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Transient recharge to the water table is often not well understood or quantified. Two approaches for simulating transient recharge in a ground water flow model were investigated using the Trout Lake watershed in north-central Wisconsin: (1) a traditional approach of adding recharge directly to the water table and (2) routing the same volume of water through an unsaturated zone column to the water table. Areas with thin (less than 1 m) unsaturated zones showed little difference in timing of recharge between the two approaches; when water was routed through the unsaturated zone, however, less recharge was delivered to the water table and more discharge occurred to the surface because recharge direction and magnitude changed when the water table rose to the land surface. Areas with a thick (15 to 26 m) unsaturated zone were characterized by multimonth lags between infiltration and recharge, and, in some cases, wetting fronts from precipitation events during the fall overtook and mixed with infiltration from the previous spring snowmelt. Thus, in thicker unsaturated zones, the volume of water infiltrated was properly simulated using the traditional approach, but the timing was different from simulations that included unsaturated zone flow. Routing of rejected recharge and ground water discharge at land surface to surface water features also provided a better simulation of the observed flow regime in a stream at the basin outlet. These results demonstrate that consideration of flow through the unsaturated zone may be important when simulating transient ground water flow in humid climates with shallow water tables.  相似文献   

We compare two methods for determining the upscaled water characteristics and saturation-dependent anisotropy in unsaturated hydraulic conductivity from a field-scale injection test. In both approaches an effective medium approximation is used to reduce a porous medium of M textures to an equivalent homogenous medium. The first approach is a phenomenological approach based on homogenization and assumes that moisture-based Richards’ equation can be treated like the convective–dispersive equation (CDE). The gravity term, dKz(θ)/d(θ), analogous to the vertical convective velocity in the CDE, is determined from the temporal evolution of the plume centroid along the vertical coordinate allowing calculation of an upscaled Kz(θ). As with the dispersion tensor in the CDE, the rate of change of the second spatial moment in 3D space is used to calculate the water diffusivity tensor, D(θ), from which an upscaled K(θ) is calculated. The second approach uses the combined parameter scale inverse technique (CPSIT). Parameter scaling is used first to reduce the number of parameters to be estimated by a factor M. Upscaled parameters are then optimized by inverse modeling to produce an upscaled K(θ) characterized by a pore tortuosity–connectivity tensor, L. Parameters for individual textures are finally determined from the optimized parameters by inverse scaling using scale factors determined a priori. Both methods produced upscaled K(θ) that showed evidence of saturation dependent anisotropy. Flow predictions with the STOMP simulator, parameterized with upscaled parameters, were compared with field observations. Predictions based on the homogenization method were able to capture the mean plume behavior but could not reproduce the asymmetry caused by heterogeneity and lateral spreading. The CPSIT method captured the effects of heterogeneity and anisotropy and reduced the mean squared residual by nearly 90% compared to local-scale and upscaled parameters from the homogenization method. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for the US Department of Energy by Battelle under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830.  相似文献   

《Journal of Hydrology》2006,316(1-4):195-212
As the increase of nitrate concentration in groundwater has often been ascribed to an inappropriate use of liquid manure, the main purpose of this study was to better understand the factors controlling nitrate dynamics in the unsaturated zone of soils subjected to characteristic agronomic practices, and to contribute to improving Action Programmes, with reference to EU Directive 91/676, for nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ).Water infiltration and nitrate leaching have been studied in experimental fields located inside nitrate vulnerable zones of the Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy), characterized by different pedological and hydrogeological properties and equipped with meteorological station, tensiometers, ceramic-cup samplers and piezometers. This article describes the results obtained from one of these sites, monitored over a 6-year period, which was cereal cropped and treated with pig slurry. MACRO and SOILN field-scale models have been used in order to verify the reliability of simulated water flow and nitrogen transport.The results demonstrate how nitrogen inputs from slurry, substantially higher than crop uptake, cause nitrate accumulation in the surface layer of the soil especially in warm periods (concentrations of up to 300 mg NO3–N l−1 were found in soil water). Even if the soil texture was fine, the shrinking–swelling properties of clay minerals determined fast drainage conditions (related to macroporosity), so that during the early rainy periods nitrates leached through the first meters of the unsaturated zone, at least down to 4 m. This shows that nitrate accumulation should be limited before these periods, i.e. by reducing manure application rates, especially if the soil is to be left uncultivated.The model results confirm the observed role of macroporosity in accelerating the breakthrough of surface applied soluble compounds and provide evidence that MACRO and SOILN may be suitable tools for predicting such phenomena, even though their calibration requires some further refinements.  相似文献   

