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卢沛琪  薛刚  郑艳红 《湖泊科学》2024,36(2):467-476
目前,甘油二烷基甘油四醚(GDGTs)组成和分布特征已被成功应用于古气候古环境重建中。然而,越来越多的研究表明除温度和pH值外,GDGTs也受其他环境因素影响,这导致了在同一地区运用多种温度和pH校准公式得到的结果差异较大,特别是在干旱地区尤为显著。因此,有必要开展现代过程GDGTs分布及其影响因素的调查,以提高温度和pH校准公式的适用性。为此,我们以北方察汗淖尔湖泊为中心,分析流域内24个湖泊沉积物和土壤GDGTs组成和分布。结果显示,所有样品GDGTs分布模式相似,其中古菌类异戊二烯GDGTs(简称isoGDGTs)以crenarchaeol为主,GDGT-0次之,crenarchaeol’含量较低,指示GroupⅠ.1b型奇古菌输入较多;细菌支链GDGTs(简称brGDGTs)中五甲基化brGDGTs丰度最高,其次是六甲基化和四甲基化brGDGTs。群落指数(community index,CI)表明,产brGDGTs的细菌群落属于冷簇,且冗余分析显示pH值对brGDGTs分布影响显著,二者可能共同导致了应用多种校准公式计算结果与器测记录之间的差异。通过该项工作我们认为在利用GD...  相似文献   

Modern pollen analysis is the basis for revealing the palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate changes from fossil pollen spectra. Many studies pertaining to the modern pollen assemblages on the Tibetan Plateau have been conducted, but little attention has been paid to pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments. In this study, modern pollen assemblages of surface lake sediments from 34 lakes in the steppe and desert zones of the Tibetan Plateau are investigated and results indicate that the two vegetation zones are dominated by non-arboreal pollen taxa and show distinctive characteristics. The pollen assemblages from the desert zone contain substantially high relative abundance of Chenopodiaceae while those from the steppe zone are dominated by Cyperaceae. Pollen ratios show great potential in terms of separating different vegetation zones and to indicate climate changes on the Tibetan Plateau. The Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio and arboreal/non-arboreal pollen ratio could be used as proxies for winter precipitation. Artemisia/Cyperaceae ratio and the sum of relative abundance of xerophilous elements increase with enhanced warming and aridity. When considering the vegetation coverage around the lakes, hierarchical cluster analysis suggests that the studied sites can be divided into four clusters: meadow, steppe, desert-steppe, and desert. The pollen-based vegetation classification models are established using a random forest algorithm. The random forest model can effectively separate the modern pollen assemblages of the steppe zone from those of the desert zone on the Tibetan Plateau. The model for distinguishing the four vegetation clusters shows a weaker but still valid classifying power. It is expected that the random forest model can provide a powerful tool to reconstruct the palaeovegetation succession on the Tibetan Plateau when more pollen data from surface lake sediments are included.  相似文献   

花粉现代过程研究是基于化石花粉谱重建古植被和古气候变化的基础.尽管青藏高原已经有大量花粉现代过程研究,但是仅有少数关于湖泊表层沉积物现代花粉组合的报道.本研究分析了青藏高原草原带和荒漠带34个湖泊的表层沉积物花粉组合,结果显示,这两个高原植被带的现代花粉组合以草本、灌木花粉占优势,不过特征类群的相对丰度具有显著差别.高...  相似文献   

