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2018年金沙江上游白格滑坡造成了近百年来最为严重的干流堵江事件,堰塞湖的形成和溃决给下游金沙江干流河道的水沙条件及梯级水电站运行造成影响.本文依据堰塞湖附近临时观测和金沙江干流河道控制性水文站的相关资料,研究堰塞体泄流对下游河道水沙输移的影响,同时结合梯级水库调度情况,计算了梯级水库的拦沙量.结果表明,堰塞湖溃决在金沙江中游形成了超历史的水沙过程,金沙江中游梯级电站开展应急调度后,堰塞湖溃决造成的特大洪水被削减为一般洪水.金沙江中游梯级梨园、阿海和金安桥电站累积拦截泥沙约1400万t,龙开口、鲁地拉和观音岩电站共计拦截泥沙约43万t,滑坡体产生的泥沙仍有约74%滞留在堰塞体附近.若滑坡体泥沙全部输移至金沙江中游梯级水库内,梨园电站的有效库容极有可能不满足水库所需调节库容的要求.  相似文献   

泥沙问题是三峡工程建设与运行中的关键技术问题之一,只有妥善处理好泥沙问题,才能保证三峡工程长期有效使用,维持水库功能的全面发挥。本文首先结合实测水文、河道地形观测资料,对三峡水库运行近20年来的泥沙淤积特性及水库排沙比进行了较为全面的分析研究,并与已有研究成果进行了对比;其次,围绕防洪、航运以及坝前段的泥沙淤积等方面,进一步分析了水库淤积产生的影响。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水以来,在不考虑区间来沙的情况下,三峡水库共淤积泥沙20.484亿t,近似年均淤积1.102亿t,水库排沙比为23.6%,水库年均淤积量为原论证预测值的33%。其中,库区干流段累计淤积泥沙17.835亿m3(变动回水区冲刷0.694亿m3;常年回水区淤积18.529亿m3),淤积在水库防洪库容内的泥沙为1.648亿m3(干、支流分别淤积1.517亿m3和0.131亿m3),占水库防洪库容的0.74%,“十一五”攻关阶段研究得出的多年平均淤积量及排沙比较实测值均偏大,变动回水区冲淤则出现反向的...  相似文献   

高宇  任实  王海  吕超楠  赵汗青 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):662-672
泥沙淤积问题直接影响着三峡水库的使用寿命及综合效益的发挥,研究其入库水沙特性对于解决水库泥沙淤积问题具有重要意义。根据水文站实测数据,分析了三峡水库入库水沙输移特性及来源组成变化,重点研究了金沙江下游梯级水库运行后的三峡水库高洪水期入库水沙特性。结果表明:2003—2021年,三峡水库入库泥沙集中于汛期的高洪水期,2013年以后该现象更为显著,泥沙来源也由金沙江为主转变为嘉陵江为主。寸滩站洪峰流量高于50000 m3/s的高洪水期三峡入库沙量显著大于30000~50000 m3/s区间的高洪水期,三峡水库泥沙调度关键在于上游发生编号洪水期间。三峡水库上游沱江或嘉陵江等支流发生流域性大洪水时,易引起高洪水期入库水沙出现“小水大沙”的特点。金沙江下游梯级水库运行后,三峡水库高洪水期入库泥沙大幅减少,中小洪水调度期间泥沙淤积量也大幅减小。研究结果可为三峡水库的泥沙精细化调度和长期高效使用提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

针对金沙江下游梯级水电站地壳形变流动监测网络建设项目,分析了地壳形变流动监测在水库地震监测中的设计思路与布设原则,并就金沙江水电站溪洛渡和向家坝水库介绍了3类监测网布设情况,对两水库蓄水前监测资料进行了初步分析,旨在对大型水库建设及水库地震的综合监测起到参考与借鉴作用。  相似文献   

<正>比起乌东德、白鹤滩、溪洛渡、向家坝等水电站梯级开发,长江干流上紧接着这些巨无霸电站的一座"小水电"——小南海水电站建设,引起了媒体和大众的关注。近日,环保部批复了长江三峡集团公司提交的《金沙江乌东德水电站环境影响报告书》。环保部在批复中提出:"不得在向家坝水电站坝址至三峡水利枢纽库尾长江干流河段和支流岷江、赤水河河段等自然保  相似文献   