The vadose zone is the main region controlling water movement from the land surface to the aquifer and has a very complex structure. The use of non-invasive or minimally invasive geophysical methods especially electrical resistivity imaging is a cost-effective approach adapted for long-term monitoring of the vadose zone. The main aim of this work is to know the fractures in the vadose zone, of granitic terrene, through which the recharge or preferred path recharge to the aquifer takes place and thus to relate moisture and electrical resistivity. Time lapse electrical resistivity tomography (TLERT) experiment was carried out in the vadose zone of granitic terrene at the Indian Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad along two profiles to a depth of 18 m and 13 m each. The profiles are 300 m apart. Piezometric, rainfall and soil moisture data were recorded to correlate with changes in the rainfall recharge. These TLERT difference images showed that the conductivity distribution was consistent with the recharge occurring along the minor fractures. We mapped the fractures in hard rock or granites to see the effect of the recharge on resistivity variation and estimation of moisture content. These fractures act as the preferred pathways for the recharge to take place. A good correlation between the soil moisture and resistivity is established in the vadose zone of granitic aquifer. Since the vadose zone exhibits extremely high variability, both in space and time, the surface geophysical investigations such as TLERT have been a simple and useful method to characterize the vadose zone, which would not have been possible with the point measurements alone. The analyses of the pseudosection with time indicate clearly that the assumption of the piston flow of the moisture front is not valid in hard rocks. The outcome of this study may provide some indirect parameters to the well known Richard's equation in studying the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

To assess recharge through floodwater spreading, three wells, approx. 30 m deep, were dug in a 35-year-old basin in southern Iran. Hydraulic parameters of the layers were measured. One well was equipped with pre-calibrated time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors. The soil moisture was measured continuously before and after events. Rainfall, ponding depth and the duration of the flooding events were also measured. Recharge was assessed by the soil water balance method, and by calibrated (inverse solution) HYDRUS-1D. The results show that the 15 wetting front was interrupted at a layer with fine soil accumulation over a coarse layer at the depth of approx. 4 m. This seemed to occur due to fingering flow. Estimation of recharge by the soil water balance and modelling approaches showed a downward water flux of 55 and 57% of impounded floodwater, respectively.  相似文献   

Recharge processes of karst aquifers are difficult to assess given their strong heterogeneity and the poorly known effect of vadose zone on infiltration. However, recharge assessment is crucial for the evaluation of groundwater resources. Moreover, the vulnerability of karst aquifers depends on vadose zone behaviour because it is the place where most contamination takes place. In this work, an in situ experimental approach was performed to identify and quantify flow and storage processes occurring in karst vadose zone. Cave percolation monitoring and dye tracing were used to investigate unsaturated zone hydrological processes. Two flow components (diffuse and quick) were identified and, respectively, account for 66% and 34% of the recharge. Quickflow was found to be the result of bypass phenomenon in vadose zone related to water saturation. We identify the role of epikarst as a shunting area, most of the storage in the vadose zone occurring via the diffuse flow component in low permeability zones. Relationship between rainfall intensity and transit velocity was demonstrated, with 5 times higher velocities for the quick recharge mode than the diffuse mode. Modelling approach with KarstMod software allowed to simulate the hybrid recharge through vadose zone and shows promising chances to properly assess the recharge processes in karst aquifer based on simple physical models.  相似文献   

