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Calibration is a key issue for quantitative application of meteorological satellite data.The complex space environment may cause many uncertainties in data cali...  相似文献   

探月雷达作为嫦娥三号和嫦娥四号月球探测任务中最重要的科学载荷之一,其目标是探测月壤及地下结构信息.然而,嫦娥三号探月雷达的第二通道数据受到横向杂波的干扰,使得有用的反射信息被掩盖.这些杂波可以认为是影响数据质量的横向噪声,使得探月雷达数据信噪比低,影响数据解释.本文将利用shearlet变换对探月雷达数据进行信号分析与...  相似文献   

Nanophase Fe metal grains (np-Fe°) are a product of space weathering, formed by processes related to meteorite impacts, and solar-wind sputtering on airless planetary bodies, such as the Moon. Iron isotopes of lunar soils are fractionated during these processes, and the np-Fe° in the finest (<10 μm), mature, size fractions of the soil become enriched in heavier isotopes by ∼0.3‰ in 56Fe/54Fe in comparison to the bulk rocks (0.03±0.05‰), from which the soil was formed. A positive correlation of δ56Fe values with the soil maturity index, IS/FeO, suggests that the high δ56Fe values reflect production of nanophase Fe metal that is produced by space weathering that occurs on airless planetary bodies. Furthermore, the enrichment of δ56Fe in the smallest size fraction of lunar soils supports a model for creation of np-Fe° through vapor deposition induced by micrometeorites, as well as that by solar-wind sputtering.  相似文献   

Polymict samples can be used to establish mass-balance constraints regarding the bulk composition of the lunar crust, and to gauge the degree of regional heterogeneity in the composition of the lunar crust. The most ideally polymict type of sample is finely-mixed regolith (lunar soil), or its lithified equivalent, regolith breccia. Fortunately, lunar regolith breccias can occasionally be found at great distances from their points of origin — most of the known lunar meteorites are regolith breccias. We are searching for examples of exotic regolith samples among the Apollo regolith breccia collection. Most of the 21 Apollo regolith breccias analyzed for this study strongly resemble the local soils over which they were collected. Nine regolith breccias from Apollo 16 are surprisingly mature compared to previously-analyzed Apollo 16 regolith breccias, and six of the seven from Apollo 16 Station 5 have lower, more local-soil-like,mg ratios than previously analyzed regolith breccias from this station. Several of the Apollo 14 regolith breccias investigated show significantly highermg, and lower Al, than the local soils.The most interesting sample we have investigated is 14076,1, from a lithology that constitutes roughly half of a 2.0-g pebble. The presence of spherules indicates a regolith derivation for 14076,1, yet its highly aluminous (30 wt.% Al2O3) composition is clearly exotic to the 1.6-km traverse surface over which the Apollo 14 samples were collected. This sample resembles soils from the Descartes (Apollo 16) highlands far more than it does any other polymict sample from the Fra Mauro (Apollo 14) region. The I/sFeO maturity index is extremely low, but this may be a result of thermal annealing. A variety of siderophile elements occur in 14076,1 at typical regolith concentrations. The chemistry of the second most aluminous regolith sample from Apollo 14, 14315, can only be roughly approximated as a mixture of local regolith and 14076,1-like material. However, the low a priori statistical probability for long-distance horizontal transport by impact cratering, along with the relatively high contents of incompatible elements in 14076,1 (despite its high Al content), suggest that this regolith breccia probably originated within a few hundred kilometers of the Appollo 14 site. If so, its compositional resemblance to ferroan anorthosite tends to suggest that the regional crust is, or originally was, far richer in ferroan anorthosite than implied by the meager statistics for pristine rocks from this site. Thus, 14076,1 tends to strengthen the hypothesis that ferroan anorthosite originated as the flotation crust of a global magmasphere.  相似文献   

