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The paper presents data on the major-component, trace-element, and mineralogical composition of plutonic rocks, and the composition of their minerals, from the Sierra Leone region in the crest zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between the Strakhov and Bogdanov fracture zones. According to their relations with seafloor structures, the rock associations are subdivided into those of rift valleys and nontransform offset zones. The troctolites and olivine gabbro composing the rift association were produced early in the fractionation course of oceanic tholeiite melt in unstationary and relatively small magmatic chambers. Most rocks beneath the nontransform offset zones crystallized during the long-lasting fractionation of the melt in large chambers hosted in serpentinized peridotites. This part consists of various cumulates, ranging from troctolites to gabbroids. Where deep tectonic detachments entered partly consolidated portions of the chambers, the melt interacted with the wall rocks. Fluid that was generated via the dehydration of serpentine and concentrated hydrophile elements, locally modified the composition of the melt and resulted in amphibole-bearing rocks. Under stress, the intercumulus melts were squeezed into tectonically weakened zones, mixed there, and also interacted with the wall rocks. These mix melts produced (with the participation of fractional crystallization) mineralized Fe-Ti gabbroids. Residual portions of the melts generated most of the diorites and plagiogranites. The high-Na diorites likely crystallized from acid melts that were derived via the partial melting of older gabbroids where aqueous fluids circulated; these fluids were generated by the deserpenitization of the host rocks in tectonized zones cutting through the chambers.  相似文献   

Satellite free air gravity anomalies over the Indian ocean region 79°E–86°E, 2°S–8°S were obtained from the website http://topex.ucsd.edu and a contour map was compiled. Five profiles of the anomaly have been interpreted in terms of two-dimensional structures in the ocean. Thickness of sediments lying on the oceanic crust determined from the interpretation of gravity profiles were used to compile an isopach map of the region 79°E–86°E, 2°S–8°S. This map in combination with one of the isopach maps compiled by previous workers, provides information regarding the thickness of sediments up to 6° S. According to this map sediment thickness varies from ~600 m over the middle part of the region to ~800 m further south, indicating that thinning of sediments in the middle part of the region is only localized. Information provided by this gravity study may be useful in planning detailed seismological studies to delimit the outer edge of the continental margin of Sri Lanka, defined according to the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).  相似文献   

The Pampas plain (30°–41°S) has historically been considered as a sector that evolved independently from the adjacent Andean ranges. Nevertheless, the study of the Pampas showed that it is reasonable to expect an important influence from the Andes into the extraandean area. The Pampas plain can be divided into two sectors: the northern portion, adjacent to the Pampean Ranges, has been studied by Davila (2005, 2007, 2010). The southern sector (34°–41°S) is the objective of the present work. The study of this area allowed to characterize two separate foreland basins: the Southern Pampa basin and the Northern Patagonian basin. The infill is composed of Late Miocene and Pliocene units, interpreted as distal synorogenic sequences associated with the late Cenozoic Andean uplift at this latitudinal range. These foreland basins have been defined based on facies changes, distinct depositional styles, along with the analysis of sedimentary and isopach maps. The basins geometries are proposed following De Celles and Gilles (1996) taking into account the infill geometry, distribution and grain size. In both cases, these depocenters are located remarkably far away from the Andean tectonics loads. Therefore they cannot be explained with short-wave subsidence patterns. Elastic models explain the tectonic subsidence in the proximal depocenters but fail to replicate the complete distal basins. These characteristics show that dynamic subsidence is controlling the subsidence in the Southern Pampas and Northern Patagonian basins.  相似文献   

A model for the dust envelope of the protoplanetary nebula LSIV-12°111 is computed using measured fluxes of the object from the UV to the far-IR. It is assumed that the spherically symmetrical envelope is comprised of silicate particles with a standard MRN size distribution, whose number density varies inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The optical depth of the envelope, whose inner boundary is 5.6×1016 cm from the central star, is 0.072 at 0.55 µm. The temperature of the dust grains at the inner boundary of the envelope is 124 K. The estimated distance to LSIV-12°111 is 3.8 kpc. The current mass-loss rate of the object derived from a self-consistent solution for the radiative transport and motion of the dust in the envelope is 1.0×10?5M/yr.  相似文献   

