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利用冲击波进行的动高压实验对研究超高压下的物质性质也是十分有效的.本文报告了对大麻坪采集的橄榄石进行压力在10~45 GPa范围的冲击波动高压实验结果.结合前人等温冷压实验结果,确定了实验过程的温度,对于冲击波实验压力从10 GPa变化到30 GPa时,温度在摄氏几十度到摄氏800多度之间.测量了岩石超高压下密度变化,在3.627~4.009 g·cm-3之间.通过回收实验和确定的温度,表明小于30 GPa压力实验条件下,没有发生相变过程.同时也确定了状态方程的参数.最后,指出了实验结果在上地幔地球内部物质运动过程的含义,即冷板块中的亚临界橄榄岩可以存在地幔转换带中. 相似文献
西南印度洋中脊(SWIR)增生的洋壳面积仅占印度洋的15%左右,但其具有比东南印度洋中脊和西北印度洋中脊更悠久而复杂的演化历史.基于已有的地质、地球物理和地球化学等资料,系统总结了SWIR的地质构造特征,并讨论了SWIR的演化过程、洋脊地幔的不均一性、洋脊周边海底高原成因等核心问题.SWIR地形中段高、东西两段低,空间重力异常基本与地形变化一致.按转换断层一级边界可将SWIR划分为20个一级段.SWIR的磁异常条带呈现两端渐进式分布和中段带状分布特征,对应洋脊的三期演化历史.SWIR的地幔源区极不均一,尤其是中新元古代造山带根部集中拆离的中段.源区地幔的不均一性与大陆裂解和洋脊演化过程密切相关.SWIR的东端与西北印度洋中脊和东南印度洋中脊的邻近洋脊段具有地球化学亲缘性,西端与大西洋中脊和南美洲—南极洲洋中脊的邻近洋脊段具有地球化学亲缘性,这与SWIR的渐近式扩张有关.SWIR周边海底高原普遍具有较大的地壳厚度,其成因除了陆壳基底之外,可能与热点火山作用、热点-洋脊相互作用或热点-三联点相互作用有关,目前尚未形成统一的认识.SWIR的形成演化及其作用域内的熔融异常(如海底高原)是冈瓦纳大陆裂解、残留岩石圈地幔、软流圈地幔和深部地幔热柱物质共同作用的结果.了解SWIR的演化过程对揭示冈瓦纳大陆的裂解过程和印度洋的演化具有重要意义. 相似文献
西南印度洋中脊(SWIR)增生的洋壳面积仅占印度洋的15%左右,但其具有比东南印度洋中脊和西北印度洋中脊更悠久而复杂的演化历史.基于已有的地质、地球物理和地球化学等资料,系统总结了SWIR的地质构造特征,并讨论了SWIR的演化过程、洋脊地幔的不均一性、洋脊周边海底高原成因等核心问题.SWIR地形中段高、东西两段低,空间重力异常基本与地形变化一致.按转换断层一级边界可将SWIR划分为20个一级段.SWIR的磁异常条带呈现两端渐进式分布和中段带状分布特征,对应洋脊的三期演化历史.SWIR的地幔源区极不均一,尤其是中新元古代造山带根部集中拆离的中段.源区地幔的不均一性与大陆裂解和洋脊演化过程密切相关.SWIR的东端与西北印度洋中脊和东南印度洋中脊的邻近洋脊段具有地球化学亲缘性,西端与大西洋中脊和南美洲—南极洲洋中脊的邻近洋脊段具有地球化学亲缘性,这与SWIR的渐近式扩张有关.SWIR周边海底高原普遍具有较大的地壳厚度,其成因除了陆壳基底之外,可能与热点火山作用、热点-洋脊相互作用或热点-三联点相互作用有关,目前尚未形成统一的认识.SWIR的形成演化及其作用域内的熔融异常(如海底高原)是冈瓦纳大陆裂解、残留岩石圈地幔、软流圈地幔和深部地幔热柱物质共同作用的结果.了解SWIR的演化过程对揭示冈瓦纳大陆的裂解过程和印度洋的演化具有重要意义. 相似文献
蒙古-贝加尔地区是现今构造最活跃的大陆地区之一,其地壳构造运动及变形对我们理解大陆动力学问题具有重要的科学意义.基于融合的这一区域的GPS速度场,本文计算了该区应变率场和应变能变化率场.结果显示,蒙古褶皱带以南区域表现为NNE-SSW方向的压缩状态,主压应变率约为-2.0×10 -9/a,剪应变及面膨胀均较弱,表明蒙古褶皱带比较稳定.贝加尔裂谷整体处于拉张状态且伴有较强的剪应变和面膨胀,暗示可能有多种机制控制裂谷的张裂过程.蒙古高原西部有两条高应变率的构造带,结合深部存在地幔热柱等证据,我们认为这两条构造带及所围限的区域共同构成Amurian板块的西部边界—一条弥散变形的边界带.蒙古-贝加尔地区剪应变分布与0~40 km的地震活动性基本一致,表明该地区形变在地壳尺度耦合程度较高.地幔对流拖曳力场与主应变轴方向及应变率场的一致性表明,地幔对流可能是蒙古—贝加尔地区区域构造动力学过程主要控制因素之一. 相似文献
南海处于欧亚板块、 菲律宾海板块、 太平洋板块和印度-澳大利亚板块的交汇处, 其地质和构造作用十分复杂.通过面波群速度成像, 给出了南海及邻区的三维横波速度分布并分析了其地球动力学意义.南海西部和南部新布设的地震台站使得利用单台法时路径覆盖比过去更好. 特别是在华南地区, 新的台站分布能够弥补该地区地震少且台站少造成的射线密度不够的缺点. 首先运用多重滤波法得到南海周边48个台站周期为14——130 s范围内的基阶瑞雷波频散曲线图; 接着通过子空间反演得到整个区域在不同周期时的群速度分布; 最后通过阻尼最小二乘反演得到不同深度切片上的横波速度分布及不同纵剖面上的横波速度分布. 结果显示: ① 海盆速度较高, 且速度分布很好地勾勒出海盆的轮廓. 浅层较高的横波速度说明海盆都具有洋壳性质, 而深部较高的横波速度则可能对应扩张中心生成洋壳后残留的高速物质. 不同海盆速度上的差异与它们的热流值和年龄大小一致.海盆下的高速异常在60 km以下消失, 且在一定深度范围内由低速区替代. 在低速区下200 km深度, 在南海海盆观测到一条NE-SW走向的高速异常, 可能与古俯冲带有关. ② 环南海出现明显的高速区, 对应俯冲带特征, 且这些高速区速度差异明显且有间断, 说明俯冲带的非均质性和俯冲角度的差异. ③ 在环南海高速区内侧(向南海侧)观测到不连续的低速区. 在浅层, 这些低速区反映了沉积层和地壳的厚度特征. 在地幔, 这些低速区可能对应于古太平洋俯冲带的地幔楔或者也可能反映了南海海盆停止扩张后残留的地幔熔融物质. ④ 南海海盆岩石圈的厚度为60——85 km. 相似文献
