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利用1997年国土资源部青岛海洋地质研究所和韩国资源研究所合作在南黄海东南侧泥质沉积区所取得的两个全取芯钻孔(SYDP102,SYDP103)资料,对SYDP103孔黏土矿物进行了专门研究.结果表明,该孔黏土矿物组合特征为伊利石-绿泥石-高岭石-蒙脱石型,其物质来源于长江、周边陆源区及相邻海域细粒物质的再改造沉积.沉积区的涡旋作用是本研究区黏土矿物沉积的动力因素.该孔黏土矿物的分布特征和含量变化,与冰消期以来的孢粉组合有明显的对应关系,反映了气候特征决定了黏土矿物的形成组合特征,并与全新世全球性四个气候期(北方期、大西洋期、亚北方期、亚大西洋期)相吻合.  相似文献   

为揭示晚更新世以来西太平洋暖池黏土矿物输入变化的控制因素,对采自西菲律宾海本哈姆隆起上的Ph05-5孔沉积物中的黏土矿物组成、来源和堆积速率进行了分析。结果表明,220 ka以来,该孔沉积物中的黏土矿物主要以伊利石(13%)和蒙皂石(8%)为主,其次为绿泥石(6%)和高岭石(2%)。伊利石和绿泥石主要来源于亚洲大陆,蒙皂石主要源于菲律宾海周围岛屿的火山物质在海底遭受海水侵蚀后形成的自生Fe-蒙皂石和西菲律宾海周围岛屿上的物质风化后形成的他生Al-蒙皂石。220 ka以来,伊利石和绿泥石的堆积速率表现出明显的冰期高-间冰期低的旋回变化,与该孔总的风尘堆积速率、亚洲风尘和北太平洋风尘堆积速率一致。冰期/间冰期太阳辐射降低/增强、亚洲内陆干旱程度加强/减弱,是导致伊利石等源于亚洲内陆的黏土矿物向菲律宾海输入增加/减少的主控因素。Ph05-5孔蒙皂石的堆积速率同样表现出明显的冰期高-间冰期低的特征,与该孔总的火山物质堆积速率一致。蒙皂石在轨道尺度的变化,主要受到海平面变化和热带类ENSO过程影响的降雨过程控制。冰期低海平面,菲律宾岛和海水的混合作用加强,使得蒙皂石的输入增加。此外,冰期在热带太平洋类拉尼娜较强,降雨量增加,导致向菲律宾海输入的火山物质(蒙皂石)增加,间冰期则相反,由于类厄尔尼诺增强,菲律宾岛区域干旱,火山物质(蒙皂石)向菲律宾海的输入减少。  相似文献   

Variations in clay mineral composition of sediment cores from the margin and continental slope of the Sunda Shelf (southern South China Sea, SE Asia) covering the past 17,000 yr reflect changing influences of sediment sources together with clay mineral partitioning processes in shallow waters. We identify the deglacial sea level rise as the principal factor driving these changes. During the late glacial, high values of kaolinite are interpreted to reflect a higher contribution of clays from soils that have formed on the exposed Sunda Shelf and in the southern archipelagos of Indonesia. At this time core sites were located in close proximity to the mouths of the Sunda Shelf palaeo-drainage systems on the emerged shelf (“Sundaland”). The progressive landward displacement of the coastline and breakdown of these vast drainage systems during deglaciation led to a decrease in influence of the kaolinite-rich southern sources. When the coastline had retreated closely to its present-day position in mid-Holocene times, the former dominance of southern sources was replaced by a stronger influence of illite-rich sources (e.g. Borneo). The overriding control of sea level changes on the clay mineral distribution patterns precludes a definite climatic interpretation of clay mineral data in terms of climatic/monsoonal changes in such highly dynamic sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

一次黄海海雾的集合预报试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其杂合三维变分(Hybird-3DVAR)同化模块,对2006年3月发生的一次大范围黄海海雾进行了集合预报尝试。详细分析了其预报效果,并与决定性预报结果作了比较。研究揭示:集合预报50%概率雾区预报的公正预兆得分(Equitable threat score,ETS)优于决定性预报大约29%;集合预报中加入海温扰动非常必要,对浓雾预报改善作用明显,ETS提高至少10%;在集合预报中混用YSU与MYNN边界层方案的做法,可以降低只使用其中之一可能导致的预报误差。研究表明,借助Hybrid-3DVAR开展黄海海雾的集合预报技术上可行,集合预报将成为黄海海雾数值预报的一种有希望的途径。  相似文献   

