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The MARS-3D model in conjunction with the particle tracking module Ichthyop is used to study circulation and tracer dynamics under a variety of forcing conditions in the eastern English Channel, and in the Boulogne-sur-Mer harbour (referred to hereafter as BLH). Results of hydrodynamic modelling are validated against the tidal gauge data, VHF radar surface velocities and ADCP measurements. Lagrangian tracking experiments are performed with passive particles to study tracer dispersal along the northern French coast, with special emphasis on the BLH. Simulations revealed an anticyclonic eddy generated in the harbour at rising tide. Tracers, released during flood tide at the Liane river mouth, move northward with powerful clockwise rotating current. After the high water, the current direction changes to westward, and tracers leave the harbour through the open boundary. During ebb tide, currents convergence along the western open boundary but no eddy is formed, surface currents inside the harbour are much weaker and the tracer excursion length is small. After the current reversal at low water, particles are advected shoreward resulting in a significant increase of the residence time of tracers released during ebb tide. The effect of wind on particle dispersion was found to be particularly strong. Under strong SW wind, the residence time of particles released during flood tide increases from 1.5 to 6 days. For release during ebb tide, SW wind weakens the southward tidally induced drift and thus the residence time decreases. Similar effects are observed when the freshwater inflow to the harbour is increased from 2 to 10 m3/s during the ebb tide flow. For flood tide conditions, the effect of freshwater inflow is less significant. We also demonstrate an example of innovative coastal management targeted at the reduction of the residence time of the pathogenic material accidentally released in the harbour.  相似文献   

This study investigates the roles of different physical processes in the oceanic response to tropical cyclones(TCs) in the Pacific, using an ocean general circulation model with several numerical experiments. A case study is focused on Typhoon Rammasun, which passed through the northwestern tropical Pacific in May 2008. TC-induced wind stress fields are extracted using a locally-weighted regression(Loess) method from a six-hourly Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform satellite scatterometer wind product. By comparing model experiments with TC wind forcing being explicitly included or not, the effects of TC on the ocean are isolated in a clean way. The local oceanic response is characterized by a cooling in the surface layer that persists along the typhoon track as a cold wake, and a deepening of the mixed layer(ML). The TC-induced wind can affect the ocean through the momentum effects, the ML processes(the stirring effect on the ML depth), and heat flux(via wind speed), repectively.Analyses of numerical experiments with these different underlying processes explicitly represented or not indicate that vertical mixing and upwelling are dominant processes responsible for surface cooling, while the surface heat flux also plays a nonnegligible role. Specifically, vertical mixing, upwelling and surface heat flux account for respectively ~53%, ~31% and ~16% of the sea surface temperature cooling. However, for the ML response, the vertical mixing and surface heat flux are dominant processes for the ML deepening, while the contribution from upwelling process is negligible. This study provides new insights into how TC-indcued wind forcing affects the ocean by isolating each different individual process in a clear way, which differs from previous direct heat budget analyses.  相似文献   

In the Eastern part of the English Channel, high biomasses of the phytoplankton prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystisglobosa (reaching biomasses over 20 microg Chlal(-1)) are a recurrent spring event (March-June). A significant part of the pelagic Phaeocystis-derived organic matter can be broken down in the sandy permeable sediment that makes up most of the intertidal zone in this part of the Channel. Sediment characteristics, macrofaunal distribution, bacterial biomass, organic carbon content, sediment oxygen demand (SOD), and the sediment-water flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicates were calculated for an exposed sandy beach (Wimereux, France) over a two-year period (2004-2006). According to the data collected, the SOD remains relatively low throughout the whole survey (64-306 micromol m(-2)h(-1)), indicating limited mineralization. However, the same data reveals a temporal variability in the flux, with a sharp increase in the SOD and ammonium released in spring when Phaeocystis-derived phytodetritus was deposited. The organic carbon content and bacterial biomass values indicate similar patterns of increase in response to the phytodetritus deposit. The nitrogen cycle also appears to be modified during the Phaeocystis bloom, with a clear stimulation of nitrification. The influence of various factors (e.g., temperature, nutrient concentrations, and bacterial activity) on the temporal fluctuations of the exchanges is discussed, as are the direct effects of spring bloom. A synthesis of the annual cycle of the mineralization dynamics in this permeable sediment type is also presented.  相似文献   

