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The elasticity of minerals at high temperature and pressure(PT) is critical for constraining the composition and temperature of the Earth's interior and understand better the deep water cycle and the dynamic Earth. First-principles calculations without introducing any adjustable parameters, whose results can be comparable to experimental data, play a more and more important role in investigating the elasticity of minerals at high PT mainly because of(1) the quick increasing of computational powers and(2) advances in method. For example, the new method reduces the computation loads to one-tenth of the traditional method with the comparable precise as the traditional method. This is extraordinarily helpful because first-principles calculations of the elasticity of minerals at high PT are extremely time-consuming. So far the elasticity of most of lower mantle minerals has been investigated in detail. We have good idea on the effect of temperature, pressure, and iron concentration on elasticity of main minerals of the lower mantle and the unusual softening in bulk modulus by the spin crossover of iron in ferropericlase. With these elastic data the lower mantle has been constrained to have 10–15 wt% ferropericlase, which is sufficient to generate some visible effects of spin crossover in seismic tomography. For example, the spin crossover causes that the temperature sensitivity of P wave at the depth of ~1700 km is only a fraction of that at the depth of ~2300 km. The disruptions of global P wave structure and of P wave image below hotspots such as Hawaii and Iceland at similar depth are in consistence with the spin crossover effect of iron in ferropericlase. The spin crossover, which causes anomalous thermodynamic properties of ferropericlase, has also been found to play a control role for the two features of the large low shear velocity provinces(LLSVPs): the sharp edge and high elevation up to 1000 km above core-mantle boundary. All these results clearly suggest the spin crossover of iron in the lower mantle. The theoretical investigations for the elasticity of minerals at the upper mantle and water effect on elasticity of minerals at the mantle transition zone and subducting slab have also been conducted extensively. These researches are critical for understanding better the composition of the upper mantle and water distribution and transport in the Earth's mantle. Most of these were static calculations, which did not include the vibrational(temperature) effect on elasticity, although temperature effect on elasticity is basic because of high temperature at the Earth's interior and huge temperature difference between the ambient mantle and the subducting slab. Including temperature effect on elasticity of minerals should be important future work. New method developed is helpful for these directions. The elasticity of iron and iron-alloy with various light elements has also been calculated extensively. However, more work is necessary in order to meet the demand for constraining the types and amount of light elements at the Earth's core.  相似文献   

The transport of water in subduction zones   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The transport of water from subducting crust into the mantle is mainly dictated by the stability of hydrous minerals in subduction zones. The thermal structure of subduction zones is a key to dehydration of the subducting crust at different depths. Oceanic subduction zones show a large variation in the geotherm, but seismicity and arc volcanism are only prominent in cold subduction zones where geothermal gradients are low. In contrast, continental subduction zones have low geothermal gradients, resulting in metamorphism in cold subduction zones and the absence of arc volcanism during subduction. In very cold subduction zone where the geothermal gradient is very low(?5?C/km), lawsonite may carry water into great depths of ?300 km. In the hot subduction zone where the geothermal gradient is high(25?C/km), the subducting crust dehydrates significantly at shallow depths and may partially melt at depths of 80 km to form felsic melts, into which water is highly dissolved. In this case, only a minor amount of water can be transported into great depths. A number of intermediate modes are present between these two end-member dehydration modes, making subduction-zone dehydration various. Low-T/low-P hydrous minerals are not stable in warm subduction zones with increasing subduction depths and thus break down at forearc depths of ?60–80 km to release large amounts of water. In contrast, the low-T/low-P hydrous minerals are replaced by low-T/high-P hydrous minerals in cold subduction zones with increasing subduction depths, allowing the water to be transported to subarc depths of 80–160 km. In either case, dehydration reactions not only trigger seismicity in the subducting crust but also cause hydration of the mantle wedge. Nevertheless, there are still minor amounts of water to be transported by ultrahigh-pressure hydrous minerals and nominally anhydrous minerals into the deeper mantle. The mantle wedge overlying the subducting slab does not partially melt upon water influx for volcanic arc magmatism, but it is hydrated at first with the lowest temperature at the slab-mantle interface, several hundreds of degree lower than the wet solidus of hydrated peridotites. The hydrated peridotites may undergo partial melting upon heating at a later time. Therefore, the water flux from the subducting crust into the overlying mantle wedge does not trigger the volcanic arc magmatism immediately.  相似文献   

