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The 3D shape, size and orientation data for white mica grains sampled along two transects of increasing metamorphic grade in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, reveal that metamorphic foliation, as defined by mica shape‐preferred orientation (SPO), developed rapidly at sub‐greenschist facies conditions early in the deformation history. The onset of penetrative strain metamorphism is marked by the rapid elimination of poorly oriented large clastic mica in favour of numerous new smaller grains of contrasting composition, higher aspect ratios and a strong preferred orientation. The metamorphic mica is blade shaped with long axes defining the linear aspect of the foliation and intermediate axes a partial girdle about the lineation. Once initiated, foliation progressively intensified by an increase in the aspect ratio, size and alignment of grains, although highest grade samples within the chlorite zone record a decrease in aspect ratio and reduction in SPO strength despite continued increase in grain size. These trends are interpreted in terms of progressive competitive anisotropic growth of blade‐shaped grains so that the fastest growth directions and blade lengths tend to parallel the extension direction during deformation. The competitive nature of mica growth is indicated by the progressive increase in size and resultant decrease in number of metamorphic mica with increasing grade, from c. 1000 relatively small mica grains per square millimetre of thin section at lower grades, to c. 100 relatively large grains per square millimetre in higher grade samples. Reversal of SPO intensity and grain aspect ratio trends in higher grade samples may reflect a reduction in the strain rate or reduction in the deviatoric component of the stress field.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion salinities from quartz veins in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, range from 1.0 to 7.3 wt% NaCl eq. in the Torlesse terrane, and from 0.4 to 3.1 wt% NaCl eq. in the Caples terrane. Homogenization temperatures from these inclusions range from 124 to 350  °C, with modal values for individual samples ranging from 163 to 229  °C, but coexisting, low-salinity inclusions exhibiting metastable ice melting show a narrower range of T  h from 86 to 170  °C with modes from 116 to 141  °C. These data have been used in conjunction with chlorite chemistry to suggest trapping conditions of ≈350–400  °C and 4.1–6.0  kbar for inclusions showing metastable melting from lower greenschist facies rocks, with the densities of many other inclusions reset at lower pressures during exhumation of the schist. The fluid inclusion salinities and Br/Cl ratios from veins from the Torlesse terrane are comparable to those of modern sea-water, and this suggests direct derivation of the vein fluid from the original sedimentary pore fluid. Some modification of the fluid may have taken place as a result of interaction with halogen-bearing minerals and dehydration and hydration reactions. The salinity of fluids in the Caples terrane is uniformly lower than that of modern sea-water, and this is interpreted as a result of the dilution of the pore fluid by dehydration of clays and zeolites. The contrast between the two terranes may be a result of the original sedimentary provenance, as the Torlesse terrane consists mainly of quartzofeldspathic sediments, whilst the Caples terrane consists of andesitic volcanogenic sediments and metabasites which are more prone to hydration during diagenesis, and hence may provide more fluid via dehydration at higher grades.  相似文献   

Apatite occurs in the zeolite to greenschist facies metamorphic rocks of the Otago Schist, South Island, New Zealand, as both a groundmass constituent and as a hydrothermal phase hosted in metamorphic quartz veins. Groundmass apatite from low-grade rocks, ranging from the zeolite facies to the pumpellyite–actinolite zone, has chloride contents ranging from 0–1.4 wt%, and fluoride contents ranging from 2.2–4.2 wt%, whilst groundmass apatite from the greenschist facies (chlorite to biotite zone) is virtually pure fluorapatite. Vein apatite from all grades is also fluorapatite with little or no chloride. This difference in composition is interpreted as resulting from the preservation of the primary magmatic compositions of detrital Cl-apatite grains, out of equilibrium with the metamorphic fluid, at low grades, whilst higher-grade groundmass apatite and neoformed apatite in quartz veins have compositions in equilibrium with an aqueous metamorphic fluid. The presence of detrital Cl-bearing apatite during the early stages of metamorphism may constitute a significant reservoir of Cl, given the low porosities of compacted sediments undergoing prograde metamorphism. Calculations indicate that the release of Cl from detrital apatite in the Otago Schist, as a result of re-equilibration of apatite with the pore fluid, may have had a significant effect on the salinity of the metamorphic fluid.  相似文献   

