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The Chesapeake Bay is greatly impacted by numerous pollutants including heavy metals and understanding the controls on the distribution of heavy metals in the watershed is critical to mitigation and remediation efforts in controlling this type of pollution. Clasts from a stormwater catchment basin draining a subdivision near George Mason University, Fairfax VA (38°50.090°N 78°19.204°W) were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to determine the nature of Mn-oxide coatings and relationship to bound heavy metals. Mn-oxides are poorly crystalline and occur as subhedral to anhedral platy particles and more rarely as euhedral plates. Micronodules are a commonly observed texture. Chemical compositions of coatings are variable with average major constituent concentrations being Mn (33.38 wt%), Fe (11.88 wt%), Si (7.33 wt%), Al (5.03 wt%), and Ba (0.90 wt%). Heavy metals are found in the coatings with Zn being most prevalent, occurring in approximately 58% of analyses with an average concentration of (0.66 wt%). Minor amounts of Co, Ni, Pb, and Cl are observed. Heavy metals and Cl are interpreted as being derived from road pollution. Mn-oxides can serve as a sequestration mechanism for pollution but may also release heavy metals. Field and laboratory observations indicate Mn-oxides occurring on the surface of the clasts can be mechanically mobilized. This is a mechanism for transporting heavy metals into the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Deicing agents may serve as a mechanism to release heavy metals through cation exchange and increased ionic strength. This is the first detailed mineralogical investigation of Mn-oxides and the roles they may play in pollution in the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper was to analyze the processing and transport of aluminum speciation through the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay landscape. Stream waters were sampled in 14 different streams from the Susquehanna River watershed to the upper reach of Chesapeake Bay. The basic water quality data were documented and Al speciation was evaluated by modified MINEQL computer model. It was found that the increase in acidity in some of the stream waters near New York were closely linked with a marked decline in basic cation concentrations. In these areas, the sum of the toxic forms of Al3+ plus AlOH2+ and Al(OH)2 + concentrations exceeds the critical level of 5 μmol l–1. A potential threat from aluminum may occur. Received: 3 January 2000 · Accepted: 21 March 2000  相似文献   

The fate of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) from their sources to the final sink was analysed. Investigations included the identification of sources, the input from each source as well as transport towards their temporary (soil, vegetation, and marine water) and final sink (marine sediments). Research was conducted in the catchment area of Punat Bay on the island of Krk (Northern Adriatic, Croatia). Four sources were identified: long-range transport, traffic, antifouling paints and eroded material which annually introduced about 158 kg of Cu, 175 kg of Pb and 666 kg of Zn into the Bay. Antifouling paints were significant but not the main source of pollution in this area as was considered in previous investigations. Due to long-range transport, the input of Zn was almost four times greater, whereas the input of Pb was almost six times greater than the input from antifouling paints. Aerosols emitted from motor vehicles still represent the mayor source of Pb in this area. Cu originates mostly from antifouling paints and long-range transport. It was estimated that only around 30% of analysed elements introduced into the water column would be deposited in their final sink, i.e. marine sediments.  相似文献   