The measured drainage fluxes through a layered volcanic vadose zone exhibited high spatial variability as a consequence of heterogeneous flow conditions. The drainage flux variability was quantified using automated equilibrium tension lysimeters, installed in close‐proximity and resulted in high variability in the Br masses recovered from a conservative tracer experiment. The primary cause of the heterogeneous flow was attributed to textural changes occurring at the interface between volcanic layers, resulting in development of funnel‐flow patterns, and further enhanced by the existence of hydrophobic conditions. The Br recoveries in individual automated equilibrium tension lysimeters were used to determine the corresponding variable sizes of the surface areas contributing drainage to the lysimeters. The tracer experiment confirmed the existence of unsaturated lateral transport occurring at the sloping interface of the coarse Taupo Ignimbrite material with the silty Palaeosol layer at approximately 4.2 m depth. This study demonstrates that measurements of both flux and solute concentrations at multiple locations are essential when heterogeneous flow is suspected to be present, to be able to determine reliable estimates of contaminant leaching through the vadose zone at the plot scale. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Models must effectively represent velocities and celerities if they are to address the old water paradox. Celerity information is recorded indirectly in hydrograph observations, whereas velocity information is more difficult to measure and simulate effectively, requiring additional assumptions and parameters. Velocity information can be obtained from tracer experiments, but we often lack information on the influence of soil properties on tracer mobility. This study features a combined experimental and modelling approach geared towards the evaluation of different structures in the multiple interacting pathways (MIPs) model and validates the representation of velocities with laboratory tracer experiments using an undisturbed soil column. Results indicate that the soil microstructure was modified during the experiment. Soil water velocities were represented using MIPs, testing how the (a) shape of the velocity distribution, (b) transition probability matrices (TPMs), (c) presence of immobile storage, and (d) nonstationary field capacity influence the model's performance. In MIPs, the TPM controls exhanges of water between pathways. In our experiment, MIPs were able to provide a good representation of the pattern of outflow. The results show that the connectedness of the faster pathways is important for controlling the percolation of water and tracer through the soil. The best model performance was obtained with the inclusion of immobile storage, but simulations were poor under the assumption of stationary parameters. The entire experiment was adequately simulated once a time‐variable field capacity parameter was introduced, supporting the need for including the effects of soil microstructure changes observed during the experiment.  相似文献   

Using the method of homogenization, we present a systematic derivation of the macroscopic equations for air flow and chemical vapor transport in an unsaturated zone with a periodic structure of heterogeneity. The effective specific discharge and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient are expressible in terms of some cell functions, whose analytical solutions are sought for the simple case of alternate stacking of two strictly plane layers of different properties. For this kind of bi-layered composite, the effects of convection velocity and layer property contrasts on the longitudinal and transverse components of the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient are investigated.  相似文献   

Large amounts of gas can result from anaerobic corrosion of metals and from chemical and biological degradation of organic substances in underground repositories for radioactive waste. Gas generation may lead to the formation of a gas phase bubble and to the migration of radioactive gaseous species. Transport occurs in, at least, in two forms: (1) gas bubble, migration is controlled by advection, dispersion and diffusion in the gas phase, and (2) within water pockets, the dissolved species migrate mainly by diffusion. We consider a two-dimensional system representing an isolated heterogeneous fractured zone. A dipole gas flow field is generated and gas tracers are injected. The delay in the breakthrough curves is studied. A simple method is used to solve the gas species transport equations in multiphase conditions. This method is based on a formal analogy between the equations of gas transport in a two phase system and the equations of solute tracer transport in water saturated systems. We perform a sensitivity analysis to quantify the relevance of the various transport mechanisms. We find that gas tracer migration is very sensitive to gas tracer solubility, which affects gas tracer transport of both mobile and immobile zones, and shows high sensitivity to diffusion in the gas phase, to heterogeneity and to gas pressure, but the largest sensitivity was observed with respect to injection borehole properties, i.e. borehole volume and water filled fraction.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to build a prognostic water flow model and potentially toxic elements (lead, cadmium, zinc) transport model in the unsaturated zone. Research was conducted in the catchment area of Kosnica regional wellfield, where the unsaturated zone is characterised by Fluvisol. Lower sorption capacities were determined in the first horizons for all three potentially toxic elements. Correlation coefficient of the measured and simulated values of tracer concentration is 0.58 for the AC horizon and 0.84 for the 2C/C1 horizon. Based on calibrated water flow and transport parameters, a prognostic water flow model and potentially toxic elements (lead, cadmium, zinc) transport model in the unsaturated zone was built. In case of an accidental spill of potentially toxic elements with concentrations of 1000 mg/l, the risk of contamination of the aquifer is present. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The key objective of this paper is to advance our present understanding of how surface water infiltrates in thick unsaturated loess, which is found in arid and semiarid regions of the world, considering the ground‐atmosphere interaction. In situ data for a period of 1 year in thick loess layer at a site in the Loess Plateau of China that has groundwater table at 97.5 m depth were collected for achieving this objective. Climate factors, mainly rainfall and actual evaporation, were measured. In addition, variations of soil temperature and water content at different depths in the unsaturated zone were also measured. The data were used to interpret the water percolation characteristics by dividing the thick unsaturated zone into three zones; namely, (i) surface zone, which constitutes the top 1.0 m, (ii) unsteady zone, which is from 1.0 to 7.0 m, and (iii) steady zone, which is below 7.0 m. In the surface zone, soil temperature and water content are sensitive to climate factors. There is a variation of water content associated with the cumulative influence of infiltration and evaporation in the precipitation and nonprecipitation periods, respectively. In the unsteady zone, the water content is relatively constant; however, temperature varies in different seasons. Water percolation in this zone is both in liquid and vapour phases. In the steady zone, both soil temperature and water content are constant during the entire investigation period. The percolation velocity in this zone is approximately 1.23 × 10?8 m/s or 0.39 m/year, which suggests that it will take approximately 230.8 years for surface water to pass through the thick unsaturated zone and recharge the groundwater.  相似文献   

