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Knudsen, K. L., Jiang, H., Kristensen, P., Gibbard, P. L. & Haila, H. 2011: Early Last Interglacial palaeoenvironments in the western Baltic Sea: benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2011.00206.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Stable isotopes from benthic foraminifera, combined with diatom assemblage analysis and diatom‐based sea‐surface salinity reconstructions, are used for the interpretation of changes in bottom‐ and surface‐water conditions through the early Eemian at Ristinge Klint in the western Baltic Sea. Correlation of the sediments with the Eemian Stage is based on a previously published pollen analysis that indicates that they represent pollen zones E2–E5 and span ~3400 years. An initial brackish‐water phase, initiated c. 300 years after the beginning of the interglacial, is characterized by a rapid increase in sea‐surface and sea‐bottom salinity, followed by a major increase at c. 650 years, which is related to the opening of the Danish Straits to the western Baltic. The diatoms allow estimation of the maximum sea‐surface salinity in the time interval of c. 650–1250 years. After that, slightly reduced salinity is estimated for the interval of c. 1250–2600 years (with minimum values at c. 1600–2200 years). This may be related to a period of high precipitation/humidity and thus increased freshwater run‐off from land. Together with a continuous increase in the water depth, this may have contributed to the gradual development of a stratified water column after c. 1600 years. The stratification was, however, particularly pronounced between c. 2600 and 3400 years, a period with particularly high sea‐surface temperature, as well as bottom‐water salinity, and thus a maximum influence of Atlantic water masses. The freshwater run‐off from land may have been reduced as a result of particularly high summer temperatures during the climatic optimum.  相似文献   

Sejrup, Hans Petter 1987 03 01: Molluscan and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of an Eemian-Early Weichselian section on Karmøy, southwestern Norway. Boreas , Vol. 16, pp. 27–42. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
At Karmøy, southwestern Norway, a section with marine sediments from the last interglacial (the Avaldsnes Interglacial) and from two ice-free periods (the Torvastad and Bø Interstadial) in the Weichselian have been examined for molluscs and foraminifera. The following conclusions concerning the depositional environments of these sediments can be drawn: (1) The Avaldsnes Interglacial was a high-energy environment with a sea level 20 to 50 m higher than at present, regressing towards the end of the interglacial. Sea temperatures were as in the area today or slightly warmer. (2) During the Torvastad Interstadial (71–85 ka) the sea level was between 0 and c . 20 m higher than at present, and sea temperatures were as between Svalbard and northern Norway today. (3) The Bø Interstadial (40–64 ka) shows a complete interstadial cycle, with changing sea level and temperatures. Its optimum was close to the conditions prevailing in North Norway today or slightly colder. By comparison with other sites, a total of at least four interstadial episodes through the Weichselian in southwestern Norway is proposed. These date to c . 30 ka, 40–64 ka, 71–85 ka and 87–101 ka. The episodes and the glacial advances between them do not directly correlate with published interpretations of changes in surface circulation in the Norwegian Sea through the Weichselian. It is suggested that the nourishment of the southern part of the Scandinavian ice sheet might be more related to sea surface conditions in the North Atlantic than to those of the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show the stratigraphic record of the Late Pleistocene corresponding to the distal region of the Paraná River basin. It displays sedimentological, paleontological and geochronological evidences that characterise the last interglacial–glacial cycle. In particular, strong environmental records are shown for the Last Interglacial Stage (LIS). Salto Ander Egg Formation (SAEF) is defined as a new lithostratigraphic unit representative of the Late Pleistocene in southwestern Mesopotamia. This unit is formed of complex fluvial deposits, which contains a heterogeneous collection of sub-environments, of ages ranging from 120 to 60 ky BP. The clast-supported gravel facies containing sparse boulders indicate high flow during a humid climate. The large and middle-scale architectures of fluvial sedimentary bodies evidence the relationship between the sediment accommodation and the sea level oscillations. Three sub-sequences identified in the succession suggest a transgressive trend during the MIS5e, a highstand stage in MIS5c, and a minor transgressive cycle during MIS3. A Brazilian faunal association collected at the bottom of the sequence and sedimentological interpretations display wet and warm climatic conditions, typical of tropical or subtropical environments. Such environmental conditions are characteristic of the maximum of the last interglacial stage (MIS5e) and show a signal stronger than the signal of the current interglacial stage. All these data show a direct correlation between the increases of paleodischarges and the elevation of the sea level. The whole sequence is completed with transitional swampy deposits, accumulated probably during the MIS3/MIS2 transition, and the typical loess of the Tezanos Pinto Formation, mantled during the Last Maximum Glacial.  相似文献   