Analyses of organic content, pollen, and the carbon-isotopic composition of a 3.5-m sediment core collected from a subsided tidal marsh located in South San Francisco Bay, California, have provided a 500-yr record of sediment accretion and vegetation change before, during, and after a rapid 1 m increase in sea level. Core chronology was established using14C dating of fossil plant material, the first appearance of pollen types produced by plants not native to California, and changes in lead concentrations coincident with anthropogenic contamination. Prior to the mid 19th century, rates of sediment accretion were between 1 and 4 mm yr−1; sediment accretion accelerated to an average of 22 mm yr−1 following the initiation of subsidence. Changes in tidal marsh vegetation also accompanied this depositional change. Vegetation shifted from a high to low marsh assemblage, as indicated by a larger percentage of grass pollen, rhizomes ofSpartina foliosa, and a strong C4 signal. Between 1980 and 2001, Triangle marsh again developed high marsh vegetation, as indicated by higher percentages of the Amaranthaceane pollen type, seed deposition, includingSalicornia spp., and more negative carbon isotopic ratios.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of trace metal (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni) concentrations, organic matter content, carbonate content and granulometric composition were determined in two sediment cores from the submarine pit Dragon Ear (Middle Adriatic). Concentrations of the analyzed metals (Cd: 0.06–0.12 mg kg−1, Pb: 28.5–67.3 mg kg−1, Zn: 17.0-65.4 mg kg−1, Cu: 21.1–51.9 mg kg−1, Ni: 27.8–40.2 mg kg−1) were in usual range for Adriatic carbonate marine sediments. Nevertheless, concentrations of Cu, Zn, and especially Pb in the upper layer of sediments (top 12 cm) were higher than in bottom layer, while Cd and Ni concentration profiles were uniform. Regression analysis and principal component analysis were used to interpret distribution of trace metals, organic matter and carbonate content in sediment cores. Results of both analysis showed that concentrations of all trace metals in the core below the entrance to the pit were significantly positively correlated with organic matter and negatively correlated with carbonate, while in the core more distant from the entrance only Pb showed significant positive correlation with organic matter. Obtained results indicated that, except for lead which was enriched in surface sediment, in the time of sampling (before the building of the nautical marina) investigated area belonged to unpolluted areas.  相似文献   

Total organic nitrogen (TON) and phosphorus (TOP) were measured as a function of depth in 14 cores taken from a New England, tidal, freshwater marsh. TON and TOP ranged from 1.56 to 1.97% and 0.11 to 0.30% of dry weight sediments, respectively. The variation in both pool sizes over time was small and TON varied inconsistently with depth; however, TOP decreased regularly down to 20 cm. Consequently, the TON: TOP ratio increased linearly from 14∶1 at the surface to 32∶1 at 20 cm, then was nearly constant to 70 cm. This pattern may be a general feature of marsh sediments and may indicate 1) that phosphorus is recycled less efficiently than nitrogen, 2) that over time proportionately more introgen than phosphorus is incorporated into recalcitrant compounds, or 3) that phosphorus is more mobile than nitrogen in these marsh sediments. The total inorganic nitrogen pool was measured in this marsh also and was dominated by ammonium (97% of total). The annual average free ammonium concentration was 3.70±0.64 mg N per 1 at the surface and decreased to 0.92±0.18 mg N per 1 at 20 to 22 cm in the sediments. Sorptiondesorption studies showed that, on a fresh sediment volume basis, sediment sorbed ammonium was roughly equivalent to free porewater ammonium (K=0.8). The relationship between free and sorbed ammonium was linear between 0.4 and 24.0 mg NH4·N per 1 of pore water. The depth distribution of ammonium in these sediments is probably maintained by a dynamic balance between net microbial mineralization of litter, plant uptake, transpiration, diffusion, and porewater advection.  相似文献   

 Geochemical characteristics of six trace metals – Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd and Cr – in the bulk sediment and sand, silt and clay fractions of a tropical estuary on the southwest coast of India have been studied and discussed. In bulk sediment, the trace metal concentration is controlled mainly by the textural composition of the sample. Mud, sandy mud and sandy silt register higher concentrations of trace metals than that in sand-dominant sediments. The granulometric partitioning studies also re-affirmed the role of particle size in enriching the trace metals. The silt and clay fractions exhibit 7–8 times the enrichment of Cu and Cd compared to that in sand. The enrichment factors of Zn, Cr, Ni and Co in the silt and clay fractions, compared to that in sand, are 5–6, 4–5, 2–5 and 2–3 times, respectively. The trace metals in the sand fraction, particularly Ni and Cr, exhibit strong positive correlation with the heavy mineral content of the samples. It clearly indicates a heavy mineral pathway to the trace metals in the sand fraction. Cu and Co in silt and clay fractions exhibit a marked decrease towards the high saline zones of the estuary. This is attributed to the desorption of Cu and Co from particulate phases during estuarine mixing. Contrary to Cu and Co, the content of Zn in the clay fraction shows a marginal increase towards the estuarine mouth. This could be explained by the influx of Zn-rich contaminant discharges from Zn-smelting industries located slightly north of the estuarine mouth. The released Zn will effectively be held in the lattices of the clay mineral montmorillonite, which also exhibits a marked increase towards the estuarine mouth. The anomalously high values of Cd in some places of the Central Vembanad estuary is attributed to the local pollution. Received: 10 July 1995 · Accepted: 3 June 1996  相似文献   