Three major diastrophic cycles, defined by their structural style and their spatial distribution are recognized in the Andean Basement of this region. The oldest structures are related to the Panamerican Orogeny (500 to 700 m. a.) which produced in the Central Craton multiply deformed complexes of schists, gneisses and granites, that are covered discordantly by unmetamorphosed Cambrian and Ordovician beds. West of the Central Craton Ordovician sedimentary beds are folded with a simple structural style and intruded by granites. Both the sedimentry beds and the granites are covered discordantly by undeformed Devonian sequences. The folding of the Ordovician is attributed to the ocloyic phase of the Caledonian movements. West of the ocloyic belt is another foldbelt consisting of strongly folded Devonian beds attributed to the chanic phase (hercynian). The chanic belt is intruded by carboniferous and permian granites and covered discordantly by Carboniferous and Permian sequences.The features observed in the eastern slope of the Andes suggest that the Paleozoic foldbelts are intracratonic. Whether there are accreted terrains in the Pacific Coastal Cordillera is matter of controversy.
Zusammenfassung Im Andenbasement dieser Region lassen sich drei diastrophische Hauptzyklen, die durch ihren strukturellen Baustil und ihre geographische Verbreitung definiert sind, unterscheiden. Die ältesten Strukturen sind verknüpft mit den Bewegungen der Panamerikanischen Orogenese (500–700 m. a.), welche im Zentralkraton einen polydeformierten Komplex von Schiefern, Gneissen und Graniten erzeugte. Diesem lagern diskordant kambrische und ordovizische Sequenzen ohne Metamorphose und präandiner Deformation auf. Nach Westen zu gibt es einen Gürtel stark deformierter ordovizischer Sedimente, die einen einfacheren Baustil als das präkambrische Basement aufweisen, und diskordant von undeformierten devonischen Abfolgen bedeckt sind. Die Faltung des Ordoviziums wird der Ocloyischen Phase der Kaledonischen Bewegung zugerechnet.Weiter westwärts tritt ein jüngerer Faltengürtel aus devonischen Sedimenten auf, die während der Chanischen Phase der Herzynischen Bewegung intensiv deformiert wurden, und von karbonischen und permischen Sequenzen diskordant überlagert sind.Der Ocloyische Gürtel ist von postordovizischen Graniten die von devonischen Schichten überlagert sind, und der Chanische Gürtel von karbonischen und permischen Graniten intrudiert. Im präkambrischen Basement des Zentralkratons treten einerseits präkambrische Granite auf, denen diskordant kambrische Schichten auflagern. Andererseits findet man Granite mit paläozoischen Isotopenaltern, letztere aber in Gebieten, wo wegen des Fehlens von Deckschichten eine stratigraphische Kontrolle unmöglich ist.Die gemachten Beobachtungen scheinen darauf hinzudeuten, daß die paläozoischen Faltengürtel intrakratonisch sind. Ob es allochtone »terrains« in der pazifischen Küstenkordillere gibt, ist Gegenstand der Kontroverse.

Resumen En el basamento de los Andes de esta región se distinguen tres ciclos diastróficos mayores definidos por sus estilos estructurales y su distributión espacial. Las estructuras mas antiguas responden a movimientos que culminaron con la Orogénesis Panamericana (500–700 m. a.) que produjo en el Cratógeno Central un complejo de esquistos, gneises y granitos polideformados, al que se le superponen discordantemente secuencias cámbricas y ordovicicas sin metamorfismo ni déformatión preandina. Hacia el oeste hay un cinturón de sedimentos ordovícicos intensamente deformados con un estilo de plegamiento mas simple que el del basamento precámbrico y cubierto discordantemente por secuencias marinas devónicas sin deformatión. Los movimientos responsables de este plegamiento se atribuyen a la fase oclóyica de los movimientos caledónicos. Más hacia el oeste se manifiesta una franja de deformatión mas jóven atribuída a la Fase chánica de los movimientos hercínicos, en ella se encuentran sedimentitas devónicas intensamente plegadas cubiertas discordantemente por secuencias carbónicas y pérmicas.El cinturón oclóyico esta acompanãdo por granitos postordovícicos cubiertos por Devónico. Asimismo, el cinturón chánico (hercínico) esta intruido por granitos probablemente carbónicos. Con respecta a los granitos intruidos en el zócalo antiguo, hay algunos indudablemente precámbricos por estar cubiertos discordantemente por secuencias cámbricas sin metamorfismo, además hay granitos de edad dudosa que han dado valores isotópicos paleozoicos pero en lugares donde el control estratigráfico no es posible por ausencia de la cobertura paleozoica. De acuerdo a los hechos observados en la ladera oriental de los Andes surge la idea de que los cinturones de plegamiento paleozoicos son intracratónicos, aun es materia de controversia si en la Cordillera de la Costa junto al Pacifico hay terrenos alóctonos acrecionados.

