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Local surface water and stormflow were infiltrated intermittently from a 40-ha basin between September 2003 and September 2007 to determine the feasibility of recharging alluvial aquifers pumped for public supply, near Stockton, California. Infiltration of water produced a pressure response that propagated through unconsolidated alluvial-fan deposits to 125 m below land surface (bls) in 5 d and through deeper, more consolidated alluvial deposits to 194 m bls in 25 d, resulting in increased water levels in nearby monitoring wells. The top of the saturated zone near the basin fluctuates seasonally from depths of about 15 to 20 m. Since the start of recharge, water infiltrated from the basin has reached depths as great as 165 m bls. On the basis of sulfur hexafluoride tracer test data, basin water moved downward through the saturated alluvial deposits until reaching more permeable zones about 110 m bls. Once reaching these permeable zones, water moved rapidly to nearby pumping wells at rates as high as 13 m/d. Flow to wells through highly permeable material was confirmed on the basis of flowmeter logging, and simulated numerically using a two-dimensional radial groundwater flow model. Arsenic concentrations increased slightly as a result of recharge from 2 to 6 μg/L immediately below the basin. Although few water-quality issues were identified during sample collection, high groundwater velocities and short travel times to nearby wells may have implications for groundwater management at this and at other sites in heterogeneous alluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

Transient recharge to the water table is often not well understood or quantified. Two approaches for simulating transient recharge in a ground water flow model were investigated using the Trout Lake watershed in north-central Wisconsin: (1) a traditional approach of adding recharge directly to the water table and (2) routing the same volume of water through an unsaturated zone column to the water table. Areas with thin (less than 1 m) unsaturated zones showed little difference in timing of recharge between the two approaches; when water was routed through the unsaturated zone, however, less recharge was delivered to the water table and more discharge occurred to the surface because recharge direction and magnitude changed when the water table rose to the land surface. Areas with a thick (15 to 26 m) unsaturated zone were characterized by multimonth lags between infiltration and recharge, and, in some cases, wetting fronts from precipitation events during the fall overtook and mixed with infiltration from the previous spring snowmelt. Thus, in thicker unsaturated zones, the volume of water infiltrated was properly simulated using the traditional approach, but the timing was different from simulations that included unsaturated zone flow. Routing of rejected recharge and ground water discharge at land surface to surface water features also provided a better simulation of the observed flow regime in a stream at the basin outlet. These results demonstrate that consideration of flow through the unsaturated zone may be important when simulating transient ground water flow in humid climates with shallow water tables.  相似文献   

A 1-month pumping test has been carried out during the summer of 1970 in order to study the desaturation of the cone of depression and the restoration of the water level and the re-wetting during the recovery phase. The observations were continued in order to evaluate the water movements during an annual cycle.The water flux resulting from a potential difference was evaluated. A slow and long-continued drainage is due to the low permeability of the water-bearing formations. Less than half the gravitational water was removed. The specific yields obtained from nuclear methods and other more classical methods based on transient flow formulae are quite different, being, in the latter case, 10–15 times smaller.The interaction between the saturated and unsaturated zones has been determined: contrary to what we would expect, in the unsaturated zone the capillary fringe has contributed only a small part to the water flux. Measurements of soil-water content show that in the cone of depression the resaturation is not complete.During the recharge period, we have noticed a water-level rise in the absence of vertical fluxes, due to an increase of the level in the river; the water movement is controlled by the nature of the formation and the influence of the water content on the permeability. The water balance obtained from the water content measurements is close to that found by the generalized Darcy law and it gives an acceptable approximation of infiltration and evapotranspiration components. The evapotranspiration estimated by this method is, however, very different from that derived from the climatic method.A continuous inflow to the water table has been determined, but it is often insignificant. Most of the groundwater recharge is obtained by a few periods of intense precipitation during which the daily fluxes reach values 100 times higher than normal inflow. Summer rains can reach the groundwater table when their intensity and timing create conditions favourable for downward flow in the upper soil horizons.  相似文献   