筑坝拦截对黑河河道沉积物粒度空间分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
河流沉积物对流域环境变化具有敏感响应,其粒度参数能反映沉积环境中物质来源和水动力环境.本文以黑河流域上中游为研究区域,探究河流沉积物粒度对流域环境变化的响应.从黑河上中游干流22个主要控制断面采集河床沉积物样品,采用筛分法和吸管法对沉积物样品粒度参数进行测定,并分析其空间分布规律对筑坝拦截为主的环境改变响应.研究结果表明:受梯级水库建设影响,黑河上中游泥沙粒径大小差异显著.干流库区泥沙粒径较自然河段明显减小,分选很好,呈正偏或极正偏尖锐分布,而且在库区不同沉积高度上表现出分层沉积特征;坝下游河段因遭受强烈冲刷,较自然河段泥沙粒径粗化显著,分选变差,偏态趋向极正偏,峰态尖锐化;水库回水区受水库壅水及下泄清水的双重制约,泥沙粒度参数介于自然河段和坝下游河段之间,整体分选中等,呈极正偏尖锐分布;沉积环境分析表明,上游支流河段沉积物粒度特征受泥沙供给和物源特征的影响较水动力条件显著,干流河段沉积物粒度特征主要受水动力条件控制.研究结果既符合河流上中游沉积物粒度分布规律,也反映了河流环境变化对沉积物粒度组成的影响.  相似文献   

<正>金沙江下游白鹤滩水库是世界上第二大水库,水库坝高289 m,库容高达206.27亿m3,设计最高水位825 m,是一座仅次于三峡水库的高山峡谷型高坝大库容水库。白鹤滩水库坝址位于川滇菱形块体东部边界,多条晚第四纪以来活动的大型构造断裂带——四开交际河断裂、则木河断裂和小江断裂等在库区范围内交会,区域构造背景复杂,历史地震频发(图1)。2013年以来,在库区布设密集水库地震监测台网,以全过程监测白鹤滩水库蓄水前后的地震活动及其变化。大坝2021年4月6日下闸蓄水,至2021年10月,  相似文献   

三峡及其上游干支流梯级水库建成运用后,大坝下游“清水下泄”引起了长江中下游河道发生长时间、长距离的冲刷。2001—2021年期间宜昌至长江口已累计冲刷了50.3亿m3,需厘清河道冲刷对河势、防洪、航运等方面产生影响。分析表明:三峡工程运用后,长江中下游河势总体稳定,弯道段出现切滩撇弯、汊道段出现塞支强干等现象;河道槽蓄量的持续增加,进一步增大了河道调蓄和行洪能力,但水流顶冲点的变化和近岸河床的冲刷下切,使得河道崩岸频发,并影响河势稳定和防洪安全;在河道冲刷、河势控制与航道工程综合作用下,长江中下游航道条件总体得到改善,但河道不均衡冲刷使得坝下游砂卵石河段出现“坡陡流急”,沙质河段出现洲滩散乱、航槽移位等现象,影响航道条件;同流量下枯水位呈下降态势,逢极枯年份影响长江中下游用水安全;江湖关系发生新变化,“三口”分流道由原淤积转为冲刷,两湖湖区水位不同程度的降低,枯水位出现时间有所提前,不利于湖区水资源和生态环境的安全与可持续发展;三峡工程实施枯水期补水调度和“压咸潮”调度以及长江口北支淤积减缓,对于遏制长江口咸潮入侵有利,入海泥沙显著减少引起长江口近岸河床冲刷,影响...  相似文献   

作为三峡水库诸多优化调度方式中的一种,洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响受到持续关注,开展针对场次洪水的相关研究有助于进一步深化对水库淤积科学问题的认识,有望为调度工作提供一定的技术支撑。通过2013年以来的历史水文资料分析与水沙运动数值模拟,探究了入库洪水的输沙过程以及洪水资源化利用对库区淤积与水库排沙的影响。结果表明:洪峰流量介于30000~55000 m3/s的中小洪水是近年三峡入库洪水的主要形式,随着入库洪峰流量的增加,洪水的地区组成逐渐趋向于金沙江下游、嘉陵江共同主导;常年回水区淤积、水库排沙是“消化”入库泥沙的两种主要途径,且以前者的作用为主;针对Ⅰ-3类入库洪水,坝前起调水位Z0的抬升或洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响主要在于造成了库区淤积的重分布,次要在于改变了水库的排沙作用,在Z0≤150 m条件下,洪水资源化利用对水库淤积的影响相对较小;针对典型洪水,当武隆洪峰流量Q’WL与入库洪峰流量Q’RK的比值小于1/5(即Q’WL/Q’RK<1...  相似文献   

