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宋子豪  邹伟  桂智凡  许海  蔡永久 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):987-1000
湖泊(包括自然湖泊和人工水库)富营养化已成为世界性的环境问题,营养状态指数是目前最流行的富营养化水平量化方法。然而,不同营养状态指数的基本逻辑和适用水体等方面存在明显差异,不当选取可能会造成营养水平和相关水华风险的错误估计,并引发湖泊保护和修复措施的错位。鉴于此,本文对我国常用营养状态指数的构建思路、共性和差异以及不确定性来源等进行了综述。总体来看,营养状态指数基本构建思路分3种:1) Carlson指数型(如TSI),以透明度(SD)为核心参数,使用SD的2倍变化对应指数的10分差值,假定SD 为64 m时记为指数值0分;2)改良TSI指数型(如TSIm),以叶绿素a(Chl.a)为核心参数,使用Chl.a的2.5倍变化对应指数的10分差值,假定Chl.a 1000 μg/L对应该指数100分;3)营养足迹指数型(如TFI),该指数亦使用Chl.a指示藻类生物量,Chl.a的e倍关系对应藻类生物量的二倍变化和指数10分差值,假定Chl.a为10 μg/L时对应该指数50分。根据上述假设得出对应的基础参数评估方程,然后均以基础参数(SD或Chl.a)与衍生参数间的经验方程 “直接替换”获得衍生参数的评估方程。如上可知,营养状态指数均体现了数值增大表征藻类初级生产力和伴随的水华风险提高的共性,同时本文也从:1)数据集属性和基础指标评估方程获取的方法;2)衍生指标评估方程获取的统计原理;3)分项指标的权重设置方式3个方面分析营养状态指数之间的差异性。未来展望方面,首先,鉴于当前营养状态指数均属于通用性指数,因而建议未来基于上述3种基本类型开发因地制宜的营养状态指数,实现湖泊藻类生产力和水华风险的精准指示;其次,营养状态指数的生态学依据是藻类限制因子理论,营养状态指数各分项指标(即基于总氮、总磷、SD和Chl.a)的差异可以指示初级生产力的限制因子,建议未来开展营养状态指数分项指标差异机制研究,以指导藻类水华防控措施精准施策;再次,除富营养化外,湖泊生态健康受损往往也与其它压力有关,建议未来开展湖泊生态健康对富营养化和其他压力的综合响应机制研究,制定服务于湖泊生态系统健康提升的精准调控路径。本文目的并非将营养状态指数的通用属性“复杂化”,而是旨在阐明营养状态指数的“前世今生”,进而为广大湖泊富营养化相关人员使用指数时提供参考,也希望为我国湖泊营养状态精准量化、后续保护和修复措施的精准实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

日地水文学与灾害预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王涌泉 《地球物理学报》1997,40(Z1):420-428
研究地球水文变化的日地物理成因和规律的日地水文学(Solar-TerrestrialHydrology),用于水、旱灾害预测多次获得证实.本文从日地水文物理基础、长江淮河22年周期性大洪水、黄河大洪水和太阳活动关系、太阳活动双重衰减期北方大旱、17世纪日地水文异常变化、太阳活动对暴雨洪水中短期影响、台湾海峡两侧大暴雨洪水落区转移、全球最大洪水日地水文研究以及学科发展和应用前景九个方面,对中国近70多年来的主要成果加以回顾和总结.基础科学、高科技和应用紧密结合,促成对国民经济发展直接相关的新学科,是当代科学进步的一个显著标志,这里又是一个例证.  相似文献   

