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We investigate the influence of the following parameters on the crust properties of strange stars: the strange quark mass (m s), the strong coupling constant (αc) and the vacuum energy density (B). It is found that the mass density at the crust base of strange stars cannot reach the neutron drip density. For a conventional parameter set of m s=200 MeV, B 1/4 = 145 MeV and αc = 0.3, the maximum density at the crust base of a typical strange star is only 5.5 × 1010 gcm-3, and correspondingly the maximum crust mass is 1.4 ×10-6 M. Subsequently, we present the thermal structure and the cooling behavior of strange stars with crusts of different thickness, and under different diquark pairing gaps. Our work might provide important clues for distinguishing strange stars from neutron stars.  相似文献   

Minimal models of cooling neutron stars with accreted envelopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the 'minimal' cooling scenario of superfluid neutron stars with nucleon cores, where the direct Urca process is forbidden and enhanced cooling is produced by neutrino emission due to the Cooper pairing of neutrons. Extending our recent previous work, we include the effects of surface accreted envelopes of light elements. We employ the phenomenological density-dependent critical temperatures   T cp(ρ)  and   T cnt(ρ)  of singlet-state proton and triplet-state neutron pairing in a stellar core, as well as the critical temperature   T cns(ρ)  of singlet-state neutron pairing in a stellar crust. We show that the presence of accreted envelopes simplifies the interpretation of observations of thermal radiation from isolated neutron stars in the scenario of our recent previous work and widens the class of models for nucleon superfluidity in neutron star interiors consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

Strong (B?109 G) and superstrong (B?1014 G) magnetic fields profoundly affect many thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of dense plasmas in neutron star envelopes. In particular, they produce strongly anisotropic thermal conductivity in the neutron star crust and modify the equation of state and radiative opacities in the atmosphere, which are major ingredients of the cooling theory and spectral atmosphere models. As a result, both the radiation spectrum and the thermal luminosity of a neutron star can be affected by the magnetic field. We briefly review these effects and demonstrate the influence of magnetic field strength on the thermal structure of an isolated neutron star, putting emphasis on the differences brought about by the superstrong fields and high temperatures of magnetars. For the latter objects, it is important to take proper account of a combined effect of the magnetic field on thermal conduction and neutrino emission at densities ρ?1010 g?cm?3. We show that the neutrino emission puts a B-dependent upper limit on the effective surface temperature of a cooling neutron star.  相似文献   

The internal properties of the neutron star crust can be probed by observing the epoch of thermal relaxation. After the supernova explosion, powerful neutrino emission quickly cools the stellar core, while the crust stays hot. The cooling wave then propagates through the crust, as a result of its finite thermal conductivity. When the cooling wave reaches the surface (age 10–100 yr) , the effective temperature drops sharply from 250 eV to 30 or 100 eV, depending on the cooling model. The crust relaxation time is sensitive to the (poorly known) microscopic properties of matter of subnuclear density, such as the heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and superfluidity of free neutrons. We calculate the cooling models with the new values of the electron thermal conductivity in the inner crust, based on a realistic treatment of the shapes of atomic nuclei. Superfluid effects may shorten the relaxation time by a factor of 4. The comparison of theoretical cooling curves with observations provides a potentially powerful method of studying the properties of the neutron superfluid and highly unusual atomic nuclei in the inner crust.  相似文献   

Taking into account the peculiar properties of hybrid stars, stars containing both a core of strange quark matter and the solid crust of a neutron star, and employing a fully self-consistent second-order correction technique, we study the time scale of bulk viscosity dissipation at the low temperature limit (T < 109 K) and with this time scale we calculate the critical spin frequency of the hybrid star. It is found that its minimal value is 704.42 Hz (corresponding to a pulse period of 1.42 ms). When this is compared with the periods of neutron and strange stars, a better interpretation of the observational data is obtained.  相似文献   

