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In this study, we proposed an automated lithological mapping approach by using spectral enhancement techniques and Machine Learning Algorithms (MLAs) using Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectroradiometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) hyperspectral data in the greenstone belt of the Hutti area, India. We integrated spectral enhancement techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) transformation and different MLAs for an accurate mapping of rock types. A conjugate utilization of conventional geological map and spectral enhancement products derived from ASTER data were used for the preparation of a high-resolution reference lithology map. Feature selection and extraction methods were applied on the AVIRIS-NG data to derive different input dataset such as (a) all spectral bands, (b) shortwave infrared bands, (c) Joint Mutual Information Maximization (JMIM) based optimum bands, and (d) optimum bands using PCA, to choose optimum input dataset for automated lithological mapping. The comparative analysis of different MLAs shows that the Support Vector Machine (SVM) outperforms other Machine Learning (ML) models. The SVM achieved an Overall Accuracy (OA) and Kappa Coefficient (k) of 85.48% and 0.83, respectively, using JMIM based optimum bands. The JMIM based optimum bands were more suitable than other input datasets to classify most of the lithological units (i.e. metabasalt, amphibolite, granite, acidic intrusive and migmatite) within the study area . The sensitivity analysis performed in this study illustrates that the SVM is less sensitive to the number of samples and mislabeling in the model training than other MLAs. The obtained high-resolution classified map with accurate litho-contacts of amphibolite, metabasalt, and granite can be coupled with an alteration map of the area for targeting the potential zone of gold mineralization.  相似文献   

ASTER short-wave infrared bands were used to investigate the spectral discrimination of hydrothermally altered materials, based on the presence of minerals with diagnostic spectral features in wavelengths around 2200 nm (e.g. kaolinite and K-micas). Due to the presence of widespread albitized-greisenized materials, the Serra do Mendes granitoid, located in area of tropical savannah environment in Central Brazil, was selected for this study. The Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) technique was used as an attempt to detect the presence of hydroxyl-bearing minerals in the domain of the hydrothermally altered materials. Results indicated that areas of altered materials were discriminated from the surrounding mainly due to the high overall reflectance of the whitish lithosols in these areas. The detection of hydroxyl-bearing minerals was blurred by the presence of a sparse grass cover in the alteration zone, which caused a slight increase in the SAM classification angles. As a consequence, the remote detection of hydroxyl-bearing minerals was restricted to a small number of pixels from barren areas. Results indicate that, for the environmental conditions of the study area, ASTER data are more efficacious for spectral characterization of rock–soil-vegetation associations than for the detection of alteration-derived minerals.  相似文献   

Fine scale maps of vegetation biophysical variables are useful status indicators for monitoring and managing national parks and endangered habitats. Here, we assess in a comparative way four different retrieval methods for estimating leaf area index (LAI) in grassland: two radiative transfer model (RTM) inversion methods (one based on look-up-tables (LUT) and one based on predictive equations) and two statistical modelling methods (one partly, the other entirely based on in situ data). For prediction, spectral data were used that had been acquired over Majella National Park in Italy by the airborne hyperspectral HyMap instrument. To assess the performance of the four investigated models, the normalized root mean squared error (nRMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) between estimates and in situ LAI measurements are reported (n = 41). Using a jackknife approach, we also quantified the accuracy and robustness of empirical models as a function of the size of the available calibration data set. The results of the study demonstrate that the LUT-based RTM inversion yields higher accuracies for LAI estimation (R2 = 0.91, nRMSE = 0.18) as compared to RTM inversions based on predictive equations (R2 = 0.79, nRMSE = 0.38). The two statistical methods yield accuracies similar to the LUT method. However, as expected, the accuracy and robustness of the statistical models decrease when the size of the calibration database is reduced to fewer samples. The results of this study are of interest for the remote sensing community developing improved inversion schemes for spaceborne hyperspectral sensors applicable to different vegetation types. The examples provided in this paper may also serve as illustrations for the drawbacks and advantages of physical and empirical models.  相似文献   


Geological mapping is one of the primary tasks of remote sensing. Remote sensing applications are especially useful when extreme environmental conditions inhibit direct survey such as in Antarctica. In this investigation, a satellite-based remote sensing approach was used for mapping alteration mineral zones and lithological units using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data in the Oscar II coast area, north-eastern Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Specialized band ratios and band combinations were developed using visible and near infrared, shortwave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared spectral bands of ASTER for detecting alteration mineral assemblages and lithological units in Antarctic environments. Constrained Energy Minimization, Orthogonal Subspace Projection and Adaptive Coherence Estimator algorithms were tested to ASTER SWIR bands for detecting sub-pixels’ abundance of spectral features related to muscovite, kaolinite, illite, montmorillonite, epidote, chlorite and biotite. Results indicate valuable applicability of ASTER data for Antarctic geological mapping.  相似文献   

Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is one of the key soil properties, but the large spatial variation makes continuous mapping a complex task. Imaging spectroscopy has proven to be an useful technique for mapping of soil properties, but the applicability decreases rapidly when fields are partially covered with vegetation. In this paper we show that with only a few percent fractional maize cover the accuracy of a Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) based SOC prediction model drops dramatically. However, this problem can be solved with the use of spectral unmixing techniques. First, the fractional maize cover is determined with linear spectral unmixing, taking the illumination and observation angles into account. In a next step the influence of maize is filtered out from the spectral signal by a new procedure termed Residual Spectral Unmixing (RSU). The residual soil spectra resulting from this procedure are used for mapping of SOC using PLSR, which could be done with accuracies comparable to studies performed on bare soil surfaces (Root Mean Standard Error of Calibration = 1.34 g/kg and Root Mean Standard Error of Prediction = 1.65 g/kg). With the presented RSU approach it is possible to filter out the influence of maize from the mixed spectra, and the residual soil spectra contain enough information for mapping of the SOC distribution within agricultural fields. This can improve the applicability of airborne imaging spectroscopy for soil studies in temperate climates, since the use of the RSU approach can extend the flight-window which is often constrained by the presence of vegetation.  相似文献   

本文利用东天山荒漠地区中巴资源卫星数据,通过掩膜处理,包括光谱角降低冲击物影响,动态阈值降低植被干扰,并对生成的基础图像用主成分分析法提取羟基异常,以标准离差σ作为遥感异常切割尺度进行异常分级。以前期ETM提取结果及东天山矿产地质图为检验源,经过对比分析,验证中巴资源卫星数据在找矿方面具有可行性。(重新修改了摘要)  相似文献   

Concealed and fossilized geothermal systems are not characterized by obvious surface manifestations like hotsprings and fumaroles, therefore, could not be easily identifiable using conventional techniques. In this investigation, the applicability of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Hyperion data-sets were evaluated in discriminating hydrothermal alteration minerals associated with geothermal systems as a proxy in identifying subtle Geothermal systems at Yankari Park, Nigeria. Feature-oriented principal component selection, spectral angle mapper, linear spectral unmixing were applied to ASTER data based on spectral characteristics of hydrothermal alteration key minerals for a systematic selective extraction of the information of interest. Analytical imaging and geophysics-developed processing methods were applied to Hyperion data for mapping iron oxide/hydroxide minerals and clay mineral assemblages in hydrothermal alteration zones. The results indicate that ASTER and Hyperion could be complemented for reconnaissance stage of targeting subtle alteration mineral assemblages associated with geothermal systems.  相似文献   

Fertility, or the availability of nutrients and water, controls forest productivity. It affects its carbon sequestration, and thus the forest's effect on climate, as well as its commercial value. Although the availability of nutrients cannot be measured directly using remote sensing methods, fertility alters several vegetation traits detectable from the reflectance spectra of the forest stand, including its pigment content and water stress. However, forest reflectance is also influenced by other factors, such as species composition and stand age. Here, we present a case study demonstrating how data obtained using imaging spectroscopy is correlated with site fertility. The study was carried out in Hyytiälä, Finland, in the southern boreal forest zone. We used a database of state-owned forest stands including basic forestry variables and a site fertility index. To test the suitability of imaging spectroscopy with different spatial and spectral resolutions for site fertility mapping, we performed two airborne acquisitions using different sensor configurations. First, the sensor was flown at a high altitude with high spectral resolution resulting in a pixel size in the order of a tree crown. Next, the same area was flown to provide reflectance data with sub-meter spatial resolution. However, to maintain usable signal-to-noise ratios, several spectral channels inside the sensor were combined, thus reducing spectral resolution. We correlated a number of narrowband vegetation indices (describing canopy biochemical composition, structure, and photosynthetic activity) on site fertility. Overall, site fertility had a significant influence on the vegetation indices but the strength of the correlation depended on dominant species. We found that high spatial resolution data calculated from the spectra of sunlit parts of tree crowns had the strongest correlation with site fertility.  相似文献   