Uranium–lead age patterns of detrital zircons in Otago Schist meta-sandstones from eastern Otago, including areas of orogenic gold mineralisation, are mostly consistent with a Rakaia Terrane (Torlesse Composite Terrane) accretionary wedge protolith. Southwest of the Hyde-Macraes and Rise & Shine shear zones the depositional age is regarded as Middle–Late Triassic. At the south and west margins, there are two areas in the Late Triassic Waipapa Terrane protolith. Northeast of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone, the schist protolith has Middle to Late Triassic and middle to late Permian depositional ages of Rakaia Terrane affinity. At the northeastern margin of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone, there is a narrow strip with a mid-Carboniferous protolith, which may be a counterpart of the Carboniferous accretionary wedge in the New England Orogen, eastern Australia. Ordovician–Silurian zircons are a minor but distinctive feature in many of the protolith age patterns and form significant age components at hard-rock gold locations. These constrain the provenance of Rakaia Terrane protolith sediments to Late Triassic time and within the Permian–Triassic magmatic arcs at the northeastern Australian continental margin and partly within the Ordovician–Silurian granitoids of the Charters Towers Province hinterland and environs. The latter have extensive gold mineralisation and thus upon exhumation might be the origin of Otago gold.  相似文献   

Recent studies have used the relative rotation axis of sigmoidal and spiral‐shaped inclusion trails, known as Foliation Inflexion/Intersection Axis (FIA), to investigate geological processes such as fold mechanisms and porphyroblast growth. The geological usefulness of this method depends upon the accurate measurement of FIA orientations and correct correlation of temporally related FIAs. This paper uses new data from the Canton Schist to assess the variation in FIA orientations within and between samples, and evaluates criteria for correlating FIAs. For the first time, an entire data set of FIA measurements is published, and data are presented in a way that reflects the variation in FIA orientations within individual samples and provides an indication of the reliability of the data. Analysis of 61 FIA trends determined from the Canton Schist indicate a minimum intrasample range in FIA orientations of 30°. Three competing models are presented for correlation of these FIAs, and each of the models employ different correlation criteria. Correlation of FIAs in Model 1 is based on relative timing and textural criteria, while Model 2 uses relative timing, orientation and patterns of changing FIA orientations, and Model 3 uses relative timing and FIA orientation as correlation criteria. Importantly, the three models differ in the spread of FIA orientations within individual sets, and the number of sets distinguished in the data. Relative timing is the most reliable criterion for correlation, followed by textural criteria and patterns of changing FIA orientations from core to rim of porphyroblasts. It is proposed that within a set of temporally related FIAs, the typical spread of orientations involves clustering of data in a 60° range, but outliers occur at other orientations including near‐normal to the peak distribution. Consequently, in populations of FIA data that contain a wide range of orientations, correlation on the basis of orientation is unreliable in the absence of additional criteria. The results of this study suggest that FIAs are best used as semiquantitative indicators of bulk trends rather than an exact measurement for the purpose of quantitative analyses.  相似文献   

The Otago and Alpine Schist belts of southern New Zealand have traditionally been treated as structurally continuous metamorphic belts with minor modification by brittle faulting. Mapping of biotite and garnet isograds has been hindered by rock types unfavourable for index mineral growth. Closer examination of well-exposed boundaries between metamorphic zones shows that they juxtapose rocks of different type and structural history. Apparent structural continuity across these zones is due to development of a locally pervasive boundary-parallel foliation on both sides of the boundary, in a broad boundary zone (up to 2  km wide). This feature has implications for mapping and metamorphic petrology in other metamorphic belts, where structural continuity has traditionally been assumed. True metamorphic isograds may be rare, and metamorphic zones may more commonly represent structural slices of complex, tectonically disrupted metamorphic piles.  相似文献   