Many of the hydrological and ecological functions of alluvial flood plains within watersheds depend on the water flow exchanges between the vadoze soil zone and the shallow groundwater. The water balance of the soil in the flood plain is investigated, in order to evaluate the main hydrological processes that underlie the temporal dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. The soil moisture and the groundwater level in the flood plain were monitored continuously for a three-year period. These data were integrated with the results derived from applying a physically-based numerical model which simulated the variably-saturated vertical water flow in the soil. The analysis indicated that the simultaneous processes of lateral groundwater flow and the vertical recharge from the unsaturated zone caused the observed water table fluctuations. The importance of these flows in determining the rises in the water table varied, depending on soil moisture and groundwater depth before precipitation. The monitoring period included two hydrological years (September 2009–September 2011). About 13% of the precipitation vertically recharged the groundwater in the first year and about 50% in the second. The difference in the two recharge coefficients was in part due to the lower groundwater levels in the recharge season of the first hydrological year, compared to those observed in the second. In the latter year, the shallow groundwater increased the soil moisture in the unsaturated zone due to capillary rise, and so the mean hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil was high. This moisture state of soil favoured a more efficient conversion of infiltrated precipitation into vertical groundwater recharge. The results show that groundwater dynamics in the flood plain are an important source of temporal variability in soil moisture and vertical recharge processes, and this variability must be properly taken into account when the water balance is investigated in shallow groundwater environments.

Citation Pirastru, M. and Niedda, M., 2013. Evaluation of the soil water balance in an alluvial flood plain with a shallow groundwater table. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 898–911.  相似文献   


A pumping test was conducted along the Mullica River in the Wharton Tract, New Jersey as part of a water-resources investigation. Impermeable bog iron caps parts of the flood plain and channel so that ground-water recharge moves directly into the river.

Observation wells on both sides of the river tapped water-bearing zones at 25 (shallow), 50 (medium), and 100 (deep) feet. A pumping well, screened in the medium zone, caused abrupt drawdowns which leveled off after a few minutes. Shape of the drawdown cone established early and changed little throughout the test. Piezometric surfaces were steepest on the southwest, indicating that most water came from there. Uninterrupted contour trends beneath the river show that here relatively little water entered the aquifer. Head differentials between the zones were greatest at the pumping well. Movement from the deep to medium zones was confined largely to the pumping-well vicinity. Pumping produced extensive reductions in the original areas of upward gradient between the medium and shallow zones; thus, areas of downward leakage became connected across the river. Piezometric head beneath the river was progressively lowered and caused the flood plain to dry; it became wet again when pumping stopped. The well field recovered to natural conditions in about 24 hours.

Lack of hydraulic continuity between the river and aquifer results from bog iron deposits. Their removal will improve the continuity, and it appears feasible to induce river recharge to nearby pumping wells.  相似文献   

Water table response to rainfall was investigated at six sites in the Upper, Middle and Lower Chalk of southern England. Daily time series of rainfall and borehole water level were cross-correlated to investigate seasonal variations in groundwater-level response times, based on periods of 3-month duration. The time lags (in days) yielding significant correlations were compared with the average unsaturated zone thickness during each 3-month period. In general, for cases when the unsaturated zone was greater than 18 m thick, the time lag for a significant water-level response increased rapidly once the depth to the water table exceeded a critical value, which varied from site to site. For shallower water tables, a linear relationship between the depth to the water table and the water-level response time was evident. The observed variations in response time can only be partially accounted for using a diffusive model for propagation through the unsaturated matrix, suggesting that some fissure flow was occurring. The majority of rapid responses were observed during the winter/spring recharge period, when the unsaturated zone is thinnest and the unsaturated zone moisture content is highest, and were more likely to occur when the rainfall intensity exceeded 5 mm/day. At some sites, a very rapid response within 24 h of rainfall was observed in addition to the longer term responses even when the unsaturated zone was up to 64 m thick. This response was generally associated with the autumn period. The results of the cross-correlation analysis provide statistical support for the presence of fissure flow and for the contribution of multiple pathways through the unsaturated zone to groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Chen X 《Ground water》2001,39(5):721-728
Analysis of stream-aquifer interaction due to ground water extraction has traditionally focused on the determination of the amount of water depleted in the stream. Less attention has been paid to the movement of infiltrated stream water inside aquifer, particularly for agricultural areas. This paper presents a method of using particle-tracking techniques to evaluate the transport of the leaked stream water in the nearby aquifers. Simple stream-aquifer conditions are used to demonstrate the usefulness of the analysis. Travel times, pathlines, and influence zones of stream water were determined between a stream and nearby pumping wells for seasonal ground water extraction areas. When water quantity is a concern, the analyses provide additional information about stream depletion; when water quality is an issue, they offer information for wellhead protection. Analyses were conducted for transient conditions, and both pumping and nonpumping periods were considered. According to the results from the simulation examples, migration of infiltrated stream water into the nearby aquifers is generally slow and most infiltrated stream water does not arrive at the pumping well at the end of a 90-day irrigation season. Infiltrated stream water may remain in the aquifer for several years before arriving at the pumping well. For aquifers with a regional hydraulic gradient toward streams, part of the infiltrated stream water may discharge back to streams during a recovery period.  相似文献   

