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南海及台湾海峡台风浪的数值计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖康明  陆风山 《台湾海峡》1997,16(3):311-318
本文应用LAGFOFIO的建立第三代海浪模式,采用波数能谱直接模拟海浪谱的方法,进行南海及台湾海峡台风浪的后报和分析计算结果与实测值拟合较好,表明FIO-SOA方法适用于该海区台风浪的数值计算。  相似文献   

This article discusses briefly the major features of topography, geology, and crustal stability of the possible Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project (TST Project) area. Any one route of the conceived TST Project is larger than either of the English Channel Tunnel or the Seikan submarine Tunnel (Japan) by at least three times in length, and the topographic and geologic conditions are rather more complex and complicated than those of the former two projects. Moreover, the Taiwan Strait is a seismic risk area. Hence, the selection of the route of the submarine tunnel should take advantage of the favorable conditions in the topographic, geologic, seismologic, and other fields to avoid the unfavorable circumstances. At the end of the article, two supposed by comparable routes, especially the south one of TST Project are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses briefly the major features of topography, geology, and crustal stability of the possible Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project (TST Project) area. Any one route of the conceived TST Project is larger than either of the English Channel Tunnel or the Seikan submarine Tunnel (Japan) by at least three times in length, and the topographic and geologic conditions are rather more complex and complicated than those of the former two projects. Moreover, the Taiwan Strait is a seismic risk area. Hence, the selection of the route of the submarine tunnel should take advantage of the favorable conditions in the topographic, geologic, seismologic, and other fields to avoid the unfavorable circumstances. At the end of the article, two supposed by comparable routes, especially the south one of TST Project are discussed.  相似文献   

According to historical mean ocean current data through the field observations of the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute during 1991–2005 and survey data of nutrients on the continental shelf of the East China Sea(ECS) in the summer of 2006, nutrient fluxes from the Taiwan Strait and Kuroshio subsurface waters are estimated using a grid interpolation method, which both are the sources of the Taiwan Warm Current. The nutrient fluxes of the two water masses are also compared. The results show that phosphate(PO4-P), silicate(SiO3-Si) and nitrate(NO3-N) fluxes to the ECS continental shelf from the Kuroshio upwelling water are slightly higher than those from the Taiwan Strait water in the summer of 2006. In contrast, owing to its lower velocity, the nutrient flux density(i.e., nutrient fluxes divided by the area of the specific section) of the Kuroshio subsurface water is lower than that of the Taiwan Strait water. In addition, the Taiwan Warm Current deep water, which is mainly constituted by the Kuroshio subsurface water, might directly reach the areas of high-frequency harmful alga blooms in the ECS.  相似文献   

The tides in the South China Sea were simulated using an established tidal model, with the purpose to evaluate if non-assimilated modeling of the area is feasible. Simulations were done for the locally dominating diurnal (K1) and semi-diurnal (M2) tidal constituents, and the model was shown to provide reasonably accurate results in terms of both elevations and levels of dissipation. However, this was only the case when a realistic tidal conversion parameterization was included in the model, and it is suggested that tidal conversion is a missing process in other model efforts of the area. Compared to observations, the modeled dissipation levels were slightly overestimated when integrated over the entire domain, and far larger in the model at topography with a slope which is supercritical for the baroclinic tidal waves. A crude, empirical correction of the tidal conversion rates at supercritical topography is suggested and implemented in the model and shown to improve the model results in terms of both elevations and dissipation rates. It is concluded that the presented model set up is suitable for investigations of how perturbations, e.g., future sea-level rise, will affect the tidal dynamics in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn the late summer Of 1994 (from the end of August to the beginning of September), R/VsOcean Research l, Yanping 2, Ocean Research 3 and XiangWnghong 14 conducted a quasi-simultaneous comprehensive investigation in the southern Taiwan Strait (STS), the northeasternSouth China Sea (SCS) and their adjacent areas, and got CTD data from more than 330 stations.Based on sectional salinity distribution of 10 selected sections, this paper analyses the sectionaldistribution of…  相似文献   

A fine-resolution MOM code is used to study the South China Sea basin-scale circulationand its relation to the mass transport through the Luzon Strait. The model domain includes the South China Sea, part of the East China Sea, and part of the Philippine Sea so that the currents in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait are free to evolve. In addition, all channels between the South China Sea and the Indonesian seas are closed so that the focus is on the Luzon Strait transport. The model is driven by specified Philippine Sea currents and by surface heat and salt flux conditions. For simplicity, no wind-stress is applied at the surface.The simulated Luzon Strait transport and the South China Sea circulation feature a sandwich vertical structure from the surface to the bottom. The Philippine Sea water is simulated to enter the South China Sea at the surface and in the deep ocean and is carried to the southern basin by western boundary currents. At the intermediate depth, the net Luzon Strait transport is out of t  相似文献   