The Aptian-Albian 'Scisti a Fucoidi' varicoloured pelagic sediments in central Italy, show a 'couplet' alternation of carbonate-rich/carbonate-poor layers, which are interpreted as the sedimentary expression of precession (frequency 19–23 kyr). Carbonate content, chromatic variation, and planktonic foraminiferal abundance were analysed at a 1-cm spacing for a 10-m interval of the Piobbico core, specifically drilled through this formation. Spectral analysis of these parameters shows a prominent signal equated to the c . 100 kyr cycle of orbital eccentricity at a sedimentation rate of 5 mm kyr−1. The coherency of the spectral response of each parameter suggests that a single mechanism controlled the whole sedimentary record. Detailed study of planktonic foraminiferal distribution of the same section at 1-mm scale resolves the Milankovitch frequencies of 41 kyr and 18 to 23 kyr, equated with the obliquity and precessional cycles. But foraminiferal abundance is not in phase with carbonate content, which was largely controlled by calcareous nannofossils, but peaked at intermediate carbonate values. The proposed model for explaining the discrepancy at the precessional level is that foraminifera thrived at intermediate values of the precession index, when the environment was only moderately fertile but stable, while during highs of the precession index, mixing of the water column increased fertility and caused calcareous nannofossil blooms and restriction of planktonic foraminifera to few and tolerant species. The resulting bimodality of foraminiferal abundance per precessional cycle appears to be recorded in the spectrum by peaks at the 11 and 14 kyr levels. Cross correlation of foraminiferal abundances with the calcium carbonate curve over 1–2 Myr intervals produces discrepant results (apparent phase lags) which we attribute to differences in the response to the fundamental eccentricity cycles.  相似文献   

A high‐resolution record, covering 9.3–0.2 ka BP, from the sub‐arctic Stjernsund (70°N) was studied for benthic foraminiferal faunas and stable isotopes, revealing three informally named main phases during the Holocene. The Early‐ to Mid‐Holocene (9.3–5.0 ka BP) was characterized by the strong influence of the North Atlantic Current (NAC), which prevented the reflection of the Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) in the bottom‐water temperature. During the Mid‐Holocene Transition (5.0–2.5 ka BP), a turnover of benthic foraminiferal faunas occurred, Atlantic Water species decreased while Arctic‐Polar species increased, and the oxygen isotope record showed larger fluctuations. Those variations correspond to a period of global climate change, to spatially more heterogeneous benthic foraminiferal faunas in the Nordic Seas region, and to regionally diverging terrestrial temperatures. The Cool Late Holocene (2.5–0.2 ka BP) was characterized by increased abundances of Arctic‐Polar species and a steady cooling trend reflected in the oxygen isotopes. In this period, our record differs considerably from those on the SW Barents Sea shelf and locations farther south. Therefore, we argue that regional atmospheric cooling triggered the late Holocene cooling trend. Several cold episodes centred at 8.3, 7.8, 6.5, 4.9, 3.9 and 3.3 ka BP were identified from the benthic foraminiferal faunas and the δ18O record, which correlated with marine and atmospherically driven proxy records. This suggests that short‐term cold events may result from reduced heat advection via the NAC or from colder air temperatures.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence for environmental oscillations during the last glacial–interglacial transition from high latitude, terrestrial sites of the North Pacific rim, oxygen-isotopic records of these oscillations remain sparse. The lack of data is due partially to the paucity of lakes that contain carbonate sediment suitable for oxygen-isotopic analysis. We report here the first record of oxygen-isotopic composition in diatom silica (δ18OSi) from a lake in that region. δ18OSi increases gradually from 19.0 to 23.5‰ between 12,340 and 11,000 14C yr B.P., reflecting marked climatic warming at the end of the last glaciation. Around 11,000 14C yr B.P., δ18OSi decreases by 1.7‰, suggesting a temperature decrease of 3.5–8.9 °C at the onset of the Younger Dryas (YD) in southwestern Alaska. Climatic recovery began ca. 10,740 14C yr B.P., as inferred from the increase of δ18OSi to a maximum of 23.9‰ near the end of the YD. Our data reveal that a YD climatic reversal in southwestern coastal areas of Alaska occurred, but the YD climate did not return to full-glacial conditions.  相似文献   

