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Circulation in China Seas has been investigated by Chinese oceanographers in some detail for many years. However, owing to data being sparse and scarce, studies were basically concerned in interseasonal (mainly summer and winter) fluctuations and almost none was in the interannual variability of the circulation in China Seas. It is pointed out that the routine (monthly or bimonthly) hydrographical section data on the continental shelf of China Seas accumulated since 1975, can be used to examine the interannual variability of the shelf circulation. An example is given to show there is interannual variability of shelf circulation in the East China Sea. And what is more, a hypothesis is proposed to describe where the interannual variability comes from and to explain why it is strongly correlated with El Niño events. It is strongly suggested that the interannual variability of the shelf circulation in China Seas be studied, as a strategy, with the routine hydrographical survey, which should be seriously continued, combined with cooperative study in the Philippine Sea and the western tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Determination of the concentrations of, 15 rare earth elements (REE) in China continental shelf sediments by X-ray fluorescent spectral analysis of selected representative sediment samples showed that REE concentration in the sediments is 156 ppm, similar to that in China loess and Fujian granite, but different from that in Pacific sediments. The shelf REE have the characteristic distribution pattern of typical continental crust REE and evidently philo-continental property. The above findings suggest that weathered materials transported from the China continent are the main source of the REE in China continental shelf sediments. Experiments show that REE exist mainly in the crystal lattices of clay minerals (<2μ) as isomorphs and that REE have close relation with most elements (Al, Ti, K, Rb, Fe, etc.) related with clay minerals, but have negative correlation with the biophile elements Ca and Sr. Contribution No. 1520 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organic matter(TOM) is an important component of marine sedimentary OM, and revealing the origins and transport mechanisms of TOM to the East China Sea(ECS) is important for understanding regional carbon cycle. A novel approach combining molecular proxies and compound-specific carbon isotopes is used to quantitatively constrain the origins and transport mechanisms of TOM in surface sediments from the ECS shelf. The content of terrestrial biomarkers of(C_(27)+C_(29)+C_(31)) n-alkanes(52 to 580 ng g~(-1)) revealed a seaward decreasing trend, the δ~(13)CTOC values(-20.6‰ to-22.7‰) were more negative near the coast, and the TMBR(terrestrial and marine biomarker ratio) values(0.06 to 0.40) also revealed a seaward decreasing trend. These proxies all indicated more TOM(up to 48%) deposition in the coastal areas. The Alkane Index, the ratio of C_(29)/(C_(29)+C_(31)) n-alkanes indicated a higher proportion of grass vegetation in the coastal area; While the δ13C values of C_(29) n-alkane(-_(29).3‰ to-33.8‰) indicated that terrestrial plant in the sediments of the ECS shelf were mainly derived from C_3 plants. Cluster analysis afforded detailed estimates of different-sourced TOM contributions and transport mechanisms. TOM in the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal area was mostly delivered by the Changjiang River, and characterized by higher %TOM(up to 48%), higher %C_3 plant OM(68%-85%) and higher grass plant OM(56%-61%); TOM in the mid-shelf area was mostly transported by aerosols, and characterized by low %TOM(less than 17%), slightly lower C_3 plant OM(56%-72%) and lower grass plant OM(49%-55%).  相似文献   

A total of 21 elements, Si, Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Ti, P, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cr, Rb, Sr Ba, Cd and Corg(organic carbon), was determined in the trough. Average contents of most elements were found to be higher in the trough bottom than in the western and eastern slopes. We call these elements the indicator elements because of their “transition” property. This is in keeping with the “intermediate” geographical position of the trough where the continental crust turns to oceanic crust. Though the authigenic fraction of some elements here increases, the detrital fraction of most elements is still dominant, indicating that the influences of terrigenous and volcanic detrital materials on the trough sediments are still dominant. The abundant biogenous component in the trough is characterized by the increase of Ca, Sr, and Corg contents. Ca existes mainly in the form of CaCo3 that is mostly found in various shells. Sr often easily replaces Ca within the shells. A belt-shaped distribution pattern of elements was found in the south and a “block” pattern in the north trough. Such distribution patterns are directly controlled by water depth, topography, current sediment type, and mineral, biological, and volcanic processes. This paper was published in Chinese in Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica15(4): 371–379, 1984.  相似文献   

Examination of solvent-extractable lipids in sediments from Beibu Gulf, South China Sea by capillary gas chromatography (GC) and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted in the first identifications of β, γ-carotanes and their C19 to C31 homologs in the modern sediments from the China Seas. Distributional features of these (mainly triterpenoid and steroid hydrocarbons) biomarkers are discussed and the possibility of using these compounds as indicators of source of materials, diagenesis and depositional conditions is explored. It was found that the biomarkers in this region are mixtures of allochthonous (terrigenous and/or crude oil leak or pollution) and antochthonous (marine) organic components. The biomarders have proved to be of value for understanding sedimentation. Contribution No. 1888 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This research is partially funded by the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, Institute of Geochemistry. Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