To improve the usefulness and accuracy of modeling Earth's anthrobiogeochemical metal cycles, global maps at approximately 1° × 1° are produced of the concentrations and masses of Fe, Al, Cu, and Zn contained in continental sediments and soils. The maps generated utilize inverse distance weighting (IDW) and cokriging to generate new estimates for geospatially weighted mean global concentrations for these metallic micronutrients. Sediment metal concentration maps are generated from IDW of sediment samples; global soil maps are produced via cokriging upon an underlying parent rock dataset composed of both surface bedrock and sediment samples. Derived are independent estimates for the global mean concentrations in continental sediments (Fe = 3.1 wt.%, Al = 6.1 wt.%, Cu = 45 μg/g, Zn = 86 μg/g) and soils (Fe = 2.5 wt.%, Al = 3.9 wt.%, Cu = 17 μg/g, Zn = 50 μg/g). While continental sediment concentrations for Cu are within the range of previous estimates, Zn concentrations are relatively higher, ~ 20 μg/g above previous estimates. Fe and Al are slightly depleted (~ 1 wt.%) in continental sediments relative to previous estimates, likely ascribable to sampling bias and error inherent in the comparative methodologies. Besides an estimated global mean, metal concentrations in soils are also broken down by FAO soil group. Metal masses in sediments and soils remain within 30% of previous, non-spatial estimates. These maps also illustrate the discernable spatial variability across the Earth's surface. Despite data gaps, maps of metal mass show regional patterns such as the high quantities of Al in the soils and biomass of the Amazonia and Congo regions. Concentrations of metals are relatively high in the anthrosols of China. Finally, this analysis highlights those areas for which generating and providing publically available geochemical data should be prioritized. For instance, gypsisols, lixisols, and nitisols have little to no analytical data available on metal contents. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the most poorly constrained soil metal concentrations occur in the thick, old tropical soils of central Africa and the anthrosols of eastern China.  相似文献   

Inactive parabolic dunes are present in southeastern Maryland, USA, along the east bank of the Potomac River. More elongate and finer-grained eolian deposits and paha-like ridges characterize the Potomac River–Patuxent River upland and the west side of Chesapeake Bay. These ridges are streamlined erosional features, veneered with eolian sediment and interspersed with dunes in the low-relief headwaters of Potomac- and Patuxent-river tributaries. Axis data for the dunes and ridges indicate formation by WNW–NW winds. Optically stimulated luminescence and radiocarbon age data suggest dune formation from  33–15 ka, agreeing with the 30–13 ka ages Denny, C.S., Owens, J.P., Sirkin, L., Rubin, M., 1979. The Parsonburg Sand in the central Delmarva Peninsula, Maryland and Delaware. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 1067-B, 16 pp. suggested for eolian deposits east of Chesapeake Bay. Age range and paleowind direction(s) for eolian features in the Bay region approximate those for late Wisconsin loess in the North American midcontinent. Formation of midcontinent loess and Bay-region eolian features was coeval with rapid growth of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and strong cooling episodes (δ18O minima) evident in Greenland ice cores. Age and paleowind-direction coincidence, for eolian features in the midcontinent and Bay region, indicates strong mid-latitude WNW–NW winds for several hundred kilometers south of the Laurentide glacial terminus that were oblique to previously simulated anticyclonic winds for the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground plant biomass, cover, and frequency were monitored in Sweet Hall Marsh, a tidal freshwater marsh located on the Pamunkey River, Virginia, during the 1974 growing season.Peltandra virginica accumulated the most biomass, 423.40 g per m2, followed byLeersia oryzoides at 67.75 g per m2. Annual net community production was estimated to be 775.74 g per m2 by using a multiple-harvest technique. Comparisons with other studies revealed that production was somewhat low for tidal freshwater marshes but mostly higher than production in Virginia brackish and saline wetlands. Measurements revealed an annual succession of plant species from spring to fall. The pattern observed was early dominance byPeltandra followed by a rise in importance ofPolygonum spp.,Impatients capensis andLeersia.  相似文献   

