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Ongoing micromorphological studies in several prehistoric sites of Greece (Theopetra cave, Boila rockshelter, Alonnisos, Drakaina cave, Kouveleiki cave, Lakonis cave complex, and Dispilio lake dwelling) provide new information on the relationship between environmental changes and the cultural history of the sites. The frequent climatic oscillations during the last glacial directly influenced the occupational mode of Theopetra cave and Boila rockshelter in northern Greece. Soil micromorphology may be a promising tool in unraveling differences in the occupational history due to climatic changes among diverse areas of Greece. Some preliminary observations from the Lakonis cave complex, in southern coastal Greece, support the existence of such differences. Evidence brought forward with the micromorphological study of Dispilio lake dwelling and Theopetra cave suggests that during the Holocene, aridification phases evident in the Mediterranean region might have also played a role in the Greek prehistoric settlement pattern. So far, evidence for aridification phases is present for the end of the Mesolithic and probably for part of the Final Neolithic. In several cases, micromorphology has revealed details of the cultural nature of the sites. Questions related to occupational intensity (Theopetra, Lakonis, Kouveleiki, and Drakaina caves), post‐depositional changes and cultural modification of the sediments (Alonnisos, Theopetra, and Drakaina caves), constructions (Theopetra and Drakaina caves), and stratigraphic correlation (Boila) have been satisfactorily addressed along with the analysis of the microstructure of the sediments. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Site formation processes at the Late Pleistocene rockshelter deposit of Obi‐Rakhmat were reconstructed through soil micromorphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The entire sequence has undergone limited diagenesis and is well preserved. The base of the stratified sequence represents a karstic setting with intermittent, low‐energy deposition of autochthonous gravitational debris and anthropogenic material in a wet, muddy environment. These sediments were post‐depositionally affected by episodic waterlogging. The bulk of the sequence overlying the karstic layers comprises a continuous series of primary freshwater spring deposits containing reworked anthropogenic material that was buried penecontemporaneously with calcium carbonate deposition. The top of the sequence is weakly cryoturbated, indicating a periodically cold, wet environment. No alluvial elements that could suggest sediment inputs from the nearby river terraces were documented. A single exogenous layer was identified, representing an episode of colluviation from directly above the rockshelter preceding a major roofspall event. The basal part of the sequence contains slightly reworked anthropogenic remnants of intense activities, including combustion. The anthropogenic elements present in the spring deposits show higher degrees of reworking, suggesting within‐layer translocation. The development of spring activity at the site did not cause humans to abandon the rockshelter; they continued to carry out their activities throughout a changing local environment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sur‐les‐Creux rockshelter is located in the Prealps of southwestern Switzerland. The sequence of deposits in the rockshelter is 80 cm thick and consists of weathered gravels in a phosphate‐rich matrix. A few Middle Palaeolithic artifacts and the bones of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) were recorded in the fill. We present the results of sedimentological, geochemical, and micromorphological analyses of the rockshelter sediment. All analyses suggest an endokarstic origin of the sediments. The alteration cortices of the gravels imply in situ weathering over a long period. The phosphates are essentially biogenic and have an apatitelike nature. Phosphatization and intense mixing of the sediment are attributed to cave bear (digging of lairs, input of excrements, and carcasses). Only rare carnivore coprolites (lynx) were preserved in the cave deposits. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

广西柳州白莲洞遗址的铀系年龄   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
因涵盖新—旧石器过渡、出土人类化石及别具一格的石制品 ,广西柳州白莲洞遗址对古人类和石器文化的研究具有重要意义。新生碳酸盐岩铀系测年的结果表明 :该遗址新—旧石器间的过渡期不超过 3ka± ,短于基于钙板 1 4 C测年得出的 6 ka± ;西 6层钙板和石笋的 2 3 0 Th年龄为 16 0 ka± ,西 7层人牙化石的年代应大于此值 ;“白莲洞式”石片打制法呈清晰的演化脉络 ,时间跨度至少为 15 0 ka。邻近的柳江人地点和土博前洞铀系测年结果与本文一致。这些地点年代位置的大幅度前移 ,是我国晚更新世人类遗址已有年代框架被总体压缩的例证。具现代解剖特征的智人在中国出现的年代很可能比原认为的早得多  相似文献   