Resistivity in horizontal boreholes can give useful detailed information about the geological conditions for construction in rock, i.e. in front of a tunnel bore machine. This paper is an attempt to identify a suitable methodology for an effective measuring routine for this type of geophysical measurements under actual construction site conditions.Prior to any measurements numerical modelling was done in order to evaluate the resolution of different electrode arrays. Four different arrays were tested; dipole–pole, cross-hole dipole–dipole, cross-hole pole–tripole and multiple gradient array. Additionally the resolution of a combination of cross-hole dipole–dipole and multiple gradient was assessed. The 2D sensitivity patterns for various arrangements of the cross-hole dipole–dipole and multiple gradient array were examined. The sensitivity towards inaccurate borehole geometry and the influence of water in the boreholes were also investigated. Based on the model study the cross-hole dipole–dipole array, multiple gradient array and a combination of these were found to give the best result and therefore were used for test measurements in horizontal boreholes. The boreholes were 28.5 m long and drilled 6.5 m apart. Prototypes of semi-rigid borehole cables made it possible to insert multi electrode cables in an efficient way, allowing fast measurement routines. These measurements were then studied to determine their accuracy and applicability. The results showed a high resistivity rock mass at the site. A transition from high resistivity to slightly lower resistivity coincides well with a change in lithology from gneiss-granite to gneiss. It is likely that the shotcrete on the tunnel wall is seen as a low resistivity zone.The measurements are a valuable tool, but further development of the cables and streamlining of measuring routines have to be performed before the resistivity tomography can be used routinely in pilot holes during construction in rocks.  相似文献   

A bioaccumulation model was developed to simulate the PCB contamination in the sea bass food web from the Seine Estuary. The model relies upon a contaminant mass balance budget for each biological species. Biological processes determine the extent of bioaccumulation: respiration and feeding rates control the uptake of contaminants whereas excretion, spawning, and growth act on the chemicals removal. A step-by-step modelling approach was followed. A first version was a steady-state model validated for the bioaccumulation processes. In the second version seasonal variation was taken into account, and finally in the third version, the model was coupled with a population dynamics model to describe PCB contamination in each age class.  相似文献   

In this work, we address the Black Sea setup of Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO), and in particular some model enhancements associated with the most important characteristic of ocean dynamics in this semi-enclosed basin, that is the sea-level variability and its relationship with water cycles and wind. Forcing data are presented in detail and compared with previously used coarser-resolution data. One emphasis in this paper is on the statistical analyses of forcing data and outputs from simulations with a focus on the sea level and its change. Numerical simulations are carried out as free run, and alternatively, altimeter data assimilation based on displacement of water properties in the pycnocline is used. Comparisons between the two runs identify the robustness of circulation driven by water balance and winter intensification. Problems in the model to replicate the redistribution of water properties between the two sub-basins in free-run mode are also discussed, which are observed during years with extreme climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The thermospheric and ionospheric effects of the precipitating electron flux and field-aligned-current variations in the cusp have been modelled by the use of a new version of the global numerical model of the Earths upper atmosphere developed for studies of polar phenomena. The responses of the electron concentration, ion, electron and neutral temperature, thermospheric wind velocity and electric-field potential to the variations of the precipitating 0.23-keV electron flux intensity and field-aligned current density in the cusp have been calculated by solving the corresponding continuity, momentum and heat balance equations. Features of the atmospheric gravity wave generation and propagation from the cusp region after the electron precipitation and field-aligned current-density increases have been found for the cases of the motionless and moving cusp region. The magnitudes of the disturbances are noticeably larger in the case of the moving region of the precipitation. The thermospheric disturbances are generated mainly by the thermospheric heating due to the soft electron precipitation and propagate to lower latitudes as large-scale atmospheric gravity waves with the mean horizontal velocity of about 690 ms–1. They reveal appreciable magnitudes at significant distances from the cusp region. The meridional-wind-velocity disturbance at 65° geomagnetic latitude is of the same order (100 ms–1) as the background wind due to the solar heating, but is oppositely directed. The ionospheric disturbances have appreciable magnitudes at the geomagnetic latitudes 70°–85°. The electron-concentration and -temperature disturbances are caused mainly by the ionization and heating processes due to the precipitation, whereas the ion-temperature disturbances are influence strongly by Joule heating of the ion gas due to the electric-field disturbances in the cusp. The latter strongly influence the zonal- and meridional-wind disturbances as well via the effects of ion drag in the cusp region. The results obtained are of interest because of the location of the  相似文献   

