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廖克 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1517-1525
本文分3部分:第1部分是中国古代和近代地图学发展历史的简要回顾,阐明中国是世界上地图出现最早的国家之一,在世界地图学发展史上占有重要地位,对世界地图学的发展作出过重要贡献,直至15世纪的中国明代,中国地图和地图学始终领先于西方国家,只是清代以后,才落后于西方发达国家;第2部分阐述新中国成立后中国地图事业和地图学飞速发展,在全国地形图的测绘与编制、专题地图与地图集编制、遥感制图、计算机制图、多媒体电子地图、移动通信地图、互联网地图、地图学理论研究等方面取得了巨大成就,赶上了世界先进水平;第3部分提出新世纪中国地图与地图学方向与任务的调整,分析了大数据、互联网和人工智能时代地图学的机遇、挑战与展望。大数据通过三维动态地图可视化,能够显示事物和现象的空间格局与区域分异及时空动态变化,进而作出分析评价、预测预报、区划布局、规划设计、管理调控。因此地图学在大数据时代能够发挥重要作用。今后互联网将成为地图编制与应用的主要平台,地图会更加大众化、个性化、智能化与实用化。  相似文献   

一种面向多应用的大比例地形图数据模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种新型的面向对象的大比例地形图数据模型 ,并给出了相应的数据结构与软件实现方法。实验证明 ,该模型能很好地满足传统制图与GIS的双重需求 ,实现数据一次采集便能同时进入地图数据库与地理数据库 ,具有较好的应用价值  相似文献   

Developments in production, sharing and use of spatial data and information involve revisiting the role and scope of cartography. Cartography is a core discipline for spatially modelling, investigating and mapping natural and cultural environments, developing location-aware applications, establishing spatial data infrastructures and forming spatially enabled societies. In this context, spatial data handling provides key tools for creating spatial databases, integrating spatial data, producing geographic information and maps and so on. Although cartography plays a key role in many phases of such activities, it tends to be introduced only as visualization phase of spatial data handling. On the other hand, it is sometimes regarded to encompass entire phases of spatial data handling. So this article investigates the relationships between cartography and spatial data handling, management and use, and on this basis, proposes a modern and comprehensive framework for cartography to contribute to restoring the full conceptual breadth of the discipline.  相似文献   

分析了目前地图空间认知的几种理论研究。从地图学史的角度出发,应用几幅著名的中外古地图,指出符号、注记以及空间拓扑关系在地图发展变化中的不变性,认为这3种元素构成了地图空间关系认知的基本元素,并分析了这3种元素在地图空间关系构建方面所起的作用。最后提出了在网络环境下,这3种元素在大众制图中的指导意义。  相似文献   

地图空间关系认知元素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了目前地图空间认知的几种理论研究.从地图学史的角度出发,应用几幅著名的中外古地图,指出符号、注记以及空间拓扑关系在地图发展变化中的不变性,认为这3种元素构成了地图空间关系认知的基本元素,并分析了这3种元素在地图空间关系构建方面所起的作用.最后提出了在网络环境下,这3种元素在大众制图中的指导意义.  相似文献   

在研究地图学与神经科学相互影响和交叉融合的基础上, 探讨了深度地图的内涵, 提出深度地图是神经科学与地图学的结合, 是应用认知神经科学理论和方法理解地图, 以揭示地图的神经学机理。神经科学的新发展为地图学开辟了更加广阔的空间, 特别是空间细胞的发现, 为深度地图的研究奠定了神经科学基础。通过对大量神经科学研究资料的分析, 提出地图功能是大脑空间信息处理功能的反映, 构建了深度地图概念模型, 并构建了空间细胞和编码机制与地图功能之间的关系, 以阐明地图的神经机制, 从而深化人们对地图本质的认识, 促进地图与人工智能的融合与深化应用。  相似文献   

Blogs, micro‐blogs and online forums underpin a more interconnected world. People communicate ever more and are increasingly keen to explain and illustrate their lives; showing where they are and what they are doing. Desktop, online and mobile mapping landscapes have never been as rich or diverse yet this challenges cartography to adapt and remain relevant in the modern mapping world. We explore the spatial expression and potential value of micro‐blogging and Twitter as a social networking tool. Examples of “twitter maps” are reviewed that leverage the Twitter API and online map services to locate some component of the “tweet”. Scope, function and design are illustrated through development of two proof‐of‐concept map mashups that support collaborative real‐time mapping and the organisation and display of information for mass user events. Through the experiments in using and organising data in this way we demonstrate the value of “cartoblography”– a framework for mapping the spatial context of micro‐blogging.  相似文献   