青藏高原是地球上最重要的高海拔地区之一,对全球变化具有敏感响应.青藏高原作为"亚洲水塔",其地表水资源及其变化对高原本身及周边地区的经济社会发展具有重要的影响.然而,在气候变暖的情况下,构成高原地表水资源的各个组分,如冰川、湖泊、河流、降水等水体的相变及其转化却鲜为人知.湖泊是青藏高原地表水体相变和水循环的关键环节.湖泊面积、水位和水量对西风和印度季风的降水变化非常敏感,但湖泊面积和水量变化在不同区域和时段的响应也不尽相同.湖泊水温对气候变暖具有明显响应,湖泊水温和水下温跃层深度的变化能够对水—气的热量交换具有明显影响,从而影响了区域蒸发和降水等水循环过程.由于湖泊水量增加,高原中部色林错地区湖泊盐度自1970s以来普遍下降.根据60多个湖泊实地监测建立的遥感反演模型研究发现,2000—2019年湖泊透明度普遍升高.对不同补给类型的大湖水量平衡监测发现,影响湖泊变化的气象和水文要素具有较大差异.在目前的暖湿气候条件下,青藏高原的湖泊将会持续扩张.为了深入认识湖泊变化在青藏高原区域水循环和气候变化中的作用,需要全面了解湖泊水量赋存及连续的时间序列变化,需要深入了解湖泊理化参数变化及对湖泊...  相似文献   

湖泊光学研究进展及其展望   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
张运林 《湖泊科学》2011,23(4):483-497
从湖泊光学研究理论框架、研究方法、水体生物光学特性、有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)生物地球化学循环、光与浮游植物相互关系、沉积物再悬浮光学效应、湖泊水色遥感等几个方面全面回顾了湖泊光学研究进展.湖泊光学研究理论框架主要包括各光学组份吸收、散射、漫射衰减及辐射传输方程;近年来,逐步发展了野外时空格局调查、水动力水华过程连续...  相似文献   

范成新  钟继承  张路  刘成  申秋实 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1254-1277
环保疏浚的决策研究主要涉及"是否疏浚"、"疏浚多少"、"如何疏浚"、"能否疏浚"等问题,关系到工程是否立项、资金投入、工艺选择和疏浚效果等.本文首先简要回顾了50年来环保疏浚研究和发展历史,系统总结了国内外在针对湖泊富营养化、潜在生态风险以及湖泛污染控制方面开展环保疏浚的研究进展,分析了疏浚决策理念的差异和需要完善的问题.然后就疏浚工程量设计,分析了湖泊环保疏浚区域的选定和疏浚面积的确定方法和实例,围绕环保疏浚深度的确定,介绍和分析了视觉分层法、拐点法、背景值法、标准偏差倍数法、频度控制法、生态风险指数法、分层释放法和吸附解析法等方法及其优缺点.接着总结了应用不同工艺疏浚过程中产生的底泥扩散、泄漏和残留原因及影响方面的研究成果,提出了疏浚决策对疏浚工艺的选用要求.最后从重视疏浚后环境效果的过程回溯、悬浮态颗粒物影响以及实质性融入生态风险理念等方面,对湖泊环保疏浚决策的研究进行了展望.本文认为,湖泊的疏浚效果未达到预期多与忽视决策研究有关.决策上的主观性和任意性,不仅可能造成资金的浪费,还容易造成生态环境效益的损害.湖泊的环保疏浚不可能一劳永逸,也不是每个污染的湖泊都需要或可以采用疏浚方...  相似文献   

湖泊及流域科学研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
1 湖泊及流域科学学科发展回顾与进展 1.1 湖泊及流域科学发展的历程 自古以来,人类择水而居.人类文明大多起源于江湖流域,使之成为全球人口、经济与城市密集区.然而,人类长期的生息运作,使湖泊及流域系统不断发生着巨大变化,导致资源结构性短缺矛盾逐渐加剧;环境污染加重、生态日趋脆弱;灾害频发损失剧增;湖泊及流域上中下游之间、部门之间的利益冲突和矛盾不断尖锐等,成为区域人-地关系最为紧张和复杂的地理单元.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积研究的历史进展与展望   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:13  
沈吉 《湖泊科学》2009,21(3):307-313
回顾了国际和国内湖泊沉积研究历史,论述了国际古湖泊学研究的两大方向以及主要研究内容,对中国20世纪50年代以来的湖泊沉积研究进行了综述.针对目前湖泊沉积研究领域的薄弱环节,提出加强湖泊沉积环境指标的基础理论研究,提高时间分辨率,关注人类活动对湖泊环境的影响,开展湖泊沉积界面过程与机理研究,以及进一步加强区域和全球对比等建议与展望.  相似文献   

