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对于饱和砂土液化判别,目前规范要求以标准贯入试验为主,以静力触探为辅,有经验地区可采用剪切波速测试,但就目前的每种判别方法都有一定的局限性。在实际工作中采用综合评价的方法,就能减少单一评价方法的局限性。综合应用标准贯入试验法、静力触探试验法和剪切波速测试法,并对各种判别方法的判别结果进一步分析,便可综合评价场地饱和砂土的液化趋势。实例表明,综合应用各种液化判别方法进行综合评价,提高了评价结果的准确性。  相似文献   

饱和砂土液化是地震引发地基变形失稳、建筑受损破坏的主因之一,合理判定液化可能性是勘察实践和理论研究的重大课题。国内规范要求砂土液化判别仍以标准贯入试验为主,静力触探等原位测试方法为辅,静力触探较其他原位测试手段,在操作便利性、数据采集连续性、测试成本和抗干扰能力等方面更具优势。针对国内规范常用静力触探砂土液化判别方法进行了分析研究,并结合勘察实例进行了计算和对比,探讨了静力触探判别液化方法的土层适用性,并提出有关改进建议。  相似文献   

初析静力触探判别液化对标准贯入试验的优越性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合7个勘察场地的标准贯入和静力触探原位测试数据,应用数理统计原理和方法对二者进行比较分析,得出用静力触探试验判别地基土液化的均方差和变异系数等均优越于标准贯入试验。  相似文献   

李兆焱  袁晓铭  孙锐 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3603-3609
液化临界值与砂层深度的关系是液化判别方法的基本表征,但对比分析表明,现有液化判别方法的临界曲线有不同的表现模式,甚至定性相反。以Seed-Idriss模型为基础,推导出了砂层埋深对液化势影响的理论解答,提出了砂层埋深与液化临界值的普遍关系,得到了液化判别临界曲线的变化模式和一般规律。结果表明:一般而言,随砂层深度增加,水平地震剪应力和土体抗液化强度同时增大,但前者增大速率大于后者,液化势及液化临界值与砂层深度呈正相关关系;液化临界值与砂层深度呈非线性递增关系,浅埋处饱和砂层液化势递增较为剧烈,深埋处趋于平缓;我国规范CPT液化判别公式的液化临界值与砂层深度呈递减关系,存在定性错误,需要纠正;现有一些液化判别公式中,液化临界值与砂层深度呈线性递增关系,定性正确但模型需要改进。所得结果可为液化判别方法正确发展提供理论基础和借鉴。  相似文献   

张思宇  李兆焱  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2022,43(6):1596-1606
近来地震液化灾害频发,再次成为研究重点,发展具有良好应用前景的基于静力触探试验(CPT)的液化判别方法对预防液化灾害具有重要意义。以Boulanger数据库171组数据为回归样本,分析既有方法存在的问题,提出了基于CPT液化判别的双曲线模型和计算公式,并通过提取2011年新西兰地震147组液化新数据,对该方法进行对比检验。研究表明,我国岩土工程勘察规范的CPT液化判别方法对浅埋砂层偏于保守,对深层土又明显偏于危险,而国际上具有代表性的Robertson方法,其液化临界线存在低烈度区不合理回弯、高烈度区又偏于保守的问题。提出的新公式在不同地震动强度和砂层埋深下均可给出合理判别结果,克服了国内外既有方法的缺点,并纳入到具有样板规范性质的《建筑工程抗震性态设计通则》修订稿中,可为我国相关规范修订和工程应用提供支持。  相似文献   

李兆焱  孙锐  曹振中  石江华  董林  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3907-3912
2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生的6.8级地震中出现了自1996年唐山大地震以来我国大陆境内最为严重的砂土液化现象。以此地震液化调查为基础,检验包括我国规范液化判别方法、Robertson方法和Olsen方法的国内外现有静力触探试验为指标的液化判别方法的适用性。结果表明,我国规范、Robertson方法、Olsen方法在对巴楚地震液化场地判别中,总体上非液化场地判别成功率高于液化场地判别成功率,非液化场地的判别成功率分别为88%、71%和88%,但对液化场地判别成功率分别为55%、73%和45%,明显偏于危险,原因需要进一步查明,建立适合局部地区的液化判别方法应是未来必须进行的工作。  相似文献   

砂土液化判别方法可靠性评价   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
余跃心 《岩土力学》2004,25(5):803-807
在进行液化评价简化法与规范液化判别方法对比基础上,利用液化概率的对数回归方程,讨论了规范液化判别方法的可靠性。研究结果表明,我国规范液化判别方法其液化概率变动较大,对于烈度 Ⅶ 度,规范法的液化概率在0.17~0.42间,小于简化法概率0.36~0.43,偏保守。对于烈度 Ⅷ 度和 Ⅸ 度近地表场地,规范法的液化概率高达0.65~0.70,远远高于简化法的液化概率,安全裕度不够。对于含粘粒土质液化评价,规范方法的液化概率总体上都较简化法高,特别是烈度Ⅷ度高粘粒含量其液化概率为0.9。  相似文献   