, . (500–700 ), , , , , - . , , . , . . , ; . . , , — , . , - . , . - .

At the southern part of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), between 6°S and 30°S a survey on volcanic and hydrothermal activity was performed and samples were obtained by means of TV-controlled grab.This paper deals with altered and mineralized basalt sampled between 7°S and 23°S from five sites in a hydrothermal field.These basalts of tholeitic composition are vitreous to holocrystaline. They have suffered pervasive alteration during which rock-forming minerals (pyroxene, plagioclase) have been replaced by kaolinite, chlorite and smectite. As a consequence, strong depletion of Ca, Cr, Ni, Mg, Sr and Al took place, accompanied by an enrichment of Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, Zn, and Pb. The ore mineral assemblage is rather uniform and consists of pyrite, marcasite, wurtzite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, covellite and goethite.The igneous and hydrothermal activities can be subdivided into different stages: lithification, high-temperature alteration (<400 C), medium to low temperature alteration and two substages of ore formation (250°C – 150°C and <150°C, respectively).This active present-day ore deposition is interpreted in terms of a peripheral zone of a volcanic-hosted ore mineralisation. It may be compared with fossil ophiolite-hosted massive sulfides that formed throughout the Alpine (e.g. Arabia, Cyprus) as well as Caledonian orogeny (e.g. Scandinavia).
Zusammenfassung Im Südteil des East Pacific Rise (EPR) zwischen 6°S und 30°S wurde eine Übersichtsbeprobung in einem Gebiet starker vulkanischer und hydrothermaler Aktivität durchgeführt. Diese Studie befaßt sich mit alterierten und mineralisierten Basalten die in einem Hyrothermalfeld, an 5 Positionen zwischen 7°S und 23°S genommen wurden. Die tholeiitischen Basalte sind z.T. hyalin. z.T. holokristallin strukturiert. Im Verlauf der sehr starken Alteration wurden die Minerale Pyroxen und Plagioklas in Kaolinit, Chlorit und Smektit ungewandelt. Dieser Verdrängungsprozeß wurde von einer starken Abreicherung an Ca, Cr, Ni, Mg, Sr, Al und einer Anreicherung an Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, Zn und Pb begleitet. Die Vererzung zeigt eine einfache Mineralvergesellschaftung mit Pyrit, Markasit, Wurtzit, Sphalerit, Chalkopyrit, Covellin und Geothit.Die magmatische und hydrothermale Aktivität läßt sich in verschiedene Stadien untergliedern: Basaltentstehung, Hochtemperturalteration (< 400°), Mittelbis Tieftemperaturalteration und Vererzung mit 2 Substadien (250°C–150°C, < 150°C).Diese rezenten Vererzungen lassen sich interpretieren als die Randzone einer vulkanitgebundenen Erzmineralisation. Sie läßt sich mit fossilen Vertretern ophiolit-gebundener massiver Sulfiderze, wie sie im Verlauf den alpidischen (z.B. Arab.-Halbinsel, Zypern) und kaledonischen Orogenese (z.B. Norwegen) entstanden sind, vergleichen.

