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《Applied Geochemistry》1994,9(5):583-595
A steady-state geochemical model has been developed to study water-rock interactions controlling metal release from waste rock heaps at the Aitik Cu mine in northern Sweden. The Cu release in drainage waters from the site is of environmental concern. The waste rock heaps are treated as single completely mixed flow-through reactors. The geochemical model includes kinetices of sulphide and primary silicate mineral weathering, heterogeneous equilibrium with secondary mineral phases and speciation equilibrium. Field monitoring of drainage water composition provides a basis for evaluation of model performance.The relative rate of oxidative weathering of sulphides and dissolution of primary silicate minerals, using published kinetic data, are consistent with net proton and base cation fluxes at the site. The overall rate of Fe2+ oxidation within the heap is three orders of magnitude faster than that which could be explained by surface-catalysed reaction kinetics. This suggests significant activity of iron-oxidizing bacteria. The absolute weathering rates of sulphides and silicate minerals, normalized to a measured BET surface area, are approximately two orders of magnitude lower at field scale than published rates from laboratory experiments. Because of the relative absence of carbonate minerals, the weathering of biotite and plagioclase feldspar are important sources of alkalinity. 相似文献
Shabnam Hasani Omid Asghari Faramarz Doulati Ardejani Saeed Yousefi 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(15):532
Mining activities and resulting wastes can be considered as one of the most important sources of hazardous elements in the environment. Knowledge of the spatial distribution of toxic elements in waste dump systems is necessary to assess environmental hazard and strategy. To achieve this goal, this paper investigates spatial distribution of toxic elements using statistical and geostatistical analysis. A total of 58 soil samples were collected, and the amount of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn was then determined at “Sarcheshmeh” copper mine waste dumps. In order to evaluate the presence of multivariate outliers, Mahalanobis distance technique (D 2) was applied and the multivariate outlier samples were removed. This resulted in an increase in correlation coefficient. To reduce dimension of data set, principal component analysis was applied and four principal components were determined which indicate 83.463% of the total variance of data set. Estimated PCs together with the toxic elements maps based on the ordinary kriging display aggregation of toxic elements in some parts, and validity of predictions was evaluated using the leave-one-out cross-validation method. The regression coefficients of estimated and observed values presented the reliability of the kriging estimates. Sequential Gaussian simulation method was applied for principal components due to similar results of estimated principal components and toxic elements. The results of simulation maps are almost identical to estimated outcomes. 相似文献
The Simpevarp area is one of the alternative sites being considered for the deep geological disposal of high level radioactive waste in Sweden. In this paper, a coupled regional groundwater flow and reactive solute transport model of the Simpevarp area is presented that integrates current hydrogeological and hydrochemical data of the area. The model simulates the current hydrochemical pattern of the groundwater system in the area. To that aim, a conceptual hydrochemical model was developed in order to represent the dominant chemical processes. Groundwater flow conditions were reproduced by taking into account fluid-density-dependent groundwater flow and regional hydrogeologic boundary conditions. Reactive solute transport calculations were performed on the basis of the velocity field so obtained. The model was calibrated and sensitivity analyses were carried out in order to investigate the effects of heterogeneities of hydraulic conductivity in the subsurface medium. Results provided by the reactive transport model are in good agreement with much of the measured hydrochemical data. This paper emphasizes the appropriateness of the use of reactive solute transport models when water-rock interaction reactions are involved, and demonstrates what powerful tools they are for the interpretation of hydrogeological and hydrochemical data from site geological repository characterization programs, by providing a qualitative framework for data analysis and testing of conceptual assumptions in a process-oriented approach. 相似文献
《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(6):747-759
