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饶长辉  姜文汉  凌宁 《天文学报》2001,42(2):134-139
分析以观测系统焦面上和探测器测到的太阳表面米粒结构的对比度与观测系统口径,大气湍流相干长度以及系统探测灵敏度的关系,给出了不同口径,不同大气湍流相干长度以及不同系统探测灵敏度时的米粒结构对比值计算结果,此外还给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence for short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system and evaluates the models of their origin. The stellar model requires that some freshly-nucleosynthesized radionuclides were injected into the proto-solar cloud shortly before it began to collapse. The spallation theory suggests that these nuclides were the products of interaction between energetic particles and gas/dust in the proto-solar cloud or solar nebula. A brief discussion is given to a new theory for the X-wind model of solar system formation.  相似文献   

For the rising branch of Cycle 22, 1987 January—1989 November, we plot the daily total flux S at each of the five wavelengths 2.0, 3.4, 6.0, 10.7 and 21.2 cm against the apparent sunspot area of the dominant sunspot Ay and find that, for several large active areas, the locus is located below the average regression line, and the increase in the radio flux is insignificant compared to the increase in the sunspot area.  相似文献   

Based mainly on filtergrams ofH line center and various offbands and supplemented with measurements of the CIV 1548 line, we analyzed the evolution of a filament during a period of 15 minutes prior to the eruption of the flare of 1980 June 25 in the active region AR 2522. The filament underwent three spasmodic twistings of increasing size which finally led to its disruption and the flare eruption. We simulated the twisting motion of the filament by a force-free magnetic rope, estimated the variation of the force-free factor and the increase in the axial electric current, discussed the stability of the filament and attempted to give a theoretical explanation of the collapse of the filament and the eruption of the flare.  相似文献   

Adaptive optics (AO), which provides diffraction limited imaging over a field-of-view (FOV), is a powerful technique for solar observation. In the tomographic approach, each wavefront sensor (WFS) is looking at a single reference that acts as a guide star. This allows a 3D reconstruction of the distorted wavefront to be made. The correction is applied by one or more deformable mirrors (DMs). This technique benefits from information about atmospheric turbulence at different layers, which can be used to reconstruct the wavefront extremely well. With the assistance of the MAOS software package, we consider the tomography errors and WFS aliasing errors, and focus on how the performance of a solar telescope (pointing toward zenith) is related to atmospheric anisoplanatism. We theoretically quantify the performance of the to- mographic solar AO system. The results indicate that the tomographic AO system can improve the average Strehl ratio of a solar telescope in a 10" - 80" diameter FOV by only employing one DM conjugated to the telescope pupil. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of DM conjugate altitude on the correction achievable by the AO system by selecting two atmospheric models that differ mainly in terms of atmospheric prop- erties at ground level, and present the optimum DM conjugate altitudes for different observation sites.  相似文献   

In this paper, we idealize the actual solar atmosphere as a multi-isothermal-layer system so as to obtain the energy transmittance of the linear Alfvén wave that propagates through such a system in presence of a uniform oblique magnetic filed. The results indicate that the two-layer model is essentially different to the three-layer one. In the two-layer model, the temperature jump acts as a high pass filter. In the three-layer model, resonant transfer will take place and the transmittance undergoes oscillation as the trigonometric function terms dominate its behavior. For actual solar atmosphere, the result reveals that the lower parts of solar atmosphere are more suitable for those Alfvén waves with period of seconds to transfer their energy.  相似文献   

摘要:给出了太阳光谱望远镜光学系统成像质量的测定方法.以及给出了我们用星光作为目标来测定望远镜光学系统传递函数时必须考虑的条件和理论基础。实测结果给出望远镜空间分辨率的上限为0.6“,95%光能集中度在1.2“以内。  相似文献   

Jun Nishikawa 《Solar physics》1994,152(1):125-130
Spatially-resolved precise photometric observations of the whole Sun at wavelengths of 545nm (FWHM 40nm) were carried out by using the CCD solar surface photometer. Bright parts of photospheric network have contrast of several tenths of percent, and their contribution to the total irradiance is approximately half that of active region faculae. The solar irradiance variations estimated from sunspots, faculae and active network (contrast>0.3%) agreed with the ACRIM data. The quiet Sun irradiance used in the present results was different from the total irradiance at the solar minimum observed by the ACRIM, which indicates unmeasured components (contrast>0.1%) cause the 11-year cycle irradiance variation.  相似文献   

