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Xenoliths record two distinct events in the mantle below theQuarternary West Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. The first, duringthe Hercynian Orogeny, led to widespread formation of secondary,Ti-poor amphibole, clinopyroxene and phlogopite. The signatureof the second event, related to Quaternary volcanism, variesacross the field. At Dreiser Weiher and Meerfelder Maar, thisevent is characterized by amphibole–phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, hosted in lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths broughtto the surface by sodic olivine nephelinite–basanite suitelavas. These veins formed from crystallization of sodic magmathat flowed along fractures in the mantle. At Rockeskyller Kopf,Gees and Baarley, the Quaternary event is characterized by wehrlitexenoliths, many of which have phlogopite–clinopyroxeneveins, that were transported by potassic foid suite lavas. Wehrliteformed by reaction of lherzolite–harzburgite, with a largevolume of potassic magma that flowed along grain boundariesrather than in fractures. During reaction, orthopyroxene wasconsumed and secondary clinopyroxene, olivine and phlogopiteprecipitated. Veins formed in wehrlites only during periodicover-pressure events. The composition of the magmas parentalto the veins is similar to the lavas that carried the xenolithsto surface, indicating that the source of foid and olivine nephelinite–basanitesuite magma is domainal, as was the flow regime and magma flux. KEY WORDS: Eifel; mantle xenoliths; metasomatism; trace elements  相似文献   

The eruption age of the Fornicher Kopf basanite lava flow (East Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany) is of interest because it can provide an age constraint for part of the Quaternary Rhine river terrace chronology. Previous dating efforts by K–Ar and α-counting 230Th–238U methods produced a wide dispersion of ages. This paper presents a fresh attempt to date this lava flow by the potentially more precise mass spectrometric 230Th–238U mineral isochron technique. Unfortunately, this study also proved unsuccessful because it did not produce a meaningful mineral isochron: the only age information is provided by the fact that the groundmass shows 230Th–238U disequilibrium, which implies that the eruption age was <350 ka. However, the mineral data clearly highlight some of the problems that can plague efforts to date young lavas by the 230Th–238U method: (i) inherited older crystals; magnetite and pyroxene plot on the equiline (i.e. 230Th and 238U in secular equilibrium) and tielines to the groundmass data produce impossible ages, indicating that these crystals are older than the host magma, and (ii) open system behaviour; phlogopite has experienced variable, recent U exchange, which has implications for the reliability of this phase for alpha-recoil dating.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the use of image processing techniques and methodologies of digital integration of multi-disciplinary geoscientific data to reduce the ambiguity in geological interpretations in different geological environments in Libya. To realize this objective, three areas were selected for this study; Eljufra, an arid environment; the mountainous environment Tarhunah; and the Jifara Plain, a coastal plain environment. Two types of remote sensing data were used in this study: Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and European Remote Sensing Satellite. The digital elevation model extracted from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and digital topographic maps scale 1:50,000 were used for remote sensing interpretation. GIS and remote sensing-based methods were used to process and integrate all raster and vector layers data. This study offered dramatic benefits for geological interpretations and provided new insights into the efficiency of image processing methods in different geological environments.  相似文献   

扬子陆块北缘新元古代中期的构造机制(是俯冲- 增生造山、还是后造山- 裂谷)是华南新元古代构造演化研究中长期争论的重要科学问题。本文在西大别造山带红安桃花地区新识别出双峰式火山岩,为进一步揭示扬子陆块新元古代中期岩浆- 构造演化过程和动力学机制提供了新的制约信息。SIMS和LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年结果表明,桃花双峰式火山岩形成年龄为750~740 Ma。基性火山岩为拉斑玄武质,显示由正常洋中脊型玄武岩向弧型玄武岩演化的微量元素特征,且具有变化的全岩εNd(t)值(0. 05~+5. 96)。这些基性火山岩可能是亏损的软流圈地幔在减压条件下部分熔融的产物,岩浆经历了结晶分异和围岩混染。酸性火山岩中,徐门寨样品富硅(SiO2≥75%)和碱(K2O+Na2O≥7%),富集REE和HFSE(如Zr、Hf、Nb、Y),其Zr+Ce+Y+Nb≥600×10-6,10000Ga/Al≥2. 6,与分异A型花岗岩类相似。它们同时具有富集的Hf- Nd同位素组成,其锆石εHf(t)值主要集中在12. 32~1. 88,而全岩εNd(t)值为13. 29~9. 60,可能是区域上新元古代早期的岩浆岩在高温低压条件下部分熔融形成的产物。综合本文和前人的资料表明,南秦岭- 桐柏- 大别- 苏鲁造山带在新元古代中期(780~635 Ma)的双峰式岩浆组合形成于一个软流圈上涌、岩石圈拉张减薄的大陆裂谷环境;高温- 低压条件下的软流圈、岩石圈地幔和地壳的熔融及其相互反应,是这一时期不同性质岩浆形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

