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基于天津地区透水层和弱透水层交替出现的场地水文地质条件,通过大量数值计算与工程实测对比,结合非线性回归分析,研究了预降水时间t、预降水深度H_d、基坑长宽L,基坑宽度b等参数对基坑预降水过程中支护墙侧移发展的影响规律。随t延长,最大支护墙侧移δ_(hm)呈增长速率不断减小的非线性增长,在预降水刚开始的几天内,支护墙侧移即可占据其预降水过程中稳定侧移的很大比重。其次,H_d对δ_(hm)及支护墙悬臂侧移深度H_c的发展有重要影响,总的来说,δ_(hm)及H_c均随H_d增大而增大,具体地,当H_d达到场区第2透水层前(后),δ_(hm)随H_d的线性增长比例较小(大),当H_d达到场区深厚弱透水层厚度一半之前(后),H_c的增长接近于(明显快于)H_d的增长。另外,对于同一宽度b基坑,当基坑长度L达到一定程度后,预降水引起的基坑长度方向边角效应总是发生在基坑两侧距离坑角某一确定范围之内,在预降水过程中,若支护墙变形需要严格控制时,可通过布置横隔墙,使得相邻横隔墙间距S_(cw)与b之比在4以内,或S_(cw)/H_d在3.7以内,利用基坑边角效应减小预降水引起的最大支护墙侧移。  相似文献   

康志军  谭勇  李想  卫彬  徐长节 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2909-2914
围护结构最大侧移所在深度是衡量基坑变形的重要指标之一,而目前鲜有关于其对周边环境变形影响的研究。基于工程实测数据分析和有限元数值模拟,系统地研究了基坑围护结构最大侧移深度对邻近桩基础建筑物不均匀沉降和坑外深层土体位移场的影响。经研究发现:围护结构最大侧移的下移会导致坑外土体位移场扩大,进而降低相应区域的桩基础承载力,导致邻近桩基础建筑物发生显著的不均匀沉降。不同深度的土体经历复杂的竖向位移,且位移形态与围护结构最大侧移深度密切相关。随围护结构最大侧移深度的逐渐下移,坑外土体位移场向深层土体发展,且主要影响范围相应地扩大。在实际工程中,根据基坑周边环境合理地控制围护结构最大侧移所在深度,可有效降低基坑开挖对周边环境的不利影响。  相似文献   

文章以昆明市某工程为例,从工程地质条件、周边环境条件、基坑支护的设计施工和造价等方面,及对工程的可操作性、可靠性、经济性以及地层适应性方面进行分析,从而提出合理的软土地基的基坑设计方案加以设计.对土钉墙和深层搅拌桩围护结构的造价进行比较分析,以便从成功和失败的实例中进行总结,对今后的工程起到一个借鉴的作用.  相似文献   

李志伟 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3594-3600
在软土地基中,邻近堆载不仅将引发桥梁桩基发生侧向偏位,还将导致桩身产生附加弯矩,这对于桥梁的安全使用将产生极其不利的影响。通过对具体工程实例的介绍,利用有限元分析手段,并结合现场桩基偏位的实测结果,对邻近单侧堆载及双侧堆载所引发桩基偏位情况进行深入剖析。通过分析结果可知,在单侧堆载的作用下,桩基将产生侧向偏移及附加弯矩,且反弯点位于软土层与硬土层交界处附近,严重时将导致桩顶区域发生开裂破坏;在双侧堆载的作用下,桩基的偏位情况取决于两侧的堆载作用,而双侧卸载对桩基偏位影响较小,但对缓解桩身附加弯矩具有显著的作用。  相似文献   

常规真空预压法在处理超软土地基时耗时较长,且加固效果有限。真空预压联合加热技术是近年来提出的一种新型软基处理技术,但国内相关研究刚刚兴起。针对宁波典型软黏土地基,利用自制的温控模型试验装置,设计并开展了真空预压联合加热与常规真空预压处理效果的对比研究,细致分析了不同加热温度情况下(常温~80℃)软土地基的温度、孔压和沉降的发展趋势,对比了不同技术加固前后土体的物理力学特性变化情况。研究结果表明:相比于常规真空预压法,真空预压联合加热技术能加快固结速率,减小工后沉降,提高软土地基承载力;当加热温度不高时,真空预压法处理效果随温度升高而增强,但这种趋势并非线性增长;当温度达到一定值后,热法联合处置技术的加固效果会衰减,甚至起反作用;通过对固结沉降的反演分析得出,相比于常温情况,40℃、50℃和60℃处理后软土固结系数分别提高30%、35%和5%;从处置效果和经济性出发,加热到40~50℃是热法地基处理技术的较适宜温度范围。  相似文献   