水温是重要的水文指标。气候变化和人类活动加剧背景下,水温变化已成为威胁全球水生态系统的重要因素。长江上游开发了世界上规模最大的梯级水库群,然而目前关于梯级水库和气候变化对下游水温及水生态的耦合影响仍不清楚。本文基于长江宜宾-重庆段长序列水温和气象资料,解析了气象因子和金沙江梯级水库对下游水温的影响,评估了长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区重要鱼类适宜产卵时间对水温变化的响应,结果表明:研究河段近30年年平均水温显著增高,增幅约为0.5~1.1℃;向家坝-溪洛渡水库蓄水后向家坝站、朱沱站和寸滩站年水温过程平均滞后约36、13和7 d,蓄水后下游河段春季“滞冷”效应明显,秋冬季“滞热”效应明显,各水文站旬平均水温最大增加和降低幅度分别为1.8~3.7℃和1.3~3.6℃,“滞热”程度大于“滞冷”程度;年内不同月份水温变化主要由梯级水库蓄水引起,年际间平均水温变化主要由气候变化引起;蓄水后向家坝站附近水温达到重要鱼类适宜产卵水温时间延迟了30~40 d,蓄水对达到重要鱼类适宜产卵水温的时间延迟程度为:黑尾近红鲌>长薄鳅、圆口铜鱼、岩原鲤>中华金沙鳅>长江鲟>胭脂鱼,...  相似文献   

The lower Jinsha River basin is located at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in Southwest China, a region with intense tectonic movements and frequent moderate to strong seismic activities. Cascade hydropower stations have been constructed along the lower Jinsha River since 2012. However, research on the effect of the impoundment of large-scale cascade reservoirs in a river basin on local seismic activities is currently lacking. Accurately identifying earthquake locations is essential for studying reservoir-induced earthquakes. Analyzing the spatiotemporal migration process of seismic activities based on complete and precise earthquake relocation is fundamental for determining the fluid diffusion coefficient, constructing fault models for reservoir areas, identifying earthquake types, exploring earthquake mechanisms, and evaluating seismic hazards. The seismicity pattern in the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas, where seismic activities had been weak for a long time, has changed with the successive impoundment of the two reservoirs, showing microseismic events and seismic clusters. We investigated the spatiotemporal characteristics of seismic activities in the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas using the waveform cross-correlation-based double-difference relocation technique and the b-value analysis method. We discovered that seismic events after the impoundment of these two reservoirs exhibited different characteristics in different regions. The seismic activities at the Xiluodu dam quickly responded to the rising water level, with the seismic intensity decaying rapidly afterward. These events were concentrated in the limestone strata along both sides of the Jinsha River, with a shallow focal depth, generally within 5 km, and a high b-value of approximately 1.2. Such features are close to those of karst-type earthquakes. Microseismic activities frequent occur on the eastern bank of the Yongshan reservoir section downstream of the Xiluodu dam, with two parallel NW-trending earthquake strips visible after precise earthquake relocation. The MS5.2 earthquake near Wuji town on August 17, 2014, had prominent foreshocks and aftershocks distributed in a clear NW-trending 20-km-long strip, perpendicular to the riverbank. These seismic events had a low b-value of approximately 0.7. The orientation of the node plane revealed by the strike-slip focal mechanism of the mainshock is consistent with that of the strip formed by the foreshock-mainshock-aftershock sequence, indicating the existence of a NW-striking concealed fault. Seismic activities near the Yanjin-Mabian fault upstream of the Xiangjiaba reservoir area since 2013 were concentrated in a NW-trending strip, with several near EW-trending seismic clusters on its western side, and with the largest event having a magnitude of ML3.7. So far, the impoundment of the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoirs has not triggered seismic activities on the large Jinyang-Ebian and Yanjin-Mabian faults nearby.  相似文献   

