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Schmieder  B.  Fang  C.  Harra-Murnion  L.K. 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):447-457
A thermal subflare occurring on 27 October 1993 was observed during a multi-wavelength campaign with the Yohkoh spacecraft and the Multi-channel Subtractive Double-Pass spectrograph (MSDP) at Pic du Midi. The various instruments provided us with 2-D H spectra, X-ray spectra and X-ray images. A non-LTE computation (including chromospheric condensation) was carried out to determine the dynamic parameters of the flaring chromosphere. By combining these results with the Yohkoh data, we illustrate that momentum is balanced between the upflowing plasma and the downflowing cool plasma during the flare. This result is consistent with the evaporation model.  相似文献   

Microwave Type III bursts with positive frequency drifting rate were found by Stahli and Benz (1987) for first time. Type III events are especially interesting because they are well-known to be signatures of electron beams in coronal plasma, and they are effective means for diagnosting of source plasma. A microwave burst consisting of some microwave type III burst groups was registered at Beijing Astronomical Observatory with the 2545–2645–2840 MHz synchronous observing system. The distributions of frequency drifting rate, half power duration, and intensity for each impulse in the groups have been statistically analysed. From this analysis, some important parameters for the dynamic process in the flare are deduced and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a further study of the Ml class flare observed on October 22, 2002. We focus on the SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) spectral observations performed during a multi-wavelength campaign with TRACE and ground-based instruments (VTT, THEMIS). Strong blue-shifts are observed in the CDS coronal lines in flare kernels during the impulsive phase of this flare. From a careful wavelength calibration we deduce upflows of 140 km/s for the Fe XIX flare emission, with a pattern of progressively smaller flows at lower temperatures. Large line-widths were observed, especially for the Fe XIX line, which indicate the existence of turbulent velocities. The strong upflows correspond to full shifts of the line profiles. These flows are observed at the initial phase of the flare, and correspond to the “explosive evaporation”. The regions of the blueshifted kernels, a few arc seconds away from the flare onset location, could be explained by the chain reaction of successive magnetic reconnections of growing emerging field line with higher and higher overlying field. This interpretation is evidenced by the analysis of the magnetic topology of the active region using a linear force-free-field extrapolation of THEMIS magnetograms.  相似文献   

Using TRACE EUV 171 Å line, Hα line, Zürich radio, RHESSI, and HXRS observations the 29 September 2002 flare (M2.6), which occurred in AR NOAA 0134, was analyzed. Flaring structures were compared with a potential magnetic field model (field lines and quasi-separatrix layers) made from SOHO/MDI full-disk magnetogram. Series of high-resolution SOHO/MDI magnetograms and TRACE white-light images were used to find changes in the active region at the photosphere during the flare. The flare began with a rising of a small dark loop followed by the flare brightening observed in 171 Å with TRACE and Hα lines. In radio wavelengths, first type III bursts were observed 5 min prior to the start of hard X-ray emission, indicating a pre-flare coronal activity. The main hard X-ray emission peak (at 06:36 UT) was associated with the second type III burst activity and several slowly negatively drifting features, all starting from one point on the radio spectrum (probably a shock propagating through structures with different plasma parameters). After this time a huge loop formed and three minutes later it became visible in absorption both in Hα and 171 Å EUV lines. The phase of huge dark loop formation was characterized by long-lasting, slowly negatively drifting pulsations and drifting continuum. Finally, considering this huge loop as a surge an evolution of the event under study is discussed.  相似文献   