The cooling and reheating histories of dim isolated neutron stars (DINs) are discussed. Energy dissipation due to dipole spindown with ordinary and magnetar fields, and due to torques from a fallback disk are considered as alternative sources of reheating which would set the temperature of the neutron star after the initial cooling era. Cooling or thermal ages are related to the numbers and formation rates of the DINs and therefore to their relations with other isolated neutron star populations. The possibility of energy dissipation at ages greater than about 106 yrs is a potentially important factor in determining the properties of the DIN population. Interaction with a fallback disk, higher multipole fields and activity of the neutron star are briefly discussed.   相似文献   

It is hypothesized that thermonuclear burning of the matter from the envelope of a massive compact star accreting onto a hot neutron star produced by spherically symmetric collapse of a stellar iron core can proceed in oscillation mode (much as is the case during thermal explosions of carbon-oxygen cores in lower mass stars). Local density oscillations near the neutron-star surface can generate shock waves; in these shocks, the electron-positron plasma is stratified from the remaining matter, and shells of an expanding relativistic fireball with an oscillation time scale in cosmological gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) of ~10?2 s are formed. It is pointed out that the GRB progenitors can be nonrotating massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars whose collapse, according to observational data, can proceed without any substantial envelope ejection.  相似文献   

The evolution of the family of binaries with a low-mass star and a compact neutron star companion (low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with neutron stars) ismodeled by the method of population synthesis. Continuous Roche-lobe filling by the optical star in LMXBs is assumed to be maintained by the removal of orbital angular momentum from the binary by a magnetic stellar wind from the optical star and the radiation of gravitational waves by the binary. The developed model of LMXB evolution has the following significant distinctions: (1) allowance for the effect of the rotational evolution of a magnetized compact remnant on themass transfer scenario in the binary, (2) amore accurate allowance for the response of the donor star to mass loss at the Roche-lobe filling stage. The results of theoretical calculations are shown to be in good agreement with the observed orbital period-X-ray luminosity diagrams for persistent Galactic LMXBs and their X-ray luminosity function. This suggests that the main elements of binary evolution, on the whole, are correctly reflected in the developed code. It is shown that most of the Galactic bulge LMXBs at luminosities L x > 1037 erg s?1 should have a post-main-sequence Roche-lobe-filling secondary component (low-mass giants). Almost all of the models considered predict a deficit of LMXBs at X-ray luminosities near ~1036.5 erg s?1 due to the transition of the binary from the regime of angular momentum removal by a magnetic stellar wind to the regime of gravitational waves (analogous to the widely known period gap in cataclysmic variables, accreting white dwarfs). At low luminosities, the shape of the model luminosity function for LMXBs is affected significantly by their transient behavior-the accretion rate onto the compact companion is not always equal to the mass transfer rate due to instabilities in the accretion disk around the compact object. The best agreement with observed binaries is achieved in the models suggesting that heavy neutron stars with masses 1.4–1.9M can be born.  相似文献   

A possible scenario for the evolution of the universe following the big bang at t > 10-5 sec is considered. The necessary conditions that must be present for the formation of stars and stellar systems to be possible are formulated. As a condition for the formation of stars we take kTs≤ GMsmp(3R), and for stellar systems HR ? (GM/R)1/2, where Ts is the temperature of the cosmic plasma, mp is the mass of a proton, Ms is the mass of a star, M is the mass of a stellar cluster, R is the radius of these celestial bodies, and H is the bubble parameter for the corresponding time. In accordance with these criteria, we assume that in the course of cosmological expansion, neutron stars should have been formed first (times 2.10-4 ? t ? 1 sec, densities 0.07 ? ρB? 2.104 g/cm3) and then, in chronological order, appeared white dwarfs (t ≈ 102 sec, ρB ? 5.10-3 g/cm3), ordinary stars (t ≈ 4.106 sec, ?B ≈ 10-11 g/cm3), galactic nuclei (t ≈ 3.1011 sec, ?B ≈ 5.10-19 g/cm3, globular clusters (t ≈ 1013 sec, ?B ≈ 4.10-21 g/cm3), and galaxies (t ≈ 1015 sec, ?B ≈ 10-24 g/cm3), where ?B is the average density of ordinary (baryon) matter in the universe. It is shown that a galactic nucleus is a stellar system in statistical equilibrium and consists mainly of neutron stars and white dwarfs. The formation of some pulsars (neutron stars with angular rotation rates 1 < Ω < 200 sec-1) may occur in a galactic nucleus. Observed pulsars should therefore contain some fraction of neutron stars from the nucleus of the Galaxy that were able to escape it over the relaxation time (the tail of the Maxwell distribution, with star velocities v > v0, where v0 is the velocity corresponding to the work function 2GMMs/R, M being the mass and R the radius of the Galaxy’s nucleus.  相似文献   

