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As part of the Wychwood Project in West Oxfordshire, England, aerial photography and historic maps are being used to reconstruct landscape change in the former medieval Royal Hunting Forest of Wychwood. An important objective of the project is to stimulate local interest in Wychwood and promote understanding of its evolution, thereby encouraging the support of stakeholders in the design of future landscapes. The parish of Leafield was selected to develop and test a method for reconstructing and visualising past and present landscapes to present to the public for evaluation and comparison. Leafield contains fine examples of both early and late enclosure landscapes and underwent large-scale disafforestation following the Enclosure Act of 1856. Ordnance Survey (O.S.) 1:10000 Landform Panorama contour data were used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) of the parish using ArcView 3D Analyst, enabling the user to create perspective views of the landscape from any height and viewing angle. Contemporary aerial photography was scanned and geo-rectified to create an overlay for 'draping' onto the DEM. Historical maps provided the reference for modifying the aerial photography using the PaintShop Pro graphics package. This paper presents and reviews the results and compares the method with other techniques, including VRML.  相似文献   

This article deals with the cartometric analysis of various seventeenth-century urban maps of the city of Cadiz (Spain), from among which the so-called Vista Arámburu and the map belonging to the atlas of the Marquis of Heliche, discovered in the Krigsarkivet (Military Archive) of Stockholm, stand out for their uniqueness. These hitherto relatively unknown documents present evidence of an evolution of cartographic style towards greater topographic accuracy and hence cannot just be considered as simple drawings. In this seventeenth-century period of transition, the cartography of the city evolved from sixteenth-century aerial-view perspectives to the exhaustive planimetric maps of the eighteenth century, made by Spanish and French Military Corps of Engineers. These documents hold great historical value, not only due to the importance of Cadiz during the Modern Age but also because these maps constitute a graphic testimony of the fortification and growth of the city in this period.  相似文献   

This article presents the use of the frequency histogram legend (FHL) as a substitute to traditional legends in both classed and unclassed choropleth maps. Great variation in the size of mapping units can hinder readers' ability to comprehend statistical distributions from a choropleth map. Replacing conventional legends with FHL can aid readers in their understanding of spatial as well as statistical distributions of the mapped data simultaneously. A customized mapping application was designed in ArcInfo 9.0 to test the use of FHL in both classed and unclassed choropleth maps. Frequency histogram legends were tested on different types of statistical distributions. Although the comparison of the results shows that the FHL works best for a Gaussian or close to a Gaussian distribution for eight or fewer classes, the customized application permits users to generate choropleth maps with frequency histogram legends for any type of statistical distribution with any number of classes. The analysis reveals that readers' background in statistics helped them to effectively utilize and interpret frequency histogram legends in the choropleth maps.  相似文献   

Reconstructing past landscapes from historical maps requires quantifying the accuracy and completeness of these sources. The accuracy and completeness of two historical maps of the same period covering the same area in Israel were examined: the 1:63,360 British Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871–1877) and the 1:100,000 French Levés en Galilée (LG) map (1870). These maps cover the mountainous area of the Galilee (northern Israel), a region with significant natural and topographical diversity, and a long history of human presence. Land-cover features from both maps, as well as the contours drawn on the LG map, were digitized. The overall correspondence between land-cover features shown on both maps was 59% and we found that the geo-referencing method employed (transformation type and source of control points) did not significantly affect these correspondence measures. Both maps show that in the 1870s, 35% of the Galilee was covered by Mediterranean maquis, with less than 8% of the area used for permanent agricultural cropland (e.g., plantations). This article presents how the reliability of the maps was assessed by using two spatial historical sources, and how land-cover classes that were mapped with lower certainty and completeness are identified. Some of the causes that led to observed differences between the maps, including mapping scale, time of year, and the interests of the surveyors, are also identified.  相似文献   

针对中文地名数据中存在的“同名异地”“异地同名”等歧义问题,本文提出了一种结合地名知识和位置信息的地名匹配方法。首先基于特征词的规则匹配模式对地名名称结构进行了解析。然后结合地名的位置信息实现中文地名匹配;同时,基于地名的行政区划信息和实体信息关联多源地名数据,构建地名知识库。最后以兴趣点数据为例,基于名称相似度和位置相似度匹配地名数据中的地名信息,并以知识图谱的形式进行存储和表达。  相似文献   