Although subgreenschist facies metamorphic rocks are widespread in the upper crust, mineralogical processes affecting these rocks are poorly understood. Subgreenschist mineralogical transitions have been invoked as critical controls on the mechanical behaviour of rocks within the crustal seismogenic zone, calling for further study of very low‐grade metamorphic assemblages. In this study a multi‐technique thermobarometric study of the Chrystalls Beach Complex mélange, which is located within the Otago Schist accretion‐collision assemblage of the South Island of New Zealand, is presented. The Chrystalls Beach Complex comprises highly sheared trench‐fill sedimentary rocks and scattered pillow basalts, and is inferred to have formed during Jurassic subduction under the paleo‐Pacific Gondwana margin. Equilibrium mineral assemblages indicate peak PT conditions in the range 400–550 MPa and 250–300 °C, which is supported by chlorite thermometry. Relatively high pressures of burial and accretion during foliation development are inferred from phengite content and b0 spacing analyses of white mica. Rare lawsonite occurs in a post‐foliation vein, and illite ‘crystallinity’ measurements indicate a thermal overprint during exhumation. These PT estimates and their relative chronology indicate that the mineral assemblages developed along a clockwise PT path. Based on variability in PT estimates from different techniques, mineral assemblages developed during burial are largely overprinted during exhumation at similar or higher‐T than experienced along the prograde path. Observed subduction‐related subgreenschist assemblages are therefore likely to indicate lower‐P than experienced during subduction, as higher‐P mineral compositions re‐equilibrate during exhumation. The PT path inferred in this study is similar in shape to PT paths for higher grade parts of the Otago Schist, and other exhumed accretionary prisms around the world, and is therefore probably common for rocks buried, accreted and exhumed in accretionary prisms.  相似文献   

结合地质剖面对南苏鲁高压变质带中的南岗-高公岛韧性剪切带特征进行了研究,结果表明,剪切带上部变形较弱,主要发育S—C组构及拉伸线理;剪切带中部变形较强,发育不对称褶皱、S—C组构、σ型及δ型旋转碎斑以及多米诺骨牌等;剪切带下部变形最强,糜棱质颗粒达80%-90%,并见有同斜褶皱等。EBSD组构分析结果表明,剪切带上部糜棱质石英以中温柱面组构和中低温菱面组构为特征,中、下部以低温底面组构和中低温菱面组构为主,剪切带中石英条带以中温柱面组构为主,石英组构的剪切指向以SE→NW为主,其次为NW→SE,反映本区经历了中温→中低温→低温、以逆冲韧性剪切为主并曾发生韧性滑脱的复杂变形过程。各构造层化学成分及稀土元素变化趋势不明显,可能与原岩成分有关。剪切带中黑云母、白云母的^39Ar-^40Ar同位素年龄分析表明在253.8-214.2Ma期间本区曾发生强烈的变形变质作用。  相似文献   

D.R. Gray  D.A. Foster   《Tectonophysics》2004,385(1-4):181-210
Structural thickening of the Torlesse accretionary wedge via juxtaposition of arc-derived greywackes (Caples Terrane) and quartzo-feldspathic greywackes (Torlesse Terrane) at 120 Ma formed a belt of schist (Otago Schist) with distinct mica fabrics defining (i) schistosity, (ii) transposition layering and (iii) crenulation cleavage. Thirty-five 40Ar/39Ar step-heating experiments on these micas and whole rock micaceous fabrics from the Otago Schist have shown that the main metamorphism and deformation occurred between 160 and 140 Ma (recorded in the low grade flanks) through 120 Ma (shear zone deformation). This was followed either by very gradual cooling or no cooling until about 110 Ma, with some form of extensional (tectonic) exhumation and cooling of the high-grade metamorphic core between 109 and 100 Ma. Major shear zones separating the low-grade and high-grade parts of the schist define regions of separate and distinct apparent age groupings that underwent different thermo-tectonic histories. Apparent ages on the low-grade north flank (hanging wall to the Hyde-Macraes and Rise and Shine Shear Zones) range from 145 to 159 Ma (n=8), whereas on the low-grade south flank (hanging wall to the Remarkables Shear Zone or Caples Terrane) range from 144 to 156 Ma (n=5). Most of these samples show complex age spectra caused by mixing between radiogenic argon released from neocrystalline metamorphic mica and lesser detrital mica. Several of the hanging wall samples with ages of 144–147 Ma show no evidence for detrital contamination in thin section or in the form of the age spectra. Apparent ages from the high-grade metamorphic core (garnet–biotite–albite zone) range from 131 to 106 Ma (n=13) with a strong grouping 113–109 Ma (n=7) in the immediate footwall to the major Remarkables Shear Zone. Most of the age spectra from within the core of the schist belt yield complex age spectra that we interpret to be the result of prolonged residence within the argon partial retention interval for white mica (430–330 °C). Samples with apparent ages of about 110–109 Ma tend to give concordant plateaux suggesting more rapid cooling. The youngest and most disturbed age spectra come from within the ‘Alpine chlorite overprint’ zone where samples with strong development of crenulation cleavage gave ages 85–107 and 101 Ma, due to partial resetting during retrogression. The bounding Remarkables Shear zone shows resetting effects due to dynamic recrystallization with apparent ages of 127–122 Ma, whereas overprinting shear zones within the core of the schist show apparent ages of 112–109 and 106 Ma. These data when linked with extensional exhumation of high-grade rocks in other parts of New Zealand indicate that the East Gondwana margin underwent significant extension in the 110–90 Ma period.  相似文献   

