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Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is a valuable tool for creating virtual 3D models of geological outcrops to enable enhanced modeling and analysis of geologic strata. Application of TLS data is typically limited to the geometric point cloud that is used to create the 3D structure of the outcrop model. Digital photography can then be draped onto the 3D model, allowing visual identification and manual spatial delineation of different rock layers. Automation of the rock type identification and delineation is desirable, and recent work has investigated the use of terrestrial hyperspectral photography for this purpose. However, passive photography, whether visible or hyperspectral, presents several complexities, including accurate spatial registration with the TLS point cloud data, reliance on sunlight for illumination, and radiometric calibration to properly extract spectral signatures of the different rock types. As an active remote sensing method, a radiometrically calibrated TLS system offers the potential to directly provide spectral information for each recorded 3D point, independent of solar illumination. Therefore, the practical application of three radiometrically calibrated TLS systems with differing laser wavelengths, thereby achieving a multispectral dataset in conjunction with 3D point cloud data, is investigated using commercially available hardware and software. The radiometric calibration of the TLS intensity values is investigated and the classification performance of the multispectral TLS intensity and calibrated reflectance datasets evaluated and compared to classification performed with passive visible wavelength imagery. Results indicate that rock types can be successfully identified with radiometrically calibrated multispectral TLS data, with enhanced classification performance when fused with passive visible imagery. 相似文献
基于多光谱纹理“映射模式”概念,提出了基于光谱数据相似性的多光谱、高光谱数据的编码方法。利用光谱相似测度对不同类型的纹理进行编码,表征地物的全局纹理特征,将纹理提取的算法扩展到多维光谱图像分析中,提出了多尺度纹理组合算法。试验证明,该方法合理有效,可大大提高分类的准确性和精度。 相似文献
多光谱浅海水深提取方法研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用我国南海某岛礁的TM数据和实测水深资料,试验性地研究了一种在不同底质反射条件下多光谱定量提取水深信息的方法,计算了浅海岛礁水深,取得了较好的应用效果和较高的测深精度. 相似文献
We developed a classification workflow for boreal forest habitat type mapping. In object-based image analysis framework, Fractal Net Evolution Approach segmentation was combined with random forest classification. High-resolution WorldView-2 imagery was coupled with ALS based canopy height model and digital terrain model. We calculated several features (e.g. spectral, textural and topographic) per image object from the used datasets. We tested different feature set alternatives; a classification accuracy of 78.0% was obtained when all features were used. The highest classification accuracy (79.1%) was obtained when the amount of features was reduced from the initial 328 to the 100 most important using Boruta feature selection algorithm and when ancillary soil and land-use GIS-datasets were used. Although Boruta could rank the importance of features, it could not separate unimportant features from the important ones. Classification accuracy was bit lower (78.7%) when the classification was performed separately on two areas: the areas above and below 1 m vertical distance from the nearest stream. The data split, however, improved the classification accuracy of mire habitat types and streamside habitats, probably because their proportion in the below 1 m data was higher than in the other datasets. It was found that several types of data are needed to get the highest classification accuracy whereas omitting some feature groups reduced the classification accuracy. A major habitat type in the study area was mesic forests in different successional stages. It was found that the inner heterogeneity of different mesic forest age groups was large and other habitat types were often inside this heterogeneity. 相似文献
Barnaby Clark Juha SuomalainenPetri Pellikka 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2011,66(4):429-445
The appropriate utilization of multi-temporal SPOT multispectral satellite imagery in quantitative remote sensing studies requires the removal of atmospheric effects. One widely used and potentially very accurate way of achieving absolute atmospheric correction is the calibration of at-satellite radiance data to field measures of the surface reflectance factor (ρs). There are a number of variations in this technique, which are known collectively as empirical line (EL) approaches. However, the successful application of an EL spectral calibration requires the presence and careful selection of appropriate pseudo-invariant ground targets within each scene area. Real surfaces, even those that are man-made and vegetation-free, display non-Lambertian reflectance behaviour to some extent. Because of the ±31° off-nadir incidence angle range of the SPOT sensors, this is a crucial consideration. In favourable circumstances, it may be possible to utilize a goniometer to collect multiangular ρs measurements, but for widespread lower cost application of EL approaches currently, the use of a handheld spectrometer to measure nadir only ρs is a more realistic proposition. In either case, the selection of targets that have more limited and stable multiangular reflectance behaviour is preferable. Details are given of the reflectance properties of a variety of spectrally bright potential calibration surface types, encompassing sands, gravel, asphalts, and managed and artificial grass turf surfaces, measured in the field using the Finnish Geodetic Institute Field Goniospectrometer (FIGIFIGO). Bright calibration site selection requirements for SPOT data are discussed and the physical mechanisms behind the varying reflectance characteristics of the surfaces are considered. The most desirable properties for useful calibration targets are identified. The results of this study will assist other workers in the identification of likely suitable EL calibration sites for medium and high resolution optical satellite data, and therefore help optimize efforts in the time consuming and costly process of measuring ρs in the field. 相似文献
