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ABSTRACT. This geography of women's work in the less‐developed world is set in Tarija, Bolivia, a small city that has been dramatically changed by economic crisis and structural‐adjustment programs. Explored is the spatial component of women's economic activities in a low‐income barrio following the imposition of structural‐adjustment programs in the 1980s and 1990s. Women who pursue employment away from home must rely on other women. In particular, households that include more than one woman who is capable of handling important daily chores are more likely to have a woman engaged in income‐generating activities away from the home and the neighborhood. Women at home make it possible for other women to extend their economic activity into the broader community. These findings are important because they draw attention to women's reliance on other women, how women use space, and how they are constrained by spatial factors as they negotiate their daily lives.  相似文献   

Understanding urban functions and their relationships with human activities has great implications for smart and sustainable urban development. In this study, we present a novel approach to uncovering urban functions by aggregating human activities inferred from mobile phone positioning and social media data. First, the homes and workplaces (of travelers) are estimated from mobile phone positioning data to annotate the activities conducted at these locations. The remaining activities (such as shopping, schooling, transportation, recreation and entertainment) are labeled using a hidden Markov model with social knowledge learned from social media check-in data over a lengthy period. By aggregating identified human activities, hourly urban functions are inferred, and the diurnal dynamics of those functions are revealed. An empirical analysis was conducted for the case of Shenzhen, China. The results indicate that the proposed approach can capture citywide dynamics of both human activities and urban functions. It also suggests that although many urban areas have been officially labeled with a single land-use type, they may provide different functions over time depending on the types and range of human activities. The study demonstrates that combining different data on human activities could yield an improved understanding of urban functions, which would benefit short-term urban decision-making and long-term urban policy making.  相似文献   

西方女性地理学的发展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方女性地理学源自对地理学研究中忽视女性独特经验的性别主义取向以及对学科中缺少女性参与的双重不满而兴起的,大致经历了初始阶段、蓬勃发展阶段和更加多元化3个发展阶段共30余年的发展历史,并逐步走向了成熟。它着眼于女性不同于男性的独特经验及女性内部间的差异性,提供了以女性主义的视角来分析研究问题的新的发展领域。改革开放以来,由于单位制的解体,中国女性的整体地位不升反降,女性问题日益成为学者们研究的热点。女性地理学无论是对中国地理学的发展还是对女性问题的研究都有重大的启示作用,理应加以重视并作更深入的研究。  相似文献   

The karst landscape in the interior of the Philippines' Bohol Province represents one of the world's premier kegelkarst (cone karst) environments. Government efforts to protect some of this karst, exemplified by the establishment of the Rajah Sikatuna National Park and the Chocolate Hills Natural Monument, have proven to be significant catalysts of social conflict. In Bohol there is a long history of traditional land tenure, which has recently been supplanted by a Westernized model. Protected area establishment is a response to deforestation, agricultural exploitation and uncontrolled quarrying. However, the imposition of protective legislation to prevent further degradation has disenfranchized and marginalized many local farmers and residents. The conflict between the obligation of the State to ensure environmental protection and the perceived property rights of landowners and farmers has provoked an escalation in civil unrest and armed conflict.  相似文献   

Women own or co-own approximately half of the farmland in Iowa, United States, yet researchers are only beginning to study these landowners’ social relationships in relation to their land. This study analyzes qualitative data collected in Iowa through a series of meetings hosted by the Women, Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN). I find that social control through exclusion constrains women landowners’ access to information about and implementation of conservation. Specifically, I identify how women landowners experience the social processes of boundary maintenance and othering in land management. These processes create barriers to conservation adoption and maintain gendered agricultural landscapes. The women who participated in WFAN’s conservation programs express their experience of and resistance to dominant narratives as they attempt to create landscape change. These findings highlight the importance of further study of inequality processes and their relation to control of farmland if conservation goals are to be met.  相似文献   