南海处于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度—澳大利亚板块的交会区,是西北太平洋一系列边缘海中最大的边缘海。关于南海的打开以往研究提出了如印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞驱动挤出以及古南海俯冲拖拽等诸多模型。本文力图通过南海海盆及周边各向异性结构来约束南海演化机制。基于同济大学2012和2014年在南海中央海盆进行的两次被动源宽频带海底地震观测试验回收的10台OBS记录仪近1年的地震数据,本文采用三种不同的横波分裂方法,获取了中央海盆针对两次远震的XKS分裂结果以及南海周边20次区域地震提供的S震相分裂结果。SKS分裂结果显示,南海中央海盆下方存在快轴方向为NE-SW向的各向异性,其成因可能与海底扩张时期沿洋脊方向的地幔流以及南海海洋板块俯冲拖拽的地幔流有关。南海及其周边上地幔存在强各向异性,且不同方位观测到的各向异性不同,快轴方向与前人SKS横波分裂结果、GPS和板块运动一致,较好地对应了区域构造运动或者地幔对流模型。各向异性结果与印度—欧亚板块碰撞驱动挤出模型以及古南海俯冲板块拖拽模型预期结果一致,与理想的地幔柱上涌驱动模型不一致。由于海盆各向异性观测特别有限,各向异性结果不能证实亦不能证伪“大西洋型”海底扩张模型、弧后扩张模型和板缘破裂模型,后续还需要更多的观测结果来证实或证伪上述模型。 相似文献
峨眉山大火成岩省是我国境内最早获得国际学术界广泛认可的大火成岩省,对于认识地幔柱形成与作用机理、生物与环境演化、资源富集与成矿机制等具有重要意义.本文利用峨眉山大火成岩省宽频带地震台阵(COMPASS-ELIP)以及云南、四川区域地震台网的部分台站资料,基于分格加权叠加策略实现接收函数和面波频散在信息来源和分辨尺度方面的协同;进而开展联合反演,重建了峨眉山大火成岩省关键剖面下方的地壳横波速度结构.研究结果显示:研究区地壳平均S波速度,沿剖面呈现自西向东先增大后减小的分带性,内带中、下地壳速度较高,尤其是下地壳存在明显的高速异常(VS约3.8~4.2 km·s-1);丽江-小金河断裂带和水城-紫云断裂带的东西两侧,中上地壳存在低速层(VS约3.3 km·s-1),尤其是水城-紫云断裂带东西两侧的中地壳低速层尤为明显.结合本文以及现有的系列研究结果,进一步确认内带中、下地壳高速对应二叠纪古地幔柱作用的遗迹,大规模岩浆的底侵和内侵,不仅改造了滇中块体的地壳结构和组分,而且也改变了地壳的流变强度,进而对现今青藏高原东南缘的深部过程产生了深远影响. 相似文献
许多研究人员利用GPS测量的速度资料计算了地应变率场,但其结果差异较大. 本文将地质统计学中的Kriging方法引入到GPS观测的速度场研究中, 通过Kriging插值得到青藏高原及邻区均匀网格节点上的速度值,然后运用有限单元中形函数(Lagrange插值函数)的求导方法,计算每个网格单元积分点处的地应变率分量,从而获得青藏高原及邻区的地应变率场的分布. 计算结果显示,青藏高原主体处在南北向受挤压、东西向被拉张的应变状态之中,但高原东部地区则正好相反,即南北向拉张、东西向出现挤压. 青藏高原及邻区主应变率的方位与震源机制解中P轴、T轴的方向基本一致;最大主压应变率的高值区分布在喜马拉雅主边界冲断带及附近地区,高原内部出现主张应变率大于压应变率的现象,且高原内部处在拉张应变状态. 面膨胀率结果也表明,喜马拉雅山及附近地区为面收缩区,而高原内部其他地区主要为膨胀区;最大剪应变率分布清晰地显示出青藏高原周边的主要断裂带轮廓. 文中的应变率计算结果预示青藏高原及周边地区现今的地应变与较长期的地质活动之间有一定的继承关系. 相似文献
由于受到SN和EW双向挤压作用的综合影响,处于年轻高原与古老地块交接区的青藏高原东北部岩石圈强烈变形,构造活动十分活跃.为了整体性地了解青藏高原东北部重力场和深部动力学机制,本文基于EGM2008全球重力场模型数据,利用小波多尺度分析获得不同尺度的重力异常信息;同时反演了研究区的地壳厚度;通过构建穿越龙门山造山带和西秦岭造山带两条剖面的岩石圈密度结构模型,分析了地壳上地幔内不同介质的分布特征.研究结果表明,青藏高原东北部岩石圈显示十分复杂的塑性体的特征,其重力异常走向多以EW或SSE为主,反映了高原岩石圈物质向东运移的趋势;地壳厚度由西向东逐渐减薄,边缘造山带深部并没有发现"山根"痕迹,结合该地区低重力的特征,推测西秦岭-松潘构造结岩石圈发生过大规模地幔流底侵作用;地幔流上涌的动力可能来源于印度板块向欧亚大陆板块俯冲,激发了地幔流体侧向移动,在扬子地台和华北地台附近受到坚硬岩石圈的阻挡而被迫上移,并因此造成龙门山与西秦岭的隆升. 相似文献
The interpretation of the Jarrafa magnetic and gravity highs, NW Libyan offshore, suggests that it may be caused by a body of high-density and high magnetization. Analysis of their power spectra indicates two groups of sources at: (1) 2.7 km depth, probably related to the igneous rocks, some of which were penetrated in the JA-1 borehole, (2) 5 km depth, corresponding to the top of the causative body and (3) 10 km depth, probably referring to the local basement depth. The boundary analysis derived from applied horizontal gradient to both gravity and magnetic data reveals lineaments many of which can be related to geological structures (grabens, horsts and faults).The poor correlation between pseudogravity fields for induced magnetization and observed gravity fields strongly suggests that the causative