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The amphitheater of Catania is one of the main architectural structures built during Roman domination of the town. It was constructed in two successive phases between the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. and fell into disuse from the second half of the 4th century. Detailed geological and petrographic investigations allow better geomorphological reconstruction of the area where the monument was built. In particular, the western and eastern portions of the amphitheater are built on prehistoric lava flows, named Barriera del Bosco and Larmisi, respectively. We infer that the choice of site to build the monument was highly influenced by the morphological setting of the area. In fact, the location at the contact between two lava flow fields facilitated excavation and removal of rocks due to the incoherence of the scoriaceous lateral border of the lava flows. Integrating both archaeological and geological data has revealed that a large number of Neolithic, Greek, and Roman sites are located in the lava fields of Barriera del Bosco and Larmisi within the present urban district of Catania, indicating that during its long history the city was directly impacted by only one lava flow, namely in A.D. 1669.  相似文献   

The 2nd century AD earthquake in central Italy is only known by an epigraph that mentions restorations to a damaged weighing-house at the ancient locality of Pagus Interpromium. The available seismic catalogues report this event with the conventional date of 101 AD, a magnitude M aw of 6.3, and an epicentral location at the village of San Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore, in the province of Pescara. In order to improve the knowledge of the damage pattern, we gathered all the archaeological data collected during modern excavations at sites located in the area, which were presumably struck by the earthquake. This information is mainly represented by (1) stratigraphic units due to the sudden collapse of buildings over still frequented floors; (2) stratigraphic units demonstrating restoration or re-building of edifices; (3) stratigraphic units formed as the result of the abandonment of sites or of their lack of frequentation for decades or centuries. Only stratigraphic evidence consistent with an earthquake occurrence during the 2nd century AD has been considered. The most recent archaeological material found in a collapsed unit is a coin of Antoninus Pius, dated at 147–148 AD. This may represent a post quem date very close to the occurrence of the earthquake. The gathered information, plus the stratigraphic data that excluded the earthquake occurrence at some sites, has allowed us to roughly delineate an area of possible damage, including the Sulmona Plain and surrounding areas. Comparisons between the possible 2nd century damage distribution and (i) the damage patterns of more recent historical events that have struck the investigated area, (ii) the distribution of virtual intensities obtained by simulating an earthquake having an epicenter in the Sulmona Plain and applying an intensity attenuation relationship and (iii) a shaking scenario obtained by modelling the activation of the major active fault of the Sulmona Plain area (the Mt. Morrone fault) have revealed consistency between the ancient earthquake and the activation of this fault. Since no other historical events can be attributed to this active fault, we conclude that the time that has elapsed since the last fault activation should be in the order of 1,850 years, i.e. a time span that is very close to the recurrence interval of Apennine seismogenic sources. Moreover, considering the fault length, the causative source may be responsible for earthquakes with M up to 6.6–6.7. The comparison between the presumed 2nd century damage and the shaking scenario suggests that the magnitude mentioned is consistent with the presumed effects of the ancient earthquake. Finally, considering that Sulmona (the most important town in the region investigated) is located in the middle of the Mt. Morrone fault hanging wall, we consider it as the probable epicentral area. Therefore, to summarise the information on the 2nd century AD earthquake, we can conclude that (i) it occurred shortly after 147–148 AD; (ii) a magnitude M w 6.6–6.7 can be attributed to it and (iii) the probable macroseismic epicentral area was Sulmona.  相似文献   