 The major aim was to increase our knowledge on the behaviour of Al, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and V in sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments exposed to atmospheric oxygen. Samples of this type of sediment collected in a previous investigation at eight sites in western Finland were digested in HClO4-HNO3-HCl-HF at 200  °C and in HCl:HNO3:H2O at 95  °C (aqua regia), and subjected to extractions with ammonium acetate and hydrogen peroxide. Metals and S in the leachates were determined with ICP-AES. The results of the chemical analyses are compared with previously reported experimental data. The concentrations of Al and Fe in the sulphide-bearing fine-grained sediments are about 7% and 5%, respectively. Of the trace metals studied, Mn is most abundant followed in decreasing order by V>Cr>Ni>Cu>Co. On oxidation of the sediments, high proportions of Co, Mn and Ni, intermediate proportions of Cu but low proportions of Fe, Al, Cr and V are released. The extent of the release of a metal on oxidation is controlled either by (1) the level to which the pH of the sediments drops on oxidation (Al, Cu, Cr, V), (2) the amount of the metal associated with easily reduced phases (metal sulphides) in the sediments (Ni, Co) or (3) the sum of the amount associated with reduced phases and adsorbed on soil compounds (Mn). No control of the release of Fe on oxidation of the sediments was identified. Based on the results of the study it is argued that artificial drainage and the subsequent oxidation of sulphide-bearing sediments will result in extensive leaching of Co, Mn and Ni, moderate leaching of Cu and limited leaching of Cr and V into drainages. The major elements, Fe and Al, have the potential to be mobilised and leached in large amounts, though the proportions mobilised/leached will remain low. It is suggested that the identification of sulphide-bearing sediments with a high potential of metal release should be based on determination of metals in easily mobilised reduced compounds (dissolved e.g. in H2O2) and of the level to which the pH of the sediments drops on oxidation. Received: 16 October 1997 · Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了中国南极科考21~27航次期间获取的普里兹湾表层沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Co、Al、Fe、Mn的含量,分析了普里兹湾微量元素的分布特征,结合沉积物粒度分布、生物硅含量,并利用富集系数和主成分分析的方法,探讨了微量元素的物源指示意义。研究结果表明:普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素含量与南大洋其他海域具有很好的可比性。Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn含量在陆坡深海区明显高于冰架边缘区和陆架区;Al、Pb含量在冰架边缘区较高;而Cd含量在陆架区相对较高。人类活动对普里兹湾沉积物中的微量元素没有明显的影响,南极大陆岩石风化产物和海洋生物源性沉降是其主要来源。冰架边缘区及陆架破折处P2-9站位的微量元素主要为岩源性输入。陆架区、陆坡深海区的微量元素Cu、Zn、Cr、Co、Fe、Mn明显受到生源性物质输入的影响。而普里兹湾沉积物中Cd则主要来源于硅藻的吸收利用及硅质软泥的富集。  相似文献   

ICP-MS测定土壤中的As、Cr、Pb、Se、Cu和Zn   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万飞  张之鑫 《吉林地质》2010,29(3):90-91,94
本文用电感耦合等离子质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了土壤的As、Cr、Pb、Se、Cu和Zn6种微量元素的质量分数,以In作为内标进行基体效应的补偿,方法快速灵敏,回收率为92.4%~106.8%,相对标准偏差小于5.0%,结果达到国家标准要求。  相似文献   

陈世亮 《福建地质》2008,27(4):409-413
宁德三都澳位于福建省东部沿海,口小腹大水深,为中国乃至世界罕见天然良港,阐述全新世以来,三都澳的地壳沉降规律、新构造运动特征,分析三都澳在全新世(1万年)以来,以及全新世晚期(三千多年)来,澳内沉降速率,淤积物等情况,认为三都澳成为世界性良港原因,是地壳沉降作用整体大于澳内淤积物。  相似文献   

