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We investigate a model for the excitation of high-order oscillations in roAp stars. In this model we assume that the strong concentration of magnetic field about the magnetic poles is enough to suppress convection. Thus the model considered is composed of two polar regions, in which convection is presumed to be suppressed totally, and an equatorial region, where the convection is unaffected. This model is generated by building pairs of locally spherically symmetrical equilibria to represent the polar and equatorial regions of the star, which are patched together below the base of the convection zone. Gravitational settling of heavy elements is taken into account by choosing appropriate chemical composition profiles for both the polar and equatorial regions. Our results indicate that the composite model is unstable against axisymmetric non-radial high-order modes of pulsation that are aligned with the magnetic poles. The oscillations are excited by the κ mechanism acting principally in the hydrogen ionization zones of the polar regions. The effect of the lateral inhomogeneity on the second frequency differences is also investigated; we find that the perturbation to them by the inhomogeneity is of the same order as the second differences themselves, thereby hindering potential attempts to use such differences to identify the degrees of the modes in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a non-adiabatic analysis for axisymmetric non-radial pulsations including the effect of a dipole magnetic field. Convection is assumed to be suppressed in the stellar envelope, and the diffusion approximation is used to radiative transport. As in a previous adiabatic analysis, the eigenfunctions are expanded in a series of spherical harmonics. The analysis is applied to a  1.9-M  , main-sequence model  (log  T eff= 3.913)  . The presence of a magnetic field always stabilizes low-order acoustic modes. All the low-order modes of the model that are excited by the κ-mechanism in the He  ii ionization zone in the absence of a magnetic field are found to be stabilized if the polar strength of the dipole magnetic field is larger than about 1 kG. For high-order p modes, on the other hand, distorted dipole and quadrupole modes excited by the κ-mechanism in the H ionization zone remain overstable, even in the presence of a strong magnetic field. It is found, however, that all the distorted radial high-order modes are stabilized by the effect of the magnetic field. Thus, our non-adiabatic analysis suggests that distorted dipole modes and distorted quadrupole modes are most likely excited in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. The latitudinal amplitude dependence is found to be in reasonable agreement with the observationally determined one for HR 3831. Finally, the expected amplitude of magnetic perturbations at the surface is found to be very small.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a new approach for measuring the mean longitudinal magnetic field and net linear polarization of Ap and Bp stars. As was demonstrated by Wade et al., least-squares deconvolution (LSD; Donati et al.) provides a powerful technique for detecting weak Stokes V , Q and U Zeeman signatures in stellar spectral lines. These signatures have the potential to apply strong new constraints to models of stellar magnetic field structure. Here we point out two important uses of LSD Stokes profiles. First, they can provide very precise determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field. In particular, this method allows one frequently to obtain 1 σ error bars better than 50 G, and smaller than 20 G in some cases. This method is applicable to both broad- and sharp-lined stars, with both weak and strong magnetic fields, and effectively redefines the quality standard of longitudinal field determinations. Secondly, LSD profiles can in some cases provide a measure of the net linear polarization, a quantity analogous to the broad-band linear polarization recently used to derive detailed magnetic field models for a few stars (e.g. Leroy et al.). In this paper we report new high-precision measurements of the longitudinal fields of 14 magnetic Ap/Bp stars, as well as net linear polarization measurements for four of these stars, derived from LSD profiles.  相似文献   

We study the effect of a large-scale surface magnetic field on the non-radial acoustic modes of roAp stars. Special attention is given to the use of a variational principle which is used for determining the shifts in the frequencies with relative ease, enabling us to avoid having to calculate the perturbed eigenfunctions. With knowledge of the frequency shifts we then estimate the eigenfunctions in a simpler, albeit approximate way. The results indicate frequency shifts of the order of few μHz, which depend on the order, degree and azimuthal order of the mode. The loss of energy through Alfvén waves is also estimated from the imaginary parts of the frequency shifts. The results indicate that the loss is particularly high near specific frequencies. This might indicate the presence of a selection effect, which could make some modes more likely to be excited than others. However, our results do not explain why the modes observed appear always to be aligned with the axis of the magnetic field. Finally, the estimated perturbed eigenfunctions contain strong components of spherical harmonics that differ from those of the original unperturbed modes.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, modelling of the inhomogeneous vertical abundance distributions of various chemical elements in magnetic peculiar A type has largely relied on simple step-function approximations. In contrast, the recently introduced regularized vertical inversion procedure (VIP) is not based on parametrized stratification profiles and has been claimed to yield unique solutions without a priori assumptions as to the profile shapes. It is the question of uniqueness of empirical stratifications which is at the centre of this article. An error analysis establishes confidence intervals about the abundance profiles and it is shown that many different step functions of sometimes widely different amplitudes give fits to the observed spectra which equal the VIP fits in quality. Theoretical arguments are advanced in favour of abundance profiles that depend on magnetic latitude, even in moderately strong magnetic fields. Including cloud, cap and ring models in the discussion, it is shown that uniqueness of solutions cannot be achieved without phase-resolved high signal-to-noise ratio and high spectral resolution ( R ) spectropolarimetry in all four Stokes parameters.  相似文献   