We report results from a multi-wavelength study of the 3B/X1.2 two-ribbon disk flare (S15E44), which was well observed by both ground-based and space-borne instruments. Two pairs of conjugate kernels - K1 and K4, and K2 and K3 - in the Ha images are identified. These kernels are linked by two different systems of EUV loops. Kl and K4 correspond to the two 17 GHz and 34 GHz microwave sources observed by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), while K2 and K3 have no corresponding microwave sources. Optical spectroscopic observations suggest that all the four kernels are possible precipitating sites of non-thermal electrons. Thus the energy of electron deposited in K2 and K3 should be less than 100 keV. Two-dimensional distributions of the full widths at half maximum (FWHM) of the Ha profiles and the line-of-sight (LOS) velocities derived from the Ca Ⅱ 8542 (?) profiles indicate that the largest FWHM and LOS velocity tends to be located near the outer edges of Ha kernels, which is consistent with the scenario of current two-ribbon flare models and previous results. When non-thermal electron bombardment is present, the observed Ha and Ca Ⅱ 8542 (?) profiles are similar to previous observational and theoretical results, while the He I 10830 A profiles are different from the theoretical ones. This puts some constraints on future theoretical calculation of the He I 10830 (?) line.  相似文献   

Hong  Zhenxiang  Li  Dong  Zhang  Minghui  Tan  Chengming  Ma  Suli  Ji  Haisheng 《Solar physics》2021,296(11):1-28

We have performed a search for flares and quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) from low-mass M-dwarf stars using Transient Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) two-minute cadence data. We find seven stars that show evidence of QPPs. Using Fourier and empirical mode decomposition techniques, we confirm the presence of 11 QPPs in these seven stars with a period between 10.2 and 71.9 minutes, including an oscillation with strong drift in the period and a double-mode oscillation. The fraction of flares that showed QPPs (7%) is higher than other studies of stellar flares, but it is very similar to the fraction of solar C-class flares. Based on the stellar parameters taken from the TESS Input Catalog, we determine the lengths and magnetic-field strengths of the flare coronal loops using the period of the QPPs and various assumptions about the origin of the QPPs. We also use a scaling relationship based on flares from the Sun and solar-type stars and the observed energy, plus the duration of the flares, finding that the different approaches predict loop lengths that are consistent to within a factor of about two. We also discuss the flare frequency of the seven stars determining whether this could result in ozone depletion or abiogenesis in any orbiting exoplanet. Three of our stars have a sufficiently high rate of energetic flares, which are likely to cause abiogenesis. However, two of these stars are also in the range where ozone depletion is likely to occur. We speculate on the implications of the flare rates, loop lengths, and QPPs for life on potential exoplanets orbiting in their host star’s habitable zone.


分析了1993-10-020739.5-0745.0UT在2.840GHz-2.545GHz观测到的一次太阳射电爆发事件,证认了这次爆发的一部分是微波类II型爆发.计算结果表明,这次II型爆发是由速度为1.0×108m/s的相对论性电子束所引起的,产生电子束的源区背景温度为T~3×107K,射电爆发亮温度Tb~1012K,爆发源区的尺度L~3.4×102km.  相似文献   

We present the results of a detailed analysis of multi-wavelength observations of a very impulsive solar flare 1B/M6.7, which occurred on 10 March, 2001 in NOAA AR 9368 (N27 W42). The observations show that the flare is very impulsive with a very hard spectrum in HXR that reveal that non-thermal emission was most dominant. On the other hand, this flare also produced a type II radio burst and coronal mass ejections (CME), which are not general characteristics for impulsive flares. In H we observed bright mass ejecta (BME) followed by dark mass ejecta (DME). Based on the consistency of the onset times and directions of BME and CME, we conclude that these two phenomena are closely associated. It is inferred that the energy build-up took place due to photospheric reconnection between emerging positive parasitic polarity and predominant negative polarity, which resulted as a consequence of flux cancellation. The shear increased to >80 due to further emergence of positive parasitic polarity causing strongly enhanced cancellation of flux. It appears that such enhanced magnetic flux cancellation in a strongly sheared region triggered the impulsive flare.  相似文献   