A hierarchical mathematical model for analyses of coupled chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviour in concretes at high temperature is presented. The concretes are modelled as unsaturated deforming reactive porous media filled with two immiscible pore fluids, i.e. the gas mixture and the liquid mixture, in immiscible–miscible levels. The thermo‐induced desalination process is particularly integrated into the model. The chemical effects of both the desalination and the dehydration processes on the material damage and the degradation of the material strength are taken into account. The mathematical model consists of a set of coupled, partial differential equations governing the mass balance of the dry air, the mass balance of the water species, the mass balance of the matrix components dissolved in the liquid phases, the enthalpy (energy) balance and momentum balance of the whole medium mixture. The governing equations, the state equations for the model and the constitutive laws used in the model are given. A mixed weak form for the finite element solution procedure is formulated for the numerical simulation of chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviours. Special considerations are given to spatial discretization of hyperbolic equation with non‐self‐adjoint operator nature. Numerical results demonstrate the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed model and its numerical procedure in reproducing coupled chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviour in concretes subjected to fire and thermal radiation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New fission‐track ages on zircon and apatite (ZFT and AFT) from the south‐western internal Alps document a diachronous cooling history from east to west, with cooling rates of 15–19 °C Ma−1. In the Monviso unit, the ZFT ages are 19.6 Ma and the AFT ages are 8.6 Ma. In the eastern Queyras, ZFT ages range from 27.0 to 21.7 Ma and AFT ages from 14.2 to 9.4 Ma. In the western Queyras, ZFT ages are between 94.7 and 63.1 Ma and AFT ages are between 22.2 and 22.6 Ma. The Chenaillet ophiolite yields ages of 118.1 Ma on ZFT and 67.9 Ma on AFT. The combination of these new FT data with the available petrological and geochronological data emphasize an earlier exhumation in subduction context before 30 Ma, then in collision associated with westward tilting of the Piedmont zone.  相似文献   

A geotransect across the south‐western Alps from the Pelvoux Massif (external French Alps) to the Dora‐Maira massif (internal Italian Alps), through the Monviso ophiolitic complex, was investigated in the framework of the ‘Géo‐France 3D Alpes’ programme. A new interpretative crustal‐scale section across the south‐western Alps is proposed, combining geological and geophysical 2D/3D data. The Apulian mantle (i.e. the Ivrea body) might be divided into two rigid pieces separated by the downward prolongation of the Penninic frontal thrust. These mantle indenters drive the decoupling of the European crust. Beneath the high to ultra‐high pressure metamorphic nappes, the deep structure results from the stacking of crustal slices extracted from the European lithosphere. The proposed structural model provides a basis for discussing the evidence of the crustal‐scale partitioning of the current strain pattern as well as the location of the seismicity.  相似文献   

