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利用2010年9月1日石家庄市区一次飞机探测的气溶胶资料,分析了石家庄市区上空大气气溶胶的数浓度与直径的垂直、水平分布特征及粒子谱分布。结果表明:600—3000 m高度范围内,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度为1443.1个/cm~3,粒子平均直径为0.194μm。3000—6900 m高度范围,气溶胶粒子平均数浓度为95.3个/cm3,粒子平均直径为0.192μm。气溶胶数浓度随着高度增加而迅速减少,受逆温层与云区分布的影响,数浓度曲线呈现一定程度的波动。由于探测当天高空风的影响,粒子数浓度明显比其他霾天气条件下的研究结果要低。云中,气溶胶数浓度与粒子平均直径数呈负相关性。云层对气溶胶的垂直分布影响较大。气溶胶粒子谱覆盖了0.10~1.05μm的尺度范围,粒子主要集中在0.1~0.3μm的范围内。600 m、1200 m、1800 m和3000 m的气溶胶粒子谱呈双峰分布,粒子谱谱型较为相似,4500 m和6900 m粒子谱呈单峰分布。气溶胶粒子尺度谱峰值随高度增加而减少,谱变窄。气溶胶粒子浓度水平变化幅度远小于垂直方向上的变化幅度,受天气条件及下垫面、云区等局地影响因子的影响较大。  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of mean windspeed and turbulence over Great Dun Fell, which is rather larger than hills investigated in the past, viz., 847 m high, which is comparable to the boundary-layer depth. The Fell is well suited for study, being covered by rough grass with no trees and few other obstructions. It was found that the speed-up of the wind is dominated by the elevated stratification and generally agrees closely with the predictions of the model of Carruthers and Choularton (1982) except when the flow is blocked. On the hill summit, the turbulence is approximately in local equilibrium in at least the lowest 10 m and the turbulence measurements are similar to those obtained within the inner layer at other sites. The transverse and longitudinal components show spectral lags at wavelengths greater than 30 m. This suggests an inner-layer depth of about 1/3 that predicted by Jackson and Hunt (1975). At reduced frequencies (>0.1), a recovery in spectral energy is observed due to gravity wave activity. A large variation in the streamline tilt at the summit is observed depending on whether the airflow regime is supercritical or subcritical.  相似文献   

In this paper we present data gathered during a weak case of the Helm wind, an example of supercritical airflow, in the vicinity of Cross Fell in Northern England. Airborne measurements have been made using an instrumented glider with simultaneous ground-based measurements both on a hill summit and on the valley floor downwind of the hill.It is found that the major features of the airflow both near the surface and aloft, including the lee-wave activity are well reproduced by the airflow model of Carruthers and Choularton (1982). Secondary features including several higher modes of lee-waves and changes in the valley flow associated with nocturnal cooling were observed which could not be accounted for by the simple model.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1977, the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) carried out a study of the overspeed effect over a hill in the surface boundary layer. The hill in question was situated in open country and had a drop of about 100 m for an average slope of 8%. The experimental equipment consisted of three 25 m high masts placed along the upwind slope of the hill. Each mast was equipped with four Gill Propeller anemometers. The data set analyzed consisted of 65 recordings of strong winds which had an average velocity greater than 6 m s-1.Near the ground, local topographic effects and inhomogeneous roughness along the slope have the same influence on the overspeed effect as the mean slope of the hill. The overspeed is proportional to the upwind slope, but on the other hand, the turbulence structure does not seem to be disturbed by the hill.  相似文献   

Prediction of windthrow risk to individual or groups of retained trees in harvested stands requires an improved understanding of canopy airflow dynamics. Large-eddy simulations were used to simulate wind-tunnel experiments in two and three dimensions to compare with observations for model validation and to address parameter space considerations for the design of subsequent retention pattern experiments. The three-dimensional simulations were similar to the observed wind-tunnel data for the statistical profiles for but there were greater differences in skewness and kurtosis. These results were obtained using a common leaf-area drag formulation without either skin friction or speed dependent drag that enables scaling with U 0 (ambient wind speed) and h (height of the canopy). This scaling results in a single non-dimensional parameter h/h c where h c (x, y, z) is the momentum range resulting from the canopy drag. The validity of the model scaling was tested using two-dimensional simulations. The irrotational component of the flow (potential flow) was found to be important when defining vertical domain limitations and has significant implications for time dependent flow (i.e. turbulent conditions) when considering retention pattern design. The sudden onset of drag associated with the isolated stand presents some unexpected challenges. The horizontal scales of the shearing instabilities were simulated in two dimensions and found to range between 2h for early times to 7h for later times. The early-time horizontal scales are in the range of logical retention pattern scales and as such need to be taken into account as part of the parameter space, i.e. a range of retention pattern lengths need consideration.  相似文献   