近现代中国女性人才的地理分布和区域分异   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
任泉香  朱竑  李鹏 《地理学报》2007,62(2):211-220
中国人文地理学研究中有关女性地理的研究基本缺失, 而以往人才地理学研究中对女性人才的忽视, 以及女性主义地理学研究中女性人才研究的薄弱, 都使女性人才地理研究有了自己的空间。利用人才数量、类型和籍贯三个指标对活动于1840~1949 年期间的中国著名女性人物资料进行了统计和分析, 在此基础上, 对近现代中国女性人才的数量和地位、分布 领域和特点以及地理分布格局进行了论述, 并对影响其数量、类型和区域分异的因素进行了探讨。研究发现: 与同一时期的男性人才相比较, 近现代女性人才数量仍然偏少, 但相对于过去, 其数量却有所增加, 影响领域也更扩大; 近现代女性人才集中分布于中国东部和东南沿海地区以及中部地区的少数几个省份, 西北地区较少; 湖南、广东、浙江、江苏四省女性人才尤为突出, 其中, 湘粤两省在社会政治领域影响较大, 江浙两省在科学、教育和文化领域占有较大优势。近现代女性人才数量的增加和影响领域的扩大受近现代中国政治改良运动和政治革命的影响, 而其区域分异特点则充分体现了中国近现代政治革命和妇女解放运动的地区差异。  相似文献   

土地适宜性评价是确定废弃矿区土地再利用方向的重要决策依据。在充分考虑废弃矿区破损现状和自然条件的基础上,将废弃土地相关利益群体的判断纳入土地再利用方向适宜性评价中,有利于提高废弃土地再利用的可持续性和土地利用效率。该文从利益相关者角度判断废弃矿区的土地再利用方向,从矿区土地破损现状、自然条件、社会条件及经济条件四方面设置了20个指标,构建矿区土地适宜性评价指标体系,并根据已完成复垦矿区的土地利用现状确定10种土地再利用方向;选择土地利用评价专家、区域管理者及邻近居民3类利益相关群体组成决策组,依据指标体系判断矿区土地再利用方向适宜性,运用PROMETHEE排序法分别计算3个评价单元内不同土地利用方向的偏好指数并进行排序。综合3类决策主体的评判结果,评价单元Ⅰ(废弃矿区挖损区)适合复垦为鱼塘、水库及生态公园等,评价单元Ⅱ(废弃厂房压占区)、Ⅲ(尾矿堆压占区)均适合复垦为农用地,但耕地、林地和草地的优先序不同。  相似文献   

近年来,中国大陆频现大范围的空气污染问题,雾霾成为公众高度关注的热点,雾霾及其旅游影响成为新的学术研究问题。本文利用问卷调查的手段,借助问卷星和微信的问卷设计和传播平台,深入研究了北京居民对雾霾影响的感知及其旅游需求和决策行为倾向。研究表明:1)北京居民对雾霾的健康影响、心理影响和生活影响有强烈的感知,大多数北京居民认为北京的雾霾问题十分严重;2)严重雾霾的持续困扰下,北京居民有着逃离意愿强烈,雾霾刺激和强化了北京居民的旅游需求;3)北京居民对雾霾的感知有着明显的群体差异,高收入、高学历、在企事业单位工作和中青年人对雾霾的感知和态度尤其强烈。最后,作者讨论了本研究对于旅游营销的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines how transnational gold mining operations are transforming rural household livelihoods in the Cajamarca region of Peru. In particular, this paper evaluates how Newmont Mining Corporation's Minera Yanacocha (MYSA) mining operations are altering access to the produced, human, natural and social capital resources that households utilize to produce their livelihoods. The paper argues that while access to produced and human capital resources has increased in the past decade, albeit unevenly, access to natural and social capital resources has declined. The paper begins with a discussion of new frameworks for evaluating local livelihood change and household access to resources. Subsequently, the paper describes Peru's new transnational mining sector, livelihoods and livelihood change in the Cajamarca region. The paper then presents the results of case study field research evaluating the impacts of MYSA on household access to resources in three communities. Finally, the paper concludes with a critical discussion of livelihoods frameworks and how they can contribute to geographic studies.  相似文献   

旅游地居民感知与态度研究是旅游地理学研究的重要主题之一, 居民感知的跨区域、 跨文化的共时性分析是该领域研究未来努力的方向之一。选择世界遗产地西递和九寨沟为研 究案例, 进行旅游地居民旅游影响感知的比较研究。结果显示: ① 两地居民对旅游发展均表 现出积极态度, 但九寨沟居民的响应程度和支持程度更为强烈, 其旅游经济收入上要远高于 西递。② 九寨沟居民在旅游经济收益、旅游社会文化影响、旅游环境影响的上的感知均明显 强于西递, 同时在旅游经济成本感知上也明显强于西递。③ 相关分析和回归分析分别从样本 基本特征中识别了西递和九寨沟居民支持旅游发展态度的相关因素和判别指标。分析结果表 明, 不同类型的旅游地具有不同的旅游社区特征, 在旅游地性质、对旅游业的依赖程度、经 济发展水平、旅游资源产权归属、旅游管理体制、主客文化差异等社区特征上不同的东道主 社区应该有着不同的旅游感知。按照社会交换理论, 无论是从资产的收益权还是从受干扰补 偿方面, 西递古村落居民相对九寨沟风景区居民具有更高的收益期望, 这也导致了其实际获 益远低于期望收益, 故相对九寨沟居民, 西递表现出低估旅游经济收益、社会收益而高估社 会成本的倾向。  相似文献   