Digital "softcopy" maps are becoming the norm—replacing static paper maps in applications from wayfinding to scientific research. As a result, the design of interface tools that allow users to manipulate map parameters effectively and efficiently is likely to become as fundamental to cartography as the design of maps themselves. This article presents some principles for the design of interfaces to geo-referenced data. These principles are summarized in a hierarchical approach to interface design with conceptual, operational, and implementational levels. This hierarchical approach leads designers from questions about the goals of the system and the users of that system to the creation of tools to accomplish those goals and interface controls that allow effective interaction with the tools. The article goes on to describe the application of these principles to a prototype geographic visualization system designed for exploration of spatial data sets and visualization of reliability of both data and data abstractions associated with environmental change. The prototype involves a synthesis of concepts and methods derived from cartography, scientific visualization, and exploratory data analysis into a system for exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial decision support.  相似文献   


Most European countries have a national topographic map series at 1:100 000 scale, but currently Great Britain does not. The history of mapping at or around 1:100 000 in Britain is described briefly and consideration given as to why such a scale would be appropriate for a national series of mapping aimed at tourist and leisure users. The main focus of the article is to review a series of 1:100 000 scale maps of two sample areas of Great Britain, produced in the style of various western European medium scale topographic maps. Two further design examples are produced combining desirable characteristics of the maps examined. The results show both that many of the designs translate well to 1:100 000 scale maps of the British landscape and that there is considerable potential for a topographic base at this scale providing a basis for a national series aimed at tourist and leisure users.  相似文献   

数字地图的理论、方法和技术体系探讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
本文探讨数字地图的理论、方法和技术体系,既介绍研究心得,更意在诚邀专家学者的合作。在理论体系方面,本文章阐述了数字地图的概念、体系结构、理论基础,以及数字地图带来的地图学新观念。在方法体系方面,文章阐述了数字地图能够解决的地学问题、数字地图的分析方法、数字地图的数据模型;在技术体系方面,文章阐述了数字地图制图系统、移动数字地图技术等内容。文章给出了数字地图的应用实例,包括国家自然地图集数据库、电子版、网络版,以及中国科学院资源环境数据库电子地图集等两内容。  相似文献   

主要阐述编制综合性专题地图集时,符号系统设计应遵循的规则,涉及图集中经常用到的一些符号、图表符号制作,及构建这些符号系统时需要注意的细节问题,列举了一些制作专题地图符号、图表方法及对极值数据的处理方法。通过对编制专题地图符号极易出现的问题总结,可以在以后的编制地图集过程中,避免因制作专题符号不科学而引发读图人对数量指标估读的错误认知,从而做出错误的评价,实现专题地图符号的科学表达及具有可量算性特质。本文所列举事例均来自《河北省地图集》专题地图。  相似文献   

目前市场上导航软件均以矢量图或普通地图作为工作底图,与遥感影像相比,这些地图的现势性、导航精度及直观性都相对较弱。随着高分辨率遥感影像资源的日益丰富,利用遥感影像实现卫星导航将成为主流。本文利用串口通讯技术,从GPS接收器中读取相关定位信息,通过分析NMEA-0183数据格式将航点导入经过坐标匹配后的遥感影像中,实现实时导航目的。实验证明导航精度能够满足应用需求。  相似文献   

Climate maps have been widely used for the construction of species distribution models. These maps derive from interpolation of data collected by meteorological stations. The sparse distribution of stations generates maps with coarse spatial resolution that are unable to detect microclimates or areas that can serve as plant or animal refuges. This work proposes a method for downscaling temperature maps using the solar radiation falling upon hillsides as predictor for the influence of relief on local variability. Solar irradiance is estimated from a digital elevation model of the study area using a routine based on analytical hillshading. Some examples of downscaling from 1 km to 25 m spatial resolution are shown. The results are compared with the surface temperature maps from Landsat 8 satellite imagery.  相似文献   