Vegetation maps are essential tools for the conservation and management of landscapes as they contain essential information for informing conservation decisions. Traditionally, maps have been created using field-based approaches which, due to limitations in costs and time, restrict the size of the area for which they can be created and frequency at which they can be updated. With the increasing availability of satellite sensors providing multi-spectral imagery with high temporal frequency, new methods for efficient and accurate vegetation mapping have been developed. The objective of this study was to investigate to what extent multi-seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery can assist in mapping complex compositional classifications at fine spatial scales. We deliberately chose a challenging case study, namely a visually and structurally homogenous scrub vegetation (known as kwongan) of Western Australia. The classification scheme consists of 24 target classes and a random 60/40 split was used for model building and validation. We compared several multi-temporal (seasonal) feature sets, consisting of numerous combinations of spectral bands, vegetation indices as well as principal component and tasselled cap transformations, as input to four machine learning classifiers (Support Vector Machines; SVM, Nearest Neighbour; NN, Random Forests; RF, and Classification Trees; CT) to separate target classes. The results show that a multi-temporal feature set combining autumn and spring images sufficiently captured the phenological differences between the classes and produced the best results, with SVM (74%) and NN (72%) classifiers returning statistically superior results compared to RF (65%) and CT (50%). The SWIR spectral bands captured during spring, the greenness indices captured during spring and the tasselled cap transformations derived from the autumn image emerged as most informative, which suggests that ecological factors (e.g. shared species, patch dynamics) occurring at a sub-pixel level likely had the biggest impact on class confusion. However, despite these challenges, the results are auspicious and suggest that seasonal Sentinel-2 imagery has the potential to predict compositional vegetation classes with high accuracy. Further work is needed to determine whether these results are replicable in other vegetation types and regions. 相似文献
分析了传统边缘检测算法在多光谱影像应用中的局限性,提出了一种基于局部区域的光谱空间平均半径测度的边缘检测方法,该方法扩展了原有的单波段影像边缘检测的概念,将像元的灰度信息转化为光谱矢量,提高了检测的可靠性,并给出了多尺度边缘组合的算法。通过MAIS成像光谱仪对鄱阳湖30个波段数据试验,证明了此方法对边缘检测的有效性。 相似文献
This paper describes a six-camera multispectral digital video imaging system designed for natural resource assessment and shows its potential as a research tool. It has five visible to near-infrared light sensitive cameras, one near-infrared to mid-infrared light sensitive camera, a monitor, a computer with a multichannel digitizing board, a keyboard, a power distributor, an amplifier, and a mouse. Each camera is fitted with a narrowband interference filter, allowing the system to obtain imagery in the blue (447 – 455 nm), green (555 – 565 nm), red (625 – 635 nm), red edge (704 – 716 nm), near-infrared (814–826 nm), and mid-infrared (1631 – 1676 nm) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Analogue video acquired by this system is converted to digital format. Radiometric resolution of the imagery is 8-bit (pixel values range 0 – 255). Images obtained by the system can be evaluated individually and/or in combination with each other to assess natural resources. 相似文献
Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Li GuoNesrine Chehata Clément MalletSamia Boukir 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2011,66(1):56-66
Airborne lidar systems have become a source for the acquisition of elevation data. They provide georeferenced, irregularly distributed 3D point clouds of high altimetric accuracy. Moreover, these systems can provide for a single laser pulse, multiple returns or echoes, which correspond to different illuminated objects. In addition to multi-echo laser scanners, full-waveform systems are able to record 1D signals representing a train of echoes caused by reflections at different targets. These systems provide more information about the structure and the physical characteristics of the targets. Many approaches have been developed, for urban mapping, based on aerial lidar solely or combined with multispectral image data. However, they have not assessed the importance of input features. In this paper, we focus on a multi-source framework using aerial lidar (multi-echo and full waveform) and aerial multispectral image data. We aim to study the feature relevance for dense urban scenes. The Random Forests algorithm is chosen as a classifier: it runs efficiently on large datasets, and provides measures of feature importance for each class. The margin theory is used as a confidence measure of the classifier, and to confirm the relevance of input features for urban classification. The quantitative results confirm the importance of the joint use of optical multispectral and lidar data. Moreover, the relevance of full-waveform lidar features is demonstrated for building and vegetation area discrimination. 相似文献