structure has a remanent magnetization ( D = −16°, I = 23°) of Early Cretaceous age, fitting with the opening of the Neo Tethys 3 Ocean.Three-dimensional interpretation techniques indicate that the magnetic source of the Jarrafa magnetic anomaly has a magnetization intensity of 0.46 A/m, which is required to simulate the amplitude of the observed magnetic anomaly. The magnetic model shows that it has a base level at 15 km.The history of the area combined with the analysis and interpretation of the gravity and magnetic data suggests that: (1) the source of the Jarrafa anomaly is a mafic igneous rock and it may have formed during an Early Cretaceous extensional phase and (2) the Jarrafa basin was left-laterally sheared along the WNW Hercynian North Graben Fault Zone, during its reactivation in the Early Cretaceous. 相似文献
Southeastern Tibet, which has complex topography and strong tectonic activity, is an important area for studying the subsurface deformation of the Tibetan Plateau. Through the two-station method on 10-year teleseismic Rayleigh wave data from 132 permanent stations in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which incorporates ambient noise data, we obtain the interstation phase velocity dispersion data in the period range of 5–150s. Then, we invert for the shear wave velocity of the crust and upper mantle through the direct 3-D inversion method. We find two low-velocity belts in the mid-lower crust. One belt is mainly in the SongPan-GangZi block and northwestern part of the Chuan-Dian diamond block, whereas the other belt is mainly in the Xiaojiang fault zone and its eastern part, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The low-velocity belt in the Xiaojiang fault zone is likely caused by plastic deformation or partial melting of felsic rocks due to crustal thickening. Moreover, the significant positive radial anisotropy(VSHVSV) around the Xiaojiang fault zone further enhances the amplitude of low velocity anomaly in our VSVmodel.This crustal low-velocity zone also extends southward across the Red River fault and farther to northern Vietnam, which may be closely related to heat sources in the upper mantle. The two low-velocity belts are separated by a high-velocity zone near the Anninghe-Zemuhe fault system, which is exactly in the inner and intermediate zones of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP). We find an obvious high-velocity body situated in the crust of the inner zone of the ELIP, which may represent maficultramafic material that remained in the crust when the ELIP formed. In the upper mantle, there is a large-scale low-velocity anomaly in the Indochina and South China blocks south of the Red River