smooth species. This may indicate that the ornamented species are more able to migrate than the smooth ones.  相似文献   

Unspiked K–Ar ages, petrological, geochemical and isotopic data are reported on samples from southern Libya (Wan an Namous—Al Haruj area). The Wan an Namous intracaldera cone dated at 0.2?Ma consists of unusually undersaturated foidite, representing the most extreme compositions among Libyan and Tibestian lavas. A basanitic and a basaltic lava flow located north-west of Wan an Namous, and probably belonging to the Al Haruj volcanic field, were dated at 5.1?Ma and 8.1?Ma. These data extend the range of ages previously reported for Al Haruj lavas. REE and multi-element patterns are typical of alkaline intraplate magmas. Sr ratios range from 0.70314 to 0.70812, whereas Nd ratios are very homogeneous (0.51290–0.51293). Pb ratios (19.231?<?206Pb/204Pb?<?19.547, 15.607?<?207Pb/204Pb?<?15.641 and 38.859?<?208Pb/204Pb?<?39.242) are typical of HIMU-FOZO compositions. Such isotope characteristics are very similar to those available on two Gharyan (northern Libya) lavas and largely overlap those of Hoggar and Cameroon Line alkaline rocks. These lavas were produced by low and variable degrees of partial melting of a garnet- and amphibole-bearing mantle source, constraining the depth of melting between 80 and 150?km. Crustal contamination was also probably involved for the oldest sample. Mineral compositions of a dunite–harzburgite xenolith clearly indicate that the lithospheric mantle was affected by partial melting and metasomatic processes by magmatic liquids, probably associated with the genesis of Cenozoic lavas. Lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling, due to the reactivation of lithospheric megastructures induced by the Africa-Europe convergence, could represent a model for the genesis of Libyan lavas, as in Hoggar.  相似文献   

The Miocene Ar Rajmah Group, exposed along the Soluq-Al Abyar road cut in southern Al Jabal Al Akhdar, NE Libya, is very rich in both micro- and macrofossils, especially molluscs and echinoids. Seven shell concentrations were recognized of which four from the Benghazi Formation; pectinidssmall oyster concentration (BSC1), Echinolampas sp.–Clypeaster cf. martini concentration (BSC2), molluscan shell concentration (BSC3), and Echinolampas cf. amplus–Clypeaster acclivis concentration (BSC4). Three shell concentrations occur in the Wadi Al Qattarah Formation; large oyster concentration (QSC1), Crassostrea gryphoidesChlamys zitteli concentration (QSC2), and Cubitostrea digitalina concentration (QSC3). The main factors controlling the formation of the shell concentrations were storm-induced waves and currents, reduced sediment input, settling behavior of benthic macro-invertebrates, and productivity.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Toyajo Formation is distributed around the Mt. Toyajo in the Aridagawa area, Wakayama, southwestern Japan. The formation is subdivided into three newly defined members, the Nakaibara Siltstone Member, Hasegawa Muddy Sandstone Member, and Buyo Sandstone Member, in ascending order. Close field observation elucidated the detailed biostratigraphy of the Toyajo Formation, and high-precision biostratigraphic correlation was made with the Yezo Group in Hokkaido (northern Japan) and Sakhalin and the Izumi Group in southwestern Japan.The Toyajo Formation contains diversified lower Campanian to upper Campanian heteromorph ammonoid assemblages, including Eubostrychoceras and Scaphites. Discovery of the heteromorph fauna demonstrates that scaphitid ammonoids survived until Campanian time in the northwestern Pacific region. Although Eubostrychoceras elongatum has been known in the northeastern Pacific region, the occurrence of this species in the northwestern Pacific region has been uncertain before. The rich occurrence of E. elongatum in the Aridagawa area indicates that this species was distributed widely in the northern Pacific realm.The Toyajo Formation is similar to the Izumi Group in various geologic features, and may indicate that the Toyajo Formation was deposited in a strike-slip basin along the Chichibu Belt formed by the movement along the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone in the latest Cretaceous, like the Izumi Group, along the Median Tectonic Line.  相似文献   

