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为探究绥阳大风洞空气环境时空变化的规律及其成因,沿洞道布设10个监测点,并对各点在垂直剖面上(洞道上、中、下部)的温度、湿度和CO2浓度进行为期11个月的监测,结果表明:(1)大风洞空气环境要素(CO2、温度、相对湿度)均呈现出明显的季节变化,大体上CO2、温度和湿度表现为冬季低,夏季高的特点。(2)春、夏、秋季洞内外空气交换较弱,由洞口至洞内深处CO2浓度、湿度逐渐增加,温度逐渐减小,且越往洞内深处,空气交换减弱,各参数变化越稳定;冬季洞内外空气交换作用强,由洞口至洞穴深部,温度变化曲线表现为并无突变点,且洞穴CO2、湿度的垂直变化加大。(3)垂直变化上,春、夏、秋季洞穴CO2浓度、相对湿度差异大,洞底部CO2浓度和相对湿度大多高于洞顶部,但越往洞穴深入,3个环境参数的垂直差异均减小。  相似文献   

以中国最具代表性的旅游洞穴景区——贵州织金洞为例,运用内容分析法和社会网络分析法,以网络文本为数据来源,对比研究其投射形象和感知形象。结果表明:(1)官方的高频词核心关注点涉及自然景观、形象宣传、外部交通、门票、住宿等方面,而游客的核心关注点主要集中在自然景观和导游解说上;(2)在属性类目方面,官方和游客关注的侧重点大致相同,主要集中在旅游资源、旅游活动上,但在自然资源、游览活动内容等方面的形象仍存在诸多差异;(3)从社会网络分析来看,官方重视游客体验,关注游客服务与管理,而游客对灯光、导游服务的感知更为显著;(4)总体上游客的积极情绪占主导地位,而消极情绪的主要来源为官方在建设管理等方面的不足,如长时间排队买票或取票、导游服务态度散漫、景观单调、体验项目单一等。   相似文献   

为探究白云岩洞穴滴水中CO2来源及变化特征,以贵州省绥阳双河洞洞穴系统中的大风洞为研究对象,对洞穴空气CO2浓度(pCO2(c))、洞穴上覆土壤CO2浓度(pCO2(soil))、洞穴滴水CO2分压(pCO2(w))、以及洞穴滴水水化学环境进行了为期15个月(2016年1月-2017年3月)的监测、采样和室内实验分析,运用统计分析方法对各监测指标进行主成分分析。结果表明:(1)pCO2(w)、pCO2(c)具有明显的季节性变化特征,表现为雨季>旱季。pCO2(soil)受降雨、洞穴通风效应的影响,季节性波动较大,是洞穴pCO2(w)的重要来源;(2)深层岩溶作用中渗透水在流经洞穴上覆表层岩溶带发生的水-岩相互作用及其产生的水化学环境,特别是变化,是影响pCO2(w)的主要因素之一,对pCO2(w)具有重要贡献;(3)运用主成分分析法(PCA)得出各因素对洞穴滴水的相对方差贡献率依次为:HCO3- >pCO2(s)>Soil 1#>pCO2(w)>Soil 2#。各因子对pCO2(w)的贡献率依次为:地表深层岩溶作用>洞穴上覆土壤空气环境>洞穴空气环境;(4)pCO2(w)来源概念模型表明,雨季时,降雨量大,土壤水下渗快,地下水得到充分补充,但停滞时间较短,在渗流带中与围岩反应不充分,PCP过程较弱,对pCO2(w)影响较大;旱季则相反。研究结果对洞穴石笋、石钟乳沉积物的保护具有一定意义,对洞穴旅游开发、管理及岩溶碳循环研究具有重要意义。   相似文献   