2000年以来青藏高原湖泊面积变化与气候要素的响应关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原星罗密布的湖泊对气候变化十分敏感,在自然界水循环和水平衡中发挥着重要作用.以MODIS MOD09A1和SRTM DEM为数据源,提取了2000-2016年青藏高原丰水期面积大于50 km2的湖泊边界,从内外流分区、湖泊主要补给来源和湖水矿化度三个方面对2000年以来湖泊面积变化进行分析,并结合青藏高原近36年气象数据,根据气象要素变化趋势分区,初步探讨青藏高原湖泊面积变化与气候要素的关系.结果表明:青藏高原面积大于50 km2的138个湖泊整体扩张趋势显著,总面积增加2340.67 km2,增长率为235.52 km2/a.其中,扩张型湖泊占67.39%,萎缩型湖泊占12.32%,稳定型湖泊占20.29%.内流湖扩张趋势显著,外流湖扩张趋势较明显;以冰雪融水为主要补给来源的湖泊整体扩张趋势明显,以地表径流和河流补给为主要补给源的湖泊也呈扩张趋势;盐湖和咸水湖以扩张为主,淡水湖的扩张、萎缩和稳定三种类型较均衡.在青藏高原气候暖湿化方向发展背景下,湖泊面积变化与气候要素具有显著的区域相关性.气温和降水变化趋势分区结果表明,气温增加、降水增加强趋势的高原Ⅰ区湖泊扩张程度(78.18%)依次大于气温降低、降水量呈增加趋势的Ⅴ区(66.67%),气温、降水量呈增加趋势的Ⅱ区(60.78%),气温呈降低、降水量呈增加强趋势的Ⅳ区(58.83%)和气温呈增加、降水量呈减少趋势的Ⅲ区(50.00%).湖泊面积变化对气候变化响应研究表明,升温引起的冰雪融水补给对Ⅰ区、Ⅱ区和Ⅲ区湖泊面积扩张的影响显著,加之降水量的增加,湖泊扩张速率明显;Ⅳ区和Ⅴ区湖泊面积扩张主要受降水量增加影响显著.整体而言,气温主要影响以冰雪融水为主要补给来源的湖泊,降水量主要影响以降水和地表径流为主要补给来源的湖泊.  相似文献   

The origin of boron in boron-rich salt lakes in the Tibetan Plateau is highly controversial.In this study,we carried out a detailed study on boron geochemistry and isotope composition of lake sediments collected in Zigetang Co,central Tibet.Evaporites had high boron concentrations of 172.3–418.6 lg/g and δ~(11)B values of-8.2%to-3.3%,suggesting a non-marine origin for the saline lake.The boron isotopic fractionation factor,a,between evaporite and brackish water(a_(evaporite–brackish))decreased systematically with depth,from 0.9942 at the top of the drill core to 0.9893 at the bottom;the linear variation between α_(evaporite–brackish)and depth reflects boron isotopic fractionation associated with progressive crystallization.The positive correlation between δ~(11)B versus[B]and δ~(11)B versus depth in the evaporite phase reflects pH and boron speciation in the solution control on the adsorption of boron,and B(OH)_3 species incorporated preferentially into Mg(OH)_2 precipitation at high pH.  相似文献   


The systemic analyses have been carried out in this paper to the paleolake shorelines, paleolake sediments and paleoclimatic proxies of 20 lakes, in which there were 12 kaBP dating data on the Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that the paleolake level had apparently risen during 14-11 kaBP, the glaciers melting period, in the Tibetan area and Northwest China. Especially, much more increasing amplitude supplied by thawy glaciers water occurred than in the best period of Holocene. The temperate-humid climate around 12 kaBP appeared in the Tibetan area and even in the whole China. This event may be compared with the Bolling/Allerod warm period which was reflected by Europe and Greenland ice core records. It showed that the B/A event was not a regional one in the North Atlantic area.


西藏纳木错表层沉积物中正构烷烃的来源与空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过测定纳木错现代植物和表层沉积物样品中的正构烷烃,结合主成分分析方法,明确了表层沉积物中烷烃的主要来源,并初步分析了它们在湖泊中的空间分布特征.研究结果显示,沉水植物所含烷烃以n-C21-C25为主,具有n-C23的峰值;陆生植物主要含n-C27-C33烷烃,具有n-C29或n-C31的峰值;但垫状点地梅(Androsace tapete)和香柏(Sabina pingii)的主峰碳却是n-C33烷烃,这在以往研究中鲜有报道.在纳木错表层沉积物中,正构烷烃具有典型的n-C31和n-C23双峰分布形式,来源于低等菌藻类、沉水植物以及陆生植物,其中碳数小于C20的短链烷烃主要来源于低等菌藻类,其空间分布均一,由低等菌藻类的浮游生活型所决定;长链烷烃主要来源于高等植物,含量从滨岸到湖中心逐渐减少,这与其在运移和沉积过程中受微生物的持续降解作用有关,此外,来源于陆生植物的n-C27-C33烷烃因河流汇水面积和流量不同而存在空间差异,这值得重视和进一步研究.  相似文献   