The first part of this article presents an analytic discussion of the linear properties of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave propagation. Then, with a 2-dimensional, time-dependent, compressible MHD simulation subject to a self-consistent non-isothermal, non-uniform initial state, we study numerically the global propagation process following an initial pressure pulse applied at the base of the chromosphere. Our numerical results indicate that, if the pulse is applied near the pole, there are two modes, one fast, one slow of magnetoacoustic waves; whereas if the pressure pulse is applied near the equator, there is a fast mode and a standing disturbance located near the source. These results may help interpret the wave events observed by SOHO/EIT.  相似文献   

We study the sources and components of the solar-wind spatial stream structure at the maximum of the solar cycle 23. In our analysis, we use several independent sets of experimental data: radio-astronomical observations of scattered radiation from compact sources with the determination of the distance from the Sun to the inner boundary of the transonic-flow transition region (Rin); calculated data on the magnetic-field intensity and structure in the solar corona, in the solar-wind source region, obtained from optical measurements of the photospheric magnetic-field intensity at the Stanford Solar Observatory (USA); and observations of the white-light corona with the LASCO coronograph onboard the SOHO spacecraft. We show that at the solar maximum, low-speed streams with a transition region located far from the Sun dominate in the solar-wind structure. A correlation analysis of the location of the inner boundary Rin and the source-surface magnetic-field intensity |B R | on a sphere R=2.5RS (RS is the solar radius) has revealed the previously unknown lowest-speed streams, which do not fit into the regular relationship between the parameters Rin and |B R |. In the white-light corona, the sources of these streams are located near the dark strip, a coronal region with a greatly reduced density; the nonstandard parameters of the streams probably result from the interaction of several discrete sources of different types.  相似文献   

Using advanced numerical schemes and grid refinement, we present 2D high-resolution models of solar granulation with particular emphasis on downflowing plumes. In the high-resolution portion of our simulation, a box measuring 1.97 × 2.58 Mm2 (vertical × horizontal), the grid size is 1.82 × 2.84 km2. Calculations at the resolution usually applied in this type of simulations amount to only a few horizontal gridpoints for a downflowing plume. Due to the increased number of gridpoints in our high-resolution domain, the simulations show the development of vigorous secondary instabilities of both the plume's head and stem. The plume's head produces counterrotating vortex patches, a topology due to the 2D nature of the simulations. Below a depth of about 1 Mm, the plume's head and stem instabilities produce, in these 2D models, patches of low density, temperature, pressure and high vorticity which may last for all of our simulation time, ∼10 min, and probably considerably longer. Centrifugal forces acting in these patches counteract the strong inward pressure. Probably most importantly, the plume's instabilities give rise to acoustic pulses created predominantly down to ∼1.5 Mm. The pulses proceed laterally as well as upwards and are ubiquitous. Ultimately, most of them emerge into the photosphere. A considerable part of the photospheric 'turbulence' in these models is due to those pulses rather than to some sort of eddies. The upflows in granules are smooth where they reach the photosphere from below even in the present calculations; however, the pulses may enter in the photosphere also in granular upflows.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is proposed for interpreting the coherent emissionmechanism of solar radio moving type IV bursts. Energetic electrons produced in flares captured by an expanding and rising magnetic flux tube exhibit a beam-like distribution of velocities on the top of the flux tube. These excite beaming plasma instability and directly amplifies O-mode electromagnetic waves. The instability growth rate sensitively depends on the coronal plasma parameter, ƒpece and the beam-temperature Tb. This can qualitatively explain the high brightness temperature and high degree of polarization as well as the broad spectrum observed in this type of solar radio bursts.  相似文献   

The method of singular spectral analysis (SSA) is described and used to analyze the series of Wolf numbers that characterizes solar activity from 1748 until 1996. Since this method is relatively new, we detail its algorithm as applied to the data under study. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of the SSA method and the conditions for its applicability to an analysis of the solar-activity data. Certain regularities have been found in the dynamics of this series. Both short and long (80–100-year) periodicities have been revealed in the sunspot dynamics. We predict the solar activity until 2014.  相似文献   