In this study, we have modeled the density(ρ) and bulk sound velocity(VΦ) profiles of the bottom lower mantle using the experimental thermal equation of state(EoS) parameters of lower-mantle minerals, including bridgmanite, ferropericlase,CaSiO3-perovskite, and post-perovskite. We re-evaluated the literature pressure-volume-temperature relationships of these minerals using a self-consistent pressure scale in order to avoid the long-standing pressure scale problem and to provide more reliable constraints on the thermal EoS parameters. With the obtained thermal EoS parameters, we have constructed the ρ and VΦ profiles of the bottom lower mantle in different composition, mineralogy, and temperature models. Our modelling results show that the variations of chemistry, mineralogy, and temperature have different seismic signatures from each other. The Fe and Al enrichment at the bottom lower mantle can cause an increase in ρ but greatly lower VΦ. A change in mineralogy needs to be considered with the lateral variation in temperature. The cold slabs will be shown as denser regions compared to the normal mantle because of the combined effect of a lower temperature and the presence of a denser post-perovskite at a shallower depth,whereas the hot regions will have a 1–2% lower ρ than the normal mantle. VΦ of both cold slabs and hot regions will be lower than the normal mantle when bridgmanite is the dominant phase in the normal mantle, yet they will be greater once bridgmanite transforms into post-perovskite in the normal mantle. Our modeling also shows that the presence of a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile above the core-mantle boundary will exhibit a seismic signature of enhanced ρ and VΦ, but a reduced VS,which is consistent with the observed seismic anomalies in the large-low-shear-velocity-provinces(LLSVPs). The existence of such a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile thus can help to understand the origin of the LLSVPs. These results provide new insights for the chemical and structure of the deepest lower mantle.  相似文献   

Based on the Anapa (ANN) seismic station records of ~40 earthquakes (MW > 3.9) that occurred within ~300 km of the station since 2002 up to the present time, the source parameters and quality factor of the Earth’s crust (Q(f)) and upper mantle are estimated for the S-waves in the 1–8 Hz frequency band. The regional coda analysis techniques which allow separating the effects associated with seismic source (source effects) and with the propagation path of seismic waves (path effects) are employed. The Q-factor estimates are obtained in the form Q(f) = 90 × f 0.7 for the epicentral distances r < 120 km and in the form Q(f) = 90 × f1.0 for r > 120 km. The established Q(f) and source parameters are close to the estimates for Central Japan, which is probably due to the similar tectonic structure of the regions. The shapes of the source parameters are found to be independent of the magnitude of the earthquakes in the magnitude range 3.9–5.6; however, the radiation of the high-frequency components (f > 4–5 Hz) is enhanced with the depth of the source (down to h ~ 60 km). The estimates Q(f) of the quality factor determined from the records by the Sochi, Anapa, and Kislovodsk seismic stations allowed a more accurate determination of the seismic moments and magnitudes of the Caucasian earthquakes. The studies will be continued for obtaining the Q(f) estimates, geometrical spreading functions, and frequency-dependent amplification of seismic waves in the Earth’s crust in the other regions of the Northern Caucasus.  相似文献   

The VPREMOON seismic reference Moon model (Garcia et al., 2011) has been tested with respect to the thermal regime and chemical composition of the mantle. Based on a self-consistent thermodynamic approach and petrological models of the lunar mantle covering a wide range of concentrations of CaO, Al2O3, and FeO, we convert the P- and S-wave velocity profiles to the temperature–depth profiles. The solution procedure relies on the method of the Gibbs free energy minimization and the equations of state for the mantle material which take into account the effects of phase transformations, anharmonicity, and anelasticity. We find that regardless of the chemical composition, the positive P- and S-wave velocity gradient in the lunar mantle leads to a negative temperature gradient, which has no physical basis. For adequate mantle temperatures, the P- and S-wave velocities should remain almost constant or slightly decrease with depth (especially VS) as a result of the effects of the temperature, which grows faster than pressure. These findings underscore the importance of the relationship of the thermodynamics and physics of minerals with seismology.  相似文献   