Remote sensing techniques provide meaningful information to mineral exploration by identifying the hydrothermally altered minerals and the fracture/fault systems. In this article, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data were processed to detect the hydrothermal alteration zones in Hamama area in the central part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Band ratios and principal component analyses successfully revealed the extent and the geometry of the hydrothermal alteration zones that trend in an NE–SW direction. Matching pixel spectrum derived from Minimum Noise Fraction, Pixel Purity Index, and n-dimensional visualization with reference spectra allowed characterizing key hydrothermal alteration minerals, including chlorite, kaolinite-smectite, muscovite, and haematite, in a successive alteration pattern. Field investigations and X-Ray Diffraction analysis validated the results revealed by ASTER data. In addition, the present prospects of significant gold and massive sulphide mineralizations are consistent with the detected hydrothermal alteration zone.  相似文献   

星地多源数据的区域土壤有机质数字制图   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周银  刘丽雅  卢艳丽  马自强  夏芳  史舟 《遥感学报》2015,19(6):998-1006
土壤有机质(SOM)是全球碳循环、土壤养分的重要组成部分,精确估算土壤有机质含量具有重要意义。本文以中国东北—华北平原为研究区,收集了1078个土壤样本,以遥感数据(MODIS,TRMM和STRM数据)与土壤地面光谱数据为预测因子,运用基于树形结构的数据挖掘技术构建土壤有机质-环境预测因子模型进行数字土壤制图。通过不同建模样本数建模精度比较,选择300个样本数时的模型为最优模型。建模结果表明土壤光谱和气候因子是研究区SOM变异的主控因子,生物因子次之,而地形因子影响最小。预测结果经检验,RMSE为7.25,R2为0.69,RPD为1.53制图结果与基于第二次全国土壤普查数据的土壤有机质地图具有相似的分布规律,呈现SOM自东北向西南递减的趋势。通过比较分析发现,经过20年左右的土地开发与利用,研究区低SOM和高SOM含量土壤面积减少,而中等SOM含量土壤面积增加。  相似文献   

We aim a better understanding of the effect of spring-time snow melt on the remotely sensed scene reflectance by using an extensive amount of optical spectral data obtained from an airborne hyperspectral campaign in Northern Finland. We investigate the behaviour of thin snow reflectance for different land cover types, such as open areas, boreal forests and treeless fells. Our results not only confirm the generally known fact that the reflectance of a melting thin snow layer is considerably lower than that of a thick snow layer, but we also present analyses of the reflectance variation over different land covers and in boreal forests as a function of canopy coverage. According to common knowledge, the highly variating reflectance spectra of partially transparent, most likely also contaminated thin snow pack weakens the performance of snow detection algorithms, in particular in the mapping of Fractional Snow Cover (FSC) during the end of the melting period. The obtained results directly support further development of the SCAmod algorithm for FSC retrieval, and can be likewise applied to develop other algorithms for optical satellite data (e.g. spectral unmixing methods), and to perform accuracy assessments for snow detection algorithms.A useful part of this work is the investigation of the competence of Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) in snow detection in late spring, since it is widely used in snow mapping. We conclude, based on the spectral data analysis, that the NDSI -based snow mapping is more accurate in open areas than in forests. However, at the very end of the snow melting period the behavior of the NDSI becomes more unstable and unpredictable in non-forests with shallow snow, increasing the inaccuracy also in non-forested areas. For instance in peatbogs covered by melting snow layer (snow depth < 30 cm) the mean NDSI -0.6 was observed, having coefficient of variation as high as 70%, whereas for deeper snow packs the mean NDSI shows positive values.  相似文献   

Determining the foliar N:P ratio provides a tool for understanding nutrient limitation on plant production and consequently for the feeding patterns of herbivores. In order to understand the nutrient limitation at landscape scale, remote sensing techniques offer that opportunity. The objective of this study is to investigate the utility of field spectroscopy and a potential of hyperspectral mapper (HyMap) spectra to estimate foliar N:P ratio. Field spectral measurements were undertaken, and grass samples were collected for foliar N and P extraction. The foliar N:P ratio prediction models were developed using partial least square regression (PLSR) with original spectra and transformed spectra for field and the resampled field spectra to HyMap. Spectral transformations included the continuum removal (CR), water removal (WR), first difference derivative (FD) and log transformation (Log(1/R)). The results showed that CR and WR spectra in combination with PLSR predicted foliar N:P ratio with higher accuracy as compared to FD and R, using field spectra. For HyMap spectral analysis, addition to CR and WR, FD achieved higher estimation accuracy. The performance of FD, CR and WR spectra were attributed to their ability to minimize sensor and water effects on the fresh leaf spectra, respectively. The study demonstrated a potential to predict foliar N:P ratio using field and HyMap simulated spectra and shortwave infrared (SWIR) found to be highly sensitive to foliar N:P ratio. The study recommends the prediction of foliar N:P ratio at landscape level using airborne hyperspectral data and could be used by the resource managers, park managers, farmers and ecologists to understand the feeding patterns, resource selection and distribution of herbivores (i.e. wild and livestock).  相似文献   