The sequence of Combe‐Saunière (southwest France) has been studied with a large suite of methods, including micromorphology, geochemistry, magnetic susceptibility, and organic matter (OM) analysis in order to document the post‐depositional processes that occurred during the last climatic cycle at the cave entrance. This study shows that intense weathering together with the accumulation of OM and phosphates by cave animals and others vectors (including humans) occurred during the phases of low clastic sedimentation. During the latter part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, the Aurignacian and Gravettian humus‐bearing levels, which may be classified as cryoturbated leptosols, show incomplete decalcification and are dominated by poorly evolved forms of phosphates (bone fragments, coprolites). Phosphatized cambic B‐horizons formed at the beginning of MIS 3 and the Early Glacial and may reflect longer periods of pedological modification. The molecules identified by the analysis of the OM extracted from the Châtelperronian level derive mostly from the degradation of vegetal matter, most notably from conifers and mosses, in addition to bacteria and fungi. The Last Interglacial s.l. (MIS 5) is typified by the development of a phosphatized illuviated B‐horizon. Intense weathering together with phosphate leaching and precipitation took place in this soil, forming thick apatite–CaOH crusts. Although the poor chronological resolution prevents us from drawing clear conclusions as to the respective roles of the factors involved, phosphate accumulation and weathering seem to be controlled primarily by the duration of the soil‐forming periods. This study strongly suggests that a climatic signal has been recorded in the deposits.  相似文献   

The Hefei Basin is the largest basin in the North China landmass with complete and well-preserved Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata. In the basin there developed a suite of extremely thick “red beds” in the Mesozoic. Owing to complex evolution processes and a lack of paleontological traces, there have been controversies regarding the division and correlation of this suite of red beds. Based on results obtained in recent years in drilling, seismic and surface geological investigations and in consideration of relationships between seismic sequences and regional tectonic events, as well as evidence in paleontology, petrology and isotopic dating, this paper preliminarily puts forward the following ideas about the sequence stratigraphic framework of the continental “red beds” in the Hefei Basin. (1) The Zhougongshan Formation and the Yuantongshan Formation have similar lithologic, geophysical and paleontological characteristics, so we incorporate them into a single formation, called the Yuantongshan Formation, and the original Zhougongshan and Yuantongshan Formations are regarded as the upper and the lower parts of the newly defined Yuantongshan Formation. Its age is the Middle Jurassic; (2) the Zhuxiang Formation belongs to the Upper Jurassic Series and (3) the age of the Xiangdaopu Formation is the Lower Cretaceous. Furthermore, signatures of depositional evolution are analyzed in the paper based on features of seismic reflection, outcrops and drilling data. The Early and Middle Jurassic is characterized by a foreland basin, which is influenced mainly by uplift and longitudinal compression of the Dabieshan Mountains; the Lower Jurassic System has a relatively small depositional area; the Middle Jurassic strata are distributed extensively over the whole basin, marking the summit of basin development; a flexure basin is characteristic of the Late Jurassic, manifesting a joint effect of the Dabieshan and Zhangbaling Mountains with the former being more significant. In the Early Cretaceous, the Xiangdaopu Formation was distributed in the Daqiao depression, evidently affected by extension of the Tanlu fault; in the Late Cretaceous, the Hefei Basin was subjected to dismembering and the Zhangqiao Formation was distributed in the east-west direction along the downthrown side of the fault.  相似文献   

To clarify unanswered questions of site formation, geology and the archaeology of the Berelekh geoarchaeological complex, a special survey was undertaken in 2009 of the area surrounding the site. Several geological units have been revealed. By establishing the spatial and temporal relationship of these deposits—as well as their age—we have reconstructed the formation history of the Berelekh bone bed. The mammoth bone deposit belongs to a paleochannel. Radiocarbon dating of mammoth remains at Berelekh demonstrates rapid accumulation during the Bølling warming. Human involvement in its formation is, at best, questionable, since there is no real overlap between the radiocarbon dates associated with past human activity, and those of the mammoth bone bed. This study confirms that humans used mammoth bone remains after the bone bed was deposited. Culturally, the Berelekh “site” does not have any relationship to the so‐called “Dyuktai culture.” Instead, the Berelekh archaeological finds (side notched stone pendants) show certain similarities to non‐microblade terminal Pleistocene assemblages found from Yenisei to Kamchatka. Additionally, the Berelekh complex presents a clear analogy with lithics found in Eastern Beringia. Teardrop‐shaped incomplete bifaces found in the assemblage are comparable to the Chindadn points of Alaska. The nature of this “Chindadn connection” is intriguing but it is the only visible cultural link between Western and Eastern Beringia.  相似文献   