固结快剪试验是获取软土固结不排水抗剪强度的重要方法,长江漫滩相软土具有压缩性高、孔隙比大、含水率高、渗透率低、固结时间长等特点,严重影响了软土固结快剪试验的生产效率。为研究预固结对长江漫滩相软土抗剪强度的影响,并探索提高漫滩相软土固结快剪试验效率的方法,以南京长江漫滩相软土为研究对象,制定了预固结–卸载剪切、正常固结剪切、预固结–卸载–再固结剪切3种试验方案,开展了一系列固结和剪切试验。试验研究表明:长江漫滩相软土是一种前期固结迅速,后期固结稳定缓慢的软土;固结25 min时固结度可以达到95%,而完全固结稳定需要5~8 h;软土抗剪强度均随固结度U的增加呈增大趋势,其增长速度逐渐减缓,各荷载条件下抗剪强度随U提高的增长幅度基本相同;当固结度为70%~80%时,其抗剪强度达到完全固结时的90%~95%。研究成果可为软土固结快剪试验的方法改进提供参考。  相似文献   

谢晟  韦巡洲 《江苏地质》2022,46(2):214-220
依托某大厦基坑支护工程项目,研究深厚软土地层中基坑开挖对涉支护结构下穿盾构隧道变形的影响规律。采用三维有限元数值模拟分析隧道顶部支护桩的长度对支护结构变形和隧道隆起的影响,并将数值模拟结果与现场监测结果进行对比。结果表明:深厚软土地层中基坑开挖对下穿盾构隧道产生了较大的隆起变形;因下穿隧道的影响,隧道顶部支护桩嵌固深度的减小对支护结构的变形和下穿隧道的隆起会产生重要影响,当支护桩底与隧道顶的竖向间距S>4 m或支护桩边缘与隧道边缘的水平间距S1>4 m 时,支护桩的踢脚位移和下穿隧道的隆起变形迅速增加。研究成果可为类似工程提供应用参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have been devoted to the performance of excavations and adjacent facilities. In contrast, few studies have focused on retaining wall deflections induced by pre-excavation dewatering. However, considerable inward cantilever deflections were observed for a diaphragm wall in a pre-excavation dewatering test based on a long and narrow metro excavation, and the maximum deflection reached 10 mm (37.6% of the allowable wall deflection for the project). Based on the test results, a three-dimensional soil–fluid coupled finite element model was established and used to study the mechanism of the dewatering-induced diaphragm wall deflections. Numerical results indicated that the diaphragm wall deflection results from three factors: (1) the seepage force around the dewatering well and the soil–wall interaction caused the inward horizontal displacement of the soil inside the excavation; (2) the reduced total earth pressure on the excavated side of the diaphragm wall above approximately 1/2 of the maximum dewatering depth disequilibrated the original earth pressure on both sides of the diaphragm wall; and (3) the different negative friction on the excavated and retained sides of the diaphragm wall led to the rotation of the diaphragm wall into the excavation.  相似文献   

张涛  刘松玉  蔡国军 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):253-259
根据太湖地区某高速公路路基沉降实测资料,通过现场原位取样结合室内试验,分析了太湖冲湖积相软土的压缩特性,总结出软土路基的沉降变化规律,研究了工程地质条件和填土高度对路基沉降的影响,并采用归一化指标得到不同地基处理方式下的沉降估算公式,同时对两种常用全过程路基沉降预测方法进行了比较。结果表明,太湖冲湖积相软土具有较强的结构性;相似地质条件下的路基沉降差异较大,土体结构性是影响路基沉降的重要因素之一;归一化指标分析可得到不同路基处理方式下的简单沉降估算式;常用的全过程沉降量预测方法对于最终沉降量的预测均存在一定的偏差,可综合分析预测结果得到较为准确的预测值。  相似文献   

Li  Ming-Guang  Demeijer  Olivier  Chen  Jin-Jian 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(9):2575-2590
Acta Geotechnica - Deformations in deep excavations can be controlled by providing adjustable support using servo struts; however, the design of strut positions and applied forces remains to be...  相似文献   

天津软土场地对地震动参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天津市区的场地条件为很厚而松软的第四纪沉积物,覆盖层较厚,地貌属海积—冲积平原,对地震动参数的影响很大。本文以海河东岸的天津嘉里中心工程场地为例,通过场地地震动效应分析,研究场地特征对地震动的影响。结果表明,土层地震反应分析得到的地震动峰值和反应谱与GB50011-2001《建筑抗震设计规范》的规定有明显的差别,抗震设计中的根据场地类别调整地震动的方法不足以完全描述场地地震反应特性,也难以反映天津厚软土场地的实际情况。可以认为,对于天津软土场地,采用经场地土层地震动效应分析所得地震动参数更为合理安全。  相似文献   

