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为了解藏南定日-岗巴盆地和江孜盆地白垩纪沉积时底层水体的氧化一还原环境,采用ICP-MS方法进行微量元素及稀土元素测试分析.结果表明:研究区微量元素在时空上均发生了变化,这与各元素对沉积水体的氧化一还原敏感程度有关.元素Al标准化后变化趋势也不尽相同,其垂向上的变化反映了沉积物底层水体氧化-还原状况、生物产率等沉积环境,与海平面升降、陆源碎屑输入、成岩作用再活化及沉积后氧化作用等多因素有关.V/(V+Ni)、U/Th、V/Cr、Ni/Co、Re/Mo、Uau及δU比值表明早白垩世及晚白垩世中、晚期藏南地区盆地内底层水体环境总体上为中等分层的含氧环境,但定日一岗巴盆地内晚白垩世早期Cenomanian-Turonian界线附近微量元素发生突变,显示为强烈的还原环境.稀土元素球粒陨石标准化后均表现为轻稀土富集的右倾型,LREE/HREE介于7.42~14.80之间,LaN/YbN变化范围为7.93~18.54,δEu负异常,δCe异常不明显,表明为含氧环境.因此微量、稀土元素微观分析与野外宏观露头观察相结合,不但可以作为地层划分对比的直接依据,且能更准确、有效地判断地层沉积时底层水体的环境状况.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东胜砂岩型铀矿的微量和稀土元素能为铀矿勘查提供地球化学标志。以东胜铀矿层位侏罗系及其中铀矿化为对象,针对砂岩型铀矿石、铀矿化砂岩和围岩几类地质体进行元素地球化学对比研究。东胜砂岩型铀矿微量元素地球化学特征表明,Pb、Mo与U关系极为密切,它们在铀矿石中最富集,铀矿化砂岩中次富集,砂质和泥质围岩中不富集;Pb和Mo可以作为东胜铀矿床矿化的指示元素,Pb、U和Mo蛛网图上构成的"W"式样可作为东胜地区砂岩铀矿化的指示模型。铀矿石、铀矿化砂岩、砂岩以及泥岩表现出相似的REE地球化学特征和配分模式,推断其具有统一的物源、沉积环境和构造背景。部分铀矿石明显富集HREE,显然在沉积成岩后期经历了(热液)改造作用。东胜铀矿化经历了沉积成岩和热液改造作用两个成矿阶段。  相似文献   

辽宁弓长岭铁矿区大理岩地质地球化学特征及其成矿意义   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
弓长岭铁矿床二矿区西北部发现的含磁铁矿白云质大理岩为与条带状硅铁建造整合产出的原始沉积成因碳酸盐岩.本文对该大理岩及其蚀变岩的主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素及碳氧同位素进行了初步研究.大理岩主要化学组成CaO为30.15%~ 34.32%,MgO为9.86%~11.95%,FeOT为6.76%~15.82%;与平均显生宙石灰岩相比,弓长岭大理岩除Pb、Mn富集外,大离子亲石元素和高场强元素明显亏损;与后太古代平均澳大利亚沉积岩(PAAS)相比,弓长岭大理岩稀土元素总量低,明显正铕异常,铈负异常不明显;弓长岭大理岩δ13CV-PDB为-7.0‰~-6.0‰,Y/Ho比值既不同于海水也不同于陆源碎屑.这些特征显示大理岩形成于缺氧的海洋环境,物质来源与海底喷气热液活动有关.大理岩的沉积表明当时海水的酸碱条件已达中性-弱碱性,有利于铁胶体沉淀成矿.大理岩层不仅易于发生构造变形,而且贫铁矿形成富铁矿时迁出的硅质交代大理岩形成了阳起石岩,同时大理岩还为热液交代形成石榴石岩、绿泥石岩和镁铁闪石岩等蚀变岩提供了镁质.  相似文献   