A 700-year record (1.0–1.5 a resolution) of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), based on grain-size analysis and AMS14C dating of Core EC2005 from the inner-shelf mud wedge of the East China Sea (ECS), was compared with the Dongge stalagmite δ18O record during the mid-Holocene. The upper muddy section of Core EC2005 has been formed mainly by suspended sediments derived from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth since 7.3 ka BP. High precipitation and a strengthened EAWM might have played key roles in the high sedimentation rate (1 324–1 986 cm/ka) between 5.9–5.2 ka BP. The EAWM strengthened when the Asian summer monsoon weakened, especially around 5 500 a BP, which corresponded to a worldwide cold event. The EAWM during the mid-Holocene shows statistically significant solar periodicities at 62 and 11 a. The 5 500 a BP cold event might be resulted from orbital forcing and changes in solar activity.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of Radiolaria described in this paper were discovered from surface sediments of the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the cores of the Okinawa Trough. Type specimens are deposited in the Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA.  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONWindisantheortantagentfortransportationofdryandfinemateriaIsfromcontin-entStooceans.MaterialloadfromriversandcoastalerosiondepositSrnaitilyinestuaries,coastalregionsandontheinnercontinentalshelves.MinoramountSentCfopenoceans(Robeft,l982).DuetoconstruCtionofreservoAsonrivers,therivers'matCrialloadstotheseahavedroppedgreat1y.Forinstance,theloadoftheHuangheRiverintotheBohaiSeawas2O.4xlO9tinl958,butoIilyo.9xlO9tinl987.Meansedirnentdischargeredued36%duringtheperiodfroml98ltol989…  相似文献   

Correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means cluster methods were used to divide the stratigraphy of heavy mineral assemblages, and the sediment sources and depositional dynamics of the environment reconstructed. The assemblages were taken from marine sediments from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene in Core Q43 situated on the outer shelf of the East China Sea. Based on the variable boundaries of the mineral assemblage at 63 and 228 cmbsf (cm below sea floor), the core might have previously been divided into three sediment strata marked with units I, II and III, which would be consistent with the divided sediment stratum of the core using minor element geochemistry. The downcore distribution of heavy minerals divided the sedimentary sequence into three major units, which were further subdivided into four subunits. The interval between 0 and 63 cmbsf of the core (unit I), which spans the Holocene and the uppermost late Pleistocene, is characterized by a hornblende-epidote-pyroxene assemblage, and contains relatively a smaller amount of schistic mineral and authigenic pyrite. In comparison, the interval between 63 and 228 cmbsf (unit II), is representative of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and features a hornblende-epidote-magnetite-ilmenite assemblage containing the highest concentrations of heavy minerals and opaque minerals. However, the interval between 228 and 309 cmbsf (unit III), which spans the subinterglacial period, is characterized by a hornblende-authigenic-pyrite-mica assemblage. Relative ratios of some heavy minerals can be used as tracers of clastic sediment sources. The lower part of the sediment core shows the highest magnetite/ilmenite ratio and relatively high hornblende/augite and hornblende/epidote ratios. The middle core shows the highest hornblende/augite and hornblende/epidote ratios, and the lowest magnetite/ilmenite ratio. The upper part exhibits a slightly higher magnetite/ilmenite ratio, and also the lowest hornblende/augite and hornblende/epidote ratios. The distribution of the mineral ratio is consistent with stratigraphic division in heavy mineral data using correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering. Variations in heavy mineral association and mineral ratio in core Q43 revealed changes in provenance and depositional environment of the southern outer shelf of the East China Sea since the late Pleistocene, well corresponding to interglacial and glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means cluster methods were used to divide the stratigraphy of heavy mineral assemblages,and the sediment sources and depositional dynamics of the environment reconstructed.The assemblages were taken from marine sediments from the late Pleistocene to the Holocene in Core Q43 situated on the outer shelf of the East China Sea.Based on the variable boundaries of the mineral assemblage at 63 and 228 cmbsf (cm below sea floor),the core might have previously been divided into th...  相似文献   