We obtained a complete set of H, Ca 8542 and He I 10830 spectra and slit-jaw H images of the C5.6 limb flare of 1 August 2003 using the Multi-channel Infrared Solar Spectrograph (MISS) at Purple Mountain Observatory. This flare was also observed by the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and partially by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on SOHO. This flare underwent a rapid rising and expanding episode in the impulsive phase. All the H, Ca 8542 and He I 10830 profiles of the flare are rather wide and the widest profiles were observed in the middle bright part of the flare instead of at the flare loop top near the flare maximum. The flare manifested obvious rotation in the flare loop and the decrease of the rotation angular speed with time at the loop-top may imply a de-twisting process of the magnetic field. The significant increases of the Doppler widths of these lines in the impulsive phase reflect quick heating of the chromosphere, and rapid rising and expanding of the flare loop. The RHESSI observations give a thermal energy spectrum for this flare, and two thermal sources and no non-thermal source are found in the reconstructed RHESSI images. This presumably indicates that the energy transfer in this flare is mainly by heat conduction. The stronger thermal source is located near the solar limb with its position unchanged in the flare process and spatially coincident with the intense EUV and H emissions. The weaker one moved during the flare process and is located in the H dark cavities. This flare may support the theory of the magnetic reconnections in the lower solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

J. Jakimiec  M. Tomczak 《Solar physics》2014,289(6):2073-2089
A large arcade flare, occurring on 2 March 1993, has been investigated using X-ray observations recorded by the Yohkoh and GOES satellites and the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. We analyzed the quasi-periodicity of the hard-X-ray (HXR) pulses in the impulsive phase of the flare and found a close similarity between the quasi-periodic sequence of the pulses to that observed in another large arcade flare, that of 2 November 1991. This similarity helped to explain the strong HXR pulses which were recorded at the end of the impulsive phase as due to the inflow of dense plasma (coming from the chromospheric evaporation) into the acceleration volume inside the cusp. In HXR images a high flaring loop was seen with a triangular cusp structure at the top, where the electrons were efficiently accelerated. The sequence of HXR images allowed us to investigate complicated changes in the precipitation of the accelerated electrons toward the flare footpoints. We have shown that all these impulsive-phase observations can be easily explained in terms of the model of electron acceleration in oscillating magnetic traps located within the cusp structure. Some soft-X-ray (SXR) images were available for the late decay phase. They show a long arcade of SXR loops. Important information about the evolution of the flare during the slow decay phase is contained in the time variation of the temperature, T(t), and emission measure, EM(t). This information is the following: i) weak heating occurs during the slow decay phase and it slowly decreases; ii) the decrease in the heating determines a slow and smooth decrease in EM; iii) the coupling between the heating and the amount of the hot plasma makes the flare evolve along a sequence of quasi-steady states during the slow decay phase (QSS evolution).  相似文献   

You  Jianqi  Li  Hui  Fan  Zhongyu  Sakurai  Takashi 《Solar physics》2001,203(1):107-117
The 3N/X3.3 flare of 28 November 1998 was observed in multiple wavelength simultaneously. The available data include H images, spectra in Hei 1083 nm and Caii 854.2 nm from Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), soft X-ray (SXR) and hard X-ray (HXR) images and flux from Yohkoh. Morphological relationship investigation and spectral analysis of these data show: (1) The sudden brightening at loop top above the active region and the steep increase of SXR flux before flare onset suggest that the corona there had already been heated to some extent in the preflare phase. (2) The scales of the Caii 854.2 nm emission areas are very similar to those of the H line, but the emission profiles look like those of the Caii K line. Most of the Hei 1083 nm emissions exist in the bright H kernels and can last to the decay phase. (3) Flare spectra show that line shift and asymmetry are very common in this flare not only in the impulsive phase but also in the decay phase. The difference in the line shifts or asymmetry between Caii 854.2 nm and Hei 1083 nm, as well as the difference between the line center and wings of Caii 854.2 nm imply the existence of a velocity gradient in the line-of-sight direction. (4) Post-flare loops with very deep absorption (70%) and very-high-velocity red shifts (30–90 km s–1) were observed in Hei 1083 nm during the decay phase. However, only a slight dip can be found in the Caii 854.2 nm profile.  相似文献   