为了探讨河南桐柏地区铜锌多金属矿的成因,采用ICPMS对刘山岩铜锌矿床、大栗树-方老庄铜锌矿床、羊圈铜矿化点的矿石和矿化岩石的微量元素和稀土元素进行测试。根据研究区铜锌矿石的微量元素和稀土元素特征将其分为4种类型:第一类REE配分曲线右倾,Eu异常不明显,Ce弱负异常,HFSE相对MORB弱亏损,Zr、Ti弱负异常;第二类REE配分曲线右倾,Eu负异常,Ce弱负异常;第三类REE配分曲线右倾,Eu明显正异常,Ce负异常,HFSE相对MORB强烈亏损,Zr、Ti强负异常;第四类REE配分曲线平坦,Eu明显正异常,Ce弱负异常,HFSE相对MORB亏损,无Zr、Ti异常。研究表明:桐柏地区铜锌多金属矿床为海底火山成因块状硫化物矿床,矿石和矿化岩石与矿区火山岩的微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征相似,第一类与矿区基性火山岩类似,第二类与矿区酸性火山岩类似,第三类指示高温热液流体与海水发生了对流混合且残留相有较多难溶矿物,第四类指示源区为亏损地幔。这些特征表明成岩与成矿的物质来源具有一致性,同为经历早期多次熔融事件的地幔源区的部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the mineralogy and geochemistry of the No. 6 Coal (Pennsylvanian) in the Junger Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China. The results show that the vitrinite reflectance (0.58%) is lowest and the proportions of inertinite and liptinite (37.4% and 7.1%, respectively) in the No. 6 Coal of the Junger Coalfield are highest among all of the Late Paleozoic coals in the Ordos Basin. The No. 6 Coal may be divided vertically into four sections based on their mineral compositions and elemental concentrations. A high boehmite content (mean 6.1%) was identified in the No. 6 Coal. The minerals associated with the boehmite in the coal include goyazite, rutile, zircon, and Pb-bearing minerals (galena, clausthalite, and selenio-galena). The boehmite is derived from weathered and oxidized bauxite in the weathered crust of the underlying Benxi Formation (Pennsylvanian). A high Pb-bearing mineral content of samples ZG6-2 and ZG6-3 is likely of hydrothermal origin. The No. 6 coal is enriched in Ga (44.8 μg/g), Se (8.2 μg/g), Sr (423 μg/g), Zr (234 μg/g), REEs (193.3 μg/g), Hg (0.35 μg/g), Pb (35.7 μg/g), and Th (17.8 μg/g). Gallium and Th in the No. 6 Coal mainly occur in boehmite, and the Pb-bearing selenide and sulfide minerals contribute not only to Se and Pb contents in the coal, but also probably to Hg content. A high Zr content is attributed to the presence of zircon, and Sr is related to goyazite. The REEs in the coal are supplied from the sediment-source region, and the REEs leached from the adjacent partings by groundwater.  相似文献   

本文通过对北大别漫水河片麻岩的锆石进行阴极发光(CL)显微图像观察及激光剥蚀等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)微区微量元素分析,试图对重结晶和深熔成因变质锆石的微量元素特征进行制约。CL图像显示该片麻岩锆石存在复杂的内部结构,有原岩岩浆锆石、重结晶变质锆石和深熔锆石。不同锆石区域的Hf、P、Ti、Nb、Ta和Ce等元素含量及Nb/Ta比值相似。但重结晶和深熔锆石的Th/U比值明显低于原岩锆石(分别为0.33~1.12、0.03~0.60和0.92~1.99).重结晶锆石区域低Th/U比值是由于重结晶过程中Th比U更易排出锆石晶格,而深熔锆石区域低Th/U比值是其结晶的熔体中低Th和高U含量的原因。不同锆石区域的稀土元素含量也不相同。原岩锆石稀土总量高(621.9~1331.6ppm),变化较大,而深熔锆石和重结晶锆石稀土总量低(分别为236.8~642.5ppm;98.5~435,6ppm)。不同锆石区域的稀土元素配分模式相似。但重结晶锆石的稀土元素含量比原岩锆石低3~4倍,可能是重结晶过程中稀土元素被逐出锆石晶格所致。深熔锆石的稀土元素含量受深熔熔体与残留体之间平衡与否的制约,如果熔体与残留体之间达到了平衡,则深熔锆石与原岩锆石有相似的稀土元素含量;反之,深熔锆石的稀土元素含量就会低于原岩锆石。漫水河片麻岩深熔锆石的稀土含量比原岩锆石低1~4倍,反映了深熔熔体与残留体之间没有达到平衡。结合已有的花岗岩与混合岩化岩石的年龄和同位素特征,说明北大别混合岩化片麻岩可能与同时代花岗岩的形成有成因关系。  相似文献   