Here we present a tephrostratigraphic record (core Co1202) recovered from the northeastern part of Lake Ohrid (Republics of Macedonia and Albania) reaching back to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. Overall ten horizons (OT0702‐1 to OT0702‐10) containing volcanic tephra have been recognised throughout the 14.94 m long sediment succession. Four tephra layers were visible at macroscopic inspection (OT0702‐4, OT0702‐6, OT0702‐8 and OT0702‐9), while the remaining six are cryptotephras (OT0702‐1, OT0702‐2, OT0702‐3, OT0702‐5, OT0702‐7 and OT0702‐10) identified from peaks in K, Zr and Sr intensities, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and washing and sieving of the sediments. Glass shards of tephra layers and cryptotephras were analysed with respect to their major element composition, and correlated to explosive eruptions of Italian volcanoes. The stratigraphy and the major element composition of tephra layers and cryptotephras allowed the correlation of OT0702‐1 to AD 472 or AD 512 eruptions of Somma‐Vesuvius, OT0702‐2 to the FL eruption of Mount Etna, OT0702‐3 to the Mercato from Somma‐Vesuvius, OT0702‐4 to SMP1‐e/Y‐3 eruption from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702‐5 to the Codola eruption (Somma‐Vesuvius or Campi Flegrei), OT0702‐6 to the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y‐5 from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702‐7 to the Green Tuff/Y‐6 eruption from Pantelleria Island, OT0702‐8 to the X‐5 eruption probably originating from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702‐9 to the X‐6 eruption of generic Campanian origin, and OT0702‐10 to the P‐11 eruption from Pantelleria Island. The fairly well‐known ages of these tephra layers and parent eruptions provide new data on the dispersal and deposition of these tephras and, furthermore, allow the establishment of a chronological framework for core Co1202 for a first interpretation of major sedimentological changes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strong contrasts in ambient isotope ratios and in diet suggest stable isotopes in the otoliths of oceanic fish can resolve water masses and geographic areas, promising a powerful multivariate approach for examining population structure and provenance. To test this, whole otoliths were taken from Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) sampled off the Patagonian Shelf and South Georgia, on either side of a population boundary, and otolith δ18O and δ13C values were measured to see if they could distinguish South American-caught fish from those taken in the Antarctic. Values of otolith δ18O and δ13C predicted capture area with 100% success, validating their use for distinguishing provenance and corroborating the prior evidence of population isolation. Values of δ18O in the otoliths reflected ambient values as well as seawater temperature: low values in Patagonian Shelf fish were consistent with exposure to Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), and high values in South Georgia fish were consistent with exposure to Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). In contrast, differences in otolith δ13C appeared to reflect diet: relative depletion of otolith δ13C at South Georgia compared to the Patagonian Shelf were most likely linked to differences in sources of metabolic carbon, as well as δ13C in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of seawater. These contrasting properties strongly suggest that stable isotopes can resolve the provenance of toothfish from Antarctic sampling areas that hitherto have been difficult to separate. These results show that, by using the chemistry recorded in otoliths, researchers can exploit biogeochemical variation in fully marine environments to examine the spatial ecology of oceanic fish.  相似文献   