fault. The low-velocity anomaly gradually extends northward along the Xiaojiang fault zone into the Yangtze Craton as depth increases. Through our velocity model, we think that southeastern Tibet is undergoing three different tectonic modes at the same time:(1) the upper crust is rigid, and as a result, the tectonic mode is mainly rigid block extrusion controlled by large strike-slip faults;(2) the viscoplastic materials in the middlelower crust, separated by rigid materials related to the ELIP, migrate plastically southward under the control of the regional stress field and fault systems; and(3) the upper mantle south of the Red River fault is mainly controlled by large-scale asthenospheric upwelling and may be closely related to lithospheric delamination and the eastward subduction and retreat of the Indian plate beneath Burma. 相似文献
建立了三维黏度扰动下的变黏度地幔对流模型,并提供了在引入地幔的三维地震波速度结构下相应的求解方法. 依此反演了瑞利数Ra = 106时,两种不同边界条件下的极、环型场对流图像,这有助于深化对地幔物质流动和大地构造运动的深部动力学过程的认识和理解. 研究结果表明,不但地幔浅部的极型场对流图像显示出了与大地构造运动的相关性并揭示了其深部动力学过程,更重要的是,地幔浅部的环型场对流图像首次为我们认识和理解板块构造的水平与旋转运动提供了重要的信息:环型场速度剖面中在赤道附近存在一条大致南东东—北西西向的强对流条带,可能与环赤道附近大型剪切带的形成相关,进而表明可能是该带强震发生的深部动力学背景;在南北半球存在的旋转方向相反的对流环表明它们整体上可能存在差异旋转. 相似文献
岩石圈黏度是大陆动力学研究中一个重要参数,但是岩石圈黏度,尤其是横向小尺度(< 100 km)黏度结构的确定是一个挑战.本文根据电阻率和黏度与它们控制因素的相似关系,直接把一条跨过青藏高原东缘和四川龙门山断裂带的大地电磁(MT)探测的电阻率剖面转换成黏度结构作为输入,在GPS速度和地表地形数据的约束下,利用地球动力学数值模拟获得了该剖面的二维地壳/岩石圈黏度结构.本文推断的黏度与前人获得的区域尺度的黏度值一致,但揭示出了更多的细节.本文的黏度结构揭示出研究区域内的地壳/岩石圈黏度存在较大的空间变化范围(约5量级),黏度值分布在1.48×1017~8.44×1022 Pa·s之间;龙门山断裂带下的黏度存在强烈的小尺度横向变化,其中、下地壳的黏度分别为1.99×1018~8.21×1020 Pa·s(平均1.17×1020 Pa·s)和4.09×1019~7.08×1020 Pa·s(平均1.77×1020 Pa·s).基于该黏度结构的地球动力学模型表明驱动青藏高原中-下地壳物质流动的可能是热-化学浮力,以及上地壳和中-下地壳可能处于解耦状态.本文获得的黏度结构可以为龙门山断裂带地震成因和机制、岩石圈小尺度变形和构造应力状态的深入研究提供重要的帮助. 相似文献
在喜马拉雅造山带的东缘,雅鲁藏布江缝合带在这里发生急剧转折,南迦巴瓦变质体快速隆起,然而关于东构造结的形成机制一直未有定论.利用围绕南迦巴瓦峰的48个宽频带地震台站记录的远震数据提取P波接收函数,采用改进的H-κ叠加方法和共转换点叠加方法综合研究了东构造结的地壳厚度、波速比分布和地壳结构特征.结果表明:研究区平均地壳厚度为64.03 km,大部分台站介于60.48~66.55 km范围;平均波速比为1.728,主要集中范围为1.696~1.742.东构造结地壳厚度横向变化剧烈,构造结西端和北端厚而中间薄,东构造结核部Moho面呈现上隆的构造形态,东西向上隆幅度约为6~7 km,南北向的上隆超过9~10 km.东构造结核部地壳上隆减薄可能由高密度、高波速的岩石圈撕裂残片拆沉到上地幔软流圈后重力失衡所致.平均波速比超过1.8的高值异常展布于东构造结的两侧,推测为环东构造结的壳内部分熔融体.东构造结地壳上隆减薄和壳内部分熔融的存在很可能均与幔源热物质的上涌有关,而软流圈地幔的上涌则可能由印度板片的撕裂引起. 相似文献
We have constrained the shear-wave structure of crust and upper mantle beneath Iceland by analyzing fundamental mode Rayleigh waves recorded at the ICEMELT and HOTSPOT seismic stations in Iceland. The crust varies in thickness from 20 to 28 km in western and northern Iceland and from 26 to 34 km in eastern Iceland. The thickest crust of 34–40 km lies in central Iceland, roughly 100 km west to the current location of the Iceland hotspot. The crust at the hotspot is ∼32 km thick and is underlain by low shear-wave velocities of 