Oil‐source correlation studies have demonstrated that the crude oils in the Ordos Basin were mainly derived from organic‐rich lacustrine mudstones of the Yanchang Formation. The sedimentology, petrology and organic geochemistry of these mudstones have been studied intensively, but their trace and rare earth element (REE) characteristics have received little attention. In this paper, we present trace and rare earth element data of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation mudstones in the southern Ordos Basin to constrain the palaeoenvironment, provenance and depositional setting. Our results show that the REE and trace element concentrations of the Yanchang Formation mudstones are higher than those of the upper continental crust (UCC). The Sr contents and Sr/Ba and Y/Ho ratios of these mudstones indicate the absence of a marine transgression during the sedimentation of the Upper Triassic mudstones. The depositional environment of the Upper Triassic mudstones was slightly oxic as evidenced by the values of Eu/Eu*, Ce/Ce*, Ceanom, δU, U/Th, V/Cr and Ni/Co. The UCC‐normalized distribution pattern of REEs, spider diagrams, the ratios of related elements, the bivariate diagrams of Th/Sc–Zr/Sc and La/Th–Hf and the ternary plots of La–Th–Sc and Th–Sc–Zr/10 signify that the provenances of the Chang9–7 mudstones were mainly derived from a continental island arc, whereas the provenances of the Chang6–3 mudstones were mainly derived from a mixture of continental island arc and active continental margin, and the latter contain less recycled materials. Combined with the previous studies of detrital zircon dating and petrography of the Yanchang Formation sandstones in the southern Ordos basin, we propose that the Qinling orogenic belt served as one of the primary source regions occurring between the Chang7 and Chang6 periods, corresponding to the initial uplift of the west Qinling Mountains due to the collision between the Yangtze and North China blocks. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Tanco pegmatite, one of the world’s major Ta deposits, tantalum mineralization shows a complexity that reflects the complex petrogenesis of its host pegmatite. Micas are common in most of the pegmatite units and are intimately associated with the successive stages of Ta mineralization, from the wall zone to the central zones where micaceous replacement is pervasive. Different generations of micas, both primary and secondary, associated with Ta oxides, were selected for electron microprobe and laser ablation ICP-MS investigation. Their chemical trends are used to constrain the magmatic versus hydrothermal processes that played a role in their crystallization and their associated Ta mineralization. Micas range from dioctahedral muscovite to trioctahedral lepidolite through Al↔Li substitution. Unexpectedly, the most evolved compositions (low K/Rb ratios and high Li contents) occur in the wall zone; they are interpreted to reflect nonequilibrium crystallization from an undercooled melt, with or without boundary layer effects. In the central zones, the fine-grained mica–quartz assemblage hosts some coarser-grained Li-muscovite, which has the highest Ta contents (up to 400 ppm). These Li–F–a-rich micas are interpreted to originate from a magmatic metasomatic event, which was also at the origin of the MQM-style Ta mineralization at Tanco. However, the Li–Ta-poor, muscovite end-member compositions of fine-grained alteration micas suggest crystallization from an aqueous fluid, during a metasomatic (hydrothermal) event involving late pegmatitic fluids. The low Ta concentrations (around 50 ppm) of this fine-grained muscovite suggest that this fluid transported at least small amounts of Ta.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地西缘石炭系羊虎沟组油砂的发现与油源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确新近在鄂尔多斯盆地西缘YT2井羊虎沟组发现的油砂地球化学特征及其油气来源,利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC/MS)和同位素质谱技术对YT2井油砂中饱和烃生物标志物和抽提物及族组分的碳同位素进行了分析.分析结果表明:YT2井油砂中正构烷烃系列化合物呈前峰型,主峰碳为nC17;Pr/Ph、Pr/nC17和Ph/nC1...  相似文献   

任云生  赵华雷  雷恩  王辉  鞠楠  吴昌志 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3720-3726
为确定杨金沟大型钨矿的成矿物质来源,本文运用白钨矿单矿物的微量元素、稀土元素特征加以示踪。ICP-AES测定结果显示:白钨矿亏损Mo、B i、Sn、Nb、Ta等,具有很低的Rb/Sr、Nb/Ta和Zr/H f值,指示其成矿物质具有壳源特征,而并非主要来自深源岩浆的结晶分异作用;不同白钨矿样品的REE组成基本一致,Eu元素出现明显的正Eu异常(δEu 2.21~4.43),基本未见Ce元素异常(δCe为0.92~1.08),表明白钨矿与流体之间稀土元素发生了强烈分异;白钨矿与赋矿围岩的REE球粒陨石标准化配分曲线形态相似,进一步显示五道沟群浅变质岩对杨金沟钨矿成矿物质的贡献。综合分析认为,杨金沟钨矿的成矿流体为源自上地幔的富含CO2的中高温流体,沿构造上升并与五道沟群浅变质岩发生交代作用引起黑云母等含钾矿物分解产生N2,最终形成富含W等成矿物质的NaC l-H2O-CO2-N2流体体系。随着构造减压作用,CO2不断逸出,破坏了矿液内物理化学体系的平衡,导致WO42-与Ca2+在适当物理化学条件下形成白钨矿。  相似文献   