Microstructural aspects of room-temperature deformation in experimental Westerly granite gouge were studied by a set of velocity stepping rotary-shear experiments at 25 MPa normal stress. The experiments were terminated at: (a) 44 mm, (b) 79 mm, and (c) 387 mm of sliding, all involving variable-amplitude fluctuations in friction. Microstructural attributes of the gouge were studied using scanning (SEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), image processing, and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses. The gouge was velocity weakening at sliding distances >10 mm as a core of cataclasites along a through-going shear zone developed within a mantle of less deformed gouge in all experiments. Unlike in experiment (a), the cataclasites in experiments (b) and (c) progressively developed a foliation defined by stacks of shear bands. The individual bands showed an asymmetric particle-size grading normal to shearing direction. These microstructures were subsequently disrupted and reworked by high-angle Riedel shears. While the microstructural evolution affected the effective thickness and frictional strength of the gouge, it did not affect its overall velocity dependence behavior. We suggest that the foliation resulted from competing shear localization and frictional slip hardening and that the velocity dependence of natural fault gouge depends upon compositional as well as microstructural evolution of the gouge.  相似文献   

Abstract Reactivation of early foliations accounts for much of the progressive strain at more advanced stages of deformation. Its role has generally been insufficiently emphasized because evidence is best preserved where porphyroblasts which contain inclusion trails are present. Reactivation occurs when progressive shearing, operating in a synthetic anastomosing fashion parallel to the axial planes of folds, changes to a combination of coarse- and finescale zones of progressive shearing, some of which operate antithetically relative to the bulk shear on a fold limb. Reactivation of earlier foliations occurs in these latter zones. Reactivation decrenulates pre-existing or just-formed crenulations, generating shearing along the decrenulated or rotated pre-existing foliation planes. Partitioning of deformation within these foliation planes, such that phyllosilicates and/or graphite take up progressive shearing strain and other minerals accommodate progressive shortening strain, causes dissolution of these other minerals. This results in concentration of the phyllosilicates in a similar, but more penetrative manner to the formation of a differentiated crenulation cleavage, except that the foliation can form or intensify on a fold limb at a considerable angle to the axial plane of synchronous macroscopic folds. Reactivation can generate bedding-parallel schistosity in multideformed and metamorphosed terrains without associated folds. Heterogeneous reactivation of bedding generates rootless intrafolial folds with sigmoidal axial planes from formerly through-going structures. Reactivation causes rotation or ‘refraction’of axial-plane foliations (forming in the same deformation event causing reactivation) in those beds or zones in which an earlier foliation has been reactivated, and results in destruction of the originally axial-plane foliation at high strains. Reactivation also provides a simple explanation for the apparently ‘wrong sense’, but normally observed ‘rotation’of garnet porphyroblasts, whereby the external foliation has undergone rotation due to antithetic shear on the reactivated foliation. Alternatively, the rotation of the external foliation can be due to its reactivation in a subsequent deformation event. Porphyroblasts with inclusion trails commonly preserve evidence of reactivation of earlier foliations and therefore can be used to identify the presence of a deformation that has not been recognized by normal geometric methods, because of penetrative reactivation. Reactivation often reverses the asymmetry between pre-existing foliations and bedding on one limb of a later fold, leading to problems in the geometric analysis of an area when the location of early fold hinges is essential. The stretching lineation in a reactivated foliation can be radically reoriented, potentially causing major errors in determining movement directions in mylonitic schistosities in folded thrusts. Geometric relationships which result from reactivation of foliations around porphyroblasts can be used to aid determination of the timing of the growth of porphyroblasts relative to deformation events. Other aspects of reactivation, however, can lead to complications in timing of porphyroblast growth if the presence of this phenomenon is not recognized; for example, D2-grown porphyroblasts may be dissolved against reactivated S1 and hence appear to have grown syn-D1.  相似文献   