A one‐dimensional uncoupled model governed by this research is a physics‐based modelling of the rainfall‐runoff induced erosion process. The presented model is composed of three parts of a three‐dimensional (3D) hillslope geometry, a nonlinear storage (kinematic wave) model for hillslope hydrological response, and an unsteady physically based surface erosion model. The 3D hillslope geometry model allows describing of the hillslope morphology by defining their plan shape and profile curvature. By changing these two topographic parameters, nine basic hillslope types are derived. The modelling of hillslope hydrological response is based on a flow continuity equation as the relation of discharge and flow depth is passed on kinematic wave approximation. The erosion model is based on a mass conservation equation for unsteady flow. The model assumes that suspended sediment does not affect flow dynamics. The model also accounts for the effect of flow depth plus loose soil depth on soil detachment. The presented model was run for two different precipitations, slope content, and length, and results were plotted for sediment detachment/deposition rate. Based on the obtained results, in hillslopes with convex and straight profile curvatures, sediment detachment only occurred in the whole length of the hillslope. However, in concave ones, sediment detachment and deposition only occurred together in hillslope. The hillslopes with straight profiles and convergent plans have the highest rate of detachment. Also, results show that most detachment rates occur in convex profile curvatures, which are about 15 times more than in straight profiles. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fine sediment delivery to and storage in stream channel reaches can disrupt aquatic habitats, impact river hydromorphology, and transfer adsorbed nutrients and pollutants from catchment slopes to the fluvial system. This paper presents a modelling tool for simulating the time‐dependent response of the fine sediment system in catchments, using an integrated approach that incorporates both land phase and in‐stream processes of sediment generation, storage and transfer. The performance of the model is demonstrated by applying it to simulate in‐stream suspended sediment concentrations in two lowland catchments in southern England, the Enborne and the Lambourn, which exhibit contrasting hydrological and sediment responses due to differences in substrate permeability. The sediment model performs well in the Enborne catchment, where direct runoff events are frequent and peak suspended sediment concentrations can exceed 600 mg l?1. The general trends in the in‐stream concentrations in the Lambourn catchment are also reproduced by the model, although the observed concentrations are low (rarely exceeding 50 mg l?1) and the background variability in the concentrations is not fully characterized by the model. Direct runoff events are rare in this highly permeable catchment, resulting in a weak coupling between the sediment delivery system and the catchment hydrology. The generic performance of the model is also assessed using a generalized sensitivity analysis based on the parameter bounds identified in the catchment applications. Results indicate that the hydrological parameters contributing to the sediment response include those controlling (1) the partitioning of runoff between surface and soil zone flows and (2) the fractional loss of direct runoff volume prior to channel delivery. The principal sediment processes controlling model behaviour in the simulations are the transport capacity of direct runoff and the in‐stream generation, storage and release of the fine sediment fraction. The in‐stream processes appear to be important in maintaining the suspended sediment concentrations during low flows in the River Enborne and throughout much of the year in the River Lambourn. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plio-Quaternary volcanism played an important role in the present physical state of Eastern Anatolia. Mount Nemrut, situated to the west of Lake Van is one of the main volcanic centers in the region, with a spectacular summit caldera 8.5 × 7 km in diameter. The most recent eruptions of the volcano were in 1441, 1597 and 1692. Nemrut Lake covers the western half of the caldera; it is a deep, half-bowl-shaped lake with a maximum depth of 176 m. Numerous eruption centers are exposed within the caldera as a consequence of magma–water interaction. Current activity of Nemrut caldera is revealed as hot springs, fumaroles and a small, hot lake.Self-potential