Résumé Une étude des activités volcanique et hydrothermale a été effectuée dans la partie sud de l'East Pacific Rise, entre 6° et 30° de latitude sud. Des échantillons y ont été prélevés au moyen d'un engin dirigé par TV.La présente note se rapporte aux basaltes altérés et minéralisés récoltés en cinq points d'un champ hydrothermal, entre 7°S et 23°S.Ces basaltes, de composition tholéiitique sont tantôt vitreux, tantôt holocristallins. Ils ont été le siège d'une forte altération hydrothermale au cours de laquelle les minéraux de la roche (pyroxène, plagioclase) ont été remplacés par de la kaolinite, de la chlorite et de la smectite. Il en est résulté un appauvrissement marqué en Ca, Cr, Ni, Mg, Sr et Al, accompagné d'un enrichissement en Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, Zn et Pb. La minéralisation présente une association simple à pyrite, marcassite, wurtzite, sphalérite, covelline et goethite.On peut distinguer plusieurs stades d'activité magmatique et hydrothermale: formation du basalte, altération de haute température (<400°C), altération de moyenne à basse température avec deux stades de minéralisation (250-150°C; <150°C). Ces dépôts de la nature actuelle peuvent s'interpréter comme la zone périphérique d'une aire de minéralisation volcanogène. On peut les comparer à des gisements fossiles de sulfures massifs liés à des ophiolites, comme il s'en est formé au cours des orogenèses alpine (p. ex.: péninsule arabique, Chypre) et calédonienne (p. ex.: Norvège).

»East Pacific Rise (EPR)« 6° 30° . , 7° 23° . , . , , . , Cr, Ni, Mg, Sr, Al Fe, u, , Mo, Zn Pb. , , , , , . : , ( 400°), (250°–150°, <150°) . , , . , , (.: , ) (.: ).

<正>The Ordos Basin in the western part of the North China Craton is commonly believed to be a multi-controlled oilbearing basin.It is bounded by the Xing’an-Mongolian Orogen to the north,the Qingling Orogen to the south,the Lüliang mountain to the east and the Helanshan-Liupanshan mountain belt to the west.The interpretation of geophysical data reveals a latitudinal(38°)fault belt in the centre of the Ordos Basin,which controls the hydrocarbon generation,migration and accumulation in the basin.This study attempts to  相似文献   

Patagonia, including the island of Tierra del Fuego, lies in southernmost South America at the junction of the South American, Antarctic, and Scotia tectonic plates. Historical and instrumental records have documented several local earthquakes of damaging magnitude, posing a threat to the rapidly growing population of 300,000 and the expanding industrial and service infrastructure. Short and inaccurate instrumental records of local seismic events and a diffuse epicenter distribution not clearly related to the recognized seismogenic structures have hindered an adequate evaluation of the seismic hazard for this region. To improve this situation, a paleoseismological study was carried out on two gravelly strandplains on the Atlantic coast of Patagonia. Surveying combined ground-probing radar, vertical electric sounding, and seismic refraction. Coseismic normal faults buried beneath the strandplain bodies were revealed and related to the morphology of the strandplains. The faults have probable ages between 0.9 and 6.4 kyr BP and a recurrence rate of about 1 kyr. The more likely source for these structures is the Magallanes-Fagnano fault, a continental transform fault that crosses Tierra del Fuego. The distance of more than 300 km from the buried coseismic structures to the trace of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault argues for high-magnitude earthquake activity on this fault throughout the Holocene. Urban development on soft glacial and alluvial substrates increases the hazard.  相似文献   

The structure of the Chilean Frontal Cordillera, located over the Central Andes flat-slab subduction segment (27°–28.5°S), is characterized by a thick-skinned deformation, affecting both the pre-rift basement and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic infill of the NNE-SSW Lautaro and Lagunillas Basins, which were developed during the Pangea-Gondwana break-up. The compressive deformation show a complex interaction between Mesozoic rift structures and thrust systems, affecting a suite of Permo-Triassic (258–245 Ma) granitic blocks. We used a combination of geological mapping, new structural data, balanced and restored cross sections and geochronological data to investigate the geometry and kinematics of the Andean thick-skinned thrust systems of the region. The thrust systems include double-vergent thick-skinned thrust faults, basement-cored anticlines and minor thin-skinned thrusts and folds. The presence of Triassic and Jurassic syn-rift successions along the hanging wall and footwall of the basement thrust faults are keys to suggest that the current structural framework of the region should be associated with the shortening of previous Mesozoic half grabens. Based on this interpretation, we propose a deformation mechanism characterized by the tectonic inversion of rift-related faults and the propagation of basement ramps that fold and cut both, the early normal faults and the basement highs. New U–Pb ages obtained from synorogenic deposits (Quebrada Seca and Doña Ana formations) indicate at least three important compressive pulses. A first pulse at ∼80 Ma (Late Cretaceous), a second pulse related to the K-T phase of Andean deformation and, finally, a third pulse that occurred during the lower Miocene.  相似文献   