The mechanism responsible for exciting high-order acoustic oscillations in rapidly oscillating Ap stars is still an open issue. Recently, Balmforth et al. (hereafter BCDGV) proposed a model according to which high-frequency oscillations may be excited in roAp stars if the intensities of the magnetic fields present in these stars are sufficiently large to suppress convection at least in some region of their envelopes. Using models similar to those proposed by BCDGV, we predict the theoretical edges of the instability strip appropriate to roAp stars and compare them with the observations. Moreover, we discuss our results in the light of some of the systematic differences found between roAp stars, noAp stars and Ap stars in general. We suggest that a combination of intrinsic differences between these types of stars and a bias related to the frequencies of the unstable oscillations might hold the explanation to some of the differences observed.  相似文献   

The role of an external magnetic field in the magnetic braking of a star with a dipolar field is investigated. In a magnetic cataclysmic variable system (i.e. the primary compact star has a strong magnetic field), the field external to the braking star (a late-type main-sequence star with a dynamo-generated field) originates from the compact star. A closed field region — the system dead zone — is formed within the binary system, and it does not take part in magnetic braking. The overall braking rate depends on the extent of this region and of the open flux, and is dependent on centrifugal effects. In the case of two interacting dipoles, the dipole orientations relative to the spin axes and to each other are found to be important, leading to different amounts of open flux and therefore of magnetic braking, owing to different centrifugal effects on closed field regions. However, in circumstances consistent with observations and dynamo theory, the white dwarf's field reduces the magnetic braking of the secondary significantly, a finding qualitatively similar to the results previously obtained for two anti-aligned dipoles perpendicular to the orbital plane. In the cases where the two dipole axes are not perpendicular to the orbital plane, but are inclined in the plane that links them, the 'cut-off' in magnetic braking is less abrupt, and this effect is more obvious as the inclinations increase. Only in the extreme cases when the two dipole axes are aligned in the orbital plane does the braking increase with white dwarf field strength. We conclude that detailed evolutionary modelling of AM Herculis systems needs to take account of the inclination effect.  相似文献   

About 30 photometrically variable red giant stars have periods less than 10 d, as determined by the compilers of the Hipparcos Catalogue from Hipparcos photometric measurements. These periods, when combined with estimates of the radii and masses of these stars, and with pulsation theory, imply that these stars are pulsating in very high overtones. We present several pieces of evidence which suggest that the periods may be spurious, as a result of the particular aliasing properties of the Hipparcos photometry. We conclude that the evidence for high-overtone pulsation in red giant stars is equivocal.  相似文献   

HR 1217 is a prototypical rapidly oscillating Ap star that has presented a test to the theory of non-radial stellar pulsation. Prior observations showed a clear pattern of five modes with alternating frequency spacings of 33.3 and 34.6 μHz, with a sixth mode at a problematic spacing of 50.0 μHz (which equals  1.5×33.3 μHz)  to the high-frequency side. Asymptotic pulsation theory allowed for a frequency spacing of 34 μHz, but Hipparcos observations rule out such a spacing. Theoretical calculations of magnetoacoustic modes in Ap stars by Cunha predicted that there should be a previously undetected mode 34 μHz higher than the main group, with a smaller spacing between it and the highest one. In this Letter, we present preliminary results from a multisite photometric campaign on the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 1217 using the 'Whole Earth Telescope'. While a complete analysis of the data will appear in a later paper, one outstanding result from this run is the discovery of a newly detected frequency in the pulsation spectrum of this star, at the frequency predicted by Cunha.  相似文献   

We present numerical models based on realistic treatment of the intensity spectrum (from model atmospheres), and demonstrate that they are consistent with Kurtz and Medupe's recent formula in showing that limb darkening is too small an effect to explain the observed sharp decline of pulsation light amplitude with wavelength in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. Kurtz and Medupe's formula is shown to be a special form of Watson's earlier general formula for non-radial light variations of a star pulsating in any mode ( l m ). Using a technique suggested by Kurtz and Medupe we derive temperature semi-amplitude as a function of depth in the atmospheres of α Cir and HR 3831, assuming that we can neglect non-adiabatic effects.  相似文献   

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