Distributed, infiltration‐based approaches to stormwater management are being implemented to mitigate effects of urban development on water resources. One of the goals of this type of storm water management, sometimes called low impact development or green infrastructure, is to maintain groundwater recharge and stream base flow at predevelopment levels. However, the connection between infiltration‐based stormwater management and groundwater recharge is not straightforward. Water infiltrated through stormwater facilities may be stored in soil moisture, taken up by evapotranspiration or contribute to recharge and eventually base flow. This study focused on a 1.1 km2 suburban, low impact development watershed in Clarksburg, Maryland, USA, that was urbanized and contained 73 infiltration‐based stormwater facilities. Continuous water table measurements were used to quantify the movement of infiltrated stormwater. Time series analyses were performed on hydrographs of 7 wells, and the episodic master recession method was used. Persistence in water levels, as measured by autocorrelation function, was found to be positively related to depth to water. Storm properties (precipitation rate and duration) and well location (proximity to the nearest stream) were significant in driving episodic recharge to precipitation ratios. The well that had the highest recharge to precipitation ratios and water table rises of up to 1.5 m in response to storm events was located furthest from the stream and down gradient of stormwater infiltration locations. This work may be considered in evaluating the effects of planned watershed‐scale infiltration‐based stormwater management on groundwater flow systems.  相似文献   

During a 3 month recharge experiment related to conjunctive use of water resources, 1.5 × 106 T of imported water were percolated through a pond of 128 m by 128 m in the San Jacinto basin. The infiltration rates, which declined with time, averaged 1.9 m day−1, equivalent to four times the lowest laboratory-measured hydraulic conductivity of the fluvial deposits. Ponding altered the unimodal grain-size distribution at the ground surface to types without a dominant mode, but this redistribution did not always lead to reduction in conductivities, which varied over at least three orders of magnitude. The water table 80 m downstream from the ponding edge began to rise slowly 1 month after the start of ponding; it leveled off at 8 m above the pre-recharge water table depth of 75 m and did not recede 2 months after termination of ponding. Water levels in wells bottomed in the original vadose zone suggested that an inverted water table migrated downward to meet the rising water table. Minor, local perching occurred at 14 m depth, as indicated by the presence of moist ground near one monitoring well and by hydraulic responses during a 20 day intermission in percolation. As it percolated through the sediments, the imported northern California water gained Ca but lost Mg, so that the Mg/Ca ratio resembled that of local ground water. Such cation exchange has also been demonstrated by leaching experiments in the laboratory. However, the characteristics of the original source waters appear to be retained by D/H isotope ratios and Cl concentrations, as well as cross-plots of SO4 vs. Cl and B vs. Cl. Such unreactive tracers could serve to monitor transport and mixing of the chemically diverse water used in future recharge programs in the San Jacinto basin.  相似文献   

