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Developing models for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) in naturally growing forests is critical for climate change modelling. AGB models developed using satellite imagery varies with study area, depending on the complexity of vegetation and landscape structure, which affects the upwelling radiance. We assessed the potential of SPOT-6 imagery in predicting AGB of trees planted at different time periods, using image texture combinations. Image texture variables were computed from the SPOT6 pan-sharpened image data, which is characterised by a 1.5 m spatial resolution. In addition, we incorporated the minimal variance technique to select the optimum window sizes that best captures AGB variation in our study area. The results showed that image texture was able to detect AGB for both mature and young trees, however, models detecting mature trees were more superior, with accuracies of R2 = 0.70 and 0.25 for 2009–2011 and 2011–2013 plantation phases, respectively. In addition, our results showed that the three band texture ratios yielded the highest accuracy (R2 = 0.88 and RMSE = 54.54 kg m−2) compared to two texture (R2 = 0.85 and RMSE = 60.65 kg m−2) and single texture band combinations (R2 = 0.64 and RMSE = 94.13 kg m−2). A frequency analysis was also run to determine which bands appeared more frequently in the selected texture band models. The frequency analysis revealed that both the red and green bands appeared more frequently on the selected texture band variables, indicating that they were more sensitive to the variation of AGB in our study area. The results showed high variation in AGB within the Buffelsdraai reforestation site, especially due to varying tree plantation phases as well as topography. In essence, the study demonstrated the possibility of image texture combinations computed from the SPOT-6 image in estimating AGB.  相似文献   

针对SAR与光学图像的融合问题,提出一种基于SAR图像中纹理特征的Contourlet变换融合方法。利用灰度共生矩阵法提取SAR图像的纹理特征,分析各个纹理特征间的相关性,得到重要纹理特征图。用HSV变换提取光学图像的强度分量。将重要纹理特征和强度分量利用改进的Contourlet多尺度变换融合,得到新的强度分量。通过HSV逆变换得到SAR与光学的融合图像。利用Landsat8和Cosmo-SkyMed图像进行融合实验,并与小波、HSV、Brovey、Contourlet变换融合方法对比分析,实验表明该方法能够较好的保持光学图像的光谱特征和SAR图像的纹理、强散射特征,增加图像细节信息,提高图像可解译性。  相似文献   

WorldView-2纹理的森林地上生物量反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用高空间分辨率卫星WorldView-2的多光谱遥感影像,构建植被指数和纹理因子等遥感因子与森林地上生物量的关系方程,并计算模型估测精度和均方根误差,探索高分辨率数据的光谱与纹理信息在温带森林地上生物量估测应用中的潜力。以黑龙江省凉水自然保护区温带天然林及天然次生林为研究对象,通过灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)、灰度差分向量(GLDV)及和差直方图(SADH)对高分辨率遥感影像进行纹理信息提取,并利用外业调查的74个样地地上生物量与遥感因子建立参数估计模型。提取的遥感因子包括6种植被指数(比值植被指数RVI、差值植被指数DVI、规一化植被指数NDVI、增强植被指数EVI、土壤调节植被指数SAVI和修正的土壤调节植被指数MSAVI)以及3类纹理因子(GLCM、GLDV和SADH)。为避免特征变量个数较多对估测模型造成过拟合,利用随机森林算法对提取的遥感因子进行特征选择,将最优的特征变量输入模型参与建模估测。采用支持向量回归(SVR)进行生物量建模及验证,结果显示选入模型的和差直方图均值(sadh_mean)、灰度共生矩阵方差(glcm_var)和差值植被指数(DVI)等遥感因子对森林地上生物量有较好的解释效果;植被指数+纹理因子组合的模型获得较精确的AGB估算结果(R2=0.85,RMSE=42.30 t/ha),单独使用植被指数的模型精度则较低(R~2=0.69,RMSE=61.13 t/ha)。  相似文献   

森林生物量是地表碳循环研究的重要组成部分,对其进行准确估测对区域乃至全球的森林状况和气候环境问题有重要意义.合成孔径雷达(SAR)以其独特的成像机制、全天候全天时的成像特点以及对森林冠层的穿透能力,在森林资源调查和森林制图研究领域发挥着巨大的作用.该文首先总结了林业上传统的森林生物量估测方法和基于光学遥感和激光雷达(LiDAR)数据的森林生物量估测方法;然后重点阐述了利用SAR后向散射(不同极化方式)、干涉相干性及极化干涉等信息进行森林生物量反演的方法;最后总结了利用SAR数据进行森林生物量估测的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency (ESA) is currently implementing the BIOMASS mission as 7th Earth Explorer satellite. BIOMASS will provide for the first time global forest aboveground biomass estimates based on P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. This paper addresses an often overlooked element of the data processing chain required to ensure reliable and accurate forest biomass estimates: accurate identification of forest areas ahead of the inversion of radar data into forest biomass estimates.The use of the P-band data from BIOMASS itself for the classification into forest and non-forest land cover types is assessed in this paper. For airborne data in tropical, hemi-boreal and boreal forests we demonstrate that classification accuracies from 90 up to 97% can be achieved using radar backscatter and phase information. However, spaceborne data will have a lower resolution and higher noise level compared to airborne data and a higher probability of mixed pixels containing multiple land cover types. Therefore, airborne data was reduced to 50 m, 100 m and 200 m resolution. The analysis revealed that about 50–60% of the area within the resolution level must be covered by forest to classify a pixel with higher probability as forest compared to non-forest. This results in forest omission and commission leading to similar forest area estimation over all resolutions. However, the forest omission resulted in a biased underestimated biomass, which was not equaled by the forest commission. The results underline the necessity of a highly accurate pre-classification of SAR data for an accurate unbiased aboveground biomass estimation.  相似文献   

The Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) is a key parameter used for the modeling of the carbon cycle. The aim of this study is to make an experimental assessment of the sensitivity of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reflected signals to forest AGB. This is based on the analysis of the data recorded during several GLORI airborne campaigns in June and July 2015, over the Landes Forest (France). Ground truth measurements of tree height, density and diameter at breast height (DBH), as well as AGB, were carried out for 100 maritime pine forest plots of various ages. The GNSS-R data were used to obtain the right-left (ΓRL) and right-right (ΓRR) reflectivity observables, which are geo-referenced in accordance with the known positions of relevant GPS satellites and the airborne receiver. The correlations between forest AGB and the GNSS-R observables yield the highest sensitivity at high elevation angles (70°-90°). In this case, for (ΓRL) and the reflectivity polarization ratio (PR = ΓRLRR) estimated with a coherent integration time Tc = 20 ms, the coefficients of determination R2 are equal to 0.67 and 0.51, with a sensitivity of −0.051 dB/[106g (Mg) ha−1], and −0.053 dB/[Mg ha−1], respectively. The relationships between AGB and the observables are confirmed through the use of a 5-fold cross validation approach, with several different coherent integration times.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating the spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is important because of its carbon budget forms part of the global carbon cycle. This paper presented three methods for obtaining forest AGB based on a forest growth model, a Multiple-Forward-Mode (MFM) method and a stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) model. A Li-Strahler geometric-optical canopy reflectance model (GOMS) with the ZELIG forest growth model was run using HJ1B imagery to derive forest AGB. GOMS-ZELIG simulated data were used to train the SGB model and AGB estimation. The GOMS-ZELIG AGB estimation was evaluated for 24 field-measured data and compared against the GOMS-SGB model and GOMS-MFM biomass predictions from multispectral HJ1B data. The results show that the estimation accuracy of the GOMS-MFM model is slightly higher than that of the GOMS-SGB model. The GOMS-ZELIG and GOMS-MFM models are considerably more accurate at estimating forest AGB in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

韩斌  吴一全 《测绘学报》2020,49(6):777-786
针对现有主动轮廓模型无法精确提取SAR图像中河流的难题,提出了一种结合L1范数和拉普拉斯能量的主动轮廓模型。首先,将Chan-Vese(CV)模型中L2范数形式的外部能量约束项替换为L1范数形式的外部能量约束项,得到新的能量泛函;其次,提出了一种基于拉普拉斯核函数的外部能量约束项,并将其添加到上述能量泛函中,同时赋予两种外部能量约束项不同的调节系数;最后,引入曲线内外区域像素灰度绝对中位差的均值替代模型中的常数曲线内外能量权值,以得到完整的提出模型。针对实际SAR图像进行河流提取,结果表明:与现有主动轮廓模型相比,本文提出的模型在河流提取准确性和提取效率两方面具有明显优势。  相似文献   

SAR stereo image analysis for 3D information extraction is mostly carried out based on imagery taken under same-side or opposite-side viewing conditions. For urban scenes in practice stereo is up to now usually restricted to the first configuration, because increasing image dissimilarity connected with rising illumination direction differences leads to a lack of suitable features for matching, especially in the case of low or medium resolution data. However, due to two developments SAR stereo from arbitrary viewing conditions becomes an interesting option for urban information extraction. The first one is the availability of airborne sensor systems, which are capable of more flexible data acquisition in comparison to satellite sensors. This flexibility enables multi-aspect analysis of objects in built-up areas for various kinds of purpose, such as building recognition, road network extraction, or traffic monitoring. The second development is the significant improvement of the geometric resolution providing a high level of detail especially of roof features, which can be observed from a wide span of viewpoints. In this paper, high-resolution SAR images of an urban scene are analyzed in order to infer buildings and their height from the different layover effects in views taken from orthogonal aspect angles. High level object matching is proposed that relies on symbolic data, representing suitable features of urban objects. Here, a knowledge-based approach is applied, which is realized by a production system that codes a set of suitable principles of perceptual grouping in its production rules. The images are analyzed separately for the presence of certain object groups and their characteristics frequently appearing on buildings, such as salient rows of point targets, rectangular structures or symmetries. The stereo analysis is then accomplished by means of productions that combine and match these 2D image objects and infer their height by 3D clustering. The approach is tested using real SAR data of an urban scene.  相似文献   

This is a review of the latest developments in different fields of remote sensing for forest biomass mapping. The main fields of research within the last decade have focused on the use of small footprint airborne laser scanning systems, polarimetric synthetic radar interferometry and hyperspectral data. Parallel developments in the field of digital airborne camera systems, digital photogrammetry and very high resolution multispectral data have taken place and have also proven themselves suitable for forest mapping issues. Forest mapping is a wide field and a variety of forest parameters can be mapped or modelled based on remote sensing information alone or combined with field data. The most common information required about a forest is related to its wood production and environmental aspects. In this paper, we will focus on the potential of advanced remote sensing techniques to assess forest biomass. This information is especially required by the REDD (reducing of emission from avoided deforestation and degradation) process. For this reason, new types of remote sensing data such as fullwave laser scanning data, polarimetric radar interferometry (polarimetric systhetic aperture interferometry, PolInSAR) and hyperspectral data are the focus of the research. In recent times, a few state-of-the-art articles in the field of airborne laser scanning for forest applications have been published. The current paper will provide a state-of-the-art review of remote sensing with a particular focus on biomass estimation, including new findings with fullwave airborne laser scanning, hyperspectral and polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry. A synthesis of the actual findings and an outline of future developments will be presented.  相似文献   

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