湖泊环境与工程学科是近10~20年发展的、研究变化环境条件下湖泊水环境质量演变规律、互动机制、保护治理及和谐发展的一门交叉性的基础研究和应用研究学科.随着人类活动强度增加,我国湖泊面临富营养化、蓝藻水华暴发与引发次生灾害及持久性和新兴污染等多类型或叠加复合的严峻环境问题,迫切需要发展湖泊区域性的复合污染防控与治理技术体系,服务于国家生态文明建设.本文首先简单介绍对湖泊环境与工程学科概念及内涵的认识,然后较系统地阐述了国内外近10年来关于主要污染物在湖泊中环境行为的研究,针对性地分析了主要由蓝藻水华暴发引发的次生灾害"湖泛"的发生原因及防控策略,展示了以湖泊底泥为主的湖泊监测方法和技术研究进展,总结和归纳了从入湖污染控制到内源污染治理的湖泊污染防控技术研发成果,最后对湖泊环境与工程学科研究尺度向宏观与微观两极延伸及治理修复技术向生态/水利工程和智慧感知/大数据技术融合发展等方面进行了展望.  相似文献   

湖泊渔业研究:进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
作为一种传统产业,渔业在我国经济社会发展中具有不可缺失的重要地位.而渔业作为湖泊最重要的功能之一,其资源变动是湖泊生态系统演变的重要影响因子,同时湖泊渔业资源的变动和退化也是对环境变化最直接的响应.自1980s以来,随着湖泊水环境的改变,湖泊渔业资源衰退趋势明显,中上层浮游生物食性鱼类在鱼类群落中占优势,鱼类资源小型化、低龄化现象严重.本文以湖泊渔业发展的历程为切入口,系统阐述人类活动及湖泊环境变化对渔业资源及生态系统的影响,厘清现阶段湖泊水环境管理、湖泊生态系统修复、湖泊渔业可持续发展等关系,展望我国湖泊渔业的发展前景及新型模式.  相似文献   

中国湖泊古生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
羊向东  王荣  董旭辉  王倩  陈旭  徐敏  张科 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1380-1395
湖泊古生态学是古湖沼学的一个主要分支学科,主要通过沉积记录中的各种生物化石指标分析,重建不同时空尺度的湖泊生态系统演化过程,回答生态学、全球变化和环境管理应用方面的议题.本文回顾了国内外湖泊古生态研究的发展历程,在介绍湖泊古生态系列指标和研究基本原理基础上,着重评述了过去20 a来我国湖泊古生态研究取得的主要进展和成果,包括:(1)建立了基于多种生物和生物标记化合物指标进行古气候环境要素(温度、盐度、水体总磷等)定量重建的系列转换函数模型;(2)重点揭示了不同地质历史时期和近百年来湖泊生态环境演变的规律,及其对自然和人为驱动的响应特征与机理;(3)利用古生态记录诊断了湖泊生态系统突变模式与早期信号特征,定量揭示了湖泊生物群落演替与生态系统弹性损失的关系.上述成果为湖泊环境管理和治理提供了重要依据.本文最后对我国湖泊古生态研究进行了展望,提出了今后研究的重点方向.  相似文献   