本文通过标准贯入试验与园锥贯入试验动贯入阻力的理论计算及标贯与园锥贯入的产对比研究,得到了不同的饱和砂土N与N63.5的相关换算系数,为园锥贯入试验判别和砂土地震液化建设了一种新的方法,从而解决了饱和砂土贝水后不易取得标贯试验数据的问题,并提出了应用园锥贯入试验来正确判别饮必砂土地震液化。  相似文献   

静力触探判别饱和砂性土液化公式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前国内有许多工程勘察单位利用静力触探建立了本地区的饱和砂性土的液化判别公式,本文通过利用静力触探在淮阴市区进行工程地质勘察的实际资料,经数理统计计算后,建立了本地区的静力触探判别饱和砂性土液化的公式。现状液化是一种宏观震害现象。目前国内外评价砂土液化可能性的方法基本上可分两大类:剪应力比较法。即将计算的场地地震剪  相似文献   

饱和砂土液化判别方法中问题浅析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
国内外各种勘察规范中所判别砂土液化的方法很多,但其效果如何,很维得到难3,笔者利用唐山地震砂土液化资料对几种目前较为常用、有代表性的方法进行了回判分析,指出了这些方法中存在的问题,并阐述了影响液化的主要因素。  相似文献   

A disastrous earthquake rocked Taiwan on September 21, 1999, with magnitude ML=7.3 and an epicenter near the small town of Chi-Chi in central Taiwan. The Chi-Chi earthquake triggered landslide on the dip slope at the Chiufengershan. In this study, a review of the topography and geology of this area was followed by field investigations. Laboratory testing was applied to understand the geomaterial composing the slope. Then, based on a series of limit equilibrium analyses, the failure mechanism of this landslide and the risk of the residual slope were studied.

According to the stability analyses, the pre-quake slope is quite stable, with factor of safety of 1.77 (dry) to 1.35 (full groundwater level); explaining why there is no written record of a landslide here for the past 100 years. In contrast, a back analysis shows that the Chi-Chi earthquake-induced dynamic loading is far more than the dip slope can sustain, due in part to the short distance to the epicenter. A Monte Carlo type probability analysis suggests that the residual slope is more dangerous than the pre-quake slope and needs more attention.  相似文献   

SPT-N-based methods have been adopted for liquefaction assessment of soils during earthquakes for decades. However, there has not been a consistent way of assessing the accuracy and applicability of these methods. The Chi-chi earthquake of 1999, which has been the most serious ground shaking in Taiwan within the century, caused extensive liquefactions in mid-west alluvial deposits of the island. This paper assesses the prediction accuracy of several SPT-N-based methods using liquefaction and non-liquefaction incidents observed during the earthquake. A sensitivity study on commonly adopted parameters shows that the SPT blow count and peak ground acceleration are most sensitive in computing liquefaction potential. By comparing the error in predicting liquefaction and non-liquefaction incidents, this study concludes that Tokimatsu and Yoshimi’s method is more accurate than the other methods. However, the differences between prediction errors of various methods are minimal, indicating all of the methods examined are applicable for the 1999 earthquake in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The Tsaoling landslide, one of the largest landslide areas in Taiwan, has been affected by catastrophic events triggered by rain or earthquakes six times since 1862. These landslides, including that caused by the 1999 earthquake, have essentially not been reactivated old slides, but were sequential new ones that developed upslope, retrogressively. The landslide area is underlain by Pliocene sandstone and shale to form a dip slope with a bedding plane, dipping uniformly at 14°. The slip surface of the 1999 landslide was smooth and planar, parallel to the bedding plane with a slightly stepped profile; it formed within thinly alternated beds of fine sandstone and shale with ripple lamination or in a shale bed. The shale is weathered by slaking and probably by sulfuric acid, which is inferred to be one of the major causes of the intermittent retrogressive development of the landslides. The weathering was likely accelerated by the removal of overlying beds during earlier landslides in 1941 and 1942. The top margin of the 1999 landslide, in plan view, coincided with a V-shaped scarplet, which can be clearly recognized on aerial photographs taken before the landslide. This geomorphological feature indicates that this landslide had already moved slightly before its 1999 occurrence, providing precursory evidences.  相似文献   