A study of O2 penetration and pore water geochemistry of the flooded tailings at Stekenjokk has been performed. The results show that there is a diffusion of elements from the tailings pore water to the overlying water. The presence of elements such as Ca, Mg, S, Si, Ba and Sr are likely the result of diffusion of older process water trapped in the tailings. Oxygen concentrations in the tailings measured with microelectrodes show that there is O2 available down to 16 to 17 mm depth in the tailings. Pore water analyses show that there are subsurface maxima for the elements Cu, Zn, Ni, Co and Cd at depths of 0.25 to 2.75 cm. The highest concentrations of almost all elements were found where previously oxidised material was deposited before the flooding. Lower pH is measured in the uppermost part of the tailings compared with the pond water and the tailings pore water at depth. Oxidation of sulphides in the uppermost part of the tailings is probably occurring. A decrease in oxidation rate can be expected in the future due to deposition of organic material at the tailings surface. Flooding seems to be an efficient remediation method at Stekenjokk. 相似文献
Waste dumps generated from mining that exposes sulfur-bearing overburden can be active sources of acid generation with the potential to severely contaminate soils, surface and groundwater, and endanger both local and downstream ecosystems. A waste rock management strategy ensure that disposal of such material is inert or at least stable and contained, and minimizes the surface footprint of the wastes, and explores options for alternate uses. Reclamation of waste dumps is another or parallel alternative to decrease the potential for adverse effects. At the coal mining area of Karmozd in Iran, large volumes of wastes have been produced and disposed of without any specific care for the environment. In this paper, the impacts of waste dumps on the environment were identified and this was followed by a research program to determine the characteristics of the wastes, their acid generation potential, the availability of hazardous contaminants, and a prediction of their environmental impacts on the site. Data was collected from the target site and by comparing several reclamation alternatives using a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making technique, forestry was selected as the post-mining land use for the waste dumps. Preliminary evaluations indicated that Zelkava could be a useful tree species for this region. 相似文献
The sulphidic tailings dumps at Matchless (Namibia) and Selebi-Phikwe (Botswana) are located in a similar semiarid environment
but have a contrasting mineralogical composition. The Matchless tailings are pyrite-rich, whereas the Selebi-Phikwe tailings
are dominated by pyrrhotite. Hydrochemical models are established with computer codes for water-balance, sulphide oxidation
rate and hydrochemical equilibrium calculations. The data input is based on detailed mineralogical, chemical and kinetic investigations
carried out on the core of boreholes drilled in 2000 and 2003. The oxidation of pyrrhotite proceeds at a much faster rate
than the oxidation of pyrite. The PYROX code, which is used for kinetic calculations, can take these differences into account
by applying different oxide-coating diffusion coefficients (D2) for pyrrhotite and pyrite. Humidity-cell testing is widely used to predict the post-mining composition of drainage water
in humid climates. However, the semiarid conditions at Matchless and Selebi-Phikwe only allow a minimal water flux within
the dump. Under such conditions, humidity-cell testing is likely to overestimate the seepage-water pH. This is suggested by
the hydrochemical equilibrium calculations for the post-mining period at Selebi-Phikwe, which predict a seepage-water pH about
one unit lower than the pH at the end of the 26-weeks humidity-cell testing period. The acidity of the seepage water can be
reduced by about half a pH unit, if an oxygen barrier below the evaporation zone is installed. A clay layer 0.5 m thick covered
by >1.5 m tailings represents the optimal design for a wet barrier. All three computer codes used for water-balance calculations
(HELP3, UNSAT-H and HYDRUS-1D), predict >85% average water saturation for such a layer, which diminishes the diffusion of
oxygen into the pile and production of SO4−2 and H+. The alternative design for a dry barrier consists of a vegetated silt layer 1 m thick on top of the tailings. This barrier
does not significantly influence the diffusion of oxygen although it reduces the net infiltration to ≤11 mm/year. 相似文献
The site of the future Saligny low- and intermediate-level waste repository presents a rather deep unsaturated zone consisting of a pile of loess and clay, underlain by a calcareous aquifer. Van Genuchten parameters were first estimated in laboratory on samples collected from all the horizons, at different depths. In a second kind of test, moisture parameters were estimated from the natural water content profiles, observed in some wells, by inversion of the unsaturated flow equation. Based on the solution of the inverse problem as well as of the sensitivity analyses a simple physical model of the vadose zone was determined, consisting of a layered sequence that was subjected to a constant infiltration flux. Radionuclide migration was simulated in a vertical cross section made along the most probable path from the repository towards the surface water discharge zone. For radionuclide release, a source term was evaluated by ensuring a conservative estimate of cell inventory during the cell-filling operation. According to the simulation results, for the medium half-life nuclides, the unsaturated zone is a perfect barrier, whereas the long half-life isotopes break through in the aquifer at significant concentrations.