江西中部相山矿田及其周边铀多金属成矿作用复杂。近些年,在其南部古塘地区地表新发现了一处锡石矿化带,赋存于加里东期花岗岩中。通过对该矿点锡石开展原位LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和微量元素分析,获得其207Pb/206Pb-238U/206Pb谐和年龄为150.44±2.78 Ma、下交点年龄为150.64±2.78 Ma,两者相近,可以代表该锡石矿的成矿年龄,与矿化带周边的燕山期山心单元花岗岩成岩年龄(152.4±1.1 Ma)相近。微量元素中,高场强元素Ti、Nb、Ta富集明显。与Sn容易发生类质同象的Mn、Nb、Hf、Ta等4种元素彼此正相关性明显,Fe和Mo呈正相关关系,却与Nb、Mn、Hf、Ta均呈现负相关性。在W-Fe图解中,处于花岗岩岩浆热液型锡矿床的右侧,说明研究区成矿物质应该主要来自岩浆热液,而且成矿温度较高。古塘地区锡石矿与山心单元花岗岩虽然具有相近的成矿、成岩年龄,但由于后者具有极高的氧逸度,不利于Sn元素的富集,而与Mo成矿有关;与山心单元花岗岩中可见辉钼矿矿囊而未发现锡矿化的地质现象保持一致。


鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿床地球化学特征及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在系统的取样分析基础上,详细研究鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿的稀土、微量元素地球化学特征,分析研究了鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿富集成矿的机理及多种能源共存的内在联系,从而进一步探讨盆地型多种能源富集成藏(矿)的潜在的规律。高精度ICPMS分析表明:鄂尔多斯盆地砂岩型铀矿REE总体特征为轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损;ΣREE在36.7~701.8μg/g之间变化, 泥岩ΣREE总体高于砂岩,Y含量都比较高;Eu异常差异明显, 在0.3~2.5内变化。微量元素Rb、U、La、Ce、Pb和Pr呈特别明显正异常,其中U含量在0.6~2204μg/g之间,U的富集和一些微量元素如Ti、V、Zr、Mo、Au等相关,本研究对该区铀矿质沉淀和富集规律的认识具有理论意义。  相似文献   

肖剑  赵志丹  祝新友  张雄  曾瑞垠  张敏 《岩石学报》2021,37(4):1270-1286

东川式铜矿主要分布在云南省中北部的康滇地区,属于典型的沉积岩型容矿铜矿床,以东川地区的东川铜矿床铜储量最大。东川群是东川式铜矿的主要赋矿围岩,查明东川群物源对于识别沉积作用的源区、沉积构造环境和Cu成矿作用以及对于研究沉积岩型容矿铜矿床的成矿模式具有重要意义。本文对东川地区东川群的因民组、黑山组、青龙山组样品的碎屑锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和原位微量元素分析。结果表明,东川群绝大多数碎屑锆石属岩浆锆石,且来自S型花岗岩源区。所有锆石显示了~2.7Ga、~2.5Ga、~2.2Ga、~1.8Ga和~1.5Ga等5个年龄峰值,首次确定青龙山组最大沉积年龄为~1220Ma。东川群含矿地层成岩和成矿物质具有二元特征:地层主体成分来自于毗邻的哥伦比亚造山带的S型花岗岩,而金属Cu应为同一造山带内先期存在的Cu矿床或者富Cu岩石经过剥蚀、搬运和沉积成矿作用富集的。