The intramontane Lauca Basin at the western margin of the northern Chilean Altiplano lies to the west of and is topographically isolated from the well-known Plio-Pleistocene lake system of fluvio-lacustrine origin that covers the Bolivian Altiplano from Lake Titicaca to the north for more than 800 km to the Salar de Uyuni in the south. The Lauca Basin is filled by a sequence of some 120 m of mainly upper Miocene to Pliocene elastic and volcaniclastic sediments of lacustrine and alluvial origin. Volcanic rocks, partly pyroelastic, provide useful marker horizons. In the first period (6–4 Ma) of its evolution, the Lago Lauca was a shallow ephemeral lake. Evaporites indicate temporarily closed conditions. After 4 Ma the lake changed to a perennial water body surrounded by alluvial plains. In the late Pleistocene and Holocene (2-0 Ma) there was only marginal deposition of alluvial and glacial sediments. The basin formed as a half-graben or by pull-apart between 10 and 15 Ma (tectonic displacement of the basal ignimbrite sequence during the Quechua Phase) and 6.2 Ma (maximum K/Ar ages of biotites of tuff horizons in the deepest part of the basin). Apart from this early basin formation, there has been surprisingly little displacement during the past 6 Ma close to the Western Cordillera of the Altiplano. Also, climate indicators (pollen, evaporites, sedimentary facies) suggest that an arid climate has existed for the past 6 Ma on the Altiplano. Together, these pieces of evidence indicate the absence of large scale block-faulting, tilt and major uplift during the past 5–6 Ma in this area.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - A search for pulse signals was carried out in a new sky area included in the monitoring program for the search for pulsars and transients. Processing of several months data...  相似文献   

Zabuye Salt Lake in Tibet, China is a carbonate-type salt lake, which has some unique characteristics that make it different from other types of salt lakes. The lake is at the latter period in its evolution and contains liquid and solid resources. Its brine is rich in Li, B, K and other useful minor elements that are of great economic value. We studied the concentration behavior of these elements and the crystallization paths of salts during isothermal evaporation of brine at 15°C and 25°C. The crystallization sequence of the primary salts from the brine at 25°C is halite (NaCl) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3)→ trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → sylvite (KCl), while the sequence is halite (NaCl) → sylvite (KCl) → trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) at 15°C. They are in accordance with the metastable phase diagram of the Na+, K+-Cl?, CO32?, SO42?-H2O quinary system at 25°C, except for Na2CO3·7H2O which is replaced by trona and thermonatrite. In the 25°C experiment, zabuyelite (Li2CO3) was precipitated in the early stage because Li2CO3 is supersaturated in the brine at 25°C, in contrast with that at 15°C, it precipitated in the later stage. Potash was precipitated in the middle and late stages in both experiments, while boron was concentrated in the early and middle stages and precipitated in the late stage.  相似文献   

Based on materials obtained in Cruises 33 and 34 of the R/V Professor Logachev, the paper addresses formation conditions, morphology, structures, mineral composition of the present-day oceanic sulfide ores, and their relationships with the host (biogenic carbonate) bottom sediments in the 19°–20° N MAR (Zenith-Victoria and Petersburg hydrothermal fields) region. The grain size distribution, mineral composition of the carbonate (background) and ore-hosting sediments, as well as physicochemical parameters of their interstitial waters, are examined. The results suggest a significant role of hydrothermal-metasomatic processes in the formation of ores and ore-bearing sediments. A model is proposed for the formation of sulfide mineralization in oceanic sediments at the geochemical barrier in the zone of their interaction with the acid hydrothermal (diffuse-type) ore-bearing solutions delivered from rocks of the ocean floor.  相似文献   