We describe a geoarchaeological survey of a 5‐km reach of the Rio Puerco channel and its tributaries, centered on the Guadalupe Ruin, a pueblo of the late 10th–12th centuries A.D. in north‐central New Mexico, with associated pollen, charcoal, micromorphological, and radiocarbon analyses. Severe erosion has drastically bisected the Puerco valley with four primary arroyos entering the western side of the Guadalupe reach of the valley: Tapia, Salado, Guadalupe and “No Name.” We recorded an 11‐m‐tall alluvial sequence marked by four phases of cumulic soil development, interrupted by six major periods of channel entrenchment that occurred at about 4100–3700 B.C. and 2900–2400 B.C., between 2200 B.C. and ca. A.D. 400, pre‐ and post‐ca. A.D. 900–1300, and in the late A.D. 1800s. Relative floodplain stability and associated cumulic soil development occurred prior to ca. 5700 B.C., between ca. 2600 to 2200 B.C. and A.D. 350 and 550, and ca. A.D. 900–1300. Multiple signatures of fires (oxidized sediment and charcoal) were observed in the Arroyo Tapia tributary sequence, especially in deposits dated ca. 6000 and 2600 B.C. These fires may have helped to enhance food resources for game animals by encouraging grass and shrub growth and/or to increase the growth of wild plants and eventually cultigens such as maize. Palynological evidence of maize in the Arroyo Tapia, dated ca. 2600–2200 B.C. may be the earliest thus far identified in the Southwest. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Archeological excavations in a karstic cavern on the south facing slopes of the Pindus range, southern Albania, have disclosed a continuous, 4.5 m thick sequence of human occupation since the Mesolithic. In 1994 geoarcheological field work identified nine (9) principal lithostrata that correspond with successive occupations. Sedimentary sequences indicate that during the Mesolithic spring flow was active and produced a pool in the cave's central chamber. This accounts for settlement along the dry western margin of the cave. After 6000 B.P. episodic flushing of Terra Rossa soil from the cave slopes was dominant. Sediments were variously modified or mobilized by weathering, diagenesis and human agency. These changes are correlated to the chronology and contribute to a limited reconstruction of site formation process. Comparison of sediment stratigraphy with an earlier study of magnetostratigraphy verifies an inferred moist pulse of the Early Holocene/Mesolithic and a turn to warmer/drier conditions during the Middle Holocene/Neolithic. The Konispol sequence is compared to cave chronologies in neighboring Epirus (Kastritsa and Klithi) and to Franchthi in southern Greece. Sedimentation patterns reveal that these caves were initially occupied at the same time (Late Pleniglacial) and that during deglaciation there was a general hiatus in deposition (15,000–10,000 B.P.). Early Holocene moisture phases correspond to an increase in sedimentation during the Neolithic when the caves were intensely utilized. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Lithofacies analysis is fundamental to unravelling the succession of depositional environments associated with sea‐level fluctuations. These successions and their timing are often poorly understood. This report defines lithofacies encountered within the north‐eastern North Carolina and south‐eastern Virginia Quaternary section, interprets their depositional environments, presents a model for coastal depositional sequence development in a passive margin setting and uses this understanding to develop the stratigraphy and Quaternary evolutionary history of the region. Data were obtained from numerous drill cores and outcrops. Chronology was based on age estimates acquired using optically stimulated luminescence, amino acid racemization, Uranium series and radiocarbon dating techniques. Geomorphic patterns were identified and interpreted using light detection and ranging imagery. Since lithofacies occurrence, distribution and stratigraphic patterns are different on interfluves than in palaeo‐valleys, this study focused on interfluves to obtain a record of highstand sea‐level cycles with minimal alteration by fluvial processes during subsequent lowstands. Nine primary lithofacies and four diagenetic facies were identified in outcrops and cores. The uppermost depositional sequence on interfluves exhibits an upward succession from shelly marine lithofacies to tidal estuarine lithofacies and is bounded below by a marine ravinement surface and above by the modern land surface. Older depositional sequences in the subsurface are typically bounded above and below by marine ravinement surfaces. Portions of seven depositional sequences were recognized and interpreted to represent deposition from late middle Pleistocene to present. Erosional processes associated with each successive depositional sequence removed portions of older depositional sequences. The stratigraphic record of the most recent sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stage 5a and Marine Isotope Stage 3) is best preserved. Glacio‐isostatic adjustment has influenced depositional patterns so that deposits associated with late Quaternary sea‐level highstands (Marine Isotope Stages 5c, 5a and 3), which did not reach as high as present sea‐level according to equatorial eustatic records, are uplifted and emergent within the study area.  相似文献   