According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout principles of crustal deformation mobile monitoring used in the monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. This paper introduces three types of monitoring networks used in the Xiluodu reservoir and Xiangjiaba reservoir, as well as the work already undertaken,in order to provide a kind of reference for the related engineering construction and comprehensive monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes.  相似文献   

Retrogressive erosion, a widespread phenomenon of sediment transport in reservoirs, often impacts on both the reservoir capacity and the sedimentation in the downstream river channel. Based on field data from the Sanmenxia Reservoir and the Lower Yellow River over the past decades, three courses of ret-rogressive erosion with distinctive features were analyzed. The results indicate that retrogressive erosion, especially caused by rapid reduction in the water level till the reservoir is empty, often results in the serious siltation of the lower Yellow River and threatens the safety of the flood control in the Lower Yellow River. Unreasonable operation of the reservoir and incoming hyperconcentrated floods accom-panied by retrogressive erosion also aggravate the siltation of the main channel of the river. However, a reasonable operation mode of the reservoir so named"storing the clear (low sediment concentration) water in the non–flood season, and sluicing the muddy(high sediment concentration) water in the flood season" was found, which might mitigate the deposition in both the reservoir and the Lower Yellow River. This operation mode provides important experience for the design and operation of large reser-voirs in other large rivers carrying huge amounts of sediment.  相似文献   

The lower reaches of the Jinsha River are rich in hydropower resources because of the high mountains, deep valleys, and swift currents in this area. This region also features complex tectonic structures and frequent earthquakes. After the impoundment of the reservoirs, seismic activity increased significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the P-wave velocity structure and earthquake locations in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River and surrounds, thus providing seismological support for subsequent earthquake prevention and disaster reduction work in reservoir areas. In this study, we selected the data of 7,670 seismic events recorded by the seismic networks in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Chongqing and the temporary seismic arrays deployed nearby. We then applied the double-difference tomography method to this data, to obtain the P-wave velocity structure and earthquake locations in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River and surrounds. The results showed that the Jinsha River basin has a complex lateral P-wave velocity structure. Seismic events are mainly distributed in the transition zones between high- and low-velocity anomalies, and seismic events are particularly intense in the Xiluodu and Baihetan reservoir areas. Vertical cross-sections through the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoir areas revealed an apparent high-velocity anomaly at approximately 6 km depth; this high-velocity anomaly plays a role in stress accumulation, with few earthquakes distributed inside the high-velocity body. After the impoundment of the Baihetan reservoir, the number of earthquakes in the reservoir area increased significantly. The seismic events in the reservoir area north of 27° N were related to the enhanced activity of nearby faults after impoundment; the earthquakes in the reservoir area south of 27° N were probably induced by additional loads (or regional stress changes), and the multiple microseismic events may have been caused by rock rupture near the main faults under high pore pressure.  相似文献   

金沙江下游梯级水库对氮、磷营养盐的滞留效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮、磷是水域重要的营养或污染物质,大型水库修建将对江河氮、磷物质的输运产生重要影响.以金沙江华弹、向家坝水文站2006-2016年实测水质资料为依据,通过建立污染物浓度与流量比值(TN/Q、TP/Q)与含沙量(S)的关系式,对金沙江下游溪洛渡、向家坝梯级水库蓄水前后进出库总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度及通量的变化特征进行研究.结果表明:(1)华弹站不受蓄水影响,TN和TP浓度在0.38~1.41和0.01~0.73 mg/L之间变化,向家坝站蓄水前TN和TP浓度在0.32~1.33和0.03~0.42 mg/L之间变化,蓄水后在0.35~1.29和0.01~0.05 mg/L之间变化,蓄水后TN浓度较蓄水前略有升高,但TP浓度较蓄水前约降低75%;(2)蓄水前华弹站TN浓度与向家坝站基本接近,TP浓度总体低于向家坝站,蓄水后华弹站TN浓度低于向家坝站,TP浓度明显高于向家坝站;(3)金沙江TN以硝态氮(NO3--N)为主,占TN浓度的67.3%~91.8%;(4)两站的TN浓度随流量和含沙量变化较小,TP浓度与流量和含沙量均呈正相关关系;(5)华弹站TN、TP年通量在48357~135827和4720~14163 t之间变化,年均值分别为90337和8932 t,向家坝站蓄水前后TN年通量在64232~130966和71675~149647 t之间变化,蓄水后通量总体高于蓄水前,TP年通量在8851~18624和3131~7300 t之间变化,蓄水后通量远低于蓄水前;(6)水库蓄水对出库TN浓度与通量无明显影响,但TP浓度与通量较蓄水前明显降低,其中通量年均滞留率约为67.0%.  相似文献   