Reexamination of the Barremian–Aptian planktonic foraminifers from three sections (Verkhoirechie, mountain Krasnaya, and Marino) allowed the biostratigraphic scheme for Southwest and Central Crimea to be refined and updated. The following standard zones are recognized in the studied sections: Blowiella blowi (upper Barremian), Hedbergella excelsa (upper Barremian–lower Aptian), Leupoldina cabri (lower Aptian), H. luterbacheri, Globigerinelloides ferreolensis, Gl. barri, Gl. algerianus, Hedbergella trocoidea, Paraticinella rohri (upper Aptian). Beds with Hedbergella ruka are recognized in the B. blowi Zone. Foraminifers from the Partizanskoe section, representing the lower Aptian L. cabri and H. luterbacheri zones, are studied. The recognized strata are correlated with ammonite and nannoplankton zones and paleomagnetic data.  相似文献   

滦平盆地榆树下剖面大北沟组出露完全、沉积连续、化石丰富,是研究热河生物群的起源、早期演化以及中国陆相晚侏罗世—早白垩世过渡地层的关键层位。论文对人工新揭露出的榆树下剖面进行了精细的实测;阐明了大北沟组与张家口组界线的标志,为凝灰质碎屑岩(沉积岩)的出现与晶屑岩屑熔凝灰岩(火山岩)的结束;大店子组与大北沟组界线的标志,为"蜂窝梁砾岩"或与之相当的粗碎屑岩的出现。剖面的主体大北沟组总厚度为224.51m,可分为3段46层。大北沟组二段与一段界线的标志,为正常沉积岩(不含或很少火山物质,开始出现丰富化石)的出现并取代凝灰质碎屑岩成为主要的岩层;大北沟组三段与二段界线的标志清晰,为一套青灰色粉砂凝灰岩的出现。依据新采集到的化石并结合前人资料,完成了榆树下剖面大北沟组综合生物地层的建立。首次在大北沟组二段中上部发现了介形类化石,并可延伸到三段顶部;初步鉴定出介形类化石9属17种,可划分为Luanpingella-Pseudoparacypridopsis-Eoparacypris组合带,并可进一步细分为Luanpingella postacuta和Pseudoparacypridopsis mountfieldensis 2个亚带。叶肢介化石的首现面在二段底部,可贯穿至三段顶部;叶肢介组合带的划分参考前人的结果,由下至上分为Nestoria pissovi-Jibeilimnadia ovata、Nestoria pissovi-Keratestheria gigantea和Yanshania xishunjingensis-Y.subovata3个化石带。昆虫化石主要分布在二段中部至三段中上部的页岩中,仅为三尾拟蜉蝣(Ephemeropsis trisetaris)一个种,据此建立昆虫类Ephemeropsis trisetaris化石带。此外,参考前人资料,尝试建立了大北沟组孢粉、双壳类和鱼类化石带。在大北沟组介形类、叶肢介、孢粉等生物的年代特征分析的基础上,结合大北沟组同位素测年结果、磁性年代特征和生物归属的认识,将大北沟组的地质时代归为早白垩世。  相似文献   

Tertiary sequences in the Elazig and Malatya Basins, eastern part of Taurus Orogenic Belt, are investigated with the aim of defining the benthic foraminiferal biozones. Tertiary geological units from bottom to top are as follows: Basement rocks, Zorban Formation, Yildiztepe Formation, Suludere Formation, Gedik Formation (Malatya Basin); Elazig Magmatics, Keban Metamorphics, Harami Formation, Kuscular Formation, Seske Formation, Kirkgecit Formation (Elazig Basin). Middle-Upper Eocene Yildiztepe, Suludere and Gedik Formations; Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene Seske Formation and Middle-Upper Eocene Kirkgecit Formation are all characterized by interbedded clastics and carbonate rocks. Six stratigraphic sections are studied in detail for foraminiferal biostratigraphy. Eight benthic foraminiferal biozones are reported. These are; Coskinolina rajkae biozone in the Late Paleocene (Thanetian), Assilina yvettae, Idalina sinjarica biozones in the Late Paleocene; Asterocyclina alticostata gallica biozone in the Early Eocene (Late Cuisian), Nummulites millecaput biozone in the Middle Eocene (Middle Lutetian), Nummulites aturicus biozone in the Middle Eocene (Late Lutetian), Nummulites perforatus biozone in the Middle Eocene (Bartonian), Nummulites fabianii biozone in the Late Eocene (Priabonian). Some key taxa are illustrated.  相似文献   