Pioneer is an open‐air, stratified, multicomponent archaeological site located in the upper Snake River Plain of southeastern Idaho, USA. Block excavations provided an opportunity to contribute to the Late Quaternary geomorphic history of the Big Lost River drainage and provide geochronological context of archaeological components at the site. The stratigraphic sequence is interpreted as reflecting multiple depositional episodes and five soil‐formation periods beginning pre‐7200 cal. yr B.P. and lasting to the historic period. The stratigraphic sequence contains an archaeological component dated to ∼3800 cal. yr B.P. and several other components post‐800 cal. yr B.P. Major site formation processes include fluvial deposition and erosion, pedogenesis (accumulation of secondary carbonates), and bioturbation. Periods of increased deposition at Pioneer and elsewhere along the Big Lost River are inferred to have occurred between ∼8400–6500 cal. yr B.P. and ∼2700–400 cal. yr B.P., potentially related to cooler/wetter episodes of the mid‐to‐late Holocene, including increased precipitation during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (post‐750 cal. yr B.P.). There is also evidence of a high‐energy erosional event at ∼3800 cal. yr B.P. indicating a large middle Holocene flood. Pioneer provides an example of the archaeological and paleoclimatic value of studying alluvial buried soil stratigraphic sequences in arid environments.  相似文献   

Despite the important role played by the Sardinia‐Corsica block in the reconstruction of the Western Mediterranean geodynamics, the extent of involvement of the “Autochthonous” European margin exposed in Corsica (France) (i.e., Hercynian Corsica) in the Alpine orogeny remains uncertain. Stratigraphic and sedimentological studies in the post‐Variscan deposits on the Hercynian Corsica are scarce and even scarcer are the structural and metamorphic constraints. To face these uncertainties, we present new stratigraphic, structural and metamorphic data from the area of Razzo Bianco, Central Corsica, where a complete sequence belonging to the European continental margin is exposed. Field and structural investigations demonstrate that the sequence represents the easternmost edge of the downgoing European plate. Metamorphic studies on the Eocene deposits indicate that the margin was buried at depth up to blueschist facies conditions and, subsequently, it was progressively exhumed mainly through the activation of oblique top‐to‐the NW shear zones.  相似文献   

A 5.3m profile originally described as loess with a buried interglacial soil is reinterpreted from petrographic evidence and thermoluminescence dating as a Holocene colluvial accretionary soil. Mineralogical analyses of coarse silt (16–63 μm) fractions suggest that most of the silty colluvium was derived from weathered Thanet Beds upslope, though some loess was incorporated during the final depositional phase. Thin sections show that clay illuviation occurred penecontem-poraneously with deposition of colluvium. Thermoluminescence properties suggest partial optical bleaching of the grains during rapid deposition, which is consistent with a Holocene colluvial origin.  相似文献   