D Craw 《Chemical Geology》2002,191(4):257-275
The Macraes gold deposit in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, formed during late metamorphic fluid flow through a lower greenschist facies shear zone. Mineralisation occurred near to the brittle-ductile transition at about 300 °C. Large volumes of host rock in a shear zone up to 120 m thick have been hydrothermally altered by this fluid activity. Most alteration is not structurally controlled apart from proximity to the shear zone. Ductile and brittle microshears traverse the most mineralised rocks and some structural control of fluid flow occurred as well. Fluid flow was slow, similar to that in metamorphic rocks (mm/year) and diffusion through interconnected fluid was a significant chemical process. Localised extensional hydrofractures (m scale) are filled with mineralised quartz. Most alteration of the host rocks was isochemical with respect to the lithophile elements, and mineralised rocks have been variably enriched in As, Au, Sb, W, Mo and Bi, but not Co or Cd. Addition of sulphur has occurred to both host rocks and mineralised rocks, up to 1 wt.% above a background of 0.1 wt.%. Host rock sulphur is mainly pyritic and is not structurally controlled. Mineralised rocks have pyrite and arsenopyrite along microshears. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena have formed from sulphidation of silicates with no addition of metals. Graphite has been added to mineralised rocks along microshears, up to 3 wt.% locally, above a background of 0.1 wt.% noncarbonate carbon. Graphite deposition may have occurred as a result of mixing of two fluids, water+methane, and water+carbon dioxide. Graphitisation and sulphidation reactions released low δD water, which accumulated in the slow-moving mineralising fluid. Distinction between this low δD reaction water and meteoric water incursion is difficult.  相似文献   

在秦皇岛市柳江地区出露最古老的沉积岩为青白口系长龙山组石英砂岩,该石英砂岩与下伏的新太古代钾质花岗岩呈不整合接触。LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年显示该区长龙山组石英砂岩中碎屑锆石年龄分布在2635~2487Ma之间,其物质源区较单一。与北京—蓟县标准剖面相比,本研究区在较长的一段地质时期为古陆壳的剥蚀区,直至新元古代早期,又沉积了长龙山组滨海相碎屑岩。碎屑锆石Hf同位素组成显示,它们的源区物质虽然有不同程度的壳幔混合,但主要来自于古老的地壳物质再循环,暗示在~2.5Ga其碎屑物质源区的地壳已经达到一定的规模和厚度。  相似文献   

Porphyroblasts of garnet and plagioclase in the Otago schists have not rotated relative to geographic coordinates during non-coaxial deformation that post-dates their growth. Inclusion trails in most of the porphyroblasts are oriented near-vertical and near-horizontal, and the strike of near-vertical inclusion trails is consistent over 3000 km2. Microstructural relationships indicate that the porphyroblasts grew in zones of progressive shortening strain, and that the sense of shear affecting the geometry of porphyroblast inclusion trails on the long limbs of folds is the same as the bulk sense of displacement of fold closures. This is contrary to the sense of shear inferred when porphyroblasts are interpreted as having rotated during folding.
Several crenulation cleavage/fold models have previously been developed to accommodate the apparent sense of rotation of porphyroblasts that grew during folding. In the light of accumulating evidence that porphyroblasts do not generally rotate, the applicability of these models to deformed rocks is questionable.
Whether or not porphyroblasts rotate depends on how deformation is partitioned. Lack of rotation requires that progressive shearing strain (rotational deformation) be partitioned around rigid heterogeneities, such as porphyroblasts, which occupy zones of progressive shortening or no strain (non-rotational deformation). Therefore, processes operating at the porphyroblast/matrix boundary are important considerations. Five qualitative models are presented that accommodate stress and strain energy at the boundary without rotating the porphyroblast: (a) a thin layer of fluid at the porphyroblast boundary; (2) grain-boundary sliding; (3) a locked porphyroblast/matrix boundary; (4) dissolution at the porphyroblast/matrix boundary, and (5) an ellipsoidal porphyroblast/shadow unit.  相似文献   

