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Zakynthos, an island of 408 km2 in the Ionian Sea, is completely dependent on its groundwater resources for fulfilling the demands of the water supplies. The use of groundwater resources has become particularly intensive during the last decades because of the intense urbanization, the tourist development and the irrigated land expansion that took place. The main aquifers are developed in limestones (karstic), sandstones of neogene deposits (confined) and alluvial deposits (phreatic). This paper focuses on the assessment of their hydrogeological characteristics and the groundwater quality. For this investigation, groundwater level measurements, drilling data, pumping tests and chemical analyses of groundwater samples were used. The average annual consumption that is abstracted from the aquifer systems, is 4.9 × 106 m3 year−1. The exploitable groundwater reserves were estimated to be 3.3 × 106 m3 year−1. In the last decades, the total abstractions exceed the natural recharge, due to the tourist development; therefore the aquifer systems are not used safely. The results of chemical analyses showed a deterioration of the groundwater quality. According to the analyses the shallow alluvial aquifer and the confined aquifer are polluted by nitrates at concentrations in excess of 25 mg L−1. High sulphate concentrations might be related to the dissolution of gypsum. Seawater intrusion phenomena are recorded in coastal parts of aquifer systems. The increased Cl concentrations in karstic aquifer indicate signs of overexploitation. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis was applied in order to evaluate the SWOT of the groundwater resources. Moreover, some recommendations are made to assist the rational management that aim at improving the sustainability of the groundwater resources of Zakynthos Island.  相似文献   

This is the first landslide inventory map in the island of Lefkada integrating satellite imagery and reports from field surveys. In particular, satellite imagery acquired before and after the 2003 earthquake were collected and interpreted with the results of the field survey that took place 1 week after this strong (Mw?=?6.3) event. The developed inventory map indicates that the density of landslides decreases from west to east. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of landslides was statistically analyzed in relation to the geology and topography for investigating their influence to landsliding. This was accomplished by overlaying these causal factors as thematic layers with landslide distribution data. Afterwards, weight values of each factor were calculated using the landslide index method and a landslide susceptibility map was developed. The susceptibility map indicates that the highest susceptibility class accounts for 38 % of the total landslide activity, while the three highest classes that cover the 10 % of the surface area, accounting for almost the 85 % of the active landslides. Our model was validated by applying the approaches of success and prediction rate to the dataset of landslides that was previously divided into two groups based on temporal criteria, estimation and validation group. The outcome of the validation dataset was that the highest susceptibility class concentrates 18 % of the total landslide activity. However, taking into account the frequency of landslides within the three highest susceptibility classes, more than 85 %, the model is characterized as reliable for a regional assessment of earthquake-induced landslides hazard.  相似文献   

A 10-station portable seismograph network was deployed in northern Greece to study aftershocks of the magnitude (mb) 6.4 earthquake of June 20, 1978. The main shock occurred (in a graben) about 25 km northeast of the city of Thessaloniki and caused an east-west zone of surface rupturing 14 km long that splayed to 7 km wide at the west end. The hypocenters for 116 aftershocks in the magnitude range from 2.5 to 4.5 were determined. The epicenters for these events cover an area 30 km (east-west) by 18 km (north-south), and focal depths ranges from 4 to 12 km. Most of the aftershocks in the east half of the aftershock zone are north of the surface rupture and north of the graben. Those in the west half are located within the boundaries of the graben. Composite focalmechanism solutions for selected aftershocks indicate reactivation of geologically mapped normal faults in the area. Also, strike-slip and dip-slip faults that splay off the western end of the zone of surface ruptures may have been activated.The epicenters for four large (M 4.8) foreshocks and the main shock were relocated using the method of joint epicenter determination. Collectively, those five epicenters form an arcuate pattern convex southward, that is north of and 5 km distant from the surface rupturing. The 5-km separation, along with a focal depth of 8 km (average aftershock depth) or 16 km (NEIS main-shock depth), implies that the fault plane dips northward 58° or 73°, respectively. A preferred nodal-plane dip of 36° was determined by B.C. Papazachos and his colleagues in 1979 from a focal-mechanism solution for the main shock. If this dip is valid for the causal fault and that fault projects to the zone of surface rupturing, a decrease of dip with depth is required.  相似文献   

Chorozoglou  D.  Papadimitriou  E. 《Natural Hazards》2020,102(3):783-805
Natural Hazards - The investigation of earthquake recurrence networks that were constructed from two aftershock sequences in Greece, is performed, aiming to detect whether the structure of networks...  相似文献   