Groundwater over-exploitation has been on the rise in Jordan. Competing demands have grown in the face of perennial water shortages, a situation which has been exacerbated by drought conditions in the past decade. This paper reports findings of a project in which management options to address over-exploitation were developed for one of Jordans principal aquifer systems, the Amman-Zarqa Basin. Options for addressing the situation were developed through a participatory approach that involved government officials and various public and private sector interest groups. Particular efforts were made to involve well irrigators, who are likely to be heavily impacted by the changes required to reduce groundwater pumping to a sustainable level. With information obtained from a rapid appraisal survey as well as from interviews with farmers, community groups, government officials, and technical experts, an extensive set of options was identified for evaluation. Based on integrated hydrogeologic, social, and economic analysis, five complementary management options were recommended for implementation. These included the establishment of an Irrigation Advisory Service, buying out farm wells, placing firm limits on well abstraction and irrigated crop areas, exchanging treated wastewater for groundwater, and measures to increase the efficiency of municipal and industrial water use. Various combinations and levels of these options were grouped in scenarios, representing possible implementation strategies. The scenarios were designed to assist decision makers, well owners and other stakeholders in moving gradually towards a sustainable abstraction regime. Social and economic aspects of each option and scenario were analyzed and presented to stakeholders, together with a summary of legal, institutional and environmental ramifications. Combining scientific analysis with a participatory approach in the Amman Zarqa Basin groundwater management was devised as a prototype to be used in the management of other groundwater basins in Jordan. This participatory management approach would also be useful in other parts of the world that are experiencing similar groundwater over-exploitation problems.Résumé La surexploitation des eaux souterraines prend de limportance en Jordanie. Les demandes en concurrence ont augmenté face à des déficits permanents deau, situation qui a été exacerbée par la sécheresse de la dernière décennie. Cet article rend compte de laboutissement dun projet dans lequel des options de gestion portant sur la surexploitation ont été développées pour lun des principaux systèmes aquifères de Jordanie, le bassin dAmman Zarqa. Des options pour aborder cette situation ont été développées grâce à une approche participative qui implique des fonctionnaires du gouvernement et des groupes dintérêts variés des secteurs public et privé. Des efforts particuliers ont été faits pour impliquer les irrigants utilisant des puits, qui sont probablement ceux qui ont le plus fort impact sur les changements attendus permettant de remettre le système en équilibre. À partir des informations obtenues de campagnes rapides dévaluation, telles que des réunions de communautés et des entrevues avec des experts techniques du gouvernement, un large jeu doptions a été identifié pour lévaluation. Basées sur une analyse hydrogéologique, sociale et économique, cinq options complémentaires de gestion ont été recommandées pour la réalisation. Ce sont la création dun Service Consultatif dIrrigation, achetant les puits agricoles, fixant des limites fermes aux prélèvements des puits et aux zones irriguées, échangeant les eaux usées traitées avec des eaux souterraines, et la mise en place de mesures pour accroître lefficacité des usages collectifs et industriels. Des combinaisons et des niveaux variés de ces options ont été regroupés en scénarios, présentant les stratégies possibles de mise en uvre. Les scénarios ont été mis au point pour assister les décideurs, les propriétaires de puits et les autres acteurs pour atteindre progressivement un régime de prélèvement durable. Les aspects sociaux et économiques de chaque option et de chaque scénario ont été analysés et présentés aux acteurs, en même temps quun résumé des ramifications légales, institutionnelles et environnementales. En combinant une analyse scientifique à une approche participative du bassin dAmman Zarqa, la gestion des eaux souterraines a été imaginée comme un prototype pouvant être utilisé pour la gestion dautres bassins aquifères de Jordanie. Il peut également être utile à dautres régions du monde qui sont concernées par des problèmes similaires de surexploitation des eaux souterraines.Resumen La sobreexplotación de las aguas subterráneas ha ido en aumento en Jordania, donde las demandas en competición han crecido frente a una escasez perenne de agua, situación que ha sido agravada por el estado de sequía de la última década. Este artículo presenta los hallazgos de un proyecto en el que se han desarrollado opciones de gestión para hacer frente a la sobreexplotación en uno de los principales sistemas acuíferos de Jordania: la cuenca de Ammán-Zarga. Se ha elaborado opciones para afrontar la situación mediante un enfoque participativo que incluye a personal del gobierno y a diversos grupos de interés de los sectores público y privado. En particular, se ha intentado involucrar a los regantes que se sirven de aguas subterráneas, quienes tienen más probabilidad de ser directamente afectados por los cambios requeridos para devolver el sistema a un balance equilibrado. A partir de la información obtenida en rápidas campañas de valoración, así como de encuentros con la comunidad y entrevistas con los expertos técnicos del gobierno, se ha identificado un amplio conjunto de opciones para su evaluación. Basándose en un análisis integrado de los aspectos hidrogeológicos, sociales y económicos, se ha recomendado la implementación de cinco opciones complementarias de gestión: establecimiento de un Servicio Asesor de Riego; adquisición de pozos de granjas; imposición de límites estrictos en las extracciones de pozos y superficies de riego; substitución de las aguas subterráneas con aguas residuales depuradas; y medidas para incrementar la eficiencia de los usos municipales e industriales del agua. Se ha agrupado varias combinaciones y niveles de dichas opciones en escenarios, representando estrategias posibles de implementación. Los escenarios han sido diseñados para ayudar a los gestores en la toma de decisiones, a los propietarios de pozos y a otros agentes para que se vaya consiguiendo de forma gradual un régimen de extracciones sustentable. Se ha analizado los aspectos sociales y económicos de cada opción y de cada escenario, presentándolos a los diversos agentes, además de generar un resumen de ramificaciones legales, institucionales y medioambientales. Se ha concebido la combinación de un análisis científico con un enfoque participativo en la cuenca de Ammán-Zarga como un prototipo de gestión de las aguas subterráneas que puede ser aplicado a la gestión de otras cuencas en Jordania. También sería útil en otros lugares del mundo que estén experimentando problemas similares de sobreexplotación de los recursos hídricos subterráneos.Abbreviations and acronyms AED Academy for Educational Development - ARD Associates in Rural Development - AZB Amman–Zarqa Basin - ECC Economic Consultative Council - GMCC Groundwater Management Consultative Committee - GMF Groundwater Management Fund - GIS Geographic Information System - HDH Hashmiya–Dulayl–Hallabat - IAS Irrigation Advisory Service - JICA Japanese International Cooperation Agency - M&I Municipal and Industrial - MOA Ministry of Agriculture - MWI Ministry of Water and Irrigation - NCARTT National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer - NGO Non-governmental Organization - O&M Operations and Maintenance - RA Rapid Appraisal - RS Remote Sensing - UFW Unaccounted for Water - USAID United States Agency for International Development - WAJ Water Authority of Jordan - WEPIA Water Education & Public Information Activity - WRPS Water Resource Policy Support  相似文献   

