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Choosing effective colour schemes for thematic maps is surprisingly difficult. ColorBrewer is an online tool designed to take some of the guesswork out of this process by helping users select appropriate colour schemes for their specific mapping needs by considering: the number of data classes; the nature of their data (matched with sequential, diverging and qualitative schemes); and the end-use environment for the map (e.g., CRT, LCD, printed, projected, photocopied). ColorBrewer contains 'learn more' tutorials to help guide users, prompts them to test-drive colour schemes as both map and legend, and provides output in five colour specification systems.  相似文献   

在现代到后现代社会的转变过程中, 人类的信息传播模式进入自媒体时代, 在地图上表现为制图用户向大众或地图爱好者转移, 地图的精确性不高、表达方式多样化。微地图是其中的一种, 旨在改善传统地图表达和大众地理空间认知的矛盾, 改进自媒体时代地图用户的主观信息表达, 突破传统地图仅从有限、规范化的角度和维度对地理事物和现象进行表达的局限。首先, 针对微地图的3个特点, 在后现代哲学的视角下分析其产生的原因并给予解释; 然后, 利用认知语言学的体验人本观、原型范畴论和去中心论等后现代哲学方法论, 对传统地图的空间认知、信息分类、制图表达等基础问题进行批判性分析和重构, 形成具有后现代哲学特点的微地图概念框架;最后, 通过实验验证了微地图存在的可能性及其后现代属性。  相似文献   

In recent years, the concepts of usability, user experience, and user-centricity have gained in interest. Digital applications, developed in line with criteria related to these approaches, ask for a deeper understanding of users and their requirements. But, even though there is a wide range of methods available, the creation of user-centric applications with good usability and user experience still poses great challenges for developers. This is also true for web maps, i.e. web map applications, which today are ubiquitous on the Internet. They have evolved into an important information and communication tool and address users who do not possess any specific knowledge of Geoinformatics (GI) or Cartography. Despite the efforts made to meet the requirements and preferences of laymen, these users still often face problems when dealing with web map applications. This refers to aspects of design, content, and functionality. Here, participatory design, which is well-known in the field of Software and Web Engineering, might provide a suitable means. By engaging users directly and actively in the application development process, developers are able to gain a profound understanding of the users and their needs. However, there are several open questions regarding the use of participatory design for designing and implementing web map applications: What does the use of participatory design in web map development processes look like in detail? How and to what degree can users be involved in the development processes? Which added values exist? These questions are addressed by the project YouthMap 5020, whose main goal it was to create a prototype youth-centric web map for the Austrian city of Salzburg (zip code 5020). Applying the approach of participatory design, about 120 teenage pupils from several local schools were involved in all kinds of tasks related to the phases of generating the youth-centric Salzburg web city map. Experience and knowledge gained thereby allowed elaborating recommendations generally useful for generating youth-centric web map applications.  相似文献   

Geologic mapping and the design of geologic (thematic) maps are nowadays supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In order to gain a high degree of efficiency and to allow exchange of a common structured framework for mapping, map data models have been designed by agencies and individuals in order to support their mapping process. Only a limited number of such models are freely available and most of them are on a conceptual level. They support mappers in their work to define spatial geologic map units by integrating field and remote-sensing information and relate them to non-spatial information, in particular genetic surface types, rock composition, age and age relationships, attitude data, and other surface characteristics. All of these attributes are interrelated and require data models that depict these complex relationships without becoming too complicated for the mapper. Solutions on the basis of database management systems and server-client communication are highly efficient but they cannot be easily employed and require dedicated administration. A well-established alternative are file-based geodatabase concepts which are much more accessible but which also suffer from a number of limitations when it comes to administration and querying data.