The use of the sulphate mass balance (SMB) between precipitation and soil water as a supplementary method to estimate the diffuse recharge rate assumes that the sulphate in soil water originated entirely from atmospheric deposition; however, the origin of sulphate in soil and groundwater is often unclear, especially in loess aquifers. This study analysed the sulphur (δ34S-SO4) and oxygen (δ18O-SO4) isotopes of sulphate in precipitation, water-extractable soil water, and shallow groundwater samples and used these data along with hydrochemical data to determine the sources of sulphate in the thick unsaturated zone and groundwater of a loess aquifer. The results suggest that sulphate in groundwater mainly originated from old precipitation. When precipitation percolates through the unsaturated zone to recharge groundwater, sulphates were rarely dissolved due to the formation of CaCO3 film on the surface of sulphate minerals. The water-extractable sulphate in the deep unsaturated zone (>10 m) was mainly derived from the dissolution of evaporite minerals and there was no oxidation of sulphide minerals during the extraction of soil water by elutriating soil samples with deionized water. The water-extractable concentration of SO4 was not representative of the actual SO4 concentration in mobile soil water. Therefore, the recharge rate cannot be estimated by the SMB method using the water-extractable concentration of SO4 in the loess areas. This study is important for identifying sulphate sources and clarifying the proper method for estimating the recharge rate in loess aquifers.  相似文献   

The distribution of water within a soil profile can only be partly explained by the time distribution and rate of surface-water input. Observed differences in soil moisture within the unsaturated zone result from the interaction of surface-water inputs with spatially inhomogeneous soil characteristics. Water which initially percolates vertically is differentially impeded as a result of subtle textural changes in the soil, and is then preferentially retained in such zones of transition, causing large differences in soil-water content to occur. The scale of this vertical variability is of tenths of metres, whilst lateral variability of soil moisture reflects textural changes over a few metres. The observed influence of small-scale heterogeneity on soil-water content suggests that the conventional assumptions of isotropicity and homogeneity of the textural and hydraulic properties of porous media used in drainage basin and hillslope hydrological models need scrutiny, even for single stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