Lunar equatorial regolith temperature profiles were simulated using the half-limited solid heat conduction model. Based on the infrared data measured using the Diviner radiometer on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter launched by the United Sates in June 2009, three factors influencing temperature profiles were analyzed. The infrared brightness temperature data from Diviner channel 7 were used to retrieve surface temperature. In simulating regolith temperature profiles, the retrieved temperature, rather than temperatures calculated from solar radiance at the lunar surface, were used as the input for surface temperature in solving the heat-conductive equation. The results showed that the bottom-layer temperature at depths of 6 m approached almost 246 K after 10000 iterations. The temperature was different to the temperature of 250 K at the same depth encountered in simulations using solar radiance. Simulations from both methods of surface temperatures over a lunar day gave similar variations. At lunar night, the temperature difference between the two was about 2 K; the main differences occurred when the solar elevation angle was very low when surface temperatures are largely affected by terrain topography. With no certainty in lunar temperature profiles at present, the advantage of the retrieval method using infrared sensor data as input to the boundary conditions in solving the lunar heat conduction equation is that simulations of surface temperature variations are more accurate. This is especially true in areas with large variations in terrain topography, where surface temperatures vary greatly because of shading from the sunlight.  相似文献   


行星内部对流计算中, 一般都将其表面温度作为常温处理.但在月球、水星等无大气的天体表面, 温度与纬度明显相关, 月球两极和赤道的平均温度相差可以达到100 K以上.纬度相关的温度边界条件, 是否会影响天体早期对流特征与内部热状态, 过去没有得到重视和研究.本文使用有限元方法进行了二维球壳对流模型的热演化模拟, 以评估无大气行星上, 与纬度高度相关的表面温度对其内部对流和演化的影响.模拟计算结果表明, 表面温度会对月球对流形态产生较大影响, 两极因为相对更冷而易于形成下降流, 上升流更倾向于从赤道位置开始, 在早期演化中表现得尤为明显.受边界条件影响, 月球两极与赤道的岩石圈厚度差异可以达到400 km以上.今后在研究太阳系内月球、水星一类没有大气的天体演化、特别是早期演化时, 对于表面温度纬度相关分布的影响应该予以考虑.


The nitrogen-doped TiO(2) nanotube (N-TNT) thin films were synthesized using ZnO nanorods as the template and doped with urea at 623K. Under ultraviolet (UV) and visible light irradiation, the efficiencies for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue is as high as 30%. About 10% of toluene (representing aromatics in the spill oils) in sea water can be photocatalytically degraded under visible light radiation for 120 min. The aliphatic model compound (1-hexadecene) has, on the contrary, a less efficiency (8%) on the N-TNT photocatalyst. On the average, under visible light radiation, the effectnesses of the N-TNT for photocatalytic degradation of model compounds in the spill oils in sea water are 0.38 mg toluene/gN-TNTh and 0.25 mg 1-hexadecene/gN-TNTh. It is expected that spill oils in the harbors or seashores can be adsorbed and photocatalytically degraded on the N-TNT thin films that are coated onto levee at the sea water surface level.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems have been identified as a globally significant source of nitrous oxide(N_2O) due to continuous active nitrogen involvement, but the processes and influencing factors that control N_2O production are still poorly understood, especially in reservoirs. For that, monthly N_2O variations were monitored in Dongfeng reservoir(DFR)with a mesotrophic condition. The dissolved N_2O concentration in DFR displayed a distinct spatial–temporal pattern but lower than that in the eutrophic reservoirs. During the whole sampling year, N_2O saturation ranging from 144% to 640%, indicating that reservoir acted as source of atmospheric N_2O. N_2O production is induced by the introduction of nitrogen(NO_3~-, NH_4~+) in mesotrophic reservoirs, and is also affected by oxygen level and water temperature. Nitrification was the predominate process for N_2O production in DFR due to well-oxygenated longitudinal water layers.Mean values of estimated N_2O flux from the air–water interface averaged 0.19 μmol m~(-2)h~(-1) with a range of 0.01–0.61 μmol m~(-2)h~(-1). DFR exhibited less N_2O emission flux than that reported in a nearby eutrophic reservoir, but still acted as a moderate N_2O source compared with other reservoirs and lakes worldwide. Annual emissions from the water–air interface of DFR were estimated to be 0.32×10~5 mol N–N_2O, while N_2O degassing from releasing water behind the dam during power generation was nearly five times greater. Hence, N_2O degassing behind the dam should be taken into account for estimation of N_2O emissions from artificial reservoirs, an omission that historically has probably resulted in underestimates. IPCC methodology should consider more specifically N_2O emission estimation in aquatic ecosystems, especially in reservoirs, the default EF5 model will lead to an overestimation.  相似文献   