The scope of this work is to find an accessible solution for working on and with geologic maps for planetary surfaces. We here present a planetary map data model (PMDM) design that has been implemented within Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) ArcGIS environment for systematic geologic and geomorphologic mapping of different planetary surfaces. The model copes with different genetic surface types, planetary stratigraphic systems, surface chronologies, specific naming conventions, and different body references. Additional and innovative assets are integrated solutions for semi-automated symbol assignments based on published standards (FGDC) and the possibility to perform topology checks on surface type features and units.  相似文献   

屏蔽领域细节的轻量级开放地图服务集成模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会的发展对网络地图集成提出了更高的要求,技术的进步使得这种要求成为可能。现有的地图集成模式主要有两种。地图服务商提出的集成模式,依赖于自己提供的数据源,且对开放标准的支持较弱;开源社区提出的基于WMS的集成模式,虽然实现了数据源的独立,但过于专业而不适合普通用户使用。为了更好地满足地图集成的要求,本文提出一种屏蔽领域细节的轻量级开放地图服务集成模式,它支持标准的网络地图服务,同时又屏蔽领域细节,不要求使用者具有专业知识,具有良好的适用性。本文实现的原型系统,初步验证了这种模式的可行性。  相似文献   

面向移动端月球形貌展示的快速三维地图平台搭建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受限于移动设备运算能力和三维地图数据网络传输速度,如何在快速移动端流畅地显示月球三维地图,展示月球形貌细节,还是一个难点。为解决这一问题,本文首先考察已有的移动端三维地图实现方法,在此基础上研究了一种基于前后台异步渲染策略的三维月球地图实现方案;基于嫦娥月球数据,构建了一个月球三维形貌地图原型系统,并成功应用于移动端的嫦娥月球三维形貌数据发布。  相似文献   

针对基于GIS的BTEX油气化探数据仓地质专题图制作系统进行研究,分析了基于自动化制图理念的数据流,提出了系统的总体构架及基于国家标准的地质符号库,并根据油田地质成果图规范开发了BTEX油气化探数据仓数据挖掘成果图的制图模板。将该系统应用于渤中凹陷的BTEX数据综合评价图的制作,结果表明该软件具有较好的人机交互性和扩展性,在满足BTEX油气化探数据仓的处理结果专题地图的制作与成果展示的基础上,能够提高BTEX油气化探地质专题图的制图效率。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to gain better understanding of the way map users read and interpret the visual stimuli presented to them and how this can be influenced. In particular, the difference between expert and novice map users is considered. In a user study, the participants studied four screen maps which had been manipulated to introduce deviations. The eye movements of 24 expert and novice participants were tracked, recorded, and analyzed (both visually and statistically) based on a grid of Areas of Interest. These visual analyses are essential for studying the spatial dimension of maps to identify problems in design. In this research, we used visualization of eye movement metrics (fixation count and duration) in a 2D and 3D grid and a statistical comparison of the grid cells. The results show that the users’ eye movements clearly reflect the main elements on the map. The users’ attentive behavior is influenced by deviating colors, as their attention is drawn to it. This could also influence the users’ interpretation process. Both user groups encountered difficulties when trying to interpret and store map objects that were mirrored. Insights into how different types of map users read and interpret map content are essential in this fast-evolving era of digital cartographic products.  相似文献   

本文以提高矿山地、测、采计算机管理与辅助设计质量和效率为基本目标,根据矿山地测数据处理的一般流程,从巷道地质编录图件出发,建立基于井下测量数据的巷道地质编录三维空间数字化及投影变换算法;在此基础上,研制了一套符合矿山生产实际的地质编录智能分析系统,实现了巷道地质编录图件的数字化及自动成图。  相似文献   

In this article, we present the realisation of a multi-frame and multi-dimensional WebGIS that allows users to simultaneously analyse a specific portion of the Earth taking into account the historical information, too. Two graphical panels have been realised: one for the usual 2D view and one for a more realistic 3D view. Both panels display historical maps of the city, the current orthophoto and the digital topographical map. The 3D frame is based on NASA World Wind, an open source virtual globe from where 3D buildings are shown extruding the 2D shapes using their mean height. Thanks to a specifically designed graphical user interface, it is also possible to dynamically thematise the buildings on the globe according to different criteria (e.g. the construction time span) so that only the geometries fulfilling the request are turned on. Within the proposed application, a synchronisation between the two panels has been implemented, in order to maintain a constant alignment of the two viewers. The application is also open to the time dimension. In fact, assigning to each geometry two dates (e.g. ‘year of construction’ and ‘year of demolition’), it is possible to dynamically view how buildings have changed over time, both in their shape and height. Future developments of this work will concern the possibility of implementing a city model with a higher level of detail.  相似文献   