The first data on the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic range of the late Campanian planktonic foraminifers encountered in the middle and upper parts of the Moni Formation, southern Cyprus, are reported. Finds of planktonic foraminifers are associated with the bentonitic clay that composes the matrix of the Moni Formation. The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages revealed are very similar to those from the Kannaviou Formation, western Cyprus, but they are more diverse and yield several key species missing in the Kannaviou sediments. The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages discussed are referred to the Globotruncana aegyptiaca Zone and to the lowermost Gansserina gansseri Zone of the upper upper Campanian of the standard scale. The intraregional correlation of the Moni sections, depth of erosion of the upper part of the formation, and its relationship with the Kannaviou Formation have been refined. When subdividing the upper Campanian sediments based on planktonic foraminifers it is suggested that additional datum planes are used, such as the FADs of Globotruncanella citae and Trinitella scotti. For tracing the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (GSSP), attention should be paid to the LADs of Globotruncana bulloides and Contusotruncana fornicata and the potential use of Globotruncanita (Elevatotruncana) eolita sp. nov. should be assessed. It is shown that subfamily Archaeoglobigerininae Salaj, 1987, emend. O. Korchagin is the older synonym of subfamily Archaeoglobigerininae Georgescu, 2005. Two poorly known and three new planktonic foraminiferal species are described.  相似文献   

Seven planktic foraminiferal zones are distinguished in the Maastrichtian-Paleocene succession at the north Farafra Oasis. These are the Rugoglobigerina hexacamerata (CF8b), Gansserina gansseri, and Contusotruncana contusa zones in the Maastrichtian topped by a well-known unconformity across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. The Danian is subdivided into two biozones: Globanomalina compressa/Praemurica inconstans-Praemurica uncinata Subzone (P1c) and Praemurica uncinata–Morozovella angulata (P2) Zone. The Late Paleocene is divided into two zones: Morozovella angulata-Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P3) and Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P4). A minor hiatus between the Danian/Selandian and Selandian/Thanetian boundaries are also recorded. These time gaps across the stage boundaries may be related to the tectonic events that affected the sedimentation regime throughout the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleogene interval in the Farafra Oasis.  相似文献   

The history of Middle to Late Miocene evolution of the Transylvanian Basin was determined by the bordering Carpathian orogen evolution, the tectonic events being well recorded by the sedimentary history. The basin evolved in a back-arc setting, under a regional, compressional stress field. The major tectonic events produced during the Late Sarmatian and Post-Pannonian were related to the reactivation of the pre-Badenian fault systems. The Transylvanian Basin got uplifted after the Late Pannonian (? during the Pliocene), and at least 500 m of sedimentary cover was eroded.

Based on seismic and well-log interpretation, core and outcrop sedimentology, and microfauna, eight sequences were defined. The early Middle Miocene sequences are roughly synchronous to five 3rd order global sea-level cycles. Most of the recognized sequence boundaries are enhanced by regional tectonic events. The sedimentary evolution was also strongly influenced by salt-tectonics, active starting with the Late Sarmatian.