This article presents a quantitative analysis of fictional maps and their relation to historic maps from different periods. Fictional maps are maps of imaginary territories. This type of map is now common in fiction, but they arose relatively late, in the second half of the nineteenth century, and are considered an independent branch of cartography today. They stand out through the way they are published because they are component parts of books and not independent cartographic works, and therefore their creators are not cartographers but rather the authors of these books. Fictional maps are mostly subordinate to the story, but they serve to give a sense of historical authenticity and draw the reader into the story. Without networks of coordinates and with labels such as ‘the end of the world’, they are spatially indeterminate, but they establish a connection between the fictional landscape and its identity. This study deals with 89 fictional maps from recent children’s and young adult literature. First we present a historical overview of these works and fictional maps, and then a cartographic analysis of fictional maps. We examined seventy-seven books with fictional maps and evaluated the maps according to five groups of standard cartographic elements: natural elements, built elements, toponyms, mathematical elements, and explanatory elements. We discuss the differences between cartographic representation of fictional maps and historic maps, and build a cartographic model based on the frequency of cartographic elements to put fictional maps into historic and geographical contexts.  相似文献   


Using examples from the governmental, commercial and educational sectors, the development of photo maps and mapping using satellite imagery is outlined. The emphasis of this paper is on the design possibilities and limitations which are evident in these products. Contrast and legibility problems and image clutter are considered, but it is concluded that the institutional impediments to the collaboration of specialists in researching and designing such maps may be of most importance in determining progress in the use of such maps.  相似文献   

This paper presents new methodology for correcting interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) deformation maps using GPS observables and products. The methodology presents a sequential procedure for correcting the errors presented in InSAR deformation maps such as troposphere delay, ionosphere delay and baseline error. The main target of this research is to measure land deformations with geodetic accuracy using only one L-band interferogram with the aid of GPS observables and products. The proposed methodology was tested on Tokyo bay area which has been affected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The results were verified against deformations detected by GPS stations and geodetic triangulation network showing a standard deviation of 5.6 and 10.5 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

The graticule of meridians and parallels is a largely artificial type of map boundary that can detract from the display of irregular features such as oceans. Such natural boundaries as shorelines may be used instead as the boundary of world maps. The principle of natural boundaries has been applied to several examples of equal-area or conformal world ocean maps with single or multiple lobes. By careful selection of the poles and centers, these maps can show both oceans and continents in their entirety on a single map.  相似文献   

In the last third of the sixteenth century, the Spanish Crown launched a project to create a map of the New World. Regional maps would be obtained, which, referenced through a system of meridians and parallel arcs, would comprise a complete map of the continent. The mechanism devised for this purpose was that of surveys, known as the Relaciones Geográficas (Geographic Relations). Each town would be sent a questionnaire with more than 50 questions that should also be completed with a map of the region. The majority of these maps, known as pinturas, lacked field measurements, and therefore also lacked both scale and geographical coordinates. Only a few cases were created following the standards of European cartography. Among these are the maps made by Francisco Gali. In this paper, we study the map of Tlacotalpa, one of the first examples of local nautical charting in Latin America.  相似文献   

Object‐oriented (OO) image analysis provides an efficient way to generate vector‐format land‐cover and land‐use maps from remotely sensed images. Such image‐derived vector maps, however, are generally presented with congested and twisted polygons with step‐like boundaries. They include unclassified polygons and polygons with geometric conflicts such as unreadable small areas and narrow corridors. The complex and poorly readable representations usually make such maps not comply well with the Gestalt principle of cartography. This article describes a framework designed to improve the representation by resolving these problematic polygons. It presents a polygon similarity model integrating semantic, geometric and spectral characteristics of the image‐derived polygons to eliminate small and unclassified polygons. In addition, an outward‐inward‐buffering approach is presented to resolve the narrow‐corridor conflicts of a polygon and improve its overall appearance. A case study demonstrates that the implementation of the framework reduces the number of the polygons by 32% and the length of the polygon boundaries by 20%. At the same time, it does not cause distinct changes the distribution of land‐use types (less than 0.05%) and the overall accuracy (decreased only 0.02%) as compared with the original image‐derived land‐use maps. We conclude that the presented framework and models effectively improve the overall representation of image‐derived maps without distinct changes in their semantic characteristics and accuracy.  相似文献   