Virtual globes (VGs) allow Internet users to view geographic data of heterogeneous quality created by other users. This article presents a new approach for collecting and visualizing information about the perceived quality of 3D data in VGs. It aims at improving users' awareness of the quality of 3D objects. Instead of relying on the existing metadata or on formal accuracy assessments that are often impossible in practice, we propose a crowd-sourced quality recommender system based on the five-star visualization method successful in other types of Web applications. Four alternative five-star visualizations were implemented in a Google Earth-based prototype and tested through a formal user evaluation. These tests helped identifying the most effective method for a 3D environment. Results indicate that while most websites use a visualization approach that shows a ‘number of stars’, this method was the least preferred by participants. Instead, participants ranked the ‘number within a star’ method highest as it allowed reducing the visual clutter in urban settings, suggesting that 3D environments such as VGs require different design approaches than 2D or non-geographic applications. Results also confirmed that expert and non-expert users in geographic data share similar preferences for the most and least preferred visualization methods.  相似文献   

随着电子地图的广泛应用,传统的地图设计理念发生了改变,用户开始介入地图设计,设计者与读图者成为一个人。那么如何辅助用户设计专业的地图是"智能化"的具体体现。本文在对"智能化"思考的基础上,详细分析了影响用户进行地图设计的各种因素,并从知识工程的角度出发,建立了问题的知识模型,在此基础上利用VC++开发了基于Windows XP系统上的智能化电子地图设计试验系统,并举例说明了问题。  相似文献   

Cloud computing has been considered as the next-generation computing platform with the potential to address the data and computing challenges in geosciences. However, only a limited number of geoscientists have been adapting this platform for their scientific research mainly due to two barriers: 1) selecting an appropriate cloud platform for a specific application could be challenging, as various cloud services are available and 2) existing general cloud platforms are not designed to support geoscience applications, algorithms and models. To tackle such barriers, this research aims to design a hybrid cloud computing (HCC) platform that can utilize and integrate the computing resources across different organizations to build a unified geospatial cloud computing platform. This platform can manage different types of underlying cloud infrastructure (e.g., private or public clouds), and enables geoscientists to test and leverage the cloud capabilities through a web interface. Additionally, the platform also provides different geospatial cloud services, such as workflow as a service, on the top of common cloud services (e.g., infrastructure as a service) provided by general cloud platforms. Therefore, geoscientists can easily create a model workflow by recruiting the needed models for a geospatial application or task on the fly. A HCC prototype is developed and dust storm simulation is used to demonstrate the capability and feasibility of such platform in facilitating geosciences by leveraging across-organization computing and model resources.  相似文献   

Digital "softcopy" maps are becoming the norm—replacing static paper maps in applications from wayfinding to scientific research. As a result, the design of interface tools that allow users to manipulate map parameters effectively and efficiently is likely to become as fundamental to cartography as the design of maps themselves. This article presents some principles for the design of interfaces to geo-referenced data. These principles are summarized in a hierarchical approach to interface design with conceptual, operational, and implementational levels. This hierarchical approach leads designers from questions about the goals of the system and the users of that system to the creation of tools to accomplish those goals and interface controls that allow effective interaction with the tools. The article goes on to describe the application of these principles to a prototype geographic visualization system designed for exploration of spatial data sets and visualization of reliability of both data and data abstractions associated with environmental change. The prototype involves a synthesis of concepts and methods derived from cartography, scientific visualization, and exploratory data analysis into a system for exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial decision support.  相似文献   

CityGML is an open data model for storage and exchange of 3D city models. It is categorised into thirteen thematic classes, i.e., buildings, tunnels, bridges, etc., lacking the other themes such as indoor routing and positioning. With the amplified use of indoor routing and positioning, the need for prerequisite notion of detailed semantic, as well as geometric information of the 3D building data has grown. We intend to extend the CityGML schema to add attributes of indoor features using the facility of Application Domain Extension (ADE) provided by the OGC CityGML 2.0. In this study, we aim to showcase the formation of Indoor Routing and Positioning ADE along with the process concerning its development, such as the 3D model design, network dataset creation, routing, positioning and Unified Modeling Language based ADE application schema generation. This research would help the users to easily store and exchange 3D city data on which they can perform routing and positioning inside the buildings with enhanced semantic and geometric properties.  相似文献   