湖泊等内陆水体是大气N2O潜在的重要排放源,也是全球N2O收支估算的重要组成部分。目前全球湖泊普遍面临富营养化和蓝藻暴发等问题,明晰藻型湖泊N2O排放强度及其环境影响因子对准确估算湖泊N2O排放和预测其未来变化至关重要。本研究选择太湖藻型湖区为研究对象,同时选取人为活动影响较小的湖心区作为对比区域,基于2011年8月至2013年8月为期2年的逐月连续观测,探讨藻型湖区N2O排放特征及其影响因素。结果表明,藻型湖区呈现极强的N2O排放,其排放通量为(4.88±3.05) mmol/(m2·d),是参考区域(湖心:(2.10±4.31) mmol/(m2·d))的2倍多。此外,在藻型湖区中不同点位N2O排放差异显著,受河流外源输入影响,近岸区是N2O的热点排放区,其年均排放通量高达10.93 mmol/(m2·d)。连续观测表明N2  相似文献   

The relations between lake surface sediment diatoms and water environmental variables were revealed effectively by use of a new multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) based on 45 lakes in the Tibetan Plateau. Water depth, conductivity, Cl?, Mg2+, K+ and pH, identified from 12 contemporary water environmental variables, can significantly and independently explain the diatom distributions (p<0.05). The first two axes (λ1=0.34, λ2=0.27) capture 16.1% of the variance in the species data, and account for 57.4% of the variance in diatom-environment relationship. The deletion of redundant environmental variables and unusual samples do not influence the explanation to diatom data. The final CCA result indicates that the water depth and the salinity are the two important environmental gradients and influence the diatom distribution in the plateau lakes. The water depth correlates with axis 1, while conductivity, Cl?, Mg2+ and K+, indicating the direction of salinity changes, correlate with both of the first two axes. The definition of diatom-environment model may provide a basis for further quantitative inference on diatom-environment transfer function.  相似文献   

青藏高原内陆湖泊变化的遥感制图   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
青藏高原上的内陆湖泊群是气候变化的敏感指示器,获取近几十年来湖泊变化的动态信息对研究区域气候及环境变化具有重要的意义.本文讨论了多时相遥感湖泊变化研究中的几个关键问题--湖泊变化季节性因素、湖泊变化信息的提取以及大区域湖泊变化的分析方法,并利用Landsat长时间序列遥感数据,制作青藏高原1970s,1990s,200...  相似文献   

For almost two decades, the relationship between prehistoric natural disasters that struck the Guanting Basin in northeast Tibetan Plateau and the destruction of Lajia, an archeological site, has attracted scholarly attention and been widely discussed. Whereas most studies have focused on the impacts of disasters on a single site within the Guanting Basin, few have examined patterns of spatiotemporal evolution of human settlements from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Consequently, there is a lack of clarity on the processes and mechanisms underlying the evolution of prehistoric human-land relationships in the Guanting Basin. We therefore examined spatiotemporal variations in settlements in the Guanting Basin during the period, based on the locations, altitudes, and areas of archaeological sites. We found that four sites were located on the third terrace of the Yellow River during the late Yangshao period(5500–5000 cal yr BP) and distributed within a small area. During the period between the Majiayao and Qijia cultures(5300–3600 cal yr BP), the number of sites evidently increased and the scale and distribution of settlements expanded, with settlements generally shifting toward the lower elevation areas of the Guanting Basin.During the Xindian period(3400–2700 cal yr BP), the number and scale of sites showed a downward trend and the distribution of settlements contracted. The Xindian settlement underwent altitude-based spatial differentiation, with some groups moving to areas at higher altitudes and others remained in lower altitude areas. Moreover, we found that the number, scale, and distribution range of Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Guanting Basin were closely related to the evolution and distribution patterns of prehistoric cultures in the regions of Gansu and Qinghai, which were further affected by climate change and agricultural development. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the altitudinal distribution pattern of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements in the Guanting Basin was influenced by paleofloods rather it was primarily influenced by changes in subsistence strategies.  相似文献   