Li  Jingxi  Sun  Chengjun  Jiang  Fenghua  Gao  Fenglei  Zheng  Yifan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(1):79-88
The content and distribution pattern of rare earth elements(REEs) in surface sediments from the Eastern and Western Pacific Ocean,the Northern and Southern Atlantic Ocean,and the Southwestern Indian Ocean were explored and the resources and geochemical characteristics of REEs in deep-ocean sediments from different oceans were studied.The total REE abundances(∑EE) in the different oceans ranged as follows:Eastern Pacific,56.88-500.02 μg/g;Western Pacific,290.68-439.94 μg/g;Northern Atlantic,55.3 3-154.90 μg/g;Southern Atlantic,40.83-69.30 μg/g;and Southwestern Indian Ocean,20.24-64.76 μg/g.Their corresponding LREE(La-Eu)/HREE(Gd-Lu) average values were 5.18,5.86,9.01,5.21,and 4.59,which indicated that the light REEs were all evidently enriched.δEu and δCe showed slight Eu-negative anomalies and significant Ce-positive anomalies in all sediments.Although the contents of REEs in the sediments varied among the different oceans,the distribution patterns of REEs were similar,and the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.929 0.In the Eastern Pacific sediments,TREE showed a significantly positive correlation with Co,Cu,Zn,Mn,Mo and a weak correlation with Fe.In the Western Pacific and Southern Atlantic sediments,TREE presented no obvious correlation and a weakly negative correlation with Co,Cu,Zn,Mn,Mo and Fe,respectively.TREE in the Southwestern Indian Ocean sediments positively correlated with Cu,Zn,Mn,Mo,Fe,and had a weakly negative correlation with Co.  相似文献   

Analysis on long-term change of sea surface temperature in the China Seas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Long-term change of sea surface temperature (SST) in the China Seas from 1900 to 2006 is examined based on two different observation datasets (HadISST1 and HadSST3). Similar to the Atlantic, SST in the China Seas has been well observed dur-ing the past 107 years. A comparison between the reconstructed (HadISST1) and un-interpolated (HadSST3) datasets shows that the SST warming trends from both datasets are consistent with each other in most of the China Seas. The warming trends are stronger in winter than in summer, with a maximum rate of SST increase exceeding 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Strait during winter based on HadISST1. However, the SST from both datasets experienced a sudden decrease after 1999 in the China Seas. The estimated trend from HadISST1 is stronger than that from HadSST3 in the East China Sea and the east of Taiwan Island, where the difference in the linear SST warming trends are as large as about 1℃ (100 year)-1 when using respectively HadISST1 and HadSST3 datasets. When compared to the linear winter warming trend of the land surface air temperature (1.6℃ (100 year)-1), HadSST3 shows a more reasonable trend of less than 2.1℃ (100 year)-1 than HadISST1’s trend of larger than 2.7℃ (100 year)-1 at the mouth of the Yangtze River. The results also indicate large uncertainties in the estimate of SST warming patterns.  相似文献   

To acquire high-quality operational data products for Chinese in-orbit and scheduled ocean color sensors, the performances of two operational atmospheric correction(AC) algorithms(ESA MEGS 7.4.1 and NASA Sea DAS 6.1) were evaluated over the East China Seas(ECS) using MERIS data. The spectral remote sensing reflectance R_(rs)(λ), aerosol optical thickness(AOT), and ?ngstr?m exponent(α) retrieved using the two algorithms were validated using in situ measurements obtained between May 2002 and October 2009. Match-ups of R_(rs), AOT, and α between the in situ and MERIS data were obtained through strict exclusion criteria. Statistical analysis of R_(rs)(λ) showed a mean percentage difference(MPD) of 9%–13% in the 490–560 nm spectral range, and significant overestimation was observed at 413 nm(MPD72%). The AOTs were overestimated(MPD32%), and although the ESA algorithm outperformed the NASA algorithm in the blue-green bands, the situation was reversed in the red-near-infrared bands. The value of α was obviously underestimated by the ESA algorithm(MPD=41%) but not by the NASA algorithm(MPD=35%). To clarify why the NASA algorithm performed better in the retrieval of α, scatter plots of the α single scattering albedo(SSA) density were prepared. These α-SSA density scatter plots showed that the applicability of the aerosol models used by the NASA algorithm over the ECS is better than that used by the ESA algorithm, although neither aerosol model is suitable for the ECS region. The results of this study provide a reference to both data users and data agencies regarding the use of operational data products and the investigation into the improvement of current AC schemes over the ECS.  相似文献   

