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The comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 is an exceptional comet as far as cometary outbursts are concerned. Despite its large distance from the Sun (about 6 au), it shows quasi-regular outburst activity, usually once or twice a year. Up to now there has not been a generally accepted model that explains this phenomenon. In the first part of this paper, the most well-known hypotheses that attempt to explain the outburst activity of this comet are presented and critically analysed. The main aim of this paper is to present a model for the outburst activity of this comet. The model is based on the global analysis of the internal structure and physical and chemical processes that take place in the cometary nucleus. Numerical calculations were carried out for reasonable assumed values of a large range of cometary characteristics. The obtained results are consistent with observational data.  相似文献   

One minute counts obtained during the meteor outburst of α-Monocerotids on November 22, 1995, are analyzed in order to examine the possibility of filamentary structure in the stream profile. None is found. It is argued that far-comet type outbursts are due to the Earth's passage through the dust trail of a long period comet, thus offering a direct means of studying such comet dust trails. Hence, the meteor stream activity curve is the first accurate cross section of dust densities through a comet dust trail.  相似文献   

We have observed an outburst of P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (SW1) on 25–26 July 1987 using a CCD imager with R-band filter. The total brightness increased from 15.5 mg (25d) to 14.4 mag (26d) during tabout 24 hrs. The southward elongated coma of 25 was detected. The radial surface brightness (B) profiles are plotted against apparent distance p from the nucleus. The logarithmic derivative k = d ln B/d ln p for the inner coma is found to have steepened from k = –1.40 (25d) to k = –1.69 (26d), whereas that for the outer coma showed no appreciable change (k = –1.19 ~ –1.22). The ellipticity of the isophotal contour of the inner coma increased about 15% fro 25d to 6d. It is concluded that the scale of this outburst was smaller than the typical ones whose magnitude change is 5–8 mag. From recent findings on the outburst natur eof SW1 including ours, a working model of the nuclues is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to analyzing the change of cometary brightness.In our considerations,we assume that astronomical silicates(dust agglomerates)and gas are present in the coma.This assumption is a consequence of the analysis of the result observed during the Rosetta mission to comet67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko(abbreviated 67 P/Ch-G).The dimensions of these agglomerates can be up to several centimeters.However,the large ones are few compared to particles with dimensions of several micrometers.This paper presents the results of calculations on the change in hypothetical comet brightness as a result of its outburst.The calculations take into account the percentage of carbonaceous particles and silicates rich in magnesium.  相似文献   

The effects of a sample of 1300 individual stellar encounters spanning a wide range of parameter values (mass, velocity and encounter distance) are investigated. Power law fits for the number of injected comets demonstrate the long range effect of massive stars, whereas light stars affect comets mainly along their tracks. Similarly, we show that the efficiency of a star to fill the phase space region of the Oort cloud where the Galactic tides are able to inject comets into the observable region - the so-called “tidally active zone” (TAZ) - is also strongly dependent on the stellar mass. Power laws similar to those for direct injection are obtained for the efficiency of stars to fill the TAZ. This filling of the tidally active zone is crucial for the long term flux of comets from the Oort cloud. Based on long-term Monte Carlo simulations using a constant Galactic tide and a constant flux of stellar encounters, but neglecting the detailed effects of planetary perturbations, we show that this flux essentially results from a two step mechanism: (i) the stellar injection of comets into the TAZ; and (ii) the tidal injection of TAZ comets into the loss cone. We find that single massive stars are able to induce “comet drizzles” - corresponding to an increase of the cometary flux of about 40% - which may last for more than 100 Myr by filling the TAZ to a higher degree than normal. It appears that the stars involved in this process are the same that cause comet showers.  相似文献   

Results of space missions to in-situ study comets and the derived current challenges to better understand the properties of comet nuclei are discussed and summarized shortly, particularly in view of the origin of comets in the protoplanetary disk. The main conclusion is that we are far away from a complete understanding of comets. This frontier is yet wide open. Critical items are described and new aspects have been introduced.  相似文献   

Density, bulk-velocity, and heat-flow moments are calculated for truncated maxwellian distributions representing the cool and hot populations of solar-wind electrons, as realized at the base of a hypothetical exosphere. The electrostatic potential is thus calculated by requiring charge quasineutrality and the absence of electrical current. Plasma-kinetic coupling of the cool-electron and proton bulk velocities leads to an increase in the electrostatic potential and a decrease in the heat-flow moment. If the velocities differ by the Alfvén speed along the magnetic field, for example, the potential rises to 72.6 V and the heat flux falls to 2.72×10–2 erg cm–2 s–1. In each case the heat flux is carried mainly by the quasi-exospherichot electrons.  相似文献   