软土地基中嵌岩桩嵌岩深度的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋仁乾  张忠苗 《岩土力学》2003,24(6):1053-1056
结合试验资料对嵌岩桩的嵌岩深度、端阻力以及桩侧阻力进行了分析。讨论了端阻比随嵌岩深度的关系、桩承载力与嵌岩比的关系以及不同岩层对桩的承载力的影响,并提出了软土地基中不同桩径的桩具有最佳嵌岩深度,认为不存在最大嵌岩深度。  相似文献   

Wang  Jianxiu  Liu  Xiaotian  Liu  Shaoli  Zhu  Yanfei  Pan  Weiqiang  Zhou  Jie 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(1):141-162

Water level is decreased during foundation pit excavation to avoid water inrush under confined water pressure. Cut-off wall is often used as waterproof curtain to partially cut off the dewatered aquifer. When a foundation pit is located in a built-up area and the underlying confined aquifer is not cut off, the drawdown must be minimized outside the pit to avoid land subsidence in buildings and pipelines. The coupling effect of the cut-off wall and pumping well is used to control the drawdown outside the foundation pit. However, the coupling mechanism is not intuitively well understood because of the limitations of existing experimental methods. In this study, transparent soil was introduced to model the coupling mechanism in the physical model test. High-purity fused silica and mixed paraffin oil were used as skeleton and fluid to simulate the confined aquifer and groundwater. Industrial solid dye and paraffin oil were used as tracers. A camera was used to collect flow information. Tests were performed for the combinations of cut-off wall and partially penetrating pumping wells. The insertion depth ratio of the cut-off wall most effectively influenced the drawdown. The layout of the pumping wells in horizontal direction influenced water level distribution and flow rate. The optimal depth of the pumping wells was 1–5 m above the bottom of the cut-off wall, and the optimal horizontal distance between the cut-off wall and the pumping wells was 25% of the pit width. Non-Darcy flow was observed within the range of 0–10 m around the bottom of the cut-off wall. These results were significant in understanding the cut-off wall and pumping well coupling effect on foundation pit dewatering.


Surface settlements at a soft soil site due to bedrock dewatering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Construction of a 16-m deep, 55-m wide, almost square, underground structure through 8-m of soft soils and 8-m of sandstone and siltstone led to the development of widespread settlements. The affected area extended to distances of over 200 m from the perimeter of the structure. The floor slab of the underground structure was not designed for water pressure. Thus, operation of the structure requires continuous pumping of seepage water collected at a sump located at the lowermost elevation within the structure. Subsurface investigation and monitoring data obtained over 5.75-year period following the construction of the structure indicated that the settlement resulted from consolidation of soft soils due to depressurization of an aquifer within the underlying bedrock caused by continuous dewatering needed for the operation of the structure. An analytical study was undertaken to project the long term settlement. A simple analytical model could be used to simulate the complex hydrogeological problem reasonably. The details of hydrogeologic setting, subsurface investigation and monitoring activities, and the analytical model for projecting long-term settlements are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

If the free vertical movement of the upper rigid part of the shear box is hindered during shearing, a frictional force is mobilized between the specimen and the vertical walls of the shear box. This causes either unloading (for contractant soils) or additional loading (for dilatant soils) of the specimen during shearing. If no correction of the applied vertical load with respect to the wall friction is taken into account, the resulting shear strength can be either underestimated (for contractant soils) or overestimated (for dilatant soils). For example, in a particular investigation of a normally consolidated soil, the measured friction angle from a direct shear test was almost 8° smaller than the angle from a triaxial test. This paper, therefore, presents a method for direct measurement of the frictional force at the contact between the vertical walls of the box and a fine-grained soil. If the wall friction is taken into account, the friction angle from the shear box coincides well with the angle from triaxial tests. If the wall friction cannot be measured during the test, a sufficiently large vertical gap should be adjusted in case of soft soils, in order to enable non-restrained settlement of the upper part of the box during specimen contraction.  相似文献   

软基上快速填筑路堤时的稳定控制十分重要。现行规范中采用了位移与位移速率作为控制标准,而实践证明,采用现行标准仍出现一些失稳事例,说明这些标准存在一定局限性,需加以改进。提出了临界状态线的概念,该临界状态线系基于多个工程观测的成果与离心模型试验所得数据,分别以道中沉降速率与坡脚水平位移速率作为坐标轴所得到的一条分界线。临界状态线将路堤的状态划分为稳定区域和非稳定区域,因而是个合适的控制指标。综合采用常用的道中沉降速率、坡脚水平位移速率2个指标以及附加的临界状态线指标,提出了改进的施工稳定控制标准,它比只考虑道中沉降和坡脚水平位移速率,更加符合路堤失稳机制。  相似文献   

Zeng  Chao-Feng  Powrie  William  Xue  Xiu-Li  Li  Miao-Kun  Mei  Guo-Xiong 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(10):3253-3267
Acta Geotechnica - Retaining wall movements are often estimated from a datum at the start of soil excavation. However, recent studies indicate that significant wall movements may occur during...  相似文献   

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