台湾海峡南部及附近海域夏季的陆架-陆坡锋   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
洪鹰  李立 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):159-167
根据1994年8-9月在南海东北部开展的环流调查合作研究的现场数据,发现并初步讨论了台湾海峡南部及附近海域夏季所存在的陆架-陆坡锋的情况,着重指出夏季的坡折锋的结构较冬季更为复杂,其强度和范围也有所增加。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡及南海北部海域的水团分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1992年3月和1994年9月台湾海峡两岸科学家对南海北部两次协同调查的CTD资料以及由此计算的重力势资料,对吕宋海峡及南海北部400m以上海水的温盐性质进行分析。结果发现,调查海区基本可划分为两种水团,即黑潮水和南海水。黑潮水主要从吕宋海峡中部和北部进入南海,侵入的黑潮水向西北方向扩展,受到台湾海峡海底地形的阻挡而大部分集中于台湾西南海域,向西的范围基本不超过119°E。虽然两次观测所处的季节不同(分别为春初和夏末),但黑潮入侵南海的差异并不明显。另外,在二次调查的部分层次上,南海北部陆坡边缘都发现有一团水平尺度约百公里的黑潮性质水。配合重力势的水平分布形式,可以用地转流场的结构解释水团分析的结果。  相似文献   

Surface maps of nitrate, phosphate and silicate of the East China Sea (ECS) have been constructed and are described. Reports on exchanges of material between the ECS and the South China Sea (SCS) through the Taiwan Strait are reviewed. Recent advances seem to have reversed the earlier view that the SCS exports nutrients to the ECS through the Taiwan Strait. This is because the northward flow of seawater in the summer carries little nutrient. On the other hand, the waters flowing southward along the coast of China in winter carry orders of magnitude higher nutrient concentrations. The outflow of subsurface waters from the SCS, however, is the major source of new nutrients to the ECS continental shelves because these subsurface waters flow out of the Luzon Strait, join the northwardly flowing Kuroshio and enter the Okinawa trough. Around 10% of the nutrients exported from the SCS through the Luzon Strait upwell onto the ECS shelf. These inputs are larger than the aggregate of all the rivers that empty into the ECS, contributing 49% of the externally sourced nitrogen, 71% of the phosphorous, and 54% of the silica for the ECS.  相似文献   

作者运用简化的η坐标 POM模式数值研究了地形对东海黑潮锋面弯曲的产生与成长的影响。平底时 ,小扰动迅速发展导致锋面出现大弯曲。考虑到地形因素和黑潮流核远离陆架的情况 ,因其锋区正处在陡的陆坡之上 ,斜压不稳定被减小 ,其锋面不会出现如观测所示的弯曲。结果表明 ,在该实验条件下 ,地形对锋面起到稳定作用  相似文献   

除印度尼西亚贯穿流之外,南海贯穿流也是太平洋向印度洋输送海水的重要分支。尽管基于数值模拟等方法的研究早已指出,南海分支在太平洋-印度洋洋际交换中有重要作用,但是直到2007年之前,南海分支在卡里马塔海峡处的观测几乎是空白。本文回顾了自2007年起,通过中印尼合作项目"南海-印度尼西亚海水交换及对鱼类季节性洄游的影响(SITE)"在卡里马塔海峡开展的近十年观测,以及在此基础上进一步开展的"印度尼西亚贯穿流海域水交换、内波和混合观测及其生态效应(TIMIT)"观测项目,并对SITE和TIMIT观测取得的成果进行了总结。  相似文献   

Five oceanographic surveys were carried out in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea from 1999 to 2003. In all, seven different sections were surveyed, but one section (the PN section) was observed on every cruise. Two time-series stations were also surveyed, one located at the Changjiang River mouth, the other over the continental shelf in the PN section.We identified biogeochemical characteristics for waters close to the Changjiang Estuary and in the Kuroshio waters (KW), respectively. Resuspension is a strong feature near bottom over the ECS continental shelf, with suspended matter values 13 times higher than that for the surface. A model of particulate organic carbon (POC) dynamics based on a rectangle equation reveals that POC concentration close to the Changjiang Estuary varies with a semidiurnal period of ∼13 h, coinciding with the tidal period. The upper limit for POC residence times in the seasons we covered over the shelf are estimated to be on the order of weeks and generally increase seaward from near the Changjiang Estuary to the KW. Short POC residence times suggest that POC in the ECS is rapidly exported from euphotic waters.A nepheloid layer, observed as elevated suspended matter in near the bottom of the water column, is important in particle transfer over the shelf, especially in winter when the residual current flows mainly eastward. Cross-shelf transport of POC via the nepheloid layer is estimated to be 0.22 × 1012 g yr−1. Comparison with other work indicates that POC transport is ∼2% of the Changjiang POC input.  相似文献   