Two sequences were identified in the Lower Badenian deposits. The third sequence (late Early Badenian to early Mid Badenian) preserves information about deeper shelf settings. The lowstand of the following sequence was responsible for the deposition of the salt formation (late Mid Badenian), an important lithostratigraphic marker in the sedimentary record of the basin. In general, the Upper Badenian deposits (parts of the 4th and 5th sequences) belong to deep marine submarine fan systems. The Sarmatian (partially 5th, 6th and partially 7th sequences) was characterized by diverse salinity conditions, stretching from brackish to hypersaline, and by high tectonic instability, which induced several significant relative sea-level falls. During that time, deltaic (north) and fandeltaic (east) systems fed submarine fans, stacked between salt-related submarine heights (“channeled” deep-marine depocenters). Most of the Pannonian deposits (partially 7th and 8th sequences) belong to submarine fan systems, but shallower facies were also found in the western and eastern part of the basin.  相似文献   

A total of 165 samples were collected from the Qom Formation investigated in a stratigraphic section north of Deh Namak, in Central Iran. From these, 35 genera and 47 species of benthic foraminifera were identified. The age of the studied section is Early Miocene (Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian) based on the occurrence of Borelis melo curdica, Meandropsina anahensis, Meandropsina iranica, Elphidium sp. 14, Peneroplis farsensis, and Triloculina tricarinata. The thickness of the Qom Formation is 401 m of which 161.2 m is early Burdigalian in age. Foraminiferal assemblages in the Deh Namak section are referable to the Borelis melo group-Meandropsina iranica Assemblage Zone and Miogypsinoides-Archaias-Valvulinid Assemblage Zone of [Adams, T.D., Bourgeois, F., 1967. Asmari biostratigraphy. Iranian Oil Operating Companies, Geological and Exploration Division, Report1074 (unpublished) 1–37.] described originally from the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

在开展西藏北部多巴区幅1∶25万区域地质调查时,对分布于申扎地区的志留纪地层进行了详细的研究和划分,厘定了该区志留纪岩石地层单元,建立了生物地层层序。首次提出了该区志留系四分方案,并为确定奥陶系与志留系的界线位置提出了具体意见。为西藏乃至全国的志留系的研究与划分提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

西藏北部申扎地区志留纪岩石地层和生物地层   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在开展西藏北部多巴区幅1:25万区域地质调查时,对分布于申扎地区的志留纪地层进行了详细的研究和划分,厘定了该区志留纪岩石地层单元,建立了生物地层层序。首次提出了该区志留系四分方案,并为确定奥陶系与志留系的界线位置提出了具体意见。为西藏乃至全国的志留系的研究与划分提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

Sejrup, Hans Petter 1987 03 01: Molluscan and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of an Eemian-Early Weichselian section on Karmøy, southwestern Norway. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 27–42. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
At Karmøy, southwestern Norway, a section with marine sediments from the last interglacial (the Avaldsnes Interglacial) and from two ice-free periods (the Torvastad and Bø Interstadial) in the Weichselian have been examined for molluscs and foraminifera. The following conclusions concerning the depositional environments of these sediments can be drawn: (1) The Avaldsnes Interglacial was a high-energy environment with a sea level 20 to 50 m higher than at present, regressing towards the end of the interglacial. Sea temperatures were as in the area today or slightly warmer. (2) During the Torvastad Interstadial (71–85 ka) the sea level was between 0 and c . 20 m higher than at present, and sea temperatures were as between Svalbard and northern Norway today. (3) The Bø Interstadial (40–64 ka) shows a complete interstadial cycle, with changing sea level and temperatures. Its optimum was close to the conditions prevailing in North Norway today or slightly colder. By comparison with other sites, a total of at least four interstadial episodes through the Weichselian in southwestern Norway is proposed. These date to c . 30 ka, 40–64 ka, 71–85 ka and 87–101 ka. The episodes and the glacial advances between them do not directly correlate with published interpretations of changes in surface circulation in the Norwegian Sea through the Weichselian. It is suggested that the nourishment of the southern part of the Scandinavian ice sheet might be more related to sea surface conditions in the North Atlantic than to those of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

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