大洋铁锰结壳是潜在的重要海洋资源,多年来世界各国对此已作了大量调查.传统意义上的铁锰结壳均分布于3000m水深以浅的海山基岩上.中国科学院海洋研究所在对东菲律宾海的地质调查中采集到大量褐黑色深水铁锰结壳.在300多个站位的取样中,在44个站位采集到结壳样品,可见结壳在研究区的分布较为广泛.该结壳发育于4000~5000m水深的致密至半固结沉积物的表层,厚度一般为2~3cm,最厚可达7cm.结壳为板(层)状.  相似文献   

沉积物碎屑矿物组分既受物源控制,又受水动力影响,单矿物分选应首先选取适当的粒级,细砂粒级经常采用,但不是固定在这一粒级; 控制重液密度是重液分选的关键环节,不同目标矿物,可通过调配不同的比重液进行分离分选,并可使用离心重液法提高分选效能; 磁选是分选不同磁性特征矿物的简单便捷方法,钕铁硼强磁铁的使用,可部分代替电磁分选仪的功能,对样品量少、矿物种类多、磁性变化大地矿物组合可起到重要的分组作用; 化学分选采用不同浓度的各种溶剂在不同条件下处理试样,有选择性地溶掉妨碍矿物,留下目标矿物; 手工分选单矿物重点在于剔除其他方法难以分离的杂质,保障样品的纯度和代表性; 角闪石和石英分选流程,代表着单矿物分选的基本技术路线,不同方法合理的前后衔接,使单矿物分选高效、快捷、准确,但还有一些矿物分选难题尚未解决,需要深入研究和实践。  相似文献   

黄海海区的叶绿素α和初级生产力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文是对70年代末以来我国在黄海西部海区进行的叶绿素a及初级生产力调查和研究的综述。内容包括叶绿素a水平分布,垂直分布。粒径大小分级,初级生产力的季节变化,山东近岸初级生产力,浮游植物量子产值及光利用效率,初级生产力模式及利用遥感法估算叶绿素a等。结果显示,黄海初级生产力有明显季节变化,春季最高,冬季最低;高生产力区位于长江口外海及黄海北部;大部份海区年平均值在200~500mg·m~(-2)。d~(-1)(以碳计)之间,平均值在425mg·m~(-2)·d~(-1)左右。  相似文献   

Anisotropic detrital mineral grains were segregated microscopically from the suspended matter in surface waters of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Microscopic grain-size measurements of the anisotropic minerals were carried out for more than 80 slide specimens which are distributed homogeneously in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The distribution maps of mean grain size and sorting coefficients indicate that the mean size becomes coarser as one goes offshore, and the sorting coefficients are larger in the southern portion and smaller in the northern portion of this region. The clay-sized minerals in the suspended sediments carried out by the deltaic rivers of the continent were deposited in the nearshore area while coarser silt-sized minerals were suspended in offshore waters. The larger sorting coefficients (standard deviations) in the southern portion may imply that the silt-sized grains of offshore waters contain coarser sand-sized grains. The sand-sized grains may be supplied from offshore Taiwan and the Bashi Channel and transported by the main flow of the Kuroshio current.  相似文献   

Suspended matter regime in the Yellow Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Winter and summer oceanographic conditions in the Yellow Sea produce distinctly different distributions and compositions of suspended particles within the water column. During the winter, strong northwest winds cool and mix the local water column and generate surface waves which resuspend bottom sediment in the north Yellow Sea and in the shoal regions of the western Yellow Sea near Jiangsu Province, and transport it southwards. Wintertime suspended particle concentrations in nearbottom waters can exceed 500 mg/l in nearshore areas and 20 mg/l in offshore waters.During the summer, light southerly winds and a strongly stratified water column localize the distribution of resuspended sediments. Nearbottom concentrations of suspended particulates are generally less than 10 mg/l. Nearsurface concentrations generally are not dissimilar from those seen during the winter, but the particles are primarily biogenic rather than resuspended mineral grains.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight survey cruises in different seasons have been conducted in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) during the period from 2000 to 2008. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and hydrological data were collected during each cruise. Data analysis showed that total suspended sediment mass was approximately 0.18 × 109 tons in the surveyed area during spring and autumn seasons. Highly turbid waters were found in the shallow waters between the Subei coast, the Changjiang estuary and the Zhejiang coast with seasonal variations.  相似文献   