现代地图学的最新进展与新世纪的展望   总被引:38,自引:15,他引:23  
廖克 《测绘科学》2004,29(1):5-9
本文第一部分国际地图学的最新进展,阐述了专题制图进一步拓宽领域并向纵深发展;计算机制图已广泛应用于各类地图生产,多媒体电子地图集与互联网地图集迅速推广;地图学-遥感-地理信息系统相结合已形成一体化的研究技术体系;计算机制图-电子出版生产一体化,从根本上改变了地图设计与生产的传统工艺;地图学新概念与新理论的不断探索。第二部分分析了中国地图学与地图事业近30年的发展与成就,论述了测绘部门完成了全国大比例尺地形图的测制,完成1:100万与1:25万数字地形图制作.在完成一大批专题地图的同时,广泛开展区域与部门的综合制图,编制出版了一大批不同类型的高水平综合地图集;遥感制图、计算机制图与地理信息系统已达到世界先进水平。第三部分是对中国地图学新世纪的展望:①抓住数字地球的机遇,创建地学信息图谱;②专题与综合制图进一步向纵深发展;③地图学、遥感制图与地理信息系统一体化,形成完整的研究技术体系与生产体系,发展地球信息科学;④为适应市场经济与社会发展的需要,应进一步扩大地图应用领域与范围,增加地图新品种;⑤加强地图学、遥感制图与地理信息系统基础理论及其应用原理与方法的研究。  相似文献   

王家耀  武芳  闫浩文 《测绘学报》2022,51(6):829-842
当前,地图学同其他科学(如地理学)一样处在一个大变革时代。在地图学不断进步的同时,也出现了各种各样的“思潮”或“观点”,地图学是否被边缘化了?地图学应该向何处去?这是测绘地理信息学界和业界都十分关心的问题。本文首先简要梳理了地图学发展的历史进程,回顾了地图学史上的三次崛起,不忘过去才能继往开来,回顾地图学的历史是为了让地图学更好地走向未来;其次,从地图学学科体系、地图设计的新理念新思维和新方法、智能地图制图综合及多尺度级联更新、地图的社会影响力、地图学发展的不竭动力等方面,分析了当代地图学的发展成就;然后,强调了地图哲学思维对地图学创新发展的引领作用,侧重分析了人工智能推动地图学发展、时空大数据可视化及可视化设计的研究重点等;最后,分析认为,地图学必将沿着高度分化和高度综合的整体化方向快速发展,地图学再度崛起是时代之大势。  相似文献   

Digital "softcopy" maps are becoming the norm—replacing static paper maps in applications from wayfinding to scientific research. As a result, the design of interface tools that allow users to manipulate map parameters effectively and efficiently is likely to become as fundamental to cartography as the design of maps themselves. This article presents some principles for the design of interfaces to geo-referenced data. These principles are summarized in a hierarchical approach to interface design with conceptual, operational, and implementational levels. This hierarchical approach leads designers from questions about the goals of the system and the users of that system to the creation of tools to accomplish those goals and interface controls that allow effective interaction with the tools. The article goes on to describe the application of these principles to a prototype geographic visualization system designed for exploration of spatial data sets and visualization of reliability of both data and data abstractions associated with environmental change. The prototype involves a synthesis of concepts and methods derived from cartography, scientific visualization, and exploratory data analysis into a system for exploratory spatial data analysis and spatial decision support.  相似文献   


While graphic variables in 2D maps have been extensively investigated, 4D cartography is still a widely unexplored field. In this paper, we investigate the usefulness of 4D maps (three spatial dimensions plus time) for cartographically illustrating spatio-temporal environmental phenomena. The presented approach focuses mostly on explorative research rather than on enhancement and extension of existing methods and principles. The user study described in the paper shows that 4D cartography is not a well-explored research area and that many experienced map users try to apply their knowledge from 2D maps to 4D dynamic visualisations. Thus, in order to foster the discussion within the community, we formulated several basic research questions for the area of 4D cartography, which range from methods for representing time in 4D visualisations and understanding the temporal context to finding generic methods to achieve optimized temporal generalisation and a consistent definition of graphical variables for 3D and 4D.  相似文献   

地图学是一门在历史条件限定下不断成长的科学。相较于传统地图, 在新技术与新需求的双重驱动下, 信息时代地图的表达对象、表现形式、感知通道、用户角色等均发生了重大转变, 地图的科学概念及理论框架亟需进一步拓展, 以适应新时期地图学科的发展需求。首先, 分析了信息时代地图的泛化特征;然后, 讨论了新情势下地图的科学概念及其表示范围;最后, 基于表达对象、信息抽象、地图表达、地图结果, 构建了地图的表达框架。旨在适应地图学发展的时代潮流, 明确学科研究的外延边界及内涵表示, 为当前与未来的地图学发展提供相应支撑。  相似文献   