A comparison of lunar ilmenites (Apollo 11, 10047, 13) with terrestrial ilmenites by means of electron microprobe analysis, X-ray and Mössbauer spectrometry showed that the lunar samples contained no Fe3+ but excess Ti3+. This causes an increase of thec-axis as compared with stoichiometric ilmenite.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of a simulated Apollo 12 lunar soil sample was measured with a needle probe under vacuum. The result showed that the sample, with bulk densities of 1.70–1.85 g cm?3 held in a vertical cylinder (2.54 cm in diameter and 6.99 cm long) has a thermal conductivity ranging from 8.8 to 10.9 mW m?1 K?1. This is comparable to the lunar regolith's thermal conductivity as determined in situ. Besides the dense packing of the soil particles, an enhanced intergranular thermal contact, due to the self-compression of the sample, is necessary to raise the sample's thermal conductivity from the level of loose soil (< 5 mW m?1 K?1) to that of the lunar regolith deeper than 35 cm (~ 10 mW m?1 K?1). A model of the lunar regolith, a thin layer of loose soil resting on a compacted self-compressed substratum, is consistent with the lunar regolith's surface structure as deduced from an observation of the lunar surface's brightness temperature. Martian regolith surface structure is similar, except that its surface layer may be missing in places because of aeolian activity. Measurements of thermal conductivity under simulated martian surface conditions showed that the thermal properties of loose and compacted soils agreed with the two peak values of the martian surface's thermal inertia as observed from “Viking” orbiters, suggesting that drifted loose soil and exposed compacted soil are responsible for the bimodal distribution of the martian surface's thermal inertia near zero elevation. For compacted soil exposed to the martian surface to have the same thermal conductivity as that buried under the surface layer, a cohesion of the soil particles must be assumed.  相似文献   

月球重力场是月球科学研究的重要部分,是进一步了解月球内部结构和构造的基础,也是我国探月计划“嫦娥工程”一个重要的科学研究内容.本文针对“嫦娥工程”,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNII/SOLVE轨道分析软件,分析计算了利用单星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场的能力,同时模拟计算了双星跟踪数据在恢复月球重力场方面的能力,结合可能的工程环境我们对两种情况分别给出了30天、60天和90天的计算结果.计算表明双星相比于单星对月球重力场的中低阶位系数有比较显著的改善.  相似文献   

Summary The lunar semidiurnal variation of ionospheric absorption at Freiburg and of thef 0 F2 at, Genova, Freiburg and Léopoldville has been deduced. The results are compared with those obtained by other Authors. Magnetic dip, rather than geomagnetic latitude, is found to be a parameter controlling the morphology of the lunar semidiurnal variation of theF2 layer. Finally, a graphical representation of the amplitude of lunar semidiurnal variation off 0 F2 as function of the magnetic dip is also given.
Riassunto Viene determinata la variazione lunare semidiurna dell'assorbimento ionosferico per Friburgo e della frequenza critica dello stratoF2 per Genova, Friburgo, Léopoldville. I risultati sono confrontati con quelli ottenuti da altri Autori per varie stazioni situate in diverse parti del globo. In particolare si trova che la inclinazione magnetica, meglio della latitudine geomagnetica, è il parametro che regola la morfologia della variazione lunare inF2. Infine si dà una rappresentazione grafica dell'ampiezza della variazione lunare dellaf 0 F2 come funzione dell'inclinazione magnetica.