Environmental tracers, such as tritium, have generally been used to estimate aquifer recharge under natural conditions. A tritium tracer test is presented for estimating recharge under semi‐arid and irrigated conditions. The test was performed along 429 days (June 2007–August 2008) on an experimental plot located in SE Spain with drip irrigation and annual row crops (rotation of lettuce and melon), in which common agricultural practices were followed in open air. Tritiated water was sprinkled (simulated rainfall) over the plot, soil cores were taken at different depths and a liquid scintillation analyzer was used to measure tritium concentration in soil water samples. Tritium transport, as liquid or vapor phase, was simulated with the one‐dimensional numerical code SOLVEG. Simulations show that the crop water use was below potential levels, despite regular irrigation. Continuous high water content in soil promoted a great impact of rainfall events on the aquifer recharge. The results obtained from tritium tracer test have been compared with other independent recharge assessment, soil water balance method, to evaluate the reliability of the first one. Total recharge from tracer test was 476 mm for the October 2007–September 2008 period versus 561 mm from soil water balance method for the same period, which represents 37.1% and 43.7% of the applied water (1284 mm, irrigation + precipitation), respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper fuzzy models are used as an alternative to describe groundwater flow in the unsaturated zone. The core of these models consists of a fuzzy rule-based model of the Takagi–Sugeno type. Various fuzzy clustering algorithms are compared in the data-driven identification of these Takagi–Sugeno models. The performance of the resulting fuzzy models is evaluated on the training surface on which they were identified, and on time series measurements of water content values obtained through an experiment carried out by the non-vegetated terrain (NVT) workgroup of the European Microwave Signature Laboratory (EMSL) (see [Mancini M, Hoeben R, Troch PA. Multifrequency radar observations of bare surface soil moisture content: a laboratory experiment. Water Resour Res 1999;35(6):1827–38] and [Hoeben R, Troch PA. Assimilation of active microwave observation data for soil moisture profile estimation. Water Resour Res 2000;36(10):2805–19]). Despite higher errors at the borders of high water content values in the training surface, good results are obtained on the simulation of the time series.  相似文献   

The effect of parametric uncertainty in recharge rate and spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity upon free-surface flow is investigated in a stochastic framework. We examine the three-dimensional free-surface gravitational flow problem for sloped mean uniform flow in a randomly heterogeneous porous medium under the influence of random recharge. We develop analytic solutions for the variance of free-surface position, head, and specific discharge on the free surface. Additionally, we obtain semi-analytic solutions for the statistical moments of head and specific discharge beneath the free-surface. Statistical moments are derived using a first-order approximation and then compared with their parallel in an unbounded medium. The effect of recharge mean and variability on the statistical moments is analyzed. Results can be applied to more complex flows, slowly varying in the mean.  相似文献   

Nitrate transport in the unsaturated zone of a riverbank filtration (RBF) system in Karany, Czech Republic, was studied. Previous study of the system estimated RBF recharge as 60% riverbank filtrate and 40% local groundwater contaminated by nitrates. Nitrate concentrations observed in RBF recently cannot be explained by simple groundwater contamination and a new conception of groundwater recharge is suggested. A two‐component model based on water 18O data modelled recharge of local groundwater. One component of groundwater recharge is rainfall and irrigation water moving through the unsaturated zone of the Quaternary sediments in piston flow. The second component is groundwater from the Cretaceous deposits with a free water table. Both the components of groundwater recharge have different nitrate concentrations, and resulting contamination of groundwater depends on the participation of water from Quaternary and Cretaceous deposits. Nitrates' origins and their mixing in the subsurface were traced by 15N data. Nitrate transport from the unsaturated zone is important and time variable source of groundwater contamination. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A detailed model was formulated to describe the non-passive transport of water-soluble chemicals in the unsaturated zone and used to illustrate one-dimensional infiltration and redistribution of alcohol–water mixtures. The model includes the dependence of density, viscosity, surface tension, molecular diffusion coefficient in the liquid-phase, and gas–liquid partition coefficient on the aqueous mixture composition. It also takes into account the decrease in the gas–liquid partition coefficient at high capillary pressures, in accordance with Kelvin’s equation for multi-component mixtures. Simulation of butanol–water mixtures infiltration in sand was in agreement with the experimental data and simulations reported in the literature. Simulation of methanol infiltration and redistribution in two different soils showed that methanol concentration significantly affects volumetric liquid content and concentration profiles, as well as the normalized volatilization and evaporation fluxes. Dispersion in the liquid-phase was the predominant mechanism in the transport of methanol when dispersivity at saturation was set to 7.8 cm. Liquid flow was mainly due to capillary pressure gradients induced by changes in volumetric liquid content. However, for dispersivity at saturation set to 0.2 cm, changes in surface tension due to variation in composition induced important liquid flow and convection in the liquid-phase was the most active transport mechanism. When the Kelvin effect was ignored within the soil, the gas-phase diffusion was significantly lower, leading to lower evaporation flux of water and higher volumetric liquid contents near the soil surface.  相似文献   

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