G. Cremonese  M. Bruno  S. Marchi 《Icarus》2005,177(1):122-128
Meteoroid impact has been shown to be a source of sodium, and most likely of other elements, on the Moon. The same process could be also relevant for Mercury. In this work we calculate the vapor and neutral Na production rates on Mercury due to the impacts of meteoroids in the radius range of 10−8-10−1 m. We limit our calculations to this size range, because meteoroids with radius larger than 10−1 m have not to be found important for the daily production of the exosphere. This work is based on a new dynamical model of the meteoroid flux at the heliocentric distance of Mercury, regarding objects in the size range 10−2-10−1 m. This size range, never investigated before, is not affected by nongravitational forces, such as the Poynting-Robertson effect, which is dominant for particles smaller than 10−2 m. In order to evaluate the release of neutral sodium atoms also for smaller meteoroids we have used the distribution reported by M.J. Cintala [1992. Impact-induced thermal effects in the lunar and mercurian regoliths. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 947-973] calculated for particle size range 10−8-10−3 m. We have extrapolated this distribution up to 10−2 m and we have based the impact calculations on a new surface composition assuming 90% plagioclase and 10% pyroxene. The results of our model are that (i) the total mass of vapor produced by the impact of meteoroids in the size range 10−8-10−1 m is 4.752×108 g per year, and (ii) the production rate of neutral sodium atoms is 1.5×1022 s−1.  相似文献   

Unstable pertubation modes exist in the magnetic field of penumbral electric current and I think the penumbral filaments are formed from the development of such modes. Under the short wave approximation the non-adiabatic dispersion equation is solved in the radial and transverse directions of the sunspot. From the condition of instability the length and width of the penumbral filament can be evaluated and it is found that the filament mode is static in the direction of the length and is non-moving in the direction of the width, that the penumbral filaments are a feature of the sunspot magnetic flow under gravity and that the presence of the filaments implies the existence of a twisted magnetic field.  相似文献   

We report here a study of various solar activity phenomena occurring in both north and south hemispheres of the Sun during solar cycles 8–23. In the study we have used sunspot data for the period 1832–1976, flare index data for the period 1936-1993, Hα flare data 1993–1998 and solar active prominences data for the period 1957–1998. Earlier Verma reported long-term cyclic period in N-S asymmetry and also that the N-S asymmetry of solar activity phenomena during solar cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24 will be south dominated and the N-S asymmetry will shift to north hemisphere in solar cycle 25. The present study shows that the N-S asymmetry during solar cycles 22 and 23 are southern dominated as suggested by Verma.  相似文献   

The initial mass function (IMF) in the solar neighbourhood is determined on the basis of a recently derived history of the star formation rate (SFR) which shows the presence of a star formation burst about 8 Gyr ago. The observed present-day mass function (PDMF) is considered, and the average past distribution of stars of a given mass is estimated. Two cases are considered, namely (i) constant SFR, and (ii) variable SFR as derived from the new metallicity distribution of G dwarfs. The resulting IMF is compared with previous determinations by Scalo and Kroupa et al., and the variation with stellar mass of the slope of the IMF is compared with reference determinations in the literature.  相似文献   

Wind velocities at 140–200 km altitude were observed by a Low-G Accelerometer Calibration System (LOGACS) flown on an Agena satellite during a geomagnetic storm. An interesting wind reversal observed by the satellite at auroral latitudes is satisfactorily explained by the neutral air motion caused by the E × B drift deduced from the ground-based geomagnetic data recorded at stations near the meridian of the satellite orbit.  相似文献   

For infinitesimal, homologous perturbations, stability analysis has found the solar radiative interior thermally stable. It is considered for the first time here whether stability is preserved when finite amplitude nonhomologous perturbations are present. We argue that local heated regions may develop in the solar core due to magnetic instabilities. Simple numerical estimations are derived for the timescales of the decay of these events and, when heated bubbles are generated that rise towards the surface, of their rising motion. These estimations suggest that the solar core is in a metastable state. For more detailed analysis, we developed a numerical code to solve the differential equation system. Our calculations determined the conditions of metastability and the evolution of timescales. We obtained two principal results. One of them shows that small amplitude heating events (with energy surplus Qo < 1026 ergs) contribute to subtle but long-lifetime heat waves and give the solar interior a persistently oscillating character. Interestingly, the slow decay of heat waves may make their accumulation possible and so their overlapping may contribute to the development of an intermittent, individual, local process of bubble generation, which may also be generated directly by stronger (Qo > 1026 ergs) heating events. Our second principal result is that for heated regions with ΔT/T ≥ 10−4 and radius 105–106cm, the generated bubbles may travel distances larger than their linear size. We point out to some possible observable consequences of the obtained results.  相似文献   

G. Ricort  J. Borgnino  C. Aime 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):377-394
Estimations of Fried's parameter r o are performed simultaneously using the same telescope, from the observed solar granulation contrast and from the variance of angle-of-arrival fluctuations. The results are well correlated and the mean ratio between the values for r o obtained from the 2 methods is found to be equal to 1.4.The sensitivity and accuracy of the methods are discussed in terms of their range of application (site testing, seeing measurements during solar observations ...). Temporal power spectra of turbulent energy are computed and evidence of long period oscillations of about 10 min is found.  相似文献   

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