国外高尔夫旅游研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱芳  苏勤 《地理科学进展》2011,30(10):1305-1311
高尔夫旅游是高尔夫运动与旅游资源结合的产物,近年来随着人们收入的增长而得到蓬勃的发展。本文通过对国外关于高尔夫旅游研究文献的分析,发现国外学者对高尔夫旅游的研究涉入时间较早,其相关研究较为深入细致,主要包括对高尔夫旅游基础概念的探讨、高尔夫旅游者决策行为的影响因子分析、高尔夫旅游对经济、社会、环境影响的研究以及高尔夫旅游管理模式的提出等4个方面。而在研究方法方面,国外主要采用多学科综合方法,注重问卷调查与深度访谈相结合,选取知名高尔夫球场/俱乐部作为案例地,获取一手数据资料进行分析,以模型构建与数理统计的研究结果来支撑定性的描述。最后就国外的研究现状进行总结归纳,以期对中国高尔夫旅游的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Community impacts from oil development in the Bakken Shale, located in the north central region of the United States, have been well reported in the press, including highly publicized accounts of social disruption. Less examined are communities on the periphery of such development, which experience related impacts unique to their location. Twenty-eight long-time residents from three Bakken periphery communities were interviewed to evaluate social and environmental impact perceptions, including perceived risks of place disruption. Findings suggest that whereas place meanings and identities were disrupted by the oil boom in Bakken core communities, they remain intact in these periphery communities. Findings further suggest periphery residents view their proximal location to the Bakken region as a social and economic “Goldilocks Zone:” close enough to benefit from spillover economic impacts, yet far enough away to avoid serious negative social impacts. This research extends understanding of place disruption and development impacts in energy periphery communities.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1018-1038
Working-poor women face many challenges in their quest for economic self-sufficiency. Although welfare reform promises jobs, women do not have equal access to necessary services, including transportation. With the 2010 reauthorization of TANF (Temporary Asssistance for Needy Women), there is a need to develop a methodology that uses qualitative individual-level data to evaluate whether public transportation will serve working-poor single mothers in this quest for self-sufficiency. Using ethnography, travel diaries, and a GIS for a sample of women in the process of leaving welfare in Knoxville, Tennessee, travel behavior is examined both qualitatively and quantitatively in order to understand why they rarely use public transportation. Further research into the ways these women move around in a sprawling, medium-sized city reinforces and seeks to understand the extensive social networks working-poor mothers rely on. These women create communities of spatial necessity, bartering for basic needs to overcome transportation constraints.  相似文献   

The impacts of extreme weather events and climate variability on natural resource dependent farmers will further increase their vulnerability. This study describes how Adi farmers in Arunachal Pradesh (India) perceive and adapt to climate variability, and how this is influenced by gender and wealth. A total of 65 male and 71 female Adi farmers were interviewed or participated in focus group discussions. Both men and women have noticed there are fewer rainy days, longer summers, shorter winters and more erratic rainfall. However, some perceptions of change were gender and/or wealth class specific. Adi women noticed changes across areas they control including collecting forest foods, crop harvesting, and fermenting and storing of food. Men noted climate variability had made hunting wild game and marketing agricultural produce more difficult. Wealthy people were better placed to adapt to climate variability than poorer people because they could intensify their production systems. They switched to rainfed maize with improved varieties and horticultural cash crops which need more costly inputs. Wealthy people, particularly men, also received more advice and training than poorer people. Poorer farmers, particularly poor women, adapted predominantly by diversifying activities, such as using drought tolerant oil seeds and subsistence horticultural crops, accessing forest-based resources, rearing pigs and poultry, increasing fishing and the making of handicrafts. Storage, exchange and pooling of local resources were further strategies of the poor. This deeper understanding of Adi livelihood adaptation strategies will help increase their resilience by improving targeting of location specific extension services and adaptation policies.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):191-202
This paper outlines a framework for the analysis of the provision of public services in urban areas: the public city. Two interwoven concepts are discussed. The first of these relates to the nature of space. A brief review suggests that philosophical disputes overlook the explicit organization of space within jurisdictional units, a key factor in the provision of consumption goods. These areas, which can be identified as local state units, can be rationalized in various ways: neoclassical, liberal, and materialist interpretations have been identified within the literature. This paper argues that the local state cannot be discussed simply within the context of capitalist social relations, and that more detailed interpretations, incorporating concepts such as civil society, are necessary in order to understand the broad range of political activities associated with public provision.  相似文献   