This work presents the promising application of three variants of TOPSIS method (namely the conventional, adjusted and modified versions) as a straightforward knowledge-driven technique in multi criteria decision making processes for data fusion of a broad exploratory geo-dataset in mineral potential/prospectivity mapping. The method is implemented to airborne geophysical data (e.g. potassium radiometry, aeromagnetic and frequency domain electromagnetic data), surface geological layers (fault and host rock zones), extracted alteration layers from remote sensing satellite imagery data, and five evidential attributes from stream sediment geochemical data. The central Iranian volcanic-sedimentary belt in Kerman province at the SE of Iran that is embedded in the Urumieh–Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage arc (UDMA) is chosen to integrate broad evidential layers in the region of prospect. The studied area has high potential of ore mineral occurrences especially porphyry copper/molybdenum and the generated mineral potential maps aim to outline new prospect zones for further investigation in future. Two evidential layers of the downward continued aeromagnetic data and its analytic signal filter are prepared to be incorporated in fusion process as geophysical plausible footprints of the porphyry type mineralization. The low values of the apparent resistivity layer calculated from the airborne frequency domain electromagnetic data are also used as an electrical criterion in this investigation. Four remote sensing evidential layers of argillic, phyllic, propylitic and hydroxyl alterations were extracted from ASTER images in order to map the altered areas associated with porphyry type deposits, whilst the ETM+ satellite imagery data were used as well to map iron oxide layer. Since potassium alteration is generally the mainstay of porphyry ore mineralization, the airborne potassium radiometry data was used. The geochemical layers of Cu/B/Pb/Zn elements and the first component of PCA analysis were considered as powerful traces to prepare final maps. The conventional, adjusted and modified variants of the TOPSIS method produced three mineral potential maps, in which the outputs indicate adequately matching of high potential zones with previous working and active mines in the region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel methodological approach to countrywide vegetation mapping. We used green vegetation biomass over the year as captured by coarse resolution hyper-temporal NDVI satellite-imagery, to generate vegetation mapping units at the biome, ecoregion and at the next lower hierarchical level for Namibia, excluding the Zambezi Region. Our method was based on a time series of 15 years of SPOT-VGT-MVC images each representing a specific 10-day period (dekad). The ISODATA unsupervised clustering technique was used to separately create 2–100 NDVI-cluster maps. The optimal number of temporal NDVI-clusters to represent the information on vegetation contained in the imagery was established by divergence separability statistics of all generated NDVI-clusters. The selected map consisted of legend of 81 cluster-specific temporal NDVI-profiles covering each a 15-year period of averaged NDVI data representing all pixels classified to that cluster. Then, by legend-entry using the dekad-medians of all 15 annual repeats, we produced generalized legend-entries without year-specific anomalies for each cluster. Subsequently, a hierarchical cluster analysis of these temporal NDVI-profiles was used to produce a dendrogram that generated grouping options for the 81 legend-entries. Maps with cluster-groups of 8 and 4 legend-entries resulted. The 81-cluster map and its 65 legend-entries vector version have no equivalent in published vegetation maps. The 8 cluster-group map broadly corresponds with published ecoregion level maps and the 4 cluster-group map with the published biome maps in their number of legend units. The published vegetation maps varied considerably from our NDVI-profile maps in the location of mapping unit boundaries. The agreement index between our map and published biome maps ranges from 70−93. For the ecoregion level, the agreement index is much lower, namely 51−75. Our methodological approach showed a considerably higher discretionary power for hierarchical levels and the number of vegetation mapping units than the approaches applied to previously published maps. We recommended an approach to transform our three hyper-temporal NDVI-profiles based legend-entries into more specific vegetation units. This might be accomplished by re-analysis of available, spatially-comprehensive plant species occurrence data.  相似文献   

李贤华  廉超 《测绘科学》2007,32(4):141-143
国家测绘局于2006年7月在网站上正式发布了一套《中华人民共和国地图》和《世界地图》。为了方便大家的使用,本文介绍了利用MapInfo地理信息系统,对《中华人民共和国地图》进行配准的方法,使得用户可以在MapInfo系统中,非常方便地在地图上添加各种以点、线、面等要素内容。本文同时给出了用程序控制使用地图的过程,给出了经纬度投影到地图、地图坐标转换成经纬度的转换公式,并在网上给出了全部地图配准后的TAB文件及VB控制程序。  相似文献   

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