A detailed study of the syndepositional Masada Fault Zone (MFZ) provides an example for fundamental characteristics of earthquakes, such as long term temporal clustering, repeated faulting on the same planes for a limited time of the order of a few thousands of years, and the formation of subaqueous breccia layers interpreted as seismites. The MFZ was studied in outcrops of 70–15 ka Lake Lisan sediments. Detailed columnar sections on both sides of well-exposed faults show that each individual fault exhibits a cluster, up to 4 ky long, with 3–5 slip events on the same plane. Each slip event is associated with the formation of widespread layers exhibiting soft sediment deformation, which are interpreted to be seismite layers. The uppermost part of the Lisan section, about 5 m, is not faulted, hence the last cluster of slip events ended about 25 ky ago. The clusters of activity of individual faults coalesce to form larger clusters. These are evident in the distribution of seismite layers throughout the entire Lisan section which shows earthquake clustering during periods of 10 ky. The clusters are separated by relatively quiescent periods of comparable duration.  相似文献   

S.C. Stiros 《Geoarchaeology》1998,13(7):731-741
Archaeological and biological evidence indicates that the approximate sea level position of A.D. 150–250, the period of construction of the ancient harbor of Aigeira (Gulf of Corinth, Greece), can be identified at the height of 4 m above present sea level. The exposed ancient structure permits a direct observation of harbor construction techniques of the Roman period and study of the Late Holocene uplift of the area, characterized by a terrace staircase morphology. The harbor uplift is related to a series of earthquakes, one of which was possibly responsible for the demise of Aigeira in the 3rd century A.D. The corresponding rate of uplift is estimated to 2.4–3.0 mm/yr; it is consistent with available radiocarbon data and is among the highest uplift rates ever recorded in normal faulting environments. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A strong earthquake (Mw = 6.2) occurred offshore the island of Lefkada (or Lefkas) on August 14, 2003. The maximum intensity has been evaluated Io = VIII (EMS) at Lefkada municipality, while VI to VII+ intensities were evaluated at many other villages of the island. The offshore NNE-SSW oriented strike-slip right-lateral fault was activated by the main shock. This fault is the northern termination of the Cephalonia transform fault. The most characteristic macroseismic effects were extensive typical ground failures like rock falls, soil liquefactions, subsidence, densification, ground cracks and landslides. These macroseismic effects are remarkably similar to those reported from some historical Lefkada shocks, e.g. 1704, 1914 (Ms = 6.3) and 1948 (Ms = 6.5). Sand boils and ground fissures with ejection of mud were observed at the seaside of the town of Lefkada, and in the villages of Nydri and Vassiliki.In situ soil profiles are obtained based mainly on borings after the earthquake. Boreholes records with SPT values (standard penetration test) are obtained and the “simplified procedure” originally developed by Seed and Idriss was employed to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of soils. The results indicated that the silty sandy layer, which lies beneath the artificial fill in the coastal zone in Lefkada town, had liquefied during the 14 August Earthquake. An attempt was also made to establish a preliminary microzonation map for Lefkada town using the data from Liquefaction Potential Index analyses. Our map was validated by the occurrence of liquefaction phenomena inside the town.  相似文献   

On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 07:10:07 (UTC) a strong earthquake struck Lefkas Island (Ionian Sea, Western Greece) with magnitude Mw 6.4, depth of about 6 km and epicenter located 20 km southwest of Lefkas town. It was felt in Lefkas Island and the surrounding region and caused the death of two people, the injury of eight others, many earthquake environmental effects (EEE) and damage to buildings and infrastructures. Secondary EEE were observed in western Lefkas and classified as ground cracks, slope movements and liquefaction phenomena. Primary effects directly linked to surface expression of seismogenic source were not detected in the field. The maximum intensity VIIIESI 2007 was assigned to large-volume slope movements along western coastal Lefkas. Damage to buildings was mainly observed in villages located in Dragano-Athani graben arranged almost parallel to the northern segment of the Cephalonia Transform Fault Zone (Lefkas segment). Among structures constructed with no seismic provisions, the stone masonry buildings and monumental structures suffered most damage, while the traditional buildings of the area with dual structural system performed relatively well and suffered minor damage. Reinforced-concrete buildings were affected not so much by the earthquake itself but by the generation of secondary EEE. The maximum seismic intensities VIIIEMS-98 were assigned to villages located in Dragano-Athani graben due to very heavy structural damage observed on masonry buildings mainly attributed to the combination of the recorded high PGA values, the poor antiseismic design and construction of buildings and the geological and tectonic structure of the affected area.  相似文献   