Petrographic, SEM, and EPMA analyses are used to study the micro-textures and mineralogical composition of samples collected by a TV-grab from the 26°S SMAR (southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge) hydrothermal field. The investigated samples include the outermost chimney walls and sulfide debris. Isocubanite-chalcopyrite intergrowths are the major Cu-Fe sulfide phase in the chimney wall samples. These intergrowths include normal chalcopyrite, anomalous chalcopyrite (Cu-poor, Zn- and Fe-rich), normal isocubanite with Cu/Fe < 0.50, and Cu-rich isocubanite with Cu/Fe > 0.50. Anomalous chalcopyrite and Cu-rich isocubanite represent the intermediate phases between stoichiometric chalcopyrite and isocubanite in the Cu-Fe-S system. Anomalous chalcopyrite occurs as cores or thin rims bordering isocubanite, which associated with sphalerite. While Cu-rich isocubanite commonly associates pyrite. Based on textural relationships and microanalytical data of both phases, we interpret the abundant anomalous chalcopyrite and Cu-rich isocubanite as metastable or as high-temperature (~300 °C) rapidly precipitated hydrothermal sulfides. This interpretation advocates the SMAR 26°S hydrothermal field as an immature and short-living system.  相似文献   

Data presented in the paper suggest significant differences between the thermodynamic conditions under which magmatic complexes were formed in MAR at 29°–34° N and 12°–18° N. The melts occurring at 29°–34° N were derived by the melting of a mantle source with a homogeneous distribution of volatile components and arrived at the surface without significant fractionation, likely, due to their rapid ascent. The MAR segments between 12° and 18° N combine contrasting geodynamic environments of magmatism, which predetermined the development of a large plume region with the widespread mixing of the melting products of geochemically distinct mantle sources. At the same time, this region is characterized by conditions favorable for the origin of localized zones of anomalous plume magmatism. These sporadic magmatic sources were spatially restricted to MAR fragments with the Hess crust, whose compositional and mechanical properties were, perhaps, favorable for the focusing and localization of plume magmatism. The plume source between 12° and 18°N beneath MAR may be geochemically heterogeneous.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(4):383-395
594 sediment samples from the Galapagos Rift System (GRS) and the crest of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) were chemically analyzed for 12 elements. Carbonate-free compositional datasets associated with each of 3 regions, the GRS, the EPR 2°N–4°S and the EPR 10°S–42°S, were separately subjected to endmember analysis. The compositions of endmember estimates were constructed for each dataset. These composition largely confirmed theidentities of endmembers that had previously been inferred from the varimax rotated loadings of a conventional factor analysis (of the correlation matrices) of the same 3 datasets.In view of the widely-reported unreliability of the correlation structure of compositional data, the confirmation by endmember analysis of the results of a factor analysis is itself quite remarkable. However, the particular advantage of endmember analysis is that the chemical compositions of extreme sources are estimated, and may readily be interpreted. The samples in the dataset can then be expressed as mixtures of these extreme sources. By contrast, the varimax rotated loadings of a factor analysis indicate only those elements that are associated together on a single factor which may or may not be an endmember, the composition of which nevertheless remains unknown.  相似文献   