The S wave velocity distribution in the Earth’s crust and the first two hundred kilometers of the upper mantle is inferred from data of a seismological linear network including 18 broadband stations installed in the framework of the international teleseismic experiment carried out in 2003 in the south of Siberia and in Mongolia. Models were constructed by using P-to-S received function inversion beneath each station. Vertical cross sections of S wave velocities from the surface to depths of 65 and 270 km covering the entire 1000-km profile are constructed by the linear spline interpolation of individual velocity models. The vertical sections are also represented as anomalies relative to the standard velocity model. The most intense low velocity anomalies (from ?3 to ?6%) in the crust and upper mantle are identified beneath the Sayan, Khamar-Daban, and Khangai highlands and the Djida fold zone and agree both with other geophysical data and with the distribution of Late Cenozoic volcanic fields. The results of this work suggest that the activation of Mongolian-Siberian highlands is largely connected with uplift of the asthenosphere to the base of the crust.  相似文献   

The Q-factor estimates of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle as the functions of frequency (Q(f)) are obtained for the seismic S-waves at frequencies up to ~35 Hz. The estimates are based on the data for ~40 earthquakes recorded by the Kislovodsk seismic station since 2000. The magnitudes of these events are MW > 3.8, the sources are located in the depth interval from 1 to 165 km, and the epicentral distances range from ~100 to 300 km. The Q-factor estimates are obtained by the methods developed by Aki and Rautian et al., which employ the suppression of the effects of the source radiation spectrum and local site responses in the S-wave spectra by the coda waves measured at a fixed lapse time (time from the first arrival). The radiation pattern effects are cancelled by averaging over many events whose sources are distributed in a wide azimuthal sector centered at the receiving site. The geometrical spreading was specified in the form of a piecewise-continuous function of distance which behaves as 1/R at the distances from 1 to 50 km from the source, has a plateau at 1/50 in the interval from 50–70 km to 130–150 km, and decays as \({\raise0.7ex\hbox{$1$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\sqrt R }}}\right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{${\sqrt R }$}}\) beyond 130–150 km. For this geometrical spreading model and some of its modifications, the following Q-factor estimates are obtained: Q(f) ~ 85f0.9 at the frequencies ranging from ~1 to 20 Hz and Q(f) ~ 75f1.0 at the frequencies ranging from ~1 to 35 Hz.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the world’s earthquakes with magnitudes M ≥ 6.5 for 1960–2013, it is shown that they cause global-scale coherent seismic oscillations which most distinctly manifest themselves in the period interval of 4–6 min during 1–3 days after the event. After these earthquakes, a repeated shock has an increased probability to occur in different seismically active regions located as far away as a few thousand km from the previous event, i.e., a remote interaction of seismic events takes place. The number of the repeated shocks N(t) decreases with time, which characterizes the memory of the lithosphere about the impact that has occurred. The time decay N(t) can be approximated by the linear, exponential, and powerlaw dependences. No distinct correlation between the spatial locations of the initial and repeated earthquakes is revealed. The probable triggering mechanisms of the remote interaction between the earthquakes are discussed. Surface seismic waves traveling several times around the Earth’s, coherent oscillations, and global source are the most preferable candidates. This may lead to the accumulation and coalescence of ruptures in the highly stressed or weakened domains of a seismically active region, which increases the probability of a repeated earthquake.  相似文献   

The use of seismic direct hydrocarbon indicators is very common in exploration and reservoir development to minimise exploration risk and to optimise the location of production wells. DHIs can be enhanced using AVO methods to calculate seismic attributes that approximate relative elastic properties. In this study, we analyse the sensitivity to pore fluid changes of a range of elastic properties by combining rock physics studies and statistical techniques and determine which provide the best basis for DHIs. Gassmann fluid substitution is applied to the well log data and various elastic properties are evaluated by measuring the degree of separation that they achieve between gas sands and wet sands. The method has been applied successfully to well log data from proven reservoirs in three different siliciclastic environments of Cambrian, Jurassic, and Cretaceous ages. We have quantified the sensitivity of various elastic properties such as acoustic and extended elastic (EEI) impedances, elastic moduli (K sat and K satμ), lambda–mu–rho method (λρ and μρ), P-to-S-wave velocity ratio (V P/V S), and Poisson’s ratio (σ) at fully gas/water saturation scenarios. The results are strongly dependent on the local geological settings and our modeling demonstrates that for Cambrian and Cretaceous reservoirs, K satμ, EEI, V P/V S, and σ are more sensitive to pore fluids (gas/water). For the Jurassic reservoir, the sensitivity of all elastic and seismic properties to pore fluid reduces due to high overburden pressure and the resultant low porosity. Fluid indicators are evaluated using two metrics: a fluid indicator coefficient based on a Gaussian model and an overlap coefficient which makes no assumptions about a distribution model. This study will provide a potential way to identify gas sand zones in future exploration.  相似文献   