Investigation of active faults is crucial for the seismic hazard assessment and, in the case of volcanic belts, it provides a deeper understanding of the interactions between volcanism and tectonic faulting. In this study, we report the results of the first paleoseismological and tephrochronological investigation undertaken on Holocene faulting in Kamchatka's volcanic belts. The studied trenches and additional excavations are located along the axial fault zone of the Eastern Volcanic Front, where the earlier dated tephra layers provide a robust age control of the faulting events. Electron microprobe analysis of glass from 22 tephra samples permitted correlations among the disparate tephra profiles for constructing a summary tephra sequence. The latter, together with published geochronological data, allowed the construction of a Bayesian age model. Detailed examination of the tephra layers deformed by faulting allowed us to reconstruct and date six faulting events with the offsets of 1 to 20 cm indicating paleoearthquakes with magnitudes of Mw < 5.4. Holocene crustal seismicity of the Eastern Volcanic Front manifests temporal clustering rather than a uniform flux of events. However, no correlation between dated seismic events and the largest Holocene eruptions of proximal volcanoes was observed.  相似文献   

Most prehistoric plasters and mortars consist of very small amounts of burnt lime mixed with anthropogenic debris, soil, and sediment. To solve the problem of identification of such small amounts of lime in impure lime plasters, a series of experimental plasters were prepared and studied with petrographic methods. Samples of living floors from five prehistoric sites in Greece were also reanalyzed under the light of the experimental findings and compared with natural calcareous sediment. The most promising features for identifying lime are transitional textures of partially carbonized slaked lime that can be observed in the lime lumps and the binding matrix. They are usually in the form of ill‐crystallized portlandite and calcite mixtures or cryptocrystalline calcite. Well‐reacted calcitic groundmass, shrinkage fractures, and occasionally colloidal forms are also additional indications. The present experimental study shows that lime could be easily produced by heating porous, soft calcareous materials. This would probably account for the very frequent use (in small quantities) of lime in Greek prehistory. Plaster and mortars were made by mixing damp anthopogenic dirt as aggregate and fragments of quicklime, a technique known as “hot mixing.” © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

西秦岭造山带发育了大量印支期钙碱性花岗岩,其中在甘肃合作地区以早印支期形成的为主,并伴有少量中酸性火山岩浆活动。合作地区火山岩主要分布在德乌鲁、扎油沟口一带,整体以安山质晶屑熔岩、安山质熔岩为主,并含英安斑岩、英安岩、火山角砾岩、晶屑岩屑凝灰岩、杏仁状安山岩的中酸性火山岩组合。德乌鲁安山质晶屑熔岩锆石U-Pb测年结果为(237.7±1.9) Ma,扎油沟口安山质熔岩锆石U-Pb测年结果为(234.8±2.1) Ma,限定了其喷发时代为晚三叠世早期。岩石地球化学分析结果显示该区火山岩属于富钾、高铝、高镁钙碱性系列;Rb、Ba、Th、U、La、Ce、Sr元素强烈富集,Ti、Y、Yb等元素略显富集;稀土总量偏低,LREE/HREE值为6.79~17.15;δEu为0.76~0.86,略显负铕异常。以上结果指示火山岩物质源于富集地幔,成岩过程或成岩后有壳源物质的强烈混染。扬子板块与华北板块汇聚时期,其间小洋盆与微板块发生强烈的挤压、俯冲,在后碰撞松弛阶段,出现了强烈的壳幔物质交换和岩浆上升的现象。多次的碰撞挤压-后碰撞松弛运动,在研究区域形成了一系列晚三叠世不同时间段的火山岩。  相似文献   

From a synthesis of data on volcanic evolution,movement of the lithosphere,and mantle velocities in the Baikal-Mongolian region,we propose a comprehensive model for deep dynamics of Asia that assumes an important role of the Gobi,Baikal,and North Transbaikal transition-layer melting anomalies.This layer was distorted by lower-mantle fluxes at the beginning of the latest geodynamic stage(i.e.in the early late Cretaceous) due to avalanches of slab material that were stagnated beneath the closed fragments of the Solonker,Ural-Mongolian paleoceans and Mongol-Okhotsk Gulf of Paleo-Pacific.At the latest geodynamic stage,Asia was involved in east-southeast movement,and the Pacific plate moved in the opposite direction with subduction under Asia.The weakened upper mantle region of the Gobi melting anomaly provided a counterflow connected with rollback in the Japan Sea area.These dynamics resulted in the formation of the Honshu-Korea flexure of the Pacific slab.A similar weakened upper mantle region of the North Transbaikal melting anomaly was associated with the formation of the Hokkaido-Amur flexure of the Pacific slab,formed due to progressive pull-down of the slab material into the transition layer in the direction of the Pacific plate and Asia convergence.The early—middle Miocene structural reorganization of the mantle processes in Asia resulted in the development of upper mantle low-velocity domains associated with the development of rifts and orogens.We propose that extension at the Baikal Rift was caused by deviator flowing mantle material,initiated under the moving lithosphere in the Baikal melting anomaly.Contraction at the Hangay orogen was created by facilitation of the tectonic stress transfer from the Indo-Asian interaction zone due to the low-viscosity mantle in the Gobi melting anomaly.  相似文献   