There is strong anticipation that the Leonid meteor shower could produce storm-level activity in 1998 and/or 1999. The well-documented Leonid outburst in 1996 and the more poorly observed one in 1994 have been taken by many observers to imply that a storm is imminent, This article explores the possible relationship between the 1996 outburst in activity and possible Leonid storms. The curve of activity is found to be much closer to that of normal activity, although with greater hourly rates, than it is to the very brief, steeply rising activity curve of a storm. It is probable that the 1996 outburst is thus completely unrelated to any future storm which may appear.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution, low-scan-rate, all-sky CCD cameras and high-level CCD video cameras, the SPanish Meteor and fireball Network (SPMN) recorded the 2007 κ Cygnid fireball outburst from several observing stations. Here, accurate trajectory, radiant and orbital data obtained for the κ Cygnid meteor are presented. The typical astrometric uncertainty is 1–2 arcmin, while velocity determination errors are of the order of 0.3–0.6 km s−1, though this depends on the distance of each event to the station and its particular viewing geometry. The observed orbital differences among 1993 and 2007 outbursts support the hypothesis that the formation of this meteoroid stream is a consequence of the fragmentation of a comet nucleus. Such disruptive process proceed as a cascade, where the break up of the progenitor body leads to produce small remnants, some fully disintegrate into different clumps of particles and other remaining as dormant objects such as 2008ED69, 2001MG1 and 2004LA12 which are now observed as near-Earth asteroids. In addition to the orbital data, we present a unique spectrum of a bright  κ  Cygnid fireball revealing that the main rocky components have chondritic abundances, and estimations of the tensile strength of those fireballs that exhibited a catastrophic disruption behaviour. All this evidence of the structure and composition of the κ Cygnid meteoroids is consistent with being composed by fine-grained materials typically released from comets.  相似文献   

The totality of the results obtained in the VEGA, GIOTTO and SUISEI projects does not lend itself to interpretation within the old sublimation models of comet activity considering solar radiation as the sole source of energy. Among them are the systematic excess of the velocity and temperature of the gas escaping from the nucleus over the theoretical values, the outflow being concentrated in several ( ~ 12–15) narrow ( ~ 300 m in size at the nucleus) hypersonic jets carrying very large amounts of remarkably fine CHON dust and located along continuous lines on the nuclear surface, intense release from the nucleus or very close to it (2 × 103km) of CO (Q Co/Q H2 O = 0.05–0.2) with a smaller amount of CO2 (Q CO 2/ Q H2 O 0.015), large near-nucleus abundances of C, C+ (Q C/Q CO 0.29), etc.The new observations, together with some earlier data still poorly understood (e.g. the appearance in the coma of large amounts of C3) can be accounted for by assuming the cometary ices to contain, apart from hydrocarbons, nitrogen-containing compounds, etc. also of free oxygen ( ~ 15 wt.%). Under these conditions, burning should occur in the products of sublimation under deficiency of oxidizer accompanied by the production of soot, smoke, etc. The burning should propagate under the surface crust and localize primarily at a few sites.The presence of oxygen in cometary ices follows from a new eruption theory assuming the minor bodies of the Solar System to have formed in explosions of the massive ice envelopes saturated by electrolysis products on distant moonlike bodies of the type of Ganymede and Callisto.  相似文献   

A rare outburst of the Aurigid meteor shower was predicted to occur on 2007 September 1 at 11:36 ± 20 min  ut due to Earth's encounter with the one-revolution dust trail of long-period comet C/1911 N1 (Kiess). The outburst was predicted to last ∼1.5 h with peak zenithal hourly rate of ∼200 h−1, which is ∼20 times higher than the annual Aurigid shower. Three members of Armagh Observatory observed this outburst from the general area of San Francisco, CA, USA, where the shower was anticipated to be best seen. Observed radiant, velocity and activity peak time were consistent with the predictions, whereas the zenithal hourly rate was about half of the predicted value. Five Aurigids were observed by two stations simultaneously, enabling their spatial trajectory to be worked out. The orbits of these double station meteors are in good agreement with that of their parent comet Kiess. The outburst was abundant in bright (−2 to +1 mag) meteors. The first high-altitude Aurigid, with a beginning height of 137.1 km, was recorded.  相似文献   

We present results from photometric observations of the dwarf nova system HT Cas during the eruption of 1995 November. The data include the first two-colour observations of an eclipse on the rise to outburst. They show that during the rise to outburst the disc deviates significantly from steady-state models, but the inclusion of an inner-disc truncation radius of about 4 R wd and a 'flared' disc of semi-opening angle of 10° produces acceptable fits. The disc is found to have expanded at the start of the outburst to about 0.41 R L1, as compared with quiescent measurements. The accretion disc then gradually decreases in radius reaching <  0.32 R L1  during the last stages of the eruption. Quiescent eclipses were also observed prior to and after the eruption and a revised ephemeris is calculated.  相似文献   