The southern and western coastlines of South Africa have an extensive archaeological record with many sites associated with widespread eolian deposits. While much of this rich archaeological record is based on cave sites, evidence of Late Stone Age occupation is additionally preserved in the form of open‐site shell middens. We present here a comparative study of the application of amino acid racemization (AAR), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), and radiocarbon analyses to three Late Stone Age (LSA) midden sites found within dunes on the southern coastline of South Africa. Preliminary geochronological analyses suggest that middens offer opportunity to fill in gaps in what is still a fragmentary archaeological record. Results show OSL and radiocarbon ages in good agreement, illustrating the potential to date not only the middens but also the surrounding dunes that constituted the dwelling sites. AAR results show increasing ratios with age and also that the application of paired shell and “whole rock” AAR can provide insights into the degree of biogenic sediment recycling at buried midden sites. However, the work also highlights that caution is required when OSL sampling sediment associated with middens which may have undergone human disturbance and that further work is required to improve the regional marine reservoir correction for radiocarbon dating in this part of South Africa. The study also illustrates that AAR will only provide useful data provided that middens have been sufficiently deeply buried to overcome fluctuations in environmental variables that affect the racemization rate and that inter‐genus comparisons should be avoided. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Global climate change at the end of Pleistocene led to extinction in the huge territories of Northern Eurasia of the typical representatives of the Mammoth fauna: mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, wild horse, bison, musk-ox, and cave lion. Undoubtedly the Mammoth fauna underwent pressure from Upper Paleolithic humans, whose hunting activity could also have played a role in decreasing the number of mammoths and other representatives of megafauna. Formerly it was supposed that the megafauna of the “Mammoth complex” had become extinct by the beginning of the Holocene. Nevertheless the latest data indicate that extinction of the Mammoth fauna was significantly delayed in the north of Eastern Siberia. In the 1990s some radiocarbon dates established that mammoths existed in the Holocene on Wrangel Island—from 7700 until 3700 yBP. Radiocarbon data show that wild horses inhabited the north of Eastern Siberia 4600–2000 yBP. Muskoxen lived here about 3000 yBP. Some bison remains from Eastern Siberia belong to the Holocene. The following circumstances could promote the survival of representatives of Mammoth fauna. Cool and dry climate in this region promotes the maintenance of steppe associations—the habitats of those mammals. Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic settlements are not found in the Arctic zone of Eastern Siberia from Taimyr Peninsula to the lower Yana River; they are very rare in basins of the Indigirka and Kolyma Rivers. The small number of Stone Age hunting tribes in the northern part of Eastern Siberia was probably another factor that contributed to the survival of some Mammoth fauna representatives.  相似文献   

The degree to which post‐depositional disturbance can be assessed in archaeological sequences is critical for the development of robust chronologies for such deposits. A common approach is the identification of conjoined artefacts distributed through the sequence as a measure of disturbance following deposition, although this method is relatively labour intensive and does not provide a continuous record of disturbance through the entire sequence. Here we present δ13C values for different size fractions (<125 and >125 µm) of chemically resistant charcoal distributed through a sedimentary profile at Allen's Cave, South Australia. The curves generated from both size fractions parallel one another, indicating minimal disturbance through the entire profile and providing greater confidence in the luminescence and radiocarbon chronologies reported previously for the site. In addition, the elemental δ13C values provide an indication of greater aridity (compared with present) persisting in this area from ca. 45 to 12 ka, consistent with other proxy records. The onset of the Holocene is marked by a shift to wetter conditions, probably as a result of post‐glacial marine transgression and closer proximity to the coastline. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy of the last deglaciation sequence is investigated in Lake Saint‐Jean (Québec Province, Canada) based on 300 km of echo‐sounder two dimensional seismic profiles. The sedimentary archive of this basin is documented from the Late Pleistocene Laurentidian ice‐front recession to the present‐day situation. Ten seismic units have been identified that reflect spatio‐temporal variations in depositional processes characterizing different periods of the Saint‐Jean basin evolution. During the postglacial marine flooding, a high deposition rate of mud settling, from proglacial glacimarine and then prodeltaic plumes in the Laflamme Gulf, produced an extensive, up to 50 m thick mud sheet draping the isostatically depressed marine basin floor. Subsequently, a closing of the water body due to glacio‐isostatic rebound occurred at 8.5 cal. ka BP, drastically modifying the hydrodynamics. Hyperpycnal flows appeared because fresh lake water replaced dense marine water. River sediments were transferred towards the deeper part of the lake into river‐related sediment drifts and confined lobes. The closing of the water body is also marked by the onset of a wind‐driven internal circulation associating coastal hydrodynamics and bottom currents with sedimentary features including shoreface deposits, sediment drifts and a prograding shelf‐type body. The fingerprints of a forced regression are well expressed by mouth‐bar systems and by the shoreface–shelf system, the latter unexpected in such a lacustrine setting. In both cases, a regressive surface of lacustrine erosion (RSLE) has been identified, separating sandy mouth‐bar from glaciomarine to prodeltaic muds, and sandy shoreface wedges from the heterolithic shelf‐type body, respectively. The Lake Saint‐Jean record is an example of a regressive succession driven by a glacio‐isostatic rebound and showing the transition from late‐glacial to post‐glacial depositional systems.  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Mineral Mountains area (Utah, USA) preserves diversified Smithian and Spathian reefs and bioaccumulations that contain fenestral‐microbialites and various benthic and pelagic organisms. Ecological and environmental changes during the Early Triassic are commonly assumed to be associated with numerous perturbations (productivity changes, acidifica‐tion, redox changes, hypercapnia, eustatism and temperature changes) post‐dating the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. New data acquired in the Mineral Mountains sediments provide evidence to decipher the relationships between depositional environments and the growth and distribution of microbial structures. These data also help to understand better the controlling factors acting upon sedimentation and community turnovers through the Smithian–early Spathian. The studied section records a large‐scale depositional sequence during the Dienerian(?)–Spathian interval. During the transgression, depositional environments evolved from a coastal bay with continental deposits to intertidal fenestral–microbial limestones, shallow subtidal marine sponge–microbial reefs to deep subtidal mud‐dominated limestones. Storm‐induced deposits, microbialite–sponge reefs and shallow subtidal deposits indicate the regression. Three microbialite associations occur in ascending order: (i) a red beds microbialite association deposited in low‐energy hypersaline supratidal conditions where microbialites consist of microbial mats and poorly preserved microbially induced sedimentary structure; (ii) a Smithian microbialite association formed in moderate to high‐energy, tidal conditions where microbialites include stromatolites and associated carbonate grains (oncoids, ooids and peloids); and (iii) a Spathian microbialite association developed in low‐energy offshore conditions that is preserved as multiple decimetre thick isolated domes and coalescent domes. Data indicate that the morphologies of the three microbialite associations are controlled primarily by accommodation, hydrodynamics, bathymetry and grain supply. This study suggests that microbial constructions are controlled by changes between trapping and binding versus precipitation processes in variable hydrodynamic conditions. Due to the presence of numerous metazoans associated with microbialites throughout the Smithian increase in accommodation and Spathian decrease in accommodation, the commonly assumed anachronistic character of the Early Triassic microbialites and the traditional view of prolonged deleterious conditions during the Early Triassic time interval is questioned.  相似文献   

