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In the Taiwan region, the empirical spectral models for estimating ground motion parameters were obtained recently on the basis of recordings of small to moderate (5.0≤ML≤6.5) earthquakes. A large collection of acceleration records from the recent ML 7.3 (MW 7.6) Chi-Chi earthquake (20 September, 1999) makes it possible to test the applicability of the established relationships in the case of larger events. The comparison of ground motion parameters (peak accelerations and response spectra), which were calculated using the stochastic approach based on the modeled Fourier amplitude spectra, and the observed data demonstrates that the models may be successfully used for ground motion prediction for earthquakes of magnitudes up to ML=6.8–7.0 and hypocentral depth more than 10 km. To satisfy to the peculiarities of ground motion during shallow (depth less than 10 km) and larger (ML>7.0) events, the models were revised.  相似文献   

渭河盆地中土层场地对地震动的放大作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
土层场地对地震动的影响较大,建(构)筑物的选址及其抗震设防必须考虑土层场地的放大作用,以避免或减轻其震害.汶川地震中,布设在渭河盆地中的数字强震动台网共有27个台站(包括2个基岩台站和25个土层台站)获得良好的主震加速度时程.利用这些加速度时程,选择汤峪台做为参考场地,基于考虑几何衰减的传统谱比法分析研究了25个土层场地的放大作用.结果表明:(1)汶川地震中渭河盆地土层场地上的加速度峰值(PGA)有随震中距增加而减小的趋势,且与土层的厚度无关.(2)根据汶川地震中渭河盆地土层场地的加速度反应谱特征及其对地震动的放大作用特征,渭河盆地的土层场地可分为3类:深厚、中厚和薄土层场地.而且,深厚、中厚和薄土层场地分别对地震动的低频、1 Hz附近和高频分量放大作用显著;值得注意的是,深厚土层对地震动的高频分量也有一定程度的放大,只不过相对于低频分量的放大作用较小.(3)汶川地震中渭河盆地的土层场地对不同方向地震动的放大作用不同,且有EW>NS>UD的关系.(4)汶川地震中从宝鸡到眉县沿着盆地边缘分布的Ⅶ度烈度异常区是盆地边缘效应和土层场地对地震动放大作用共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

A new engineering source model consistent with seismological concepts for simulating strong-motion accelerograms (SMAs) is presented in this paper. The source region is modeled as a horizontally layered elastic medium to cater for site dependency. The moment field acting on the rupture plane is decomposed into space and time functions, which is a novel concept. The spatial and temporal components are determined for six well-recorded earthquakes using the corresponding recorded SMA. The obtained spatial variations indicate that they can be modeled as an anisotropic random field. The temporal components of all the six events are transients, with typical frequency spectra. Based on these results, a simplified source model is proposed for the synthesis of SMA during strong earthquakes. The model is validated by simulating strong-motion acceleration time histories at stations deliberately kept out of the modeling exercise. It is found that the present model is efficient in simulating observed time histories. The proposed model is also illustrated by simulating an ensemble of acceleration time histories for the Kutch earthquake of 26th January 2001 using only the few known source parameters.  相似文献   

由于地震定位受发震时刻与震源深度间强烈的折衷关系的困扰及反演问题的非线性影响,该问题一直未得到根本解决. 为此,本文提出了一种新的定位方法--SAMS法,该方法利用走时残差和到时残差之绝对值极小作为目标函数,用快速模拟退火法求解反演问题的解答. 并将该方法用于1999年9月21日台湾集集地震的再定位,其结果与其他方法相比,SAMS方法不仅降低了发震时刻与震源深度间的折衷关系对定位结果的影响,而且其定位结果具有很高的稳定性和分辨率.  相似文献   

利用测震台网记录获得加速度波形的方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了从测震台网速度记录获得高质量加速度波形的方法,并以天津蓟县台安装的CTSI-EDAS24速度型甚宽带地震仪和EST-Q4128型强。震仪对同一地震记录的处理分析为例,对计算步骤和处理方法进行了详细论述。处理结果的对比分析表明,该方法简单有效,拓宽了数字测震台网波形记录的服务应用范围。  相似文献   

用于地震定位的SAMS方法   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
由于地震定位受发震时刻与震源深度间强烈的折衷关系的困扰及反演问题的非线性影响,该问题一直未得到根本解决. 为此,本文提出了一种新的定位方法--SAMS法,该方法利用走时残差和到时残差之绝对值极小作为目标函数,用快速模拟退火法求解反演问题的解答. 并将该方法用于1999年9月21日台湾集集地震的再定位,其结果与其他方法相比,SAMS方法不仅降低了发震时刻与震源深度间的折衷关系对定位结果的影响,而且其定位结果具有很高的稳定性和分辨率.  相似文献   