利用Landsat-8 OLI传感器获取的2016年3-9月覆盖天山西段托木尔峰-汗腾格里地区的3期光学遥感影像数据,基于频谱归一化互相关算法提取并分析了该地区南伊内里切克冰川在最近一年消融期内不同时段的表面运动速度分布及其时空变化特征。研究结果表明:2016年消融期内靠近该冰川上游区域可观测到约为55 cm·d-1最大运动速度;由于受到冰川下游物质补给量减弱、表碛物增多等因素影响造成冰川末端区域运动速度最小,整个消融期内冰川主体运动速度基本介于20~50 cm·d-1之间,其平均运动速度约为35 cm·d-1。而且,可观测到位于冰川上游区域在2016年3月9日至9月17日时段内,冰川运动速度呈递增趋势,相反位于冰川下游区域冰川运动速度呈现减弱趋势。另外,与早期研究对比可知,该冰川运动速度有所减缓且冰川末端明显处于退缩状态。  相似文献   

We have first done the correlation of ashes and tephra of Chanbaishan volcano sampled on its slopes with the ash interbeds of the Japan Sea bottom.  相似文献   

应用含量—频数分形方法对广东大宝山矿田不同范围多介质、多比例尺地球化学场进行比较分析研究,认为成矿元素在不同比例尺与介质中呈基本一致的复杂多重分形特点,该特点是区域元素形成规模矿的一个必要条件,但不是充分条件;提出成矿元素连续多重分形的分维值减小转折点所代表的局部异常样品数所占比例在各比例尺采样介质中均大于2%,而非成矿元素该比例值可能远小于1%;拟合精度明显影响含量—频数分形曲线的类型与性质。  相似文献   

张波 《地质与勘探》2016,52(2):283-291
本文介绍了一种新的地质体边界识别方法-位场多尺度导数分析法。在基本原理介绍及理论模型试验的基础上,对该方法在地质体边界识别中的有效性进行了论证。然后,利用该方法对新疆卡拉塔格地区1:5万重力数据进行了多尺度导数处理,识别出了不同尺度和走向的断裂构造,进一步证明多尺度导数分析方法能够对位场数据进行有效的分离和信息增强,进而识别出不同尺度场源体的边界。  相似文献   

The Mesoarchean (ca. 3075 Ma) Ivisaartoq greenstone belt in southern West Greenland includes variably deformed and metamorphosed pillow basalts, ultramafic flows (picrites), serpentinized ultramafic rocks, gabbros, sulphide-rich siliceous layers, and minor siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. Primary magmatic features such as concentric cooling-cracks and drainage cavities in pillows, volcanic breccia, ocelli interpreted as liquid immiscibility textures in pillows and gabbros, magmatic layering in gabbros, and clinopyroxene cumulates in ultramafic flows are well preserved in low-strain domains. The belt underwent at least two stages of calc-silicate metasomatic alteration and polyphase deformation between 2963 and 3075 Ma. The stage I metasomatic assemblage is composed predominantly of epidote (now mostly diopside) + quartz + plagioclase ± hornblende ± scapolite, and occurs mainly in pillow cores, pillow interstitials, and along pillow basalt-gabbro contacts. The origin of this metasomatic assemblage is attributed to seafloor hydrothermal alteration. On the basis of the common presence of epidote inclusions in diopside and the local occurrence of epidote-rich aggregates, the stage I metasomatic assemblage is interpreted as relict epidosite. The stage II metasomatic assemblage occurs as concordant discontinuous layered calc-silicate bodies to discordant calc-silicate veins commonly associated with shear zones. The stage II metasomatic assemblage consists mainly of diopside + garnet + amphibole + plagioclase + quartz ± vesuvianite ± scapolite ± epidote ± titanite ± calcite ± scheelite. Given that the second stage of metasomatism is closely associated with shear zones and replaced rocks with an early metamorphic fabric, its origin is attributed to regional dynamothermal metamorphism. The least altered pillow basalts, picrites, gabbros, and diorites are characterized by LREE-enriched, near-flat HREE, and HFSE (especially Nb)-depleted trace element patterns, indicating a subduction zone geochemical signature. Ultramafic pillows and cumulates display large positive initial εNd values of + 1.3 to + 5.0, consistent with a strongly depleted mantle source. Given the geological similarities between the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt and Phanerozoic forearc ophiolites, we suggest that the Ivisaartoq greenstone belt represents Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust.  相似文献   

编制中国76种元素地球化学图将使我们首次了解元素周期表上除氢、氧及惰性气体之外所有元素在中国大陆表层的分布,川滇黔桂76种元素地球化学图的编制是这一研究项目的试点。本文以不同实验室取得的Ag、Cs、Ga、Ge分析数据为例,探索、衡量不同实验室地球化学图相似性的方法,以优选实验室进行川滇黔桂4省区约4000件组合样76种元素的大规模分析工作。  相似文献   

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