This research was supported by a grant from the Committee on Lunar Variation (IAGA). The paper has been presented at the XII-Assembly of the I.G.G.U. in Helsinki (July–August 1960).  相似文献   

于2014年4、7和10月以及2015年1月(分别代表春、夏、秋和冬季)对鄱阳湖13个常规监测点表层水体中氧化亚氮(N_2O)浓度进行测定,并选择合适的模型估算其释放量.结果表明,鄱阳湖全年N_2O平均浓度为32.57±17.35 nmol/L,总体处于过饱和状态,平均饱和度为256.83%±129.05%.鄱阳湖N_2O年平均交换通量为0.83±0.69μmol/(m2·h).鄱阳湖水体N_2O季节性释放规律为春季最高,平均交换通量为1.71μmol/(m2·h),其次是夏季和冬季,秋季最低.从空间上来看,春季北部湖区交换通量显著高于南部湖区.相关性分析表明,铵态氮浓度是影响夏季和冬季鄱阳湖水体N_2O产生的主要因素.结合水域面积初步估算出全年释放N_2O约1.29×107mol,其中春季和夏季是鄱阳湖水体N_2O释放的高峰期,总释放量约占全年的80.40%.全年通过N_2O输出氮素约为361.93 t,对鄱阳湖流域内N_2O分布及质量平衡具有一定影响.  相似文献   

Ro-vibrational band head emissions from highly rotationally-excited NO+(v,J) (J⩾90) have been observed for quiescent and aurorally disturbed conditions at tangent altitudes between approximately 100 and 215 km in the terrestrial thermosphere. The formation of these band heads in NO+ requires very high rotational excitation with rotational energy of at least 1.9 eV. The data were obtained between 28 and 30 April 1991 with the CIRRIS-1A cryogenic interferometer from on board the space shuttle. These are the first observations of non-thermal rotational emissions from NO+ in the airglow. Several possible sources of these non-thermal emissions are discussed. This is the third in a series of recent discoveries (all from the CIRRIS-1A data base) of significant non-thermal rotational effects in an important atmospheric species.  相似文献   

We present new shock devolatilization recovery data for brucite (Mg(OH)2) shocked to 13 and 23 GPa. These data combined with previous data for serpentine (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4) are used to constrain the minimum size terrestrial planet for which planetesimal infall will result in an impact-generated water atmosphere. Assuming a chondritic abundance of minerals including 3–6%, by mass water, in hydrous phyllosilicates, we carried out model calculations simulating the interaction of metallic iron with impact-released free water on the surface of the accreting Earth. We assume that the reaction of water with iron in the presence of enstatite is the prime source of the terrestrial FeO component of silicates and oxides. Lower and upper bounds on the terrestrial FeO budget are based on mantle FeO content and possible incorporation of FeO in the outer core. We demonstrate that the iron-water reaction would result in the absence of atmospheric/hydrospheric water, if homogeneous accretion is assumed. In order to obtain1025g of atmospheric water by the end of accretion, slightly heterogeneous accretion with initially 36% by mass iron planetesimals, as compared to a homogeneous value of 34% is required. Such models yield final FeO budgets, which either require a higher FeO content of the mantle (17 wt.%) or oxygen as a light element in the outer core of the Earth.  相似文献   

A discharge flow apparatus with chemiluminescence detector has been used to study the reaction O + ClO --> Cl + O2, where O2 = O2(a1 delta g) or O2(b1 sigma+ g). The measured quantum yields for producing O2(a1 delta g) and O2(b1 sigma+ g) in the above reaction are less than 2.5 x 10(-2) and equal to (4.4 +/- 1.1) x 10(-4), respectively. The observed O2(a1 delta g) airglow of Venus cannot be explained in the context of standard photochemistry using our experimental results and those reported in recent literature. The possibility of an alternative source of O atoms derived from SO2 photolysis in the mesosphere of Venus is suggested.  相似文献   