Water resources development and exploitation are critical for a viable and sustainable modern human society. Unfortunately, however, there is a considerable water storage depletion and environmental degradation in especially (semi)‐arid river basins due to the forces of population growth, urbanization, industrialization and intensive agricultural irrigation. Addressing water storage depletion is not only a question of research, but is very much a question of developing appropriate countermeasures to preserve valuable/fragile ecological systems. As one such effort, this study analyzes the hydrology and storage in Baiyangdian Lake as affected by water resources development and exploitation in the Baiyangdian Lake Catchment of Northern China. Three models, WetSpass (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and the Atmosphere under quasi‐Steady State), WATBUD (Water Budget) and MODFLOW (USGS three‐dimensional finite‐difference groundwater flow model) were used in combination to simulate the hydrogeologic conditions in the lake catchment for 1956–2008. The model‐calibrated values are in good agreement with the measured values, with R2 > 0·8 and RMSE < 10% of measured values. Runoff, the primary source of water for the lake storage, has steadily declined due mainly to multiple dam construction and reservoir impoundments in the headwater valleys and rivers in the catchment. In addition to dwindling runoff, groundwater levels have declined considerably due to over‐abstraction, mainly for agricultural irrigation. Additionally, evaporation or evapotranspiration is increasing in the lake catchment due to rising temperatures. The worsening hydrological conditions, amid the harsh semi‐arid climate, have resulted in considerable depletion of the storage and hydrology of Baiyangdian Lake. Sustainable countermeasures like agricultural water‐saving and infusion of external water (e.g., via by the South–North Water Transfer Project) could be a viable option for preserving not only the hydrology of the lake catchment, but also storage in Baiyangdian Lake. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力影响的模拟   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
水流情势变化是河湖生态系统演变最主要的驱动力,拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力会产生何种影响是一个值得深入研究的问题.本研究基于EFDC模型构建了鄱阳湖水动力的二维模型,并按照规划中的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程调度方案,通过丰平枯典型年份的情景模拟,探讨了鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程运行调度方案对湖泊水文水动力的可能影响.模拟结果表明:不同情景年型鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程低枯水位生态调节期(12月1日至3月底4月初)中11 m控制水位对该时期湖泊平均水位的抬升程度明显,2010年(丰水年)11 m控制水位对枯水期湖泊平均水位的最大抬升为2.59 m,2000年(平水年)枯水期湖泊的平均水位最大抬升为2.68 m,而2004年(枯水年)枯水期湖泊的平均水位最大抬升为4.35 m.枯水期水位的抬升,使不同年型不同湖区的枯水期平均流速、最大流速和最小流速都有不同程度的减小,其中以入江河道为最,2000年和2010年枯水期平均流速降幅在44%以上,2004年(枯水年)枯水期的平均降速范围在50%以上,而对两大保护区的影响则较小.对流场格局的影响方面,主要表现在有枢纽时由于低枯水期的11 m水位控制,棠荫以北尤其是入江河道的流场与无枢纽时的流场表现出明显的不同;棠荫以南的湖区,当赣江中支和赣江南支的来水较大时,在棠荫附近及松门山以南的湖区会呈现出较大的水面.同时由于枯水期的水位抬升和流速减小,水利枢纽工程对湖泊换水周期的作用明显,不同年型的换水周期都受到不同程度的影响,2004年枢纽控水过程使控水期间的平均换水周期增加了5.6 d,影响程度达26.1%;模型模拟结果可以揭示在目前调度方案下,水利枢纽工程对鄱阳湖水文水动力的影响程度,为进一步定量分析鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程对湖泊水质和生态系统演化及其可能造成的影响提供必要的基础支撑.  相似文献   

季江  胡文英 《湖泊科学》1994,6(2):115-123
详细阐述了马湖的地理位置、湖盆形态、流域水系特征及湖区自然概况。从研究水资源的角度出发,实测了水下地形,并进行了湖水的水量平衡分析计算。分析湖水的理化特性,包括:水色、透明度、温度、溶解性气体、pH值、营养物质、矿化度和水型等,并根据其水资源特点,提出了开发和综合利用的措施。  相似文献   