Resumen El sitio del futuro repositorio para desechos de nivel bajo e intermedio, denominado Saligny, presenta una zona no saturada bastante profunda, consistente en un depósito de loess y arcilla, subyacido por un acuífero calcáreo. Los parámetros de Van Genuchten se estimaron por primera vez en laboratorio, a partir de muestras recolectadas de todos los horizontes, a diferentes profundidades. En un segundo tipo de prueba se estimaron los parámetros de humedad a través de la inversión de la ecuación de flujo no saturado, a partir de los perfiles naturales que contienen agua, observados en algunos pozos. Con base en la solución del problema inverso, así como también en análisis de sensibilidad, se determinó un modelo físico simple de la zona vadosa, el cual consiste de una secuencia estratificada sometida a un flujo de infiltración constante. La migración del radioisótopo fue simulada en una sección vertical, hecha a lo largo del camino más probable entre el repositorio y la zona de descarga en el agua superficial. Para la liberación del radioisótopo se evaluó la fuente, asegurando un estimativo conservador del inventario de celdas durante la operación de llenado de celdas. De acuerdo con los resultados de la simulación, para los isótopos con vida media intermedia, la zona no saturada es una barrera perfecta; mientras que los isótopos con vida media larga irrumpen en el acuífero con concentraciones importantes.
Résumé Le futur stockage de déchets radioactifs de faible et moyenne activité de Saligny est caractérisé par une zone non-saturée assez profonde qui consiste dans des dépôts de loess et dargile qui couvrent un aquifère calcaire. Dans une première étape, les paramètres de van Genuchten ont été déterminés en laboratoires sur des échantillons prélevés de toutes les couches, à des profondeurs différentes. Dans une seconde étape les mêmes paramètres ont été estimés, comme un solution du problème inverse à partir de profils de la saturation en eau, mesurés dans des forages. Les résultats du problème inverse, ainsi que l› analyse de sensibilité ont mené à un modèle multi- couches de la zone non-saturé, rechargé par un flux constant. On a simulé le transport des radionucléides dans une coupe verticale, construite au long du trajet le plus probable entre le stockage et les eaux de surface. Le flux de radionucléides relâchés a été estimé en considérant une valeur consevative pour la masse totale stocké. D› après les résultats de la simulation la zone non saturée forme une barrière presque parfaite pour les radionucléides de période moyenne, denvirons de 30 ans, tendis quelle est traversée avec des concentrations assez importantes par des isotopes à grande période.相似文献
Changes in water quality in the North Fork of the Humboldt River, Nevada are caused by weathering of waste rock from an inactive Carlin-type gold mine. Review of historical water-quality data, monthly water sampling, and continuous monitoring of water-quality parameters were used to quantify these impacts. River water pH, which ranged between 7 and 8, did not show statistically significant variation from upstream of the mine to downstream. Several constituents, most notably sulfate, calcium, and magnesium, showed statistically significant increases in dissolved-ion concentrations. These data, along with geochemical modeling, suggest that oxidation of sulfide minerals and in situ acid neutralization by carbonate host rocks are occurring. Large increases in dissolved-ion concentrations were observed twice a year—during spring snow melt and the onset of the winter precipitation season. These spikes are likely caused by flushing of pore waters that have reacted with waste rock during months-long periods when shallow groundwater recharge is not occurring. 相似文献
艾蒂克铜-金矿床位于瑞典北部的耶利瓦拉市,为欧洲年产量最大的露采铜-金矿床。铜-金矿体与中元古代斑状石英二长闪长岩体具有密切的时空分布关系。铜-金矿化主要在古元古代瑞(典)芬(兰)火山沉积岩系和侵入岩脉(墙或株)内呈脉状、网脉状及细脉浸染状产出,并构成似层状、透镜状、囊状矿体。初步研究表明,斑状石英二长闪长岩位于矿体下盘,为复式次火山岩侵入体,与铜-金-银(钼)矿化具有密切的时空联系,是区域上火山岛弧环境下产出的哈帕兰达侵入-火山岩套的一部分,具有典型斑岩型矿床的特征。此外,流体包裹体和矿床年代学研究表明,艾蒂克铜-金-银(钼)矿床是高盐度流体演化的产物,经历了多次铜-金-钼-磁铁矿等多金属矿化的叠加,矿化阶段跨越近160Ma,具有典型的IOCG型矿床特征。艾蒂克铜-金-银(钼)矿床兼具斑岩型和IOCG型铜-金矿床的部分特征,其成因类型尚待进一步讨论。 相似文献
Using sewage sludge as a sealing layer to remediate sulphidic mine tailings: a pilot-scale experiment, northern Sweden 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