由于受人类活动及气候变化影响,黄河上游干流水沙特征发生显著变化。为探究黄河上游水沙变化情况,基于黄河上游5个水文站1964-2019年水沙、遥感影像等数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法、滑动t检验法、累积距平曲线和双累积曲线等突变检验方法和小波分析法,对黄河上游水沙变化特征进行研究。利用水沙关系曲线及线性回归法等方法估算人类活动和气候对水沙变化的贡献率,并着重讨论梯级水库建设及土地利用变化对水沙的影响。结果表明:1)黄河上游玛曲-小川段流域内降雨量和径流量变化幅度不明显,贵德站、循化站、小川站1986-2019年年均输沙量分别减至1964-1985年的9.8%、24.6%、38.8%,输沙量大大减少。黄河上游玛曲-小川段径流量突变多在1986年,输沙量突变多在1969、1986、2004年,径流量存在8、16、22 a周期,输沙量存在4~8、18~21、27 a周期。2)1969年后,河流输沙能力增强,水沙关系显著改变。在不同时段内,人类活动对径流量变化在1987-2019年贡献率为66.3%,对输沙量变化在1970-1986、1987-2004、2005-2019年的贡献率为72.96%、70.73%、69.7%。人类活动对黄河上游干流水沙影响占据主导因素。3)刘家峡水库淤积最为严重,单库运行期水库淤积量为2.39亿t,排沙比变化范围为1.39%~10.7%。梯级水库联调使得径流量在1964-2004年间减少47.8%,1964-2019年间梯级水库减沙94.8%,梯级水库对输沙量影响远大于对径流量的影响。4)1980-2020年间,草地面积增加了1880.03 km2,增幅3.1%,有利于减少输沙量,草地拦沙效益大于截流效益。  相似文献   

The process of dam removal establishes the channel morphology that is later adjusted by high-flow events. Generalities about process responses have been hypothesized, but broad applicability and details remain a research need. We completed laboratory experiments focused on understanding how processes occurring immediately after a sediment release upon dam removal or failure affect the downstream channel bed. Flume experiments tested three sediment mixtures at high and low flow rates. We measured changes in impounded sediment volume, downstream bed surface, and rates of deposition and erosion as the downstream bed adjusted. Results quantified the process responses and connected changes in downstream channel morphology to sediment composition, temporal variability in impounded sediment erosion, and spatial and temporal rates of bedload transport. Within gravel and sand sediments, the process response depended on sediment mobility. Dam removals at low flows created partial mobility with sands transporting as ripples over the gravel bed. In total, 37% of the reservoir eroded, and half the eroded sediment remained in the downstream reach. High flows generated full bed mobility, eroding sands and gravels into and through the downstream reach as 38% of the reservoir eroded. Although some sediment deposited, there was net erosion from the reach as a new, narrower channel eroded through the deposit. When silt was part of the sediment, the process response depended on how the flow rate influenced reservoir erosion rates. At low flows, reservoir erosion rates were initially low and the sediment partially exposed. The reduced sediment supply led to downstream bed erosion. Once reservoir erosion rates increased, sediment deposited downstream and a new channel eroded into the deposits. At high flows, eroded sediment temporarily deposited evenly over the downstream channel before eroding both the deposits and channel bed. At low flows, reservoir erosion was 17–18%, while at the high flow it was 31–41%.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Increasing attention is being given to sedimentation hazards downstream from reservoirs as dams built during the past century accumulate progressively greater volumes of sediment. The sediment storage both decreases reservoir capacity and operating efficiency of the dam, and creates a 搒ediment-shadow?downstream where sediment-starved flows commonly erode channel boundaries and create long-term channel instabilities. Numerous studies have documented downstream channel change…  相似文献   

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