呼伦湖水位、盐度变化(1961-2002年)   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
为重建水文资料缺乏的呼伦湖流域的水文、水质序列,本研究基于长期的气象观测记录,采用彭曼公式估计了湖泊的水面蒸发,并建立一个两参数月水量平衡模型模拟湖周的入流,通过水量平衡计算.建立了42年(1961-2002)的呼伦湖区水量变化序列,并模拟了湖泊月水量、水位、含盐度的变化.模拟的水位、含盐度变化趋势与实际比较接近,模拟精度较好,其误差在可以接受范围内.所重建的42年呼伦湖区水文、含盐度序列,可为该区域的水资源评价管理、开发利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

This paper deals with hydrological analyses of Lakes Ohrid and Prespa. The watersheds and the lakes themselves are shared by three countries: Albania, Greece and Macedonia. As a result of insufficient interstate scientific cooperation and inexistence of data exchange, the lakes and their watersheds are not fully investigated regarding hydrology and hydrogeology. This paper represents a first attempt at a complete hydrological analysis based on data from the Macedonian side. This is not considered to be a particular deficiency, because over 60% of the lakes' watersheds and the lakes themselves belong to Macedonia, where a great number of reliable and long‐term data series of hydrometeorological observations exist. The Prespa lakes do not have surface outflow and are connected with Lake Ohrid by underground karst conduits. Because of this, from the hydrological point of view, the lakes and their watersheds cannot be analysed separately. The changes of the regime of the air temperature and the rainfall distribution have been investigated in this report. An increase of the maximum and decrease of the minimum annual air temperatures, as well as a decrease of annual precipitation sums has been determined. Also, a statistically significant descending trend of water level in both lakes has been confirmed, with a statement that the water level decrease in Lake Prespa is extremely alarming. From 1985 to 1995 the water level in Lake Prespa has dropped by more than 5 m. The main reasons for this cannot be identified easily because there are no data on water use quantities from all three countries. As the lakes represent unique natural, ecological and economical water resources in a region suffering water shortage, we plead for a strengthening of international support in activities on salvation of both lakes. A prerequisite for this is the water balance calculation and common cooperation in sustainable water resources management of the lakes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The level of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, fluctuates annually and seasonally following the patterns of changes in precipitation. In this study, a mass balance approach is used to estimate the hydrological balance of the lake. Water influx from four major rivers, subsurface inflow from the floodplains, precipitation, outflow from the lake constituting river discharge and evapotranspiration from the lake are analysed on monthly and annual bases. Spatial interpolation of precipitation using rain gauge data was conducted using kriging. Outflow from the lake was identified as the evaporation from the lake's surface as well as discharge at the outlet where the Blue Nile commences. Groundwater inflow is estimated using MODular three‐dimensional finite‐difference ground‐water FLOW model software that showed an aligned flow pattern to the river channels. The groundwater outflow is considered negligible based on the secondary sources that confirmed the absence of lake water geochemical mixing outside of the basin. Evaporation is estimated using Penman's, Meyer's and Thornwaite's methods to compare the mass balance and energy balance approaches. Meteorological data, satellite images and temperature perturbation simulations from Global Historical Climate Network of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration are employed for estimation of evaporation input parameters. The difference of the inflow and outflow was taken as storage in depth and compared with the measured water level fluctuations. The study has shown that the monthly and annually calculated lake level replicates the observed values with root mean square error value of 0·17 and 0·15 m, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于水平衡模型的呼伦湖湖泊水量变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对北方寒旱区呼伦湖水位下降、水面萎缩的现象,根据气候特征,利用月水量平衡模型探究湖泊水文过程并揭示其变化规律.在此基础上,利用不同气候条件下各水平衡项对于湖泊水位的影响程度确定水位升降的直接原因.基于1963-1980年间水位的实测数据,根据水量平衡原理及其他辅助计算判断出湖泊与周边区域存在着地下水的交换,且具有一定的规律性,即历年11月至次年3月期间的累积降雪融化渗入土壤中形成浅层径流补给湖泊,而7、8月份湖泊补给周边草原.基于以上规律,根据周边坡面汇流、地下水与湖泊交换量的年内变化特征,利用水平衡方程式推算湖泊1981-2008年逐月水位变化,并与其他研究成果比较,吻合度较高.不同气候条件下,径流量对于湖泊水位的影响程度最为突出,是水位变化的主控因子.  相似文献   