采用振动台物理模拟试验方法,以4种不同覆土厚度的层状边坡模型为研究对象,水平输入振幅逐渐增大的正弦波加速度,分析了结构面上覆不同厚度土层对动力作用下边坡的稳定影响.研究了在动力作用下边坡的破坏位置和性质、破坏形式及最危险覆土厚度,验证了坡面放大效应与高程的关系,采用MIDAS/GTS软件对模型试验进行振型分析,分析了模型边坡的自振频率与覆土厚度的变化关系.试验结果表明:①模型破坏时最先出现的裂缝在边坡的中上部,且6 cm覆土厚度的模型对振动的响应最大,对应到实际工程中时12m厚度土层覆盖的边坡是最应该注意防护的.②不同厚度的土层破坏的形式不同:当土层厚度较薄时模型破坏较迅速,基本沿结构面发生整体滑动破坏,且滑动呈现一定的流体特性;当覆土较厚时裂缝先在模型中上部出现,随着振动的持续裂缝继续发展,最后发生整体性崩塌.③随着高程的增加峰值加速度总体呈放大趋势,但最大值出现在边坡中上部而非坡顶,说明不仅均质边坡有加速度的高程放大效应,层状边坡也具有加速度的高程放大效应.  相似文献   

竖向效应是近断层地震动的主要特点,竖向地震动对工程结构形成的P-Δ效应是造成结构破坏的主要原因。本文以单自由度体系为研究对象,选取汶川地震的近断层强震数据进行研究,分析竖向地震动所产生P-Δ效应的放大作用特征。分析结果表明汶川地震中,相比于中远场区域,近断层区域内竖向地震动作用所产生的P-Δ效应具有明显的放大作用,且近断层内这种放大作用具有普遍性;当自振周期一定时,不同台站获得地震动的放大系数离散性较小,主要分布于均值附近;其分析结果符合地震动的一般规律,分析结果合理。在此基础上建立了以均值为代表值的放大系数谱,可以与抗震设计反应谱结合使用,从而为活断层附近区域内的结构抗震设计问题提供定量化参考依据。  相似文献   

台湾集集地震近场地震动的上盘效应   总被引:44,自引:12,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
俞言祥  高孟潭 《地震学报》2001,24(6):615-621
1999年9月21日(当地时间)台湾集集7.6级地震是一个逆断层型地震.用回归分析法对台湾集集地震的加速度峰值数据进行分析,得出了这次地震的水平与垂直向的加速度峰值衰减关系.从残差分布上看,位于断层上盘和下盘上的加速度峰值与从衰减关系所得到的结果相比存在不同的系统偏差,断层上盘地表的加速度峰值较高,而下盘地表的加速度峰值较低.从这次地震的加速度峰值分布等值线图上也可以看出,加速度峰值的分布相对于断层呈现明显的不对称性,上盘衰减较慢而下盘衰减较快.在近断层强地面运动研究、地震危险性分析、设定地震研究与震害预测等工作中,应考虑可能地震的震源机制特点,以便使所用的衰减模型更能反映不同地震环境地区的地震动分布特征.   相似文献   

The authors proposed a method for obtaining high-quality acceleration seismograms from velocity type seismograms of digital Seismographic network, and took as an example the analysis and processing of the seismograms of a same earthquake that was simultaneously recorded by velocity seismograph CTS1-EDAS24 and strong motion seismograph EST-Q4128 installed in Jixian Station, Tianjin. The calculation steps and the processing method have been discussed in detail. From the analysis and the comparison of the obtained results, it is concluded that the proposed method is simple and effective, and it broadens the application of digital seismographic network.  相似文献   

台湾9.21集集地震考察兼论强震发震断层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭阜南  叶银灿 《地震地质》2004,26(4):576-585
1999年9月21日,台湾中部山麓带发生了M7.3的大地震,震源深度为8km,财产损失及人员伤亡是百年来台湾许多地震中损失及伤亡最大的1次,其震级也是台湾本岛陆上所发生的地震级别最大的。震源机制属低角度逆冲断层成因,余震在平面上围绕着北港高基底作半圆状分布,在垂向上,则分布在逆冲断层的上盘。与此相应,地面变形及上部结构物的破坏,以车笼埔发震断层上盘最为激烈,下盘几乎不受影响。此外,地震断裂的北端,水平位移量高达9.8m,垂直抬升达10m,比主震区要大;其地面加速度峰值,亦高达水平为502gal,垂直为519gal。这些特点表明,地震是受到地下深处侏罗型叠瓦状构造的控制。此外,3个诱发地震中心均受当地的地质构造与地貌条件的控制。文中还叙述了震害及工程结构物破坏的特点,尤其是水工结构物的震害  相似文献   