Karst aquifers are known for being particularly heterogeneous with highly transmissive conduits embedded in low permeability volumes of rock matrix. Artificial tracer experiments have been carried out in a complex karst aquifer of the folded Jura Mountains in Switzerland with the aim of deciphering the conduit organisation. It is shown that tracer experiments with multiple injection points under different flow conditions can lead to useful information on the conduits’ structure. This information has been combined with data from structural geology, spring hydrology, and speleological observations. A conceptual model of the conduit network shows that a detailed inference of the conduit organisation can be reached: geology controls conduit location and orientation; spring hydrology, including temporary springs, constrains conduit elevations and relative hydraulic heads in the aquifer subsystems; and tracer tests identify major flow paths and outlets of the system and dilution caused by non-traced tributaries, as well as the presence of secondary flow routes. This understanding of the Aubonne aquifer structure has important implications for the future management of the groundwater resource. Similar approaches coupling geological information, spring hydrology, and multi-tracer tests under various flow conditions may help to characterise the structure of the conduit network in karst aquifers.  相似文献   

Green plants play an important role in energy flows and material cycles. The net primary productivity (NPP) reflects the capability of vegetation to convert solar energy into photosynthate (fixed carbon). Understanding the factors that contribute to variations in NPP is of key importance for improving the rock-desertification environment in karst areas. In this paper, the NPP model (Light Use Efficiency model) is modified on the basis of remote sensing data [moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS)], climate data and observed information. Then the model is employed to estimate the spatial–temporal variations of NPP in the Guizhou Province, China. Finally, the NPP differences between karst area and non-karst area, and the relationships between NPP and climate factors are analyzed. The results show that the NPP estimated using MODIS data are reasonable. The mean NPP of territorial vegetation is 421.46 gC m−2 year−1; the NPP in the non-karst area is 13.3% higher than that in the karst area; the correlation degree between NPP and precipitation is better in southeastern and western districts.  相似文献   

洞穴分布特征及地貌演化研究是洞穴科普活动及洞穴旅游开发与管理的重要支撑。为进一步了解九洞天景区洞穴系统大型串珠式天窗群的分布特征及规律,对溶洞的规模、形态、发育方向及分布高程进行实地考察。将地理学“将今论古”的思想与地理信息系统工具相结合,探讨九洞天洞穴系统的空间展布特征及其地貌演化过程。结果表明:九洞天洞穴系统发育地层以二叠系茅口组地层为主,发育受断层节理和水文条件控制,溶洞发育方向多为北北东、北西和东南方向,与区域构造线基本一致;受第四纪间歇性抬升运动和侵蚀基准面控制的影响,洞穴系统垂向分布大致集中在1 150~1 220 m、 1 220~1 270 m、1 270~1 340 m三个海拔范围内,与区内古河道垂向分布具有相似性;九洞天洞穴系统和地貌演化经历油菜河伏流及底纳寨干谷形成期、梯子崖伏流及张家寨干谷形成期、九洞天伏流和大天桥干谷形成期三次大的发育阶段,形成九洞天景区天窗溶洞、明暗流和古河道并存的典型喀斯特格局。   相似文献   

贵州普安泥堡金矿床位于右江盆地北西缘,其矿床特征、成矿作用具有较好的代表性。此次研究通过实测剖面、构造研究以及载金矿物原位成分分析,确定泥堡金矿体的产出主要受3个因素的影响:①中二叠统茅口组灰岩与上二叠统龙潭组碎屑岩之间的不整合界面及其上下蚀变岩;②F1逆冲断层破碎带及其牵引二龙抢宝背斜;③分布于不整合面、断层破碎带和牵引褶皱内的含砷环带黄铁矿。针对这3个控矿因素展开的大地电磁测深(AMT)、可控源大地电磁测深(CSAMT)和时间域激电测深(TDIP)物探试验表明:AMT、CSAMT对不整合面反映最准确;TDIP对F1和二龙抢宝背斜内所含的黄铁矿等硫化物反映良好,可分别采取TDIP方法针对矿区南东侧破碎带型矿体,AMT或CSAMT方法针对矿区北西侧不整合面展开找矿工作。这种首先确定控矿因素,然后针对控矿因素展开物探试验确定适当物探手段,最终指导深部和外围找矿的方法,可广泛应用于针对金矿床二次找矿的工作中,具有实际的找矿意义。  相似文献   