and bathymetric surveys carried out in the caldera were used to characterize the structure of the caldera and the associated hydrothermal fluid circulation. In addition, analyses based on digital elevation models and satellite imagery were used to improve our knowledge about the structure of the caldera. According to SP results, the flanks of the volcano represent “the hydrogeologic zone”, whereas the intra-caldera region is an “active hydrothermal area” where the fluid circulation is controlled by structural discontinuities. There is also a northern fissure zone which exhibits hydrothermal signatures. Nemrut caldera collapsed piecemeal, with three main blocks. Stress controlling the collapse mechanism seems to be highly affected by the regional neotectonic regime. In addition to the historical activity, current hydrothermal and hydrogeologic conditions in the caldera, in which there is a large lake and shallow water table, increase the risk of the quiescent volcano.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of spatial resolution and distribution of model input data on the results of regional-scale land use scenarios using three different hydrological catchment models. A 25 m resolution data set of a mesoscale catchment and three land use scenarios are used. Data are systematically aggregated to resolutions up to 2 km. Land use scenarios are spatially redistributed, both randomly and topography based. Using these data, water fluxes are calculated on a daily time step for a 16 year time period without further calibration. Simulation results are used to identify grid size, distribution and model dependent scenario effects. In the case of data aggregation, all applied models react sensitively to grid size. WASIM and TOPLATS simulate constant water balances for grid sizes from 50 m to 300–500 m, SWAT is more sensitive to input data aggregation, simulating constant water balances between 50 m and 200 m grid size. The calculation of scenario effects is less robust to data aggregation. The maximum acceptable grid size reduces to 200–300 m for TOPLATS and WASIM. In case of spatial distribution, SWAT and TOPLATS are slightly sensitive to a redistribution of land use (below 1.5% for water balance terms), whereas WASIM shows almost no reaction. Because the aggregation effects were stronger than the redistribution effects, it is concluded that spatial discretisation is more important than spatial distribution. As the aggregation effect was mainly associated with a change in land use fraction, it is concluded that accuracy of data sets is much more important than a high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Megatidal estuaries such as the Seine and the Somme (North-Western France) are rather well delimited and human impacts on them are well understood. Since the middle of the 19th Century, there has been a slow but irreversible degradation of the state of these English Channel estuaries. However, current conservation and restoration strategies tend to freeze habitats in a particular state, their status being defined, most often, through a patrimonial or utilitarian approach. Connectedness between biotopes (sensu habitat+community) has a tendency to be neglected, especially with regard to main ecological gradients, i.e., salinity. In this paper, evaluation methodologies are proposed with the intention of assessing changes to ecosystem functions, under anthropogenic disturbance, controlled or otherwise. The Seine (a heavily industrialised ecosystem) is compared to the Somme (considered here for its pseudo-natural features) in order to discriminate between oceanic processes (siltation and plugging of estuaries) and anthropogenic influences. Preservation and restoration of habitats rely on a robust scientific methodology. The multi-scale approach adopted in the projects presented here relies on sensitive socio-ecological assessment procedures, tools for evaluating ecological quality, and well-built monitoring programmes based upon pertinent indicators. Such managerial tools were used to refine strategies and make them compatible with the sustainable co-development of resources in a European context. This paper demonstrates how scientists were able to acquire and apply knowledge in the field of rehabilitation and restoration. Jointly with managers and policy-makers, they have brought scientific information and socio-economics together in order to answer questions about the restoration of sites or habitats and to anticipate future propositions in the spirit of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).  相似文献   