Platycephalus in Chinese sea area has a high commercial value.However,there were mis-identifications in previous records.In this study,we fully distinguished and diagnosed all five species,Platycephalus indicus,P.cultellatus,Platycephalus sp.,Platycephalus sp.1 and Platycephalus sp.2.The results revealed that P.cultellatus was overlooked by previous ichthyologists.Platycephalus sp.1 was misidentified as P.indicus in reality,and Platycephalus sp.2 only existed in the seas of Japan.Furthermore,morphological,especially phylogenetic analysis indicated that Platycephalus sp.from South China Sea differs from all former known species,which might be a new species.We identified all Platycephalus species in China seas for the first time,which will contribute to local species identification,biodiversity conservation and sustainable exploitation of Platycephalus species.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved aluminum in the Yellow and East China Seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Water samples containing dissolved aluminum were collected from the Yellow and East China Seas in October-November 2000. The average concentrations of dissolved AI in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were 0.042 and 0.056 μ molL^-1, respectively. The concentration of dissolved aluminum decreased gradually across the continental shelf. The lower concentrations appeared in the YS cold water center and in the bottom layer at the shelf edge of the ECS, where they were 0.016 and 0.011 μmolL^-1, respectively. The distribution of dissolved Al was controlled by physical mixing processes rather than biological uptake processes. The impact of different water masses along the PN transect was calculated based on the mass balance model. The results show that the impact of the Changjiang River was mainly concentrated on the coastal area and the top thermocline water on the ECS shelf, where the impact percentage decreased from 12.6% to 1.1% in the surface water, while the contribution of the Kuroshio water was dominant on the ECS shelf in this survey, increasing from 77.6% to 97,8% along the PN transect from the Changjiang River Estuary to the Ryukyu Islands. It is concluded that aluminum can serve as a proper tracer for studying the impact of Changjiang terrestrial matter on the ECS shelf water.  相似文献   

The wind-sea and swell climates in the China Seas are investigated by using the 27-yr Integrated Ocean Waves for Geophysical and other Applications(IOWAGA)hindcast data.A comparison is made between the significant wave height from the IOWAGA hindcasts and that from a jointly calibrated altimetry dataset,showing the good performance of the IOWAGA hindcasts in the China Seas.A simple but practical method of diagnosing whether the sea state is wind-sea-dominant or swell-dominant is proposed based on spectral partitioning.Different from the characteristics of wind-seas and swells in the open ocean,the wave fields in the enclosed seas such as the China Seas are predominated by wind-sea events in respect of both frequencies of occurrences and energy weights,due to the island sheltering and limited fetches.The energy weights of wind-seas in a given location is usually more significant than the occurrence probability of wind-sea-dominated events,as the wave energy is higher in the wind-sea events than in the swell events on average and extreme wave heights are mostly related to wind-seas.The most energetic swells in the China Seas(and other enclosed seas)are‘local swells’,having just propagated out of their generation areas.However,the swells coming from the West Pacific also play an important role in the wave climate of the China Seas,which can only be revealed by partitioning different swell systems in the wave spectra as the energy of them is significantly less than the‘local swells’.  相似文献   

Based on observed temperature data since the 1950s, long-term variability of the summer sharp thermocline in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and East China Sea Cold Eddy (ECSCE) areas is examined. Relationships between the thermocline and atmospheric and oceanic forcing were investigated using multiyear wind, Kuroshio discharge and air temperature data. Results show that: 1) In the YSCWM area, thermocline strength shows about 4-year and 16-year period oscillations. There is high correlation between summer thermocline strength and local atmospheric temperature in summer and the previous winter; 2) In the ECSCE area, interannual oscillation of thermocline strength with about a 4-year period (stronger in El Ni o years) is strongly correlated with that of local wind stress. A transition from weak to strong thermocline during the mid 1970s is consistent with a 1976/1977 climate shift and Kuroshio volume transport; 3) Long-term changes of the thermocline in both regions are mainly determined by deep layer water, especially on the decadal timescale. However, surface water can modify the thermocline on an interannual timescale in the YSCWM area.  相似文献   

A simple and practical method for separating low-frequency internal waves from low-frequency barotropic waves was employed to analyze the observation data. Analysis of some data gathered in the northestern China Seas revealed strong semidiurnal internal tides and near-inertial internal waves at the stations in the East China Sea and near-inertial waves but no semidiurnal internal tides at the station in the centre of the Yellow Sea. The geographic properties of low-frequency internal waves in the region are discussed primarily on the basis of the mechanism of internal tide generation on the continental shelfbreak, and the mechanisms of local generation and global generation. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Bottom temperature variation (BTV) is a serious problem in determining the thermal gradient and heart flow of the sediments in shallow seas. The water depth of the East China Sea shelf is mostly below 150m, and the heat flow measurement is strongly affected by BTV. Following a statistical algorithm, we rechecked the temperature and thermal conductivity data of the cruises KX90-1 and KX91-1, carried out by a cooperation program of China and Japan, and calculate the heat flow in a site without long-term temperature record. The calculated heat flow in the site was 58.6±3.6 mW/m2, being just within the range of the drill heat flow value of East China Sea shelf. The inversed amplitude spectrum of BTV has a peak in frequency of 1/10 per year, and the annual component is also an important part. Comparison with two lakes of Lake Greifensee and Lac Leman (i.e. Lake Geneva), which are in different water depth, revealed that with increasing water depth, the peak of amplitude spectrum moved towards low frequency components. The heat flow values calculated in this paper and from petroleum bore hole in East China Sea shelf are much more close to that in southeast China than in Okinawa Trough. Supported by the National High Technology R&D Program of China (2004 AA616060)  相似文献   

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