Nutrient deficiency in forest stands has a negative impact on timber production. Although there are numerous studies investigating nutrient deficiency in forests using remote sensing, research has usually focused on extracting nutrient/pigment concentrations using hyperspectral imagery. Results of studies using this method of assessment are uncertain at the canopy level. This study proposes using freely available multispectral imagery to identify nutrient deficiency in commercially managed forest plantations. A classification map of nutrient deficient, healthy, and a third class, other, for State spruce forests in the Republic of Ireland was constructed using multispectral Sentinel 2 images from Spring and a Random Forest model. The forest area of interest (AOI) was Sitka spruce or Norway spruce plantations greater than 12 years old. Results showed that the overall accuracy was 89% and the associated Kappa Index of agreement was 79%. An unbiased area estimator was vital for an accurate estimate of the scale of nutrient deficiency, which concluded that 23% of the AOI was nutrient deficient. Early detection of nutrient deficiency is crucial to mitigate negative impacts on productivity so a time series analysis of the spectral response of healthy and nutrient deficient classes using Google Earth Engine's Landsat 5, 7, and 8 archive was carried out. A control of known nutrient deficient sites, as identified through foliar analysis, was used for comparison with the nutrient deficient and healthy training data. The spectral response showed a decrease through time for all of the foliar analysis and training data using the green (520–600 nm), red (630–690 nm), and SWIR spectra (1550–1700 nm) during Spring. This decreasing trend is due to the growth of foliage, with the difference in spectral response between nutrient deficient and healthy stands being attributed to the presence of chlorosis in stands suffering from nutrient deficiency. Spectral thresholds using digital numbers for nutrient deficient stands were identified for an operational optimum age cohort of between 10–12 years old which will be used for early detection. 相似文献
Yukio Sadahiro 《Transactions in GIS》2021,25(1):534-550
This article proposes a new method for analyzing the spatial expansion and shrinkage of point patterns. Spatial expansions of epidemic diseases and market areas are represented as the expansions of point patterns when disease cases and store customers are represented as points. The spatial expansion and shrinkage have been studied in many scientific fields. Existing analytical methods, however, are not sufficient for treating complicated spatiotemporal patterns. To answer this demand, this article develops a new method for analyzing the expansion and shrinkage of points. Three vector measures evaluate the degree and direction of expansion and shrinkage as functions of location and time. They are visualized as vector maps, which are valid for capturing the global spatiotemporal pattern as well as for discussing the local variation. Summary measures of these vectors allow us to grasp the overall spatiotemporal pattern efficiently. To test the validity of the proposed method, this article applies it to the analysis of visitors to Shinjuku and Ginza in Tokyo. The proposed measures permitted us to evaluate the spatiotemporal pattern of the visitors in detail and to consider its underlying structure from various perspectives, which indicated the soundness of the technique. 相似文献
PRISMS (Portable Remote Imaging System for Multispectral Scanning) is designed for in situ, simultaneous high resolution spectral and 3D topographic imaging of wall paintings and other large surfaces. In particular, it can image at transverse resolutions of tens of microns remotely from distances of tens of metres, making high resolution imaging possible from a fixed position on the ground for areas at heights that is difficult to access. The spectral imaging system is fully automated giving 3D topographic mapping at millimetre accuracy as a by-product of the image focusing process. PRISMS is the first imaging device capable of both 3D mapping and spectral imaging simultaneously without additional distance measuring devices. Examples from applications of PRISMS to wall paintings at a UNESCO site in the Gobi desert are presented to demonstrate the potential of the instrument for large scale 3D spectral imaging, revealing faded writing and material identification. 相似文献
Trees provide low-cost organic inputs, with the potential to improve livelihoods for rural communities. Understanding foliar nutrients of tree species is crucial for integration of trees into agroecosystems. The study explored nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) concentrations of nine browse species collected from the bushveld region of South Africa using wet analysis and laboratory spectroscopy in the region 400–2500 nm, along with partial least squares (PLS) regression. We further explore the relationship between canopy reflectance of Sentinel-2 image and foliar N, P, K & Ca. Laboratory spectroscopy was significant for N estimation, while satellite imagery also revealed useful information about the estimation of nitrogen at landscape level. Nitrogen was highly correlated with spectral reflectance (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.05) for winter and (R2 = 0.88, p < 0.05) for summer, whilst prediction of phosphorus potassium and calcium were considered not accurate enough to be of practical use. Modelling the relationship using Sentinel-2 data showed lower correlations for nitrogen (R2 = 0.44, p < 0.05) and the other nutrients when compared to the dried samples. The findings indicate that there is potential to assess and monitor resource quality of indigenous trees using nitrogen as key indicator. This multi-level remote sensing approach has promise for providing rapid plant nutrient analyses at different scales. 相似文献