青藏高原红原站平流层下部重力波观测特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张灵杰  林永辉 《气象科技》2011,39(6):768-771
利用位处青藏高原的红原探空站2008年5月垂直高分辨率的无线电探空资料分析了其上空下平流层(19~26 km)重力波的波动特性.结果表明:重力波的垂直波长主要集中在2~4 km之间,平均值约为2.9 km;水平波长主要集中在100~600 km之间,平均值约为311 km;固有频率主要集中在1.5f~3.5f(f为科氏...  相似文献   

广州番禺地区草地陆气相互作用观测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了2004年在广州番禺进行的陆气相互作用观测试验。观测研究表明:新型的超声风温仪虽然带有雨滴防护沙网, 但雨滴对超声观测的误差影响显著, 尤其是对u, w方向。雨天情况下与z/L相关系数很低, 湍流强度与稳定度不存在1/3次方关系。涡动相关法和能量平衡法计算的感热通量及潜热通量比较接近, 感热、潜热通量相关系数分别达到0.8699和0.8633, 两种方法带来的误差主要发生在近地层稳定度发生明显变化的时刻, 即在午间热通量的峰值或傍晚或晚间热通量的低值, 其中能量平衡法计算的感热、潜热普遍具有较大的正负峰值。涡动相关法计算的Qh+Qe普遍偏小, 与可用能量Rn-Qg多数情况下存在能量不平衡, 说明了忽略热存储项的地表能量平衡方程的局限性。番禺夏、秋季近地层各能量具有与太阳辐射相似的日变化特征, 但夏季的潜热大于感热, 而秋季则相反。近地面二氧化碳从5—8月是一个减低过程, 尔后上升到12月份浓度最高, 总体浓度值在350×10-6~400×10-6之间变化。  相似文献   

During the period from 12 to 15 April, 2009 nearly the entire Iran, apart from the southern border, experienced an advective cooling event. While winter freezing concerns are typical, the nature of this freezing event was unusual with respect to its date of occurrence and accompanying synoptic meteorological situation. To analyze the freezing event, the relevant meteorological data at multiple levels of the atmosphere were examined from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset. The results showed that a polar vortex was responsible for the freezing event over the country extending southward extraordinarily in such a way that its ridge influenced most parts of Iran. This was recognized as an abnormal extension of a polar vortex in the recent years. The sea-level pressure fields indicated that a ridge of large-scale anticyclone centered over Black Sea extended southward and prevailed over most parts of Iran. This resulted in the formation of a severe cold air advection from high latitudes (Polar region) over Iran. During the study period, moisture pumping was observed from the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf. The winds at 1000 hPa level blew with a magnitude of 10 m s?1 toward south in the region of convergence (between ?2 × 10?6 s?1 and ?12 × 10?6 s?1). The vertical profiles of temperature and humidity also indicated that the ICE structural icing occurred at multiple levels of the atmosphere, i.e, from 800 hPa through 400 hPa levels. In addition to the carburetor (or induction), icing occurred between 900 and 700 hPa levels in the selected radiosonde stations during the study period. In addition, the HYSPLIT backward trajectory model outputs were in quite good agreement with the observed synoptic features.  相似文献   

A steady-state, one-dimensional, mesoscale, non-linear problem of the airflow over a mountain ridge is considered in the framework of the bulk theory in an attempt to develop a meteorological generalisation of the hydraulic problem formulated and solved previously by Houghton and Kasahara. In essence, only three modifications of their formulation are made in the present paper: (a) inversion strength is introduced and considered as an additional dependent variable; (b) the atmosphere above the flow is assumed to be stably stratified with a constant vertical potential temperature gradient; and (c) the condition requiring the flow to return to its initial state after descending and moving away from the ridge is removed.The problem is reduced to a transcendental algebraic equation, the solution of which describes all the possible types of flow, including a discontinuous one. A classification and meteorological criterion graphically presented in the form of a map is proposed for the realisation of each type of flow.If the ridge is higher than some threshold, a jump arises above the windward slope and propagates against the flow. As a result, the initial parameters change to new values for which a secondary steady-state solution exists. An iterative method has been developed to calculate these new initial parameters.The general features of the different types of flow, including those with a jump and secondary flows, are discussed. It is shown that if the ridge height exceeds some second threshold there are no solutions at all, which means that the flow is totally blocked. Concrete calculated examples are presented of all possible types of steady-state flows including secondary ones.It is shown that after introduction of these modifications, the hydraulic model of Houghton and Kasahara acquires more real meteorological meaning.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-dimensional atmospheric meso-scale numerical model with a higherorder turbulent closure is used to investigate the interaction between the diurnal cycle of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and the airflow over a mountain of finite amplitude.  相似文献   