Registering a 7.3 magnitude on the Richter scale, the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake that struck central Taiwan on September 21, 1999 left the island nation with fragile soils, frequent floods, and debris flow, further weakening homeland resources. Taiwan’s dense population had forced its residents to use mountain hills for agriculture and development. The 92-Flood in 2004, which incurred vast monetary losses and human casualties, caused the government to rethink its strategy for land use. In order to use land in a more efficient and in an eco-friendly manner, the Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan of the Taiwanese government proposed the “Land Recovery Strategy and Action Plan” in 2006. Its core concept was aimed at “respecting, and adapting to, nature.” To achieve this goal, a hillside watershed management and flood mitigation policy was proposed. Factors of safety, economy, and ecology were included in the policy. Both strategies and practical measures to be implemented were organized in a chart for better understanding and for reference by other countries with similar conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, liquefaction potential of soil is evaluated within a probabilistic framework based on the post-liquefaction cone penetration test (CPT) data using an evolutionary artificial intelligence technique, multi-gene genetic programming (MGGP). Based on the developed limit state function using MGGP, a relationship is given between probability of liquefaction (PL) and factor of safety against liquefaction using Bayesian theory. This Bayesian mapping function is further used to develop a PL-based design chart for evaluation of liquefaction potential of soil. Using an independent database of 200 cases, the efficacy of the present MGGP-based probabilistic method is compared with that of the available probabilistic methods based on artificial neural network (ANN) and statistical methods. The proposed method is found to be more efficient in terms of rate of successful prediction of liquefaction and non-liquefaction cases, in three different ranges of PL values compared to ANN and statistical methods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the possible influence of an earthquake on the resistivity distribution in a fault zone. We collected resistivity image profiles across a proposed fault trace prior to the 7.3 magnitude 1999 shallow earthquake in the Chi-Chi area of Taiwan. Significant positive resistivity anomalies were observed in the hanging wall after the earthquake. However, there were negligible resistivity changes in the footwall. From an examination of geoelectric phenomena and surface rupture in the fault zone, it is believed that geoelectric anomalies are associated with abrupt displacement along the active Chelungpu fault. This result indicates a potential for resistivity methods to provide a basis for the monitoring of an active fault.  相似文献   

A dynamic effective stress analysis with the finite element method has long been recommended to predict the liquefaction phenomena of sandy soil by authors and Zienkiewicz et al. as well as the similar approaches by the others. Our approach of the analysis is summarized in the first.

Until recently, however, these approaches has not commonly been used as the means of design, although its capability of prediction is appreciated by geotechnicians. This method has been neglected because of the lack of verification studies of soil models of sand and mathematical formulation for boundary problems of liquefaction phenomena. Therefore the verification of the numerical method to evaluate liquefaction potential are urgent requirement of the recent engineering practice. To respond this requirement, extensive numerical studies on the liquefation simulations are performed by DIANA program for shaking table tests which have been conducted by the authors. The test models are soil-structure type models with combination of homogenous ground and partially improved ground by compaction.

The good performance of our approach is proved by the results of numerical simulation showing good agreement with experimental data in terms of response acceleration, excess pore pressure, and deformation profile. It is also demonstrated that the numerical results can provide substantial information to understand the mechanisms of soil ground behavior which is not easily obtained by experiments.

The procedure to identify soil constants for the reflecting surface model is also reported in details.  相似文献   

Yih-Min Wu  Chien-chih Chen   《Tectonophysics》2007,429(1-2):125-132
We in this study have calculated the standard normal deviate Z-value to investigate the variations in seismicity patterns in the Taiwan region before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake. We have found that the areas with relatively high seismicity in the eastern Taiwan became abnormally quiet before the Chi-Chi earthquake while the area in the central Taiwan with relatively low seismicity showed unusually active. Such a spatially changing pattern in seismicity strikingly demonstrates the phenomenon of “seismic reversal,” and we here thus present a complete, representative cycle of “seismic reversal” embedding in the changes of seismicity patterns before and after the Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   

Following the 1999 Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake, a large amount of seismicity occurred in the Nantou region of central Taiwan. Among the seismic activities, eight Mw  5.8 earthquakes took place following the Chi-Chi earthquake, whereas only four earthquakes with comparable magnitudes took place from 1900 to 1998. Since the seismicity rate during the Chi-Chi postseismic period has never returned to the background level, such seismicity activation cannot simply be attributed to modified Omori’s Law decay. In this work, we attempted to associate seismic activities with stress evolution. Based on our work, it appears that the spatial distribution of the consequent seismicity can be associated with increasing coseismic stress. On the contrary, the stress changes imparted by the afterslip; lower crust–upper mantle viscoelastic relaxation; and sequent events resulted in a stress drop in most of the study region. Understanding seismogenic mechanisms in terms of stress evolution would be beneficial to seismic hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

To characterize the fault-related rocks within the Chelungpu fault, we performed X-ray computed tomography (CT) image analyses and microstructural observations of Hole B core samples from the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project. We identified the slip zone associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, within the black gouge zone in the shallowest major fault zone, by comparison with previous reports. The slip zone was characterized by low CT number, cataclastic (or ultracataclastic) texture, and high possibility to have experienced a mechanically fluidized state. Taking these characteristics and previous reports of frictional heating in the slip zone into consideration, we suggested that thermal pressurization was the most likely dynamic weakening mechanism during the earthquake.  相似文献   

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