At the Kristineberg mine, northern Sweden, sulphidic mine tailings were remediated in an 8-year pilot-scale experiment using sewage sludge to evaluate its applicability as a sealing layer in a composite dry cover. Sediment, leachate water, and pore gas geochemistry were collected in the aim of determining if the sludge was an effective barrier material to mitigate acid rock drainage (ARD) formation. The sludge was an effective barrier to oxygen influx as it formed both a physical obstruction and functioned as an organic reactive barrier to prevent oxygen to the underlying tailings. Sulphide oxidation and consequential ARD formation did not occur. Sludge-borne trace elements accumulated in a reductive, alkaline environment in the underlying tailings, resulting in an effluent drainage geochemistry of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn below 10 μg/L, high alkalinity (810 mg/L) and low sulphate (38 mg/L). In contrast, the uncovered reference tailings received a 0.35-m deep oxidation front and typical ARD, with dissolved concentrations of Cd, Zn and sulphate, 20.8 μg/L, 16,100 μg/L and 1,390 mg/L, respectively. Organic matter degradation in the sludge may be a limiting factor to the function of the sealing layer over time as 85 % loss of the organic fraction occurred over the 8-year experimental period due to aerobic and anaerobic degradation. Though the cover may function in the short to medium term (100 years), it is unlikely to meet the demands of a long-term remedial solution. 相似文献
C. Changul Chakkaphan Sutthirat G. Padmanahban C. Tongcumpou 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2010,60(5):1065-1071
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the environmental issue that generates the greatest public concern regarding the mining industry.
Thus, characterization of mine waste rock according to acid generation potential is necessary for mining operations to ensure
proper waste rock storage and to avoid future adverse environmental effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to estimate
the potential of AMD generation in the largest operating gold mine in Thailand by using acid base accounting and net acid
generation tests. Representative samples of six types of waste rock classified by mining geologists for mineral processing
and waste dumping were collected for this study: volcanic clastic, porphyritic andesite, andesite, silicified tuff, silicified
lapilli tuff, and sheared tuff. Under various conditions, experimental results indicate that only silicified lapilli tuff
and shear tuff are potentially acid-forming materials. The results indicate that AMD generation may possibly occur a long
time after mine closure due to the lag time of the dissolution of acid-neutralizing sources. Acidic generation from some waste
rocks may occur in the future based on environmental conditions, particularly the oxidation of sulphide minerals by the combination
of oxygen and water. Therefore, a proper design for waste rock dumping and storage is necessary to reduce the risk of AMD
generation in future. It is advisable to install a surface management system to control the overland flow direction away from
the waste dump area and tailing storage facility and to install a second water storage pond next to the main storage pond
to store the spilled water during storms and the rainy season. A water quality monitoring plan that focuses on disturbed areas
such as water storage ponds and mine pits should be put in place. 相似文献
Study of Ni sorption onto Tio mine waste rock surfaces 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
B. Plante M. Benzaazoua B. Bussire M.C. Biesinger A.R. Pratt 《Applied Geochemistry》2010,25(12):1830-1844