Observational evidence, and theoretical models of the magnetic field evolution of neutron stars is discussed. Observational data indicates that the magnetic field of a neutron star decays significantly only if it has been a member of a close interacting binary. Theoretically, the magnetic field evolution has been related to the processing of a neutron star in a binary system through the spin evolution of the neutron star, and also through the accretion of matter on the neutron star surface. I describe two specific models, one in which magnetic flux is expelled from the superconducting core during spin-down, via a copuling between Abrikosov fluxoids and Onsager-Feynman vortices; and another in which the compression and heating of the stellar crust by the accreted mass drastically reduces the ohmic decay time scale of a magnetic field configuration confined entirely to the crust. General remarks about the behaviour of the crustal field under ohmic diffusion are also made.  相似文献   

It is shown that during contact eclipsing binaries evolution under the influence of stellar wind, magnetic stellar wind and with matter transfer by gas flow, in binary stellar systems there may take place a process of star merger (low mass stars) within 105–107 yr and a fast increase of distance between stars of massive binaries. W UMa-type stars are a finite evolutionary stage of very close and low mass binary pairs. As for contact systems of early spectral types (CE-systems), they are more varied in evolution.  相似文献   

We study thermal relaxation in a neutron star after internal heating events (outbursts) in the crust. We consider thin and thick spherically symmetric heaters, superfluid and non-superfluid crusts, stars with open and forbidden direct Urca processes in their cores. In particular, we analyze long-term thermal relaxation after deep crustal heating produced by nuclear transformations in fully or partly accreted crusts of transiently accreting neutron stars. This long-term relaxation has a typical relaxation time and an overall finite duration time for the crust to thermally equilibrate with the core. Neutron superfluidity in the inner crust greatly affects the relaxation if the heater is located in the inner crust. It shortens and unifies the time of emergence of thermal wave from the heater to the surface. This is important for the interpretation of observed outbursts of magnetars and transiently accreting neutron stars in quasi-persistent low-mass X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

We study the thermal structure and evolution of magnetars as cooling neutron stars with a phenomenological heat source in an internal layer. We focus on the effect of magnetized (   B ≳ 1014  G) non-accreted and accreted outermost envelopes composed of different elements, from iron to hydrogen or helium. We discuss a combined effect of thermal conduction and neutrino emission in the outer neutron star crust and calculate the cooling of magnetars with a dipole magnetic field for various locations of the heat layer, heat rates and magnetic field strengths. Combined effects of strong magnetic fields and light-element composition simplify the interpretation of magnetars in our model: these effects allow one to interpret observations assuming less extreme (therefore, more realistic) heating. Massive magnetars, with fast neutrino cooling in their cores, can have higher thermal surface luminosity.  相似文献   

The neutrino luminosity of several models of neutron stars has been computed according to the photon-neutrino coupling theory and compared with that of the current-current coupling theory. It is shown that the NSR process alone should have cooled the core of the neutron star created in a supernova explosion in 1954 A.D. to a temperature around 2×109 K according to the photon-neutrino coupling theory.The emission power of the star is greater than the emission power of the X-ray source discovered in the Crab Nebula; so the source may be interpreted as the thermal radiation of the star according to the photon-neutrino coupling theory.  相似文献   