4.0–4.1 km/s in the uppermost mantle, indicating that the Moho at the hotspot is probably a weak discontinuity. This low velocity anomaly beneath the hotspot could be associated with partial melting and hot temperature. The lithosphere in Iceland is confined above 60 km and a low velocity zone (LVZ) is imaged at depths of 60 to 120 km. Shear wave velocity in the LVZ is up to 10% lower than a global reference model, indicating the influence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the hotspot in Iceland. The lowest velocities in the LVZ are found beneath the rift zones, suggesting that plume material is channeled along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At depths of 100 to 200 km, low velocity anomalies appear at the Tjornes fracture zone to the north of Iceland and beneath the western volcanic zone in southwestern Iceland. Interestingly, a relatively fast anomaly is imaged beneath the hotspot with its center at ∼135 km depth, which could be due to radial anisotropy associated with the strong upwelling within the plume stem or an Mg-enriched mantle residual caused by the extensive extraction of melts. 相似文献
According to the experimental studies on the rheology of two important mantle rocks (eclogite and harzburgite), the rheological properties of the deep subducted oceanic lithosphere are investigated by assuming a simplified harzburgite type slab model with moderate thickness of basaltic layer. When the mantle convergence rate is small or the subducting slab has been trapped in the mantle for an enough long time, the strength profile of the slab is characterized by a strong subducting crustal component lying on a weak subducting upper mantle. However, if the convergence rate is large enough, the subducting slab will be featured only by a rigid cold center. Our study suggests that the detachment of the subducting crust component from the underlying upper mantle is only likely to happen in hot slow subducting slabs, but not the cold fast subducting lithosphere. Rheological properties of the harzburgitic and the eclogitic upper mantle vary with depths. The eclogitic upper mantle is stronger than the peridotitic upper mantle across the upper mantle. Transition zone is the high strength and high viscosity layer in the upper mantle except the lithosphere. 相似文献