The high-latitude geomagnetic effects of an unusually long initial phase of the largest magnetic storm (SymH ~–220 nT) in cycle 24 of the solar activity are considered. Three interplanetary shocks characterized by considerable solar wind density jumps (up to 50–60 cm–3) at a low solar wind velocity (350–400 km/s) approached the Earth’s magnetosphere during the storm initial phase. The first two dynamic impacts did not result in the development of a magnetic storm, since the IMF Bz remained positive for a long time after these shocks, but they caused daytime polar substorms (magnetic bays) near the boundary between the closed and open magnetosphere. The magnetic field vector diagrams at high latitudes and the behaviour of high-latitude long-period geomagnetic pulsations (ipcl and vlp) made it possible to specify the dynamics of this boundary position. The spatiotemporal features of daytime polar substorms (the dayside polar electrojet, PE) caused by sudden changes in the solar wind dynamic pressure are discussed in detail, and the singularities of ionospheric convection in the polar cap are considered. It has been shown that the main phase of this two-stage storm started rapidly developing only when the third most intense shock approached the Earth against a background of large negative IMF Bz values (to–39 nT). It was concluded that the dynamics of convective vortices and the related restructing of the field-aligned currents can result in spatiotemporal fluctuations in the closing ionospheric currents that are registered on the Earth’s surface as bay-like magnetic disturbances.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal mapping the minimum magnitude of completeness Mc and b-value of the Gutenberg–Richter law is conducted for the earthquake catalog data of Greece. The data were recorded by the seismic network of the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens (GINOA) in 1970–2010 and by the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN) in 2011–2014. It is shown that with the beginning of the measurements at HUSN, the number of the recorded events more than quintupled. The magnitude of completeness Mc of the earthquake catalog for 1970–2010 varies within 2.7 to 3.5, whereas starting from April 2011 it decreases to 1.5–1.8 in the central part of the region and fluctuates around the average of 2.0 in the study region overall. The magnitude of completeness Mc and b-value for the catalogs of the earthquakes recorded by the old (GINOA) and new (HUSN) seismic networks are compared. It is hypothesized that the magnitude of completeness Mc may affect the b-value estimates. The spatial distribution of the b-value determined from the HUSN catalog data generally agrees with the main geotectonic features of the studied territory. It is shown that the b-value is below 1 in the zones of compression and is larger than or equal to 1 in the zones dominated by extension. The established depth dependence of the b-value is pretty much consistent with the hypothesis of a brittle–ductile transition zone existing in the Earth’s crust. It is assumed that the source depth of a strong earthquake can probably be estimated from the depth distribution of the b-value, which can be used for seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The homologues temperature of a crystalline material is defined as T/T_m, where T is temperature and T_m is the melting(solidus) temperature in Kelvin. It has been widely used to compare the creep strength of crystalline materials. The melting temperature of olivine system,(Mg,Fe)_2SiO_4, decreases with increasing iron content and water content, and increases with confining pressure. At high pressure, phase transition will lead to a sharp change in the melting curve of olivine. After calibrating previous melting experiments on fayalite(Fe_2SiO_4), the triple point of fayalite-Fe_2SiO_4 spinel-liquid is determined to be at 6.4 GPa and 1793 K. Using the generalized means, the solidus and liquidus of dry olivine are described as a function of iron content and pressure up to 6.4 GPa. The change of T/T_m of olivine with depth allows us to compare the strength of the upper mantle with different thermal states and olivine composition. The transition from semi-brittle to ductile deformation in the upper mantle occurs at a depth where T/T_m of olivine equals 0.5. The lithospheric mantle beneath cratons shows much smaller T/T_m of olivine than orogens and extensional basins until the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary where T/T_m 0.66, suggesting a stronger lithosphere beneath cratons. In addition, T/T_m is used to analyze deformation experiments on olivine. The results indicate that the effect of water on fabric transitions in olivine is closely related with pressure. The hydrogen-weakening effect and its relationship with T/T_m of olivine need further investigation. Below 6.4 GPa(200 km), T/T_m of olivine controls the transition of dislocation glide from [100] slip to [001] slip. Under the strain rate of 10~(-12)–10~(-15) s~(-1) and low stress in the upper mantle, the [100](010) slip system(A-type fabric) becomes dominant when T/T_m 0.55–0.60. When T/T_m 0.55–0.60, [001] slip is easier and low T/T_m favors the operation of [001](100) slip system(C-type fabric). This is consistent with the widely observed A-type olivine fabric in naturally deformed peridotites, and the C-type olivine fabric in peridotites that experienced deep subduction in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes. However, the B-type fabric will develop under high stress and relatively low T/T_m. Therefore, the homologues temperature of olivine established a bridge to extrapolate deformation experiments to rheology of the upper mantle. Seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle beneath cratons should be simulated using a four-layer model with the relic A-type fabric in the upper lithospheric mantle, the B-type fabric in the middle layer, the newly formed A- or B-type fabric near the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, and the asthenosphere dominated by diffusion creep below the Lehmann discontinuity. Knowledge about transition mechanisms of olivine fabrics is critical for tracing the water distribution and mantle flow from seismic anisotropy.  相似文献   