Due to the existence of fragile karst geo-ecological environments, such as environments with extremely poor soil cover, low soil-forming velocity, and fragmentized terrain and physiognomy, as well as inappropriate and intensive land use, soil erosion is a serious problem in Guizhou Province, which is located in the centre of the karst areas of southwestern China; evaluation of soil loss and spatial distribution for conservation planning is urgently needed. This study integrated the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a GIS to assess soil loss and identify risk erosion areas in the Maotiao River watershed of Guizhou. Current land use/cover and management practices were evaluated to determine their effects on average annual soil loss and future soil conservation practices were discussed. Data used to generate the RUSLE factors included a Landsat Thematic Mapper image (land cover), digitized topographic and soil maps, and precipitation data. The results of the study compare well with the other studies and local data, and provide useful information for decision makers and planners to take appropriate land management measures in the area. It thus indicates the RUSLE–GIS model is a useful tool for evaluating and mapping soil erosion quantitatively and spatially at a larger watershed scale in Guizhou.  相似文献   

Mercury is an important pollutant in lakes. Methylmercury (MeHg), the most toxic mercury species, which can be formed from inorganic mercury in lakes, can be bioaccumulated into high concentration in food chain and result in a potential threat to human beings. Sediments play an important role for the Hg biogeochemistry in the aquatic systems: Mercury methylation has been shown to be fastest in the surfacial sediments, where the microbial activity is highest. The formation of MeHg in lakes suggests that sediments and/or near-shore wetlands can be the sources of MeHg in aquatic environments. The Baihua Reservoir, located in the suburb of Guiyang, was impounded in 1966. From the 1970s to the 1990s, Guizhou Organic Chemical Plant which used inorganic mercury as catalyst to produce acetic acid, was responsible for the discharge of waste water with high mercury content.  相似文献   

被誉为“空气维生素”的空气负离子具有调节神经中枢、促进新陈代谢等生物效应,有益于人体身心健康;同时负离子还具有抑菌、杀菌的作用,在喀斯特洞穴中负离子含量高,也造就了洞内洁净的空气。喀斯特洞穴康养就是依托于洞穴环境与小气候而开展的疗养、康体、休闲等一系列有益身心健康的活动。本文采用指数分析法,从人体感受与环境卫生学角度选取人体气候舒适度指数、空气清洁度指数和空气负离子富含度指数构建喀斯特洞穴康养功能指数(CRFI)并以贵州红果树景区天缘洞为实例,来评价喀斯特洞穴的康养适宜性。通过层次分析法确定三个指标权重分别为0.142、0.286、0.572。根据2017年8月至2018年7月的洞穴环境连续监测数据发现,天缘洞洞内氡浓度年均为610.26 Bq.m-3,洞内CO2浓度年均521.900 ×10-6,符合国际辐射安全要求,满足洞穴康养开展的前提条件;洞内年均温为14 ℃,相对湿度大,人体气候舒适度相对较低;洞内正负离子含量在时间与空间上都存在较大幅度的变化,负离子浓度空间分布规律存在以TY-4地下湖为中心向洞口方向逐渐递减趋势,天缘洞4-9月全洞段空气负离子含量较高,空气清洁度指数均高于1.00,属于最清洁空气,极有利于人体健康。天缘洞全年的洞穴康养功能指数显示天缘洞最佳洞穴康养时间为5月与9月,最佳康养地点位于TY-4地下湖附近,仅有12月与1月不适宜开展洞穴康养活动。   相似文献   

建立自然保护、恢复与社会经济发展相协调的保护地评价指标体系,以达到评估景观保育情况,分析在社会经济发展中的作用,获取景观保育持续提升的方向和对策是本文目标.以云南九乡峡谷洞穴景区为例,设计了景区景观的自然性、功能性和属地性指数评价体系.九乡景区景观自然性指数为7.004,属次生景观类;景区功能性指数是7.58,属发展型景区;属地性指数6.8,属景区产业向服务社区与居民就业方向转型的过渡产业型景区.根据九乡景区景观格局和保护利用状态,提出四个景观保育区,分别是乡土植物廊道和文化景观保育区、峡谷河道景观保育区、峡谷洞穴景观与地表植被保育区、植被管护与石漠化治理区等.景观保育措施主要是自然保育与恢复,以实现管理景观自然化,同时发展景区社区主导的旅游服务业与开发民特产品,增强景观保护的社会经济基础.  相似文献   