衡水湖湿地气溶胶分布的飞机观测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用机载粒子探测系统PMS(particle measurement system)对华北衡水湖湿地进行了一次晴空气溶胶飞机探测,研究结果表明:衡水湖上空气溶胶粒子比城市、城镇上空气溶胶粒子小。在低层,衡水湖上空气溶胶数密度比衡水市、枣强镇大;在高层,城市、城镇气溶胶数密度比衡水湖大许多。衡水湖地区气溶胶粒子直径绝大多数为0.1-0.25μm,直径为0.25—3.0μm的气溶胶粒子非常少。衡水湖上空与城市、城镇上空气溶胶特征和垂直分布不同。  相似文献   

通过分析2003~2008年广西常规观测资料传输质量,查找逾限报的原因,给出了提高传输及时率策略,为提高常规观测资料传输质量提供参考.  相似文献   

利用宜昌2007年12月10-25日的加密观测资料,分析了两次低值系统经过宜昌时大气边界层的温湿风廓线结构及其日变化特征。结果表明:位温廓线具有明显的日变化特征,对流边界层在白天出现和发展,其高度可达600m,而稳定边界层在夜间出现和发展,其高度可达300m,降水会抑制对流边界层和稳定边界层的发展;湿度廓线结构及其日变化与对流边界层的发展有关,总体上湿度随高度减小,贴近地面的薄层湿度随高度减小较快,而混合层内湿度随高度变化较小,出现降水时,近地层的湿度有明显增加,大气边界层内湿度随高度快速平稳减小;风速廓线结构比较复杂,总体上风速随高度增大,在大气边界层低层有时会出现一个风速极大值,风速廓线没有明显的日变化特征,大气边界层内风向变化较大,但以偏东风为主。  相似文献   

The 2018 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in Pyeongchang, Korea, during February and March. We examined the near surface winds and wind gusts along the sloping surface at two outdoor venues in Pyeongchang during February and March using surface wind data. The outdoor venues are located in a complex, mountainous terrain, and hence the near-surface winds form intricate patterns due to the interplay between large-scale and locally forced winds. During February and March, the dominant wind at the ridge level is westerly; however, a significant wind direction change is observed along the sloping surface at the venues. The winds on the sloping surface are also influenced by thermal forcing,showing increased upslope flow during daytime. When neutral air flows over the hill, the windward and leeward flows show a significantly different behavior. A higher correlation of the wind speed between upper-and lower-level stations is shown in the windward region compared with the leeward region. The strong synoptic wind, small width of the ridge, and steep leeward ridge slope angle provide favorable conditions for flow separation at the leeward foot of the ridge. The gust factor increases with decreasing surface elevation and is larger during daytime than nighttime. A significantly large gust factor is also observed in the leeward region.  相似文献   

张哲  周玉淑  高守亭 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1157-1174
利用观测资料和高分辨率数值模拟资料对2014年6月26日发生在辽东湾北部的一次飑线过程进行了分析。本次飑线发生发展期间,对流层中层存在正在发展加深的槽,近地面则是偏南暖湿气流和西北干冷气流交汇形成的辐合线,天气尺度环境强迫较强,有利于强对流的触发和发展。此次飑线发生发展于地面辐合线的南段。对比分析表明模拟结果和实况观测较为一致。对辐合线北段对流较快消散,而南段对流得以继续发展成为飑线的原因进行了分析。结果表明,与北段相比,南段环境水汽更为丰富,对流有效位能大,水平风的垂直切变适宜。此外,南段环境还受海风锋导致的增湿、降温以及辐合带来的弱上升气流的影响。以上因素是导致辐合线北段对流较快消散而南段对流可以较长时间维持,并发展成为飑线系统的主要原因。本次飑线在成熟时期的气压场成显著的“高—低”结构分布。对流云区中部存在一个中高压,而尾流低压区位于对流云区后部与层状云区交界处。高压后部是一个强烈的地面辐散区,风速较大。飑线成熟时期中主要存在两支气流,前向入流在飑线前方低层流入,带入暖湿空气并在对流云区抬升,随后分成两支在飑线高层向前向后流出。后向入流在飑线后方中层流入,带入干冷空气并下沉,随后在近地面辐散流出。对飑线的对流云区、尾流低压区、层状云区及飑线后方的模拟探空展现了飑线不同区域的环境场特征。  相似文献   