The possibility of quantifying iron content in the topsoil of the slopes of the El Hacho Mountain complex in Southern Spain using imaging spectroscopy is investigated. Laboratory, field and airborne spectrometer (ROSIS) data are acquired, in combination with soil samples, which are analysed for dithionite extractable iron (Fed) content. Analysis of the properties of two iron related absorption features present in laboratory spectra demonstrates good relations, especially between the standard deviation (S.D.) of the values in an absorption feature and the Fed content (R2 = 0.67) as well as the ratio based Redness Index (R2 = 0.51). Such derived relations are less strong for the ROSIS data (R2 for S.D. = 0.26 and R2 for Redness Index = 0.22). The spatial distribution of iron in vegetated areas shows a strong sensitivity of these relations with the presence of vegetation. A combination of both methods shows that the overestimation of the Fed content with the one method is (partly) compensated by the underestimation with the other method.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic techniques have become attractive to assess soil properties because they are fast, require little labor and may reduce the amount of laboratory waste produced when compared to conventional methods. Imaging spectroscopy (IS) can have further advantages compared to laboratory or field proximal spectroscopic approaches such as providing spatially continuous information with a high density. However, the accuracy of IS derived predictions decreases when the spectral mixture of soil with other targets occurs. This paper evaluates the use of spectral data obtained by an airborne hyperspectral sensor (ProSpecTIR-VS – Aisa dual sensor) for prediction of physical and chemical properties of Brazilian highly weathered soils (i.e., Oxisols). A methodology to assess the soil spectral mixture is adapted and a progressive spectral dataset selection procedure, based on bare soil fractional cover, is proposed and tested. Satisfactory performances are obtained specially for the quantification of clay, sand and CEC using airborne sensor data (R2 of 0.77, 0.79 and 0.54; RPD of 2.14, 2.22 and 1.50, respectively), after spectral data selection is performed; although results obtained for laboratory data are more accurate (R2 of 0.92, 0.85 and 0.75; RPD of 3.52, 2.62 and 2.04, for clay, sand and CEC, respectively). Most importantly, predictions based on airborne-derived spectra for which the bare soil fractional cover is not taken into account show considerable lower accuracy, for example for clay, sand and CEC (RPD of 1.52, 1.64 and 1.16, respectively). Therefore, hyperspectral remotely sensed data can be used to predict topsoil properties of highly weathered soils, although spectral mixture of bare soil with vegetation must be considered in order to achieve an improved prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

The research evaluated the information content of spectral reflectance (laboratory and airborne data) for the estimation of needle chlorophyll (CAB) and nitrogen (CN) concentration in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) needles. To identify reliable predictive models different types of spectral transformations were systematically compared regarding the accuracy of prediction. The results of the cross-validated analysis showed that CAB can be well estimated from laboratory and canopy reflectance data. The best predictive model to estimate CAB was achieved from laboratory spectra using continuum-removal transformed data (R2cv = 0.83 and a relative RMSEcv of 8.1%, n = 78) and from hyperspectral HyMap data using band-depth normalised spectra (R2cv = 0.90, relative RMSEcv = 2.8%, n = 13). Concerning the nitrogen concentration, we observed somewhat weaker relations, with however still acceptable accuracies (at canopy level: R2cv = 0.57, relative RMSEcv = 4.6%). The wavebands selected in the regression models to estimate CAB were typically located in the red edge region and near the green reflectance peak. For CN, additional wavebands related to a known protein absorption feature at 2350 nm were selected. The portion of selected wavebands attributable to known absorption features strongly depends on the type of spectral transformation applied. A method called “water removal” (WR) produced for canopy spectra the largest percentage of wavebands directly or indirectly related to known absorption features. The derived chlorophyll and nitrogen maps may support the detection and the monitoring of environmental stressors and are also important inputs to many bio-geochemical process models.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial and temporal patterns of burned areas at regional scales, provides a long-term perspective of fire processes and its effects on ecosystems and vegetation recovery patterns, and it is a key factor to design prevention and post-fire restoration plans and strategies. Remote sensing has become the most widely used tool to detect fire affected areas over large tracts of land (e.g., ecosystem, regional and global levels). Standard satellite burned area and active fire products derived from the 500-m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) are available to this end. However, prior research caution on the use of these global-scale products for regional and sub-regional applications. Consequently, we propose a novel semi-automated algorithm for identification and mapping of burned areas at regional scale. The semi-arid Monte shrublands, a biome covering 240,000 km2 in the western part of Argentina, and exposed to seasonal bushfires was selected as the test area. The algorithm uses a set of the normalized burned ratio index products derived from MODIS time series; using a two-phased cycle, it firstly detects potentially burned pixels while keeping a low commission error (false detection of burned areas), and subsequently labels them as seed patches. Region growing image segmentation algorithms are applied to the seed patches in the second-phase, to define the perimeter of fire affected areas while decreasing omission errors (missing real burned areas). Independently-derived Landsat ETM+ burned-area reference data was used for validation purposes. Additionally, the performance of the adaptive algorithm was assessed against standard global fire products derived from MODIS Aqua and Terra satellites, total burned area (MCD45A1), the active fire algorithm (MOD14); and the L3JRC SPOT VEGETATION 1 km GLOBCARBON products. The correlation between the size of burned areas detected by the global fire products and independently-derived Landsat reference data ranged from R2 = 0.01–0.28, while our algorithm performed showed a stronger correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.96). Our findings confirm prior research calling for caution when using the global fire products locally or regionally.  相似文献   