It is a common opinion that only crustal earthquakes can occur in the Crimea–Black Sea region. Since the existence of deep earthquakes in the Crimea–Black Sea region is extremely important for the construction of a geodynamic model for this region, an attempt is made to verify the validity of this widespread view. To do this, the coordinates of all earthquakes recorded by the stations of the Crimean seismological network are reinterpreted with an algorithm developed by one of the authors. The data published in the seismological catalogs and bulletins of the Crimea–Black Sea region for 1970–2012 are used for the analysis. To refine the coordinates of hypocenters of earthquakes in the Crimea–Black Sea region, in addition to the data from stations of the Crimean seismological network, information from seismic stations located around the Black Sea coast are used. In total, the data from 61 seismic stations were used to determine the hypocenter coordinates. The used earthquake catalogs for 1970–2012 contain information on ~2140 events with magnitudes from–1.5 to 5.5. The bulletins provide information on the arrival times of P- and S-waves at seismic stations for 1988 events recorded by three or more stations. The principal innovation of this study is the use of the original author’s hypocenter determination algorithm, which minimizes the functional of distances between the points (X, Y, H) and (x, y, h) corresponding to the theoretical and observed seismic wave travel times from the earthquake source to the recording stations. The determination of the coordinates of earthquake hypocenters is much more stable in this case than the usual minimization of the residual functional for the arrival time of an earthquake wave at a station (the difference between the theoretical and observed values). Since determination of the hypocenter coordinates can be influenced by the chosen velocity column beneath each station, special attention is focused on collecting information on velocity profiles. To evaluate the influence of the upper mantle on the results of calculating the velocity model, two different low-velocity and high-velocity models are used; the results are compared with each other. Both velocity models are set to a depth of 640 km, which is fundamentally important in determining hypocenters for deep earthquakes. Studies of the Crimea–Black Sea region have revealed more than 70 earthquakes with a source depth of more than 60 km. The adequacy of the obtained depth values is confirmed by the results of comparing the initial experimental data from the bulletins with the theoretical travel-time curves for earthquake sources with depths of 50 and 200 km. The sources of deep earthquakes found in the Crimea–Black Sea region significantly change our understanding of the structure and geotectonics of this region.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in the seismic regime of the Earth during 1982–1993 are revealed on the basis of a new methodological approach to the study of the development of global seismogeodynamic processes. These changes are a more than threefold decrease in the recurrence rate of large earthquakes in the magnitude intervals M = 8.5 ± 0.2, M = 8.0 ± 0.2, M = 7.5 ± 0.2, and M = 7.0 ± 0.2 and a very intense activation of global seismicity after this relative seismic quiescence. Joint investigations of seismogeodynamic and hydrogeodynamic processes allowed us to reveal a certain synchronism between changes in the seismic regime of the Earth and the ocean water surface level. In this paper, we continue the search for a relation between changes in the regional seismicity and the level of closed water basins (with the Caspian Sea as an example), as well as investigations of the processes in individual seismic sources, in order to elaborate earthquake prediction methods. Hypotheses on the nature of the discovered phenomena are put forward, and structural phenomenological models are proposed. In particular, these correlated seismic and hydrologic phenomena are interpreted in terms of specific features of the seismogeodynamic regime in subduction zones on the periphery of the Pacific and Indian oceans.  相似文献   