Sorption phenomena are known to play significant roles in metal mobility in mine drainage waters. The present study focuses on sorption phenomena controlling Ni concentrations in contaminated neutral drainage issued from the waste rock piles of the Tio mine, a hematite–ilmenite deposit near Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec, Canada exploited by Rio Tinto Iron and Titanium. Batch sorption tests were conducted on waste rock samples of different composition and degree of alteration, as well as on the main mineral phases purified from the waste rocks. Sorbed phases were submitted to sequential extractions, XPS and DRIFT studies for further interpretation of sorption phenomena. The results from the present study confirm that sorption phenomena play a significant role in the Tio mine waste rocks, and that the main sorbent phases are the residual ilmenite ore in waste rocks, as well as plagioclase, the main gangue mineral. Sequential extractions suggest that most sorption sites are associated with reducible fractions, and XPS results indicate that Ni is sorbed as the hydroxide Ni(OH)2. The results from the present study provide useful information on sorption phenomena involved in the Tio mine waste rocks and enable further interpretation of Ni geochemistry in contaminated neutral drainage. 相似文献
Field and laboratory studies of the sulphide-bearing tailings at Laver, northern Sweden, show that the present release of
metals from the tailings is low, especially with regard to Cu. A large part of the Cu released by sulphide oxidation is enriched
in a distinct zone just below the oxidation front. The enrichment zone occurs almost all over the tailings area except in
areas with a shallow groundwater table. The Cu enrichment is caused by formation of covellite and adsorption onto mineral
surfaces. The transport of Zn, Co, Cd, Ni and S seems to be controlled mainly by adsorption. No secondary zone or secondary
minerals containing these metals have been found. Just below the groundwater table, metals are released into solution when
the enrichment zone reaches the groundwater due to the low pH. An increased release of metals, especially Cu, can be expected
in the future, since the enrichment zone is moving towards the groundwater table.
Received: 4 December 1997 · Accepted: 17 December 1998 相似文献
A field survey and modelling of the oxidation and carbonate buffering reactions inside the alum-shale-containing waste rock
dumps located in Maardu, Estonia, was accomplished. In the slope areas, the shale has been altered at high temperatures due
to the spontaneous combustion and the pyritic acidity has been eliminated through migration of SOx gases out from the dump. In the central parts of the waste rock plateaus, low temperature pyrite oxidation fronts develop
towards the dump depth and towards the centres of individual shale lumps. The main secondary phases precipitating in the weathering
profile are gypsum, ferric oxyhydroxide, K-jarosite and smectite. The respective field data made it possible to calibrate
the two-stage oxygen diffusion model and the characteristic pyrite oxidation rate 0.06–0.08 mol of pyrite reacted per kg of
available water (pyrox/H2O value) was estimated to describe the first tens of years of dump performance. The model is capable to compare different
shale disposal strategies that are illustrated with two case scenarios. The buffering of sulphuric acid by Mg-calcite appears
to be an incongruent reaction with gypsum precipitating that leads to the build-up of the high Mg/Ca ratio in the leachate.
Application of the Mg/Ca method estimates the pyrox/H2O value in the range of 0.05–0.14 mol/kg.
Received: 26 January 1999 · Accepted: 23. February 1999 相似文献
Heavy metal retention in secondary precipitates from a mine rock dump and underlying soil, Dalarna, Sweden 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
This study investigates the retention of heavy metals in secondary precipitates from a sulfidic mine rock dump and underlying
podzolic soils by means of mineralogical and chemical extraction methods. The rock dump, which is at least 50 years old, consists
of a 5–10-cm-thick leached zone and an underlying 110–115-cm-thick accumulation zone. Optical microscopy and electron microprobe
analyses confirm that pyrrhotite weathering has proceeded much further in the leached horizon relative to the accumulation
horizon. The weathering of sulfides in the leached zone has resulted in the migration of most heavy metals to the accumulation
zone or underlying soils, where they are retained in more stable phases such as secondary ferric minerals, including goethite
and jarosite. Some metals are temporarily retained in hydrated ferrous sulfates (e.g., melanterite, rozenite).
