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A standard pair of equations is used to describe the behaviour of a single monoenergetic particle (proton or electron) population on a geomagnetic flux tube drifting in the magnetosphere. When particle losses from the drifting flux tube into the ionosphere are neglected, this behaviour is adiabatic in a thermodynamic sense. For a population of particles with an isotropic pitch-angle distribution, the generalization of that system of equations is obtained by adding radial and azimuthal spatial diffusion terms. The magnetic field is taken to be dipolar in the inner magnetosphere. The potential electric field is assumed to consist of magnetospheric convection and corotation components. Experimental data are used to estimate the radial equatorial profiles of the plasma sheet pressure. Assuming that the local time and L-shell variations are separable and supposing steady-state conditions, the expressions for the diffusion tensor components are evaluated. The influence of spatial diffusion on the radial and azimuthal profiles of the plasma pressure in the inner plasma sheet is also discussed.  相似文献   

地震子波在叠前时间偏移前、偏移过程中以及偏移后具有不同特性和非稳态性,使得基于子波压缩原理的反褶积和基于绕射叠加原理的叠前时间偏移不能有效地提高薄互层地震分辨率.本文基于叠前时间偏移前后以及偏移过程中地震子波频率特性的分析,联合三种高分辨率处理方法对薄互层进行成像,即偏移前CMP道集应用反Q滤波补偿高频衰减、偏移过程中应用最优加权Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移降低高频损失、偏移后在CRP道集上应用子波调谐反褶积拓展频带.数值分析和实例证明,本文采用的三种高分辨率处理方法是必要的,对刻画薄互层厚度与边界能够取得好的效果,利于后续的岩性储层预测与AVO/AVP/AVA反演.  相似文献   




高分辨率的面波频散谱成像是浅层地震勘探领域基于频散性质反演横波速度结构中的一个关键步骤.在天然地震探测领域,仅利用两个台站记录的线性信号比较法(LSC),被广泛用来计算面波的频散谱,并用于大尺度的面波层析成像.然而互相关的成像方式会造成频散谱在低频端较低的分辨率.非线性信号比较法(NLSC)利用指数函数克服了这个问题,...  相似文献   

为了研究时间域航空电磁系统扩散特征,基于连续性边界条件将电磁场向下延拓得到地下介质中各点处的频率域响应,通过傅里叶变换将其变换到时间域.计算阶跃波形发射时垂直磁偶极子和水平磁偶极子在均匀半空间介质和两层介质中产生的电磁场,通过电流密度矢量图和随时间变化的电流密度等值线展示电磁场在地下介质中的扩散过程.电磁场在地下的扩散受电阻率结构的影响.在良导地区电磁场扩散慢、衰减快,而在高阻地区电磁场扩散快、衰减慢.垂直磁偶极子在地下产生的感应电流形成一个电流环随时间向下、向外扩散.水平磁偶极子在地下产生的感应电流形成两个互相叠加的电流环.时间域电磁场扩散代表着真正物理意义上的电磁扩散,因为它展示了地下电磁场空间分布随时间的变化和场强的衰减.基于对感应电流环的研究,我们探究了扩散深度和时间域航空电磁数据成像深度的关系.时间域电磁场扩散规律的研究不仅加深了对电磁扩散特征的理解,更有助于提高航空电磁数据解释水平.  相似文献   

针对磁张量系统载体产生的磁张量值对系统测量精度产生很大影响的问题,以及现有磁补偿模型存在非线性、分体式和参数多的问题,提出一种磁张量系统载体的一体化线性磁张量补偿方法.分析了载体硬磁材料产生固有磁张量值和软磁材料产生感应磁张量值的微观机理,并推导了相应的数学表达式,结合固有磁场影响和感应磁场影响建立了载体磁张量补偿模型.模型中含有20个载体磁张量补偿系数,对模型求解得到补偿系数,结合三分量磁场测量值即可达到对载体磁张量的补偿.实测实验表明,磁张量补偿方法计算得到的载体磁张量值与载体实际产生的磁张量值仅差32 nT/m,可以有效完成对磁张量系统的载体磁张量补偿.  相似文献   