Parameters of the interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma during periods of 163 isolated substorms have been studied. It is shown that the solar wind velocity V and plasma density N remain approximately constant for at least 3 h before substorm onset Т o and 1 h after Т o . On average, the velocity of the solar wind exhibits a stable trend toward anticorrelation with its density over the whole data array. However, the situation is different if the values of V and N are considered with respect to the intensity of substorms observed during that period. With the growth of substorm intensity, quantified as the maximum absolute value of AL index, an increase in both the solar wind plasma velocity and density, at which these substorms appear, is obsreved. It has been found that the magnitude of the solar wind dynamic pressure P is closely related to the magnetosphere energy load defined as averaged values of the Kan–Lee electric field EKL and Newell parameter dΦ/dt averaged for 1 h interval before Т o . The growth of the dynamic pressure is accompanied by an increase in the load energy necessary for substorm generation. This interrelation between P and values of EKL and dΦ/dt is absent in other, arbitrarily chosen periods. It is believed that the processes accompanying increasing dynamic pressure of the solar wind result in the formation of magnetosphere conditions that increasingly impede substorm generation. Thus, the larger is P, the more solar wind energy must enter the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period of the growth phase for substorm generation. This energy is later released during the period of the substorm expansion phase and creates even more intense magnetic bays.  相似文献   

The modeling results are presented on the annual dynamics of seismicity in the northeastern segment of the Amur plate, which are obtained from statistical studies of the number of earthquakes with magnitudes 2 ≤ М ≤ 6 in different phases of variations in the Earth’s rotation rate. We have calculated a degree of relationship between the observed seismicity variations and phases of decrease and increase in the Earth’s rotation rate for the magnitude ranges between 2 ≤ М < 4 and 4 ≤ М < 5 using rank correlation methods. It has been established that epicenters of earthquakes with magnitudes 5 ≤ М ≤ 6 are spatially grouped into a sequence of homogeneous equally spaced, 3.5°–4°, on average, east-westerly oriented clusters.  相似文献   

The results of studying the deep structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the central part of the Russian platform from receiver functions are presented. The records of teleseismic waves by the Monakovo small-aperture seismic array in the region of the northwestern slope of the Tokmovskii Arch of the Volga–Kama anteclise are used. The modification of the P-receiver function method (Vinnik, 1977) suggested in (Sanina et al., 2014) for analyzing the receiver functions in the regions with a complexly structured upper part of the section and the presence of a thick sedimentary cover is applied. The method is based on separating the high- and low-frequency components of the seismic record and successive reconstruction of the V-s velocity section in the upper part of the crust, which is performed first and, next, the entire deep section of the crust and the mantle down to a depth of ~300 km. The positions of the seismic conversion boundaries in the crust and upper mantle beneath the Monakovo array are determined. The upper mantle velocity section constructed based on the observations at the Mikhnevo array (Sanina et al., 2014) is compared with the world data on the ancient Precambrian platform.  相似文献   

The characteristics of seismicity in the near vicinity of five large water reservoirs and three large waterfalls from different regions of the Earth are considered. It is found that in some cases induced seismicity manifests itself during the filling of reservoirs at quite large depths: in the lower crust and even in the upper mantle. There is negative correlation between the maximum magnitudes Мmax of the earthquakes recorded near water reservoirs and waterfalls and the water discharge in these objects (V p ). The largest values of Мmax are characteristic of earthquakes that occurred near Sarez Lake (Tajikistan) and the Koyna Reservoir (India), which have the lowest V p ; in contrast, the smallest magnitudes are reported for earthquakes in the areas of the Khone Falls (Laos) and Niagara Falls (United States, Canada), where there are no large artificial water reservoirs, but huge water discharge takes place. The available data indicate that permanent vibration caused by falling water reduces the level of seismicity.  相似文献   

Earth’s bow shock is the result of interaction between the supersonic solar wind and Earth’s magnetopause. However, data limitations mean the model of the shape and position of the bow shock are based largely on near-Earth satellite data. The model of the bow shock in the distant magnetotail and other factors that affect the bow shock, such as the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By, remain unclear. Here, based on the bow shock crossings of ARTEMIS from January 2011 to January 2015, new coefficients of the tail-flaring angle α of the Chao model (one of the most accurate models currently available) were obtained by fitting data from the middle-distance magnetotail (near-lunar orbit, geocentric distance -20RE>X>-50RE). In addition, the effects of the IMF By on the flaring angle α were analyzed. Our results showed that: (1) the new fitting coefficients of the Chao model in the middle-distance magnetotail are more consistent with the observed results; (2) the tail-flaring angle α of the bow shock increases as the absolute value of the IMF By increases. Moreover, positive IMF By has a greater effect than negative IMF By on flaring angle. These results provide a reference for bow shock modeling that includes the IMF By.  相似文献   

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