Karst rocky desertification in karst areas of Southwest China is an obstacle for the sustainable development of the locality. While many researchers have studied this issue, this study quantified the various indicators affecting desertification, using GIS technology to extract spatial data and to construct a RBFN (radial basis function network) model for Guizhou province. By calibrating sample data of the different levels of karst rocky desertification, the model parameters were established, and then the assessment of karst rocky desertification. Results show that in counties of Southwestern Guizhou Province karst rocky desertification is severe, counties in northern Guizhou have moderate desertification, and southeastern counties are affected lightly. Comparison of the results with other research shows conformity with actual conditions, proving the reasonability and applicability of the RBFN model.  相似文献   

Wang  Yian  Liu  Donglie  Dong  Jie  Zhang  Lu  Guo  Jincheng  Liao  Mingsheng  Gong  Jianya 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2609-2619
Landslides - SAR Interferometry (InSAR) has been proven to be effective for measuring landslides deformation. However, the InSAR application of landslide mapping is limited by the blind observation...  相似文献   

With the aim of better understanding geochemistry of coal, 71 Late Permian whole-seam coal channel samples from western Guizhou Province, Southwest China were studied and 57 elements in them were determined. The contents of Al, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, K, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Sn, Ta, Ti, Th, U, V, Zr, and REEs in the Late Permian coals from western Guizhou Province are higher than the arithmetic means for the corresponding elements in the US coals, whereas As, Ba, Br, F, Hg, P, Se, and Tl are lower. Compared to common Chinese coals, the contents of Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hf, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sc, Sn, Ti, U, V, Zn, and Zr in western Guizhou coals are higher, and As, F, Hg, Rb, Sb, Tl, and W are lower. Five groups of elements may be classified according to their mode of occurrence in coal: The first two, Group A, Tm–Yb–Lu–Y–Er–Ho–Dy–Tb–Ce–La–Nd–Pr–Gd–Sm, and Group B, As–Sr–K–Rb–Ba–F–Ash–Si–Sn–Ga–Hf–Al–Ta–Zr–Be–Th–Na, have high positive correlation coefficients with ash yield and they show mainly inorganic affinity. Some elements from Group B, such as Ba, Be, Ga, Hf, and Th, are also characterized by significant aluminosilicate affinity. In addition, arsenic also exhibits high sulfide affinity (rS–Fe>0.5). The elements, which have negative or lower positive correlation coefficients with ash yield (with exceptions of Bi, Cs, Nb, Mn, Se, and Ti), are grouped in other four associations: Group C, Cr–V–Mo–U–Cd–Tl; Group D, Hg–Li–Sc–Ti–Eu–Nb–Cs–W; Group E, Bi–Sb; and Group F, Co–Ni–Cu–Pb–Zn–Mg–Se–Ca–Mn–S–Fe. The correlation coefficients of some elements, including Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mo, Ni, P, S, Sc, U, V, and Zn, with ash yield are below the statistically significant value. Only Cr and Cu are negatively correlated to ash yield (−0.07 and −0.01, respectively), showing intermediate (organic and inorganic) affinity. Manganese and Fe are characterized by carbonate affinity probably due to high content of epigenetic veined ankerite in some coals. Phosphorus has low correlation coefficients with any other elements and is not included in these six associations. There are five possible genetic types of enrichment of elements in coal from western Guizhou Province: source rock, volcanic ash, low-temperature hydrothermal fluid, groundwater, and magmatic hydrothermal inputs.  相似文献   