Clay mineralogy and whole-rock stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) of Upper Cretaceous marly sediments on the Basque-Cantabrian Basin have been integrated to determine the main effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors in sections belonging to deep- (Barrika) and platform-marine (Isla de Castro, Villamartín and Olazagutía) settings.The mean values for the clay assemblages and δ18O exhibit notable differences among the sections, partially explainable by the influence of diagenesis. The Barrika sediments, with more diagenetically advanced illite-smectite (I-S) mixed-layer (R1, 70% illite), authigenic chlorite, and low δ18O (−4.05‰ PDB), experienced higher diagenetic grade than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, which have R0 I-S (20% illite) and heavier δ18O. Villamartín was also affected by higher diagenesis than Isla de Castro and Olazagutía, given the occurrence of R1 I-S (60% illite) and low δ18O (−4.11‰ PDB). However, the absence of other clays in Villamartín (e.g. authigenic chlorite) is indicative of less diagenetic grade than Barrika. These results show the useful integration of clay mineralogy and stable isotopes to detect different diagenetic grades in distinct marine successions of the same basin.Despite being influenced by diagenesis, the clay mineralogy partially preserves its inherited signature. This allows detection of major contents of I-S and mica, and minor kaolinite, interpreted as indicative of warm palaeoclimatic conditions. High kaolinite content in Villamartín and absence of kaolinite in Isla de Castro, though, are considered to be a product of neither diagenesis nor palaeoclimatic influences. Instead, tectono-sedimentary causes, related to unsuitable conditions for clay formation and transport from the local source areas, contributed to original clay differences. The inferred effects of diagenesis, palaeoclimate and tectono-sedimentary factors make this work important to show the potentially great variety of controls on the clay mineralogy of marine sections, which are often uncritically treated in studies concerning the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The pedology and the isotope geochemistry of the early Middle Pleistocene interglacial 'rootlet bed' at Pakefield, eastern England, record the climate when this unit accumulated. Horizons of nodular pedogenic calcrete indicate the existence of a strongly seasonal precipitation regime that produced a pronounced net soil moisture deficit during which secondary carbonate was precipitated. The isotopic composition of these nodules confirms the seasonality of annual precipitation, as this indicates that intense soil moisture evaporation was a major mechanism in secondary carbonate formation. The climatic interpretation is enhanced by the palaeoecology of the unit that indicates average summer temperatures significantly warmer than those of the present. The climate of this period was, therefore, different from that of the present day in terms of both temperature and the seasonality of precipitation. Although it has previously been shown that certain interglacial periods in northwest Europe were warmer than the Holocene, this is the first study to show that the precipitation regime of one such episode may also have been significantly different.  相似文献   

The opening of the north‐central Tyrrhenian Sea is the result of the Cretaceous–Paleogene alpine collision, which triggered a series of regional uplift, subsidence and transcurrent tectonic mechanisms along the coastal Tyrrhenian sectors of peninsular Italy. These tectonic processes, in conjunction with the effects of glacio‐ and hydro‐isostasy during the Quaternary, produced substantial crustal responses that, in some cases, reached metres in extent. In the study of coastal neotectonics, geomorphological markers of the last interglacial maximum, corresponding to marine isotope stage 5.5, are generally used to quantify the magnitude of the vertical crustal displacements that have occurred since 125 kyr. Through altimetrical, palaeoenvironmental and chronological reinterpretation of the most significant works published since 1913, combined with an additional set of data reported here, a detailed reconstruction of the shoreline displacements evident along 500 km of coast between northern Tuscany and southern Latium is presented. The reconstruction was carried out by quantifying the vertical movement since the last interglacial period and by identifying the tectonic behaviour of different coastal sectors. This has been done by carefully choosing the eustatic marker, among those available at each study site, in order to minimize the margin of error associated with the measurements. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The marine Oligo-Miocene units of western Taurides, deposited under different tectonic regimes (in Bey Da?lar? platform in foreland and coeval sequences in hinterland), were studied to establish a high-resolution biostratigraphic framework. Biometric study of the full spectrum of larger foraminifera in a regional scale allowed us correlating them with the shallow benthic zonation (SBZ) system introduced by [Cahuzac, B., Poignant, A., 1997. Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-Miocène dans les bassins européens à l’aide des grands foraminifères néritiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 168, 155–169], and to determine the ages of these sites on zonal precision for the first time. In correlating these assemblages to standard shallow benthic zones, planktonic data were also used whenever possible. Taxa, classified under the genera Nummulites, Miogypsina, Miolepidocyclina, Nephrolepidina, Eulepidina, Heterostegina, Operculina and Cycloclypeus (?) and their assemblages, closely resemble to the fauna described from European basins. These groups characterize the SBZ 22B to 25 zones referring to a time interval from early Chattian to Burdigalian. However, a main gap in late Chattian (SBZ 23) and in early part of the Aquitanian (SBZ 24) is also recorded in the platform succession. In the meantime, rare Eulepidina in the Burdigalian levels suggest a clear Indo-Pacific influence. Based on the discovery of early Chattian (SBZ 22B) deposits (previously mapped under Eocene/Miocene units), the Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of the Bey Da?lar? platform is also revised. A more precise chronology for regional Miocene transgression is presented based on the miogypsinid evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

