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Petrological studies of 12 volcanic rock units in the northeast segment of the Taum Sauk Caldera, the major structural feature in the western part of the St. Francois Mountains, indicate that they were probably derived from the same magma chamber. These calc-alkalic rocks become progressively silica and alkali rich and calcium poor from the base to the top of the stratigraphic column. In the part of the northeast segment of the caldera studied in detail, the extrusives are over 5 thick and have a volume of over 500 km3. Rock units consisting of ash-flow tuffs, bedded airfall tuffs and lava flows were apparently deposited within a single episode of volcanic activity, since no signs of extensive erosion were observed among them. Although the rocks are completely devitrified, the preservation of pyroclastic and flow features is excellent. These volcanics are exposed representatives of a 1.3–1.4 b.y. old belt of volcanics and associated plutons which extends from southern Ohio to the Texas Panhandle any may represent a belt of continental accretion.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical data are presented for a suite of 59 sediment samples collected from the P8 and Speedwell cave systems (and mineralogical data are presented for a further six surface sediments) in the Castleton karst catchment, Derbyshire, England. Sediments are grouped according to age and depositional environment and these groups show distinctive mineralogical and chemical characteristics. Clay mineralogy is effective at distinguishing different sediment sources for ancient and modern sediments which are derived from pre-Devensian tills and Devensian solifluction deposits, respectively. Major element chemistry reflects these differences in clay mineral content, while trace elements demonstrate the importance of abrasion of ore minerals in conduits in the aquifer which follow mineral veins, even under natural, pre-mining conditions. Clay minerals are confirmed as the host for uranium in uranium-rich ancient sediments. Consideration of organic carbon and hydrogen concentrations shows that plant material is the dominant source of organic material in the modern sediments. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The McClure Mountain — Iron Mountain alkalic complex, the largest of three Precambrian alkalic complexes in south-central Colorado, is an irregularly ovoid body about 8×6.5 kilometers in plan. It contains major petrologic units (in age sequence): 1) peridotite and ilmenite-magnetite lenses, 2) gabbro, 3) hornblende syenite, 4) ijolite and 5) nepheline syenite, whose internal arrangement is irregular. Dikes are numerous and varied both within the complex and in the surrounding Precambrian metasediments and meta-volcanics (Idaho Springs formation), granitoids and migmatites to a distance of 27 kilometers from the complex. Fenitization has only locally affected these wall rocks at their contacts with the complex. Dikes within the complex are chiefly light colored and of syenitic or nepheline syenitic composition. Texturally they range from aphanitic, through porphyritic with an aphanitic to fine-grained matrix, to uniformly medium-grained. Most of the intracomplex dikes (save the few carbonatites) are represented by compositionally equivalent major units within the complex. In contrast, the extracomplex dikes are chiefly lamprophyres and carbonatites, none of which has a compositionally similar unit within the complex. The carbonatite dikes are younger than the lamprophyres; where the two types co-occupy the same fracture, the lamprophyre has been carbonatized. The lamprophyres are represented by an extraordinary number of textural varieties, involving phenocrysts and phenocryst combinations of augite, barkevikite, olivine and plagioclase in varying matrix combinations of olivine, augite, barkevikite, biotite, magnetite, apatite, plagioclase and orthoclase. Many of the dikes can be classed as camptonites or olivine camptonites. The Goldie lamprophyres contain local marginal phases spectacularly marked by concentrically zoned ovoids. The Cabin dike is studded by megaphenocrysts of augite. The carbonatites are of three main types:
  1. Relatively homogeneous calcitic or dolomitic carbonatites with few accessories.
  2. Composite carbonate — hematitic potash feldspar bodies which, with diminution of carbonate, grade into feldspathic Th-RE veins.
  3. Carbonatites with abundant barite and/or fluorite, and rarer species. The Goldie carbonatite also contains a complex suite of aluminofluorides.
Many carbonatites and Th-RE veins emit, when broken, a fetid gas consisting of a mixture of fluorinated hydrocarbons of the C5 and C6 types along with F2, HF, and F2O. The fluorine has been derived from structurally degraded radioactive fluorite; the hydrocarbon gases appear to represent primary inclusions. Within the dike halo are two small breccia pipes consisting of fenitized, locally derived Precambrian gneiss blocks with minor fragments of transported biotitized lamprophyre in a subordinate calcitic matrix also containing aegirine, crocidolite, potash feldspar and hematite. The abundance of the lamprophyres, the great width of the dike halo, the lack of ring structure within the complex, the restriction of carbonatite to dikes, and the subordinate fenitization effects all combine to suggest that the McClure Mountain — Iron Mountain complex is now exposed at a relatively deep niveau, possibly near the mesozone — catazone boundary.  相似文献   

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