Microbial deposits at Shark Bay constitute a diverse living microbial carbonate system, developed in a semi‐arid, highly evaporative marine setting. Three tidal flats located in different embayments within the World Heritage area were investigated in order to compare microbial deposits and their Holocene evolution. The stressing conditions in the intertidal–subtidal environment have produced a microbial ecosystem that is trapping, binding and biologically inducing CaCO3 precipitation, producing laminated stromatolites (tufted, smooth and colloform), non‐laminated thrombolitic forms (pustular) and cryptomicrobial non‐laminated forms (microbial pavement). A general shallowing‐upwards sedimentary cycle was recognized and correlated with Holocene sea‐level variations, where microbial deposits constitute the younger (2360 years bp ) and shallower sedimentary veneer. In addition, sediments have been documented with evidence of exposure during the Holocene, from 1040 to 940 14C years bp , when sea‐level was apparently lower than present. Filamentous bacteria constitute the dominant group in the blister, tufted and smooth mat types, and coccus bacteria dominate the pustular, colloform and microbial pavement deposit types. In the subtidal environment within colloform and pavement structures, microbial communities coexist with organisms such as bivalves, serpulids, diatoms, green algae (Acetabularia), crustaceans, foraminifera and micro‐gastropods, which are responsible for exoskeleton supply and extensive bioturbation. The internal fabric of the microbial deposits is laminated, sub‐laminar, scalloped, irregular or clotted, depending on the amount of fine‐grained carbonate and the natural ability of microbial communities to trap and bind particles or induce carbonate precipitation. Nilemah tidal flat contains the thickest (1·3 m) and best‐developed microbial sedimentary system; its deposition pre‐dated the Rocky Point and Garden Point tidal flats, with the most positive isotope values for δ13C and δ18O, reflecting strong microbial activity in a highly evaporative environment. There is an evolutionary series preserved within the tidal flats reflecting relative ages and degree of salinity elevation.  相似文献   

The use of multiple stable isotopes in the study of trophic relationships in temperate estuaries has usually been limited to euhaline systems, in which phytoplankton, benthic microalgae, andSpartina alterniflora are major sources of organic matter for consumers. Within large estuaries such as Chesapeake Bay, however, many species of consumers are found in the upper mesohaline to oligohaline portions. These lower salinity wetlands have a greater abundance of macrophytes that use C3 photosynthesis to fix carbon, in addition toS. alterniflora, which fixes carbon via the C4 photosynthetic pathway. In a broad survey of the biota and sediments of a brackish tidal creek tributary to Chesapeake Bay, combined δ13C and δ34S measurements disclosed a balanced contribution to secondary production from phytoplankton, C3 macrophytes,Spartina sp., and benthic microalgae. Surface sediment δ13C suggested that the organic matter from C3 plants was derived both from allochthonous sources (terrestrial runoff) and from autochthonous production (marsh macrophytes). Unlike most estuarine systems studied to date, which are dominated by algae (phytoplankton and benthic microalgae) and C4 macrophytes, C3 plants are of greater importance in the diets of consumers in this low-salinity creek system.  相似文献   