夏浩然  刘俊来 《地质通报》2011,30(01):58-70
石英集合体的结晶学优选可由位错滑移、双晶滑移、定向成核与生长等形成,其中位错滑移是塑性变形岩石中石英结晶学优选产生的最重要的机制。影响变形石英结晶学优选的因素有温度、应变速率、应变、差应力、水、复矿物岩石中各种矿物间的相互作用、初始结晶学方向等。系统总结了石英晶体变形与滑移系,结晶学优选的测量与表达,多种条件下石英的结晶学优选,以及在判断剪切方向、计算运动学涡度、判定变形温度、分析变形历史等方面的应用,并认为应用石英组构作运动学和动力学解析时需与其它微观、宏观现象相结合。  相似文献   

The Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) is a Proterozoic suture along which the Northern and Southern Indian Blocks are inferred to have amalgamated forming the Greater Indian Landmass. In this study, we use the metamorphic and geochronological evolution of the Gangpur Schist Belt (GSB) and neighbouring crustal units to constrain crustal accretion processes associated with the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Indian Blocks. The GSB sandwiched between the Bonai Granite pluton of the Singhbhum craton and granite gneisses of the Chhotanagpur Gneiss Complex (CGC) links the CITZ and the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt. New zircon age data constrain the emplacement of the Bonai Granite at 3,370 ± 10 Ma, while the magmatic protoliths of the Chhotanagpur gneisses were emplaced at c. 1.65 Ga. The sediments in the southern part of the Gangpur basin were derived from the Singhbhum craton, whereas those in the northern part were derived dominantly from the CGC. Sedimentation is estimated to have taken place between c. 1.65 and c. 1.45 Ga. The Upper Bonai/Darjing Group rocks of the basin underwent major metamorphic episodes at c. 1.56 and c. 1.45 Ga, while the Gangpur Group of rocks were metamorphosed at c. 1.45 and c. 0.97 Ga. Based on thermobarometric studies and zircon–monazite geochronology, we infer that the geological history of the GSB is similar to that of the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt with the Upper Bonai/Darjing and the Gangpur Groups being the westward extensions of the southern and northern domains of the North Singhbhum Mobile Belt respectively. We propose a three‐stage model of crustal accretion across the Singhbhum craton—GSB/North Singhbhum Mobile Belt—CGC contact. The magmatic protoliths of the Chhotanagpur Gneisses were emplaced at c. 1.65 Ga in an arc setting. The earliest accretion event at c. 1.56 Ga involved northward subduction and amalgamation of the Upper Bonai Group with the Singhbhum craton followed by accretion of the Gangpur Group with the Singhbhum craton–Upper Bonai Group composite at c. 1.45 Ga. Finally, continent–continent collision at c. 0.96 Ga led to the accretion of the CGC with the Singhbhum craton–Upper Bonai Group–Gangpur Group crustal units, synchronous with emplacement of pegmatitic granites. The geological events recorded in the GSB and other units of the CITZ only partially overlap with those in the Trans North China Orogen and the Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia, indicating that these suture zones are not correlatable.  相似文献   

The San Emigdio and related Pelona, Orocopia, Rand and Sierra de Salinas schists of southern California were underplated beneath the southern Sierra Nevada batholith and adjacent southern California batholith along a shallow segment of the subducting Farallon plate in Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary time. These subduction accretion assemblages represent a regional, deeply exhumed, shallowly dipping domain from an ancient slab segmentation system and record the complete life cycle of the segmentation process from initial flattening and compression to final extensional collapse. An important unresolved question regarding shallow subduction zones concerns how the thermal structure evolves during the slab flattening process. New field relationships, thermobarometry, thermodynamic modelling and garnet diffusion modelling are presented that speak to this issue and elucidate the tectonics of underplating and exhumation of the San Emigdio Schist. We document an upsection increase in peak temperature (i.e. inverted metamorphism), from 590 to 700 °C, peak pressures ranging from 8.5 to 11.1 kbar, limited partial melting, microstructural evidence for large seismic events, rapid cooling (825–380 °C Myr?1) from peak conditions and an ‘out and back’P–T path. While inverted metamorphism is a characteristic feature of southern California schists, the presence of partial melt and high temperatures (>650 °C) are restricted to exposures with maximum depositional ages between 80 and 90 Ma. Progressive cooling and tectonic underplating beneath an initially hot upper plate following the onset of shallow subduction provide a working hypothesis explaining high temperatures and partial melting in San Emigdio and Sierra de Salinas schists, inverted metamorphism in the schist as a whole, and the observed P–T trajectory calculated from the San Emigdio body. Lower temperatures in Pelona, Orocopia and Rand schists are likewise explained in the context of this overarching model. These results are consistent with an inferred tectonic evolution from shallow subduction beneath the then recently active Late Cretaceous arc to exhumation by rapid trench‐directed channelized extrusion in the subducted schist.  相似文献   