The revised empirical model for in- and outflow calculation of Upper Lake Constance has provided satisfying results supported by measured values. The given model was implemented to simulate total water inputs of the lake during the period from 1941 to 2000 with emphasis on the flood conditions of 1999. Analysis of annual water input development reveals a tendency toward slight increases until the 1960s. Thereafter, a reduction in inputs can be noted. This trend probably continues to hold true to present. Weather conditions of given individual years have caused distinct fluctuations to the water budget.Unusual meteorological conditions led to extreme flooding in early May of 1999. Daily water inputs of up to 200 mio m3 generated the highest water levels ever observed for this time of the year. Continual extraordinarily high water inputs occurring from February until July and then again from September until the end of 1999 resulted in the second largest annual total water input recorded since 1941.  相似文献   

Xianghu Li  Qi Zhang  Qi Hu  Dan Zhang  Xuchun Ye 《水文研究》2017,31(23):4217-4228
The relative timing of peak flows (RTPF) from tributaries has significant influence on flood occurrence at their confluence. This study is aimed at (1) analysing the characteristics of the RTPF of the 5 recharging rivers in the Poyang Lake catchment and the Yangtze River during the period of 1960–2012, and (2) employing a physically‐based hydrodynamic model (MIKE 21) to quantify the effects of RTPF on flood behaviour in the Poyang Lake (the largest freshwater lake in China). The results show that short RTPF, or close occurrence of peak flows, triggers flood in the Poyang Lake more easily. More than 75% of total flood events in the study period occurred with RTPF less than 60 days, and more than 55% of the events occurred with RTPF less than 30 days. The hydrodynamic simulation revealed that the date of flood peak in the lake was postponed by 4–7 days and the flood stage raised by 0.69 m because of the delay of peak flows from the upstream rivers/tributaries. On the other hand, earlier start of the Yangtze River peak flow led to flood peak in the lake 6–13 days earlier. Additionally, the duration of high lake water levels was extended by 9–12 days when the RTPF shortened, and the flood hydrograph of the Poyang Lake changed from a flat to a flashy type. These results indicate that an enlarged RTPF between the upstream rivers and the Yangtze River could be an effective way to prevent flood disasters in the Poyang Lake, a method apparently being adopted in the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. The RTPF should be considered and integrated when developing flood prevention and management plans in the Poyang Lake, as well as in other similar regions in the world.  相似文献   


The water balance of the closed freshwater Lake Awassa was estimated using a spreadsheet hydrological model based on long-term monthly hydrometeorological data. The model uses monthly evaporation, river discharge and precipitation data as input. The net groundwater flux is obtained from model simulation as a residual of other water balance components. The result revealed that evaporation, precipitation, and runoff constitute 131, 106 and 83 × 106 m3 of the annual water balance of the lake, respectively. The annual net groundwater outflow from the lake to adjacent basins is 58 × 106 m3. The simulated and recorded lake levels fit well for much of the simulation period (1981–1999). However, for recent years, the simulated and recorded levels do not fit well. This may be explained in terms of the combined effects of land-use change and neotectonism, which have affected the long-term average water balance. With detailed long-term hydrogeological and meteorological data, investigation of the subsurface hydrodynamics, and including the effect of land-use change and tectonism on surface water and groundwater fluxes, the water balance model can be used efficiently for water management practice. The result of this study is expected to play a positive role in future sustainable use of water resources in the catchment.  相似文献   

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