Arrival-times of local events recorded in northern Chile and southern Bolivia were used to determine the P velocity structure above the subducted Nazca plate. The data were recorded between June and November 1994 by the French “Lithoscope” network: 41 vertical and 14 three-component short-period seismic stations were installed along a 700 km long profile crossing the main structures of the Andean chain, from the Coastal Cordillera to the Subandean Zone. The inversion method used is a modified version of Thurber’s 3D iterative simultaneous inversion code. The results were compared with a model obtained from previous German nearby refraction seismic studies and supplemented by field geological observations.The relocated seismicity is consistent with an ∼30° dipping slab between 0 and 170 km depth. We found a variation of about 30 km of the Moho depth along the profile. The crustal thickness is about 47 km under the Coastal Cordillera, 70 km under the Western Cordillera and the western part of the Eastern Cordillera, and 60–65 km beneath the Altiplano. Close to the surface, a good agreement between the velocity model and the geological structures is observed. Generally, in the upper crust, high velocities coincide with zones where basement is present near the surface. Low velocities are well correlated with the presence of very thick sedimentary basins or volcanic material. At greater depth, the trend of the velocity model is consistent with the existence of asymmetrical west-dipping imbricated blocks, overthrusting toward the east, which explain the asymmetrical pattern of the sedimentary basins. Beneath the Western Cordillera, the active volcanic arc, a large zone of low velocity is observed and interpreted to be due to partially molten material. A clear velocity contrast appears between the western and eastern parts of the upper mantle beneath the Andes; this geometry suggests the existence of a low velocity wedge in the mantle above the slab and the presence of a thick old lithosphere in the eastern part of the Andes.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1987,28(1):119-129
Paleoenvironmental changes dating back to before 10,000 yr B.P. at the northernmost occurrences of Nothofagus forests in Argentina at about latitude 37°S permit the reconstruction of past changes in the intensity of the winter rains, related to the southern westerlies that appear to determine the forest boundary. The paleoenvironmental interpretation is based on changes in the proportions of different Nothofagus species and changes in the ratio betwen forest and steppe taxa. The relatively most diverse and dense Nothofagus forest developed only during the last 4500 yr, prior to human impact during the last 300 yr. Before the middle Holocene, climatic conditions must have been different from the modern ones, with less overall precipitation judging from the overall lower amount of tree pollen and the reduction to primarily Nothfagus pumilio. An interval dated to older than 10,000 yr B.P. is characterized by co-occurrence of Prumnopitys andina, Nothofagus pumilio, and shrub-steppe taxa. Prumnopitys andina is known today only from scattered upper montane forest sites in Chile between 36° and 43°S lat and its ecological requirements are essentially unknown. The taxa combination, however, suggests that late-glacial climate must have been drier, and probably cooler than today. This implies that the winter rains and, consequently, the seasonal shift of the westerly circulation was reduced during the late Pleistocene and did not reach modern levels before 8500 yr B.P.  相似文献   

Glassy pillow basalts with unusual geochemical characteristics for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) have been dredge sampled from the Southwest Indian Ridge between 12 and 15°E during Leg ANT IV/4 of the F.S. POLARSTERN. Lavas from 4 of 6 dredges are moderately nepheline normative, highly K-enriched (0.5–1.77 wt% K2O) alkali basalts and hawaiites. Mg-numbers indicate that many of the lavas are fairly primitive (Mg No.=63–67), yet show extreme enrichment in incompatible elements; e.g. Nb (24–60 ppm), Ba (170–470 ppm) and Sr (258–460 ppm). Incompatible-element ratios such as Zr/Nb (3–5) and Y/Nb (0.46–1.1) are extremely low even for E-type (enriched) MORB, whereas (La/Yb)n ratios are particularly high (3.4–7.8). 87Sr/86Sr (0.70290–0.70368), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51302–0.51284) and 206Pb/204Pb (18.708–19.564) isotopic ratios further indicate the geochemically enriched nature of these lavas, which range from the compositional field for depleted N-type (normal) MORB towards the composition of Bouvet Island lavas. Mutually correlated incompatible-element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotopic ratios allow a fairly well constrained model to be developed for the petrogenesis of these unusually alkalic mid-ocean ridge lavas. The alkalic nature and degree of enrichment in incompatible elements is ascribed to particularly low degrees of partial melting (3–5 wt%), at greater than usual depth, of a source region that has experienced prior geochemical enrichment (by veining) related to the upwelling Bouvet mantle plume. To account for the observed compositional variations, a model is proposed whereby mixing between partial melts derived from these geochemically enriched silicate veins, and an incipient to low percentage (±2%) melt from the surrounding geochemically depleted suboceanic asthenosphere occurs as a consequence of increasing degree of melting with adiabatic upwelling. Eruption of these alkalic lavas in this spreading ridge environment is attributed to a temporary hiatus in tholeiitic volcanism and associated spreading along this section of the Southwest Indian Ridge, related to readjustment of spreading direction to a more stable plate geometry.  相似文献   

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