In the Kolar Schist Belt well-preserved small-scale diastrophic structures suggest four phases of folding (F1 — F4). The near coaxial F1 andF 2folds are both isoclinal with long-drawn out limbs and sharp hinges. The axial planes of bothF 1andF 2folds are subvertical with N-S strikes; these control the linear outcrop pattern of the Schist belt. The later folds (F 3and F4) are important in small-to-intermediate scales only and are accommodation structures formed during the relaxation period of the early folding episodes. Mesoscopic shear zones, post-F2 but pre-F3 in age, are present in all the rock types in this area. The F1 and F2 folds and the mesoscopic shear zones were formed during a continuous E-W subhorizontal compression. Available geochemical and isotopic data show that the Kolar Schist Belt with ensimatic setting is bounded by two granitic terrains of contrasting evolutionary histories. This, together with E-W subhorizontal compression over a protracted period of time, strengthens the recent suggestions that the Kolar Schist Belt represents a suture. This belt then marks the site of a continent-continent collision event of late Archaean-early Proterozoic age.  相似文献   

Semi‐pelitic rocks ranging in grade from the prehnite–pumpellyite to the greenschist facies from south‐eastern Otago, New Zealand, have been investigated in order to evaluate the reactions leading to formation and breakdown of stilpnomelane. Detrital grains of mica and chlorite along with fine‐grained authigenic illite and chlorite occur in lower‐grade rocks with compactional fabric parallel to bedding. At higher grades, detrital grains have undergone dissolution, and metamorphic phyllosilicates have crystallized with preferred orientation (sub)parallel to bedding, leading to slaty cleavage. Stilpnomelane is found in metapelites of the pumpellyite–actinolite facies and the chlorite zone of the greenschist facies, but only rarely in the biotite zone of the greenschist facies. Illite or phengite is ubiquitous, whereas chlorite occurs only rarely with stilpnomelane upgrade of the pumpellyite‐out isograd. Chemical and textural relationships suggest that stilpnomelane formed from chlorite, phengite, quartz, K‐feldspar and iron oxides. Stilpnomelane was produced by grain‐boundary replacement of chlorite and by precipitation from solution, overprinting earlier textures. Some relict 14 Å chlorite layers are observed by TEM to be in the process of transforming to 12 Å stilpnomelane layers. The AEM analyses show that Fe is strongly partitioned over Mg into stilpnomelane relative to chlorite (KD≈2.5) and into chlorite relative to phengite (KD≈1.9). Modified A′FM diagrams, projected from the measured phengite composition rather than from ideal KAl3Si3O10(OH)2, are used to elucidate reactions among chlorite, stilpnomelane, phengite and biotite. In addition to pressure, temperature and bulk rock composition, the stilpnomelane‐in isograd is controlled by variations in K, Fe3+/Fe2+, O/OH and H2O contents, and the locus of the isograd is expected to vary in rocks of different oxidation states and permeabilities. Biotite, quartz and less phengitic muscovite form from stilpnomelane, chlorite and phengite in the biotite zone. Projection of bulk rock compositions from phengite, NaAlO2, SiO2 and H2O reveals that they lie close to the polyhedra defined by the A′FM minerals and albite. Other extended A′FM diagrams, such as one projected from phengite, NaAlO2, CaAl2O4, SiO2 and H2O, may prove useful in the evaluation of other low‐grade assemblages.  相似文献   

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