孟立秋 《测绘学报》2017,46(10):1637-1644
在历次科技革命的推动下,地图由曾经的无所不能的珍稀品逐渐演变成无所不在的生活必需品,服务于不断增加的移动人口,而地图学依然是制作和使用地图的科学、艺术和技术。本文重访地图学4个恒常的核心议题:何为地图,地图何用,如何制图,谁在制图,笔者回顾了自20世纪70年代计算机引入地图学以来地图品种、地图功能价值、制图流程以及制图者角色的发展过程,举例说明贯穿其中的恒常性和易变性,并指出在云计算平台支持下,一个可持续的制图生态环境正在形成。  相似文献   


Cartographic visualizations have been known for thousands of years and have brought forth a wealth of different map projections and cartographic products. Yet, cartography as an independent science has been established only about 100 years ago and sometimes its position among the spatial disciplines is challenged by the scientific community. In this respect it is a young science based on a very long tradition of map making, globe production, and the development of map projections. Maps and map related visualizations play an important and indispensable role in many other spatial disciplines such as geography and geodesy. Cartography has many overlaps with these traditional disciplines as well as with the more recent ones of photogrammetry and remote sensing. This paper reviews fundamental aspects of the conception of space and time throughout human history, the historic development of cartography from a technique of map making to a spatial science, highlighting major milestones in the history of the discipline. As a young science and confronted with major technological developments in the late 20th century cartography underwent several crises as to what exactly is cartography and how it relates to other spatial sciences, in particular to geographic information systems. Major pitfalls and misconceptions are discussed and the three major scientific pillars of cartography are identified. The relationships of cartography with neighboring disciplines are discussed and the position of cartography vis a vis the others is delineated. Finally, desirable future developments of scientific cartography are discussed.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,地图制图技术已经全面进入到计算机自动化制图的时代,专题地图的制作也已经完全依赖于计算机自动化制图,无论是地理信息空间数据的采集、存储、管理、处理、分析,还是专题地图的制图表达、输出、印刷都已经完全离不开计算机自动化制图技术。本文以《森林防火指挥图》为例,叙述了专题地图从设计到编绘完成的过程及经验。  相似文献   

The author, in a review of papers presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geography and Mapping of the Oceans, outlines the present status and current trends of marine cartography in the USSR. Issues warranting increased attention include development of a systems approach for the mapping of marine ecosystems; improvement of methods and principles for the mapping of coastal zones, bottom relief, and shelf topography; and accelerated production of economic/resource maps of the oceans. Work now underway on a comprehensive, multi-volume A tlas of the Oceans reflects a Soviet concern with these issues. Translated from: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1984, No. 12, pp. 38-42.  相似文献   

地图科学的几点前瞻性思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
回顾了中国 2 0世纪地图学的理论研究与技术进步 ,包括古地图的发现、国家地图集的编辑、地图科学原理与方法的研究、地图科学利用等领域的开拓、遥感与地理信息系统的兴起等等。建议组织系统性总结。地图科学即将进入互联网络时代 ,面对经济全球化的机遇、信息产业的兴起、远程教育的社会需求 ,呼吁地图科学工作者积极拓进地图产业的信息化与结构调整 ,创新设计科学深加工的地图精品 ,开拓电子地图新局面。提出开展地学信息图谱的探索研究 ,并作为地图创新的切入点之一 ,这样地图学家就具备了有利的优势和潜能。  相似文献   

Computer-generated maps have become commonplace over the past decade. Most internet search engines, for example, have the ability to generate maps in response to spatial queries and routes between specified origins and destinations. Advances in mobile computing technologies provide access to these mapping capabilities from virtually any location on the Earth's surface. Maps and map-making have become ubiquitous, and this phenomenon requires cartographers to rethink basic concepts about map design and map use. In this special issue we present five research projects that are focused on the emerging field of ubiquitous cartography. These projects were selected, in part, because they are representative of key research challenges that face the cartographic research community. In this introductory paper, key terms are defined and research challenges outlined. By way of this collected set of papers, ubiquitous cartography is presented as a new and important arena for cartographic research.  相似文献   

相比传统手工制图,数字地图制图从产生阶段就展现出了相对的优势,了解传统手工制图向数字地图制图的过渡机制,有助于把握数字地图制图学在信息时代的发展动向。因此,数字地图制图学将如何融合信息时代的众多新技术也是一个值得研究的领域。本文以传统地图制图到数字地图制图再到智能地图制图为主线,分析了数字地图制图学产生的必要性、理论指导、技术支撑和发展新动向,以此探索数字地图制图学的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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