Farmed catchments in the Mediterranean area often exhibit dense networks of ditches which are also preferential zones of water table recharge, and thereby of groundwater contamination. This study presents an experimental analysis of seepage losses and related groundwater recharge patterns during a typical Mediterranean runoff event at the scale of a ditch located above a shallow water table. The objectives were (i) to evaluate the patterns of water table recharge by seepage in a ditch, (ii) to study the main flow processes occurring during recharge, and (iii) to estimate solute propagation in case of contaminated flow in the ditch. The field observation indicated three major points. Firstly, they showed that seepage losses during a runoff event in a ditch can rapidly lead to a significant recharge of a shallow water table. Secondly, the recharge induces a groundwater mound much larger than the event plume. The infiltrated water and the accompanying solutes remained in the vicinity of the ditch. The patterns of groundwater recharge and contamination appeared very different. Lastly, both unsaturated and saturated‐piston flow processes were observed which suggests that a variably‐saturated flow modelling approach ought to be used to simulate the ditch‐water shallow table interaction. Finally, the study indicates that the patterns of water table recharge and contamination in Mediterranean catchments with dense ditches network vary largely in space and time, and will require dense monitoring networks to estimate the evolution of the average contamination levels. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artificial recharge is a practical tool available for increasing the groundwater storage capacity. The efficiency of artificial recharge is related to various hydrogeological factors of the target area. In this study, a variable saturated groundwater flow model, FEMWATER, was used to evaluate the arrival times of recharged water that infiltrates from an artificial recharge pond to the groundwater table under various hydrogeological conditions. Forty-five arrival times were generated by FEMWATER. The relationships between the arrival times and hydrogeological factors used in the simulation of FEMWATER were analyzed by the grey correlation method. The results show the order of importance of the factors as they influence the arrival time. In order from high to low importance, they are α, D g, θ e, D p, K S and β. D g and D p are interpreted as the potential for movement of the recharge water; θe is the water storage capacity of soil, and K S represents the ability of soil to transport water. α and β describe the characteristic curve of the unsaturated soil. The method was applied to evaluate a suitable site for artificial recharge in the Yun-Lin area. Grey correlation analysis was performed to obtain the grey correlation grade using the minimum arrival time as a reference sequence. An index is proposed herein to determine the recharge efficiency of 20 sampling sites. A contour mapping of index values at the 20 sampling sites identified three areas for artificial aquifer recharge in Yun-Lin. Area A in the upper plain is considered more appropriate for groundwater recharge than areas B and C in the coast.  相似文献   

Natural groundwater recharge is inherently difficult to quantify and predict, largely because it comprises a series of processes that are spatially distributed and temporally variable. Infiltration ponds used for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) provide an opportunity to quantify recharge processes across multiple scales under semi-controlled conditions. We instrumented a 3-ha MAR infiltration pond to measure and compare infiltration patterns determined using whole-pond and point-specific methods. Whole-pond infiltration was determined by closing a transient water budget (accounting for inputs, outputs, and changes in storage), whereas point-specific infiltration rates were determined using heat as a tracer and time series analysis at eight locations in the base of the pond. Whole-pond infiltration, normalized for wetted area, rose rapidly to more than 1.0 m/d at the start of MAR operations (increasing as pond stage rose), was sustained at high rates for the next 40 d, and then decreased to less than 0.1 m/d by the end of the recharge season. Point-specific infiltration rates indicated high spatial and temporal variability, with the mean of measured values generally being lower than rates indicated by whole-pond calculations. Colocated measurements of head gradients within saturated soils below the pond were combined with infiltration rates to calculate soil hydraulic conductivity. Observations indicate a brief period of increasing saturated hydraulic conductivity, followed by a decrease of one to two orders of magnitude during the next 50 to 75 d. Locations indicating the most rapid infiltration shifted laterally during MAR operation, and we suggest that infiltration may function as a "variable source area" processes, conceptually similar to catchment runoff.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to analyse a drawdown pattern around a pumping well in an unconfined sandy gravelly aquifer constructed in a laboratory tank by means of both experimental and numerical modelling of groundwater flow. The physical model consisted of recharge, aquifer and discharge zones. Permeability and specific yield of the aquifer material were determined by Dupuit approximation under steady‐state flow and stepwise gravitational drainage of groundwater, respectively. The drawdown of water table in pumping and neighbouring observation wells was monitored to investigate the effect of no‐flow boundary on the drawdown pattern during pumping for three different boundary conditions: (i) no recharge and no discharge with four no‐flow boundaries (Case 1); (ii) no recharge and reservoir with three no‐flow boundaries (Case 2); (iii) recharge and discharge with two no‐flow boundaries (Case 3). Based on the aquifer parameters, numerical modelling was also performed to compare the simulated drawdown with that observed. Results showed that a large difference existed between the simulated drawdown and that observed in wells for all cases. The reason for the difference could be explained by the formation of a curvilinear type water table between wells rather than a linear one due to a delayed response of water table in the capillary fringe. This phenomenon was also investigated from a mass balance study on the pumping volume. The curvilinear type of water table was further evidenced by measurement of water contents at several positions in the aquifer between wells using time domain reflectometry (TDR). This indicates that the existing groundwater flow model applicable to an unconfined aquifer lacks the capacity to describe a slow response of water table in the aquifer and care should be taken in the interpretation of water table formation in the aquifer during pumping. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The key objective of this paper is to advance our present understanding of how surface water infiltrates in thick unsaturated loess, which is found in arid and semiarid regions of the world, considering the ground‐atmosphere interaction. In situ data for a period of 1 year in thick loess layer at a site in the Loess Plateau of China that has groundwater table at 97.5 m depth were collected for achieving this objective. Climate factors, mainly rainfall and actual evaporation, were measured. In addition, variations of soil temperature and water content at different depths in the unsaturated zone were also measured. The data were used to interpret the water percolation characteristics by dividing the thick unsaturated zone into three zones; namely, (i) surface zone, which constitutes the top 1.0 m, (ii) unsteady zone, which is from 1.0 to 7.0 m, and (iii) steady zone, which is below 7.0 m. In the surface zone, soil temperature and water content are sensitive to climate factors. There is a variation of water content associated with the cumulative influence of infiltration and evaporation in the precipitation and nonprecipitation periods, respectively. In the unsteady zone, the water content is relatively constant; however, temperature varies in different seasons. Water percolation in this zone is both in liquid and vapour phases. In the steady zone, both soil temperature and water content are constant during the entire investigation period. The percolation velocity in this zone is approximately 1.23 × 10?8 m/s or 0.39 m/year, which suggests that it will take approximately 230.8 years for surface water to pass through the thick unsaturated zone and recharge the groundwater.  相似文献   