This paper compares archaeological evidence of Aboriginal occupation inside rock shelters and outside in adjacent sand sheets, focusing on two locations in the Keep‐River region, northwestern Australia. Luminescence and radiocarbon dating reveal that occupation sequences inside rock shelters are generally younger ( < 10,000 yr B.P.) than outside ( < 18,000 yr B.P.). Differences in occupation chronology and artifact assemblages inside and outside rock shelters result from depositional and postdepositional processes and shifts in site function. An increase in regional sedimentation rate from 10 cm/ka − 1 in the Pleistocene to 20 cm/ka − 1 in the Holocene may account for late buildup of sediments within rock shelters, increased artifact accumulation, and reduced postdepositional disturbance in some settings. More intense use of rock shelters in the Late Holocene is indicated from a change in hunting technology and greater production of rock art. The results indicate that some cultural interpretations might be flawed unless archaeological evidence from rock‐shelter and open‐site excavations is integrated. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Coastal erosion of sand dune systems along Druridge Bay, northeast England, has progressively exposed parts of the subdune mid‐Holocene landscape, including paleocatenas, indicating former soil hydrosequences with localized wetland habitats, and archaeological evidence of human activities and land use from the Late Mesolithic to the Romano‐British period. Archaeological investigations and pedostratigraphic studies of paleosols provide a unique spatial–chronological framework to interpret soil and land use change over several millennia in the context of a changing coastal environment. Evidence includes dating of archaeological remains, the stratigraphy, morphology and micromorphology of buried soils and sediments, and the palynology and radiocarbon dating of subdune peats. Early Bronze Age burial sites were preferentially located on well‐drained hillocks also used for grazing. Adjacent wetland depressions provided areas of marshy grassland and swamp over deep fen peat soils that started to develop c. 5435 cal. yr B.P. in response to a rising groundwater table stimulated partly by slow sea‐level rise. The backslopes of the paleocatena were occupied by imperfectly to poorly drained soils that supported open oak‐hazel woodland with evidence for progressive clearance and use for agriculture. Windblown sand started to accumulate on the study site sometime between 3930 and 3670 cal. yr B.P., well before the Little Ice Age date for dune formation suggested by previous researchers.  相似文献   

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