A new compilation of N‐isotope and abundance data for metasedimentary rocks, and hyrdothermal micas that proxy for bulk crust, show systematic patterns. (1) δ15N values of kerogen in Precambrian cherts are more negative relative to siliciclastic counterparts, probably due to a mantle hydrothermal component. (2) There is a secular trend from average δ15N 15.3 ± 1.8‰ in Archean shales, through intermediate values in the Proterozoic, to Phanerozoic counterparts where δ15N averages +3.5‰. (3) Hydrothermal micas in metamorphic hydrothermal systems of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age that proxy for crust have δ15N within the range of contemporaneous sedimentary rocks. (4) Hydrothermal micas track the secular trend of δ15N for kerogen from 2.7 Ga to the Phanerozoic. (5) Within Precambrian datasets δ15N does not increase with decreasing N content; accordingly, high δ15N values cannot stem either from metamorphism or form Rayleigh fractionation. (6) Previous studies show isotopic shifts during metamorphism are only +1 to +3‰ up to amphibolite facies. Values of 10–24‰ are attributed to a high δ15N Archean atmosphere, a residual signature of CI carbonaceous chondrites where δ15N is +30‰ to + 42‰.  相似文献   

The exact pattern, process and timing of the human re‐colonization of northern Europe after the end of the last Ice Age remain controversial. Recent research has provided increasingly early dates for at least pioneer explorations of latitudes above 54°N in many regions, yet the far north‐west of the European landmass, Scotland, has remained an unexplained exception to this pattern. Although the recently described Hamburgian artefacts from Howburn and an assemblage belonging to the arch‐backed point complex from Kilmelfort Cave have established at least a sporadic human presence during earlier stages of the Lateglacial Interstadial, we currently lack evidence for Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 (GS‐1) activity other than rare stray finds that have been claimed to be of Ahrensburgian affiliation but are difficult to interpret in isolation. We here report the discovery of chipped stone artefacts with technological and typological characteristics similar to those of the continental Ahrensburgian at a locality in western Scotland. A preliminary analysis of associated tephra, pollen and phytoliths, along with microstratigraphic analysis, suggest the artefacts represent one or more episodes of human activity that fall within the second half of GS‐1 and the Preboreal period. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Quaternary Science published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

宋超  刘财  张宇白  鹿琪 《世界地质》2014,33(3):708-715
为研究LNAPL(轻质非水相液体)污染物在均匀含水介质中的运移规律,本文建立微元模型推导出LNAPL在均匀含水介质中的对流--弥散方程。针对不同的介质模型,对二维对流--弥散方程运用差分法进行数值模拟,求其数值解。分析LNAPL污染物的运移特征,得出在均匀介质和非均匀层状介质中运移规律:LNAPL污染物在含水介质中的运移规律遵循对流--弥散方程,介质的弥散系数是影响LNAPL污染物运移的主要因素。  相似文献   