对2005年6月2日至3日出现在黄海海域的大气波导的产生、维持、消亡进行了分析,认为此次大气波导的产生主要是由于海表水温低于气温,且近地面层受低压前部及南部的影响,湿度大,高空受低压槽后部的影响空气干燥,导致湿度突降层出现而产生了大气波导,此后由于低空没有明显的天气形势影响,低空湿度依然很大,高空仍由低压槽后部控制,使大气波导得以维持,当高空受低压槽槽线控制时大气波导逐渐消亡。  相似文献   

A unique Yellow River-derived distal subaqueous delta in the Yellow Sea   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Z.S. Yang  J.P. Liu   《Marine Geology》2007,240(1-4):169-176
Newly acquired high-resolution Chirp sonar profiles reveal a unique Yellow River-derived, alongshore distributed, bidirectional (landward and seaward) across-shelf transported, omega-shaped (“Ω”) distal subaqueous deltaic lobe deposited around the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula in the Yellow Sea. This clinoform deposit directly overlies the postglacial transgressive surface, featured by convex-up seafloor morphology, up to 40 m thick locally. Radiocarbon-14 dates from the underlain pre-Holocene and transgressive sediments indicate this distal lobe has formed since the middle-Holocene highstand under a relatively stable sea level. This along-shelf distributed distal clinoform has been deposited mainly by the resuspended Yellow River sediments carried down by the coastal current, interacting with the local waves, tides and upwelling. Collectively, over the past 7000 years, nearly 30% of the Yellow River-derived sediment has been re-suspended and transported out of the Bohai Sea into the Yellow Sea. Overall, the Yellow River-derived sediment could reach the − 80 m water depth in the central South Yellow Sea, about 700 km from the river mouth; in contrast, a very small fraction of the modern riverine sediment could escape the outer shelf or reach the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

黄、渤海是我国重要的海洋经济渔业开发区域,海水中痕量金属的含量及其存在形态会对海洋环境、海洋渔业产生重要影响。随着近年我国痕量金属采集与分析测试技术的发展,数据的准确性有了新的提升。2016-06—07采集黄、渤海40个站位的海水样品,测定其溶解态金属Cd的总浓度,并应用电化学方法(阳极溶出伏安法)分析Cd存在形态。结果表明,渤海海水中的总溶解态Cd浓度是南黄海海水中的2~3倍,这可能与渤海海水停留时间较长,水深较浅,周边较多河流输入有关。20%~92%以上的溶解态Cd是以有机络合物形态存在,以自由离子态存在的Cd浓度不超过100 pmol/L,低于Cd对浮游生物的毒性阈值。渤海比黄海的金属配体浓度高出2倍以上,高值出现在黄河口周围海域,表明黄河水携带较多有机配体输入。推测我国近海有机配体来源可能包括陆源输入、沉积物再悬浮的解析过程以及藻类分泌。研究还表明,黄、渤海海水中溶解态Cd的有机配体络合常数较其他海域的稍高,这与我国近海废、污水排放的有机络合配体类型有关。  相似文献   

Winter appearance of a northeastward warm current off the southern coast of China against gale force winds is well documented but lacks a plausible explanation. Relaxation of northeasterly winds is envisaged here as a possible cause of the South China Sea Warm Current in winter. A three-dimensional circulation model for the South China Sea is first driven to equilibrium by climatological forcings. Thereafter, wind forcing is relaxed from the 15th day of each month for 9 days. In winterlike months from December to April, the wind relaxation invariably triggers a northeastward current of which the location and alongshore span are comparable to that of the observed warm current. This current is driven by the pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the South China Sea, sea level being high to the southwest and low to the northeast. The sea level gradient is built up by the monsoon-driven southwestward coastal current along the northwestern boundary and, after wind relaxes, triggers a return current and a sea level drop that expand southwestward from the southern coast of China to the east coast of Vietnam. The current is initially barotropic, becoming increasingly baroclinic in time as warm waters from the south are advected northeastward. The model also suggests that the sea level gradient is present in most of the months of the year, but is not as dramatic as in winter to trigger fundamental changes in the circulation of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was carried out on living coccolithophores(LCs) distribution in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea from October 17 to November 24, 2011. A total of 223 samples from different depths were collected at 48 stations. Totally 18 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification. The maximum species abundance was found at the outside of Transect P. The dominated species were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi, Helicosphaera carteri, and Algirosphaera robusta. The abundance of coccoliths and cells ranged 0–2 965.73 coccoliths/mL, and 0–119.16 cells/mL, with the average values of 471.00 coccoliths/mL and 23.42 cells/mL, respectively. The LCs in surface layer were mainly observed on the coastal belt and middle part of the survey area. The comparison among Transects A, F, P and E indicated lower species diversity and less abundance in the Yellow Sea than those of the East China Sea. The highest abundance of LCs was found in transect F and P. The coccolith abundance increased slightly from surface to bottom in the water column, but the highest value of the cell abundance was observed in the depth of 10–30 m. Temperature, depth and nutrient concentration were suggested as the major environmental factors controlling the distribution and species composition of LCs in the studying area based on canonical correspondence analysis(CCA).  相似文献   