底泥释磷及其对杭州西湖富营养化的影响   总被引:28,自引:7,他引:28  
韩伟明 《湖泊科学》1993,5(1):71-77
杭州西湖是一个小型浅水湖泊,底泥由上部藻骸腐泥和下部泥炭层构成,其显著特点是有机碳含量特别高,氮含量也相当高,而磷的富集程度相对较低。通过实验室和现场模拟研究,考察了pH值、温度、溶解氧、氧化还原电位及上覆水种类等环境因素对底泥释磷量和释磷速率的影响。上覆水pH值在6.5—7.0范围内底泥释磷量最低;在较高或较低pH值时,释磷量倍增。升高水温或降低上覆水溶解氧浓度均能加速释磷。实验室模拟西湖底泥最大释磷量为0.368μgP/g。夏季现场模拟平均释磷速率为1.02mg P/m~2·d;由此估算底泥释磷量达1.346tP/a,相当于年平均外部入湖磷负荷的36.4%。底泥释磷对西湖富营养化起着不容忽视的影响。  相似文献   

Identification of greigite in lake sediments and its magnetic significance   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Detailed rock magnetic investigations and mineralogical analysis were conducted on lacustrine sediments recovered from Zoigê Basin, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Greigite, with fine and homogenous grain size, is found as a main magnetic carrier, which is suspected to be of biochemical origin. In contrast to some reports, greigite within the sediments is not oxidized even after exposure to air for a few years, which could be due to the fact that greigite is sealed by silicate.  相似文献   

黄星  高原 《地震学报》2014,36(6):1141-1151
首先简要介绍了青藏高原目前主流的4种动力学模型, 即俯冲模型、 碰撞模型、 挤出模型和拆沉-板片断离模型. 然后概述了青藏高原及其周地区各向异性的研究进展, 展望各向异性研究的方向, 并着重探讨了各向异性研究中需要重视的几个问题: ① 各向异性的多种来源; ② 各向异性与深部结构的关系; ③ 面波等新方法的应用. 为了更好地定量解释各向异性, 需要了解深部结构与各向异性之间的关系, 发展更加精细的研究手段. 就目前来看, 面波与体波的联合反演可以更好地约束各向异性的分辨率, 而将地球动力学模拟等正演手段与地震波各向异性等反演手段相结合也可能是未来的趋势之一.  相似文献   

Using the automatic weather station data obtained from the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the normalized dif- ference vegetation index and the monthly precipitation data of China and by the methods of correlation and composite analysis, preliminary analytical results are achieved concerning the relationships be- tween TP NDVI change and its surface heat source and precipitation of China. The results of our re- search may lead to the following conclusions: (1) A positive correlation relationship exists between TP NDVI change and its surface heat source, including the sensible heat and the latent heat. As to the correlation of the former, it is more remarkable in western TP than in eastern TP, and as to the correla- tion of the latter, however it turns out contrary. (2) With the improvement of TP vegetation, its surface heat source of every season is also mainly reinforced, especially in summer. As to the contribution of the sensible heat and the latent heat to the increment of the TP surface heat source intensity, the for- mer is comparatively more significant than the latter in winter and spring, while in summer and autumn, the two have almost the same importance. (3) The correlation coefficient between summer NDVI over TP and the corresponding period precipitation of China displays a belt distribution of " ? " from south to north China. (4) Anomalous surface heating field over TP derived from vegetation change is probably an important factor to affect summer precipitation of China.  相似文献   

The tectonic-sedimentary cycles and environmental evolution in Southwest Monsoon area since 2.78 Ma were reconstructed, based on the analyses of lithology, grain size, carbonate content, loss-on-ignition (LOI) and pollen in a 737.72 m sediment core from the Heqing Basin, China. The results indicated that the lake basin was formed in about 2.78 Ma. Continuous lacustrine sediment was preserved since 2.65 Ma. Three stages of tectonic-sedimentary cycle were revealed, which were 2.78–1.55, 1.55–0.99 and 0.99–0 Ma. The environmental evolution in Heqing area was influenced by uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the resulting variation of Southwest Monsoon and the earth orbital-scale periodicity. Supported by the Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40331003 and 40625007)  相似文献   