The electrical conductivity of a single crystal of San Carlos olivine (Fo 92, 0.16 wt.% Fe 2O 3) has been measured as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity (fO 2). After heating to 1338°C at fO 2 = 10 ?12 atm., the conductivity at 950°C was 10 ?5 (ohm-m) ?1, almost 3 orders of magnitude less than that measured in air. This decrease is due to the reduction of Fe 3+ to Fe 2+. Further heating to 1500°C at fO 2 = 10 ?14 atm., decreased the electrical conductivity at 950°C to 10 ?6 (ohm-m) ?1. When recovered at room temperature, the speciment had Fo 96 composition and contained small, opaque blebs distributed throughout the crystal. Derivations of temperature profiles for the earth's mantle from conductivity-depth models must take account of the important role played by iron oxidation state in the electrical conductivity of olivine. 相似文献
Mechanical isostasy of the lithosphere in the South Atlantic Ocean was studied using information on gravity anomalies and bathymetry with additional constraints imposed by the altimetric geoid. The isostatic responses (admittances) over the Walvis Ridge, Rio Grande Rise and Trindade Seamount Chain were computed using a three-dimensional algorithm. The eastern Walvis Ridge and the Rio Grande Rise have the same response, which is well explained by an Airy model of isostasy. The other features are regionally supported. A variation in the thickness of the elastic plate was found along the western Walvis Ridge. A high value of the elastic plate thickness (20 km) was found under the Trindade Chain. Geodynamic implications are discussed in the light of these results. 相似文献
High-temperature and high-pressure recovery experiments were made on experimentally deformed olivines at temperatures of 1613–1788 K and pressures of 0.1 MPa to 2.0 GPa. In the high-pressure experiments, a piston cylinder apparatus was used with BN and NaCl powder as the pressure medium, and the hydrostatic condition of the pressure was checked by test runs with low dislocation density samples. No dislocation multiplication was observed. The kinetics of the dislocation annihilation process were examined by different initial dislocation density runs and shown to be of second order, i.e. where ρ is the dislocation density, k 0 is a constant, are the activation energy and volume respectively, and P, R and T are pressure, gas constant and temperature, respectively. Activation energy and volume were estimated from the temperature and pressure dependence of the dislocation annihilation rate as and , respectively.The diffusion constants relevant to the dislocation annihilation process were estimated from a theoretical relation k= αD where is the diffusion constant and α is a non-dimensional constant of ca. 300. The results agree well with the self-diffusion constant of oxygen in olivine. This suggests that the dislocation annihilation is rate-controlled by the (oxygen) diffusion-controlled dislocation climb.The mechanisms of creep in olivine and dry dunite are examined by using the experimental data of static recovery. It is suggested that the creep of dry dunite is rate-controlled by recovery at cell walls or at grain boundaries which is rate-controlled by oxygen diffusion. Creep activation volume is estimated to be 16±3 cm 3 mol ?1. 相似文献