首先依据拉格朗日环流理论与黄、东海的环流物理和几何特征建立一个黄、东海环流的动力学统一模型 ,并按其无因次方程的量阶分析获得其零阶和一阶模型方程。最后依此模型方程的数学、物理特征确立了流速分解方案 ,从而形成完整的黄、东海拉格朗日环流数值模型。该课题组已完成较系统地对黄、东海环流的数值研究。该篇论文为系列报道之首篇。  相似文献   

根据 1998年 5月的调查资料 ,分析并讨论了春季黄海南部海区溶解无机氮的分布特征。结果表明 :( 1)因受长江冲淡水及沿岸流的影响 ,NH+4 - N、NO-2 - N浓度的平面分布基本呈周边高、中央低 ,NO-3 - N的浓度则基本呈长江口外海域高、中北部深水区低的分布规律。 ( 2 )调查海域深水区的溶解无机氮存在明显的层化现象 ,且底层等值线上凸密集。 10 m以浅水体 ,NO-3 - N的浓度分布均匀 ,10 m以深水体 ,NO-3 - N的浓度急剧增加 ,且呈现出随深度增加而增加的趋势 ,NH+4 - N、NO-2 - N浓度的垂直分布比较均匀。 ( 3)黄海南部表层叶绿素 a的浓度呈现周边高、中央低的分布特征。  相似文献   

Erosional shelf ridges in the mid-eastern Yellow Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the mid-eastern Yellow Sea, closely spaced high-resolution seismic profiles and a 44-m-long sediment core (YSDP-104) were analyzed to reveal the internal structures and stratigraphy of the shelf ridges currently shaped by tidal currents. Three depositional sequences (sequences I, II and III in descending order) can be recognized. Sequence III, the substratum of the ridges, consists of coarse-grained sediments in the lower part (non-marine deposits) and tide-influenced muddy sediments in the upper part (probable transgressive to highstand systems tract). Sequence II represents internal ridge sediments, similar in character to sequence III, but is demarcated by an undulatory ridge topography. According to radiocarbon dating of marine muds, these sequences range in age from 47,000 to 28,000 years B.P., representing two cycles of short-term sea-level fluctuations during oxygen isotope stage 3. Sequence I consists mostly of late-Holocene transgressive sand veneer on the ridge surface. It also includes minor amounts of early-Holocene muddy sediments occasionally underlying the sand. Most of the ridges are presently undergoing erosion by tidal currents, forming widespread sand dunes on the entire surface.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(3-4):309-330
The link between smectite composition in sediments from the northern North Atlantic and Labrador Sea, and deep circulation is being further investigated through detailed studies of the X-ray pattern of smectites and cation saturations. This allows clear distinction of dominant terrigenous sources associated to the main components of the modern Western Boundary Undercurrent. Time variations of smectite characteristics in two piston cores from the inlet and outlet of the Western Boundary Undercurrent gyre in the Labrador Sea indicate: (1) a more southern circulation of North East Atlantic Deep Water during the Late Glacial; (2) a step by step transition to the modern pattern of deep circulation during the Late Glacial/Holocene transition, with intensification of North East Atlantic Deep Water and Davis Strait Overflow; (3) an expansion of Davis Strait Overflow and Labrador Sea Water circulation in relation to ice surges and deposition of detrital layers; (4) an intensified circulation of North East Atlantic Deep Water during the Younger Dryas; and (5) a very recent increased influence of Denmark Strait Overflow Water beginning between 4.4 and <1 kyr.  相似文献   

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