2009—2011年东海陆架海域网采浮游植物群落的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘海娇  傅文诚  孙军 《海洋学报》2015,37(10):106-122
根据2009年7、8月(夏季)、12月到翌年1月(冬季)、2010年11月(秋季)和2011年4、5月(春季)共4个航次在东海陆架区进行的现场多学科综合调查,报道了4个季节在整个东海海域的浮游植物的空间分布及群落结构特征,并探讨了影响其分布格局的环境因子效应。结果表明,东海浮游植物群落主要由硅藻、甲藻组成。共检出浮游植物5门88属299种(含未定种)。调查区夏季细胞丰度达最高,平均为(8 659.572±28 937.27)cell/L,其次是秋、冬季,春季最低,分别为(4 413.726±12 534.573)cell/L、(421.773±647.532)cell/L和(218.479±265.897)cell/L。硅藻细胞丰度在夏、秋、冬3个季节占总平均丰度的95%以上,甲藻细胞丰度在春季最高,占总浮游植物细胞丰度的69%。调查海区浮游植物丰度高值区主要集中在长江口海域,并向外海呈递减趋势。不同群落间存在季节更替和演替现象。物种丰富度自春夏秋冬逐渐升高。香农指数(Shannon-Wiener index)和均匀度指数(Pielou index)分布较为一致,物种丰富度指数(Margalef index)呈现时空分布差异。Pearson相关分析结果表明:不同季节的物种间更迭与海区特定的物理化学参数显著相关。  相似文献   

The phase of the sea surface height annual variation in the East China Sea along China’s continental coast is delayed from that in the open ocean area, most probably because of seasonal strong monsoon winds. To elucidate this mechanism, we conducted an idealized model experiment using a rectangular shallow ocean with a sloped seafloor forced by southward blowing winds. We obtain a locally confined high SSH near the western boundary found in the East China Sea. The delay of the phase of the sea surface height (SSH) along the China coast can be interpreted as follows. The SSH of the East China Sea is high over large areas in September and low in March due to the expansion/contraction of seawater, which is attributable to the sea surface heat flux. However, near the continental boundary SSH becomes high in January and low in July under the influence of a monsoon winds. The phase delay along the continental boundary should appear by superposing these two time series with a phase difference near the boundary.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of summer precipitation over the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS) are investigated based on tropical rainfall measurement mission (TRMM). The primary results are as follows. First, both the convective and stratiform precipitation rates in the SCS are much higher than those of the ECS. The contribution of the convective cloud precipitation to the surface precipitation is primarily over the SCS and the ECS with a proportion of about 70%, but the contribution of convective cloud precipitation is slightly larger in the SCS than the ECS. The contribution of stratus precipitation is slightly larger in the ECS than that in the SCS. Second, the content of cloud particles and precipitation particles in the ECS in June was greater than that in the SCS, while in July and August, the content of cloud and precipitation particles in the ECS was less than that in the SCS. Third, the latent heat profile of the ECS is quite different from that of the SCS. In June, the peak values of evaporation and condensation latent heating rates in the ECS are greater than those in the SCS. In July and August, however, the peak values of evaporation and condensation latent heating rates in the ECS are about 0.05°/h less than those in the SCS.  相似文献   

Employing harmonic analysis of tidal data in the Taiwan Strait, the cross-strait tidal characteristics are completely illustrated. Based on the two dimensional mild-slope equation which can be reduced to the shallow-water wave equation, a finite element model (Tsay et al., 1989) is applied to investigate the characteristics of tides in the Taiwan Strait. The co-range and equi-phase charts of major tidal constituents, such as M2, S2, N2, and K1, are reproduced. Anomalous amplification of semidiurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait is verified. With rotation effects neglected and by applying a non-reflective condition on the open boundaries, the numerical results of phase-lag and co-range distributions show very good agreement with observed data for semidiurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait. Due to crude representation of the topography at two ends along the China coast, computed tidal distributions deviate from the observations. However, both computed amplitudes and phase-lags compare very well with observed data along the central half of the China coast.  相似文献   

在利用1950—2009年NCEP(National Center for Environmental Prediction)资料分析风场数据的基础上,计算吕宋海峡的Ekman输运,研究表明其存在显著的季节变化,除了夏季外,其它季节均为由太平洋向南海输运。分析吕宋海峡Ekman输运和南海海盆表征上层热力状况的海表面温度SST(Sea Surface Temperature)之间的关系发现:在年内时间尺度上,两者不存在显著的同期相关,Ekman输运对SST的影响开始于一个月之后,从北部向南扩展,第二个月最为明显,并扩展至整个海盆,第三个月开始衰减,第四个月影响消失,且相关性为正;在年际尺度上,吕宋海峡Ek-man输运的异常同南海SSTA(Sea Surface Temperature Abnormal)的第二模态存在显著的相关联系,并且吕宋海峡Ekman输运和南海SSTA的相关关系在北部为正,南部为负。吕宋海峡Ekman输运调制南海大尺度环流,通过暖、冷平流的作用影响南海SST的变化。  相似文献   

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