The Vani manganese deposit is located in the rugged NW sector of Milos Island. It occurs within the Vani volcano-sedimentary basin, which is underlain by dacitic domes and flows of Upper Pliocene age (3.5–2.0 Ma). The end of the emplacement of the dacites was marked by the collapse of the magma chamber, which resulted in a huge pyroclastic episode and the deposition of a thick layer of pyroclastic material within a shallow submarine basin. This pyroclastic material subsequently compacted to form the volcaniclastic sandstone, which became the host for the manganese ore beds which were about 4 m thick in the two sections studied. Hydrothermal fluids penetrated these sandstone horizons via fractures and fissures to produce the manganese deposit. The permeable nature of the sandstone facilitated the retention of the hydrothermal fluids within these layers. This permitted the fluids to cool slowly and deposit the manganese oxides almost quantitatively. Formation of the hydrothermal manganese deposit took place fairly rapidly over a period of several tens of thousands of years at most. Strong tectonic activity resulted in rapid uplift of the area which elevated the deposit above sea level.Two generations of manganese oxides have been identified within this deposit; the first generation consists of pyrolusite and ramsdellite; the second generation of oxides of the isostructural series cryptomelane–hollandite–coronadite plus hydrohetaerolite characterized by high contents of K, Ba, Pb and Zn, respectively. This sequence is the result of a two-stage process of formation of the manganese-oxide minerals in which a second high-salinity hydrothermal fluid enriched in Ba, Pb and Zn as a result of the dissolution of sulphide minerals remineralized the original manganese-oxide assemblage. It is this two-stage process of formation, which was mainly responsible for the unique characteristics of this deposit. Although formed in a submarine setting, the deposit shows marked differences in mineralogy and composition from known submarine hydrothermal manganese deposits and is most analogous to the epithermal vein deposits of the southwestern United States.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》1985,22(2):141-155
The 1981 earthquakes, manifested in the Gulf of Corinth, brought serious structural damage to buildings in the city of Athens. Because of the observed concentration of damages in the Halandri district of Athens, an investigation of soil conditions was carried out. This included boreholes, measurement of physicomechanical properties of soil and weak rock units and determination of the depth to top-of-rock and thickness of recent deposits. Based on stratigraphy, the area studied was divided in five zones. For each zone, the total number of damaged buildings was determined and the percentages of damage to three-storey and multi-storey buildings were calculated. Seismic characteristics, acceleration and dominant period of soil and weak rock formations were estimated. From the above analysis, it is concluded that the dominant period of the soil, in the zones where most of the damage to multi-storey buildings was observed, is approximately equal to the dominant period of these buildings.  相似文献   

A single, pumice-rich sandy horizon located in Holocene deposits of western Peloponnesus, Ionian Sea, Greece has been newly detected in a littoral belt 250 m wide and more than 3km long. Pumice fragments are hosted in siliceous-cherty sand that overlies coarser clastic sediments, and occur in varying sizes. The geomorphology of the area and the development of two dune systems played an important role in the entrapment of the pumice fragments. These were transported there by the wind and marine currents, rather than by a tsunami event. The chemistry of the pumice fragments is constistent throughout the deposit. Major and trace element analysis of the pumice suggests an origin in the south Aegean Volcanic Arc, rather than in southern Italy and surroundings. The age of this deposition is thought to be younger than 4,000 years before present.  相似文献   