This paper presents a methodology for the design and optimization of artificial recharge-pumping systems (ARPS). The objective of ARPS is to provide a maximum abstraction rate through artificial recharge, while meeting two operational constraints: (a) the influences of the system operation on groundwater levels should be no more than 25 mm in the vicinity of the system; and (b) the travel time of the infiltrated water from the recharge pond to the pumping wells should be more than 60 days. The combined use of a 3-dimensional generic groundwater simulation model with particle tracking analyses has identified the two best ARPS systems: the circular pond system and the island system. By coupling the simulation model with linear and mixed integer programming optimization, the optimal pumping scheme (number, locations and rates of the pumping wells) has been determined. An unsteady state model has been used to simulate the response of the operation of the two systems under natural seasonal variations. The implementation aspects of the two systems are compared.  相似文献   

For 25 years, a plant in Israel manufacturing ammonium perchlorate disposed of untreated wastewater in four unlined ponds. This study explores the transport mechanisms of perchlorate infiltrated from 1965 to 1990 from one of these active storage ponds into a deep (40 m) layered vadose zone and the underlying Israeli coastal aquifer. Perchlorate migration from 1990, when wastewater disposal ceased, until today, with infiltration due only to natural rain (500 mm y−1), was also studied. Several indirect methods were used, including: mass balance in the unsaturated zone profile, δ18O and δ2H profiles below the pond, and a comparison of the same sediment profiles in 2005 and 2007. The isotopic composition of the pore water could be divided into two separate groups: lighter (depleted) and heavier (enriched) samples. All samples in the lighter group were from the shallow vadose zone, above two clayey layers, and represent natural infiltration of rainwater. The enriched samples were from the deeper section of the unsaturated zone (20–40 m) and represent water used for perchlorate manufacturing 14 years prior to drilling. Consequently, the overall maximum infiltration rate was estimated to be 1.4 m y−1. Below the clayey layer almost identical perchlorate concentrations were found along the sediment profile in 2005 and 2007 (two boreholes, 3 m apart). Very different perchlorate profiles were observed above the clayey layers. This suggests that perchlorate below the clay layers (20–40 m) is practically stagnant under the current natural conditions. The reduction in perchlorate concentration in groundwater below the ponds vs. its increased concentration further downgradient supports the contention that the current migration of perchlorate from the vadose zone to the groundwater is very small. We estimate that perchlorate concentration in the groundwater under the infiltration pond, which was 187 mg l−1 in 2004, will reach 10 μg l−1 within about 14 years. The existence of a clayey layer crossing the thick vadose zone was thus found to significantly change the infiltration rate when ponded conditions were replaced with natural precipitation.  相似文献   