A miniaturized, lightweight and low-cost UV correlation spectrometer, the FLYSPEC, has been developed as an alternative for the COSPEC, which has long been the mainstay for monitoring volcanic sulfur dioxide fluxes. Field experiments have been conducted with the FLYSPEC at diverse volcanic systems, including Masaya (Nicaragua), Poás (Costa Rica), Stromboli, Etna and Vulcano (Italy), Villarica (Chile) and Kilauea (USA). We present here those validation measurements that were made simultaneously with COSPEC at Kilauea between March 2002 and February 2003. These experiments, with source emission rates that ranged from 95 to 1,560 t d−1, showed statistically identical results from both instruments. SO2 path-concentrations ranged from 0 to >1,000 ppm-m with average correlation coefficients greater than r 2=0.946. The small size and low cost create the opportunity for FLYSPEC to be used in novel deployment modes that have the potential to revolutionize the manner in which volcanic and industrial monitoring is performed.  相似文献   

Titanium concentrations have been derived from measurements with the lunar-orbiting gamma-ray experiment on Apollo 15 and 16 by analyzing a spectral interval in which the titanium signal is relatively enhanced. Landing site soil values provide the reference for a regression curve from which Ti concentrations in 137 regions of adequate counting statistics are calculated. Among the mare regions overflown, the southern portion of Mare Tranquillitatis contains the highest Ti concentration (4.4%), Mare Serenitatis, Mare Fecunditatis, and Mare Smythii have intermediate values corresponding to low-Ti basalts, and Mare Crisium is conspicuously low in Ti (0.9%). Regional values in the western maria range from 1.1% to 4.1%, somewhat higher in the north than in the south, with the highest values seen south and west of Aristarchus. The Aristarchus Plateau appears chemically distinct from the surrounding mare. The younger western basalts mapped by the experiment do not appear to be identical to the Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts. Low-Ti basalts predominate in the observed mare regions. Highland Ti concentrations range from undetectable to 1.5% with several exceptions; accuracy is limited by the relatively large uncertainty. Highland results suggest a north-south asymmetry which is not consistent with previously reported results for Fe and Th. Comparisons with telescopic spectral reflectance studies of the maria do not show complete agreement and suggest that effects due to Fe may not have been fully removed from the reflectance data.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundances and activity, estimated by 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining (DAPI) and the reduction of 2-(p-iodophenyl)-3-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride (INT), were investigated in two oligotrophic artificial groundwater lakes and the surrounding aquifers. To evaluate the effect of lake water on groundwater downstream, samples were taken from wells at different distances from the lakes, and the total number of bacteria and the number of active bacteria in these samples were compared with samples collected upstream. In addition, sterilized sandy sediments were exposed in groundwater wells to measure the number and activity of bacteria attached to particles. At one of the study sites, where the lake sediments were disturbed by dredging, total bacterial abundance and the number of respiring bacteria in the groundwater aquifer was clearly influenced by the lake water. The average bacterial abundances decreased from 2.6 ± 1.9 × 105 cells ml−1 in the well closest to the lake (S2) to 2.9 ± 3.8 × 104 cells ml−1 in the most distant one (S4), which was equivalent to cell numbers in the upstream well. The number of respiring bacteria showed a similar tendency with 1.3 ± 2.7 × 104 active cells ml−1 in S2 and 1.9 ± 1.5 × 103 active cells ml−1 in S4. At the second study site, which was not influenced by dredging, bacteria in the downstream wells seemed not to be affected by the lake water. The number and activity of bacteria, which colonized exposed sediments, were not significantly different in the upstream and downstream wells, indicating a minor influence of lake water on this habitat. Our results suggest that gravel-pit lakes may influence the free living bacterial assemblages in nearshore groundwater systems, but do not visibly affect numbers and activity of bacteria attached to the surface of aquifer sediments.  相似文献   

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