Lake sediments, in which abundant, continuous and high resolved signals are preserved, have the potential to recover the history of terrestrial environmental variation. The value of such paleo-environment signals depends firstly on tying them to accurate …  相似文献   

IntroductionThe dispersion phenomena, which can be observed when surface wave travels through the Earth interior, has been extensively applied in investigating the velocity structure of the Earth interior. Usually, the dispersion curve is a nonlinear function of the thickness, S and P wave velocities and density of each layer. Because surface wave inversion is a multiple-minima problem, the result strongly depends on the initial model in traditional linear inversion. Genetic algorithm (GA) …  相似文献   

云南程海浮游植物初级生产力的时空变化及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年4月-2017年2月,采用黑白瓶法研究了云南程海单点(码头点位)浮游植物初级生产力的垂直分布及其季节变化,同时基于全湖9个点位的现场调查和生产力垂向归纳模型(VGPM)估算并探讨了程海浮游植物初级生产力的时空变化及其主要影响因子.结果显示,码头点位的年均(均值±标准误)水柱(0~3 m)总初级生产力(GPPC)、净初级生产力(NPPC)和呼吸消耗量(RC)分别为5.40×103±0.64×103、2.36×103±0.63×103和3.06×103±0.82×103 mg O2/(m2·d);不论春夏季(4-8月)、秋冬季(9月-次年2月)还是全年,码头点位的单位生物量GPP(GPP/Chl.a)和单位生物量NPP(NPP/Chl.a)的最大值和最小值均分别出现在水下0.5 m和3.0 m处.经VPGM估算,程海全湖的初级生产力(PPeu)年均值为6.54×103±0.30×103 mg C/(m2·d)(2.74×103~18.62×103 mg C/(m2·d)).PPeu的时空变化方面,春夏季是PPeu快速上升的时节,秋冬季PPeu的月变化则呈波动状态,春夏季与秋冬季PPeu无显著性差异;PPeu整体空间异质性较弱,仅在降水最为充沛的7、8月表现出南北向的异质性,这与降水条件和流域营养盐输入的空间异质性有关.回归分析发现,虽然程海PPeu的主要影响因子具有季节异质性,但不论春夏季、秋冬季还是全年,浮游植物生物量均是重要的影响因子,水温亦是春夏季的重要影响因子.  相似文献   

富营养化湖泊夏季表层水体温室气体浓度及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
为研究富营养化湖泊水体温室气体浓度及其影响因素,以太湖西岸和竺山湾为例,共调查研究了27个点位,采用顶空平衡法对其表层水体中溶解的甲烷(CH_4)和氧化亚氮(N_2O)浓度进行测定.结果表明,太湖近岸带蓝藻水华堆积区表层水体中CH_4和N_2O两种温室气体浓度远远高于开阔湖区点位,CH_4和N_2O最高浓度分别为3.79±0.095和0.078±0.003μmol/L.蓝藻水华堆积区和开阔湖区CH_4平均浓度分别为2.33±1.46和0.14±0.059μmol/L,N_2O的平均浓度分别为0.054±0.024和0.023±0.012μmol/L.两种气体在水中均呈现过饱和状态,其中蓝藻水华堆积区表层水体中CH_4和N_2O饱和度远远高于开阔湖区点位.此外,入湖河流河口区域表层水体溶解性N_2O浓度较高.将水中CH_4和N_2O浓度与水体环境因子之间进行相关性分析,表明水体总氮、总磷、铵态氮和溶解性有机碳浓度与CH_4和N_2O浓度呈显著正相关,CH_4浓度与硝态氮浓度呈显著负相关.研究结果揭示了太湖蓝藻水华堆积区是CH_4和N_2O两种温室气体重要的潜在排放源,蓝藻水华暴发对湖泊温室气体的排放具有重要影响,但该过程的驱动机制及影响因素仍需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

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