The Profitis Ilias gold deposit, located on the western part of Milos Island, Greece, is the first epithermal gold deposit discovered in the Pliocene–Pleistocene Aegean volcanic arc. Estimated ore reserves are 5 million tonnes grading 4.4 g/tonne Au and 43 g/tonne Ag. The deposit is closely associated with a horst and graben structure, and occurs in a series of steep interconnected crustiform-banded quartz veins up to 3 m wide, extending to depths of at least 300 m. The mineralisation occurs in three stages and is hosted by 3.5–2.5 Ma old silicified and sericitised rhyolitic lapilli-tuffs and ignimbrites. It consists of pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, electrum and native gold. Additionally, adularia occurs with quartz mainly in veins. Homogenisation temperatures of primary liquid-rich inclusions vary from 145 to 399 °C for the ore stage, and 112 to 263 °C for the post-ore stage. Salinities range between 0.1 and 11.4 wt% NaCl equiv. and 0.93 to 8.5 wt% NaCl equiv. for the ore stage and the post-ore stage, respectively. Rare vapour-rich inclusions in ore stage quartz homogenise between 368 and 399 °C and estimates of eutectic melting (−25 to −38 °C) indicate the presence of Ca and Mg in the ore fluids. Sample elevation versus fluid inclusion Th–salinity relationships show (1) a high-salinity trend, where moderate-temperature (300–250 °C) and moderate-salinity brines (∼3 wt% NaCl equiv.) trend to high-salinity (up to 15 wt% NaCl equiv.) fluids with lower (∼25–50 °C) homogenisation temperatures, and (2) a high-Th trend where moderate-salinity and moderate-temperature brines (200–250 °C; 3 wt% NaCl equiv.) develop into low-salinity (<1 wt% NaCl equiv.), high-temperature (>350 °C) fluids. These trends are best explained by extreme boiling and vapourisation phenomena between 200 and 250 °C. The 430–450 m asl (metres above sea level) level marks the transition between a lower liquid-dominated segment of the system where only the steep high-salinity trend is seen, and an upper vapour-dominated segment where the high-Th trend or a combination of both are seen. There is a close spatial association between mineable gold grades and the upper segment of the system. Depth-to-boiling curves suggest that the paleo-surface was ∼200 m above the present summit of Profitis Ilias. Comparison of the mineralisation and fluid geochemistry at Profitis Ilias with that of the nearby modern geothermal system indicates that the processes of metal mineralisation have probably been continuous since the Late Pliocene. Received: 24 February 2000 / Accepted: 15 July 2000  相似文献   

徐雯雯  刘栋  赵志丹  车悦  齐宁远  雷杭山  朱锐 《岩石学报》2021,37(12):3735-3758
希腊Lesvos岛广泛出露的中新世钾质岩浆岩为深入探讨地中海东部地区新生代构造演化和深部过程提供了宝贵机会.本文对Lesvos岛碰撞后钾质岩石开展了系统的矿物电子探针分析、锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析及全岩地球化学分析.研究结果表明:Lesvos岛出露的碰撞后火山岩主要由玄武粗安岩、玄武安山岩和粗面岩组成,锆石U-...  相似文献   

An Mb = 5.1 earthquake occurred on February, 29, 1980, in the Western Pyrenees near Arudy (France). The telemetred network of the I.P.G.P., operating in this area since 1978, allowed a good localization of this earthquake (43°4.21′N, 0°24.59′W, depth 4km). During the two years preceding this earthquake the seismic activity exhibited a gradual decrease. A foreshock of magnitude 1.6 was recorded three hours before the main shock.A temporary network set up in the epicentral area a few days after the main shock permitted a precise study of the aftershock sequence. Fifty fault-plane solutions for earthquakes ranging from magnitude 1.5-4 were obtained. A complex pattern of faulting was revealed, with both strike-slip and normal faulting. However, a regional tectonic stress tensor can be proposed from a detailed investigation of the aftershock sequence. This stress tensor is in agreement with previous results in this area.  相似文献   

Initiation and evolution of the South China Sea: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different models have been proposed for the formation and tectonic evolution of the South China Sea (SCS), including extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, backarc extension, two-stage opening, proto-SCS dragging, extension induced by a mantle plume, and integrated models that combine diverse factors. Among these, the extrusion model has gained the most attention. Based on simplified physical experiments, this model proposes that collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates resulted in extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, which in turn led to opening of the SCS. The extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula, however, should have led to preferential opening in the west side of the SCS, which is contrary to observations. Extensional models propose that the SCS was a backarc basin, rifted off the South China Block. Most of the backarc extension models, however, are not compatible with observations in terms of either age or subduction direction. The two-stage extension model is based on extensional basins surrounding the SCS. Recent dating results indeed show two-stage opening in the SCS, but the Southwest Subbasin of the SCS is much younger, which contradicts the two-stage extension model. Here we propose a refined backarc extension model. There was a wide Neotethys Ocean between the Australian and Eurasian Plates before the Indian-Eurasian collision. The ocean floor started to subduct northward at ~125 Ma, causing backarc extension along the southern margin of the Eurasian Plate and the formation of the proto-SCS. The Neotethys subduction regime changed due to ridge subduction in the Late Cretaceous, resulting in fold-belts, uplifting, erosion, and widespread unconformities. It may also have led to the subduction of the proto-SCS. Flat subduction of the ridge may have reached further north and resulted in another backarc extension that formed the SCS. The rollback of the flat subducting slab might have occurred ~90 Ma ago; the second backarc extension may have initiated between 50 and 45 Ma. The opening of the Southwest Subbasin is roughly simultaneous with a ridge jump in the East Subbasin, which implies major tectonic changes in the surrounding regions, likely related to major changes in the extrusion of the Indochina Peninsula.  相似文献   