Atomic weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site has introduced many tracers for quantifying subsurface hydrologic transport processes in arid climates. In 1975, groundwater adjacent to the Cambric test, conducted beneath Frenchman Flat 10 years earlier, was pumped steadily for 16 years to elicit information on the migration of residual radioactivity through the saturated zone. Radionuclides in the pumping well effluent, including tritium, 14C, 36Cl, and 85Kr, were extensively monitored prior to its discharge in an unlined ditch, where approximately a third of the flow infiltrated over a distance of 1 km. Radionuclide infiltration through a 220-m thick vadose zone created a second, and rather unique long-term field experiment. Effluent data have been utilized in conjunction with geologic data, new radionuclide measurements, isotopic age-dating estimates, and vadose zone flow and transport models to better understand the movement of radionuclides between the ditch, the water table and a nearby groundwater monitoring well. Detection of tritium in the monitoring well occurred approximately 16 years after its initial discharge into the ditch. Modeling and tritium age dating have suggested 3–5 years of this 16-year transit time occurred solely in the vadose zone. They also suggest considerable recirculation of the pumping well discharge back into the original pumping well. Notably, there have been no observations of 14C or 85Kr in the monitoring well, suggesting their preferential retention or volatilization during transit to the water table.  相似文献   

Estimation of groundwater recharge to an unconfined aquifer is studied using analytical and numerical techniques and results are compared with field observations. There is an acute need for such estimation in water balance studies in arid climates, and the case study in this paper is for such a region. The wetting front movement in the unsaturated zone depends on antecedent soil moisture, the ponded water depth and its duration, and on the position of the water table and the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone. A hydraulic connection between the recharge basin and the aquifer is not immediately established because the wetting front is unsaturated. A numerical model is applied to estimate recharge in an arid-zone wadi, and its validity is tested by comparing it with an analytical solution of the equations. The calculated recharge values matched the piezometric levels observed at a well site at the edge of the wadi channel. The total recharge depths found by integration in the time domain provided a good estimate of the transmitted volume of water per unit length of wadi channel. The findings were confirmed by runoff volume measurements at gauging stations located in the basin. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Salinization of a fresh palaeo-ground water resource by enhanced recharge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deterioration of fresh ground water resources caused by salinization is a growing issue in many arid and semi-arid parts of the world. We discuss here the incipient salinization of a 10(4) km2 area of fresh ground water (<3,000 mg/L) in the semiarid Murray Basin of Australia caused by widespread changes in land use. Ground water 14C concentrations and unsaturated zone Cl soil water inventories indicate that the low salinity ground water originated mainly from palaeo-recharge during wet climatic periods more than 20,000 years ago. However, much of the soil water in the 20 to 60 m thick unsaturated zone throughout the area is generally saline (>15,000 mg/L) because of relatively high evapotranspiration during the predominantly semiarid climate of the last 20,000 years. Widespread clearing of native vegetation over the last 100 years and replacement with crops and pastures leads to enhancement of recharge rates that progressively displace the saline soil-water from the unsaturated zone into the ground water. To quantify the impact of this new hydrologic regime, a one-dimensional model that simulates projected ground water salinities as a function of depth to ground water, recharge rates, and soil water salt inventory was developed. Results from the model suggest that, in some areas, the ground water salinity within the top 10 m of the water table is likely to increase by a factor of 2 to 6 during the next 100 years. Ground water quality will therefore potentially degrade beyond the point of usefulness well before extraction of the ground water exhausts the resource.  相似文献   

It is very interesting and meaningful to investigate the rainfall-groundwater recharge process under the humid climatic condition of Japan, where mean annual precipitation is about 1600 mm. The present study has investigated soil water movement in the unsaturated zones of a volcanic ash layer, called the ‘Kanto Loam formation’, using environmental tritium as a tracer. The site selected is a flat ground surface on a terraced upland which has a deep unsaturated zone (about 20 m) with a relatively high water content (about 70 per cent) consisting of nearly uniform Kanto Loam formation. The tritium concentrations in groundwater, soil waters having different matric potentials, precipitation, and the seepage water moving through the formation into a man-made cave were measured to characterize the rainfall-groundwater recharge process and the effect of large pore spaces in the formation mentioned by previous studies. Because of the humid climate of Japan, there appears to be a unique soil water flow characteristic which may involve percolation through large pore spaces during heavy rainfall. However, in a fine grained and high water content soil like the Kanto Loam formation, the existence of this flow through large pore spaces does not have a significant effect upon the whole recharge process. The recharge model of displacement flow with dispersion is useful in estimating the tritium concentration profile of soil water. The calculated result shows a recharge rate of 2.5 mm/day. The value obtained reflects the hydrological characteristics of the uplands covered with volcanic ash.  相似文献   

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