Debris flows have caused enormous losses of property and human life in Taiwan during the last two decades. An efficient and reliable method for predicting the occurrence of debris flows is required. The major goal of this study is to explore the impact of the Chi‐Chi earthquake on the occurrence of debris flows by applying the artificial neural network (ANN) that takes both hydrological and geomorphologic influences into account. The Chen‐Yu‐Lan River watershed, which is located in central Taiwan, is chosen for evaluating the critical rainfall triggering debris flows. A total of 1151 data sets were collected for calibrating model parameters with two training strategies. Significant differences before and after the earthquake have been found: (1) The size of landslide area is proportioned to the occurrence of debris flows; (2) the amount of critical rainfall required for triggering debris flows has reduced significantly, about half of the original critical rainfall in the study case; and (3) the frequency of the occurrence of debris flows is largely increased. The overall accuracy of model prediction in testing phase has reached 96·5%; moreover, the accuracy of occurrence prediction is largely increased from 24 to 80% as the network trained with data from before the Chi‐Chi earthquake sets and with data from the lumped before and after the earthquake sets. The results demonstrated that the ANN is capable of learning the complex mechanism of debris flows and producing satisfactory predictions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 1999 Chi–Chi, Taiwan, earthquake provides case histories of ground failure and non-ground failure that are valuable to the ongoing development of liquefaction susceptibility, triggering and surface manifestation models because the data occupy sparsely populated parameter spaces (i.e. high cyclic stress ratio and high fines content with low to moderate soil plasticity). In this paper, we document results from several large site investigation programs conducted in Nantou, Wufeng and Yuanlin, Taiwan. The seismic performance of the investigated sites include non-ground failure building and free-field sites, building sites with partial foundation bearing failures, free-field lateral spread sites, and free-field level ground sites with sediment boils. Field and laboratory investigation protocols for the sites are described, including cone penetration testing (some with pore pressure and shear wave velocity measurements) and rotary wash borings with standard penetration testing (including energy measurements). Implications of the SPT energy measurements with respect to established guidelines for the estimation of SPT energy ratio (including short rod corrections) are presented. Finally, data for three example sites are shown that illustrate potential applications of the data set, and which also demonstrate a condition where existing liquefaction analysis procedures fail to predict the observed field performance.  相似文献   

A series of 1 g shaking table tests, followed by the numerical simulations, is performed to investigate the effect of a circular subway tunnel on the ground motion amplification pattern. Effects of various parameters, including shear wave velocity of soil, frequency content of input motion, flexibility ratio and tunnel depth on the amplification pattern is investigated. Experimental study revealed that the tunnel did not affect free field response at dimensionless period greater than 10. Subsequent parametric study demonstrated that the amount of amplifications were mainly controlled by dimensionless period, dimensionless depth and flexibility ratio. Tunnel effect on the amplification pattern is more prominent for dimensionless period between 3 to 10, flexibility ratio greater than 1 and dimensionless depth less than 3. The study revealed that subway tunnel influences the seismic response of low period buildings, constructed above the tunnel.  相似文献   

柔洁  宋和平 《内陆地震》1989,3(4):338-347
对1985年乌恰地震强余震(Ms=6.8)取得了加速度记录。由于仪器阻尼系统故障,使得部分记录失真。本文采用数字滤波方法对原始记录进行了滤波处理,恢复了加速度记录的真实性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical sensitivity analysis of the site effect on dynamic response of pipelines embedded in some idealised soil deposits resting on a halfspace covering a wide range of soil profiles encountered in practice and subjected to vertically propagating shear waves, is presented. The power spectrum of the lateral differential displacement between two distant points due to the site effect is formulated analytically by using an analytical amplification function of a viscoelastic inhomogenous soil profile overlying either a compliant halfspace or a bedrock, represented by a more realistic continuous model. Also, Kanai-Tajimi spectrum parameters are estimated and expressed analytically from the soil profile model. Finally, results in the form of stochastic response spectrum of pipelines, for different key soil and pipeline parameters, are given and discussed.  相似文献   

In the Taiwan region, the empirical spectral models for estimating ground-motion parameters were obtained recently on the basis of recordings of small to moderate (5.0≤ML≤6.5) earthquakes. A large collection of acceleration records from the ML=7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake (21 September, 1999) makes it possible to test the applicability of the established relationships in the case of larger events. The comparison of ground-motion parameters (Fourier amplitude spectra, peak accelerations and response spectra), which were calculated using the models, and the observed data demonstrates that the models could provide an accurate prediction for the case of the Chi-Chi earthquake and the largest aftershocks. However, there are some peculiarities in the ground-motion frequency content and attenuation that, most probably, are caused by the features of the rupture process of the large shallow earthquake source.  相似文献   

双规准化地震动加速度反应谱研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文提出了双规准反应谱的概念.在统计了美国西部大量强震记录的基础上,分别研究了规准反应谱和双规准反应谱的特性,并进行了详细的对比分析.研究结果表明,双规准反应谱比通常的规准反应谱有更好的规律性,这不仅有利于认识地震动的特性,还可使基于场地的抗震设计反应谱大大简化,更便于广大工程设计人员应用.  相似文献   

文中以某一实际工程为例,讨论工程场地地震安全性评价中加速度反应谱规准化对工程场地地震位移时程所带来的影响。数值结果表明,根据规准化加速度反应谱得出的位移时程存在很大的误差。建议在工程场地地震安全性评价工作中,不宜进行加速度反应谱的标定工作。  相似文献   

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