 Impacts on nearshore sedimentation arising from potential sea level change of the magnitude predicted in Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change scenarios associated with global warming are reviewed. For sandy duned coasts, the obvious sedimentation impacts include potential erosion of coastal dunes with implied deposition of the eroded material in the nearshore, possible deepening of embayments, and flooding of wetlands. For the sandy coasts a number of two-dimensional models are available for predicting shoreline change, but there are significant difficulties in applying Bruun-type models for dune erosion and assessment of sediment redistribution over the inner shelf, and for predicting the amount of shoreline retreat for a given rate of sea level rise. If the beach profile contains excessive sand relative to its equilibrium profile, sensu Dean (1991), then shoreline retreat may not occur upon sea level rise. From the evidence of Kiel Bay, at least in these semi-enclosed basin types, it is during major transgressions that maximum deposition in adjacent basins occurs, due to the sea eroding weakly consolidated and weathered surface regolith. But at the same time climatic patterns were re-adjusting and probably contributed to maximum deposition in adjacent shelf and basins below wave base. Received: 16 June 1995 / Accepted: 29 January 1996  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of the April 2007 earthquake swarm (Mw 5.2) which occurred at the vicinity of Lake Trichonis (western Greece). First we relocated the earthquakes, using P- and S-wave arrivals to the stations of the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN), and then we applied moment tensor inversion to regional broad-band waveforms to obtain the focal mechanisms of the strongest events of the 2007 swarm. The relocated epicentres, cluster along the eastern banks of the lake, and follow a distinct NNW–ESE trend. The previous strong sequence close to Lake Trichonis occurred in June–December 1975. We applied teleseismic body waveform inversion, to obtain the focal mechanism solution of the strongest earthquake of this sequence, i.e. the 31 December 1975 (Mw 6.0) event. Our results indicate that: a) the 31 December 1975 Mw 6.0 event was produced by a NW–SE normal fault, dipping to the NE, with considerable sinistral strike-slip component; we relocated its epicentre: i) using phase data reported to ISC and its coordinates are 38.486°N, 21.661°E; ii) using the available macroseismic data, and the coordinates of the macroseismic epicentre are 38.49°N, 21.63°E, close to the strongly affected village of Kato Makrinou; b) the earthquakes of the 2007 swarm indicate a NNW–SSE strike for the activated main structure, parallel to the eastern banks of Lake Trichonis, dipping to the NE and characterized by mainly normal faulting, occasionally combined with sinistral strike-slip component. The 2007 earthquake swarm did not rupture the well documented E–W striking Trichonis normal fault that bounds the southern flank of the lake, but on the contrary it is due to rupture of a NW–SE normal fault that strikes at a  45° angle to the Trichonis fault. The left-lateral component of faulting is mapped for the first time to the north of the Gulf of Patras which was previously regarded as the boundary for strike-slip motions in western Greece. This result signifies the importance of further investigations to unravel in detail the tectonics of this region.  相似文献   

The earthquake (Ms= 5.3) of 20 March 1992 and its aftershocks, which occurred near the volcanic island complex of Milos, South Aegean, Greece, are studied on the basis of filed observations and instrumental data. The mainshock caused some building damage, the maximum intensity of VI+ (MM) being assigned to Triovasalos, Milos. Ground cracks, liquefaction in soil, landslides and rockfalls were observed in Milos. Liquefaction took place at an apparently anomalously long epicentral distance (D= 12 km) and is associated with unusually small earthquake magnitude. Abnormal animal behaviour was reported no longer than twelve hours before the mainshock. The b-value (= 1.02) of the G–R relation for the aftershock sequence, the exponentially decreasing number of aftershocks with time, and the difference (= 0.5) in magnitude between the mainshock and its largest aftershock imply that the origin of these earthquakes is tectonic and not associated with the volcanic field of Milos.  相似文献   

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