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Seismic traveltimes and amplitudes in reflection-seismic data show different dependences on the geometry of reflection interfaces, and on the variation of interval velocities. These dependences are revealed by eigenanalysis of the Hessian matrix, defined in terms of the Fréchet matrix and its adjoint associated with different norms chosen in the model space. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Hessian clearly show that for reflection tomographic inversion, traveltime and amplitude data contain complementary information. Both for reflector-geometry and for interval-velocity variations, the traveltimes are sensitive to the model components with small wavenumbers, whereas the amplitudes are more sensitive to the components with high wavenumbers. The model resolution matrices, after the rejection of eigenvectors corresponding to small eigenvalues, give us some insight into how the addition of amplitude information could potentially contribute to the recovery of physical parameters.
In order to cooperatively invert seismic traveltimes and amplitudes simultaneously, we propose an empirical definition of the data covariance matrix which balances the relative sensitivities of different types of data. We investigate the cooperative use of both data types for, separately, interface-geometry and 2-D interval-velocity variations. In both cases we find that cooperative inversions can provide better solutions than those using traveltimes alone. The potential benefit of including amplitude-data constraints in seismic-reflection traveltime tomography is therefore that it may be possible to resolve the known ambiguity between the reflector-depth uncertainty and the interval-velocity uncertainty better.  相似文献   

Amplitude measurements of the transverse component of SKS waves, the so-called splitting intensity, can be used to formulate a non-linear inverse problem to image the 3-D variations of upper mantle anisotropy. Assuming transverse isotropy (or hexagonal symmetry), one can parametrize anisotropy by two anisotropic parameters and two angles describing the orientation of the symmetry axis. These can also be written as two collinear pseudo-vectors. The tomographic process consists of retrieving the spatial distribution of these pseudo-vectors, and thus resembles surface wave vectorial tomography. Spatial resolution results from the sensitivity of low-frequency SKS waves to seismic anisotropy off the ray path. The expressions for the 3-D sensitivity kernels for splitting intensity are derived, including the near-field contributions, and validated by comparison with a full wave equation solution based upon the finite element method. These sensitivity kernels are valid for any orientation of the symmetry axis, and thus generalize previous results that were only valid for a horizontal symmetry axis. It is shown that both lateral and vertical subwavelength variations of anisotropy can be retrieved with a dense array of broad-band stations, even in the case of vertically propagating SKS waves.  相似文献   

We investigate the sensitivity of finite-frequency body-wave observables to mantle anisotropy based upon kernels calculated by combining adjoint methods and spectral-element modelling of seismic wave propagation. Anisotropy is described by 21 density-normalized elastic parameters naturally involved in asymptotic wave propagation in weakly anisotropic media. In a 1-D reference model, body-wave sensitivity to anisotropy is characterized by 'banana–doughnut' kernels which exhibit large, path-dependent variations and even sign changes. P -wave traveltimes appear much more sensitive to certain azimuthally anisotropic parameters than to the usual isotropic parameters, suggesting that isotropic P -wave tomography could be significantly biased by coherent anisotropic structures, such as slabs. Because of shear-wave splitting, the common cross-correlation traveltime anomaly is not an appropriate observable for S waves propagating in anisotropic media. We propose two new observables for shear waves. The first observable is a generalized cross-correlation traveltime anomaly, and the second a generalized 'splitting intensity'. Like P waves, S waves analysed based upon these observables are generally sensitive to a large number of the 21 anisotropic parameters and show significant path-dependent variations. The specific path-geometry of SKS waves results in favourable properties for imaging based upon the splitting intensity, because it is sensitive to a smaller number of anisotropic parameters, and the region which is sampled is mainly limited to the upper mantle beneath the receiver.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper we examine the influence of the state of stress in the equilibrium configuration of the Earth (i.e. the pre-stress) upon its adiabatic perturbations. The equations governing these perturbations to the first order (Woodhouse & Dahlen; Dahlen) are re-derived using a Lagrangian approach. Different expressions of the sesquilinear form associated to the elastic-gravitational operator are given. One of these provides a way to extend to hydrostatically pre-stressed solids the criterion of local stability given by Friedman & Schutz for uniformly rotating fluids. Then the propagation in the Earth of seismic wavefronts is considered. It is shown that the nature of these different wavefronts is entirely determined by the quadratic coefficients of the development of the specific internal energy variation, corresponding to isentropic evolution, with respect to the Lagrangian finite deformation tensor. Expressions for the velocities of the various waves are given as functions of incidence angle and pre-stress for orthotropic elastic material. In the particular case where the elastic parameters depend only on one coordinate of a curvilinear system and the axis of orthotropy of the material coincides with the corresponding natural base vector, the elastodynamic equations are reduced to a simple system for a displacement stress vector, using surface operators. In particular for spherical geometry, equations are obtained which generalize to orthotropic pre-stress those given by Alterman et al. and Takeuchi & Saito.  相似文献   

Calculation of electromagnetic sensitivities in the time domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The speed of calculating sensitivities for 3-D conductivity structures for time- domain electromagnetic methods is significantly improved by applying the reciprocity theorem directly in the time domain. The sensitivities are obtained by convolving the electric field in the subsurface due to a transmitter at the surface with the electric field impulse response due to another transmitter, which replaces the original receiver. The acceleration compared to the classical perturbation method is approximately P/R , where P is the number of model parameters and R is the number of receiver positions. If the sensitivity has to be calculated very close to the receiver, approximate sensitivities can be obtained using an integral condition. Comparisons with the classical perturbation approach show that the method gives accurate results. Examples using transmitter–receiver configurations from a long-offset transient electromagnetics survey demonstrate the usefulness of sensitivities for the evaluation of resolution properties.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous work, which treats the Earth's lateral heterogeneity as an infinitesimal perturbation to a spherically symmetrical starting model, we conduct iterative linearized waveform inversion for the Earth's laterally heterogeneous structure. We use the Direct Solution Method (DSM) (Geller et al. 1990a) to calculate synthetic seismograms and their partial derivatives for a laterally heterogeneous earth model. We invert surface-wave data from the IDA and GEOSCOPE networks. We expand the lateral heterogeneity of rigidity in spherical harmonics up to angular order number 8 and use three parameters to specify the depth dependence of each harmonic, giving us a total of 240 unknowns. The short-wavelength lateral heterogeneity (s = 4, 6 and 8) in the deeper part of the upper mantle obtained by this study differs significantly from M84A. The relative improvement in the variance reduction as compared with model M84A is about 20 per cent for the IDA data and more than 100 per cent for the GEOSCOPE data.  相似文献   

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