A part of the Békés Basin (an extensional sub‐basin of the Pannonian Basin, where the basement under thick Pannonian sediments is well known from deep boreholes and from seismic measurements, and where many magnetotelluric (MT) soundings have been carried out for frequencies ranging from 1 to 10?3 Hz) was selected as a test area to assess the imaging performances of various apparent‐resistivity definitions computed with rotational invariants of either the real part of the complex impedance tensor, or its imaginary part, or both. A comparison (based on earlier 3D numerical studies) has been made between the magnetotelluric images obtained in this way and the depths to the high‐resistivity basement, as known from boreholes and seismic investigations. The correlation coefficient between the series of basement depth values at 39 MT sites and the apparent‐resistivity values was found to be stronger and high correlation appeared at a shorter period when it was computed with apparent resistivities based on the real tensor rather than with apparent resistivities based on the imaginary tensor. In the light of our studies, ρRe Z and the impedance phase seem to be more informative than any other combination of magnetotelluric interpretation parameters.  相似文献   

Characterisation of the pore space in carbonate reservoirs and aquifers is of utmost importance in a number of applications such as enhanced oil recovery, geological carbon storage and contaminant transport. We present a new experimental methodology that uses high-salinity contrast brine and differential imaging acquired by X-ray tomography to non-invasively obtain three-dimensional spatially resolved information on porosity and connectivity of two rock samples, Portland and Estaillades limestones, including sub-resolution micro-porosity. We demonstrate that by injecting 30 wt% KI brine solution, a sufficiently high phase contrast can be achieved allowing accurate three-phase segmentation based on differential imaging. This results in spatially resolved maps of the solid grain phase, sub-resolution micro-pores within the grains, and macro-pores. The total porosity values from the three-phase segmentation for two carbonate rock samples are shown to be in good agreement with Helium porosity measurements. Furthermore, our flow-based method allows for an accurate estimate of pore connectivity and a distribution of porosity within the sub-resolution pores.  相似文献   

—?Unique data from microseismic (MS) and acoustic emission (AE) systems monitoring a common rock volume have been analyzed from the Underground Research Laboratory in Canada. The two 16 sensor systems were installed to investigate stress-induced microcracking around clay and concrete bulkheads as part of the Tunnel Sealing Experiment. Single and double MS events are found to be spatially associated with clusters of between 19–86 higher frequency AE events. Each AE cluster is elongated with the longest axis between 15 and 50?cm. The AE events occurring before the associated MS event are termed foreshocks, and for two of the three analyzed AE clusters an acceleration in the AE frequency and cumulative magnitude occurs upto the time of the MS event, however with one AE cluster very few foreshocks are recorded, possibly indicating a more homogeneous failure plane. Time independent moment tensors were determined with the MS events showing significant deviatoric sources. The majority of the AE events have deviatoric mechanisms with a few crack opening and crack closure type events also determined. This study highlights the benefits of using small-scale seismic systems to investigate the temporal fracture mechanics of microcrack formation, and allows comparisons with larger more damaging seismicity.  相似文献   

In the present paper the differential equation of the temporal development of a landform (mountain) with a time dependent diffusion coefficient is solved. It is shown that the shape and dimensions of the landform at time t are independent of the specific variation of the diffusion coefficient with time; they only depend on the mean value of the diffusion coefficient in the time interval where the erosion process takes place. Studying the behaviour of the solution of the differential equation in the wave number domain, it is concluded that Fourier analysis may help in estimating, in quantitative terms, the initial dimensions, the age or, alternatively, the value of the diffusion coefficient of the landform. The theoretical predictions are tested on a hill of the southern part of the Ural mountainous region, in order to show how the results of the mathematical analysis can be used in describing, in quantitative terms, the morphological development of landforms due to erosion processes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on defining the performance and limits of ERI in the detection and sedimentary characterization of near-bottom thin layers. The analysis of the resolution of floating and submerged cables, and the effect of the accuracy of a priori information (resistivity and thickness) in the data inversion, is based on theory, models and actual data. Theoretical models show that the actual reconstruction of the near water-bottom sediments, in terms of geometry and resistivity, can be obtained only with the submerged cable, however, the data, unlike that acquired with the floating cable, require a priori information on water resistivity and thickness for the data inversion. Theoretical forward models based on wrong a priori water thickness and resistivity information influence the inverted model in different ways, depending on the under- and over-estimation of water resistivity and thickness, and the resistivity contrast of the water–solid layer; however a water–solid resistivity contrast of less than 2 and within 10% of error in water resistivity has no effect. Overestimating water resistivity depicts a ground similar to the actual ground in terms of resistivity, more so than the underestimation of water resistivity. Moreover, the data inversion is less influenced by water parameter error in the case of low resistivity contrast in the water–solid layer, than it is for high resistivity contrast. Wenner and Schlumberger arrays give comparable results, while a dipole–dipole array seems to be more sensitive to the accuracy of apparent resistivity measurements and a priori information on water.The theoretical considerations were validated by actual data acquired with a submerged cable on the Tiber River. The study has shown that if highly accurate measurements are made of water thickness and resistivity, then electrical resistivity imaging from the submerged cable can be used in addition to, or even to substitute, seismic data for the reconstruction of the features and sedimentary characterization of near-bed sediments where seismic data fail to give a suitable resolution.  相似文献   