The trace element compositions of melts and minerals from high-pressure experiments on hydrous pyroxenites containing K-richterite are presented. The experiments used mixtures of a third each of the natural minerals clinopyroxene, phlogopite and K-richterite, some with the addition of 5% of an accessory phase ilmenite, rutile or apatite. Although the major element compositions of melts resemble natural lamproites, the trace element contents of most trace elements from the three-mineral mixture are much lower than in lamproites. Apatite is required in the source to provide high abundances of the rare earth elements, and either rutile and/or ilmenite is required to provide the high field strength elements Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. Phlogopite controls the high levels of Rb, Cs and Ba.Since abundances of trace elements in the various starting mixtures vary strongly because of the use of natural minerals, we calculated mineral/melt partition coefficients (DMin/melt) using mineral modes and melting reactions and present trace element patterns for different degrees of partial melting of hydrous pyroxenites. Rb, Cs and Ba are compatible in phlogopite and the partition coefficient ratio phlogopite/K-richterite is high for Ba (1 3 6) and Rb (12). All melts have low contents of most of the first row transition elements, particularly Ni and Cu ((0.1–0.01) × primitive mantle). Nickel has high DMin/melt for all the major minerals (12 for K-richterite, 9.2 for phlogopite and 5.6 for Cpx) and so behaves at least as compatibly as in melting of peridotites. Fluorine/chlorine ratios in melts are high and DMin/melt for fluorine decreases in the order apatite (2.2) > phlogopite (1.5) > K-richterite (0.87). The requirement for apatite and at least one Ti-oxide in the source of natural lamproites holds for mica pyroxenites that lack K-richterite. The results are used to model isotopic ageing in hydrous pyroxenite source rocks: phlogopite controls Sr isotopes, so that lamproites with relatively low 87Sr/86Sr must come from phlogopite-poor source rocks, probably dominated by Cpx and K-richterite. At high pressures (>4 GPa), peritectic Cpx holds back Na, explaining the high K2O/Na2O of lamproites.  相似文献   

Trace elements distribution, including rare earth elements (REEs), in stream sediments of an abandoned U mining site in the Eastern Carpathians, Romania, were of high concern of interest in the present work. A total number of 40 riverbed sediments samples collected from the Bistricioara River and local tributaries (Primatar, Bradul, Prisacani, Barasau, Grintiesul Mare and Valea Seaca) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). All REEs including La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu were identified and quantified in the present work using ICP-MS technique. For other 24 elements (Ti, V, Cr, Co, Zn, Li, Be, Rb, Sr, Y, Sc, Zr, Nb, Sb, Ba, Ta, W, Pb, U, Ni, Cu, Mo, As, Th) similar information was obtained either by ICP-MS or XRF techniques. The impact and the relevance of the obtained data base might be significant at a local scale of about 50 km2.Enrichments of some trace elements of interest in comparison to the upper continental crust allowed discrimination between various mineralization processes specific for the investigated areas. Uranium mineralization and Paltin-type (Pb, Zn) mineralization seems to be specific for the NW area of the investigated region. Negative anomaly characteristic for the upper crustal rocks was identified for Eu and Ce elements. Evidences were obtained also for the existence of ultramafic rocks (Ni, Cr, Co and V) in the investigated riverbed sediments. The observation was also confirmed by the binary plots analysis of Th/Cr vs. Th/Co and Cr/V vs. Y/Ni pairs. From the investigated tributaries to Bistricioara River, Barasau seems to exert the highest influence on the abundances of REEss in the entire area. Most probably some chemical parameters such as the pH of the water streams influence leaching and depletions of some chemical constituents in various minerals specific for the region.The existence of magnetite, garnets, pyrite and sillimanite minerals was confirmed by SEM-EDAX and XRF analysis, as well by optical microscopy. Principal Component Analysis runs confirmed the association of some chemical elements in the riverbed sediments in close connection with the minerals from which they originate.The present work reports for the first time upon the authors knowledge clear scientific evidence and chemical information concerning the geology and geochemistry, i.e. transition metals, high field strength elements, alkali and alkaline earth elements, rare earth elements (REEs) and others, in stream sediments crossing the Tulghes-Grinties mining area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). For the analysed REEs this is the first study reporting consistent information on the concentrations of the entire array of both light REEs (six elements) and heavy REEs (ten elements) in Bistricioara Basin stream sediments. Relevant scientific data related to geochemical characteristics of ultramafic rocks existent in the investigated area were also generated. Moreover, data reported in the present work might be considered as a reference geochemical database relevant for the investigated area, which can be used as a trustworthy input for a systematic national geochemical atlas.  相似文献   