Received: 28 October 1996 · Accepted: 24 February 1997 相似文献
Colorado's Cinnamon Gulch releases acid rock drainage (ARD) from anthropogenic and natural sources. In 2001, the total discharge from Cinnamon Gulch was measured at 1.02 cfs (29 L/s) at base flow and 4.3 cfs (122 L/s) at high flow (spring runoff). At base flow, natural sources account for 98% of the discharge from the watershed, and about 96% of the chemical loading. At high flow, natural sources contribute 96% of discharge and 92 to 95% of chemical loading. The pH is acidic throughout the Cinnamon Gulch watershed, ranging from 2.9 to 5.4. At baseflow, nearly all of the trace metals analyzed in the 18 samples exceeded state hardness-dependent water quality standards for aquatic life. Maximum dissolved concentrations of selected constituents included 16 mg/L aluminum, 15 mg/L manganese, 40 mg/L iron, 2 mg/L copper, 560 g/L lead, 8.4 mg/L zinc, and 300 mg/L sulfate. Average dissolved concentrations of selected metals at baseflow were 5.5 mg/L aluminum, 5.5 mg/L manganese, 14 g/L cadmium, 260 g/L copper, 82 g/L lead, and 2.8 mg/L zinc. 相似文献
Comparison of methods for the estimation of pyrite oxidation rate in a waste rock pile at Mine Doyon site, Quebec, Canada 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Ondra Sracek Pierre Glinas Ren Lefebvre Ronald V. Nicholson 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》2006,91(1-3):99-109
Several methods were evaluated and compared for the estimation of pyrite oxidation rates (POR) in waste rock at Mine Doyon, Quebec, Canada. Methods based on data collected in situ, such as the interpretation of temperature and oxygen concentration profiles (TOP) measured in the waste rock pile and pyrite mass balance (PMB) on solid phase samples were compared with the oxygen consumption measurements (OCM) in closed chamber in the laboratory. A 1-D analytical solution to a gas and heat transport equation used temperature and oxygen profiles (TOP) measured in the pile for the preliminary POR estimates at a site close to the slope of the pile (Site 6) and in the core of the pile (Site 7). Resulting POR values were 1.1 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 for the slope site and the core site, respectively. Oxidation rates based on pyrite mass balance (PMB) calculations for solid samples were 2.21 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 2.03 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1, respectively, for the same slope and core sites, but the difference between sites was within the error margin. The OCM measurements in the laboratory on fresh waste rock samples yielded higher POR values than field methods, with average oxidation rate of 6.7 × 10− 8 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. However, the OCM results on weathered and decomposed material from the rock stockpile (average oxidation rate 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) were consistent with results from the field-based estimates. When POR values based on fresh material are excluded, the remaining POR values for all methods range from 1.0 × 10− 10 to 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. The lowest estimated value (1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) was based on TOP estimates in the interior of the pile where oxygen transport was limited by diffusion from the surface. These results suggest that small-scale OCM laboratory experiments may provide relatively representative values of POR in the zones of waste rock piles in which oxygen transport is not dominated by diffusion. 相似文献
Effects on groundwater flow of abandoned engineered structures in relation to a potential geological repository for spent high-level nuclear fuel in fractured crystalline rock at the Forsmark site, Sweden, are studied by means of numerical modeling. The effects are analyzed by means of particle tracking, and transport-related performance measures are calculated. The impacts of abandoned, partially open repository tunnels are studied for two situations with different climate conditions: a “temperate” climate case with present-day boundary conditions, and a generic future “glacial” climate case with an ice sheet covering the repository. Then, the impact of abandoned open boreholes drilled through the repository is studied for present-day climate conditions. It is found that open repository tunnels and open boreholes can act as easy pathways from repository level to the ground surface; hence, they can attract a considerable proportion of particles released in the model at deposition hole positions within the repository. The changed flow field and flow paths cause some changes in the studied performance measures, i.e., increased flux at the deposition holes and decreased transport lengths and flow-related transport resistances. However, these effects are small and the transport resistance values are still high. 相似文献