A multi-wavelength spatial and temporal analysis of solar high-energy electrons is conducted using the August 20, 2002 flare of an unusually flat (γ1 = 1.8) hard X-ray spectrum. The flare is studied using RHESSI, Hα, radio, TRACE, and MDI observations with advanced methods and techniques never previously applied in the solar flare context. A new method to account for X-ray Compton backscattering in the photosphere (photospheric albedo) has been used to deduce the primary X-ray flare spectra. The mean electron flux distribution has been analysed using both forward fitting and model-independent inversion methods of spectral analysis. We show that the contribution of the photospheric albedo to the photon spectrum modifies the calculated mean electron flux distribution, mainly at energies below ∼100 keV. The positions of the Hα emission and hard X-ray sources with respect to the current-free extrapolation of the MDI photospheric magnetic field and the characteristics of the radio emission provide evidence of the closed geometry of the magnetic field structure and the flare process in low altitude magnetic loops. In agreement with the predictions of some solar flare models, the hard X-ray sources are located on the external edges of the Hα emission and show chromospheric plasma heated by the non-thermal electrons. The fast changes of Hα intensities are located not only inside the hard X-ray sources, as expected if they are the signatures of the chromospheric response to the electron bombardment, but also away from them.  相似文献   

An X17 class (GOES soft X-ray) two-ribbon solar flare on October 28, 2003 is analyzed in order to determine the relationship between the timing of the impulsive phase of the flare and the magnetic shear change in the flaring region. EUV observations made by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) show a clear decrease in the shear of the flare footpoints during the flare. The shear change stopped in the middle of the impulsive phase. The observations are interpreted in terms of the splitting of the sheared envelope field of the greatly sheared core rope during the early phase of the flare. We have also investigated the temporal correlation between the EUV emission from the brightenings observed by TRACE and the hard X-ray (HXR) emission (E > 150 keV) observed by the anticoincidence system (ACS) of the spectrometer SPI on board the ESA INTEGRAL satellite. The correlation between these two emissions is very good, and the HXR sources (RHESSI) late in the flare are located within the two EUV ribbons. These observations are favorable to the explanation that the EUV brightenings mainly result from direct bombardment of the atmosphere by the energetic particles accelerated at the reconnection site, as does the HXR emission. However, if there is a high temperature (T > 20 MK) HXR source close to the loop top, a contribution of thermal conduction to the EUV brightenings cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

A major two-ribbon X17 flare occurred on 28 October 2003, starting at 11:01 UT in active region NOAA 10486. This flare was accompanied by the eruption of a filament and by one of the fastest halo coronal mass ejections registered during the October–November 2003 strong activity period. We focus on the analysis of magnetic field (SOHO/MDI), chromospheric (NainiTal observatory and TRACE), and coronal (TRACE) data obtained before and during the 28 October event. By combining our data analysis with a model of the coronal magnetic field, we concentrate on the study of two events starting before the main flare. One of these events, evident in TRACE images around one hour prior to the main flare, involves a localized magnetic reconnection process associated with the presence of a coronal magnetic null point. This event extends as long as the major flare and we conclude that it is independent from it. A second event, visible in Hα and TRACE images, simultaneous with the previous one, involves a large-scale quadrupolar reconnection process that contributes to decrease the magnetic field tension in the overlaying field configuration; this allows the filament to erupt in a way similar to that proposed by the breakout model, but with magnetic reconnection occurring at Quasi-Separatrix Layers (QSLs) rather than at a magnetic null point. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