Perceived social impacts of tourism development on local residents in peripheral destinations are examined in the case of the resort city of Eilat (Israel) by utilizing a value-stretch methodology. Analysis shows that local's perceptions are group differentiated. The less locals are affiliated with tourist occupations, the less affluent they are, and the less their sense of peripherality, the more they are affected by the social consequences of tourism development. Policy implications for tourism development in such peripheral settings are suggested.  相似文献   

With steady growth in the deployment of sensor networks and widespread usage of mobile devices, the production of geo-referenced data is increasing exponentially, while analysis of the data typically uses a variety of application services on the Internet for activities such as logging and driving. This geo-referenced content needs to be classified and organized according to user interest for location-based decision-making. In this study, we define a user interest model and propose a method for organizing and presenting content based on the model. Our approach reconstructs geo-referenced content from a variety of sources based on points of interest organized by the user interest model. We present typical cases of using the proposed method, including a theme park resort, personal weather stations, and travel planning to show how the proposed method facilitates user decision-making based on the geo-referenced content.  相似文献   

Theory on environmental governance and water governance emphasises decentralised, devolved forms of interaction between stakeholders. As previously excluded actors are empowered to take part in governance, new forms of cooperation are created. This paper examines how the cooperative principle has influenced stakeholder interaction at the local and international scales of water governance in South Africa. Water policies and initiatives have been set up to promote multi-level governance that emphasises cooperation between various stakeholders. The emphasis on cooperation and inclusiveness is particularly pertinent to the South African context because of its apartheid past. The paper asks whether there have been new forms of cooperation between a wider array of actors, as the theory proposes. By using the case studies of the Sabie catchment and the Lesotho Highlands Water Project to examine local and international level governance, the paper finds challenges related to power disparity and interdependence of actors, and risk perceptions of inclusive decision-making. It is found that at both the local and international level, the state, which is a 'traditional' actor, still plays an influential role in decision-making. 'New' actors such as businesses, civil society, and regional institutions are more visible but have limited decision-making power. Non-linear, time-consuming forms of cooperation occur in water governance.  相似文献   

The article examines Singaporeans' experiences of upward social mobility and how traditional gender roles within the family are renegotiated and reinterpreted in Singapore. When the former British colony gained independence in 1965 its post-colonial government embarked on an ambitious modernization programme, under which villages were demolished and residents relocated to new high-rise estates, farmland gave way to factories, the education system was reformed, and women entered the workforce. The transformation has been accompanied by a rapid upward social mobility, whereby Singaporeans born in the midst of the transformation, in the period 1960s – 1980s, lived remarkably different lives compared with preceding generations. The article is an ethnographic analysis of how Singaporean middle-class women and men, who have experienced rapid upward social mobility, handle and negotiate changing expectations regarding gender and intergenerational support. The analytical framework is constructed around the concepts of social mobility, modernity, and spaces of contestation and negotiation. The ethnographic data illuminate how traditional family values, such as filial piety, are contested and renegotiated. The data also show how social mobility intersects with other forms of mobility, such as the spatial movement involved in urbanization. Women entering the labour force have to spend their days away from home and can no longer fully attend to their elderly family members and/or young children. However, spatial movement in the sense of increased access to transportation and communication has also enabled members of extended families to maintain their ‘urban kinship network’ without having to live together.  相似文献   

The paper brings together the results of a number of research projects concerning women's working conditions in sparsely populated areas of the Swedish countryside. The specific conditions regarding the job market in such areas can be linked to the issue of equality. Women are more likely than men to have part-time jobs as their main source of income. In the countryside the traditional ‘gender contract’ between a man and a woman is stronger than in the cities. Traditional patterns of gender roles and limited labour market opportunities are the main obstacles to the development of a more gender-equal countryside. This is best illustrated by the fact that, in general, the everyday lives of men and women differ when it comes to working life, taking care of their children and household, and indulging in leisure time activities. For many people, living in the countryside is also a lifestyle issue.  相似文献   

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