Tell es‐Sâfi/gath is situated in the semiarid foothills of central Israel, adjacent to the coastal . plain. An enigmatic landscape feature, noted on aerial photographs, encircles the tell on three sides. This unique feature, unknown from other Near Eastern tells, was investigated. Methods of analysis include aerial photographs, field surveys, excavations, soil analyses, chronotypological ceramic classification, and radiocarbon dating. We concluded that (1) the peculiar landscape feature is a huge human‐made trench, over 2 km long, 5–6 m deep, and more than 8 m wide, cut through bedrock; (2) the trench was excavated during the Iron Age IIA (ca. 1000–800 B.C.E.), apparently as part of a siege system; (3) the extracted rock and soil material was dumped on the Iron Age landscape surface on one side of the trench, forming an elevated “berm”; (4) erosion processes transformed this landscape scar, as the trench filled with sediment; (5) stratigraphic analysis indicates two major phases of filling, separated by a period of landscape stability and soil formation (A horizon); (6) the two filling phases, exhibiting Iron Age IIA and Byzantine pottery (ca. 324—638 C.E.), appear to coincide with more intense human activity; and (7) the possible effect of climatic variations seems less obvious. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The assessment of seismicity in many areas of Italy hinges on poorly known earthquakes listed by the seismic catalogue on the grounds of single, poor quality data taken from seismological compilations which, in most cases, did not adopt a consistently critical outlook in processing their miscellaneous information. Starting from such datasets it was easy to misunderstand, lose and duplicate evidence and events. This study was initiated to see whether better results might be attained by a more careful reprocessing of the same data already gathered by compilations. Six important, but poorly known, earthquakes were listed by the Italian catalogue in the selected time-window (1292–1294): according to the results of the study one of them is to be back-dated by a century, three others should be reduced to one, another can be confirmed and the last one is a fake. The author is indebted to Paola Albini, Romano Camassi, Magda Minoli, Laura Mucci and Massimiliano Stucchi for moral and material support.  相似文献   

K.R. Moore 《Geoarchaeology》2006,21(2):155-170
The Murrisk Peninsula in southwest County Mayo is a major target for gold exploration in Ireland. The most productive areas include the Cregganbaun Shear Zone and Cregganbaun Quartzite Belt on Croagh Patrick, both geologically related to Iapetus closure, and gold is concentrated in alluvial deposits of river systems draining these areas. A comparison of gold occurrences with the location of prehistoric stone monuments reveals that simple standing‐stone monuments, though isolated from other monument types, correlate with alluvial gold. South of the Murrisk Peninsula in Connemara, isolated standing stones are associated with a wide range of mineral resources and with other monuments. Dating of the stones relative to blanket‐bog expansion and coastal landform changes indicates that standing stones were raised as markers of gold placer deposits before a climatic deterioration at 1200 B.C. Late Bronze Age monuments with a ceremonial purpose are more complex and include stone alignments. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Sr K-edge Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) to determine the structural state of Sr in a suite of coral aragonite samples. Our samples encompassed a selection of coral species (Porites lobata, Porites lutea, Pocillopora eydouxi, Montastrea annularis, Pavona gigantea and Pavona clavus) including some commonly used for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Aragonite was the only carbonate observed by XRD. We refined the isolated EXAFS against structural models for Sr in aragonite and two-phase strontianite/aragonite mixes. Our data are indistinguishable from Sr ideally substituted in aragonite and strontianite was present below detection levels (estimated at <5% of Sr present). Comparisons of recent and ancient coral aragonite show no sign of exsolution, either by spinodal decomposition or by the direct nucleation of strontianite domains. Published diffusion rates of Sr in ionic solids support the view that exsolution would occur prohibitively slowly. Coral aragonites are metastable materials with slow diffusion kinetics that have the potential to encode environments over timescales of millions of years.  相似文献   

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