We sampled nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (Potanogeton nodosus, Najas guadalupensis), in emergent marsh vegetation (Sagittaria spp. andScirpus americanus), and over unvegetated bottom associated with three islands in the Atchafalaya River Delta, Louisiana. The purpose of our study was to quantify nekton densities in these major aquatic habitat types and to document the relative importance of these areas to numerically dominant aquatic organisms. We collected a total of 33 species of fishes and 7 species of crustaceans in 298 1-m2 throw trap samples taken over three seasons: summer (July and August 1994), fall (September and October 1994), and spring (May and June 1995). Fishes numerically accounted for >65% of the total organisms collected. Vegetated areas generally supported much higher nekton densities than unvegetated sites, although bay anchoviesAnchoa mitchilli were more abundant over unvegetated bottom than in most vegetated habitat types. Among vegetation types, most species showed no apparent preference between SAV and marsh. However, inland silversidesMenidia beryllina and freshwater gobiesGobionellus shufeldti were most abundant inScirpus marsh in summer, and blue crabsCallinectes sapidus were most abundant in SAV (Potamogeton) in spring. Several species (sheepshead minnowCyprinodon variegatus, rainwater killifishLucania parva, and blue crab) apparently selected the vegetated backmarsh of islands (opposite of riverside) over stream-sideScirpus marsh. Freshwater gobies, in contrast, were most abundant in streamsideScirpus marsh. Densities of juvenile blue crabs were high (up to 17 m−2) in vegetated delta habitat types and comparable to values reported from more saline regions of Gulf Coast estuaries. Shallow vegetated habitat types of the Atchafalaya River Delta and other tidal freshwater systems of the Gulf Coast may be important nursery areas for blue crabs and other estuarine species.  相似文献   

A hierarchical series of tidal periodicities are preserved within laminated tidal flat deposits at the barrier/back-barrier interface of Romney Marsh and the Dungeness Foreland in southeast England. The sedimentary record of the tidal signature, extracted from variations in sand layer thickness, was found to be severely truncated with neap-spring periods typically represented by five or less sand layers and possibly only alternate neap-spring periods present. Despite the low number of sand layers deposited in these higher frequency tidal cycles, semi-annual periods are clearly preserved but tend to contain less than the expected 6 months of sedimentation. Annual accumulation rates of around 0.2–0.3 m/year are indicated. Local emplacement of storm beaches is considered to have created the protected conditions suitable for tidal rhythmite preservation. Ongoing foreland progradation and infilling eventually restricted tidal inundation to the point where distinct sand laminae were no longer deposited. Here, in contrast with other systems, accommodation space was not limiting and tidal flat elevation is reflected as a more subtle control on spatial changes in the resolution of the tidal signal.  相似文献   

长江口-杭州湾毗连海区的现代沉积速率   总被引:21,自引:9,他引:21  
运用沉积地层同位素210 Pb、137Cs测年技术,估算长江口 杭州湾毗连海区的现代沉积速率。研究结果表明,以泗礁水道为界,东侧的马鞍列岛区受外海高盐水的顶托,长江来沙少,淤积缓慢;西侧至长江口、杭州湾海岸交汇点 (南汇咀 )之间水域,是长江泥沙扩散南下的主要通道。其中,受长江冲淡水次级锋和杭州湾锋面输沙影响的湾口浅滩区,沉积速率约 3cm/a;洋山港区,水深大于 20m的峡道区,受强动力作用而处于侵蚀状态,峡道两端出口的浅水区,沉积速率为0.3~ 1.6cm/a;马迹山港区,位于典型的峡道沿岸淤泥质陡坡,其沉积过程不稳定,正常沉积速率为 0.7~ 3.4cm/a,但常有快速淤积和地层滑塌流失现象发生.  相似文献   

Fresh water lakes are found in basement rock basins in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, during the summer months. These lakes constitute a relatively simple natural laboratory to investigate the effects of recent and well-documented anthropogenic impact on a “pristine” environment. Larsemann Hills freshwaters have extremely low salinity (typically <1‰), and contain very low concentrations of trace elements of environmental significance such as Pb, U, and Zn. Typical Pb concentrations range from less than 5 ppt to 250 ppt. Although trace metal concentrations appear to be higher in lakes situated in the vicinity of stations, they are consistently lower (by several orders of magnitude, for some elements) than Standard International Drinking Water Guidelines. The chemistry of the lake waters is dominated by sea-spray input. Consequently, it is primarily a function of geographical factors, such as distance from the shore and exposure to winds. Shallow-level groundwater and surface water also contribute to the lake chemistry. No evidence was found for contamination from global air circulation. Although contamination resulting from activities at the research stations is generally near or below detection levels, very low levels of trace metal anthropogenic contamination were found in the vicinity of some research stations. Received: 13 November 1998 · Revised: 23 March 1999 Accepted: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

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