Mapping heathland habitats is generally challenging due to fine-scale habitats as well as spectral ambiguities between different classes. A multi-seasonal time-series of multispectral RapidEye data from several phenological stages was analysed towards the classification of different vegetation communities.A 3-level hierarchical dependent classification using Import Vector Machines was tested, based on the assumption that a probabilistic output per class would help the mapping. The first level of the hierarchical classification was related to the moisture gradient, which was derived from Ellenberg’s moisture indicative value. The second level aimed to separate plant alliances; the third level differentiated individual plant associations.For the final integration of the three classification levels, two approaches were implemented: (i) the F1-score and (ii) the maximum classification probability. The overall classification accuracies of both methods were found to be similar, around 0.7.Nevertheless, based on our expert knowledge we found the probabilistic approach to provide a more realistic picture and to be more practical compared to the result using the F1-score from the management point of view. In addition, the overall performance of the maximum probabilistic approach is better in the sense that the same accuracy of 0.7 was achieved with a differentiation of 33 classes instead of only 13 classes for the F1-score, meaning that the method is able to separate more spectral classes at a more detailed level providing the same accuracy. 相似文献
This article's goal is to explore the benefits of using Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) derived from LiDAR acquisitions for characterizing the horizontal structure of different facies in forested areas (primary forests vs. secondary forests) within the framework of an object-oriented classification. The area under study is the island of Mayotte in the western Indian Ocean. The LiDAR data were the data originally acquired by an airborne small-footprint discrete-return LiDAR for the “Litto3D” coastline mapping project. They were used to create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) at a spatial resolution of 1 m and a Digital Canopy Model (DCM) using median filtering. The use of two successive segmentations at different scales allowed us to adjust the segmentation parameters to the local structure of the landscape and of the cover. Working in object-oriented mode with LiDAR allowed us to discriminate six vegetation classes based on canopy height and horizontal heterogeneity. This heterogeneity was assessed using a texture index calculated from the height-transition co-occurrence matrix. Overall accuracy exceeds 90%. The resulting product is the first vegetation map of Mayotte which emphasizes the structure over the composition. 相似文献
Tree species composition of forest stand is an important indicator of forest inventory attributes for assessing ecosystem health, understanding successional processes, and digitally displaying forest biodiversity. In this study, we acquired high spatial resolution multispectral and RGB imagery over a subtropical natural forest in southwest China using a fixed-wing UAV system. Digital aerial photogrammetric (DAP) technique was used to generate multi-spectral and RGB derived point clouds, upon which individual tree crown (ITC) delineation algorithms and a machine learning classifier were used to identify dominant tree species. To do so, the structure-from-motion method was used to generate RGB imagery-based DAP point clouds. Then, three ITC delineation algorithms (i.e., point cloud segmentation (PCS), image-based multiresolution segmentation (IMRS), and advanced multiresolution segmentation (AMRS)) were used and assessed for ITC detection. Finally, tree-level metrics (i.e., multispectral, texture and point cloud metrics) were used as metrics in the random forest classifier used to classify eight dominant tree species. Results indicated that the accuracy of the AMRS ITC segmentation was highest (F1-score = 82.5 %), followed by the segmentation using PCS (F1-score = 79.6 %), the IMRS exhibited the lowest accuracy (F1-score = 78.6 %); forest types classification (coniferous and deciduous) had a higher accuracy than the classification of all eight tree species, and the combination of spectral, texture and structural metrics had the highest classification accuracy (overall accuracy = 80.20 %). In the classification of both eight tree species and two forest types, the classification accuracies were lowest when only using spectral metrics, indicated that the texture metrics and point cloud structural metrics had a positive impact on the classification (the overall accuracy and kappa accuracy increased by 1.49–4.46 % and 2.86–6.84 %, respectively). 相似文献