内蒙古浩布高铅锌矿床位于大兴安岭南段黄岗-甘珠尔庙成矿带, 该带是我国北方重要的铅锌多金属成矿带之一。目前, 浩布高矿床闪锌矿微量元素赋存机制尚不清晰, 矿床成因类型亦存在一定的争议。本研究采用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-ICP-MS)原位微量元素分析手段, 结合机器学习方法, 对浩布高闪锌矿微量元素组成特征、赋存机制以及矿床成因类型进行了探讨。LA-ICP-MS分析结果表明, 浩布高矿床中闪锌矿以富集Fe、Mn、Co、Cu、Se、Ag、Cd、In、Sn等元素, 贫Ni、Ga、Ge、As、Mo、Sb、Au、Tl、Pb、Bi等元素为特征。其中, Fe、Mn、In等元素主要以类质同象的方式替代Zn赋存于闪锌矿中, Cu、Ag、Sn等元素含量变化范围较大, 可能部分以微粒包裹体的形式存在。In与Cu含量具有一定的正相关, 推测In在闪锌矿中富集机理可能为Cu++In3+↔2Zn2+。Cd与Fe含量呈一定的正相关性, 而与Zn含量呈负相关性, 这可能暗示在闪锌矿中Cd主要以类质同象的方式置换Zn元素而非Fe元素。通过穷举闪锌矿微量元素图解发现, 即使得分最高的Co/Ag-Mn图解依然存在较大范围的重叠区域, 因此不能简单地用闪锌矿微量元素二元图解来判别矿床类型。通过测试四种机器学习中经典的不同核函数的支持向量机算法, 最终得出准确率为91.5%的高斯内核支持向量机闪锌矿成矿类型分类器, 可以用于多种矿床类型闪锌矿的研究。浩布高矿床中闪锌矿微量元素组成明显不同于密西西比河谷型(MVT)、沉积喷流型(SEDEX)、火山块状硫化物型(VMS)和浅成低温热液型铅锌矿床, 而与矽卡岩型接近。综合已有矿物学、年代学以及本研究获得的闪锌矿地球化学证据表明, 浩布高应是一个典型的矽卡岩型铅锌矿床。


鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组三角洲沉积及演化   总被引:129,自引:11,他引:129       下载免费PDF全文
鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组广泛发育曲流河三角洲沉积,其总体沉积特征为:沉积体系及相带发育完整;成分成熟度及结构成熟度较高;发育各种沉积构造、动植物化石及生物遗迹构造。曲流河三角洲平原的分流河道具有复杂分支与决口历史,因此常呈交织状,受分流河道冲蚀作用的影响,河口坝不发育。曲流河三角洲主要形成于湖盆坳陷回返期。通过对岩相组合、骨架砂体的几何形态及盆地古地理背景的综合分析,认为延长组的环境演化反映了浅水台地型三角洲逐渐转变为陆上平原的过程。曲流河三角洲可形成良好的储层,是油气勘探的有利相带。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地上、下古生界地层包裹体气体与气藏中气体地球化学性质对比表明:上古生界气藏中气体与包裹体中气体地球化学性质相似,气藏中气体的地球化学性质能代表成藏初期气体的原始特征;而下古生界气藏中气体与包裹体中气体的地球化学性质差别很大,下古生界气藏中的气体与下古生界源岩模拟生成气体也有非常大的差别。因此,下古生界气藏中的气体不能代表来自下古生界源岩产生天然气。结合前人关于奥陶系源岩的模拟生成天然气、包裹体中气体以及靖边气田天然气的地球化学特征,提出来源于奥陶系的天然气应具有δ13C1<-38‰、δ13C2<-28‰的特征。下古生界地层包裹体中气体与气藏中气体地球化学性质对比表明,下古生界气田天然气乙烷碳同位素的变化范围也比甲烷碳同位素的变化范围大很多,乙烷碳同位素不适合作为判断靖边气田天然气来源的标准。在此基础上,以上古生界天然气甲烷碳同位素的平均值(-32.90‰)与下古生界δ13C1<-38‰天然气甲烷碳同位素的平均值(-39.04‰)分别作为上、下古生界来源天然气甲烷碳同位素的界限值,通过简单计算认为靖边气田大约85%的天然气来源于上古生界煤系。  相似文献   

青藏高原及邻区层控型铅锌矿时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
青藏高原古生代—中生代复杂的多岛弧盆系演化和新生代高原急剧隆升的构造格局造就了层控型铅锌矿特定的时空分布和成矿作用的分带性。在不同类型的构造单元内具有特征的成矿专属性和矿床类型。青藏高原及周缘层控型铅锌矿有多时代成矿的特点,寒武系和泥盆系是主要赋矿层位。古生代—中生代铅锌矿含矿层岩相古地理具有多样性,以台地相作为控矿优势相,尤其以白云岩作为容矿岩石的矿床居多。另外新生代地层作为主要容矿层之一,发育有大型甚至特大型的层控铅锌矿体,为低温热卤水运移充填矿床。推测青藏高原在新生代快速隆升是该类矿床富集成矿的重要控矿因素。随着研究的深入和勘查的进展,这种新生代矿床将在该区显示出巨大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

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