Short-period comets with P 15 yr represent one of the most complete comet samples. The magnitude distribution of these comets was analysed using a maximum likelihood method. The brightness (magnitude) index for the comets with H 10 11 mag was estimated together with the large sample errors and found to be 0.62 ± 0.09. It was clear that many faint comets with H 10 > 11 mag remain to be discovered. Some of the faint, smaller comets have probably been removed from the distribution altogether.Observational selection was also apparent for the sample of comets with perihelia q < 1.5 AU. It was found that comets satisfying the combined criteria P 15 yr, H 10 11 mag, q < 1.5 AU probably represent the most complete set of comets available. The brightness index of this sample estimated by maximum likelihood was 0.69 ± 0.14. This translates into a mass distribution index s of 1.69 ± 0.14 indicating that most of the mass is contained in a few of the larger comets rather than spread throughout the smaller ones. This distribution, although modified by mass loss, is most likely to have been produced by a process of particle accretion.  相似文献   

We draw attention of flare build-up observers to a strong 30 hour-long outburst of homologous flare activity and unusual growth and brightening of coronal loops, seen on Skylab. We suggest that these events might have been closely associated with newly emerging magnetic flux, in spite of the fact that the flux effects in H and EUV were first seen only late after the activity had started, and the flux emerged at the opposite end of the coronal loops from where the flares occurred.  相似文献   

The formation of solar-wind stream structure is investigated. Characteristic features of the solar and coronal magnetic-field structure, morphological features of the white-light corona, and radio maps of the solar-wind transition (transonic) region are compared. The solar-wind stream structure is detected and studied by using radio maps of the transition region, the raggedness of its boundaries, and their deviation from spherical symmetry. The radio maps have been constructed from radioastronomical observations in 1995–1997. It is shown that the structural changes in the transition region largely follow the changes occurring in regions closer to the Sun, in the circumsolar magnetic-field structure, and in the solar-corona structure. The correlations between the magnetic-field strength in the solar corona and the location of the inner (nearest the Sun) boundary of the transition region are analyzed. The distinct anticorrelation between the coronal magnetic-field strength and the distance of the transition region from the Sun is a crucial argument for the penetration of solar magnetic fields into plasma streams far from the Sun.  相似文献   

One-parameter representation of the daily averaged solar-wind velocity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An empirical formula was found to describe the dependence V(S) of the daily average solar-wind velocity V on the coronal-hole area S on the visible side of the Sun in the form of first-and second-order Taylor expansions. The results can be used for approximate evaluation of the solar-wind velocity at the Earth’s orbit from coronal-hole observations.  相似文献   

We briefly summarise the observational properties of ultra‐compact binaries called AM CVn stars. We analyse their outbursts originating from the thermal‐viscous instability in helium accretion disc. We present our preliminary results in applying the model of Dwarf Novae outbursts to helium discs. We can calculate models of outbursts of reasonable amplitude of 2 mag with a constant α parameter throughout the calculation. Setting the mass transfer rate close to its upper critical value produces model lightcurves that resemble short superoutbursts (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The genetic relationship between short-period comets and meteor streams is investigated. It is shown that mechanisms exist for the radial and the longitudinal focussing of particles in meteor streams with characteristic time scales of agglomeration significantly smaller than those of any of the known dispersive processes. Consequently, it is claimed that meteor streams may not merely form a sink for short-period comets but may also form a source. A likely origin for the volatiles observed in such comets is suggested. It is finally stressed that this reciprocity in the genetic relationship between short-period comets and meteor streams should form an important consideration in any attempt at accounting for the observed population of short-period comets.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(3):318-321
Comet Tsuchinshan (1977q) was discovered at Purple Mountain Observatory on Nov. 3, 1977. The osculating orbital elements (referred to the barycenter of the sun and Mercury) given in table 1 are derived from 42 observations Nov. 3, 1977 to Jan. 10, 1978 at our observatory and abroad, taking into account the perturbations of all major planets. In all the observations the rms residual is 1.″78. Our observations are also published in table 2. With the elements thus obtained, the appropriate ephemerides in recent years have been calculated and listed in table 4. And then, in consideration of accurate perturbations, we compute the original and future orbits (referred to the center of mass of solar system) while the comet is about 60 A. U. from the sun. The results that both the original and future orbits are hyperbolicaare given in table 5 and may be compared with the osculating elements. Nevertheless, the two months observed interval for determining orbit is short. In order to obtain the more reliable conclusion, it is necessary to make some efforts for increasing the observed arc.  相似文献   

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