近年来,非传统稳定同位素地球化学得到了飞跃性的发展,其主要研究对象为海洋体系的演化。特别是氧化还原敏感元素(Se,Mo,Fe等)稳定同位素已经在古海洋环境的示踪研究中发挥重要的作用。相比分散元素(Ge,Cd,Tl)稳定同位素研究比较薄弱,但这些元素在海洋体系中有特殊的循环模式,这使得它们的同位素研究将可能存在很大地质潜力。海洋体系中它们的源汇简单,而且有机无机吸附过程都可能导致同位素分馏。Ge,Cd,Tl均属于挥发性元素,原始星云的形成过程可能存在较大的同位素分馏。我国南方大面积的低温成矿域,将为Ge,Cd,Tl稳定同位素的发展提供天然的平台。另外,Cd,Tl是环境污染的主要潜在元素,因此采用稳定同位素示踪还可能示踪表生环境中的污染来源。  相似文献   

The Ixtahuacan Sb-W deposits are hosted by upper Pennsylvanian to Permian metasedimentary rocks of the central Cordillera of Guatemala. The deposits consist of gold-bearing arsenopyrite, stibnite and scheelite. Arsenopyrite and scheelite are early in the paragenesis, occurring as disseminations in pyritiferous black shale/sandstone and in argillaceous limestone, respectively. Some stibnite is disseminated, but the bulk of the stibnite occurs as massive stratabound lenses in black shales and in quartz-ankerite veins and breccias, locally containing scheelite.Microthermometric measurements on fluid inclusions in quartz and scheelite point to a low temperature (160–190°C) and low to moderate salinity (5–15 wt% NaCl eq.) aqueous ore fluid. Abundant vapour-rich inclusions suggest that the fluid boiled. Carbon dioxide was produced locally as a result of interaction of the aqueous fluid with the argillaceous limestone. Bulk leaching experiments and SEM-EDS analyses of decrepitated fluid inclusion residues indicate that the ore-bearing solution was NaCl-dominated. The 18O values of quartz, ankerite and scheelite from mineralized veins range from 19.7 to 20.5, 18.1 to 20.0 and 7.0 to 8.4 respectively. The average temperature calculated from quartz-scheelite oxygen isotopic fractionation is 170°C. The oxygen isotopic composition of the fluid, interpreted to have been in equilibrium with these minerals, ranged from 5.7 to 7.6, and is considered to represent an evolved meteoric water. Diagenetic or syngenetic pyrite has a sulphur isotopic composition of 0.5±0.3 which is consistent with bacterial reduction of sulphate. The 34S values of arsenopyrite and stibnite range from –2.8 to 2.0 and –2.7 to –2.3 respectively, and are though to reflect sulphur derived from pyrite.The Ixtahuacan deposits are interpreted to have formed at low temperature (<200°C) and a depth of a few hundred metres from a low fO2 (10–49–10–57), high pH (7–8) fluid. Arsenic was probably transported as arsenious acid, antimony and gold as thio-complexes and tungsten as the complex HWO 4 .A model is proposed in which a meteoric fluid, heated by a felsic intrusion at depth, was focused to shallow levels along faults. The interaction of the fluid with pyritiferous beds caused the deposition of arsenopyrite as a result of sulphidation and/or decreasing fO2; gold probably co-precipitated with As or was adsorbed onto the arsenopyrite. The precipitation of stibnite was caused by boiling. Scheelite deposited in response to the increase in Ca2+ activity which accompanied interaction of the ore fluid with the argillaceous limestones.  相似文献   

Economic reform in China since 1978 has accelerated economic development nationwide hugely, but has also brought about some environmental pollution. In order to identify the primary Pb source to the atmosphere in the central Guizhou region, Pb isotopic ratios in the acid soluble fraction of sediment from Hongfeng Lake were investigated. Lead isotopes in the lake sediments record the history of regional atmospheric Pb pollution. Before the economic reform in 1978, the 208Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/207Pb ratios in the leachates of lake sediments were constant, with a range of 2.0060 to 2.0117 and of 1.2314 to 1.2355, respectively. In the early period of economic reform (1978 to 1988), with the rapid industrial growth in Guizhou province, the acid soluble Pb isotope ratios in the lake sediments changed sharply: the 208Pb/206Pb ratios increased from 2.0212 to about 2.05, while the 206Pb/207Pb ratios decreased from 1.2251 to 1.2060. Emissions from Pb-ore-related industries are suggested to be the major pollution source of Pb in this period. Due to output from a local power plant since 1988, the isotope ratios of the acid soluble Pb in sediments in 1990s are characterized by a little higher radiogenic Pb (208Pb/206Pb = 2.0340–2.0400; 206Pb/207Pb = 1.2122–1.2158) than for the 1980s.  相似文献   