Given incident logarithmic profiles of wind and pollutant concentration above a rough, absorbing surface, the three-dimensional distribution of pollutant concentration over a hill of gentle slope is determined from a linearized model. The model is applied in neutrally stratified flow, without chemistry, and is integrated using spectral methods in the horizontal and a finite-difference scheme in the vertical. This approach allows for flexibility in choosing a closure scheme and a variety of surface boundary conditions. This was not possible in the analytic approach of Padro (1987) who added pollutant concentration and flux to the MS3DJH/1 model of Walmsley et al. (1980). The present model requires as input the turbulent kinetic energy, E, dissipation, , and the perturbation vertical velocity, w, from the three-dimensional boundary-layer flow model of Beljaars et al. (1987), hereinafter referred to as MSFD, The latter model also supplies wind velocity perturbations at the upper boundary, as input to upper boundary conditions on the pollutant flux perturbations.The present study describes applications of the model to idealized terrain features: isolated two- and three-dimensional hills and ridges and an infinite series of ridges. (Application to real terrain, however, presents no difficulties.) Comparisons were made with different (though uniform) surface roughnesses. Tests were performed to examine the effect of upstream terrain features in the periodic domain and to illustrate the importance of the vertical resolution of the output for interpreting results from the sinusoidal terrain case.  相似文献   

基于观测和再分析资料,本文研究了近几十年来1月北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次年际变异主导模态特征及与其相联的大气背景场。结果表明,1980—2019年冬季(12月—次年2月)该地区阻塞高压频次年际变异的主导模态存在明显月际差异:12月表现为北大西洋东部-欧洲西部地区阻塞高压频次的显著同位相变化,1月为北大西洋东部-欧洲西部与乌拉尔山地区阻塞高压频次的具有显著的反位相变化即偶极子模态,2月则为北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次的显著同位相变化。进一步研究表明:1月北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次偶极子模态与同期局地纬向西风、纬向风垂直切变、经向位涡梯度等大气背景场异常偶极型变化相联系。当乌拉尔山地区关键大气背景场为负异常,而北大西洋东部-欧洲西部为正异常时,两个地区阻塞高压频次分别增加和减少,呈现偶极子模态;反之亦然。阻塞高压频次偶极子模态及相关的背景环流异常可通过调节水平温度平流、垂直运动和水汽输送等来影响1月欧亚北部气温和降水,以及它们的极端事件频次。当阻塞高压频次偶极子模态处于正位相时,乌拉尔山北部(南部)和欧洲南部增温(降温),极端暖、冷事件频次分别增加(减少)和减少(增加...  相似文献   

In this study we observed the microphysical properties, including the vertical and horizontal distributions of ice particles,liquid water content and ice habit, in different regions of a slightly supercooled stratiform cloud. Using aircraft instrument and radar data, the cloud top temperature was recorded as higher than -15℃, behind a cold front, on 9 September 2015 in North China. During the flight sampling, the high ice number concentration area was located in the supercooled part of a shallow convective cloud embedded in a stratiform cloud, where the ambient temperature was around -3℃. In this area,the maximum number concentrations of particles with diameter greater than 100 μm and 500 μm(N_(100) and N_(500)) exceeded 300 L~(-1) and 30 L~(-1), respectively, and were related to large supercooled water droplets with diameter greater than 24 μm derived from cloud–aerosol spectrometer probe measurements. The ice particles types in this region were predominantly columnar, needle, graupel, and some freezing drops, suggesting that the occurrence of high ice number concentrations was likely related to the Hallett–Mossop mechanism, although many other ice multiplication processes cannot be totally ruled out.The maximum ice number concentration obtained during the first penetration was around two to three orders of magnitude larger than that predicted by the Demott and Fletcher schemes when assuming the cloud top temperature was around-15℃.During the second penetration conducted within the stratiform cloud, N_(100) and N_(500) decreased by a factor of five to ten, and the presence of columnar and needle-like crystals became very rare.  相似文献   

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