The basic features of the hydrological regime and morphodynamics of the mouth area of the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and its part, i.e., the Gironde Estuary, are discussed. The main attention is given to the analysis of water circulation and sediment dynamics in the Gironde Estuary under the joint impact of seasonal river flow and tidal fluctuations. In addition to this, the estuary evolution during the Holocene period and regularities of present-day erosional and accumulative processes are characterized.  相似文献   

Riverbank retreat along a bend of the Cecina River, Tuscany (central Italy) was monitored across a near annual cycle (autumn 2003 to summer 2004) with the aim of better understanding the factors influencing bank changes and processes at a seasonal scale. Seven flow events occurred during the period of investigation, with the largest having an estimated return period of about 1·5 years. Bank simulations were performed by linking hydrodynamic, fluvial erosion, groundwater flow and bank stability models, for the seven flow events, which are representative of the typical range of hydrographs that normally occur during an annual cycle. The simulations allowed identification of (i) the time of onset and cessation of mass failure and fluvial erosion episodes, (ii) the contributions to total bank retreat made by specific fluvial erosion and mass‐wasting processes, and (iii) the causes of retreat. The results show that the occurrence of bank erosion processes (fluvial erosion, slide failure, cantilever failure) and their relative dominance differ significantly for each event, depending on seasonal hydrological conditions and initial bank geometry. Due to the specific planimetric configuration of the study bend, which steers the core of high velocity fluid away from the bank at higher flow discharges, fluvial erosion tends to occur during particular phases of the hydrograph. As a result fluvial erosion is ineffective at higher peak discharges, and depends more on the duration of more moderate discharges. Slide failures appear to be closely related to the magnitude of peak river stages, typically occurring in close proximity to the peak phase (preferentially during the falling limb, but in some cases even before the peak), while cantilever failures more typically occur in the late phase of the flow hydrograph, when they may be induced by the cumulative effects of any fluvial erosion. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the upper ocean response to tropical cyclone wind(TCW) forcing in the northwestern Pacific were investigated using satellite and Argo data, as well as an ocean general circulation model. In particular, a case study was carried out on typhoon Rammasun, which passed through our study area during May 6–13, 2008. It is found that the local response right under the TCW forcing is characterized by a quick deepening of the surface mixed layer, a strong latent heat loss to the atmosphere, and an intense upwelling near the center of typhoon, leading to a cooling of the oceanic surface layer that persists as a cold wake along the typhoon track. More interestingly, the upper ocean response exhibits a four-layer thermal structure, including a cooling layer near the surface and a warming layer right below, accompanied by another pair of cooling/warming layers in the thermocline. The formation of the surface cooling/warming layers can be readily explained by the strong vertical mixing induced by TCW forcing, while the thermal response in the thermocline is probably a result of the cyclone-driven upwelling and the associated advective processes.  相似文献   

In the dispersion theory, a linear relationship has been verified between the coefficient of hydrodynamic dispersion and water velocity, both in saturated and in unsaturated porous media. But for unsaturated soils the variability of flow directions and microscopic velocities can be larger than in saturated soils because of the lower degree of water saturation. This leads to an increased dispersion. Therefore, relationships between water content and relative water velocity fluctuations and water content together with the coefficient of dispersivity in unsaturated porous media respectively have been investigated systematically by displacement experiments in glass beads and coarse-textured sandy soil columns. The breakthrough curves (BTCs) of chloride showed that an increase of solute mixing with a decrease of water content was caused by an increase of flow velocity fluctuations for different pathways. In order to explain the observed tailing effect in unsaturated flow, two mathematical models were used to fit theoretically derived nonlinear functions of water content dependent dispersivities for both porous media. The close agreement between the observed and computed results suggests that the theoretical model of hydrodynamic dispersion can be extended to transport in unsaturated porous media, providing that BTCs of the effluent water are used to estimate representative dispersivity parameters of soils.  相似文献   

Long‐term average rates of channel erosion and sediment transport depend on the frequency–magnitude characteristics of ?ood ?ows that exceed an erosion threshold. Using a Poisson model for rainfall and runoff, analytical solutions are developed for average rates of stream incision and sediment transport in the presence of such a threshold. Solutions are derived and numerically tested for three erosion/transport formulas: the Howard–Kerby shear‐stress incision model, the Bridge–Dominic sediment transport model, and a generic shear‐stress sediment transport model. Results imply that non‐linearity resulting from threshold effects can have a ?rst‐order impact on topography and patterns of dynamic response to tectonic and climate forcing. This non‐linearity becomes signi?cant when fewer than about half of ?ood events are capable of detaching rock or sediment. Predicted morphology and uplift‐gradient scaling is more closely consistent with observations and laboratory experiments than conventional slope‐linear or shear‐linear erosion laws. These results imply that particle detachment thresholds are not details that can be conveniently ignored in long‐term landscape evolution models. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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