桂林甑皮岩遗址周围地带地下水中污染物的种类及来源复杂。为了查明地下水系统的结构特征,分析地下水的污染物运移路径和追溯污染源,采用在线高分辨率示踪技术与人工采样相结合的方法。选取荧光素钠和罗丹明B两种示踪剂,在桂林甑皮岩遗址周围进行了三次示踪试验。根据试验结果分析地下水流场,计算地下水平均流速。结果表明地下水流速在1.6~33.91 m/d,平均值为12.92 m/d。流场内岩溶以溶蚀裂隙为主,且裂隙发育呈网络式,存在西北向东南方向的主径流带,但大型岩溶管道存在的可能性小。三次示踪试验结果均显示,投放点所在的污染源区与遗址周围地下水存在水力联系,因此,遗址附近的居民小区、学校、原砖厂等污染源对遗址下部的地下水存在潜在污染,需更大程度地划分遗址的保护范围。特别是甑皮岩景区化粪池密闭情况较差,严重危害遗址环境,必须对化粪池进行防渗处理。   相似文献   

Six hundred and sixty-five soil samples were taken from Changxing County in Zhejiang Province, China, to characterize the spatial variability of Hg Cd, Pb, Cu, As and Cr. The geostatistics and geographic information system (GIS) techniques were applied, and the ordinary kriging and lognormal kriging were used to map the spatial patterns of the six heavy metals. Hg, Pb, Cu and As were fitted to the spherical model with a range of 85.75, 82.32, 86.10, and 23.17 km, respectively. Cr was fitted to the exponential model with a range of 6.27 km, and Cd was fitted to the linear model with a range of 37.66 km. Both Pb and Cu had strong spatial dependence due to the effects of natural factors including parent material, topography and soil type. Hg, Cd, Cr and As had, however, moderate spatial dependence, indicating an involvement of human factors. Meanwhile, based on the comparison between the original data and the guide values of the six metals, the disjunctive kriging technique was used to quantify their pollution risks. The results showed that only Cd and Hg exhibited pollution risks in the study area. The pollution source evaluated was closely corresponded with the real discharge of industrial production and the application of organomercury pesticides. The results of this study provide insight into risk assessment of environmental pollution and decision making for agricultural production and industrial adjustment of building materials.  相似文献   

洞穴空气CO2浓度是影响洞穴次生化学沉积物沉积和溶蚀的重要因素之一。基于对本溪水洞洞穴空气CO2浓度、温度和湿度连续两个昼夜的系统观测结果,结合洞外大气CO2浓度、温度和湿度数据,初步分析了本溪水洞洞穴空气CO2浓度空间分布特征和昼夜变化规律:(1)洞穴空气CO2浓度自洞口开始快速增高至一定深度后趋于稳定,这个快速升高的距离与不同季节洞穴交换能力有关,秋季大约是370 m。洞穴CO2浓度稳定区的空间差异可能主要与洞穴结构和裂隙发育情况有关,在洞体变小的倚天长剑景点附近出现峰值,而在洞体变大的石瀑布景点和游客无法进入的源头区出现低谷。(2)观测期间,洞穴空气CO2浓度总体上呈递降趋势,基本上与游客数量有关。(3)在洞穴空气CO2浓度急剧上升的近洞口段,洞穴空气CO2浓度每个昼夜出现两个峰值,分别对应正午12时和午夜前后。本溪水洞洞穴空气CO2浓度的这种变化特点,受游客与工作人员的呼吸排放和洞穴与大气间的气体交换作用的双重影响。  相似文献   

以贵州省2010年石漠化程度分布与土壤类型分布图为基础,运用地图代数原理,通过计算二者的转移矩阵,从而得出不同石漠化程度下土壤类型的空间分布情况,并探讨研究区石漠化背景下,土壤类型与石漠化的空间分布规律,分析石漠化的发生、分布与土壤类型的相关关系。其结果表明:喀斯特地区石质土的石漠化发生率最高达到46.41%,其次为黄棕壤的43.32%,综合排序为石质土>黄棕壤>山地草甸土>棕壤>红壤>粗骨土>石灰土>黄壤>紫色土>水稻土>潮土;分等级讨论时以中度石漠化为主导,且石质土的中度石漠化发生率最高,达到了21.68%。石漠化程度的空间分布在不同土壤类型中存在着明显差异,并且二者之间有一定联系,土壤本身的性质差异是重要的因素之一。   相似文献   

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