Contamination with detrital matter is a well‐known bias in δ18O records from lake carbonates but quantitative information of this effect is yet lacking. Therefore, we developed a new methodological approach combining isotope analyses with microfacies, X‐ray diffraction and micro‐X‐ray fluorescence data and applied this in a case study for the Piànico interglacial lake record in order to provide a quantitative estimate of the effect of detrital carbonate on stable δ18O and δ13C data. The Piànico record contains a long series of distinct and well‐preserved calcite varves and is correlated to Marine Isotope Stage 11. Intercalated in the varve sequence are detrital layers triggered by surface erosion events. These detrital layers are mainly composed of dolomite, thus reflecting the mineralogical signature of the catchment. Microfacies analyses of a 9350 varve year interval allows the identification of detrital layers down to sub‐millimetre scale and a precise selection of three different types of samples for isotope analyses: (1) pure endogenic calcite varves (five varves per sample) without detrital contamination; (2) individual detrital layers; and (3) ‘mixed’ samples including five calcite varves and up to four thin detrital layers. Detrital samples show the isotopic signature of the catchment dolomite and are up to 5.7‰ enriched in δ18O values with respect to endogenic calcite samples. In mixed samples, the degree of isotopic enrichment is directly related to the amount of detrital contamination; δ18O of bulk carbonates is significantly biased when the detrital component amounts to more than 5% of the sample. It is also shown that samples containing detrital material have an influence on the calculation of the covariance between δ13C and δ18O. Covariance is high (r = 0.76) when the correlation coefficient is calculated on the base of all samples, but absent (r = ?0.43) when samples containing detrital dolomite are excluded. It has been demonstrated that microfacies analysis is a quick tool to avoid or reduce detrital contamination in bulk carbonate samples during sample selection. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen and mollusc deposits in a sedimentation series laid down in the Dattnau valley during the Late Glacial and early Post-glacial were studied. For the first time δ13C and δ18O in land-snail shells were measured. It was possible to reconstruct vegetational and climatic developments from the Bölling ( c . 12,500 B.P.) until well into the early Boreal ( c . 9,000 B.P.). The two sets of findings agree well. The Late Glacial is seen to comprise two intervals: the continuous, locally rather moist, warm Bölling/Alleröd period, and the subsequent dry . cold Younger Dryas. The profile ceases after the changeover from the Late Glacial to the Post-glacial. The transitions from the Alleröd to the Younger Dryas and hence to the Preboreal and Boreal are both clearly identifiable in the pollen diagram; the mollusc record, however, ceases to be interpretable shortly before the climatic change to the Post-glacial. The δ18O curve shows a clear distinction between the AllerÖd and the Younger Dryas. The Gerzensee fluctuation, immediately before this transition. is evident as a negative deviation.  相似文献   

A detailed study is presented of a 15.3-m-thick Pleistocene coastal terrace located on the Cantabrian coast (northern Spain). Stratigraphic, sedimentological, topographic and micropalaeontological information is combined with a chronology based on luminescence dating to characterize the deposits. The sedimentary succession records: (i) a basal transgressive system, consisting of a wave-cut surface covered by a lower layer of beach gravels and upper beach pebbly sands; and (ii) a thicker upper highstand system (aggrading), comprising medium to very fine aeolian sands interbedded with thin palustrine muds. Luminescence dating involved a detailed sampling strategy (36 samples and two modern analogues) and the use of both quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence single aliquot regeneration protocols; feldspar results were used to confirm the completeness of bleaching of the quartz OSL signal. The quartz OSL luminescence age–depth relationship shows significant dispersion, but nevertheless two rapid phases of deposition can be clearly identified: one at ~130 ka [Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 5] and one at ~100 ka (MIS 5c). The top of the succession is dated to ~70 ka. The MIS 5e marine maximum flooding surface is identified at an elevation of 6.85 m above mean seal level. This elevation provides evidence of a regional sea-level highstand for this sector of the Cantabrian coast.  相似文献   

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