X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) was carried out on four pyroclasts from the 1997 Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Three-dimensional data from multiple image stacks with different spatial resolutions (0.37, 4–8, and 17.4 μm px−1) were combined to generate size distributions of vesicles, inter-vesicle throats, crystals, and Fe–Ti oxides over a 3.4–860-μm size range, and to compare the results with those obtained by 2D image analysis on the same samples. Qualitative textural observations are in good agreement with those made in 2D, but μCT provides better resolution of textural features and spatial relationships. Calculation of size distributions requires automated decoalescence of the connected vesicle network. Problems related to this process, in part due to the high porosity of pumice, result in potential artefacts in the calculated size distributions, which are discussed in detail. The main modes of the 3D vesicle volume distributions are systematically shifted to larger sizes compared with those of the 2D distributions. Sample total vesicularities obtained in 3D are within 13 vol.% of those found in 2D, and within 10 vol.% of those measured by He-pycnometry. Total number densities of vesicles and Fe–Ti oxides from the two methods are consistent only to the first order, 3D values ranging from 37% to 309% of those in 2D. Vesicle coalescence, investigated by examining inter-vesicle throat size distributions, occurred in all pyroclasts between neighbouring vesicles of many sizes. The larger the vesicle, the more connected it is.  相似文献   

Vlasenko  Vasiliy  Stashchuk  Nataliya  McEwan  Robert 《Ocean Dynamics》2013,63(11):1307-1320

Evolution of a large-scale river plume is studied numerically using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model. The model parameters were set close to those observed in the area of the Columbia River mouth. The fine-resolution grid along with the non-hydrostatic dispersion included in the model allowed for the reproduction of detailed inner plume structure, as well as a system of internal waves radiated from the plume’s boundary. It was found that not only first-mode but also second- and third-mode internal waves are radiated from the plume at the latest stages of its relaxation when the velocity of the front propagation drops below an appropriate wave phase speed of internal baroclinic mode. The model output shows that the amplitude of these high-mode waves is of the same order as the leading first-mode waves, which in combination with the specific vertical structure (location of the maximum structure function beyond the pycnocline layer) creates favourable conditions for the generation of shear instabilities. High-resolution model output also reveals evidence of a fine internal structure of the plume characterized by the presence of secondary fronts inside the plume and secondary internal wave systems propagated radially from the lift-off area to the outer boundary. These structures intensify the mixing processes within the propagating plume with predominance of the entrainment mechanism developing on the lower boundary between the plume’s body and underlying waters. The scheme of horizontal circulation in the plume was reproduced by the methodology of Lagrange drifters released near the mouth at different depths.


Evolution of a large-scale river plume is studied numerically using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model. The model parameters were set close to those observed in the area of the Columbia River mouth. The fine-resolution grid along with the non-hydrostatic dispersion included in the model allowed for the reproduction of detailed inner plume structure, as well as a system of internal waves radiated from the plume’s boundary. It was found that not only first-mode but also second- and third-mode internal waves are radiated from the plume at the latest stages of its relaxation when the velocity of the front propagation drops below an appropriate wave phase speed of internal baroclinic mode. The model output shows that the amplitude of these high-mode waves is of the same order as the leading first-mode waves, which in combination with the specific vertical structure (location of the maximum structure function beyond the pycnocline layer) creates favourable conditions for the generation of shear instabilities. High-resolution model output also reveals evidence of a fine internal structure of the plume characterized by the presence of secondary fronts inside the plume and secondary internal wave systems propagated radially from the lift-off area to the outer boundary. These structures intensify the mixing processes within the propagating plume with predominance of the entrainment mechanism developing on the lower boundary between the plume’s body and underlying waters. The scheme of horizontal circulation in the plume was reproduced by the methodology of Lagrange drifters released near the mouth at different depths.  相似文献   