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The process of reading a topographic map requires users to recognize and learn the cartographic symbols of the key (or legend) while interpreting the territory as depicted on the map at a given level of abstraction (the form and nature of features, their saliency and relationships). We present the results of an empirical user study that aims to identify and assess the main graphical characteristics that are used by map users to recognize the design principles which constitute the topographic mapping style adopted by IGN (Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière), France. Our results suggest that 91% of the participants were able to recognize an IGN-France topographic map amongst other topographic map products. We also determine which graphical characteristics play a role in the recognition of this cartographic style, either by visual memory or by visual perception, and identify the representation of relief, including contour lines and shaded relief, as one of the major graphical characteristics of the topographic mapping style of IGN-France. Moreover, the participants of our study considered the representation of touristic POI (points of interest), toponymy, typography, the main roads network, the individual buildings and the forests, to be essential for stylistic recognition.  相似文献   

从3维电子地图的研究意义着手,分析了目前3维电子地图系统的研究与应用现状。针对不同用户对象的需求,将3维电子地图系统具体划分为设计系统和浏览系统两部分,并在此基础之上详细阐述了3维电子地图系统的总体结构。此外,重点讨论了3维场景的数据组织方式及其调用策略,最后详细阐述了设计系统和浏览系统的各个功能模块。  相似文献   

Between 1887 and 1888, Henry L. Marindin, Assistant Topographer of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, conducted a detailed survey of the outer shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, providing an important base line for future comparisons, “which will be of value to geologists and others who study the changes in the coast-line”. In 2007, the Land-Sea Interaction Program of the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies began a project to resurvey Marindin's profiles and cross-sections to quantify changes to landforms and the nearshore environment that have occurred over the past century for use in estimating future conditions in the context of climate change and sea level rise. In order to facilitate reliable, quantitative shoreline comparisons, the translation of historical spatial data to contemporary horizontal (e.g., NAD83) and vertical (e.g., NAVD88) reference systems is paramount. With historical transects translated to NAD83 using methods developed as part of a previous study, the goal of this work is to develop an accurate estimate of the relationship between Marindin's elevation data and NAVD88. Recognizing that the physical and social landscape had changed significantly over the past 120+ years, a historical base map was prepared to assist with the recovery of 19th century benchmarks. Using the base map, five Coast survey benchmarks were recovered and resurveyed. Based on the results of this work, the local mean sea level datum of Marindin's survey is estimated to be 1.13 feet (0.34 meters) below the NAVD88 plane of reference.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to empirically assess perceptual groupings of various combinations of symbol dimensions (e.g., graphic variables) used in designing bivariate map symbols. Perceptual grouping ability was assessed using the theory of selective attention, a construct first proposed in psychological research. Selective attention theory contends that one's ability to analyze a symbol's dimensions—such as color or size—is affected by other dimensions present in the same symbol. Symbol dimensions are described as either separable (capable of being attended to independently of other dimensions), integral (cannot be processed without interference from other dimensions), or configural (i.e., show characteristics of both integrality and separability, which may also form new, emergent properties). Without empirical evidence describing such interactions for various combinations of symbol dimensions, cartographers cannot truly evaluate the functionality of the symbols they use on maps. The symbol dimensions or graphic combinations chosen for this study were selected to incorporate a wide range of traditional cartographic symbolization, including line and lettering symbolization, areal shading, dot patterns, and point symbols. Combinations were examined in an abstract setting using a speeded classification task, which is the traditional means of studying selective attention. Subject reaction times provided an assessment of the levels of integrality, separability, and configurality. Results suggest that most symbol dimension combinations are either separable or exhibit evidence of asymmetrical dimensional interactions. Findings from this study will be integrated into subsequent experiments, the results of which will assist cartographers in the design of complex map symbols.  相似文献   

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