Vegetation mapping is a priority when managing natural protected areas. In this context, very high resolution satellite remote sensing data can be fundamental in providing accurate vegetation cartography at species level. In this work, a complete processing methodology has been developed and validated in a complex vulnerable coastal-dune ecosystem. Specifically, the analysis has been carried out using WorldView-2 imagery, which offers spatial and spectral resolutions. A thorough assessment of 5 atmospheric correction models has been performed using real reflectance measures from a field radiometry campaign. To select the classification methodology, different strategies have been evaluated, including additional spectral (23 vegetation indices) and spatial (4 texture parameters) information to the multispectral bands. Likewise, the application of linear unmixing techniques has been tested and abundance maps of each plant species have been generated using the library of spectral signatures recorded during the campaign. After the analysis conducted, a new methodology has been proposed based on the use of the 6S atmospheric model and the Support Vector Machine classification algorithm applied to a combination of different spectral and spatial input data. Specifically, an overall accuracy of 88,03% was achieved combining the corrected multispectral bands plus a vegetation index (MSAVI2) and texture information (variance of the first principal component). Furthermore, the methodology has been validated by photointerpretation and 3 plant species achieve significant accuracy: Tamarix canariensis (94,9%), Juncus acutus (85,7%) and Launaea arborescens (62,4%). Finally, the classified procedure comparing maps for different seasons has also shown robustness to changes in the phenological state of the vegetation.  相似文献   


The worldwide slum population currently stands at over one billion, with substantial growth expected in the coming decades. Traditionally, slums have been mapped using information derived mainly from either physical indicators using remote sensing data, or socio-economic indicators using census data. Each data source on its own provides only a partial view of slums, an issue further compounded by data poverty in less-developed countries. To overcome such issues, this paper explores the fusion of traditional with emerging open data sources and data mining tools to identify additional indicators that can be used to detect and map the presence of slums, map their footprint, and map their evolution. Towards this goal, we develop an indicator database for slums using open sources of physical and socio-economic data that can be used to characterize slum settlements. Using this database, we then leverage data mining techniques to identify the most suitable combination of these indicators for mapping slums. Using three cities in Kenya as test cases, results show that the fusion of these data can improve the mapping accuracy of slums. These results suggest that the proposed approach can provide a viable solution to the emerging challenge of monitoring the growth of slums.  相似文献   


Iraq has suffered severely from drought in recent years and the year 2008 was the driest, particularly in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. This study incorporated Geoinformation technology into mapping the drought that severely affected the Kurdistan region in the years 2007–2008. Geoinformation technology provides support in the theories, methods and techniques for building, and development of Digital Earth aspect. Five vegetation, soil, water, and land surface temperature (LST) indices were applied to two Landsat 7 ETM+ imageries of June 2007 and June 2008, to assess the drought impacts in Erbil governorate Kurdistan during the study period. The indices that were employed in this study were Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Bare Soil Index, Normalized Differential Water Index, Tasseled Cap Transformation Wetness, and LST. The results revealed a significant decrease in the vegetative cover (56.7%) and a decline in soil/vegetation wetness (29.9%) of the total study area. Likewise, there was a significant reduction in the water bodies surface area in the region such as Dokan Lake, which lost 32.5% of its surface area in comparison with the previous year, 2007. The study results showed that the soil moisture content was the most effective actor on the vegetative cover, LST, and drought status in the study area.  相似文献   

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