IntroductionOnDecember31,1994andJanuary10,1995,twoearthquakesoccurredconsecutivelyinBeibuwanarea,China.TheirmagnitudewereMs=6.0andMs=6.1respectively.ThehypocentralparametersoftheseearthquakesarelistedinTable1.Thetimeintervalofthetwoewthquakesis10dandtheirepicentrallocationsareneartoeachotherTheyarethestrongestewthquakesinBeibuwanregiononrecord.Since1980,just12earthquakeshadoccurredinthe50kmrangearoundtheepicentresofthesetwoearthquakes(Wu,etal,1996).Thelargestearthquakeamongthe12earthquake…  相似文献   

火山口地下构造详细的地震成像对于增进这些高危险火山的构造和火山学的知识是必不可少的。然而,在火山地带,尤其是在岸上,很难获得高质量的地震数据。我们报道了拉福萨火山口(意大利武尔卡诺岛)西部地区的高分辨率地震剖面结果。利用高分辨率的振动源及交替采集和处理技术,我们能够克服由火山煤岩类型带来的大多数困难。本研究提供了火山堆积的地下分布和一些重要内部喷火山口构造的识别。我们确定了埋于拉福萨火山口下面的寄生火山口或玄武碎屑岩丘的位置,它在约1km的深度记录到地震的地方正在消散CO2。此外,在剖面最南部发现的变形模式与穹隆侵入后破火山口塌陷是一致的。结果表明,使用高分辨率振动源结合交替地震采集技术和非常规处理方法,可以帮助恢复火山地区浅层构造的详细信息。  相似文献   

《Advances in water resources》2005,28(10):1091-1101
Certain nonlinear diffusion equations of degenerate parabolic type display a finite speed of propagation of disturbances. This mathematical behavior can be used to describe a wide range of nonlinear phenomena such as the penetration distance of a thermal layer, the boundary of a reaction zone, or a wetting front in unsaturated soil moisture flow. However, there are two main difficulties in obtaining solutions to problems of this class. One is that the location of the interface is not known a priori and must be discovered during the analysis. The other is the fact that the differential equation is singular in the neighborhood of the interface. The solution technique developed and presented in this work overcomes these difficulties by extracting a local solution of the differential equation in the neighborhood of the diffusing front. One profound result is the discovery that the velocity of the front is entirely controlled by the first term of the spectral series expansion. Also, by capturing the critical behavior of the solution in the region of the singularity and incorporating the behavior as a dominant factor, the series expansion is provided a means for very rapid convergence. The versatility of the solution technique is demonstrated by solving various boundary value problems covering a broad range of interest and the solutions are tested against previously published results.  相似文献   

全张量探测技术以其信息量大、精度高、干扰小等优点在地球物理领域中得到广泛应用.本文提出采用张量局部波数法来进行位场全张量数据的解释,首先给出了张量局部波数的定义,然后推导出利用张量局部波数法进行反演的基本公式.本文方法在进行张量数据反演时无需事先知道场源体的类型(构造指数)即可获得场源体的位置信息,且可根据位置参数对场源体的类型进行估计.通过理论模型证明张量局部波数法可以很好地完成位场全张量数据的反演工作,并将其与常规局部波数法进行对比,证明全张量局部波数法的反演结果更加准确,即使在测点分布不合理的情况下,张量局部波数法仍可以获得准确的结果.最后应用张量局部波数法对美国得克萨斯州实测重力数据进行了反演,其反演结果与已有的研究成果相一致.  相似文献   

全张量探测技术以其信息量大、精度高、干扰小等优点在地球物理领域中得到广泛应用.本文提出采用张量局部波数法来进行位场全张量数据的解释,首先给出了张量局部波数的定义,然后推导出利用张量局部波数法进行反演的基本公式.本文方法在进行张量数据反演时无需事先知道场源体的类型(构造指数)即可获得场源体的位置信息,且可根据位置参数对场源体的类型进行估计.通过理论模型证明张量局部波数法可以很好地完成位场全张量数据的反演工作,并将其与常规局部波数法进行对比,证明全张量局部波数法的反演结果更加准确,即使在测点分布不合理的情况下,张量局部波数法仍可以获得准确的结果.最后应用张量局部波数法对美国得克萨斯州实测重力数据进行了反演,其反演结果与已有的研究成果相一致.  相似文献   

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