As a neutron star spins down, the nuclear matter is continuously converted into quark matter due to the core density increase, and then latent heat is released. We have investigated the thermal evolution of neutron stars undergoing such deconfinement phase transition. We have taken into account the conversion in the frame of the general theory of relativity. The released energy has been estimated as a function of changed rate of deconfinement baryon number. The numerical solutions to the cooling equation are seen to be very different from those without the heating effect. The results show that neutron stars may be heated to higher temperatures which is well matched with pulsar's data despite the onset of fast cooling in neutron stars with quark matter cores. It is also found that the heating effect has a magnetic field strength dependence. This feature could be particularly interesting for high temperatures of low-field millisecond pulsars at a later stage. The high temperature could fit the observed temperature for PSR J0437−4715.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic field in a magnetized neutron star and the underlying volume charges and currents are found. A general case of a rigidly rotating neutron star with infinite conductivity, arbitrary distribution of the internal magnetic field, arbitrarily changing angular velocity, and arbitrary surface velocity less than the velocity of light is considered. Quaternions are used to describe rotation and determine the magnetic field. It is shown that the charge density is not equal to and can exceed significantly the common Goldreich–Julian density. Moreover, corrections to the magnetic field due to stellar rotation are zero. For a rotating neutron star, twisting magnetic field lines causes charge accumulation and current flows. This fact shows a possible link between changing internal magnetic field topology and observed activity of neutron stars.  相似文献   

The expressions are derived for thermal and electric conductivities as well as thermopower of a degenerate relativistic electron gas in the surface layers of neutron stars along the magnetic fieldB=4×1011–1014G for two scattering mechanisms of electrons, namely, for Coulomb scattering on ions in the ion-liquid regime and on high-temperature phonons in the solid regime. The results may be of use to study neutron star cooling rates, nuclear burning of the matter in the surface layers, diffusion of the magnetic field, etc.  相似文献   

We present the results of numerical simulations of stationary, spherically outflowing, e ± pair winds, with total luminosities in the range 1034–1042 ergs s?1. In the concrete example described here, the wind injection source is a hot, bare, strange star, predicted to be a powerful source of e ± pairs created by the Coulomb barrier at the quark surface. We find that photons dominate in the emerging emission, and the emerging photon spectrum is rather hard and differs substantially from the thermal spectrum expected from a neutron star with the same luminosity. This might help distinguish the putative bare strange stars from neutron stars.  相似文献   

We present a brief, observational review about the study of the cooling behaviour of accretion-heated neutron stars and the inferences about the neutron-star crust and core that have been obtained from these studies. Accretion of matter during outbursts can heat the crust out of thermal equilibrium with the core and after the accretion episodes are over, the crust will cool down until crust-core equilibrium is restored. We discuss the observed properties of the crust cooling sources and what has been learned about the physics of neutron-star crusts. We also briefly discuss those systems that have been observed long after their outbursts were over, i.e, during times when the crust and core are expected to be in thermal equilibrium. The surface temperature is then a direct probe for the core temperature. By comparing the expected temperatures based on estimates of the accretion history of the targets with the observed ones, the physics of neutron-star cores can be investigated. Finally, we discuss similar studies performed for strongly magnetized neutron stars in which the magnetic field might play an important role in the heating and cooling of the neutron stars.  相似文献   

Accretion of interstellar material by an isolated neutron star is discussed. The point I address here is the interaction between the accretion flow and the stellar magnetosphere. I show that the interchange instabilities of the magnetospheric boundary under the conditions of interest are basically suppressed. The entry of the material into the magnetosphere is governed by diffusion. Due to this reason the persistent accretion luminosity of isolated neutron stars is limited to <4×1026 erg s−1. These objects can also appear as X-ray bursters with the burst durations of ∼30 min and repetition time of ∼105 yr. This indicates that the number of the accreting isolated neutron stars which could be observed with recent and modern X-ray missions is a few orders of magnitude smaller than that previously estimated.   相似文献   

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