The Middle-Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt(MLYMB) is an important mineral resource region in China.High-resolution crustal models can provide crucial constraints to understand the ore-forming processes and geodynamic setting in this region. Using ambient seismic noise from 107 permanent and 82 portable stations in the MLYMB and the adjacent area,we present a new high-resolution 3D S-wave velocity model of this region. We first extract 5–50 s Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion data by calculating ambient noise cross-correlation functions(CFs) and then use the surface wave direct inversion method to invert the mixed path travel times for the 3D S-wave velocity structure. Checkerboard tests show that the horizontal resolution of the 3D S-wave velocity model is approximately 0.5°–1.0° and that the vertical resolution decreases with increasing noise and depth. Our high-resolution 3D S-wave velocity model reveals:(1) AV-shaped high-velocity zone(HVZ) is located in the lower crust and the uppermost mantle in the study region. The western branch of the HVZ passes through the Jianghan Basin,the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt and the Nanxiang Basin. The eastern branch, which almost completely covers the main body of the MLYMB, is located near the Tanlu Fault. The low-velocity anomalies between the western and eastern branches are located in the area of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt.(2) High-velocity uplifts(HVUs) are common in the crust of the MLYMB,especially in the areas near the Tanlu Fault, the Changjiang Fault and the Yangxin-Changzhou Fault. The intensities of the HVUs gradually weaken from west to east. The V-shaped HVZ in the lower crust and uppermost mantle and the HVUs in the middle and lower crust likely represent cooled mantle intrusive rocks. During the Yanshanian period, fault systems formed in the MLYMB due to the convergence between the South China Plate and the North China Plate, the multiple-direction drifting of the PaleoPacific Plate and its subduction beneath the Eurasian Plate. The dehydration of the cold oceanic crust led to partial melting in the upper mantle. Temperature differences caused strong convection of the upper mantle material that underplated the lower crust and rose to near the surface along the deep fault systems. After mixing with the crustal materials, mineralization processes, such as assimilation and fractional crystallization, occurred in the MLYMB. 相似文献