We present SOHO/CDS observations taken during the gradual phase of the X17 flare that occurred on October 28, 2003. The CDS data are supplemented with TRACE and ground-based observations. The spectral observations allow us to determine velocities from the Doppler shifts measured in the flare loops and in the two ribbon kernels, one hour and a half after the flare peak. Strong downflows (>70 km s−1) are observed along the loop legs at transition-region temperatures. The velocities are close to those expected for free fall. Observations and results from a hydrodynamic simulation are consistent with the heating taking place for a short time near the top of the arcade. Slight upflows are observed in the outer edges of the ribbons (<60 km s−1) in the EUV lines formed at log T < 6.3. These flows could correspond to the so-called “gentle evaporation.” At “flare” temperatures (Fe xix, log T = 6.9), no appreciable flows are observed. The observations are consistent with the general standard reconnection models for two-ribbons flares.  相似文献   

Silva  Adriana V.R.  Lin  R.P.  de Pater  Imke  White  Stephen M.  Shibasaki  K.  Nakajima  H. 《Solar physics》1998,183(2):389-405
We present a comprehensive analysis of the 17 August 1994 flare, the first flare imaged at millimeter (86 GHz) wavelengths. The temporal evolution of this flare displays a prominent impulsive peak shortly after 01:02 UT, observed in hard X-rays and at microwave frequencies, followed by a gradual decay phase. The gradual phase was also detected at 86 GHz. Soft X-ray images show a compact emitting region (20), which is resolved into two sources: a footpoint and a loop top source. Nonthermal emissions at microwave and hard X-ray wavelengths are analyzed and the accelerated electron spectrum is calculated. This energy spectrum derived from the microwave and hard X-ray observations suggests that these emissions were created by the same electron population. The millimeter emission during the gradual phase is thermal bremsstrahlung originating mostly from the top of the flaring loop. The soft X-rays and the millimeter flux density from the footpoint source are only consistent with the presence of a multi-temperature plasma at the footpoint.  相似文献   

Results of cooperative observations of the flare star EV Lac in September 1993 are presented. One of the about 30 optical flares detected was powerful enough to permit a quantitative analysis of its intrinsic radiation with the colour-colour technique. Sinusoidal brightness variations due to spottedness of the stellar surface was found to have an amplitude V = 0.m0.24. Behaviour of the K band stellar brightness during strong and weak U band flares are considered. The upper limits of very fast optical brightness variations were estimated during both a moderate flare and quiet state of the star. No decametric bursts were observed during the campaign that could be certainly attributed to flare activity.  相似文献   

H2O maser emissions have been found in external galaxies for more than 30 years. Main sciences associated with extragalactic H2O masers can be summarized roughly into three parts: maser emission itself, AGN sciences and cosmology exploration. Our work in this field focusses on two projects: X-ray data analysis of individual maser source using X-ray penetrability to explore maser host obscured AGN; multi-wavelength statistical properties of the whole published H2O maser sample. Here their nuclear radio properties were investigated in detail, based on their 6-cm and 20-cm radio observation data. Comparing the radio properties between maser-detected sources and non-detected sources at similar distance scale, we find that: (1) maser host galaxies tend to have higher nuclear radio luminosity; (2) the spectral index of both samples is comparable (~0.6), within the error ranges. In addition, for AGN-maser sources, the isotropic maser luminosity tends to increase with rising radio luminosity. Thus we propose the nuclear radio luminosity as one good indicator for searching AGN-masers in the future.  相似文献   

A great sunspot group of October 1991 (NOAA 6891 atL = 189,B = –10) was observed, in which an eruptive flare of importance (X2.5/31B) has been reported. A Caii-line 3933 filter was used, and during a time interval of 3 hours more than 90 frames were taken, using a CCD camera. The progress and the distribution in size of the two main flare points have been obtained; they covered an area of about 1800 millionths of the solar disk within a time interval of about 24 min. The average apparent horizontal velocity was 70 km s–1.  相似文献   

Litvinenko  Yuri E. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):393-396
Dimensional analysis is used to derive the distribution of solar flare energies,p() = A-3/2, in accordance with recent observational and numerical results. Several other scalings, notably fl 2 , where fl is the flare duration, are obtained as well.  相似文献   

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